Gallery of Final Projects
Here are just some of the past few years’ final projects, randomly ordered!
Homeschool Today! by Evan Marie Carr
Homeschool Today is a lesson planning and management app for teachers and a task management app for students.
ETL pipeline using Pandas in Python by Nguyen Minh Ngoc
In this project, I will make a ETL pipeline (extract – transform – load) data from a website name The Movie Database.
Bonbons by Ádám Draskóczi
A web app to track and analyse production data of an imaginary bonbon factory.
Electrical Project Manager by David de Abreu Santos Junior
generate and manage electrical studies and projects
Anki English FlashCards Generator by Adam Pajda
The app that creates anki english flashcards automatically from a list of words.
The Caliper Test Point Generator by Darren Morrell
A program used to efficiently generate test points for varying lengths of calipers. by Fernando Francisco Azevedo
🍔 Generate a random meal from an API 🚀 Help beginners to contribute to open source projects ✨ Viewpager easy to use!
Graphical Transfer Update Generator by Adeeb Mahmood
It is a Discord bot, that generates graphical transfer updates using information provided by the user.
Deal Analyzer by Fady Eilia
A tool to help real estate investors analyze data and aid in the decision making process.
Grocery Central by Drake Buentello
Grocery Central is a web application that can store lists, meal planners, and recipes all in one convient place!
Evaporation register by Evelyn Cabanillas
The purpose of this project is to allow scientists in the field to share data collected from the evaporimeter, during fieldwork, in real-time.
The Peanut Gallery by Craig Charlton
The Peanut Gallery is microblogging app where users submit movie reviews in 100 characters or less!
My Worldwide Clock List is a web application that allows users to keep track of different timezones across the Americas and Europe. This project was created as part of the CS50 course and aims to provide a simple and visual way to manage and monitor timezones for coordinating breaks and meetings among friends or team members.
Portfolio Value by Jose Manuel Galvao Rocha Novais Goncalves
An App primarily designed to be used on a smartphone that allows you to easily track the performance of your investment portfolio
Investment Calculator by Juan Esteban Carlier Blanco
Yearly recurring investment calculator with a return rate
get data of twitter by faezeh kargar
It receives information from Twitter with Python language and receives it with csv file and this reception is repeated as a defined time. And he watches the last time. The information includes username - followers - number of followers - what time do we have the most likes. And etc
Picture of the Day by Jacob Welther Burchett
Salesforce Lightning Web Component utilizing NASA API to display a picture or video based on user date submission
Slime Mold Inspired Optimized Pathfinding Model using Cellular automata by Christian Mario Thomas C
A pathfinder which finds a optimized route connecting all points on graph, inspired by the growth of slime molds
CS50 search helper by James Chad Mitchem
chrome extension that aids in finding class resources on the web
The Pill by Cortez Pagan
A website about the history and impact of the oral contraceptive pill in the United States.
Bookworm by Djordje Kenjalo
It's a web app designed to help you find books, add them to your library and track your reading.
Math Problem Generator by David Gonzalez-Velez
Generate unique math problems using AI large language models.
PokeScraper by Albert Peng
A web scraper that takes pokedata from and turns it into a database
Google Calender by Hasti Abdollahifar
It is a web application that helps you add events on your Google Calendar, and automatically tells you the departure time. It simplifies the process of adding a new event and checking the departure time
The appearance of the cs50x site in Farsi by Abolfazl Ebrahimi Haghighi Motlagh
Appearance of cs50x website in Farsi language with html css bootstrap and javascript
Its Website where you can manage and sell Mercedes cars
Have you ever run out of ideas on what to cook? I have had those moments so many times, especially during the COVID pandemic. This web application is built with python, flask, SQLite, HTML/CSS (Bootstrap 5.0.2) and JavaScript. It pulls in recipe data from third-party API ( via AJAX call and stores user-related information in SQLite. This application generates random recipes upon landing. The randomized result is loaded according to the local time by meal type such as breakfast, lunch, dinner and etc. Users can also get more recipes easily by choosing diet type, meal-type and keywords through the search interface.
Catch the Egg! by Faith Adewole
A casual arcade game where you have to catch falling eggs with a bucket to win the game.
Dave's Ottoneu 2023 Trade Analyzer Using The BAT X by David Matthews
I built a trade analyzer for my fantasy baseball league using projected 2023 stats/player values.
GeeksMoon E-Education Website by Anjali Chaudhary
An educational website for students and programmers 😊😊😊 Our Educational Website would provide all the education related stuffs: Notes, Sample Papers, Online Video Lectures and courses to crack competitive exams. Students can clear their doubts by sending their questions to our website. We have added Quizzes for Students who are willing to solve problems on different topics. We have also added Interview questions for students who are preparing for placements. ✔ We have made this website as responsive website so, students or users can easily access our website from any device. ✔ Quiz Section is an interesting feature for students which provide them with lots of questions. They can view their scores easily and solutions of every questions. It is completely responsive website, to provide smooth experience...😎
Graph Generating Website for Stock Market Analysis by Filip Borzęcki
My website generates graphs of technical indicators for the stock and time period chosen by the user.
Mombasa Online Motivation by Abubakar Mohamed Abdillahi
Its a static website whereby it provide motivation to the users for free.
nori-pomodoro by David Liu
Nori Pomodoro is a full stack web app greatly inspired by the Pomodoro studying technique.
Wind Power Forecasting by Eduard Ignatev
Wind power forecasting application using machine learning algorithms for day-ahead energy trading.
Journey by Juan Cruz Mechulán
Journey is an iOS app that shows people my journey of learning SwifUI.
ARW_Cleanup by Erwin Renooij
The tool automatically deletes all .ARW files for which I already deleted the .JPG copy.
Art Attack by Juan Miguel C. Torres
Original Characters gets put in a game to battle different enemies.
Lifting Buddy by Joseph Aleong
Chrome extension built to provide additional information about workouts and muscle groups.
Password Generator by Eduardo Toyoshima Martins
The password generator is a very simple program. It allows the user to create between 5 and 25 characters, and comes with some interactions that make it easy to use.
Web application for a Craft Beer Bar. by Evgeny Yanenko
It is a web application that creates a responsive environment for the clients of the craft beer bar, El Grifo Perita.
The Boardgame Catalog-er by Cristian Ples
A simple website that allows users to access their boardgame collection from and organize it in a variety of ways. The final result is such that it is printable as small catalog for peruse in the offline world.
duckyshell by Daniel Boye
A command line tool for flashing the USB Rubber Ducky with new payloads written in Python with cmd
CinemaRater by David McGee
A movie watchlist to keep track of movies you want to watch and learn about new movies that are good.
Tony CMS - Web Application by Antony Guillen Hernandez
A dynamic web application designed to enhance the customer-staff relationships for businesses.
Weather Application by Hasaan Muhammed Saeed
This project to create an asynchronous web app that uses Web API and user data to dynamically update the UI and prints out the weather!
Life Quest by Christoffer Lars Erik Kolmodin
Life Quest is designed to help make completing tasks a more fun and engaging experience!
UG Partner by Emmanuel Gyabaah
A mobile/web app to calculate the FGPA of students of University of Ghana
Dish Manager by Ion Vornovițchi
Web ap designed to monitor the grocery stock and the dishes that you cook.
Wallet by Hasbi Ferdy Hamdani
Wallet is a web application for recording personal financial reports and making meaningful financial reports.
Inventory App by Jose Elias Sanchez
This program is primarily made to help users keep track of the locations of various items
WordMix Challenge ( by Enes Pırtıcı
It is a command line program which is written by Python and SQL, which users tries to find the original form of the words that is first given as jumbled letters.
Population Distribution Among The Top 400 Universities In The World by Akpakli Edudzi Korku
Web map for visualizing the locations of the top 400 universities in the world
Budget Api by Jair Oliveira
Description: The Budget API is a powerful and flexible tool designed to help users manage their personal finances effectively, it provides developers with a set of endpoints and functionalities to integrate budgeting and expense tracking features into their applications or services.
Tic-tac-toe: Player vs Computer by Afonchikov Danil Olegovich
Tic-tac-toe with minimax algorithm enhanced by alpha-beta pruning.
EasyComp by Joseph Copplestone
A web application for organizing and managing jiu-jitsu competitions.
Web-Store by Jude Boko
Regarding this project I had to create a web page interface including e-commerce, in order to allow customers of a store for example those of "Universal tech" to access and purchase items offered by the store while being at home, on our platforms we have a search bar to allow users to search for their items.
Snake Game by Deva craig
You control a chain of blue balls, and you must collect pink balls to grow.
Flatseeker by Adrian Nirk
A simple web app for helping you and your friends find flats collaboratively with comments and link previews
Online Fluid Thermophysical Properties Calculator by Eduardo Ruiz Casanova
A web-based app for calculation of thermophysical properties of fluids.
Facial recognition in python by Kenneath Zheng
uses tesnorflow in order to differentiate faces from png files.
typeFast by Çağatay Usta
typeFast is a web app to practice typing different naming conventions such as camelCase, snake_case and kebab-case.
Random video generator and concatenator by Aleksandr Mamonov
Bulk random video generation and concatenation
Bored and Bookless by Himaya Pulvini Hewageegana
It's a website where you can keep track of all the books you read.
EZ Payroll by Boyu Chen
This is a payroll management application named EZ Payroll. It provides a solution to small businesses to fulfill their financial management need.
Streaming Platform by Marat Мukhutdinov
It lets users stream video and audio over WebRTC, watch streams and chat
Singapore Places CLI Program and Webscraper by Muhammad Raihan Rizqullah
This project generates a list of key places in Singapore in different Python data structures - list and dict
Active Directory User Lockout Email Alert by Leonel Matos
Email alert when Active Directory User's account is lockout
@lcsvoj's Portfolio Website by Lucas Vilela de Oliveira Junior
A portfolio website hosted on Github Pages, implemented using HTML, JavaScript, CSS and Bootstrap.
My application registers Ukrainian refugee students in a hostel in a city where there are no hostilities
Halal food product filter by Iman
Filter for haram (impermissible) food ingredients based on product keyword by Luca Weesie is a website where Harvard CS50 students can come with their questions about the courses and get help from each other with finding bugs/when being stuck.
Building Blocks With C by Leslie Raymond Bonsor
A game designed in Unity where the player can build blocks to traverse the level.
Marketflow by Nathalia Corrêa Caetano
An application developed in flutter that allows the user to register products during their purchases in a market.
TREE by Anh Hoang
It's a code that asks users about a tree, and displays the information with some changes.
SoMe Writer by Holger Wilcks
An app that crafts platform-specific social media posts using OpenAI's GPT-3.5-Turbo.
volume control using hand gesture recognition with python by Mohd Razzak
Volume Control With Hand Detection using python
DYAVA by Melvin Amit Payusan
A web application which serve as a platform for young artists to showcase their talents and skills.
ToonTanks (and additional AI Controller) by Matt Nicassio
A fast-paced, third-person tank shooter enhanced with intelligent AI enemies
Blood Donor by Himaneesh Sompalle
Helps to save lives by making posting requests for blood groups in an emergency easier.
A single page application for sending and receiving emails for a CS50 programming course project.
Compound interest calculator by Gabriel Barros
It calculates compound interest and exports to a csv file if needed.
Youtube Word Searcher by Jefferson de Sousa
A word searcher in youtube videos from channels (Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, MIT and Yale)
Animi by Hrithik Jileep
A simple website where you can find your information about your favorite animes and create a watch list.
TrendScraper by Mustafa
A Python Selenium program that uses Sqlite3 to store product information from the country's most popular eCommerce website
My Bike Rides by Leon Raeven
As a big fan of biking, I created a kind of mini Strava to store and show my bike rides with data and map
admin virtual assistant by Mukundi Makhado
automates the tedious process of updating your google calendar or your google sheets
Geinin Ryodan Fansite! by Kenji Jack Tobe
A fansite to introduce the Japanese streamer / VTuber group, Geinin Ryodan!
the "official" anarcho-monarchism website by Pedro Paulo Rosa Prado Basilio
it is a website that generates text about anarcho-monarchism
Find Your Scent | Perfume Recommendation by Charity Huang Cyun Yi
Help you find your perfect match, scent-wise :)
YourBlog by Harsh Makadiya
This my blog website that you can see and send me feedback about any topics, edit post etc.
Weather App by Radin Hoseini
Hello everyone, I am Radin from CSS Fifty X Tehran, and for my last project, I designed a website using three interesting programming languages, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, to check the weather of any city in the world. This site has the factors of temperature, air condition, humidity, wind speed and direction available
Speed Typing by PRIYANSHI JAIN
It is a typing test made to increase typing speed and accuracy of users.
moreless by R. López
A software to provide guidance on one of the most frequently asked questions by new students at the Computer Science programs at Harvard and Yale
Matt's Bookshelf by Matthew S. Gordon
"Matt's Bookshelf" is a Python and Flask web application that I wrote to be a tool to help me plan and track my reading.
PokeTeam Analysis by Leck Boon Keng
Analyses your Pokemon team and provides improvements based on it.
PokemonSearchChromeExtension by Darin
A chrome extension to quickly search for a pokemon. Links to a pokemon database by clicking on the image
NFT Sales Tracking Tool by Blake Ahalt
Sign-in with your Google account or register an account to follow the top 100 NFT Collections and Individual NFT Sales sorted by day/week/month.
Movie Night by Nicolas Gefflot
Movie Night is a website to track the movies we watch with my girlfriend and determine who is the best movie picker.
Jobstreet Scraping & Analytics by Lee Mark Chavez
scraping all data science job postings to get the distribution of all salary offers to be used for salary negotiations
A Simple Portfolio website by Nigel Haim N. Sebastian
This is just a simple website about me that was made form HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Python that I have learned from the course
Be able to create posts and still enjoy a tool that adds your logo in the footer of images.
Divination Game by Antonio Carlos da Costa Fujii
Basically the game consists of you entering a number from 1 to 20, trying to guess the secret number
Browser Sort by Ashton
A website the allows me to save favorite websites quicker so I can spend less time surfing the web and more time on work.
Expense Tracker by Eugene Rex A. Pacumio
The application summarizes a table of expenses and presents them in graphs for easier analysis.
SpaceBattle by Brian Kondowe
A game about a spacecraft traveling through the cosmos fighting enemies
Chatty by Jasper Eap
Chatty is a simple chatting web application that allows users to create chatrooms and engage in real-time conversations
Fantasy Crypto by Negru Paul
The app allows users to simulate cryptocurrency trading in a fantasy environment, using real-time price data fetched from the Coingecko API.
Carbon Hero by Bianca
A carbon footprint tracker that turns you into a hero by awarding you points for every green decision you make.
Bus app simulation by Adrian-Cristian Dinulescu
Console-application in C# that simulates the authentication process of a bus app using SQL and by using Dijkstra's algorithm to find the best possible route to get from point A to point B (OOP was used as well).
Hello, Sales and Inventory by Moreno, Andrei Kenneth A.
A Basic Sales and Inventory that calculates Yearly Sales, tracks your Inventory and Processes Item
The Ravensun Web App by Nikolai Letshev
Website for an imaginary cafe of a non-standard format (with the possibility of holding events, workshops and repairing jewelry).
Notes by Prince xalxo
"Notes Web App: A simple and intuitive application for managing personal notes online."
Between the Headlines by Matthew Cameron
Between the Headlines is an app for contextualizing the news by determining if certain public figures receive disproportionately positive or negative media coverage.
FRIDAY by Arunark singh
FRIDAY is a virtual assistance, which allows it's users to command their surrounding using just their speech.
AuDialogue App by Chen Han
A revolutionary app designed to bridge the communication gap between the Deaf and Hearing communities.
Simple Expense Tracker by Josue Alberto Escobar Arana
Digital Platform to track income and expenses transactions
GoldieID by Matt Beglinger
Online platform to store your personal information to share via JSON API to other websites/apps of your choice thereby reducing the need to maintain your information on every site/app you use.
RATIB by Faisal Sherif
Zakat calculator/tracker for monthly salaries, monthly rent or other types of periodic income.
Identify the President by Joey Chu
Upload a photo on web to check if it contain the last 10 President of the United State
The Horticulture Dashboard! by Charles Brazeau
This PyQt-based desktop application provides a comprehensive suite of tools designed to assist greenhouse owners in managing various aspects of their operations.
Long's blog management by Long Lý
This is a website for users to post blog on any content that they want.
The Million Points Quiz by Lovro Peraić
A web quiz game in the style of "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire"
Potluck by Matt Gorman
A social cooking app! Keep track of what you cook, share with friends, and discover new recipes
Implementation of Johnson's algorithm by Khrysyina Kulbida
The essence of my final project is the process of finding the shortest paths between all pairs of vertices of the graph, while the subject of implementation is Johnson's algorithm.
Command line based calculator (Written using C) by Danial Gholipour
A command line based calculator which is written using C programming language. It does basic calculations and some complicated one.
algxbra by Luca Tremblay
algxbra is an engaging Python-based math game designed to enhance algebraic problem-solving skills through interactive gameplay.
Diet - Calorimeter by Pratibha Singh
It will help you to gain knowledge about calories you eat per day
Job Scraper App by Lucas Sam
It is a web scraping application that allows users to filter out skills that they do not own before application, so that they do not have to manually go through each job posting to look for jobs which they are eligible for.
CS50 - Financial Insights by Leandro Sanches
CS50 Financial Insights is a portfolio management software for your stock market investments.
Chornado by Neil Ferguson
Chornado is an app for assigning chores to kids, and rewarding them for completing them.
Lumen Visual Flow by Greg Kamprath
A visual tool for understanding event flow and managing tasks such as quoting, scheduling and set up.
N-News by Neetya Pujara
It is a news portal where users can read news articles written by journalists registered on N-News, and even like and comment on them.
Training Log Visualizer by Carlos Sosa Rivero
Python application powered by Streamlit showing simple visualizations of data from a smartphone workout logger application.
Classpass by Matheus Farnetani Friedrich
The classpass web app is a tool to access data from a RFID card system. Made with Flask, SQLAlchemy and Chart.js it displays the data as tables and graphs to the user.
Game Library by Matheus Oliveira de Angelis
A place to you have control and organization about your games
NotQuiteTher @ by Andrew Frye
An e-reader with a lot going on.
Grades by Ahmed Hamed Mohamed Abdo
Grades is a webapp that allows school admins to manage marks of school students in different school subjects.
Flappy Bird 2D by Meghana Sri Manvitha Pandraju
Flappy Bird 2D game is built in Unity using C# programming language
Rat Killer by Mathew Martin
Click the rats, get money, and buy helpers and upgrades to stop the rat invasion of New York.
Optimization Algorithm with GUI and Visualization by Nikolas Preim
Visualizes the optimization of a user defined function.
SudOKu by Jolly Patel
It is flask application, a game which can be played easily by users after their registration in the application.
rock, paper, scissor game using python by Nidhi
my project is based on the rock, paper, scissor game and i have used python as my coding language for the project.
react-note-taking-app by Leslie Skog
Note app with markdown support built with React.js and TypeScript
Weather Forecasting by Priyam Sarkar
Weather Forecasting project is build in a single python executable file to show the hourly and 30 days temperature forecast.
"Music to Support Balanced Breathing" by Peter Prestel
My final project is about creating a unique kind of music to support meditations, which focus on well-balanced breathing.
Tic-Tac-Toe in C by Lorenzo Baldi
The hugely popular game in which two players compete to see who first has three of their symbols in a straight horizontal, vertical or diagonal line.
French Conjugaison Game by Dewei David Zhang
This is a website where it tests you with your french conjugaison skills and acts like a simpler version of Anki.
Company's Budget allocation app by Mentesnot Sibatu
Moving organization's financial management one step forward.
Which Marshal of the Empire are you? by Guillaume Fontan
Web app to determine which of Napoleon's marshals the user is most alike
Betchart by Ashkan sarshari
a mini game that allow user to bet on the color of upcoming candle in a chart
Rock, Paper, Scissors by Nicholas Low
Its a simple Rock, Paper, Scissors game created with Python, HTML, CSS and Flask
FitFolio by Arman Ahmed
FitFolio: Your all-in-one fitness companion for tracking, managing, and optimizing your health journey.
A python program which takes a decimal number input and convert it to binary, octal and hexadecimal numbers.
My Personal Portfolio by Joseph Elliot Lambon
A personal website on which I can upload my log of programmes created.
Aspiration to Artisan by Khant Hay Thi Tun
Aspiration to Artisan is a handmade blog developing as a web application .
Planar Truss Analysis by Neil Taïson Rigaud (郭泰森)
It is a Civil Engineering structural analysis program.
Rotaract Q & A by Chinmay Sheth
Basic Q&A of Rotaract randomly shown on a new tab, chrome extension.
DescStats by Lea C. de Hesselle
DescStats is a web app which allows users to get descriptive statistics for their dataset and learn about statistics.
iShareOU by Leon Choe
A flask web application that helps users settle shared expenses in an efficient way with minimum transactions
Estimates Weight of a fish using machine learning from its height , lenght , width and species .
do-not-procrastinate by Lucas Scandolara
It is a web application to influence people to have positive habits by scoring their tasks.
Orgimax by Matthew Randa
With this website, you can organize you team/club with our full burrage of features to make you life easier.
Astra Planner by Adriano Zanini
Astra Planner is a resource management web application for planning, forecasting, and scheduling work hours.
Zenspark by Leslye Rivera Madero
Zenspark is an Android app that generates activities for developing emotional intelligence on children, through an AI model.
Bill Break by Oleksandr Makohonenko
My project is an IOS App which should help people to split checks and calculate tips a lot easier
Minitaur by Kanishk Mishra
Bird's eye view, 2-player game where one player must chase the other who is escaping.
How to Code by Erick Filipe Treichel
Web application where people can talk about their routines or whatever they want
MultiTool by Omar Ahmed Ismail Hassounah
Many tools in one website , QRCode, Textencryption ,CurrencyConverte URL Shortener
Demonstration of SUDOKU solving using backtracking by Ilva Neparte
It is a demonstration of SUDOKU solving using backtracking by Elshan Yousefi Faal
Tic-tac-toe is a two-player game in which players try to get three of their marks in a row. betwen you and computer.
CS50quiz by Nico Fabian Stern
CS50quiz is iOS App written in Swift that appears to be a Single Choice Quiz about CS50x.
Organizer+ by Nilguen Melchner
Web app that combines calendar, to-do, and emotional well-being tracker on one overview site.
Fitness50 by Ari Wonsover Malca
A website for viewing, creating and randomly generating workout programs.
Double-O-Seven by Gajanandi Rajakulenthiran
A simple game of double-o-seven against the computer (opponent) made through Scratch.
Stock Analysis by Nicolas Castaneda
Fundamental stock analysis using python and streamlit, based on the book Buffetology.
Steam Game Backlog by Devon Hamill
Helps keep track of your game backlog and decide what game to play next!
My Personal Website by Quynh Mai
have created a personal website showcasing my design projects and providing a means of contact for potential clients or collaborators.
Online shop website called Persian Shop by Mehdi Haddadi Isfahani
My project is an online shop called Persian Shop, which has the ability to login, register and buy, and can be suitable for selling products.
Humanity's last hope by Kelvin Acheampong
A web application where you play a series of games to save humanity.
SmartFinance by Luis Manuel Lozano Castro
Keep track of your expenses and compare them against your monthly income
YTboard by Adam Tejasukmana
A simple website that lets anyone create and share soundboards made from youtube videos.
Skill Search by Omar Swailam
Skill search is a website for anyone to create to create their portfolio
personal website by Mahmoud Sarvari Hesari
این یک وب سایت شخصی است که داخلش آموزش هایی که دیدم و نیز پروژه هایی که تا الان انجام دادم رو نشون میدم و سعی کردم هر آنچه که یاد گرفتم رو اینجا اعمال کنم
Where in the Charts? by Leonardo D'Amico
Plot on a map all the countries in which a song is in the charts in
Hangman by Oscar Jiro
A trivia game not to be trivialized, Hangman challenges players in their knowledge in Countries, Animals, Sports, and Movies & TV Shows.
Bacak by Akshay Gurav
Bacack is an attempt to automate branch accounting work which would have taken hours if done manually.
Pokémon Draft by Nathaniel Kite
A website that lets you draft a team of Pokémon, which you can then use to battle with your friends!
Blogging Platform by Karolina Bednarz
Blogging platform - write, publish and manage your blog posts.
Attendance excel modification by Ebrahim Khoshnood
The unreadable attendance and absence Excel files in the folder, which are the output of the attendance and attendance fingerprinting device, and converts the Excel files into readable format.
Interest Calculator by Anthony Ankomah
It calculates Interest rate, period, present and future value
Jainbros Inc by Arman Jain
A website similar to Finance but mostly about me and my brothers youtube channel.
Smart Calculator by Alberto Sebastián Valverde González
A python calculator using tkinter that allows for voice input. by Nathalie Benarroch
• An application that allows users to organize their wardrobe, create new combinations and import new clothes from shopping websites to see how they fit in to their existing wardrobe before finalising purchase.
Talat Noi Cat Tracker by Adam Healy
Interactive website where users can browse photos of cats (and where they hang out) in Talat Noi, Bangkok - browse existing entries or register and add photos and comments
Game Screen by Igor Andrade
Upload de vídeos e visualização de vídeos lidos de um banco de dados
Process Pump Solver Tool Version 1.0.0 by Njabulo Zimu
Automates the calculation of the Engineering Bernoulli Head Form Pump Equation
MyNotes by Praise Nwachukwu
A website for making and storing notes, accessible only to the individual through their username and password.
C$50 E-mail by Radwa Mahmoud Bahey Eldeen
site where you can send/receive emails with your own secure private account
T20 Cricket World Cup Tipping Competition by Edward Bosisto
A sports tipping app where users can guess the result of all matches in the 2022 T20 Cricket World Cup, competing for the highest number of correct guesses.
Conway's Game of Life - real-time grid editor. by Michał Majewski
The goal of this project is to make the exploration of the game of life easy and interactive.
TourMate by Said NAJIM
A personalized recommendation system designed to enhance the travel experience of tourists visiting Morocco
Reinforcement Learning - Multi Armed Bandit Problem by Cameron Wheeler
Explores reinforcement learning algorithms in the multi-armed bandit problem.
Encrypt Decrypt by Shuki Hara
This is a web application that can encrypt texts and decrypt encrypted texts.
Online Python Interpreter v1 by Siddharth Reddy Kakumanu
An online python interpreter with the ability to saving files.
sale file or text by Abolfazl Abbaspour Ardakani
In this project, we have implemented the file and text sales system
Course schedule by Boxiang Zhao
A web-based on course schedule application with flask, bootstrap and sqlite3
Personal portfolio by Ethan Tran
A personal web portfolio demonstrating past projects that I've done
Demi's Food Recipes by Despas Georgios
It's a website for finding food recipes and/or sharing your own recipes
Submission of complaint form by Lucie Mayindu Pendesi
My final project is a web application that allow the user to submit a complaint form online. The user can also delete a form submited and see a complaint form. All information about users, Complaint and submit complait for each people are stored in my database project.db.
Vegetable And Fruit Detector by NAVEEN MANOJ
It is a webapp in which you can upload an image and the ml model tells you what it is.
PONG GAME by muhammet enes erbilgic
The project I've created is a software application that reimagines the classic Pong game with a modern twist.
Stock Sentiment Analysis with NLTK in Python by Heng Qi Kai
Using Python to perform high level sentiment analysis on stocks, based on recent tweets
Note APP by Fatemeh Najmipooran
The notebook program is a simple application designed to help you store and manage your notes.
Submit Complaint form online by Lucie Mayindu Pendesi
My final project is a web application that allow the user to submit a complaint form online. The user can also delete a form submited and see a complaint form. All information about users, Complaint and submit complait for each people are stored in my database project.db.
CS50 Tutoring by Sigurþór Maggi Snorrason
A website for students to connect with teachers for extra tutoring.
School REST API with DB connection by Sauran Akhmetzhanov
Web-service that allows to retrieve, add and update information about school groups, students and courses
Customer Churn Prediction by Arefeh Valiollahi
This project is focused on predicting customer churn using two predictive modeling techniques Random Forest and Decision Trees.
Operation Research - Minimum Cost Feed Mix Calculator by Low Zhe Kai Jonas
Optimization tool for minimising cost with nutritional and production constraints.
Forest Fire Simulator by Semyon Shirokov
Forest Fire Simulator helps you learn how forest fires spread and how to prevent them
My Book Reviewer by Daniel Marin
It saves personal book reviews and a wish list for books to read in the future
Wasteless Recipes by Kasper Bengtson
Reduce food waste by creating delicious meals using the ingredients you already have.
Contrast by Anna Toll
A Chrome extension that increases color contrast and font weight for people with vision impairments.
Nataclor by Gonzalo Zabaleta
This project registers users to a database, applying frontend and backend validation
Levothyroxine Dose Calculator by Mohammad Tamer Elsherbiny
Helps doctors determine the right dosage for patients.
task manager by Arezoo Kazemloo
a task manager that supports wpf and cmd and blazorserver clients at the same time.
Cipher Vault by Devin Poppe
Cipher Vault is a web application to generate a strong and secure password to keep your account safe.
Favorite Article DB by Kaung San Hein
You can save your favorite article from the internet with a specified category.
Movie Time by Andrew Kulagin
A desktop app that presents you the most recent and popular movies in an organisable list.
This is a website where you can learn and improve your passion for FREE!!. Follow your passion.
Stoic Quotes by Jan Repar
A web app that shows random Stoic quotes and allows users to save them to favourites.
Dynalist Task Tracker by Atilla Kapar
A pomodoro web application that lets one track time spent on tasks defined on Dynalist
Harvard CS50x mailbox by Fouzia Hamid
This project is a simple email prototype that allows users to compose and send emails. The project was created using Flask, Jinja, Python, and SQLite. The project demonstrates the use of Flask, Jinja, and SQLite.
Search Excel by Mohammad Navid Sebghatollahi
This Python script uses the Tkinter library to create a graphical user interface (GUI) for searching and extracting data from an Excel file (.xlsx). It allows the user to select an Excel file, choose a column to search for specific keywords, and filter rows containing those keywords into a new Excel file. Additionally, it can assign random prices to the filtered rows and save the results in a new Excel file
Employee Database For Retail Companies by Emile Greyling
This program allows retail companies to store their employeess information in a SQL database.
Password Vault by Felipe Poletto Xavier
A password vault used to securely store and manage user accounts.
Sorting Arrays Using Different Algorithms by Mohammad Reza Golsorkhi
In this project, we employ the Python programming language as the primary tool to facilitate the sorting of various arrays using different algorithms. One of the primary objectives of this project is to learn and practice different sorting algorithms.
Library Management App by Roselyne Munyiri
This is a library management app done in fulfillment of the CS50 final project. It utilizes the Frappe URL and allows the librarian to import books and members. The librarian can also issue books and perform book returns
Boggle by Simon François Maurice Charbonneau
My project can find all the valid vords in a Boggle grid generated randomly or provided at the UI.
Social Networking site for close friends by Daniel Vicente
Social Circle, a complex web app, merges Django, React, and Redux for immersive user experiences, inspired by pandemic challenges
Blog Website by Mahmoud Ahmed Mahmoud
A blog website. can create posts and include many users, admins and one owner.
TIME by Stanislav Bychkar
TIME - website, where you can find current time around different places in the world.
The bus that couldn't slow down by Matthew Tyler
A goofy web-app that tells you what the fastest public bus in the UK is, at a particular time.
Calculator by Mohsen Qorbani
It's a calculator which you can use to get the answer of some math problems!
Xchain Crypto Converter by Dakshan Ramachandran
A chrome extension with a fast, responsive cryptocurrency converter for NFT traders.
TikTok Video Maker by Fabricio Barbosa Viegas
A simple application capable of generating a 100% original video for TikTok using AI.
The Caesar Code by ADAM MELHEM
The game display Encrypted text to the player, and the player is expected to Decrypt the first word of the text and submit it as an answer.
Interesting Things by Saanvi Ahuja
Interesting Things' is a notes app hybrid with inspiration in the form of activities, questions, jokes, quotes and more.
Game station by Dania Emari
it is a website to share the latest news and events that are about video games
Library Management System (LMS) by Stjepan Tadic
This web application allows its users (librarians) to manage library functions such as adding and removing books and members, issuing and returning books, and managing some other aspects of an organization.
Twitch Speak by Kennedy
A chrome extension that turns all webpages into twitch speak or internet speak.
Quiz Website by Siddharth Shekhar Singh 'Sid'
A quiz website that randomly pulls its questions from an external database.
WhereTo by Rachata Pondee
A web-application that tell the user about how to go to the places and cost of that route.
Promp Analyzer by Matt Carlin
This application analyzes the contents of wave files in a directory and generates a basic report based on that info.
This is the web application that helps improve the connection between departments in production company.
iRating by Florescu Florin Alexandru
A simple social network where users can post AND rate other users.
Vigenère Cipher Cracker by Cameron Greenwood
Website that encodes, deciphers, and cracks the Vigenère Cipher.
PGA 2K21 Calculator by Scott Calder
A calculator to determine how long a golf shot will play and how much to the left or right you need to aim, after accounting for environmental factors.
Espasyo by Olsen Aeron S. Paduit
A web application that serves as a blogging platform highlights the functionalities in creating, reading, updating, and deleting content, along with some front-end dynamic functions.
Pill Reminder by Robert Reinert
An app for people taking pills with the ability to send reminders by email
Calculator by Rojin Farjad
My project is a calculator that can do multiplication, division, addition and subtraction
Your Bucket List! by Konrad Mikulko
Manage your bucket list, watch list, read list and task list - everything in one place! Mark what's done and what is not, add new goals and keep on growing!
Chrome extension 'Ink Saver' by Dr. Klaus Lieser
By removing images and changing colors in a webpage, the extension reduces the consumption of ink when printing out the webpage.
Life Manager - A Productivity Web App by Oscar Adserballe
A collection of different productivity apps collected into one website
Stratego by Sahel Seyedyazdi
A strategic board game where players strategically maneuver their armies to capture the opponent's flag while protecting their own.
Flapping Bird by Drew Park
It is a fun twist on Flappy bird in which you use the arrow keys to move up and down instead of just up.
Monty Hall Simulator by Khalid Alansary
SImulates the famous monty hall problem and proves that it's in your interest to switch.
Aurafy by Rivaaj Monsia
A web application that generates a mood aura image of a Spotify user's currently playing song.
climate prediction of Delhi by Mahbod Zamanpour
Data analyst project and climate prediction of Delhi(meantemp, humidity, Wind speed)
Project "Hangman" by Maks
I wrote the game "Hangman" in the Python programming language. The goal of the game is to guess the word
Email Box by Hossam Hassan Saad Karwya
Email Box is a web application you can sent and received our emails on it,
Google Chrome Extension "Social Media Blocker" by Jeffrey Bagagnan
This project is best for students and workers to focus on their work and studies.
Comunio Clone by David Borja Martinez
Fantasy League clone consisting in a web scraper and a Flask app
Vanilla Tree by Efe Dikmen
A calculator for vanilla European options in finance using the Black Scholes equation.
Two-Dimensional Toneweb by Rupert Hunz
A multi-use web-based application about the just temperament and the equal temperament in music.
Passwords and Credit Cards Manager by Louay Barraq
a desktop application that saves multiple accounts and credit cards of multiple users
Aurman by Pranav Latish Setpal
It is a CLI tool used to simplity the installation process of applications the AUR(Arch User Repository)
House price prediction in Tehran by Sajjad Hadadi
I plan to predict the house price on my website for the city of Tehran using machine learning
AnonymousMe by Ashwin Talokar
AnonymousMe is a platform that lets users share their thoughts about other users to them anonymously.
create assignments for students by SEYEDASADOLLAH TADRISI
The project is a webpage where teachers can create assignments for students.
Password Manager by Lucas Gomes Araujo
This is a web application built using Flask that serves as a password manager, it allows users to register, log in, generate secure passwords, save passwords for different accounts, and manage their password data.
Currency Exchange Rate Extension by Sean Jiaxian Wu
Simple browser extension to quickly calculate exchange rates.
Google Calender by Seyede Mahta Moosavi
It is a web application that helps you add events on your Google Calendar, and automatically tells you the departure time. It simplifies the process of adding a new event and checking the departure time.
Python Basic Calculator by Danny Tram
The project is about a basic calculator written in Python that can support some basic operations in math help
Inventory Manager by Sean Reed
An inventory tracker that sends orders to multiple suppliers at once, keeps a history, and offers analytics to show stocking trends.
Alumni Associates by Deusdarius Oluoch Chimoyi
Alumni Associates is a web application template for use by any alumni association, It is adaptable by any group.
Epic Games by Antonio Luis
A gaming center where you can find and play classic games (Tetris, Snake, Pong and Puzzle Bubble)
Task Manager by Sumeera Bhat
An intuitive web-based task manager built with Flask for efficient task tracking and organization.
Number plate detection for Bolivian license plates by Johan Pascal Wagenheim
Python script that reads Bolivian license plates from an image and converts it to text.
Passor by Md Sujauddin Sekh
Passor is a password generator which includes uppercase, lowercase, digit and symbol and supports some additional features.
"Useful people" Telegram bot by Roman Veselov
This project is a Python Aiogram library-based application for Telegram messenger.
Teacher's Planner by Kristián Centek
A webapp for language teachers to manage their courses and students.
The smart way of waiting of a bus by Praise Ndlovu
The web app is meant to aid in the tracking of public transport buses
DOGS&CATS by Arian Ravanrooy
My final project is a website that allow the user register donation of pets and get donation from the others people (adopt). The user can also delete your register, see your registers and selected donations to adopt a pet from de other people
Snake Game by Tajamul Hassan
The player controls a long, thin creature, resembling a snake, which roams around on a bordered plane, picking up food (or some other item), trying to avoid hitting its own tail or the edges of the playing area.
[WEB APP] The Worlds Heritrash by Benjamin Bachmeier
The worlds dirty (and cleaned up) places in one map allowing easy reporting and cleaning of places where humans left their trash behind!
A Not So Good View-only Shopping Web App by Neil Bryan Caranzo
Web App for my sister little store :).
An Example Of K Means Clustering by Soheil Maleki
I've applied K Means Clustering, one of machine learning algorithms on iris dataset in Jupyter Notebook
Slash/Feed by Christopher Cohen
A clone of a news website with the functionality of a social media website.
My Personal Site by Mohammad Baghbani
It is my personal page where I explained about myself and put the communication methods in it
Filippo Stefano's Portfolio by Filippo Stefano
This is my portfolio as a (future) level designer for videogames
Campsite Organizer by River Phillips
A web app to organize campsites I have visited, and the rating of the Starlink connectivity at that site, and a resources page to store all the websites that list places to camp, particularly in Colorado.
Textify by Hashim Fawaz Siddiqui
Textify is a program is is used to convert handwritten text into digital text.
STREAMLINE MAIL by Azkhan Abdul Salam
STREAMLINE MAIL is a web-based email application that allows users to send and receive emails in a user-friendly interface. by Adam Arkuszyński
Organizing tasks using tables and drag & drop interface
Cherished germs by Nkosazana Njaju
This project appears to be a personal website or online tribute where the author shares heartfelt messages and memories with their younger siblings or cousins, presenting each individual with their own page containing information and messages about them.
Lemon's List by Alyssa Leman
A grocery shopping list that shows only the categories you have items in, and only the subcategories you have items in within that, and lists all of your items within those categories and nested subcategories for a streamlined grocery shopping experience.
Butterflix by Nazareno Rios
Page so that a user can find out about movies and/or series, and can save them in favorites so as not to forget
This application generates random recipes upon landing. The randomized result is loaded according to the local time by meal type such as breakfast, lunch, dinner and etc. Users can also get more recipes easily by choosing diet type, meal-type and keywords through the search interface.
Trigonometric Identities Test (TIT) by Sebastian Kohler
A quiz about angle addition/substraction theorems
Flask based iot system with esp32(coded in micropython) by Aftab Ahmad Lodhi
Flask based IoT system to control home appliances using esp32.
Data Structure Visualiser by Andro Rizk
My project makes learning Data Structure easier for beginners
Monthly budget tool by Lee Sheppard
A budgeting tool for users to track their expenses month to month
One random day (A Love2D/Lua game) by Nora Asyikin Binti Zulkifli
A simple and short story-based game.
Conversion by Steven King
A command-line C unit conversion program that converts multiple different types of units based on input.
Hume Running - 8 Week 5k Training Progams by Sebi M Hume
A Flask-based web application that allows users to receive running training schedules based on their running background.
UB Journey Planner by Badruul Tugsbayar
An application that calculates the fastest path from bus station A to bus station B using Dijkstra's algorithm.
Institutional Investor Analyzer by Neerav Gala
A web aplication that gives an overview of the S&P500 stocks and the institutional investors invested in them.
A Google Timer Extension is a browser add-on that allows users to set and manage timers while browsing the web.
ElecTron Mail by Rushil Hitesh Chokshi
A simple sleek and user-friendly mail website designed to provide a seamless experience.
Pollster by Mahmoud Essam Abd El Salam
It's purpose is to make questions and vote for answers. to make elections
Profile web page by Mohammad Kia Ghasemi
My project includes a page where I have completed my profile.
convert different temps to celsius and calculate the average of them
introducing about energy management (TATA) by Tahoura aghaie
My project is a website developed using flask, python and SQL server and The content of this site includes pages to learn about energy and energy management.
Virtual Haunted Tours by Jaydee
The Virtual Haunted Tours project is an interactive web application that offers users an immersive experience of exploring haunted locations, reading spooky stories, and encountering jump scares.
Automatic License Plate Recognition System by Eshaan Goyal
It uses web application to implement ANPR.
Gradient Generator Extension by Emmanuel Munyite Iyese
An extenion that allows users to generate custom gradients in browser, then copy the generated gradient
Website Management Client Interface by Max Caboti-Jones
Create a website to communicate properly with my clients for whom I am designing websites
Spin the Tracks by Çağla PİŞKİNPAŞA
Finding songs from a database according to the criteria the user enters
Eatfit by Lucas Besnard
Eatfit is an app that allows us to easily track the nutritional information of your daily food consumption.
ImageInj by andrea bergantin
web app for text injection/extraction with registration and login forms
Autostopp Challenge by Frederik Walter
Select and record challenges during a hitchhiking race to receive time bonifications
Album Club by Joseph Fountain
A website for facilitating albums of the week suggestions with friends
Emart - A Web App by TAN KENG YIK, AARON
A web application for an emart which also supports an admin account.
my website about sending mails to anyone you wanna to sent to and you can sent anything too.
GourmetGather by Jose Moroni Zacarias Melgarejo
GourmetGather: An Interactive Culinary Hub for Discovering, Sharing, and Exploring Recipes.
RPG Dice Roller by John P Williams
Simulates dice rolling for Dungeons & Dragons, Shadowrun, and FATE Core roleplaying games
Binance CSV by Robert Simon Sta Ana Uy
Batch downloads historical cryptocurrency price from Binance.
Snakes and Ladders Online by Siddharth Shekhar Singh 'Sid'
Online Snakes and Ladders with a fun twist and an ai mode.
Discord Email Bot by Phil Hamilton
This program allows you to interact with a discord channel through your email
Peersonal Expense Tracker by Guilherme Cascardi
It is a Personal Expense Tracker developed using React
Translator App by Kieu Xuan Thoai
A simple language translator app written in java, the application will translate the language according to the user's choice
Space shooting : Galaxy shooter : Space Ship by Esmaeil Shojaei
The story of the game is that the beautiful galaxy has been attacked by enemies and they intend to destroy it!
myGifting: The Reverse Registry by Dave Reinheimer
An app that tracks the gifts you give and how they are received.
Workout Calendar by Andrés Haurie Moreno
A calendar that keeps track of the workouts you do each day.
VIdeo by Nicolás Alberto Córdoba Castelblanco
A web-based app that converts your image and audio files to a video file for free!
Currency Conversion Web App by Daoud Youssef
This is a web application that allows users to perform currency conversion calculations between USD, EUR, LBP, and other currencies. It fetches and displays real-time exchange rates, calculates total payments, and provides an interactive user interface for currency conversions.
Iris Flower Classification by Mohadese Karimi Tabar
This is a deep learning project on the topic of Iris Flower Classification that I completed for my final project in CS50x. The dataset used for this project is Iris Flowers.
CS50x Favorites by Pedro Paulo Fagundes Cabral
A page that contains your favorite videos of CS50x lectures. Created with HTML, CSS, JS and json-server.
Friday - Entertainment Bot for Discord by Kavin Prasath
An Entertainment Bot for Discord focusing mainly on Music.
CS50x Tehran Final Project by Hossein Pourakbary kasmaei
A simple website design program that that you can choice one t-shirt.
Trivia Quiz by Salma Ahmed Shalabi
It is a trivia quiz website that offers quizzes on various topics.
it will introdue me to the world, it will have my skills and information
Listing Randomly by Ricardo A. Edwards
It generates a randomized list from inputs placed by the user.
Personal Finance Website by Devin Quach
This website is meant to start teaching and bringing people into a the world of financial literacy.
Arrange Your Furniture by Dave Morris
A website to create rooms and furniture and to model different arrangements
POINT OF SALE System NAGIN PIZZA BOX by Negin sadat Ghaziasgar
C code for the point of sale, ordering and cashiering program of a restaurant
2022 H1B JOBS IN USA by Ahiya joy
This is a simple web application to search by job title through USA H1B LCA database which helps the job seekers to get an idea of different job title in the market and their salary.
Game Scrach by Farzad Tajik
There is a scratch game with a graphic background where the ball suspended in the air should not hit the ground, we direct it up with an object and it is controlled with the mouse, we get one point by hitting the ground Let's play and the game will start again
Escape from Rectangles by Mojtaba Shakeri Hossein Abad
This project is a game which player should try not to collied to white small rectangles.
The Flappy "BIRD" Game by Sachin Singh
I created the flappy bird game, most of you are already familiar with it, i have created this game using the "Lua" programming language and this game can be played on "LOVE2D"
y2Bro Video Downloader by Aymeric Fabre
A free online tool which allows users to download YouTube videos.
Assistant by Puya Haj Hassani Gavgani
Assistant with digital clock display and to-do list and calculator
A finance tracker to keep my spending within limits.
CS50 Final Project - Card Transactions Simulator by Mattia Biffaro
This project is meant to help issuing banks to test card transactions
Lift After CS50 by Samuel Hawkins
A website for non-Harvard students that have just finished CS50 where they can learn more about what other learning resources there are online.
Finance Tracker by Bence Jenei
My project is a financial tracker webapp that you can use to track your savings.
The CS50 Star Stacker by Daksh Srivastava
My project is a command-line C program that stacks star trail photos.
Accessible Ten Finger Typing Practice by Faruk Demir
Accessible Ten Finger Typing Practice Program for Blind People
My Books by Muhammed Usama Muhammed Nazmy Elsayed Metawea
My Books is a web app that gives readers a cabability for tracking their reading habits, allowing the reader to view details about a book, add it to their shelves, and write review.
TimeSlice - Productivity Timer by Arkhyp Boryshkevych
Productivity-enhancing work timer extension designed to help you stay focused and efficient while also taking essential breaks to maintain your well being.
Cuisine Sweep by Roqaya Mourad
cuisine sweep is a website made to help people searching different recipes from different cuisines.
Credit card expiration reminder by Joan Carles Montero Jiménez
An app to create remienders of the expedition dates of your credit cards from a photo.
Baked By Bustle by Sebastian Barrientos
Web application for a bakery where users can create orders and the owner can easily manage them.
Hikr by Rebecca Zaunbrecher
Hikr: so you can spend less time planning your hike, and more time hiking it
Q-Learning in Python by Lorenzo Frittoli
A simple neural network class /w some testing functions in Python.
Stock info graf by Rafael Amendola
Allow you check the share price for any stock during a specif period
Fiftyville Mystery Web App by Edmar Regie Rodriguez
Inspired by CS50x Problem Set where your main goal is to find the thief, the escape city, and the accomplice
JavaScript Age Calculator by MAJD SAUOD SAER ALHARBI
Easy and fast website to accurately calculate age.
F1 Championship Standings Prediction Tool by Mathias Johannes Klein
Allows user to input the predicted arriving positions for each driver in the current championship and returns the according final Championship Standings in a table.
Accessibility of Bike Networks in Amsterdam by Derek Taylor
A comparative analysis of bike accessibility in Amsterdam
ESC - Evidence Secure Chain by Fernando Rezende Celestino
A web application that provides an auditable flow of secret evidence files between internet service providers and police forces or other government agencies.
T&F Calculators by Leonard Jon Kessen
A webpage containing calculators on the topic track and field.
Boys Book Club by Kenneth Smith
A website to allow my book club to suggest and vote on books for the group to read.
MoodSwings by Cristina Olariu
Nine emoji faces representing someone's mood, with suggestions in order to change their mood.
Chat Web App by Runggaldier Ralph
People from all around the world can share there opinions about different topics.
Classroom50 by Stiv Haka
Classroom50 is a web-based application that allows teachers and students to collaborate together.
Sounds Of Time by Ashwini Gaiki
Sounds Of Time is a unique web application which detects the time of day at user location and displays a playlist of locally saved music files and youtube links accordingly.
space adventure by Nika Navabpour
it's scratch story project about two astronauts who go to another planet
Webpage where you can book an appointment with a specialist ,like a Personal trainer ,Nutritionist or Physical therapist.
Chrome Sientific Calculator by Gabriel Kenta Lopes da Silva Tarumoto
A accessible and ready to use sientific calculator.
Crypto Portfolio App by önder şabahat
create your own cryptocurrency portfolio and access current prices
Volume control with Hand detection by Mahdi Amini
This project is made using MediaPipe and Opencv And it is written in Python Using hand recognition, we decrease or increase the volume by increasing and decreasing the distance between the index fingers and thumb
CityTrippr by Daniel Hemmer
A website to find a great new travel destination for your next European city trip with only three simple questions!
Sorting Visualizer by Syed Muhammad Shahzeb
It visualizes multiple sorting algorithims with bars representing an array to be sorted.
Rock-paper-scissors Game by Mohammad Mahdi Ameri
This game I made is rock-paper-scissors. Rock-paper-scissors is a simple and famous game that is known by different names in many countries. In this game, two people face each other and each of them chooses one of three options: "rock", "paper" or "scissors". The winner of the game is the one who chose the option that gives him an advantage.
Lab Requisition by Branko Zurkovic
Web application to improve sharing of patient data between patients and radiology laboratories.
Health System Schedule by Stephen Telian Sulpis
A health appointment program for doctors and patients to make appointments.
Software Improvement System by Bruno Valar Martini
The Software Improvement System (SIS) is a system designed to manage requests of new features, bugs, feedbacks and overall improvements of a company's current softwares.
Warehouse inventory software by Saeed Ahmadi Feizabad
To count the inventory of goods in the warehouse
Drink Picker by James Loke Jie Wei
A web application which recommends a drink based on previous drinks the user has had
Signal Processing - Spectrum Generation using FFT by Giovanni Savoca
Time to Frequency Signal Processing and Spectrum Generation, including Menu and User Management.
Medical Equipment by Saeedeh Khandan
A website that categorizes and provides descriptions of medical equipment with 6 pages (one main page and 5 linked pages). Page Titles: Operating Room Equipment, Diagnostic Equipment, Examination Equipment, Women's Equipment, and a Contact Us page. On the main page, there are explanations about medical equipment and its various types.
Note App by Roshan Adiga
It is a simple note taking app where you can create notes, edit them and delete them too.
What'sClose?!? by Dusty Caseria
A web app used for searching for the highest rated destinations matching a search query and within a specified distance of a specified location.
Prayer times by Alawi Sharaf
The chrome extension provide daily pryer times for muslim people around world.
Arrange your files by Eefje Scheerder
The application allows you to create an overview of files in your documents
Bidding System for Construction Projects by Javier Espinoza Quintero
This systems helps managing tender documents such Bid Forms, evaluating and comparing received Bids, and prevents errors by automating the Bid process.
Google Image Downloader by Kaustubh Bhargava
Download images from google images with this chrome extension.
RedmusicHd's Blog by Rixen Juliano Usam
This is a website I made to blog about anime and TFT and to promote my youtube and twitch.
beProd. - Chrome extension website blocker by Luca Rimmaudo
beProd is a Google Chrome extension that temporarily blocks the access to websites from a personal blacklist when a countdown timer is running.
KAMG's site by Gabriel Gomes
my project is a website for a supermarket company, both the company and the website are still under development
My final project is an online store for Pazzy, a brand that sales dog cookies in Colombia.
Tip Calculator by Jonathan Wigington
A Tip Calculator that will determine the tip amount as well as the total cost for the meal.
PING PONG GAME by mohamadreza nafekarimi
two players play together and they should not let the ball go out
RFS by Amir hossein Hashemi
Type your name, select the serve type and you have your random order list!
The Essential Competive Pokédex by Ruben Miguel de Jesus Matias Abreu
A streamlined Pokédex app tailored for competitive Pokémon VGC players.
Sport League Manager by Rudi Luzar
A Web App that allows a sports league to keep track of Divisions, Clubs, Schedules and Standings.
Bloomz Beauty Ecommerce by Aspasija Cvetkoska
An elegant beauty ecommerce website with a dynamic cart, local storage, and seamless Stripe API integration.
Helpful Moderation Discord Bot by Sasanka Ponnaganti
My project is a discord bot that helps server admins with moderation along with other cool features.
YonkecBot by Jason Wilson
Discord Bot providing OpenAI completions and a simple game w/ leaderboard.
myTodo by muhammed ahmad abdulrazag aljafar
A todo-list app that allows users to have multiple lists.
Unit Converter by Henok Demek
It is a unit converter with C that can convert all kinds of standard units of measurement from one to another.
Portfolio Website by Shawn Burns
Website containing two additional coding projects; a clock made with python and a calculator made with html, css, and js.
Francesco Personal Website by Francesco De Lucia
Personal portfolio website to support my business activities.
Daoxin Wang Live Marketing Blog Website by Daoxin Wang
Daoxin Wang's Live Marketing Blog Website Platform
Platformer50 by Johakim Fontaine Barboza
A platformer game made with the Godot engine playable in your browser.
Proposal creator by Stéphanie Crêteur
A web application allowing to retrieve data from a database and to export them in Excel.
Baseball Stat Tracker by Houston Davidson
Baseball Stat Tracker is a web app built with Python and Flask that scrapes the MLB Stats API to display Major League Baseball scores, statistics, and standings in real time.
Google Classroom Manager V.1 by Phasit Thanitkul
The web that helps teachers to automate their google classroom
A cafe website by Mahdieh Fattahi Ahmadabad
My final project is a cafe website that I designed with HTML.
Friend Zones by Sarah
A web application that allows users to keep track of the time in cities or countries where friends or family members live worldwide.
Honey Bee by Matt Young
Honey Bee mimics The New York Times Spelling Bee game, with the functionality to solve the puzzle.
Remote Learning by Prince Remi-Okeke
A web application that lets users register for free courses on an institution's website
My experience on the introduction of the computer science by Gianluca Spendolini
Description of my experience on this course
Facebook's posting bot by Chakib Mekki
A bot that posts either new posts from a subreddit or quotes on facebook
To Do List by Anne-Frédérique Lacasse
This is a website that keeps trask of all your tasks, homework and personal reminders.
Daily Task Tracker by Aishwarya G
A Task Tracking application that helps people manage their daily tasks and create a a sense of accomplishment and make them productive and organised .
To-Do-List by Sai Sruthi
My project is a To-Do-List chrome extension where you can add and remove tasks that you have to your To-Do-List
Balls in the wind by Sébastien Abilla
Video game using physics. Move the balls with the power of the wind.
PlanToGo by Kristina Jakubone
PlanToGo is a web application designed to simplify travel planning and organization.
Calcom Web by Prithwis Das
Calcom Web is the web version of a mathematical computation Calcom which allows users to perform a wide range of mathematical operations from the very basic to advanced!
🗣 ⇢ TalkSee ⇢ 👀 by Pedro Zappa
🗣 ⇢ TalkSee ⇢ 👀 is a speech-to-text application that allows users to transcribe audio files or microphone input using the WhisperAI ASR models.
Responsive Portfolio by Devrajsinh Indrajitsinh Gohil
A portfolio website which adjusts itself according to size of the device screen.
Spotify Month Recap by Adam Holm Tarpgaard
Lets you see your top 5 listened songs, from the past 30 days from spotify.
Personal To Do List by Silvan Schär
Web application in python/flask for adding, editing, checking tasks
College Sports Recruiting by Rian Soares Marques
Agenda for student-athletes who are deciding which school to attend.
GTD-Based Task Manager by Ahmad Abdulsalam Alsaiad
Task Manager web application based on Getting Things Done concept
Ecommerce Website-Farmer's Fruit Market by Shailesh Mahto
Ecommerce website to buy fruits from farmer's market
Calculator by Saba Saniei
my project is actually a calcutlator that has the ability to perform multiplication and division,addition,subtraction, etc
Cat Rescue Ops by Hannah
"Cat Rescue Ops" is a web-based app that provides an informative and user-friendly way to log a shift at a cat rescue and store the shift's data in a database, along with other important cat rescue data!
Get Connected by Oscar Rivera
A website geared towards connecting students at my school with charitable organizations in the area.
The 2048 Clone by Devanshu Sharma
his is a simple 2048 Game Clone that uses HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The goal of the game is to merge the tiles to finally create a tile with 2048. If there are no moves left, you lose the game. You win the game when you have 2048 tile on the game board.
It is pretty similar to gmail . We have an option to compose and check out the recieved mails .
Personal Accounting by Arian Khayyat Bahojb
The purpose of this program is that the user can easily record and maintain all his receipts and payments.
Autocomplete by Nikolaos Zoumakis
Autocompletes user' s input with possible matches from a dictionary.
Bea's gift by Leonardo Collazo Klenina
It is a 2D endless running game for Android made with Unity and C#
GastoCalc by Jay Atul Shah
GastoCalc is an app used for tracking yours expenses and spending habits.
Carteira de Investimentos by Roymel Rodríguez Carpio
It is an app for helping manage stock portfolio for Brazilian investors.
Chemical compound inventory by Audrius Sadaunykas
The project is a website where me and my coworkers from the laboratory can store the list of all chemical compounds we currently have. It also displays compound expiration date so it is easier to manage our inventory.
Schedule using Python + HTML by Flávio Zagatti Sotto
A web based schedule using Python and HTML with Django Framework
Piano Pedagogy News by Ryan Bridge
A project that collects articles from various news sites and blogs, displays them, and allows favoriting.
SPLIT - Manage and track group finances by Reshan Silva
A web application that helps users to track and manage finances in a group environment.
Search Engine based on Data structures concept by Jaydeep Sarkar
Simplified search engine using trie algorithm with 1000000+ files bird searching using Qt for GUI and modern c++ features
Western Slope Rides by Allison B Gelvin
an app that organizes shuttle reservations into columns based on the origin and destination of the trip
Layer Rename for Aseprite by Simon Stalder
An extension for the pixel art program Aseprite written in Lua.
ShortUrl by Jatin Nagar
ShortUrl is a URL shortening web-app created using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flask and PostgreSQL and also it is hosted on Heroku.
DBViewer by Brian E. Hart
A web based application that allows a user to view a SQLite3 database and filter data
Native Typing by Kenta Kato
This is a website where you can practice typing while experiencing native English!
Travel Diaries by Gunti Rohitha
Travel diaries website is all about keeping a track of all your travel memories and experiences.
Official website of the pseudo-company by Shoma Ito
I created a pseudo website for the company's official website that you can find on the Internet.
URL Shortener Extension by Abraham Titus
This extension is a minimalistic yet practical tool for anyone who wants to quickly shorten and share URLs while browsing the web in Google Chrome.
Task Manager by Achyuth Vineesh Nair
A Web Application designed to help you order, prioritise and complete your tasks effectively.
Count 'Em by Koustov Chapagain
Count 'Em is a card counting trainer, and the casino's worst nightmare.
Prompt Saver by Riswanth Vallala
An extension for saving and copying useful Chatgpt prompts with headings.
Scientific Calculator by MAHDI SHOKATI
The project is a Python-based scientific calculator with a graphical user interface (GUI) using the tkinter library, supporting various mathematical operations.
Finance Tracker App by Carine Gije Nfor
Finance Tracker is a web app implemented using Flask and bootstrap that works like a mini stock exchange system. The following functionalities have been added to the app- - Register: Any person can register to make a new account. - Quote: A registered user can quote a price for a stock. - Buy: Users can buy shares for a price. - Index: To show the stocks in the user's account. - Sell: Users can sell shares of a stock. - History: User can see the past transaction history.
Weather App by Alireza Abedi
This project is a simple Python application for retrieving and displaying the current weather temperature of a city using the OpenWeatherMap API with a basic graphical user interface
Blog: All About Data Science by Rujing Wang
This is an online open platform where readers find dynamic thinking, and experts can share their unique writing/ideas on the data science field.
Budget Manager by Supanun Rujirawinijchai
This budget manager will allows users to keep track their expenditure against their budgets.
Music Store Web Application by Michał Szczepanek
It is a website where users can buy instruments, which will be delivered on the territory of USA.
QuickNote by Sukrit Sachdeva
A simple note-taking app that allows users to create and filter notes quickly and easily
Resume-Ex by Jhun Carlo F. Macdon
Resume-Ex is for people who's tired of manually extracting resume data from pdf.
Star Pattern by Adarsh Kaushal
Prints star ladder pattern normally and in reverse according to the user
My project is a python hacking game similar to the Fallout game
ConvertMate by Karla Suarez
My project is a web-based unit conversion and currency exchange rate checker application.
Underneath Nowhere (CT) by Nuno Ventura de Sousa
A small game to test an original mechanic (traveling through building floors in two dimentions instead of one)
Eco friendly store. by Ala'a Ahmed Soliman mohamed
Full stack MEAN e-commerce website for ECO friendly products, using MongoDB, Express.JS, Angular and Node.JS.
What Should I Eat? by Rick Lee
This web app lets user choose from the food of their choosing, and generate suggestion for them
PyraSteps by Christian Grimm
A task manager which determines the importance of individual tasks based on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Phonepe-Data-Visualization by sahith
Phonepe is a money transfer app it transfers money from one bank to another through an app I have all the data of Phonepe from 2018 to 2022 and made a data visualization app by using Python.
Tic Toc Toe game by Hossein Dahaei
My project is a Python implementation of the classic game Tic Tac Toe
Algorithm for connect 4 style game with variable board-dimensions and variable winning-chain-length. by Michael Cub
Connect 4 style game played against computer opponent.
CS50 Twitter Bot by Borja Gozalo Curry
Twitter Bot that searches recent tweets containing "CS50" and retweets one at random at daily intervals
World Studio Events Planner by Julius
An events planner app that takes in input as list and gives bullet points of events.
Tic Tac Toe Game by Patrick Njoroge Ndung'u
A person plays a game of aligning symbols against the computer.
Collaborative - Task Management System by Arghya Dev Mondal
A well-oiled machine of task management, efficiently navigating through a sea of tasks with ease and grace.
Colour Fun by Andreas Christian Haslauer
A web-based app for deeded community, allowing users to explore curated colour palette, visualise colours on a model home, and apply for association approval.
Heart Health Dashboard by Fernanda Lica Aires da Costa
A dashboard where anyone can get insights about heart diseases.
Brain test (cs50) by Mahdi Rahmati
This game is developed to increase the speed of brain and memory.
SportClub by Andrea Feltri
Sito per la gestione (tramite database) di atleti e gare delle società sportive.
WebPage with Flask and tailwindcss by mohammad allameh
The website consists of 4 sections, the main page, about me, completed projects, and the blog
TODO List Online by Seyed Mohammad Mahdi Hashemi
Our project is a website for managing tasks (TODO list). In this project, you have the ability to add, view the status, change and delete tasks. You can also view your records individually. Also, the project has the ability to register users, manage and edit their information.
Clear Data and Tabs Chrome Extnesion by christen dom cabatic
Chrome extension that clears data and tabs.
Patient Referral Flask Web App by Dr Gordon Gregory
A flask wet app to administer patient referrals.
Improved C$50 Finance by chen Peter
In this project, I optimized some processes where instead of displaying 404, some red font prompts. And I added some info when you buy and sell.
Health Wikipedia by Kartik Pethani
The bottom line is it provides ayurvedic treatment methods for diseases.
Credible Quotes by Shamma Adnan Alshebli
A flask web application that revolves around credible quotes.
Rock, Paper, Scissors Game by MohammadMahdi Ameri
We choose an option, a system option and finally announce the winner
Welcome to This is CS50 Final Project. Here are some thoughts, ideas, and recommendations for your final project.
Family Gallery by Sonja Duka
An image gallery that enables users to securely upload and manage their images online.
Homework_Tracker by Patrick Walcher
Designed with educators in mind, this tool aims to streamline the process of monitoring students' missed homework assignments.
Control Mapper by Amanda Pseftis
Helps security control assessors document how systems are meeting or failing NIST control standards.
Planner by Matheus Andrade Santana
The main goal of this project is to be a tool to plan your daily activities and tasks.
Meal Saver by Paul Aldrin Panganiban
This is a simple web application that allows you to enter ingredients that you have on hand and get recipe suggestions based on those ingredients. It uses the Spoonacular API to search for recipes.
CookBook using JavaScript, Python, and SQL by Benas Urba
Cookbook with various functions such as search and favourite recipes.
CS50 Movies by Tan Liang Yong
This function displays all movies added into the user created lists in a webpage.
Conway's Game Of Life Simulator by Léopold Koprivnik
Simulates the Conway's Game of Life Cellular Automaton
Quotes by Eric Skotnicki
Quotes is a dynamic web application with a minimalist interface, and user-friendly workflow that allows users to save their favorite quotes, take notes on their favorite quotes, and then have access to all of their saved quotes and notes, all within the app.
ARKIDIA by Gonzalo Canivell Tomás
Web application in which we are going to develop a complete game using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Better Muslim by Rezha
It is a web app with reliable resources to learn, a to do app, and a donation center.
Metta Forum by Peiwen Li
This is a Django engined forum, a platform for users to share their meditation experiences.
Recipe Swap by Devon Sasaki
Recipe Swap is a web application that allows you to swap recipes with your friends or colleagues.
Deduction: A Number Guessing Game In C by Sarah E. McIntosh
A game where the user is guided through deduction to guess the target number within 10 guesses.
They don't write book about every hero(EN) / Nem minden hőről írnak könyvet (HU) by Eszter Kovács
My sister wrote a book about climate change and I wrote a programme to make it digital and interactive.
Gym room sign in/ sign up page by Evelyn Ip
This is a presentation for CS50 2022 final project, i made a gym room sign in/sign up page by html, css, javascript.
Macros into Meal by Lucas Gribel dos Reis
Calculate how much to each of 3 foods to meet macronutrient targets.
Cranston West Clubs by Hayden Karas
An online application that allows for students to view and interact with school clubs.
CarTrivia! by Devansh Twix
An app coded where you can guess the make or model of a car using multiple choice answers answering the question.
Sanskrit Name Generator by Syahridan Muhammad Assa'ad Wuryanto Puspokusumo
Random Sanksrit Name Generator web API in Golang
Your best psychologist by Maksym Batiuk
Psychologist bot, that will help you to find the way out of any trouble
Blood-spot by Md. Nahian Suhaimee
Blood-spot web application will help people search for specific blood group donors around their neighborhood.
Chenjin (Chrome Extension) by Brendan Fox
Chenjin is a Chrome Extension which randomly replaces English words with translated Chinese mandarin pinyin while you browse the web, to help you learn Mandarin.
Cheer Up! by Phyo Arkar Win
A mini Web app made to bring people together and help each other through hard times.
Gli 11 luoghi più belli della Calabria by Manuela Iannino
: In my final project I wanted to talk about the beauties of Calabria, speaking and depicting the eleven most beautiful places with an image gallery. The site is done in html, css and JavaScript.
BudgetTime by Sreedatta Gudapudi
My projects helps the user to keep track of the money in their account.
student data collection system by Agus Hermanto
This project was created to collect departmental data and student data
Tic Tac Toe by Aishani Dagar
This Python code is for a game of tic-tac-toe between a player and the computer.
Charity Website using React, Redux and Bootstrap by Bhone Aung Kyaw
Website which express charity info, event and articles
Tic Tac Toe game using python by Nowsheen
Tic Tac Toe is traditionally played on a 3 × 3 grid. Players take turns placing a mark in one of the cells of the grid. The goal of the game is for players to position their marks so that they make a continuous line of three cells vertically, horizontally, or diagonally.
Your best psychologist by Maksym Batiuk
Telegram bot which helps you to find all the answers. (using the Rubber Duck Technique)
Sklyer's Life by Jin CHEN
This is a platform for people to know about my cat and make friends, show love and provide care for him while we are traveling out of town.
What am I doing today? by Mahmoud Ali
Chrome extension uses API to give a new idea to do in your day.
Ardaan's Golf Course by Ardaan Bhatia
A program that simulates a golf course scoring system for the user to interact with.
Python Quiz Game by Saeed Halabi
A command-line-based application that tests your knowledge on various topics with immediate feedback and scoring.
Clustering cross-sectional data by Bernardo Forbes Costa
An app to compute and plot clusters for your cross-sectional data
My Dog Remider by José Patrício Neto
It is a website to make an schedule to your pet's vaccines, vermifuges and acaricides.
SnakeGame using Flask by ArunBalaji R
A simple snake game as a web app with additional features using Flask framework
Voice assistant by Mahdiyar Karimi Barou
it has 20 functions for example,searh in wikipedia,sho time,weather,...
Stratego by Seyed Mohammad Taha Mousavi
A strategic board game where players strategically maneuver their armies to capture the opponent's flag while protecting their own.
Simple Customers Database by Thiago Pereira dos Santos
A simple web App that stores Your customers information.
SunnyBo Notebooks & More by Josua Fouche
Website to illustrate the designs of notebooks and t-shirts which people can buy.
web page of my educational resume with flask framework by Mohammad Javad Jahantab
a web application built using Flask for user registration, login, password change, and more.
CubeComp by Braxton Hudgins
A speedcubing website that allows users to create or compete in Rubik's cube speedsolving.
MyIdeas by Majed Sasa
Curious to see others' ideas? MyIdeas is a web application where you could store your ideas easily as well as seeing others' ideas and more....
Web Accessibility Chrome Extension by Brian Williams
A Chrome extension compilation of 6 togglable popup widgets, each with their own unique ability to read/manipulate the current webpage DOM.
Anteros App by Leo Eduardo Ocampo Albarracin
An app for display correlation between financial markets
EMail by Alcides Andres Riera Mora
EMail is a project-based to recreate and replicate the functions of a regular web email application as a service of communications, such as Gmail or outlook.
Life Gets Better by Daniel Conteh
it shows a list of tours that someone can engaging with family members
Compare Products by Hashir Ahamed
Get and compare prices of a product from Ebay, Aliexpress or Amazon.
Python code to simplify analysis of appliance test data by Gianmarco Chumbe Escalante
Using python to get data values of interest in the testing of appliances
Bandeiras do Brasil by Vitor A S Ferreira
A website to get to know better about the flags of each state in Brazil
Runner Game by Hashaam Zahid
This 2D game is an obstacle avoidance game with a unique twist: the player takes on the role of an alien character who must avoid obstacles such as snails and flies by jumping
scribe-buddy by Anshuman Tiwari
Just briefly tell me what's in the video which I don't have time to watch!!
Lead Tracker extension for Chrome by Edyta Nowak
Extension mainly for Sales reps that saves URLs as leads
Anyshift by Alberto Alarcon Lopez
An app that allows the use of a modern H-Shifter joystick with old racing videogames
Website for Riga circus school, including a quiz game about Riga circus by Elīna Konrade
Informational webpage about Riga circus school and fun knowledge quiz about Riga circus
MEMORIZER by Mykyta Starodubtsev
Web app to help students to memorize a piece of code, translation of a word, definition etc
Roomies by Lowie Feyt
A web-based application that aims to improve communication and coordination in households.
Math Second Brain by florian biboud
command line interface to organise my math knowledge in order to help me study
Friend-zones - by Orsolya Lukacs
A web app that displays a user's friends, and their associated timezones, in relation to the timezone of the user.
IOS Inspired Javascript Calculator by Patrick McMahan
A calculator made in HTML, CSS, and Javascript!
Regional Anaesthesia Logbook by Luis Lee
Regional Anaesthesia Logbook created using the Flask framework
WebSiteOverTime by Luciano Moreira Camilo e Silva
Compare screenshots of websites over the last 20 years.
Manucrypt by Lucy Nora Ahmed
A website where users can create, modify and strength test a unique and universal password encryption key - to use on all of their accounts.
CS50’s Web Programming with Python and JavaScript: JavaScript, User Interfaces, and Mail Project- by Hung M Ngo
This is my submission for CS50W (Web Programming with Python and JavaScript) Project 3 - Mail.
Guess Me - A Fun Number Guessing Game by Abdullah Luqman
"Guess Me" is a delightful number guessing game designed to test your luck and intuition. Challenge yourself by guessing the correct number within the range of 1 to 10. The game offers a thrilling experience with simple rules and a fun interface.
Mermaid and shark by fatemeh honari
This game is made in the scratch environment, several characters are used in this game, and a program is defined for each of them. These characters include: mermaid, shark, puffer fish and a golden key
Galactic News by Ionathan Sideras
this is a web site about space news. you can create an account and log in. now you are able to lear more about space and read the news!
Neural Network Battle Predictor by Thomas Walsh
The python program predicts the outcome of historical battles using a genetic mutation algorithm
LemonTree Bookstop by Nemanja Lešević
A web application that serves as a personal library to the user in which they could store the books they own or would like to own.
Let's Quiz!!! by Mohanasundaram Jayendhar Gautham
Its a quiz app for users, with random questions and reports
UN Thread Plating Adjuster by Nicholas Goenner
Adjusts textbook machined thread dimensions to allow any specified plating thickness
Chicken Chase by Mohammed Mishbahul Haque
2D game where you avoid monsters by jumping until the end of time.
Text Editor - A Command Line Program Using C by Pratham Dusane
It is a text editor with basic functionalities made using C
Task Manager by Juan Alejandro Caamano Martillo
The code presented is a task management program that allows users to add, view, and mark tasks as completed, all while storing the tasks in an array of structures.
World's Human Resources by Abdulrahman Mohammed Abulghaith Al-Tayeb
World HR is basically about finding and hiring employees and applying for jobs around the world.
Together by Olga Curylo
Swipe movies you want to watch and generate lists of movies to watch together with your friends.
MOVRAT : A Movies Rating Website by Arkan Arsalan Amanullah
A dynamic website that empowers movie enthusiasts to explore and engage the world of movies.
resume builder by Cedric Busteed
Automate resume building by prompting user to input information into a database and cross-referencing key terms from job listings to build custom resumes.
TGIF - Website which helps to find events by Elena Churkina
Website which helps people to find events
Study-Bot by David Cao
A discord bot that gamifies studying by ranking your study hours against friends, displaying leaderboards, and giving you unique ranks based on how many hours you've studied and much more!
simple Chrome extension designed to block YouTube comments
"FlyStay" app for iOS and Android by Leila Shcheglova
This is my application with which you can buy plane tickets and book a hotel.
X's and O's by Jaedon Naidu
An online environment for playing X's and O's against a friend or the CPU
Drawing an Airfoil - Python Code by AmirMahdi Mirhosseini
Drawing an Airfoil Using Python Code which can read any kind of Excel File.
Photography website by Mohadeseh Ashoori
Users can register and see our work samples in our website.
Car Rental by TranQuangKhai
Car rental management program and customer information as well as billing in C language
Currency Converter & Exchange Rates App by Matthew Yoon
Easily convert currencies in real-time with a user-friendly, responsive web application built using modern technologies.
Music Event Website by Sammi Lee
My web application will allow musicians and performance venues to register, share their performance details (including time, date, venue, venue type, genre, price, recommended audience demographic, etc.) so that anyone can search and learn about them.
Ruger's Hotel & Spa homepage by Shawn Lian
This is a website that allows users to book rooms, write reviews, and display submitted content via a few fields.
Metronome by David John Green
An online metronome web app with perfect timing and advanced functionality.
Inspire by Desmond Lock
A google chrome extension that replaces the background of the google homepage with a random inspirational quote every time google is opened or refreshed.
Face Recognition and google map api with Flask and SQL by Kiattisak Phetmeesri
I use the opencv and Flask to streaming the video and then use the face_recognition in it.After that store all infomation in to the SQLite3 and dis play the location where they match the faces with google map api (Cluster Marker).
Automated Translations for Product Names via User-Created JPN-ENG Dictionary by Reece Merced Mathiesen
Python code translates csv file using user-defined dictionary
Snake Game by AmirHossein Sheybani
In this game, there is a snake that needs to eat to grow and try not to bump into itself.
ClassedUp by ghada makhloufi
My project is a chrome extension that changes the images of webpages with classic paintings images and it displays interesting facts.
DHS Table Tennis Club Website by DHEERAJ TALLAPRAGADA
A website targeted towards table tennis enthusiasts.
New Year resolution by Mahitha Anilkumar
It's about advise or recommend resolution as part of new year.
NoteInvest by Jirayut Phonyiam
My project is like a notebook or diary to note your interested stocks
Real Time Football by Franco Fernando Gallardo Zarate
See real time information about professional football leagues.
Gerador de Senha by samuel ribeiro tedeschi
Generate your password by clicking on the button, password with letters and numbers
Trade Right Lite by James Rey Cortes
A Forex Expert Advisor for Trade Suggestion Recommendations for Multi-Currency Trading
Phonebook by Sebastian Jacobo Azuaje Vera
Open-source web-app to store contacts in a fully-responsive environment.
Computer Science Hangman Game by Violeta Tejera Munguía
This game is aimed for people with bare computer science knowledge so that through gamification they can learn more about some computer science concepts and definitions.
Event Tracker by Shiyu Li
Keeps track of important dates and events for user and allows user to access them as needed
KML to ATAK convertor by Jamie Dunnett
converts cml from ip radio system and submits to ATAK cots message
Aspiration calculator for the Sims 2 by Elena Iiudina
This project counts your sims' traits and interests to help you to choose aspirations.
DASH - Contract Management System by Enzo Olivier Pezzoni
Allows the users to manage a portfolio of contracts for a team
detect_colors by tohid
My project is about detecting the percentage and number of colors in an image
Hangman - Guess the Cricketers' Name by Alok Kumar Verma
A Command-line text-based word-guessing game with a cricket theme.
A web based application to calculate a decompression plan for Open Circuit scuba diving.
Caesar Cipher by Chun-Wei Shih
A webpage to let user execute Caesar Cipher, in encipher or decipher mode.
Wordle Solver in Python by Viorel Negoita
Solve Wordle by reading a word list from a file, then make a suggestion for the next guess and eliminating words that don't match.
SQUADRON ASSAULT by Nicholas James Dudek
A space invaders type of video game coded in Lua using the LÖVE framework.
PORTFOLIO WEBSITE USING REACT by William Antonio Andrade Casanova
Introduction to my programming path
Blog Website by ANKUR SINGH
User can write the title and content of their blog and this will store in the web application.
Employee Profile Administration App (AVIACONSULT LTD web site) by Sergey Moryakov
Employee Profile Administration App
Online Bookshelf by Ana Regina Delazzari
It's an Online Library where the user can search for books and add to a collection.
Tulceana Room Booking System by Alla-Nicoleta Petrichei
It allows hotel admins to store room booking information for customers into a database.
Music Analysis and Discovery by Han Riffin Bin Imran Han
Analysis of your Spotify listening music and Discover new songs
Python Weather App by Kartikey Doshi
An app that takes in the city's name and displays weather of that city.
BnS Cafeteria by Mohammed Emad F Haj Abed
Food website where a user can register and buy food online.
Crypto Dash by Inno Paolo Burgos de Leoz
Build your own cryptocurrency dashboard to follow prices and trends.
Movie Watch List by mahdi mohamadiha
A site to list the movies we want to watch and the movies we have seen.
Portfolio by Vinicius Torres Cancela
This project is a summary of my entire journey of studies and projects with computer science.
online shop by Ehsan Hayatdavoodi
I designed a dynamic cake shop with the help of JavaScript, each of the items has a specification and is added to the user's shopping cart with the help of the add button, there is a button to determine the number of products and delete from the customer's cart, as well as the price of all They are displayed to the customer
Exiva Friend by Manuel Gutierrez Casares
Exiva Friend is a tool for Tibia (game) that improves the user experience for finding characters to play with.
Fund Tracker by Pemika Meekhun
Keep track of long-term invested mutual funds (for tax benefit in Thailand) in one place.
Brickshooter (the program itself is called Brick.exe) by Thomas Adriano Bertola
A game in which you shoot at bricks and avoid bouncing bullets
AveSnowDepth by Jiaqun Wang
The software uses the daily snow depth data in NASA Earth Dataset to compute the average snow depth data in the conterminous US.
Google Calendar by negarmoradi
It is a web application that helps you add events on your Google Calendar, and automatically tells you the departure time. It simplifies the process of adding a new event and checking the departure time.
Mahdi Shop by Mahdi Habibi
My project is a store where you can buy anything you need and it has great file capabilities
weather50 by Atha Putra Fausta
weather50 is a web-based weather app created to see weather forecast in a particular city.
WhatsCEP by Vinícius Himuro Augusto
An extension that gets the zip code (a.k.a. CEP) from anywhere in Brazil given a adress.
Sports Calendar by Thaddeus Cole
Sports Calendar is a single page web app built in React that helps sports fans, like myself, compile the schedules of all their favorite teams in one convenient location
More than letters by Samuel Rodrigues Unias
It is a website to help people learn about cognitive functions, a more in depth level of the mbti personality theory.
My personal portfolio website by Juan Pablo Carrilho
This was my first personal portfolio website, built with React and TailwindCSS and dedicated to CS50
Clarence Gaming Den by Clarence Gray
It's a web base game review site application that uses Python, JavaScript, and SQL.
IMDB Movies - SwiftUI by Ege Aydemir
IMDB Movies is an IMDB application that uses the OMDB API and is built with SwiftUI.
Livia Booking Application by BENDAGIRI MATAM PRANAV
facility booking application for the people of my community
Stock Price Tracker Finance Application by indra dhandapani
This Finance application is very helpful for analysis the real time stock prices of different firms
Whisky Enthusiast by Aleksandar M. Dimov
Whisky Enthusiast helps whisky lovers to keep track of their own whisky collections.
Real-time embedded systems by Tina khodadad
In this project, using the accelerometer and gyroscope sensors in the phone, a surface scanner application has been implemented.
E-CRYPT by Emad Saab
This is a software for encrypting and decrypting messages. It is based on two encoding methods: "Morse Code" and "Binary Code".
Social Network by Mahmoud Osama Ashour Ahmed
A social media web application that helps people to connect to each other.
BookMe by Agbonrofo Oselumese Dominic
A website that allows people to make book donations and apply for books already donated
TODO list by Ezequiel Dominguez Pace
Task manager to handle tasks and remember appointments, meetings, birthdays and more. by Leon Downing
Check a password against a Dictionary Attack and Bruteforce attack, learn more about how your password can be attacked in this cyber landscape, and feel free to generate some new ones using the Generator page.
Your Home Library by Huyen Trang Tran Nguyen
A simple personal book collection manager, focused on series tracking.
Christian's Message Board by Christian Mockett
A simple message board with users, posts, and replies.
password-generator (chrome extension) by Mohamed Magdy ali
Creating secure random passwords using the password generator.
The Cookbook by Jianing Chen
The Cookbook is a web application that allows users to explore and discover new recipes based on their culinary preferences, using a combination of advanced search and recommendation features powered by Flask, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, SQL, and the Spoonacular API.
Hopefully Cool by Anak Agung Made Maha Prema Putra
a personal / future portfolio website that's hopefully cool :)
Matts Energy Savings Calculator by Matias Propati
A web app for calculating energy savings adjusting with a variable by linear regression.
CS50 Recipe Diary by Man Chun Chan
Create recipes and save them onto your account and share them with other users
Blogger by Aryan Shrivastava
It is bloggind site where users can add their blogs, edit and delete them and also view other people's blogs
Flask chart generator by Kamil Kuczera
This is a flask application that generates charts from csv files.
IP Address Calculator by Oscar Wong
It's a console based calculator that helps calculate IP addresses given the subnet mask
Password Generator Chrome Extension by Shoham Palmer
Generates unique and random passwords based on user specifications.
Lucky book by Volodymyr Senyk
LuckyBook is a web application for book lovers that can generate a random book.
BNZ Cycling Calendar by Felipe Bonzanini
A calendar for amateur cycling races so that people can plan their race calendar
Disk Jumper by Owen Cooper
A Unity game where you must survive disappearing platforms and beat highscores.
The 2d maze video game by Leo Yao
Its quite simple, I used what I learned in CS50's scratch programming week knowledge to do it.
Calculator! by Ryan Gupta
it is a calculator that takes input and does mathematical operations on them.
Wordoo - A dictionary in your browser window by Jaëm Dessources
A chrome extension that allows you to instantly get the meaning of any word on any webpage.
Calculator by Shahwaiz Essa
My project is a calculator coded through Javascript and it is used to make simple or large calculations.
CS50 Space by Nicolas Jennings
My project displays NASA's Astronomy picture of the day and with a date selector you can grab past pictures of the day.
Simple Cryptocurrency Screener by Julius Heikkinen
A web app where you can get information about different cryptocurrencies.
Cool Mail - A Python Mail App using SQL and Flask by Aman G Jain
A mail web application where one can send or receive emails
MEDICO ONLINE by Mattia Pasinetti
il mio progetto serve per monitorare i pazienti e offrire un servizio di messaggistica direttamente con il dottore, oltre a vedere le ricette online scritte da quest'ultimo.
FIFA 23 Ultimate Team Best Squad Generator by Ahmed Said
Given a user's budget, preferences, and desired formation, what is the best FIFA 23 Ultimate Team Squad they can buy?
Employee Management System by Carine Gije Nfor
This a project to manage employees in an organization.
Quizzical by Jonathan Hallett
Quizzical is a web-based quiz application written using Python, Flask, HTML, CSS and SQLite.
Assignment Tracker Web Application by Rajkumar Gurjar
It helps students to track their assignment based on course & assignment numbers.
Social-Working by Mimi Fishman
Create a work-life balance. Choose to work in a location and with people that inspire you!
Portfolio of Nivrita Podder by Nivrita Podder
It's a portfolio of mine which gives a overview of my life achievements and what I'm capable of
Django Blog + New Admin Panel Template by Mohammad Javad Nazari
A site that I built with Django has a blog section and a personal admin panel
Is My Commute !@#$ed? by Stephen Discenza
A web app which provides information about saved NYC subway commutes.
Software Management Program by Luigi Castrucci Pedrinola
This program will be used for software management, more specifically for tracking ongoing issues of my software.
Cryptic Code by Patricia Enache
A web application made using Flask and Python that encrypts user input using Caesar Cipher, Rail-fence Cipher or Vigenere Cipher.
Second Opinion (Второе мнение) by Abduvakhob Sodikov
Prototype of a web application for registering patients who want to get a second opinion on CT or MRI studies from other medical organizations
Paper Tree by Daniel Sun Yuan
Science Paper Summariser using AI natural language processing
About a resturant you can book a table from it and there is an a menu you can pick from it
Personalized Email by Travis J Clapp
This is a personalized email page that allows users to send and receive emails.
Gerador de Senha by samuel ribeiro tedeschi
Site que ao apertar um botao gera senha com letras e numeros
Trade Evaluation by Son Nguyen Thanh Phan
Evaluate the performance of hypothetical portfolios in three stock markets: U.S., Germany, and Vietnam
Menu driven code for single linked list representation by Anay Roy
It is a menu driven code for single link list representation
Vehicle Counting Using Deep Learning Models by Seyed Mohammad Rasool Nourmohammadi
By using two Faster RCNN deep learning networks that were previously trained on the COCO database, their performance should be measured for machine counting on the Trancos database.
Medical Records Archive by Dharani Baskaran
It is a webapp where patients can digitally share their medical records with their doctor or doctors
This web application is built with python, flask, SQLite, HTML/CSS (Bootstrap 5.0.2) and JavaScript. It pulls in recipe data from third-party API ( via AJAX call and stores user-related information in SQLite.
IntelliBooks by Faredoon Dastur
An accounting software that can manage vendors, inventory, customers, and do invoices.
My Homepage by Solmaz Karimi
My final project in the CS50x course is a personal website called My Homepage.
A Sanitary Facilities Calculator for Singapore Building Code by Ang Wei Li
A web-based tool that gives instant calculations of the sanitary facilities needed in a building in Singapore.
Digital City problems Forum by MUKADI LUMBALA PATRICK
My cs50 final project is python web application to collect problem of my city (calling Digital City) It’s that this project will be able to bring the problems of the city to the officials more completely faster and better
Date time converter by Mohamad Karbalayi Ali
The presented program is written in C language. This program takes an input as a date from the user and converts it into solar and lunar calendar and displays the events of that day to the user.
The Leads Tracker(Chrome Extension) by Mir Amaan Riyaz
It is a very useful tools for marketers and sales people who want to keep track of important leads.
Breastfeeding room Hong Kong by Wan Chung Ming Boyce
Rate and locate breastfeeding room in Hong Kong.
Employee salary management by Amirreza Hassani
A program to manage wages to employees and exit from the company
Simple RSA Encryption by Annita Fyrstenberg Andersen
A simple RSA Encryption system where you can generate keys, encrypt and decrypt text.
My Diary by Wayne James
A diary is a place where you record events, experiences and other personal things that interest you. You can write about whatever you like, free of outside judgment or criticism.
Blackjack Card Counting Trainer by Petros Lamprinidis
A web application for training on card counting for Blackjack.
Balance and Expenditure Analyzer (B.E.A.) by Florian Nyffenegger
A comprehensive web application designed to provide a holistic view of one's financial health.
Rock, Paper and Scissors by Ananya Gupta
Rock, Paper and Scissors is an interactive Python version of children's favourite game with the flexibility to play indefinitely.
MovieApp by Cristina Vrabie
MovieApp is an Android App to search and save movies locally, using IMDB API database!
Athkarok by Abdalla Sayed Ahmed Abdalla Sallam
The project is a web App where users can read Muslim Athkar
STEM Center Heatmap Web App by Vincent Ruan
Interactive Web Application that visualizes data gathered from a tutoring center.
OpenAI Bot by Lorenzo Indiano Confortin
OpenAI Bot allows users to access the capabilities of advanced artificial intelligence technologies right from a Discord server.
First aid training by Alireza sharifi
the code i provided is written in HTML and CSS and is the foundation for a website about First Aid Training.
Line Following Robot by Shihan Embuldeniya
This robot is programmed to follow black lines in a white colour background using a sensor by analysing the sensor values.
Finance 50 by Benjamin Green
Finance50 is a website made to allow the users to track their expenses and income.
Game Level Helper by Nadzeya Shpakouskaya
This simple app helps to manage the game process of card board game.
Robot to convert text to voice by Erfan Asli
A robot that converts text to voice. A robot that gives text and converts it to voice
WX50 by Mondeep Srikant
WX50 is a weather website programmed by javasscript accessible in all devices.
Family CHATroom by Sabina Sarca
Family CHATroom is a web application that serves as a dedicated chat platform, allowing family members to easily exchange messages
Manu's Chat App by Manusvath Gurudath
Welcome to Manu's Chat app! This is a lightweight chat app which you can easily run yourself by running `npm run dev` and visitng port `3000`
Hospital management program Java by Paniz Azarnia
Back end program for hospital management written in Java.
MWAKALELI H/C by Amani Gerald Lupenza
Hospital website that allow users(hospital staffs) to manage hospital announcement.
The Carrot Chef by Darren Tan
A webpage that is design to help user find recipe and plans for their daily meal.
Hacking Light by Ihor Kryzhanivskyi
Turn-Based, ASCII styled video game about spaceship fights, built with Unity 3D engine and C#.
Password Manager by Matheus Goncalves de Oliveira Machado
An easy-to-use password manager with encryption for secure password storage.
Raining Words by Shahil Ahmed
A simple game where the player has to type out the words that show up on the screen quickly.
iStruktura by Jerry R. Marte Jr.
iStruktura is a web app where Civil/Structural Engineers and Civil Engineering students can use to design structural members
Store Stock Management System by Vishak Senthilkumar
A database management system for stock of a store
Hotel Booking web app by Atanas Peshev
Hotel management manage rooms, rates availabilities for specific dates. Clients/guests make reservation/s. Reservations are displayed in Reservation tab in admin panel.
Slowth by Walter Adalberto Medrano Ruyán
A Chrome extension that reminds you when to slowth (take a break from working).
INFINITUS EVE ÆTERNAL by Lucio Gabriel Fonseca
Early Learners Reading Test by Heather Harris
A web based application of a purely fictitious test to help Diverse Learning Teachers identify learning difficulties such as dyslexia in very early readers.
Tie and Veil by Ban Mozahim
This project is designed to make it easy for the brides to search for a suitable venues, hairdressers and flower shops and choose what is suitable for them to reserve
Pylarm by Clyde Gedrick S. Mendoza
An alarm clock made using Python, including a GUI interface with tkinter.
Exploring LED Array Animations with Arduino and C Programming by Guillermo Jose Velutini Wit
I explore the coding of animations using an Arduino Uno board and a 32 x 8 pixel display.
Bulk Search by Keenan Howard
An android app with a searchable database of all of Bulk Barn's products, and their corresponding id numbers.
My design portfolio by Simona Vargas Paraschivoiu
I've recreated my design portfolio using HTML, CSS, Python, SQL, Flask and Jinja templating.
James Harden Fans Page by CHAORAN WANG
The website will be used as information website for James Harden fans.
Online School Management System by Mus'ab Farouq
MyProject is about Online School Management basic module. It has student,teachers , classes and subjects data handling operations.
"Прокат туристичного спорядження" - it is name of my website touristic equipment by Mykola Samaniuk
Website for booking touristic equipment
Helping Al-Quran memorizers strengthen their memorization.
To-do List by Mahdi Falahati Foshtomi
To-do list project for manage your todo write with nextjs framework by THODORIS KOKKONIS
Gym Equipment Online Store Overview This project is an online store for gym equipment. The homepage, named "HARVARD HTML", features a navigation bar with Bootstrap 5, a container with JavaScript and Bootstrap 5, which displays a message informing customers that orders over $69 receive free shipping. There is also a container that says "Welcome to our site" and introduces the gym company as being founded in 2023, offering a variety of gym equipment. Another Bootstrap navigation bar with the heading "Explore Our Store" allows users to navigate to different sections of the website. A toast appears on the screen with the message "Click here to sign up." If the user signs up, the toast directs them to "SignIn.html", which is a container with a login form. If the user logs in, the data is sent to the database, and Flask Python code is used to handle the POST request and respond with the message "Congratulations! You just logged in." Similar functionality exists in "SignUp.html", which is a sign-up form. The data from both the login form and sign-up form are stored in the same database but in different columns. The website also features two products, "Bench Press" and "Dumbbells", each with its own product code, image, and price. When the user selects a product, they are taken to a corresponding HTML page, "theo.html" for dumbbells and "2nd page.html" for the bench press. These pages have a "Add to Bag" button, which, when clicked, takes the user to a "bag.html" page where the selected product is displayed in a table along with an "Explore" navigation bar that has a sign-up button and links to other products. If the user hasn't signed up or wants to add another product to the bag, they can do so. If they click "Buy", they are taken to a form where they need to fill in their address, postal code, card number, etc. This page is called "payment.html". Once the form is filled out, a pop-up message appears expressing congratulations on the recent purchase. The primary functionality of the website is implemented in the Python file "", which contains app routes, database inserts, render templates, request forms, etc. Each page also includes photos.
CalisthenicS50 by Lars Mannich
A website to track your fitness, especially calisthenics training progress with.
Bahay Aral by Hans Queja
In Bahay Aral we aim to provide Filipino K-12 Students with materials that they can use to help themselves delve deeper into their lessons and interests!
CS50 final project - English dictionary (diktionary) by Habilu Abubakari Abakuri
A web online English dictionary by Vihanga Ramesh Wijesooriya
In this website you can reserve your turn for hair dressing for a nearby salon
Data set analysis with python by Caroline Marieken Bönisch
Analysis of a dataset with prediction models and neuronal networks with python
Survey Master by Aco Vidovic
web app is used fA web app for creating, managing and sharing online surveys.
Geosurvey web map application by Agata Pełka
This is a web application for conducting a geographic surveys.
Taichung Restaurant Recommendation by Tzuting Huang
First, crawl Google Maps restaurant data with Python selenium. Then, use restaurant data for recommendations by food type.
Random Song Generator by Dylan Crone
Takes a string as input as a random seed and generates a short musical clip with melody and bass components.
SnapShot by Alagala Yadhu Vamshi
SnapShot is a photographic website featuring a collection of images from photographers around the world.
Danzel's CS50 Portfolio Website by Danzel Gempis
A portfolio web page demonstrating skills from various programming languages.
SaveMyBacon by Rodrigo dos Santos Silva
A webapp that allows you to monitor any website and be notified when it goes down.
FundsFlowBanking by Justin Perera
An online checkbook with many features to help users keep track of their transactions.
Cheque Mate by Tvishaa Prabhu
ChequeMate is an app that can be used to calculate tips or split the bill amongst upto 20 people.
Dices by Guilherme Souza Gomes
Dices is a web application where users can join virtual rooms, chat with your friends and roll a dice for any game.
Game Screen by Tony Melo
Project for uploading videos of a soccer game with the best moments and score.
Scientific Calculator by Arezoo Parvazi Haghighi
This is a simple scientific calculator made using CSS, html, js.
Introduction and download guide for Python by Emadalddin Amanifar
Introducing the Python programming application and introducing some examples of libraries. Python installation guide and download link
On-campus recruiters by Rajat Raj Sharma
My project On-campus recruiters make efficient use of all the 5 tables .
Kalman Filter Applied to a Boat by Ben
Unscented and Normal Kalman Filter and Applied to a Boat Simulation
calculator by sed amiralialavi
We can give this calculator and the operations that are performed can be selected such as multiplication and addition and division and subtraction and it gives the correct answer to take from them and help us to easily do all these tasks and Let's do this summary of the last one. It was my project and I hope to meet you
Photo Gallery Web App by Tiago Emanuel Leitão Tomás
An online gallery where someone is able to display his/her photography work.
Backlogger50 ( by Devrim Caner ÖKDEM
Backlogger50 is an app for back logging video games, which is made with ReactJS and PHP.
MedInfoSearch by Neema M John
A search-based website, that can be used by common man for searching symptoms and getting correct diagnostics.
ChatBot for WhatsApp with PyTorch by Gustavo Santos de Paula
This is an AI to answer messages in Whatsapp.
Crypto PortfolioX by u.vignesh vetrivel
It is a portfolio website for crypto with main and futures trade.
SkyCRM by Andrey
The project is a CRM system for a friend of mine, which allows to store and update customer base and notes on communication with customers.
Grinding Gear by Nícolas Brandão Rodrigues
Web application for tracking and analyzing online poker players sessions.
piano_practice50 by Chong Kah Hian
Upload two audio/video recordings to get a pianroll video comparison of both recordings.
Python Weather app by Muhammad Khizar Adnan
My project is a weather app that provides accurate and up-to-date weather information.
Probability Simulator by Megan Morris
This site allows users to explore 4 different probability problems with interactive elements.
Monster Slayer Test/Demo by Michael Caine Hale
An Zelda styled RPG game about fighting monsters and going on quests!
How to beat addiction by Abdalla Abbas Mohammed Abdelrahman
an online guide on how to overcome addiction
ChatGPT Chrome Extention by Nico Lutz
This is a extension for chrome using chatgpt to have your own ai-chat always with you.
Tera's Maze Adventure by Sarina Sanaei Masouleh
Guide Tera (avatar) through three levels of a maze Scratch game.
Blogz by Thomas Westhead
It's a blogging website for people to post their own or look at other peoples blogs.
Pokemon tracker by Rob Winkelmolen
A web based application that allows you to track your caught Pokémon.
MTG Deck Builder by Andrew Koning
Search through the entire Magic: The Gathering cards and save individual cards to add to a deck.
Kevin Bacon Connections by Bailey Dalton
Script output the length of the shortest path between an actor and Kevin Bacon.
SciNET by Tiago Alvarez Calderon Newton
A web app that allows users to upload their scientific papers and view other users' papers too. Ultimately, a place for sharing knowledge!
Trekr by Robert Oesterreich
It is an educational app that will tell you about different areas of the world.
Thai Banknote Detection by Rajasurang Wongkrasaemongkol
AI Object Detection model that detect Thai Banknote.
Notes by John Kenneth Layba Agpaoa
A note-taking web application created using HTML, CSS, Flask and SQLite.
CS50 FAVORITE DISHES by anil kushwaha
My Project is Based on An Android Application In which users can select and record their Favorite Dishes/Meals.
Detecting Cars in a specific Area with the help of YOLOV8 model- A computer vision project by Sina Moghadari
Detecting cars in a specific area which is no park zone area
Flask Tree Database by Atahan
We can create a data for tree that are very unique and rare. And also it can be shown in the map and datas can be updated and also deleted. There are multiple choice to gather data.
My New Words by Alexander Dolzhenko
Simple web application for memorizing translation of foreign words
Cook Your Way by Chia-Chi Kuo
A specially-designed recipe website with a music timer and procedures displayed on autoplay to solve user's annoyances of scrolling pages while cooking.
"Chuyen cua Thai" website by Vu Thi Thuong
The website introduce me and help our customer to roughly estimate translation fee since I'm working as freelancer translator.
John and Nathan's Travel Agency by Nathan Ang Wei Xun
It is a travel agency website that helps users to narrow their search scope of potential travel destinations based on country, season and price range, before recommending them an optimal tour package that meets their needs.
IUT Library management by saba sheikhi
In library management, you can add books to the library as an administrator or borrow books as a user
The program is simulating a hospital's ICUs during a pandemic in a simple way.
Car racing by Henit Jain
A car racing game where you race to the finish line against a computer car.
sales_analysis_app by Thapelo Morebodi
The applications takes in raw sales data & outputs valuable sales data for business decision making
Detection of Pump Cavitation by Tiara Natasha Binte Sayuti
To detect cavitation in pumps, which are normally used in pharmaceutical processes.
Restaurant website with table reservation by Chun Sang Huen
This booking system allows customers to know which date and time slot are fully booked before booking a seat, and select the date and time slot when seats are available to make reservations. by Rosanne Zhu
This is my personal portfolio, showcasing a little about myself and some things I've been working on.
NAIOMI - Network and Infrastructure Management Interface by Tom Chaplin
Central management interface
Crypto Dump by Tunahan Yazar
A crypto app with multiple functions from guessing the price of etherium to portfolio management.
Webaker by Olha Shekhet
Webaker is a simple and helpful Chrome Extension that helps reduce time spent on social sites and improve your effectiveness throughout the day.
Web-Based application to Discover Vilnius by Julija Mosiejute
This application allows people to learn more about the beautiful city Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania
Medical Store Program by Bipul Jha
A web app made using flask, which can be used by small to medium scale pharmaceuticals.
The Lineage Project by Marcella Harris
My project is a web-based application to collect data that will be used to conduct genealogy research and build an interactive family tree.
Sx by Chi Yin Nathan So
A way for users to interact with existing database of medical conditions and their associated symptoms
Beat the Market: 2022 by Daniel Yeung
"Beat the Market: 2022" is a web application in which users can build their own portfolio of stocks and see how it performed over 2022 versus the performance of the S&P 500.
Art Ghetto Collections Web Application by David James
Art Ghetto Collections is a web application designed to enable users to purchase pictures from a range of collections.
Rebecca's Travel Agency! by Rebecca Scognamiglio
A quick website showing prices of some top destinations in both hot and cold climates!
Linktree Clone by Ruan Tenório de Melo
Linktree Clone is a web application where users can create an account, adding useful links and social networks that they want to share with public
Rock, papper scissors game! by Max Staszkiewicz
A simple terminal styled rock, paper scissors against an EVIL_AI opponent!
computer store by Sam Younesi
I created a site for selling laptops and computers where you can choose the best ones by thiticom somvongsiri
A real time product stock web portal for dropshipping retailers
Wordle - A command line implementation by Naveen Somasundaram
It a command line version of the popular game "Wordle" developed in Python.
CS50 Film, a Recommender System by Malik Gökce
CS50 Film is a web-based application that implements ML principles, specifically a recommender system, that recommends the user movies based on his/hers input.
Type Speed by Ahura Majidi
My Project is a typing speed game that is written in python language. I used pyqt5 for interface and threading module for handle threading stuff.
Logitall by Mansoor Zainudini
Activity tracker/log app for android, written in Dart using the Flutter framework.
Tesla Solar Battery by Scott Littlefield
A program that automatically stores my excess solar energy in my tesla battery.
My Reminder by Hewa Batagodage Tharushi Chathuranga Dewmini
My Project is My Reminder. From this you can add notes
PV system wizard by Mohammed Elsayed Samier Madboli
give you info and tools that help you understand PV systems
Adminine by Dũng Trần Đình
A web-based application aims to provide flexibility to administration process.
Track It by Vincent Mburu Ng'ang'a
Simple web application that lets you track your money expenditure by taking in your income as well as your expense and presents the data in a pie chart.
Number Converter by Jean-Luc Wendpanga KABORE-TURQUIN
A simple command-line utility that allows the user to convert numbers between decimal, binary, and hexadecimal formats.
Movie Streaming Search by Lachlan Keech
Find all the details about a movie you'd like to watch, including where to watch it on!
Hotel Customers Clustering Data Mining With k-means Algorithm by Mostafa Khastkhodaei Ardekani
This project involves implementing a Python code to perform customer segmentation in the hotel industry using the K-means clustering algorithm to identify and group similar customers based on their preferences and behavior.
RemindMe by Gurpreet Singh
A chrome extension, that provides timely reminders for essential activities such as drinking water, stretching, taking eye rest breaks, and maintaining proper posture.
Variable Heating by Michael Bloch-Levermore
Heating scheduler: Reduces the temperature (just a little) when electricity prices are high.
AlphaPH by Gaille Amolong
AlphaPH is a front-end website that provides accomodations to tourist/travellers in the Philippines.
MiserMe by K.CHANDU
A simple, free form budgeting / financial Flask application built using Python, SQLite3, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
wattsapp by Merna osama Mahmoud abdelazim Mahmoud ali
This project is an Android application similar to the WhatsApp application
IC 38 QUIZ by J. Jenilia Veronica
IC 38 Quiz is a Mock test web application useful for aspirants preparing for the licentiate examination of Insurance Agents in India.
A Web-Based Application using HTML, CSS and Javascript Programming Language by Akpan Christianah Effiong
The project was created to help young ladies and even adults to order for modest wears without stress.
Fast Network Port Scanner by MohammadHassan Habibi Fozonabadi
this python code scan port of any network using domain or ip address and also give user a whois of domain
Flask - Openpyxl - Excel, how color cells in HTML table and update in excel worksheet. by Juan Miguel Nunez
Conection table excel to HTML
The greatest F1 Quiz by Balmez Raul
My game is a F1 quiz which verifies F1 knowledge from the beginnings
Employees payroll by Abdul Nazeer Machingal Mannencherry
A simple command line program by using C++ (Employees payroll)
Artificial Neural Networks for Handwritten Digits Recognition by David Laborda
Programming different neural networks to recognise handwritten digits using the MNIST dataset and filters to adapt image files given by the user.
Text Planner by Parth Parikh
A daily planner website that allows the user to add tasks via text messaging.
AlgorithmicTrading by Tyler Polny
The Algorithmic Trading System (ATS) will autonomously monitor and manage your stock portfolio
It is a website: ELDERLY Mail. by Ba Thanh Phan
Basic platform to communicate with others (espicially for the elderly).
Progressive Overload by Tjark Sten Dieter Ruppe
You can keep track of your workout progress and it helps to increase the intensity of your workouts.
Gaming Wallpaper by Md Tareq
It is a chrome based extension that will randomly show a gaming wallpaper in the new tab area.
E-commerce website using React JS and Redux by Sidharth Nair
An e-commerce website that enables a user to shop for accesories and make payments for the same.
IoT - Nodework Administration Center by Justin Ritter
A Webapplication with permissionhandling to administrate IoT Devices
Task Manager: Streamlining Task Management and Productivity by Igor Resende
Efficiently manage tasks and boost productivity with our intuitive Task Manager application.
World news and artilcles by Pandem Rushikesh
Web application which displays news from all over the world and local news of the user.
Game24 (powered by CS50) by Erdogan Said Dagdelenli
This is a web application built using Flask, a micro web framework in Python. It allows users to register and login, and provides a practice mode for a math game where users have to use four numbers and arithmetic operations to get to the number 24. The application uses SQLite database to store user information and the game score.
Calculadora ENEM by Shelle Souza Borges
Calculadora ENEM is a web application via which you can calculate the simple and weighted average of your ENEM scores, in addition to saving your scores, weights of each subject, and results if you create an account. by Christopher Thom
A customizable web-based word puzzle game - play random puzzles or create your own!
Monthly Financial Analyser by Bradley Cox
This allows the user to analyse their financial performance and outputs a infographic.
Color Grabber by Sakhi Akram
Introducing a straightforward color picker extension that allows you to effortlessly select any color from your screen, access a record of previously chosen colors, and quickly copy or clear them with just a single click.
Be secured by Md. Moinuddin Hasan Chowdhury
A flask web app that includes various routes for different functionalities such as password strength checking, password generation, and Caesar cipher encryption/decryption.
Staque by Aldrin Joshua T. Bobita
Staque is an iOS based memory game created with Swift which requires users to remember a set of colors and they have to repeat the colors in the correct sequence to gain a point.
Spotify Vibe Checker by Darren Mo
Checks the vibes of Spotify playlists and recommends new music based on these vibes.
Good Dimes by Dimitra Prousalis
Full stack web application to help users keep track of balances owed between friends.
Measurement Calculator by Andrew Hanshaw
A calculator to easily add many length measurements together
Humanity Web by Ugochukwu Chizaram Omumusinachi
Saving the memories of the past and simulating the path to the future
Kitchen Inventory by Erandathee Wijeratne
A simple food inventory system which sends a reminder email before items expire.
Pythonic Website by Mohammadmahdi Bababeyk
This is a simple project that is very basic website but include some important tips of Flask,HTML and CSS.
Telegram bot in Python with a database in Google Sheets by Mikita Toukach
The bot allows you to enter the amount of consumed liquids (water, juices, beer, wine, strong alcohol) and store them in a Google Sheet
F1 News by Amogh Hari Krishna
My F1 news webpage is the ultimate destination for all things Formula 1
Wordle Solver by Rohan Mittal
Wordle Solver helps people get better at completing Wordle by The New York Times through the use of many tools.
Commercial Website by Ömer Faruk Avcı
Its a commercial webstie that sells shoes without payment system.
Dota2 Tracker GUI by Mersad Akbari
a python GUI app that uses OpenDota API to show players informations.
Poller Web App by Dhairya Upadhyay
It's a poll creator web app allows you to create and share poll and cast their vote.
Discord Dungeon Master by Anthony J. Giusti Shindelus
Discord bot to help people play Dungeons and Dragons over discord.
Keyboard Android App by Mahdiyar Sadeghabadi Farahani
An English keyboard for Android with cs50x Tehran theme
Watchlist by Julien Onorato
This iOS app helps the user to list the movies he watched or want to watch.
PUKKA WordBeater by mohamed basyoni
PUKKA WordBeater is a Typing Challenge Game. This project is designed to students to improve their speed of typing. It gives students the opportunity to select thier own level in tems of speed and therefore can proceed to the more difficult level as they proceed It also helps students to get acquainted with words and their spellings.
Report Generator by H.M. Ravindu Vimarshana Herath
Simple budget report generator for day-to-day life.
Simple Strength by Keagan Tabisher
A simple web app that provides 4 weeks of training based on Canditos Linear Progression
Do me. by Oscar Roberto de los Santos Estudillo
A tool for people that are not very orderly but want to be more productive
Broom by Mohammad Daleen
A website that offers services related to computers and gaming consoles (e.g., cleaning)
Vacation Booking Application by Akshayshastri Dodwad
It's a travel booking app , where you can show up all destination points On the home page like make my trip and gobibo. On the details page shows it's the price, rating, book your trip, and more.
Little Image Masher by Adam Newbold
Combines two pictures in a variety of ways to create a new third image.
HolidayLightDisplays by Garyth Hopkins
Website to list/find Holiday light displays (Xmas, Halloween, etc.)
Dungeons and Dragons Discord Bots by Matthew La Rochelle
I created four discord bots in order to create a more interactive experience for our dungeons and dragons campaign on discord.
Easy Crypto Watch App by Korawit Chukamneot
The cryptocurrency tracking web-application using React and Django.
Task Management System by Igor Resende
The Task Management System is a web application that allows users to create, view, update, and delete tasks.
Argo by Chiara Alberti
Argo is a web platform for public administrations where citizens can report urban management-related issues and track updates as the administration handles those issues.
Multi-VOD by Allan Cao
A tool to search for and watch multiple League VODs and take notes at the same time.
TradeBot by Simon Marius Galyan
The Trade Bot uses a 1D convolutional neural network and buys and sells stock automatically for the user. All the user has to provide is the cash and the symbol of the company shares they want to buy and the trade bot takes over. The AI predicts the best timepoints to buy and then finally sell the stock again to make a profit.
Be Able by Georges Ghanem
It is a friendly social media platform for android devices dedicated to people with special needs.
What-To-Do by Tuomas Henrikki Vesa
Web application to save and sort tasks of different categories and priority levels.
Staycation Review by Khomkrit Mok
Staycation review is a full-stack website where you can browse and compose reviews for your targeted hotels.
Nmatullah CV by Nematullah Qadiri
The project I made was made with flask and I used the template from the prepared templates, but I made many changes and changed the site template according to my needs. And I still used the sqlite database
Sales Management System by JOSE E. PICHARDO
Provide a management system to keep track of Clients, Suppliers, Orders (shipping dates, invoices, etc).
Core Web Vitals Checker: by Edward Janson
The app uses CrUX API data to show Core Web Vitals metrics at page level for a given website.
Reminders Website by Etan Mincer
Similar to an everyday reminders app where you can add and remove reminders, but it also sends you emails with your reminders.
Apuestas Qatar by Francisco Javier Páez Padró
Web app to make predictions of the scores of matches of World Cup 2022.
Fullstack Sensors by Igor de Beijer
A fullstack app, which is made for microcontrollers to send data to, which can then be displayed on the frontend.
Student Pick-up by Helen Tueni
The Student pick-up app allows parents from Brussels to share the burden of school drop-off and pick-up with other parents from the same school.
Snak Game by Milad Gashangi Agdam
A Snake game created with Python is a classic arcade-style game where the player controls a snake on a grid. The objective is to navigate the snake to eat food, which causes it to grow longer. However, the player must avoid colliding with the walls or the snake's own body. The game typically utilizes the Turtle library for graphics and user input handling. The snake's movement is controlled by arrow keys or other specified keys, and the score is displayed as the length of the snake increases. The game continues until the snake collides with an obstacle or the player chooses to exit.
Recommended location diagnosis site by Kosuke Ando
My site recommends a location which users may like.
RTSP CamViewer v1.0 by Emir Litric
RTSP CamViewer is an web based application that performs motion detection from live IP camera stream.
Online Dice roller and Coin flipper by Thanh Nguyen
A site that uses 3D model and physics to roll a coin and flip a dice
PinDiary by Ong Yoke Chin
PinDiary: "Pin, Share, and Uncover your world" is a web application that allows users to personalize their own maps. It provides a platform for users to save and organize their favorite places by adding notes and tags to their saved places.
Simple Article Lister by João Marcelo Marques Moraes
Lists and saves article modeled text into files for the user.
BFS+robotics by Sergio López Maldonado
An interesting way to mash up linear algebra, CS and robotics
Habit Tracker by Andrew Crisp
Habit Tracking web app that allows the user to add habits, track then and see their history of tracking.
MY personal Website by Nakul
This is a personal website more like a expanded version on business cards people who see this can know about me
Currency Converter by Ayush Chouhan
Converts different currencies interchangeably as per updated conversion rates
"Скачане и смятане" (Eng. "Jumping and Solving exercises") by Hristo Tsenkov Hristov
An educational math puzzle game made.
Workout Logger50 by Miko Jokela
A web application that allows users to log their workout details and view if they're getting stronger in a certain exercise.
Yahtzee web application by Lars Erik Risholm
This is a yahtzee web application with 1-4 players locally. It is made using python, flask, javascript, css, html and jinja.
VetClinic by André Rocha
Website to help veterinary doctors register and manage patient clinical history.
A Python's take on BlackJack by Matthias Chan
In Singapore, there's a popular game that we play on our annual Chinese New year. BlackJack! In Blackjack, it takes alot of time to set up, shuffle and deal the cards, so why not create a program that makes this process faster and allows us to play the game without constant disruptions. You can either choose to play with your friends(up to 4) or practice yourself by versing an AI
DwightGPT. ( by Thomas Andersen
A simple chatbot that imitates Dwight Shrute from The Office..
BookoPedia by Daksh R Kasi
It is a website where you can search for any book and also keep a track of books you want to read in the future, books you are currently reading and books you have completed reading.
Errors Made English by Kendall H. Tucker
Chrome extension that translates your most recent console error into readable English
Parsite by Nikita Profatilov
Web application for creating and discovering property-related advertisements.
CS50 Authentication by Patrick Flaherty
CS50 Authentication is a mobile application authentication interface with role assigning capabilities, developed using React Native, Expo, Expo Router and Firebase as a backend.
Schedule Optimizer by Tyler Myung
The program uses basic combination principles to calculate all schedule combinations and selects the best one.
Anand's Weather Site by Jayaraman Anand
A website that asks for a city/state(country) and displays the current temperature and other details.
EcoVille by Lavinia Ţole
Mobile application that aims to act as an aggregator for all recycling spots in Romania.
Albert's Sports Recommendation by MING-HAO LIN
Helps people to improve specific body parts by suggesting a few workout exercises.
Protein and Calorie Tracker by Kris Vincent Severino Tanong
It is a essentially a note to keep track of protein and calorie consumed per day
The Luna Moods Project by James Rice
A web app that collects information about your moods over time and displays corresponding moon phase data to expose patterns.
LOL AI Quiz by Devin Hopper
A quiz that uses an AI art generator to see how well you know characters.
Pocket Pulse by Guillermo Rene Paredes Gutierrez
Personal expense tracking web application that allows users to record and view their monthly expenses, as well as obtain a financial summary and analyze spending trends.
ShutterKey by Sergii Peshcherin
This is a web application written in a flask that parses information about photos posted by the authors on the photo stock marketplace called In particular, it provides photo search by description, dynamically shows the keywords and descriptions of selected photos, and copies the selected keywords to the clipboard.
Maiava Store by Juan Manuel Ganancias
It is an e-commerce solution with a web store and an admin app.
Two-Player Children's Game by Emily Cannon
A two-player game in which players cooperatively collect lunchboxes and avoid poop.
Poster Scraper by Rafael Vitor Galvão de Andrade
A website that you can check out all the posters of your favorite artists and includes filmographies and biographies.
Calculator by Rojin Farjad
My project is actually a calculator that has the ability to perform multifunction and division, addition,etc
Connected Security System by François Cordaillat
An hardware-based application to lock or unlock a door remotely, using a smartphone.
It calculates equation of line in form y = mx + b given 2 points.
Niskayuna Science Bowl (Niskayuna Summer Invitational) by Arjun Rangarajan
Working website for tournaments run by Niskayuna Science Bowl.
My poem Website by Fasanmi Oluwatomileye
This is a website created using HTML and CSS which consists of buttons, links to other webpages within the website and websites from the contact.html file.
speech_recognition by Mohamed Salah
The app converts a wav audio file and transcripts the spoken words.
Gerry’s System by Vincent Bartuch
My project helps a local used car dealership keep track of their deals.
Android: To Do List by Charles Malachinski
An Android App that allows users to store and delete items from a to do list on their mobile device.
IT Ticketing app by Alexandru Gabriel Tomescu
App for users to send tickets to an IT department to be resolved.
Introduction lorestan province by Majid Morovvati Joee
Website for introducing the scenic and ancient areas of Lorestan province (Iran)
Studymate by Alfonsus Rodriques Rendy
Online learning platform that help student find resources and inspiration to learn.
Dictionary Webb App by Samson Lukman
My project returns the result of a word searched for by a user.
URL Sortener using Python and Flask by Vinay Pratap
Simple URL shortener web app, which shortens your links and stores them in a database.
CS50 Movies by Tang Jing Hui, Chloe
This project is about finding movies, creating lists, and making connections between users.
task_calculator by salsabil tarek
It is a calculator that adds two numbers, multiplies them, subtracts them, or finds the division, and the result appears in its own part. Decimal numbers can be used
Task Manager by Tihomir Manushev
This is a task management system built with Laravel 10 and PHP 8, allowing users to create, update, and manage their tasks.
Pokemon by Leonard Richertz
A Pokemon personality test, that determines the best starter pokemon for you based on your identity.
leagueHelper50 by Nikolai Shcherbinin
Look up your 20 last matches in League of Legends with some fun statistics, unique to my app!
Carpooling Match by MERYEME BENNIS
Carpooling Match: Revolutionizing after-school commutes by connecting parents for efficient carpooling in Rabat, Morocco.
Grocery Deli by Partha Dutta
An ecommerce platform with one customer side app and one client side app
Password Vault by IGOR RIMES DA SILVA
Offline password vault with encrypted database and random password generator.
My project is a web page through which you can create your own account and log in to it, thus registering your personal goals, and then it will be in a state of waiting or processing, and when the goal is completed, you can modify its status as completed goals
Beach-reviews by Lorenzo Marcelo Maiolino Molento
A web-app where you can help people choose their next beach destination with beach reviews made by others!
Sorting algorithm visualizer by Frode Bergstedt
Compare different sorting algorithms with each other
A Word Guessing Game by Mohammad Qataadah Zakir
Java program that prompts the user to guess the word correctly within 6 chances
Final Project(context Manager,OS module,ErrorHandeling) by Mobin Yaghoobi Moghaddam
We have a text file called files_in_python.txt. We want to read the content of the file and modify it data and then modified content in a new file named files_in_python_edit.txt
MealMind by Sun Ze Dong
Melamine is a fun, educational and interactive iOS app that teaches others to eat mindfully and be healthy.
Movie App by Chez Middleton
A movie app that allows users to search for movies, and view daily trending movies
BC Tides by Michal Sirton
BC Tides is an app that displays high and low tide data in both a table and graph and works for any location in British Colombia, Canada that has a Department of Fisheries and Oceans Integrated Water Level System station.
Hold'em Hand Wins Calculator by Alessandro Ceserani
Calculate winner of a Holdem round from user input of cards, or generate random Holdem rounds and show the winner. Written in Python.
A simple tuition website by Chua Boon Hsuan
A website that collates bookings for tuition sessions which eliminates the hassle of having to remember tuition lessons.
Password_Manager by SERDAR BALABAN
the power of Python and JavaScript to revolutionize password management.
Percent Composition by Ryan Beck
Finds out the percent composition of an inputted element from another inputted compound.
Matrix Calculator by Joao Victor Pimentel Rodrigues
My project is a matrix calculator coded in C that that does operations with matrices (determinant, transpose, multiplication, triangular, etc).
R Enterprise by Rheya Gala
My project is a template to a fully functioning shopping website that I would like to create in the future
Translate_wav_to_txt by Seyed Mostafa Ahmadi
A program to translate English to Persian from audio to text.
Country Crammer by Struan Sturrock
A country info app, that displays data fetched from various APIs.
Best Value by Mohamed Ahmad Abdel Fattah
It's a tool used by purchase management to get the best value aka "price, supplier and quality, just in time".
Mess by Roland Ciupageanu
A simple desktop program that manages temperature measurements in excel format
Your organization page by Lucas Schnelle
It is a homepage which is designed to keep track of your everyday organization!
My-Task-Manager by Richard Gichuki
A web application built with Flask and SQLAlchemy to keep track of all your daily tasks.
Dewey Decimal Searcher by Patrick Orave
A way to figure out what the Dewey decimal on a non-fiction book means.
employee by Parwiz DAQIQ
Its an employee CRUD we can easily add data , delete , edit and clear all data .
Diaream: A Virtual Diary to Write Your Dreams by Rumeysa Gelgi
Diaream is an online, account based diary application for people who want to keep a virtual diary that they can bring to and access from everywhere, instead of a handwritten one.
The Color Inverter by SAMARTH PATANKAR
It inverts the colors of a webpage to enhance the browsing experiences of those who want to save power and/or have a different look to their tabs.
Personal Financial and KPI Tracking Dashboard by Eduardo Royo Mas
Dashboard that shows my key financial information and other relevant metrics, through key performance indicators and visualizations
Devices DB by Przemyslaw Kalicki
A web-based application that allows to store and manage devices information
Pixelator App by Patrick Bruso
Python program and GUI that allows you to load an image and turn that image into pixel art.
A Flask web application designed to manage and monitor student attendance using QR codes.
Gestionnaire de Note by Fady Gawargios
A french web app using Flask that allows teachers to login via google account, create classes, add students, and upload their grades.
Chatsy by Jeanpaul Andre Fernandez Prado
Chatsy is a web-based chat application that enables real-time communication between multiple clients in a chat room environment.
The Lineage Project by Marcella Harris
My project is a web-based application to collect data that will be used to conduct genealogy research and build an interactive family tree.
CS50 Final Project by Mohamed Farog Ibrahem Mohamed
CS50 Final Project is a web-based application using JavaScript, Python, Flask and SQL
PortalPal by Kyaw Zin Htet
PortalPal is a React application that allows users to explore the fascinating universe of Rick & Morty.
ColorPicker by Janek Kletke
Chrome extension that let's you pick a color from a website (e.g. from pictures).
Cambia's Software MVP by Nicolas Oyague Santolalla
A web application to manage users, products and clients with different user roles.
Prime Factors by John-Ove Kjemphol Verkland
A Python GUI app that calculates prime factors and displays cute images and fun facts
Knapsack by Mohammad Mahdi Ali Hoseini
The aim of This project is to optimize the knapsack problem using genetic algorithm
Mango Bot by Si Dan Daniel Lam
Getting the most recent updates of manga chapters from MangaDex to Discord (webhook))
Cycling weather by Mantvydas Liobė
App that suggests is it nice to go for a cycling trip and suggests what to wear or take.
Temperature Controlled Fan by Abu Bakar Imtiaz
Fan increase/decrease it's speed according to temperature
Afford It by Sade Onitiri-Coker
A web application that allows users to track their financial inflows and outflows whilst calculating their balance and add items to a wish list to see the proportion of their balance it would cost.
Calculator.html by Collen Hapureni
This is a simple calculator application built using the tkinter library in html, css and javaScript. It provides basic arithmetic operations and some mathematical functions like cos, sin functions, subraction, and Addition.
T&H Tracker (Training and Habits Tracker) by David Granada González
Track daily exercise routines and healthy habits such as drinking water, stretching, meditation, etc.
The Cocktail Codex by Gina Costanzo
A website to track ingredients you have in your home bar and tell you what cocktail recipes you can make with those ingredients.
Smash Score Keeper by Tyler Lee Williams
My project is a mobile app, written in Kotlin with Jetpack Compose and Material 3, that allows the user to track statistics from Super Smash Bros in order to see who is the ultimate fighter.
My Paintings Web site by Tina Haji Abdollah
Web site designed by HTML, CSS, AJAX jQuery, JavaScript.
Weather app based on Api by Amir Hossein Naeemi
This project is a weather program using Api from the openweather website.
Penguin Coders Chat by Azaharul Rashid
If you collaborated with 1 or 2 classmates, provide their github usernames here. Be 100% sure.
The 1 to 100 Squares Game by Nicola Fantin
A puzzle game where you need to fill a board with squares
tic-tac-toe-game by tayebe hashemi
The aim of this game is to create three identical symbols in a row horizontally, vertically or diagonally.
Google site design with HTML / CSS language by FarzinKargaran
I am Farzin Karaghan and this is CS50X Tehran. This is my final post about designing a Google site using HTML/CSS language.
Progress Tracker by David Gatea
This web aplications is used for tracking students progress or activity of an highschool or university.
My Games Library by Leticia Monique Vasco da Gama
A Gaming library for sharing with friends and social media.
Calculus Calculator by Felipe Pereira Heitmann
A derivatives and integrals calculator presented as a WebApp using python, streamlit, sympy, numpy and matplotlib.
Portfolio Website by Mussarrat Khatoon
Mus Data Analyst Portfolio is a website that showcases the work and projects of Mus, a passionate Data Analyst from India.
Exploring the World of Programming Languages with Eber by Eber Chaves Rabello
A website that combines learning and entertainment to show you the importance, diversity and creativity of programming languages and their history.
Finance Tracker by Paolo Miguel Castro
A finance tracker where you can track your net worth and how you spend your money.
Docgen by Rodrigo Pyqui
A simple python program to create automated Word documents based on a template and an Excel data file.
How To Beat Addiction by Abdalla Abbas Mohammed Abdelrahman
A short guide looking to help people overcome some types of addiciton, implemented as a simple web app
Britte Elisa by Britte Elisabeth Drenth
a web based application including a gallery with products, log in, log out, register and a contact form as it's main functions!
Quiz Creator by Savin Ionut Razvan
A web-based application where users can register to create quizzes, play quizzes and generate new quizzes with random questions from database.
Impossible Trivia by Jack Snyder
It's the hardest 5 trivia questions you'll ever attempt (and fail).
marsgarden by Lindsey rogerson
A game where you can buy plants and grow them on mars where they're affected by real mars data.
Harvard CS50 Final Project (Chrome Extension) by Atharva Jitendra Dumbre
Chrome extension built in with color selector using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. With just one click you can easily select and capture your favorite color from any webpage.
Stock Analysis for Value Investing by Eric Smith
This tool allows the user to input a company’s ticker symbol, check the current price, and compare the current price to an estimated “sticker price” for the company based on value investing theory.
Bus Express SG by Ng Xuan Yi
Bus Express SG is a simple, no-frills application that allows users to query details about incoming buses in Singapore by using LTA Datamall's API.
university system by Abdelrahman Sayed
It is a university system to help students and university staff and describe the university
Pick Sword, Kill Slime by Eduard Bryan P. Rivera
A simple top-down action game where you pick up weapons to kill your enemies with.
KEEP CALM AND WORK HARD by Gustavo Silva Ribeiro de Carvalho
It's a pomodoro to increase your productivity and reduce stress.
Game of Life by Maksim
A web-game that allows you to invest, buy lottery tickets, marry/divorce, apply for jobs and colleges, and compare yourself to other players.
My-Task-Manager by Richard Gichuki
A web application built with Flask where you can keep track of all your daily tasks
Lacavore (IOS App ) by Solomon Ray
Locavore is a mobile application designed to promote and facilitate the consumption of local food
stream jam by Viky Wahjoedin
a dark themed, responsive web apps to allow people to watch youtube video in sync
CS50 Website Sharing by Jayden Quang
My project is a website where you are able to store links to interesting websites.
TaskStation by Ahmed El Sayed Mohamed Boraei
A web Application for tasks management with multi users.
TrainMe by Siarhei Rakitski
TrainMe is a web application designed to help coaches and trainees connect with each other.
Progressive Overload by Tjark Sten Dieter Ruppe
You can keep track of your workout progress and it helps to increase the intensity of your workouts.
Automation of Boring Documentation by Christian Varlese
The program creates a formal Word file from different Excel sheets
Go Go Go! 2D Platformer Game by Arif Faisal
A 2D Platformer game where you avoid the obstacles, and enemies to make your way through the finish line!
AutoEstate by Isaac Chester
My project formats real estate data in a way that is easier for people in the real estate industry to scan through.
My personal portfolio langpage by Fernando Francisco Azevedo
My personal portfolio site. Can be viewed at
Watch Project by Rick van der Mee
A watch made using a HDSP-2000 dot matrix display and WS2812b RGB LEDs
PizzaVision by Gabriel Aleixo
PizzaVision is a mobile app that uses computer vision to help you keep track of the frozen pizza you like.
best value by Mohamad Ahmad Abdel Fattah
It's a tool to help purchase management to choose the best available price.
Musicfy by Mahmood Hassan Abdulrazzaq
the web app that has the potential to revolutionize which is Musicfy.
EXPMometer by Guilherme Ramos Coelho
It calculates the average per hour of experience points gained by the player
Lottery assistant by Aram
The assistant helps you to choose numbers historically less drawn in the lottery
Movie Search by Lucio Quevedo
It's a web application developed with React where you can search any movie and add them to a favourites list.
Chill Quadra Game Station by Raghav Pillai
It is a four into one game that is quite interesting to play
MY FINANCE by Putu Steven Belva Chan
A financial website that write down your income and expense for business and personal use
Gabriel's personal collection by Gabriel Zotti Zanatta
A place where you can display the pictures you like, as in a gallery
Music Now by Mustafa Dhameer
The project is a music website featuring events, music lists, and latest music videos.
Pastelly by Diaa Hanna
Pastelly is an open source of the famous site it allow users to share pastes very easily.
meta by MohammadHosein Shakiba
meta is your go-to tool for performing comprehensive meta-analysis across diverse fields.
Furlock Bones: Consulting Dogtective by Owen FitzGerald
Help Furlock Bones uncover facts about animals for his friend.
Python Game of Life with GUI by Jan Maurycy Uszko
Inplementation of Conway's Game of Life in Python with GUI.
Collab Editor by Sehajdeep Singh
This is a collaborative editor application that allows multiple users on a local network to edit files together in real-time.
Reachability Preserver Finder by İsmail Alperen Öğüt
The program finds reachability preservers of directed graphs on given number of vertices.
Cookbook using JavaScript, Python, and SQL by Nedas Urba
A Cookbook web application with different features.
Rapid Game Clicker by mohammad nazari
this application automatically doing rapid click in the game for one shot weapones
NASA APIs by Daniel Gallegos
My NASA APIs website retrieves astronomy photographs and natural event information from two of NASA's Open APIs, namely APOD and EONET.
BABYSteps by Julia Bartczak
It is a web application where you can record information about your child.
Pinged by Michał Rybakowski
Pinged utilizes unreliable layer 3 Internet Control Message Protocol to transmit arbitrary data.
Nano-Google by Andre Taiki Mestieri Shiguematu
It inserts a cute interactive character into google pages
Instagram Post Cover Generator Web App by Soheyl Farzane Roodpishi
create captivating and personalized Instagram post covers without the need for Photoshop
My Shopping List by Md Sazedul Haque
A chrome extension to add product to your wishlist from various e-commerce websites.
Powerlifting Records Holder by Lucas Awad
One of my passions is powerlifting, and recognizing a gap, I decided to create a dedicated space for it. Welcome to my powerlifting website—a platform designed for you to meticulously track and update your lifting achievements.
Focus Mode by Andrew Larkin
A chrome extension that helps that helps eliminate distractions on the web.
City Index by Kaamel Al-Qawasmeh
A search tool that allows users to query for cities around the world and see relevant information such as population and coordinates, with a hyperlink to each search result on Google Maps. It also includes login functionality so that users can see their search history.
Hey Gitmo by Eric Christian Shoch
Gitmo solves the need for entertainment by answering all your questions (in a slightly sarcastic manner)
Pazaak50 by Jorel Lemes
Pazaak50 is a Flask-based remake of the Star Wars Card Game, completed using Python, JavaScript and SQL.
Who built the pyramids ? by Seddik Messaoudi
Explore the craziest conspiracy theories about the pyramids of Giza!
CS50 Family by Lam Ka kei
This family management app includes a family calendar and a shared shopping list
Health Tools by Thiago de Jesus Aguiar Alves
Health Tools is a web application that allows individuals to keep track of various health-related information.
Window and Door Quotes by abidhiaf majdi
Window and Door Quotes,' a web application designed to revolutionize how you get quotes for your windows and doors
An Extension for google chrome by Mahdi Maghsoudloo Mahalli
An extension for Google Chrome with html and css programming languages
Portfolio Website by Bogdan Otava
It's a portfolio website which showcases the skills I accumulated during this course.
calculator by Parniyan Mehraban
my project is actually a calcutlator that has the ability to perform multiplication and division,addition,subtraction, etc
This project is a interesting game which called RPSLS and you can play it many times . To start you have to sort some numbers from small to large, that the program prints.
MedConnect by Jayarathne Pathiranage Dumindu Sandaruwan Jayarathne
MedConnect is an Electronic Health Records (EHR) System integrated with an Appointment Management System
TravelTally by Irina Kogai
TravelTally is the app that helps you easily track your expenses while travelling in different countries.
gabriel's personal collection by Gabriel Zotti Zanatta
a place people can display the photos they like
Hotel Management System by Shahab Tahir
this is a hotel management system where you can add search delete update data of customer
API Testing with Flask by Tom Payne
Building and deploying a basic web app built using python/flask.
Links Tracker by Prayansh Sukhija
This is a useful Chrome extension that can be used for tracking links with a clean and a simple UI, easy to use, easy to manage.
A chrome extension using JavaScript by sarina sadat mirmohammadi
Easily bookmark a timestamp on any YouTube video page
Section Size Rationalisation by Seif Fahmy
Using machine learning to improve the efficiency of structures.
Country Capital Flashcards by Bryan Diffo
each card contain a question on one side, and the answer on the other!
Monopoly Calculator by Jacob Medici
Simulates a user-determined amount of rolls that follow the Monopoly rules.
Friends Forever by Jean-Pierre Klöcker
My project "Friends Forever" is a webapp dedicated to fans of the popular sitcom "Friends".
balancing gst2b by Tushar Kamboj
It is a Balancing app which has been made using python and python libraries pandas, openpyxl and database sqlite3. It can be used by Chartered Accountants in India especially to file GST returns.
World's Hardest Racing Game by Corey James Harnwell
A hard racing game where every 10 seconds it gets faster.
Pickleball Play Ball by Thu Deo
A pickleball game simulator written in Python and executed in the terminal.
Quotess App by Uras Rızaoğlu
Quotess App is a IOS app which shows a quotes from books and etc with every tap on screen and also push notification due to users preferances.
Daily Too Do by Ayşenur Hepgüven
Sign up for my brand new to-do list website, which features three tables for jotting down your plans in the morning, afternoon, and evening, allowing you to easily stay organized and on top of your game with our user-friendly platform.
Dogs & Cats by Nazzariy
My final project is a website that allow the user register donation of pets and get donation from the others people (adopt). The user can also delete your register, see your registers and selected donations to adopt a pet from de other people
Quiz Web Page by Amirali Ahmadi Ghavam Abadi
a quiz that review your knowledge of what have you learned in this course
CS50 Mail by Parshv Gandhi
I have developed a CS50 Mail, an email website that enables users to efficiently manage and send emails through a user-friendly web interface.
DevSkills by Luca De Angelis
Returns a list of most important skills to have for a desired job position
Your Task Buddy by Faiz Sampat
A web application using Python, Jinja, Flask, SQL, and HTML to help team members create, distribute, and manage tasks to support the completion of their projects
Where Got Water? by Chew Jiahui
A website that helps people find nearby water coolers in the NUS (National University of Singapore) campus
Pull Up RPE by Alvin Cheung
Pull Up RPE analyzes your pull ups to see if you are training hard enough.
Reminders Website - Stay Organized and Never Forget a Thing! by Myat Htet Ko
Reminders Website - Stay Organized and Never Forget a Thing!
Λc^2 by Bufan Zhao
Two programs that obscure Chinese characters so that they cannot be recognised by chat filters.
website of lorestan province by Majid Morovvati Joee
The final project is a website to introduce the sights of Lorestan province.
Table management app by George Kalliakmanis Danassis
It is a Java app that allows the user manage tables and orders
Star Wars Minifigure Database and Manager by Markus Wurm
My Project is a tkinter-based Python application designed to manage (Lego) Star Wars minifigures using an SQLite database which can be filled by the user himself, the Database stores Minifigures in various Categories like sw-Number, Price etc.
Bruhlog by Gerard Gandionco
A social blogging application where you can share your thoughts with the world
This platform fulfills the functionality of optimizing the time in which the requests are made by the students and those in charge of the process of obtaining them. It is a very interactive application, since it offers a friendly and easy to understand interface for students and platform administrators, and it contains many features that facilitate the process for administrators.
Notifier by Pedro Henrique Angelo Pessoa dos Santos
Notifies sends webhook notifications to Discord about incidents on GitHub
Fitness Online by Mohamed Karim Balla
Website for users needed online workout programs to do workout from home and provide them with healthy recipes.
Gucci Poet Universe by Solomon Allen Wilbur
A musical artist's web application created with python and flask!
Vigenere Cipher Encoder by Antônio Cristóvão Kipper Filho
The program performs Vigenere Cipher encoding and decoding given user inputs in console.
Game Library by W.M.I.W.Kushan Eaman Thilakarathne
Web Application from Flask, Java Script and HTML about game library to check details and image
MOM'S ONLINE SHOP by Pavlo Davydenko
I made online shop for my Mother's embroiders pictures with satin ribbons.
Where shall we go? by meraj bokharaei
It is a tourism service site where user could see information about some nice places and buy plane and bus or rent place.
A restaurant program with c++ by Mohammad Hossein Shamlou
A restaurant program for modifying the menu, taking orders, viewing the highest purchase, and more can be developed with C++.
PetMed Registry by KONG, Kyle Jason
PetMed Registry is a project that provides a centralized database for storing and managing pet medical records.
LocalEat by Rawand Almukarker
A platform that allows consumers to buy fresh and high quality produce from local farmers, which reduces the environmental damage.
Comprehensive system of artists - Laravel by Sadegh Radanipour
A platform written with Laravel, for artists where they can register their information and artwork
Simple Recipes by Abdul Wajid Khan
Simple Recipes is a web application through which we can see different recipes for many dishes/foods. In addition to this, we can also upload our own recipes and present them to the world.
Movie Blog by Nathan Wichmann
Movie Blog where users can sign-up, create, edit, delete and read blogs they created and other users created as well.
Client-Server tic tac toe by Shaurya Singh
A tic tac toe game that uses client server methods and tkinter.
Spaceship Titanic Prediction by Thomas Nissen
ML model that predicts survival of a passenger on the Spaceship Titanic
finance management by abdallah samy
ig is a web app via which you can manage portfolios of stocks. Not only will this tool allow you to check real stocks’ actual prices and portfolios’ values, it will also let you buy (okay, “buy”) and sell (okay, “sell”) stocks by querying IEX for stocks’ prices. This Implement a website via which users can “buy” and “sell” stocks . i have used HTML ,CSS, JS, PYTHON AND SQL
Project "Snake" by Kulikova Kira
My game is in the Python programming language using the pygame module.
Website AbbasAGH by Abbas Ghiasabadi Farahani
My project is a website about myself and the CS50 course I have attended.
Stock-In by Raynard Beckford Freeman Williams
Stock-In is a web-based application using Javascript, Python, and Sqlite.
Simple by Antônio Carlos Becari Júnior
A simple, interpreted programming language. It's very easy to use.
Website AbbasAGH by Abbas ghiasabadi
My project is a website about myself and the CS50 course I have attended.
Trade City by Mohammad Zeinolabedin Fard
Make a good trade for Traders in Crypto with Calculator and history transaction and see the markets
Critic Matching via Critic Top 10 Lists by Moses Farley
Designed to match users to critics based on 10 favorite films from the past 10 years.
Readit by Renata Andriušienė
This application is designed to help users track their reading habits and manage their book lists.
Skill log by Gustavo Nogueira Mendes
Take notes and don't foget which activities have you done to learn.
Model hotel booking system by Sumith S Tantry
It is a model gateway through which we can book hotel rooms
Bookshelf by Marco Vossen
Scan barcodes of physical books in order to list them for sale on marketplaces.
Cyber Express by Benjamin Xiao
A train-based puzzle game where you pick up passengers and drop them off at specific buildings.
CS50 schedule app by LUCAS HARADA
the project is an perfect app for an fast and simple way to organize the user's daily tasks
Identify your inclination by Abbas Abdollahi
A fun and interesting and funny game to detect your tendency
How Machines Learn by Matthias Stollenwerk
My project How Machines Learn is a web-based application that demonstrates the process of machine learning using a regression line.
React Website with Styled Components by Geovana Gomes Grigorio
React website using styled components and React smooth scroll. The website is fully responsive. The website is fully responsive and we will be using React Hooks and React Router for this project. The main sections are reusable components that you can customize and reuse anywhere on your site. React website using styled components and React smooth scroll. The website is fully responsive
Good waste ( by Paulo Eduardo Nogueira
A Forma mais simples e fácil de descartar ( reciclar) um produto
Bulls and Cows game by Nemanja Vuksanovic
A fun virtual game of the famous Bulls and Cows board game.
WHOIS Query by Ömer Faruk Doğan
The WHOIS query tool developed with Python is used to obtain information about internet domain names and IP addresses. With this tool, you can retrieve important details such as the owner, registration date, and expiration date. It is a useful tool for web developers, network administrators, and security experts.
NOTECIA by Abdelrahman Tarek Abdelmoez
Web application that creates notes and saves them on the database
Favorites by Valentina Arango Low
A webpage to vote for your favorite artist and your favorite song from a shortlist.
Bookworm by Shaurya Mantrala
A web application which allows readers to set goals of books to read, reach their goals, give reviews on books they read, and find other books read by other members.
ChatGPT Chrome Extension by Kavyansh Sharma
It is a Chrome extension to use the ChatGPT on any website.
Winnie: The Robot Car by Muhammad Khizr Sheikh
Robot car using an Arduino Uno Rev2 WIFI and a Tamiya TT02-D chassis.
Spongebob Login Form by Amir Shoeibi Omrani
It is an attractive login form inspired by SpongeBob cartoon.
co-lingo by hassan aoutof
it's a language learning browser extension to help regular readers pickup new vocabulary of their chosen language while browsing the web.
Great Job Resume Builder by Buse Mengen
Great Job Resume Builder is a website where the user can craft their resume and also achieve resume section tips.
fire at a moving target by Ilan Tal
Improvement on week 0 Scratch game, used to teach my grandaughter programming
Running Man Web project by Mehrane Samadani
This project is a webproject to introduce my favorite show "Running Man" . I hyperlinked the cast name to their google profile page so you can look them up easier and also i hyperlinked the refrences at the end of each page. In favorite episodes page you can submit your favorite episode or any other comment(there's a text box down there).
Hocance DB by Ayumu Uchiyama
Hotel search Website specializing in the "Hocance", which is japanese trendy style of refreshing
Digital Wallet by Tanmay Nerurkar
Digital Wallet is an application that can be used to keep track of expenses of multiple users independently.
Store Manager! by Mohammed Taherali
This application helps retailers to manage their store and products
Private Pilot Logbook by Mario Graf-Schantl
A Logbook where private pilots can document their flights.
EVE External System Overview by Alessandro Cotrone
A third-party tool for the space game EVE Online.
Java Poker Game by Vaios Tsialkoutis
It is a command-line application in Java for playing Poker (Texas HoldEm)
Pokémon Type Trainer by Annalena Sowietzki
Pokémon Type Trainer quizzes users on Pokémon type's various type advantages and disadvantages.
GitHub Edge by Hatem Yasser Ahmed Mahmoud Soliman
Star Wars Personality Test by Santiago Locati
Web app that performs a personality test (based on the OCEAN test model) to determine which Star Wars hero is most like the user.
FreeLearn Android Application by Rayhan Muzaffar Shaikh
It is application where user can free course link and certification also.
Rock, Paper, Scissors! by Brian Bronzini
A simple webpage that allows you to play Rock Paper Scissors against the computer in your browser
Sports Registration Desktop Application by Omojuwa Olufemi
A desktop application which allows students to register for sport competition.
Senator Stock Data Parser by Noah Fisher
Parses all senators/former senators periodic transactions for content related to stocks and puts the content into a csv for anyone's use.
E-Sports Tryout by Jason Kahei Tam
Players compete in three games to be in a e-sports team on a webapp made in flask with Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and SQL.
podcast site by Mahdi Fotohi
This is a static podcast site designed for podcast enthusiasts in Farsi
paroteen by Olivier ITANGISHAKA
ParoTeen is a social network website which is designed for legal acts and to increase means of communication globally and in institutions; a user minimum age is 13 years old.
weather forecast web application by Kensuke Sasaki
Display weather status any point you chosen on map.
Relógio digital by Tatiane dos Santos e Silva
My project is a digital clock, the app also contains a notepad where, in addition to seeing the exact time, the user can make notes.
Listify by Chai Jia Xin
this app serves as an efficient tool for tracking tasks. I develop this app using Python, JavaScript, SQLite3, Html & CSS.
OneTwoThree Lectures by Rafael Henrique Vieira dos Santos
It is an app where you can create lectures and people can get enroll with.
Bet picker by Toke Meier Carlsen
It is a Python program that finds the best bets from the FIFA 2022 world cup.
CS50 Fleamarket by Aditya Khandelwal
The website, CS50 Fleamarket is an online platform where users may list and buy second-hand items.
CS50 Project(gmail)/ GOOGLE Mail by VAIBHAV NARAYAN
i have created an email tranfer user interface using flask,html,python,SQL etc, i was insired by the GOOGLE mail and week 9 (finance).
sig-in-app by Alexandru Badragan
A sign in app to be used as a layer for any app which requires sig in
Physiotherapist webpage by Juan Manuel Recalde Vocos
Web page for a professional physiotherapist with user and admin templates.
CS50 Project by Ayodele Akinola
It's a fully responsive site for educational purposes It is responsive on tablets phones and PC you can send messages for the admin of the site which you saw with the help of formspreee
PowerCut-Schedule BOT by Sachira Dewanmin Vidanage
Web service that will notify you about the power cut times for each day via a WhatsApp message
Shopping System by Alireza Lashkarbolooki
In this project, I plan to have a program in the console environment to manage goods, customers and agencies.
News updates using Telegram Bot & Selenium by Nikhil Muzumdar
Get updates from multiple websites into your phone as a telegram message!
Telegram apps: by Azamat Abdurasulov
Weather forecast bot in any city and country
ASoIaF Web Dice Roller by Constantinos Demetriades
A web based dice roller for the ASoIaF miniatures game
Cake budget by Ana Paula Galarreta Asian
It allows the user to create a budget by entering their income, expenses and goals.
FitHub by Jayden Valera
A webapp where a user can track their workout data and see progress over time
Horde Survival by Jonathan Le
An infinite survival game where you try to survival as long as possible by buying upgrades from previous runs.
Financial Tracker by Nikita Silakovs
Financial Tracker will help you track you income and expenses in order to be always accountable for your financial situation!
Emoji Maze by Izak Daniel Cancino Palestina
Solve a lot of randomness mazes of emojis to train your brain in a Chrome extension game. by Carlos Juarez Diaz
Here you will discover new recipes according to your tastes and needs
ASSIS by Ahmed Mohamed EL_Telbani
The project is a web application that organizes time, increases productivity, and controls daily tasks and entertainment, according to well-known systems.
Mind of CEO by Lucas Bubner
A GUI-based 65+ endings adventure game in Flask and Jinja with auto-save.
Nigerian House Price Prediction by Caleb Adinfono
The project is a webapp for estimating the price of houses in Nigeria
Movie Recommendation by Namratha Shettigar
Can get any movies ratings and overview just by searching them in search bar.
Minesweeper AI solver by Shubham Singh
It is minesweeper but with an inbuild AI solver which can play the "perfect" minesweeper game on its own.
Finanto by Laurens Eydems
Finanto is a website built to help small business owners get a better understanding of how their company is doing financially by analysing their company's report with 18 financial ratio's.
Couples' Vacation Planner by Jochen Blesch
The web-app helps keep track and manage a couples' annual leave.
Searching information for Basketball teams by Seam Sami
This project is a web app made using Flask and Python. It was made in order to end the CS50's Harvard University Course. The main objective of the website is to scrap data from the balldontlie API (NBA data). The website has many functionalities like: Search information about the players and teams; Search for games that already happened or are about to happen; Search for the stats of each player on a season or game. The project contains 16 HTML files, 1 Python file, and 1 CSS file. During the development of the site it was used Bootstrap in order to leave the webpage a little more aesthetic.
Grade Manager with Notion API by Jonas Schwarzbauer
a web app that uses the Notion API to display exams from a database
MyCardWallet by Giovanni Lunetta
An online wallet for collectors to add, store, and sell their cards.
Random Quote Generator by Ayda Haydarpour
Generating random quotes from the database, using Python, Flask, SQL, HTML and CSS.
A Comparison of Sorting Algorithms by Patrick Fleming
This is an interactive web app that facilitates comparison and testing of various sorting algorithms.
AnkiCards by Polina Skuratovets
Web-based solution for efficient organization and management of Anki cards. Improve your learning experience with ease.
Wikipedia API data visualator by Teodor Anderson Altafulla
Outputting graphs from given countries inout
MY HOME by ameer mazin
in my site you can post you house, apartment or land for sell and you can see the others if they post any items to sell you can aslo upload the photos for you items, you need to register as user with the site in order to post your item the normal people only can see the items that shared in the website
ApricusEdu by Javad Ismayilzada
Website for helping struggling, underprivileged students with school curriculum
Tangram by Hervé Wendling
The project is a Tangram game where you have to reproduce a shape with 7 pieces.
Simple Video Game in C by Bruno Tekić Sauerborn
It is a pong game made in C from scratch. Nothing but C and SDL library was used in the making.
Google Calendar by iman abbassi
Google Calendar, and automatically tells you the departure time. It simplifies the process of adding a new event and checking the departure time.
Yard Water by Jeremy Kuehn
Real time rainfall data to determine supplemental watering needs based on grass type.
Davinci List by DUSHIMIYIMANA Davy
DAVINCI LIST is a user-friendly web app designed for creating and managing grocery lists. It offers customization options, real-time updates, and collaboration features, making grocery shopping efficient and stress-free.
Console Calculator in C++ by Joel Kovar
A simple console calculator written in C++, which makes use of sqlite.
About My College by Rawan Samy Abdelhamed
It's about the college and its departments, and it's about the agronomy department in particular.
CumLaude by Amma Konadu Adjei
A web application that allows a chemical engineering undergraduate student to set a target CWA for every semester.
website graphic designer by Golnaz Toghieshghi
This site is designed for graphic designers, which is done with html, css, php, javascript language.
Movie Recommender by Juliano Orlandi
It is a web application that uses a machine learning algorithm.
Hisn Almuslim Mobile App by Mohamed Magdy Shayboub Ali
It is an mobile app based on flutter cross platform that Fortress Of The Muslim (Hisn Almuslim Azkar & Doaa) contains alot of azkar that muslim needs in his day and in dealing with people.
The Game of Trust by Le Ngoc Tram
A remake of the sandbox mode of The Evolution of Trust by Nicky Case, with some modifications.
Dermapedia by Gabriela Pessoa Gomes
A practical, reliable and unbiased source of skincare information.
Senti is the Best! by Lok Xin Yi
My project is a chrome extension, where Senti has taken over one's Chrome browsing experience!
ToDo App by Anjali Sarin
This project is a Web App using Flask and Python, where individuals can track, prioritise and manage tasks to be done.
Team Fit Challenge by Guillermo García Álvarez
Web application for cooperative challenge participation
Void Translator by Milad Khormaee
A console program that translates everything you type into Japanese
Language50 by Tiago Bastos Moscon Micco Puntel
Language50 is a Web Application designed to assist English learners in acquiring and developing their vocabulary.
CS50 Font Changer Extension by Milad Taghizadeh
This is google chrome extension that changes the whole page font to Vazirmatn/Roboto.
Radiation Oncology Patient Management System by Souransu Sen
A web-application designed to manage patient data in a Radiation Oncology Department
Major Events Log by Florian Bethke
An App to pull and visualize GitHub Commit Date with the possibility to add manual entries to the frontend.
Bella Exclusiva Fashion Budget by Sofia Bracho
Web based application that calculates a fair Budget for tailor-made clothing according to the difficulty of manufacturing.
Quality by Irina Ribeiro Bernardes
A Python application that determines the right size for a quality digital or print reproduction.
Dominoes: A Command-Line Game by Claudio César Claros García
A Command-Line Dominoes Game in which you'll play against some kind of an AI.
Furcoated by Devanshi Sharma
platform for open source information to facilitate foster care of pets in need
Wiki Quiz by Kyle S
A quiz that gives the user a randomly selected summary of a Wikipedia Article with key info redacted and asks them the guess the correct answer. by Sivadharshan V
It shows the Table Reservation and Login database in Google Sheets using Forms.
Let's Buy Together by José de Jesús Miramontes Gómez
Groups/couples can open a savings account, add money and vote for the item, they would like to buy next, together. while keeping track of money flow.
Board Game Tools by Tischer, Ralf
Support for board game players with an implementation of a module to randomly draw a start player.
PCM Server by Nick Chirumbolo
Stream the audio input from a Mac OS device via a simple web interface.
AndroMyography by Abbas Mahdiyeh
plotting patients nerve and muscles signal in mobile phone via bluetooth with EMG Module
Weatherapp by Dimitrios - Marios Amvrazis
A small weather app that offers a personallized experience to the user
Computer Vision || Dr. Strange Filter by Pabitra Banerjee
This is a computer vision project using python and 2 python libraries OpenCV & mediapipe . I've created a beautiful Doctor Strange Magic Ring Filter .
Technology Website by Flask by Mohammed Omar Ahmed Elgaily
Technology Reviews, Articles and Products Offers
CHROME YOUTUBE EXTENSION by Nirav Maheshkumar Shukla
An extension to activate caption and bookmark youtube video's timeline
Corner Hair Salon - Book your appointments! by Julian Ordaz
This project allows a user to book an appointment for a salon
CG Dashboard by Tim Stapel
A dashboard (another dashboard?) that provides insight into the development of collections on the cultural heritage platform CollectieGelderland.
Bucket List by Archisa Biswas
The Bucket List web application empowers users to create, manage, and achieve their personal goals and aspirations, providing a seamless and intuitive platform for personal development and success by leveraging database integration into this application as well.
static site generator by david lopez
this python program will convert any markdown files in a directory to templated html creating a nice yet extremely simple website
Discord Bot: Cheems The Doggo by Duong Nam Phong
Discord Bot Cheems offers funny interactions and games!
LXG Fantasy Football Website by Noah Dickson
Website for information and year to year operations for my main fantasy football league.
Purchasing Search by Jeffrey Shaw
Searches through multiple excel files and sheet tabs and compiles the information into an html page
Vocabulary-List-Friendly Word Checker by John Yee
Cross-references each word from an input string to a word list!
Splitwise tools by Javier Delgado Carbajo
Web app that extends the features of Splitwise, an expense-sharing app
ClientSchedule by Jaejun Shin
A person who deal with clients appointment can organise their schedules with this app.
Expense Tracking Application by Alexander Baumgartner
Helps users to track and visualize their monthly expenses.
Email Messaging App by Benjamin R McCain
I have created an email messaging app using Javascript, Python, and SQL.
Discord Channel Bot by Justin Tan Min Shi
The project is a discord bot that adds a few functions for channel users to use.
The King's Contrarian by Nathanael Kennedy-Leroi
A website for a school newspaper dedicated to highlighting the current affairs discussed on my degree.
React App/alirpto Api by Ali Motahari
I designed an attractive project, of course, it is very simple
Motiv8 by Jerald Chew
Chrome extension sends notifications containing motivational messages at a regular time interval
A piece of Persian history by Reza Jahanshahi
my project is a webpage that includes a part of my nation's history and I made it with flask and html.
Safari by Nebiyu Abdu
A Journal writing app so you will have your own biography written when your old
To-Do List by Ali Sidawi
To-Do list is a Chrome extension that allows users to add tasks by entering the task name, duration, and note
Money Bags by Jasper Davis
Web application that serves as the central hub for all personal financial information.
Baranjam by Mohammad Amin Foruzan
A simple planning web app based on to-do lists that provides you with analytics and statistics and you can set and achieve your goals
space race !!! by Amir Hossein Sadafi Torbati
A race between a cat and a robot in space to reach the sun and earth with Scratch
Random Recipes by Jiayi Gao
A website that generates random recipes, users can contribute and favorite recipes
My own website by Parsa Mohammadpour nami
It is my personal website that i created with html, css, js and flask or django
CS50's Digital Diagon Alley by Nivaan Nitin Vedante
It is an imaginative scenario if Harry Potter's Diagon Alley was entirely Digital !
Synchronous Machine Dynamics by Devinder Kumar
An engineering application to determine the stability of a synchronous machine when the machine is operating in a system represented by a reactance connected to an infinite bus.
Resource tracker by Sergio Santano Valero
A simple way to gather and update your resources while playing your favourite role-playing game with friends
Space X Falcon 9 First Stage Landing Prediction by Milad Iranpour Mobarakeh
Space X advertises Falcon 9 rocket launches on its website with a cost of 62 million dollars; other providers cost upward of 165 million dollars each, much of the savings is because Space X can reuse the first stage. Therefore if we can determine if the first stage will land, we can determine the cost of a launch. This information can be used if an alternate company wants to bid against space X for a rocket launch. In this lab, you will create a machine learning pipeline to predict if the first stage will land given the data from the preceding labs.
Attendance web app by Thu Olsen
a web app via which user can enter their name and location for attendance.
CoC Character Sheet Generator by Daniel Clements
A generator to automatically calculate statistics for a character in the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game
The Ravensun Web App by Nikolai Letshev
Website for an imaginary cafe of a non-standard format (with the possibility of holding events, workshops and repairing jewelry).
Amazon Mini by Dulith Kuruppu
A mini version of a website which provides a very similar service to that provided by Amazon, focussed mainly on building a sophisticated back end.
Hand Gesture Mouse by Vraj Thakkar
Using a Webcam and python to detect hand gesture to replace physical mouse.
JOBFINDER by Jean Carlos
My final project is a website that allow the user post job positions to appear at the mainpage of the applicaion, and search for jobposition with specifics keywords.
Descriptive Statistics by Sedigheh Danesh
This program was written by Python in PyCharm. It is about descriptive statistics and draw a plot.
Gamify by Leonardo Batista Moreira
Gamify basically uses of game mechanics and features to engage, motivate behaviors, and facilitate the learning of people in real-life situations, making dense content more accessible materials.
Fighter Planes by Mohamed Mosilhe
It is a game in which you have to survive collisions with enemy planes and achieve the largest number of points by destroying them and passing many levels.
Echoes of Triumph Database by Trevor Drudge
A searchable web database that stores pdf files of songs my grandma wrote.
River Invaders by Marcelo Camargo
Game implementation based on classic arcade games River Raid and Space Invaders using Pygame Zero framework.
The Coffee Catch by sakthi janaki murugan
A lot can happen over coffee. So this creates a space to hold coffee memories.
Medds by Nima Niazi
A reminder app for your medications which can also show you the results based on user input
AI model for handwritten digits with PyTorch by Peter Derkx
Building a Neural Network of the MNIST digits dataset with PyTorch
To Do List App with User Authentication and API by Hui-Ru Hu
A project that can help you reduce your mental load by just brain dump all your to-dos!
SWT - Stop Wasting Time by Balazs Meszaros
Set how much time per day you can spend on specific websites
Bridging Communication Gaps: The Public Post Initiative by Agha Ahmad
Public Post is an open platform for public to post a news.
Comic Reader Flask by Abdul Mateen
This is the final project I made for cs50 course. This is a comic reading website with basic CRUD operations to CREATE, UPDATE and DELETE comics that can be read by users visiting the website.
Hangman by Ishrat Ashraf
In this project, we will use the random module to make a word-guessing game called hangman.In this game, there is a list of words present, out of which our interpreter will choose 1 random word. The user first has to input their names and then, will be asked to guess any alphabet. If the random word contains that alphabet, it will be shown as the output(with correct placement) else the program will ask you to guess another alphabet. The user will be given 12 turns(which can be changed accordingly) to guess the complete word.
KEYREVEAL makes it easy for everyone to enjoy giveaways to the fullest by keeping track of the status of the keys.
ws-persian-calendar by Alireza Mohamadi Kordkheili
there was no persian react calendar which support ranges and shia holidays, so I decide to develope a complete flexible tailwind based calendar with react
Green Warriors by Natasha Savulescu
A fun, interactive web application which aims to promote sustainable attitudes around waste and encourage recycling.
Inspired by CoolMathGames, Run! is a a skill game that is enhanced with qualities like timing, fast-paced gameplay, and having to figure out the route in a puzzle-like fashion.
Yes, you KANJI! by Michael Werker
An application that helps you to study and review how to read and write Japanese.
Timetable by Tobias Brötz
Timetable is a flask based webapplication which can be used to generated timetables based on userinput.
Weather And Geolocation Info - CS50x Project by Rasool Vahdati
In this project, the user can easily view its information by entering his IP address. The user can also find out about the weather condition of his desired city by entering it.
Implementation of step-by-step visualisation of adding and deleting values in a pyramid by Nastia Mazur
This simulator shows a step-by-step visualisation of adding and removing values in a pyramid.
bugtrvcker by Tristan Evert
A web based tool for software developers to track bugs in their projects.
Scuba Diving App by Cyril Alain Loïc Pierron
This app is a scuba dive calculator to help prepare for a dive especially at depth, created for educational purposes.
Purchasing system by Okoro Sunday
a system that helps you to buy goods in a supermarket if you have sufficient money
Online Journal by Laura Pinter
Online journal is an online journal on which you can record daily journals, look up past entries and analyze your past entries to keep track of your work-life balance, mental health and personal and pysical development.
To-Do & Diary App by Efe Gürdamar
To-Do and Diary app to track your progress, and write your thoughts throughout the day.
Character Generator by Abay Rysbek
D&D character generator made in python using OpenAI & ClipDrop API.
BOOL - The Bike Pool App by Satvik Pathak
My project helps the user to bike pool with others in nearby area.
Cable Finder by Serge Fréchette
A web-based application designed to help you keep track of cables, adapters, chargers and other dongles.
SAH (Search analyzer and helper) by Lazar Djokic
This web app, named SAH (Search analyzer and helper), implements the Flask web framework with the Python library Beautiful Soup to get data from websites and save them in an SQL database. Registering, logging in and out is implemented, and search history is accessible if a user is logged in.
investment and portfolio tool using python by Felipe Leiva
Python code that, at first, will allow the user to randomly view 10 stocks from the Chilean stock exchange to identify investment possibilities. It will display updated information of the stock through a graph.
TRIVIA! by Dana AlNabulsi
A trivia website based on an open API that generates random customizable questions.
Worker by Alexey Rozhkov
The main problem that this application solves is to transfer the documentation into digital form and simplify the interaction of employees, bosses and accountants with each other.
PLC Traffic Light Program by Tobias Johnson-Hulse
A programmable logic controller circuit with a home-made traffic light program.
phpTWDP by Uğur Yıldırım
About Get traceroute, dns records, whois GRS, port scan information with php
Budget Tracking App by Marija Havaic
This is a budget tracking app which uses a bank document in csv format to show current balance, total spending, balance trends and spending trends.
Cyber Run by Mariia Razoronova
CyberRun is a runner mobile game with the goal of collecting coins and purchasing character skins and upgrades.
Next Shop by Lev Leitckii
Online shop created with Next.js, React and Prisma (and with modern design)
PickMeME by Rana Abd_Elrahman Sabry Abd_Elrahman
It is a website that helps people decide what to cook based on what they have.
Color Validater by Asal Etaati
A Color Validater for front-enders or learners who wanna know more about color codings(a command line argument by using c)
Crawler by Téo Fontana
My project is a terminal-text graphics dungeon crawler made in Python with curses, meant to emulate games like "Rogue."
RCKD: Ranked Choice for a Kinder Democracy by Stacy Pollack
RCKD is a web application to support a new apolitical movement, RCKD: Ranked Choice for a Kinder Democracy.
DOGS & PETS by Collen Hapureni
My final project is a website that allow the user register donation of pets and get donation from the others people (adopt). The user can also delete your register, see your registers and selected donations to adopt a pet from de other people by Patrick Szydlowski
Begiftable lets you browse lists to save your favorite products and make buying decisions.
Travel Track by James Huppler
Your perfect travel companion and journal! Travel Track lets you keep track of what places you have visited in the world, when you visited and helps you plan the next place you want to visit.
SurfShack by Karim Ouachemi
web-application to help surfers remind, comment, add descriptions of their surfboards.
Terminal Portfolio by Tyler Limoges
A website to use as a portfolio with an old school vibe, using github and AWS Amplify as a CI/CD pipeline.
Awesome Learning Resources Web App by Abdelrazek Alaa-Eldin
simple react web app for listing a collection of Learning Resources.
Projectile Motion Simulation by Jamil
An interactive Python projectile motion simulation featuring real-time tracking, adjustable parameters, and educational tools.
Running List! by Annalydia Rodriguez
Running List! is a web application that allows users to keep a running list or stores and items.
Workout Planner by Edgar Morales
Fitness app that allows fitness beginners to view, organize, and track exercise progression by using a organized checklist containing exercises and tutorial links.
2048 by Sean Kwon
My cs50 final project takes the popular web game 2048 into the python terminal window.
REP by Jorge Sistac Plaza
REP is an application to see what's the cheepest hour to use your appliances to let yoou save as much money as possible. In REP you can see today's hourly electricity price. You also have a menu with different tipes of appliances where you can select one and type the hours that you use it per time and the times per day, so if you use 4 hours per time your washing machine and 2 times a day you only have to input that in the application and it will show you the 2 best 4-hour blocks where we would spend the less amount of money.
The Potato Web (personal website) by Ana Rueda
A public website to display my projects and portfolio.
Technical Analysis by Tsegay Merhazion
intro to technical analysis and demonstration using ta-lib pattern-recognition of companies in S&P
Tweet50 by Gowtham Selvam
Tweet50: A simplified Twitter app, emphasizing essential functionalities for a straightforward and intuitive social media experience.
Jomalert by Armand Calara
A price checking web application that references and checks data daily from the website
Finance Calculators Web by Marcello Deidda
This webpage allows the user to calculate their interest on an investment or calculate the amount that should be repaid on a home loan each month.
Simple sorting schemes by Danyil Hlodynskyi
Sorting is the process of arranging data according to a certain criterion, which is necessary in many areas of activity.
Helper Oi by Pieter Cardillo Kwok
a tool in the form of a chrome extension used to help reduce human error and increase efficiency for my work as part of a sales team
EnglishGame by Kyounglee Lim
It will serve as a website to introduce my academy and provide valuable resources for learners.
soccer_lineup by Conor O'Mahony
Helps youth soccer coaches ensure all of their players get equal playing time.
CS50 News Scraper by Tang Wai Nam (Lawrence)
It utilizes web scrapping and ChatGPT to summarize the top 10 Google news of your interested topic
Home Automation app by Rolf van den Breemer
It's the one App that ties together my home automation, wife and kid-friendly (to be) by Carlos Juarez Diaz
Aqui descubriras nuevas recetas de acuerdo a tus gustos y necesitades by Quan Do Minh Phan
Hear Harmony is an ear training web app that helps musicians improve their relative pitch.
TAKI Mail by Amirali Takian
An email app in which you can send, receive, read, reply emails and view the email details.
Split Expense by PRAGY NARAYAN
The aim of this project is to build an application that will help friends and family to split and manage expenses for a common goal. The application helps to keep track of expenses by a group of people. The goal of this application is to keep track of expenses and help users to organize group bills for monthly spend, trip etc.
Sudoku Solver with Integer Programming by Nicolás Jesús Mafla Checa
This Python project is an automatic solver for any SUDOKU by seeing it as an integer programming problem with the help of PuLP library and integrating it into a web application developed with Flask
Inspiration Creator by Jaitse Veeman
Create a randomized MIDI file based on your note, scale and tempo.
SimplyOrganize by Gary Emmanuel Hilares Chávez
A simple yet powerful calendar with the exact features to organize yourself.
TIC TAC TOE AI bot by andrew adisaputra
a tic tac toe game, complete with an AI bot that will is impossible to beat (without cheating), implemented using minimax algorithm.
XO game by mehdi samiyan
Tic-tac-toe is played on a three-by-three grid by two players, who alternately place the marks X and O in one of the nine spaces in the grid.
House Brokering System by Abel Zemo
House Brokering System eliminates the time, money, and energy spend by the stranger looking for houses for rent.
Trivia50 by Yann Berruer
A website where you can create questions and answer other user's questions.
MyBooks by Sami Akkila
MyBooks is an online library website that allows users to store and keep record of books and novels that they read/want to read.
Dumbash A.I by Muhammad Taha Munir
Dumbash A.I is a voice-controlled virtual assistant capable of performing tasks, opening websites, playing music, and engaging in conversation using natural language processing with the help of the OpenAI API.
Postfix Expression Solver by Roxanne Ysabel Resuello
A C program that uses doubly linked list to evaluate postfix expressions from a file, and writes the results in an output file.
Archaeological database and GIS by Anton Strokov
Database of samples and settlements with table and map visualization
Audio Operations by Laokratis Dimitrios Giannoulis
An electron program that lets you perform various operations to audio files.
Auto Slicer by Simon Bäckström
Auto Slicer is a Python GUI application designed to split up long audio files into smaller slices by detecting silence.
New buildings in Lviv by Kulyk Volodymyr
Website with ads for the sale of real estate in new buildings in the city of Lviv in Ukraine.
Face Recognition App by Héctor Gutiérrez
This app allows users to detect faces in their link-based images.
Stopwatch and calculator by Mohammad Alipour
A stopwatch that saves records and a calculator that calculates the algebraic operations of multiplication and division and addition...
CS50 final project - social media app by yousif saif
a social media app where you can like dislike comment post see you profile and others profile share
Ubicame UA by Sandro Gamonal
Aplicación donde alumnos puedan ubicarse en el campus de la universidad Autonoma del Perú
Walpole Bay Swimmer's Website by Tom Carmichael
A website for sea swimmers who use the Walpole Bay Tidal Pool in Margate, Kent.
2022 FIFA WORLD CUP PREDICTIONS by Bruno Canna Brasil Motta
Web App to calculate the probability of scoreboards for each game of the World Cup. by Alexander Dimas
The program takes user input, performs a simple arithmetic operation, and displays the result.
Let's Do Brunch by Heidi Fryzell
Web application to create a brunch event and add guests and their dishes to the brunch event.
Living Dreams by Nqabenhle Mlaba
A web app to help people learn from other people who have walked the same journey as them.
Business Management Portal by Dominic Spence
A portal in which users of a business can add, view and manage jobs in one convenient location
Sudoku Game by Iago Muñoz Rodríguez
Sudoku Game web app with standard game mode and a sudoku solver.
TERM LEARNER by Thomas Al-Suliman
A web application that allows you to master the terms you want to remember
Currency-Arbitrage by Yury Pravdin
A program that takes in crypto market data and identifies arbitrage opportunities for low volume pairs
Word Wizard - A Chrome Extension by SAFINAT FAHAD ABDULAZIZ ALAMRI
Your Daily Vocabulary Companion for Fun and Learning
Airfoil Selector by Gerrit Jacobus Loubser
A Python program to assist with performance based selection of airfoils for low speed aeronautical purposes, using a wind tunnel test database (the UIUC LSAT).
Tennis-Flask by David Mallock
Website for a fictional tennis club where members can book tennis courts
Duck store by shrooq ahmed mohamed
website shows you what can you find and the prices of those items in duck store
Yield Calculator by Mikhail Shuvarov
Calculator for calculating investment income depending on the term, tariff, and amount of investment
Wave portal on Ethereum by Ignas Aničas
Web3 wave portal on Ethereum TestNet where you can wave at me and perhaps win a small reward!
quot-E by Ian Freda Hariyanto
A text processing web app that cleans up your kindle e-book highlights txt file
WORLD WAR III by Leo Gun Yoon
A unique version of the classic card game war, coded in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Vitis Vinyard & Winery by Emre İçöz
The project is about online wine shopping. You can create yourself an account, browse the wines and buy.
Student Management System is based on the concept of managing student information. Before stepping into the main menu a user has to pass through a login system to get access, then the user can manage student information by adding, updating, removing, viewing and searching for details. This mini project contains limited features, but the essential one.
Chrome extension by Rasoul Hesami Rostami
My final project is a chrome extension that you can learn more about cats and search for your favorite song lyrics
SelfEcho by Aya Dehhaoui
The SelfEcho app is a powerful tool designed to facilitate self-reflection, mindfulness, and personal growth.
Autostart by Arman Khaleghian
this script for loop of a program when your application or script close this script send msg to your whatsapp and run script or program again.. you can develop this script for more feature and change future ;)
Prediction Diary by Boyan Blagiev
Validating of predictions, made by different sources and evaluating their success rate
Plants Grow Here by Justin Brown
A horticultural blog page, where creators can post articles to help farmers worldwide.
GameList by Bradley Sparks
A media watchlist to keep track of the games a user is currently playing.
Sorteador Inteligente Lotofácil by Ramon Souza Santos
A tool (developed in Brazilian Portuguese) that draws numbers for the federal lottery (Lotofácil) in Brazil.
Parameter Comparison by Abdullah Ibrahim Abulazm
A web app that allows drilling engineers compare the drilling parameters an up to three wells from a sql database.
Java Currículum Vitae Generator by Gonzalo Cabezas
Java tool to generate professional Currículum Vitae's, with a User-Friendly GUI (Graphical User Interface) using Java, Java Swing and LaTeX
School Telegram Bot by Mohanad Badra
Make studetns and teachers get easy and fast to the important data of them
Flutter shopping website by Yousef Saleh
a simple shopping website made suing Flutter and Dart connected to firebase database
NeuroDate by Brendan James
NeuroDate is a dating app with a difference, that promotes your difference as a solid foundation for truly getting to know someone.
NICU Calculations by Layla Krauss
A Flask web application that allows users to calculate the nutrient content of infant formula (or fortified human milk) feedings based on weight and total volume intake of patients.
Notes maker by Yashas rao k
Web app that lets you create,store,view on demand and delete notes with security of password needed to access notes.
Spotify Search Bar by Audrey Santoso
A console application that mimics a search bar by using Spotify's API to perform data manipulation of songs, artists, and album details.
Virus - 2D Arcade Platformer by Charalampos Papadopoulos
A 2D Arcade platformer, inspired by rage games.
Movie Voter by Garrett Woodson
A website that helps groups of people decide what movie to watch together democratically
Read by Feddane Chaïma
Read is an Android mobile application that allows users to discover new books based on their interests and preferences by searching a category.
Impossible Platformer by Alexandru-Valentin Mutulea
First level of a hard skill based platformer game.
Augusto dos Anjos Bot by Mariana Navarro
@botdosanjos is a poetry Twitter bot that posts poem excerpts from the Brazilian poet Augusto dos Anjos.
Introduction to programming with python by Anwar safi
This project is an interactive shell providing the user with three games
Telegram Timetracker Bot by Nikolai Chernikov
categorize and track time spent on projects in Telegram
Smart Home Automation by Abdelrahman
This project aims to create a smart home automation system that allows for easy control
Rock Paper and Scissor Game by Fauzan Amaan Mohammed
Its an offline simple graphical video game where you play against the computer
CLID by Gustavo Evaldt Justo
CLID is a Python program that allows the user to upload/download, files and folders to/from Google Drive directly from the terminal.
Legato, a Flask blog for classical musicians by Mattia Beccari
My project is a simple Flask blog to help classical musicians prepare their auditions
Dis-Anime by Abdllah Bin Hatheem Ali
web Application help anime fans to find anime name and details of anime using photo only!
Rent-O-House by Shreyansh Das
Rent-O-House is a housing Rental listing website which connect rental hunters find the right property and helps them connect to their owners.
BMI calculator /BMI Statistical Questionnaire by Fateme Jafari
It is a simple website that calculate your BMI and also used for BMI Statistical Questionnaire
Volume control with Hand detection by Mahdi Amini
This project is about voice tuning using hand recognition and is written in Python programming language. Opencv and mediapipe are used. This program recognizes the parts of the hand and adjusts the volume between the thumb and index finger. By reducing the distance between these two fingers, the sound volume decreases and by increasing the distance between the two fingers, the sound volume increases and in this way the volume can be adjusted and controlled.
CoolLED Spectrometer Calibration Verification by Evie Cox
The CoolLED Spectrometer Calibration Verification application is a Windows PC WinForms application written in C# which is used to verify whether a spectrometers power calibration is still valid or not.
Webpage for a research lab group called "Precision Surface Drainage" by Sagar Regmi
It has navigations on information, people, and registration options for alumni of the research lab
Game Recommender: Gamer Insight by Sohaib Ahmed
Gamer Insight is a user-friendly game recommender app. It suggests games based on your favorite titles and the preferences of similar gamers/users.
a web-based application using JavaScript, Python, and SQL (" by Laimis Šilkaitis
It is a reliable and useful everywhere product.
Public Post - Open & Free News Platform by Agha Ahmad
News from unreached is still a big challenges. So close the gap we created Public Post. Public Post is an open and free news platform, to share user post for the general public. Where anyone from anywhere can post an article, which is intentionally communicate or otherwise intentionally make available to the general public.
Final Project Selection by Mohamed Mosad Kamal
my project a web application allow both students and teaching staff to make the process of students final year project selection is easy and simple for student and easy to prepare for the teaching staff.
Travel Diaries by Gunti Rohitha
Travel diaries is all about keeping a track of all your journeys and experiences.
Sorting algorithm visualization by Mostafa Usama
A program to visualize some common sorting algorithms
Color Pallet by Dibakash Baruah
It's a Flask web application where users can create and save colors in database
FINAL PROJECT III by Stefan Kwasnitza
"FINAL PROJECT III" is a simple, procedurally generated platformer with rudimentary character progression tied to it.
Call System IT by Ricardo Alexandre Barcelos de Souza
My project is in this simple project we will show you a tool that can be used by IT technicians to open tickets related to software and hardware.
IPPT GOLD by Yang Mingrui
A calculator that calculates the score of your Individual Physical Proficiency Test (IPPT).
Investigating the stability of the plain channel strut structure under uniform axial pressure using MATLAB software by Mohammad Amin Farahmandfar
Solving and drawing the stability diagram of the aerial structure
Search Engine by Seyedmohammad serajzadeh
My project is an implementation of a search engine that can receive the user's query from among the different documents it has as input data and show him the best and most relevant results. It should be noted that this search engine must be able to find related documents with the some conditions.
Colour Vision Defiency Glasses Clone by Soh Yi Xiang
A filter to alleviate colour vision deficiency.
minesweeper+ by Fergus Grant
A web application for an enhanced version of Minesweeper that increases the number of games that can be won by logic alone, rather than requiring the player to gamble.
ROCK , PAPER , SCISSORS by Mahmood Mohammadi Rad
It is a simple single-player game called (rock, paper, scissors) against the computer, and the game continues until one side reaches 3 points to determine the winner of the game.
Kanban Command Center by Jennifer Ann Kadinger
A web-browser-based task management and organization tool (kanban board).
Preregister by aymane atigui
The site is a site that allows new students to pre-register for a specific institution.
CS50 Tipping Essentials by Raamis Sunil Malik
From a tipping calculator to a basic calculator, my project gives the user everything he/she to find out how much to tip,
Info Finder for Spotify by William Arenas Becerra
Web app that uses Spotify's API to display select user information
Job Application Tracker by Giridhar Talla
A simple job application tracker to help you manage and organise your current job applications.
Spell Checker Website by Yusuf A. HassanLotfy Ali
a website to check the spelling of words in a paragraph or an e-mail.
Class Book by Karim Abdelfadeel Abdelmageed Hassanin
Contributes to facilitating and organizing online education by Hyde
A password management service.
Sprich - The coolest language school by Patrick Stefano Pereira
It's a webpage for a pretend language school where a user can enroll into the courses offered.
Snak Game by Milad Gashangi Agdam
A Snake game created with Python is a classic arcade-style game where the player controls a snake on a grid.
SpaceMail by Jõao Pedro Frech Soares
A web application mail prototype that offers a user-friendly interface for sending and receiving emails.
Elevator Button Configurator Application by Ruslan Gilmanov
Web application made with Flask, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and JavaScript
To do by Ashot Mkrtchyan
It's a management website which allows you to create tasks, track them, stay organized and accomplish more
DNA Analysis and Gene Search Tool by Dominic Colter
A simple application that generates DNA analysis data and searches the NCBI GenBank database. by Malachi M. Davis
A useful site where you can also view beautiful pictures from around the world.
File deduplicator by Mahougnon LANGANPHIN
Deduplicator addresses static file duplication by maintaining existing file structure.
Ludo simulation by mustafa ahmed ibrahim adam
Ludo it is a famous board game, I did make a simulation of a two player game.
My World by Aldo Casto
My World allows the user to write articles and upload pictures of the countries they've visited.
Speedcubing Timer by Harmony Ho
A speedcubing timer that generates a random scramble and times your solve
Optimized beamcutting by Heiko Zachariasse
Find the best way to cut different items from different stock lengths
CS50 Final project:A.I. Jarvis using python and openai by Abhijit kad by Abhijit Kad
As the title suggests,it is a desktop assistant which help us to do several task on the pc using our speech only.Also it has openai's gpt model included so we can chat with it and the fun part is that it repliles not in text but in vocal/speech output it gives.It has features like wikipedia,pyjokes,google,opening and closing an application,time module,telling ipaddress,automatically shutdown,poweroff or restart you PC,etcetra....
Music Discovery by Aaron Thompson
This is a web application that allows users to search for Spotify artists and see their top songs, albums, and related artists.
Good Vibes - Google chrome app by Ramon Diniz de Alcantara Marinho
A simple google chrome extension made in javascript, for display random phrases to improve a good days wishes
This application generates random recipes upon landing. The randomized result is loaded according to the local time by meal type such as breakfast, lunch, dinner and etc. Users can also get more recipes easily by choosing diet type, meal-type and keywords through the search interface.
Learning Manager by Jaime Ayala Fernandez
Web application built to let you manage the resources (videos, articles, courses, books and others) of your knowledge so that they can be referenced in the future on your notes or articles.
Optical design nerd by Henning Mehnert
A website helping an optical designer to find the best glasses for his design.
Blog Website by Ismail Akram
A website created by flask framework to be able to create and see blog posts.
Web Application for Class Engagement by Lam Meng Hwee
Flask web app to collate student responses in real time
Latvian Typing Practice by Krišjānis Salenieks
Its typing practice with procedurally generated words in latvian.
Pocket calculator by parnia kiani
The calculator that solved my and my friends math problem in a math problem.
Enrollment Course System by Seyed Saeed Hamidi
This project simulates an enrollment course system. Students can register and then log in to the system. Students can acquire and remove courses. Also, they can search for available courses.
Read It Later by Yusuf Ziya Özbay
"Read It Later" is a mobile-friendly web application that allows users to save and organize articles they wish to read at a later time.
Residential Energy Consumption Calculator by Mustafa Ercan
The application calculates how much electrical energy common home appliances consume in a month as kWh.
Word Bay by Jared Martin
A chrome extension that allows users to save a list of words and definitions.
Responsive portfolio by Sannu Ahmed
A portfolio website serves as an online resume, allowing you to showcase your work, skills, and experience to potential employers or clients.
Scripture by Ifeanyi Nnoka
A user-friendly bible web application designed to allow users read and take notes.
The Bloc Camp by Suthee Gomootsukhavadee
The Bloc Camp is a concert and music venue website showcasing featured upcoming shows, schedules, and artists' information. 1.0 by Muhammad Lubega
A webpage to recommend users TV shows to watch based off different criterias and categories.
Word of the day Chrome Extension by Krutika Joshi
Word-of-the-day Extension is a simple chrome extension displaying a word along with it’s meaning.
AI Pictionary with Friends! by Ryan Hayame
An online multiplayer game of Pictionary where you use AI/stable diffusion to generate your images
Your Spotify Music by SHUBHAM GUPTA
A webapp to provide insights basis user's Spotify's listening habits using Spotify Web API
US National Parks Web App by F. Alexander Richard
This is a web app showcasing the National Parks of the United States.
Breathing Application by Valentin Hervouet
This application is a simple breathing exercise based on the "Breathe" application of the Apple Watch that will help you relax or fall asleep.
Two Player Chess by Harsh Kedia
I have developed a two-player chess game using Python (pygame) where players can win by capturing the opposing king.
Simple Material Notes by RANAD ZAID H ALABDAN
It is a simple note taking Android app that can be customized with your favorite colors
Vanilla JS personal Portfolio by Diego Alejandro Cascavita Poveda
A nice vanilla js personal portfolio
Swim Log (web app) by Vaibhav Kumar
Web app version of my CS50P final project, Swim Log, that allows you to store/track/analyze swimming data.
PurlBot by Quinn Griffin
PurlBot allows users to generate custom knitting patterns based on a few parameters they supply.
City Guide for Minis by Oksana Pashkovska
The goal of the project is to give a good overview of kids-friendly and kids-related places in Hamburg, Germany.
Overview of dishes for a restaurant by Laurine Hehenkamp
A website where a client can easily choose a dish and drink from the menu, and where chefs can add and remove dishes and drinks from the menu.
A web-based application based on Python, SQL and AI: KAI I research experience web by LIN, KAI-I
I would like to create a website that introduces my experience and also make users able to query for some difficult professional glossaries.
Cashbook online by Nudchada Samankatiwat
The Cashbook Online Project is a web-based application developed using Python and Flask framework to help users manage their finances.
Meal Symphony by Marcel Krueger
A Web-app that let's you find and save recipes from the web and then create a meal plan for your week. by Mohammad Hossein Rahimi
Ghamoz will assist you professionally the stock market data analyzing
Revanced Web App by Vincent Laurente
A web implementation of ReVanced—a popular Android application patcher for apps like YouTube—built with Flask.
Finding Silver by Jeffery Booth
An application to encourage users to see the good in any situation, and all they have to be grateful for. by Nabin Shrestha
A Digital Marketing Portfolio Project Based on HTML, CSS and Javascript
Comparing Two Images by Reza Ghafari
In this project , i'm going to compare two images(test image & reference image) and measure 3 metrics including : peak_signal_noise_ratio , mean_squared_error and structural_similarity
GitHub Detective by ِِِِِAhmed Abdo
GitHub tool for getting data from GitHub API about users and reops
The Glove Matcher by Seth Thompson
A website for users to list mismatched gloves and search other users mismatched gloves
DoctorYum - DoctorYum.Github.Io by Adarsh Chandramoulee
A dynamic website that disseminates knowledge about right food choices.
THE GAME “21” ON PYTHON by Anzhelina Avdalian
my final project is the python game "21". this is a simple version of the blackjack game
Adaway Adblocker by Arsuo Aliabadi
An adblocker is a piece of software that blocks network requests to and/or from advertising server(s).
Extended version of CS50 Finance by Olegs Lemke
Added some features that will make CS50 Finance app more advanced.
Moon Pixel Base by Bryan Kenneth Rathke
It's a website that lets you save pixel prints on the "moon" and view them.
ERASMUS+ Meeting Platform by Nikolaos Ioannidis
A meeting platform for students who are joining the erasmu+ project
"MyFitness Sports Club Stats" by Julija Kuznecova
Python for Data Analitics for business performance.
Kitchen Copilot by Caroline Elyse Newland
Kitchen Copilot is a responsive recipe app that allows users to check off ingredients they already have in their pantry or fridge and which returns a list of recipes based on those checked ingredients.
Calculator With Python by Mahdi Hashemi
it is a calculator which is created by Python and written by root import.
Newsletter System by Tausiq Samantaray
This project is a newsletter system, where you can type you email and get a mail, like usual newsletters do.
Motivation Station by Zach Keschner
An App Designed to give motivation based on the users current feeling
My final scratch project by Zahra Behroozeh
Hello world, this is my scratch project. I designed a soccer game where the movement of the player and the ball is done with the four-way keys and shooting with the space bar, and when the ball is scored, the goal message is displayed, and when the ball hits the goalkeeper, the game over message is displayed
CherryPics by Gabriel Alejandro Méndez Junor
An image-sharing social media site for photographers and regulars all around the world
Womanly by Aditi Maheshwari
A small step towards protecting our society from the social root cause of Rape.
MyWeather App by Zachery Miller
A web-based weather application to display weather data on a dashboard.
Workout Tracker by Alexandru-Rubio Gheorghe
It is a website on which you can set fitness-related goals, log workouts that you perform and see all of your previous logged workouts as a progress.
MiniTools by Siyavash Eliassieh
Photo change website (reverse, left to right and right to left and black and white)
RoboMarket by Siddharth Arutla
A site to buy and sell robotics parts directly to other teams near you.
this project has been made for counting a suppermarket's products.
CSS color selector by Akshay Dnyaneshwar Bhor
This is color generative website for CSS where every time you refresh the page new random color will be generated.
MACRO-K by Iñigo Sánchez Travé
MACRO-K is a BMR / TDEE calculator that also evaluates your ideal daily intake of the 3 main macronutrients.
Help50 by TSENG TZU EN
A mini forum designed for students to view and answer each other's questions.
Sorting Visualizer by Bayero Abdulkadir
Sorting visualizer is a website used which aid in visualization of basic sorting algorithms.
Competitive Pong by Arvind Kutirakulam
Players play the classic game pong against an AI or another player for points. First to 5 points wins!
YouTube Live Chat Scroller by Benjamin Li
A webapp that makes YouTube live chat messages scroll across the screen from right to left.
Spacebound Chrome Extension by Vahe Aslanyan
A chrome extension that brings the latest spaceflight news to you!
Elemental Function Fitter by Pablo García García
Fits and infers the type of function or functions used to generate data
free4talk_users_scraper by radwan
a script to scrap users data from and save the data in a csv file
Coin Toss Probability Model (Theoretical Probability)) by zainab
Whatever happens on your mathbook when learning about statistics, can be represented through the power of computer science.
MyLibrary by Clarissa Morales
MyLibrary is an app to keep track of your personal library and reading habits.
Plugin to calculate drainage flow paths on user-defined surface. Written in python.
Voice Cloning by Soheil Salmani
Just give this program a few seconds of your voice to create any text you want with a voice similar to your own voice.
Snake in terminal by Suat Babatan
It is a snake game that runs on the terminal of vs code. You can costumize boardsize, animation speed and whether or not borders kills the snake.
Construction Project Web App using flask by Supun Nirmana Dissanayake
one place to manage your all construction databases.
Endless Chess by Eric Albanese
A website where one can play a challenge variation of chess against an AI
Look up a Word by Cheng Yung-Hsin
Use chrome extension to look up words, get words' definitions, synonyms and antonyms.
Premier League Team Quiz by Stephane Popov
Web app allowing users to find which Premier League team they should support based on their personality.
Quiz App by Abid Hasan Rafi
This is a simple quiz web application consisting of 10 Questions about Bangladesh.
Chess Engine by Raffael Bertram
My project is a chess engine developed in C# using Unity for visualization.
A data analysis of many global indicators
Mange your movie collection by Tianchen Lyu
It helps mange the movie collection with individual or organizational
Viraat Agency by aditya jhunnjhunwala
Viraat Agency is my dad’s company. They are suppliers of cooking EssenƟals to all major restaraunts, hotels and bakerys in Kolkata. I made a simple website for them to have an online presence using HTML CSS and JavaScript.
The Love And Beyond by Jasmin Williams
A website of a love based company of herbal products and doula services.
NeuroFriends by Diandra Regita Abigail Damanik
NeuroFriends is a social networking site for neurodiverse individuals to connect and communicate with each other.
Green Notes by Alireza Aryan Danesh
A Chrome Extension That Let You Create, Edit And Archive Your Daily Notes In A Very Simple Way!
Develop a token that can be used to verify that a student completed a chatbot assignment.
APSToGPA by Junior Nkosinathi Mncube
Unlock academic possibilities effortlessly: APSToGPA lets you swiftly transform between APS and GPA scores, simplifying your educational journey.
Make's your day to day life easy for text processing and conversion with notes :)
cs50x final project scratch "spider hunter" by Narges Shakeri Hajimahmoudlou
simple scratch game that you have to hunt the spider on it.
Triangle Functions by Priyanshi Vyas
Triangle functions conducts basic trigonometric operation given side lengths
CRPS Portal by Kanhaiya Panchal
This project is aimed at developing a web-based and central Recruitment Process System for the HR Group for a company. Some features of this system will be creating vacancies, storing Applicants data, Interview process initiation, Scheduling Interviews, Storing Interview results for the applicant and finally Hiring of the applicant. Reports may be required to be generated for the use of HR group.
Fifa Rating by Mahdi Najdi
The program get the attributes of the player from a csv file and calculates his card rating using the weights of the attributes
Certificate Generator by Fernando Jorge Santos Melo
Generates certificates in pdf and pptx, based on excel sheet by Faisal Hossain
Sumaiya without two legs from birth He did not give in to the paralysis Focus Bagerhat
Keep Tabs by Govind Pal
Chrome extension to save your tabs and windows organized by date saved so you don't have to worry about losing them.
BookBound by Lynn Zukerman
Mobile-responsive web application for friends & family to input and rate favorite books
LazyType by James Lam
LazyType is a Chrome extension to convert text-speak short forms to proper full English words
CS50: Personal Assistant by Bertan Hatipoglu
CS50: Personal Assistant is intended to serve as a companion app to its users, akin to a personal assistant in an organizational sense.
Tennis by Daniel Andres Viteri Baquerizo
Web application to use at my local tennis club for the purpose of managing information about players, tournaments, and matches.
Cross Stitch Saga Data Extraction by Hua Xin
Enables cross-stitchers to extract thread color and usage data for their cross stitch projects without the need for manual extraction in Excel
Automation test results by Dvir Aharoni
Web application that gets automation test results files, parse and display them to user
thief Game by Sara Alizadeh
The final project is a thief game made using python and is playable in the terminal by running the file. A movie is chosen at random from a predetermined list of movies that were taken from IMDb's top 100 movies list (as per August 2022).
Weather Forecast by Tarek Omar Al Nomeiry
The project's main feature/goal is to use an Autocomplete search bar to go over 42,000+ city locations by searching the city name or country and then, call an API to display its weather forecast.
PDF to MP3 by Caemin Murphy-Atkins
This is a web app that converts the contents of a PDF into an MP3.
On-campus recruitment by Rajat Raj Sharma
My Website as a project makes good use of all the 5 tables and handle data in a secure manner.
Amusement Park by Sepideh Kolahchifar
Amusement park ticket purchase site for convenience and time saving
Sedaghat Media by Amirossein Sedaghat
It is a website were you can leave feedbacks on it using PHP, HTML, CSS and Javascript
Cyclone Wind Speed Estimation using Deep learning by Arindam Ghosh
This project is a web application which uses a trained Densenet121 model to infer the cyclone wind speed prediction.
Tic-Tac-Toe Python Game by Maneli Foroutan
Tic-Tac-Toe is a classic two-player game, where one player uses 'X' and the other uses 'O' to mark their moves on a 3x3 grid. The objective of the game is to get three of your symbols in a row, column, or diagonal. This Python code implements a simple command-line version of the Tic-Tac-Toe game.
UnicornTrade by Nguyen Thi Ha Phuong
A demo trading website allows you to get coin's current price, chart, add coin to favorites and trade coin.
TomatoTimer by Nika Mikeltadze
balancing focus and adjusting time efficiently during working/studying
Cat to Color by Chanakan Khandam
A website that illustrates how a set of colors would look like when applied on a website
Task Manager Web Application by HONG WEI
Task Manager Web Application: Your Ultimate Task Management Solution, which Simplify Your Life with Efficient Task Management and Organization.
TODO List by Himanshi Jain
ToDo list is a simple web application to save Your daily tasks in order not to miss anything.
Todolist by Aidin Palvaneh
Todolist is a program with Python language that can be used for the things we do during the day
NFT Preview Card Webpage by Anthony A Robles
A web page that show the preview of an NFT trading card.
FamInst by Davis
A Firefox Addon that gives quick-brief info based on search keywords using DuckDuckGo's Instant Answer Api.
Smart Buoy by Fateh Mammadli
Smart buoy shows the cleanliness level, wave height and temperature of the city beaches and ensures that people are safe.
Extract tabular. data from pdf files using python and producing a downloadable csv of said data
Clothes E-commerce by Gabriel Fiorotti
A sports clothes e-commerce web application, with both user and admin interfaces.
ChatGPT CSV mining by Chandra Sekhara Baipalli
This is project connects to ChatGPT server using AzureOPENAI apis and mines csv files.
Guess the Number by George Quezada
It is a fun mini game that involves in guessing a number that is generated by the computer at random!
Warehouse Material Request by Filipe Brito
Java GUI program to request material from production plant to warehouse
Sorting Visualizer by Yitong He
This project visualizes common sorting algorithms including Quick, Merge, Heap and Bubble Sort.
Marcos Lott Portfolio by Marcos Lott
My final project for the CS50x course is basically a portfolio website where I could fit all of my information in there for future projects and to introduce myself to any recruiter from any company.
Prism Dance - Pole Arts class booking website by Xin Yi Aw Yong
A dance class booking website where users can purchase classes and view their upcoming reservations.
Family Library by Xiaolei Dai
This project, Family Library, is a web-based application, which could help to grade and organize books for every family, especially those with kids with different ages and grades.
Community Pantry by Sebastianne Oblenida
Community Pantry is a Website that allows users to create and share the location of their pantry/foodbanks to other users.
Running Log by Lok Jing Lau
Running Log is a single page React web application designed with Ant Design, Bootstrap 5, and Django backend along with Django REST framework.
Business eCommerce Site by David Salomón Yian Yeh Ho Garcia
A dynamic website created under the MERN stack for web development.
Quizzie by Yassir Zoaka
Quizzie is a web application that provides trivia questions in the subjects of Maths, English, and Science.
Sorting Arrays Using Different Algorithms by Sana Saeedmehr
In this project, we use the Python programming language to enable the sorting of different arrays using various algorithms. The main objective of this project is to learn and practice different sorting algorithms.
Interactive WhatsApp Chatbot by Martin Boller
An interactive WhatsApp Chatbot hooked up to various APIs like OpenAI's ChatGPT and Dall-E, empowering it to respond effectively to user inputs.
Raquel Cosmetics E-Commerce Website by Julie Leon
a responsive e-commerce website design for Raquel Cosmetics
TEXT BEHAVIOR ANALYZER by kleber oliveira
This program is designed to process text input and customer ratings to determine the customer's behavior or mood.
Geometrical Calculator by Ivan Turan
Calculates any given attribute of 2D shapes and 3D shapes based on the given characteristics from the user
SeenIt by Shiven Upadhyay
It's an interactive entertainment database where you can store and share your progress in TV shows, Asian Dramas, Manga and Anime.
LaceResp by Sun Yang
A midware that saving the workload of making filterable passthrough APIs by configuration
Mood tracker by Vladlena Mishina
This simple web-application is sort of diary, that enables users to keep track of their mood and activities they have been doing during the day.
Artist Portfolio website by Elchin Payami
This project is a personal portfolio for a photographer or an artist.
First aid training website by Alireza Sharifi
the code i provided is written in HTML and CSS and is the foundation for a website about First Aid Training.
Medicine Management System by Noel Abraham Tiju
Provides the databases and connectivity to manage a small clinic
This is a Scientific Calculator made using Python 3. It can perform basic arithmetic and also scientific calculations like Factorial, Permutation, Combination
final by Nasrin Ebrahimkhanighazi
Through simple calculation with a (height), i (counter), and executing the python file the final very cool schema of the project which is a rhombus will be displayed. by Tyler Place
TextureMC is a website for creating custom assets for the game of Minecraft.
Clinic_system by Amirhossien Banayi Khalilabad
a clinic managment system that program with python and used my-sql
Grocery List by mohammad shahnawaz
It is web based application that allows user to create a list of grocery items.
Movies & TV Shows by Yuval
This website displays posters of movies and tv shows, as well as their information and trailers.
Password Manger web application by Omar Ibrahim Fathy Mohamed Shamseldin
store passwords for later use
An exploration of Django Rest Framework by Brian Voo Tien Yen
An exploration of Django and the Django Rest Framework to build a web-browsable API
My Nerdy Toolbox by Chulee
A website that presents a collection of my (working) tools which can be filtered by category
Online Shop website by Amirhosein Esnaasharan
Creating an interactive online shop website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with a focus on navigation, content presentation, and user experience."
Notes App by Dilyan Krastev
A Flask-based web application for managing notes, including features for user registration, login, adding, editing, and deleting notes, with SQLite database as backend.
Ham Radio Logbook HTML by Timothy David Lemak
The **Ham Radio Logbook** is a meticulously designed tool for amateur radio enthusiasts, providing a seamless way to document their radio communications.
Hotel Quality Assessment tool (Simple Web scraping application) by Dimitrios Mazonakis
Hotel Quality Assessment tool (Simple Web scraping application)
Online Course Companion by Xinyuan Chen
A chrome extension to improve online learning with features of to-do lists and study time countdown.
Billboard Chart Finder by Godwin Nyabadza
Retrieves billboards charts from any day in the charts' history.
Match Blaster by Mehmet Safa Katırcıoğlu
Try to create the biggest chunk of tiles possible to blast them all!
The IT and Engineering department needs a computerized system to manage all its activities
# Prof. Sybill Trelawney’s Divination and Personality Webpage by Mohsen Dashti
simple homepage using bootstrap which has information about the teacher and divination.
PKMAUP School by Meenakshi Pathiyil
A production website for an elementary school, PKMAUPS, in India in the state of Kerala.
Online Physics Calculator for IB by Emre Alyamaç
it is a easy to use calculator intended for ib physics students
SLINGSHOT by Selwyn Rajeshkumar Rajwadi
Slingshot is a game designed in unreal engine 4, the game is similar to Angry Birds.
Call System I.T - CSIT by Ricardo Alexandre Barcelos de Souza
In this simple project I show a tool that can be used by IT technicians to control tickets related to various software and hardware problems, registered by the user.
Project: Save the Ice Cream! by Joseph Rork
Wireless sensor sending data to backend with responsive web frontend
Trips - a street-corner dice-gambling simulator by Wolf Schneiderman
A command line game made with python and OOP.
Digital Portfolio by Alex Colon
A minimalist approach with an UI focused on providing fast information, avoiding conflicts and thus putting elements that have no function, either relevance
A command-line program using C by Trần Thuận Phát
This command-line program, developed in C, offers a versatile and interactive environment for users to perform various tasks efficiently through text-based commands.
Time management by wencheng zhang
This web-based application project is used to analyze the time we spend on specific areas weekly, in order to find a better way to manage our valuable time.
Changing Flight Prices by Jeffrey Gauntt
See flight prices change according when they are looked up.
Orient by Benjamin Peter
Orient is a web application which allows users to preform vector calculations in an efficient manner.
Job Search Helper by Olga Daronda
This is a minimalistic and easy-to-use web application for someone who is in the process of job-search, to make this easier and more visible, keep track of efforts and offers.
IQ calculator app by Abhijeet Bapurao Bhalekar
The IQ calculator app is a fun and engaging way to measure your cognitive abilities by answering a set of questions that allocate a range of IQ scores based on your performance. (IQ scores are not certified)
Expense Tracker by Luchyk Taras
The objective of this project is to create a GUI based Expense Tracker.
Music Analysis and Discovery by Jolene
This is a web application that analyses your Spotify listening history and provides song recommendations.
YouTube hitparade by Pavel Votava
Web app, that allows you to watch the 3 most viewed YouTube music videos in given genre, that were published in a particular year.
Current Weather by Nahal Khoshdel
It shows the current temperature and weather details of different cities.
My Mail by Muhammad Aqib
With the help of this mail web app. As a user, you can create an account, send mail to others, receive mail from others, and respond to other's mail.
Plant Care Planner by Anna Derylak
Web Application to support plant lovers with planing of plant care (watering, fertilizing).
Colour Streak by Debbie Fan
A web application that hosts a fun colour game utilizing a colour API. Users can log in and keep track of their high scores and see their rank on the leaderboard page.
csBanking by Neeraj Shetty
It is a web application that replaces the usage of physical artificial currencies used in business games such as monopoly that lets you add or deduct money from a player and also transfer it to another player
HomeBaked by TEO FU QIANG
A one-stop-shop e-commerce platform for home-bakers to sell their delicious bakes!
PTD CLI Editor by Pedro Carlos Boaron Junior
A Command Line Interface account editor for Pokemon Tower Defense 1
Merge Sort Implementation by Salem Abobakr Salem Ba wazir
Implementing the Merge Sort Algorithm using C programming language where it takes a list of numbers and output the order version of this list
Beware of the Cars! by Chalida Pitimontreekul
A 2D survival game of crossing adventurous roads full of cars
"Choose Your Own Adventure: Hiking in Texas" by Kaylee Bowers
"Choose Your Own Adventure: Hiking in Texas" is a web-based application that uses Python, sqlite3, Flask, Jinja, HTML, and CSS to help users find great hiking destinations across Texas.
CRM integrated with smart home platform via API by Carlos Gutierrez
Web based CRM that can exchange data with a cloud based smart home service
Job Search by Christian Rugira
This is a Flask web application that enables job search and posting with Flask and SQLAlchemy for database management
Hugo Booklog by Andrew Horton
A Flask web application that allows users to register for an account and save their notes and ratings on the winners of the Hugo Award for Best Novel of science fiction.
Stray-Rehomer by Ryan J. Reeves
Stray-Rehomer is a web-app that serves as a live, accurate, user-curated database of stray animals.
Google Calendar by Saleh zareii
It is a web application that helps you add events on your Google Calendar, and automatically tells you the departure time. It simplifies the process of adding a new event and checking the departure time.
NS CareBot by Jiadong Yu
A reddit bot that helps national servicemen in Singapore seek help for mental health issues.
iTutor by Tseng Tzu Che
It's a website that helps parents to find part time tutors / part time tutors to find students.
casamance food by Oussama MACHI
It's a ecommerce web application to sell fruits and vegetables to wholesalers in France
Game Zone by Mahdi Gaeini
GameZone: A gaming website that lets you discover, rate, and buy games its main goal is to provide everything that gamers need in one website.
Hospital's room reservation system by Mohammed Sameh
simulates a room reservation in real hospital's systems
Unit Converter by Hemn Azizi
My final project for the CS50x Tehran course involves building a unit converter app for length, temperature and weight
Is it going to rain? by Milad Kheirabi Shabestari
this project will send me an sms message if it is going to rain.
Mathway Chrome Extension by Tzu Yang Chen
Opens up a computational intelligence machine to calculate math problems on any tab.
The Dinner Picker by Bas Lefeber
A random recipe generator for when you don't know what to eat for dinner
FOODIES by Christopher DENIS
Recipe search web application called FOODIES powered by Spoonacular API.
Mapping Braudel's Mediterranean by Kenneth Baker
Mapping cities mentioned in Fernand Braudel's book The Mediterranean
Birthday Reminder by Eric Pascal Kuhn
Web application where birthdays can be entered and reminders are sent automatically by mail.
World Cup Prediction Game by Stephen McGorman
Test your World Cup match predictions skills against your friends!
Personal Portfolio by Hossein Fallah Hossein Abadi
It is actually a web page that gives information about me and also gives the user a short biography
Final Fantasy Trading Card Game - Collection Tracking by Ben Bracey
An application to track both the personal collection, as well as the price, of a specific card trading game.
My Most Played Games by Marcelo Saguas Iacovone
A web application that interacts with Steam using your Steam account and collects all of your games in one place for easy access on their News!
Budgeter by Andrei-Cristian Șandor
Budgeter is a simple and user-friendly budgeting tool that helps users to keep track of their financial habits, whether it is about spending or earning money.rounds.
Hexbin Map by Kaan Güler
Hexbin Map is a world map with hexagon-shaped data points that takes coordinates from a data set and places hexagons on the map accordingly. What makes it special is a selection chart that allows you to choose a date range and filter the shown data points accordingly.
Password Strength Checker by alireza ataollahi
i create this program because user can to choose best password
typeTyper by Carlo Diaz Cruz
A website that measures your typing speed in WPM (words per minute) and keep track of your results.
Ortalama Hesaplama by Adem Can Demirci
It shows the letter grade by averaging the weighted average of the grades they receive from the midterm final or make-up exams over the semester courses of the universities and also shows whether they are successful or unsuccessful.
C$50 Inve$tment by Yulia Morozova
It's a web application suitable for people who have never been investing but want to try and practice a little.
Filmer by Silvia Lino Vilariño
A Tinder inspired web application used to decide what movie to watch with your friends!
Model-based Control of Quadrotor by Mahdi Amiri Bostanabad
In my project, a quadrotor is dynamically modeled and PID control is applied to it.
C$50 People by Anastasios Nikou
CS50 People is a site - tool for Human Resources and business administration.
Luna Loves Kitties by Moses Kane
Luna Loves Kitties is a platformer game made with lua on the LÖVE framework.
BCA Internet Banking by Daniel Osvaldo Rahmanto
I want to reimagine internet banking that we currently have, that is to change the 6 digit pin into a timed-based one time pin or OTP to provide more security
Finance by Yasmin Cibreiros Chagas da Silva
A finance application in HTML, CSS and JavaScript that allows users to monitor and analyze their expenses in a practical and intuitive way.
Clash Royale Stats Tracker by Neil Hagerty
Web page that allows players to check stats in Clash Royale
Amirali Khayatian WEBSITE by Amirali Khayatian
Math Test! by Ramya Kappaganthula
The final project is a simple user interface with questions and answer choices to test the math skills of a student.
City Sensor by Bruno Luis Gonçalves Fernandes
A smart city project that collects sensor data across the city and displays it on the map
Tech Store by Breno Ribeiro Albuquerque
A online store with account system, and shopping cart system.
Bx by Cristóbal Sepúlveda Plaza
BX is a GUI program written in Python that allows you to perform operations on Excel files.
Snake Game by Marek Szczepanik
Lua-based Snake game developed using the LÖVE framework, featuring gameplay mechanics, visuals, sound effects, and high score tracking.
LabDatabase by Omar halaoui
An Android app with a local SQLite database to add, read, and clear data.
TODO Plus by Julia Fidison MAHANDRISOA
TODO list web application, where you can add, edit and delete your todo.
University PHP App by Mohammad Sirwan Allahveisi
It's a social application designed for university teachers and students to interact.
PDF To Speech by Radian Yusuf Mahendra
this project allows users to translate pdf files and output audio
CookPal by Tudor-Andrei Soțan
CookPal is a simple web application that allows users to share their cooking recipes and tips.
Voice Cloning by Maede Kondali
give this program just a few seconds of your voice and it will create any text you want with a voice similar to your own
Send Me Memories by William Gall
Store messages and photos using a Telegram Bot to later send them to familiars.
Park Finder by Ryan Croy
Park Finder is a browser application that puts the National Parks at your fingertips
myQR by Lauren Ki
A Python application for creating and managing vCards and generating QR codes for contact information.
TrackWeight by Fiohann Shanahan-Dover
A tool to help anyone looking to manipulate their weight for sports or otherwise in a way that is conducive to health
PaperTrading by Tony Chi
PaperTrading is a web application that allows users to simulate trading US stocks without real money.
Weather forecast application by Neola Sendril Dias
This is a weather application where you can access any weather updates of cities.
Careerhub by Nay Zaw Min Naing
Careerhub is a job portal web application developed using Laravel framework for the CS50 final project, allowing employers to create job postings and job seekers to apply to those postings.
Black and White filter by Nicole Alexandra Baltodano Obregon
Allows the user to apply a black and filter to an uploaded image and download the new filtered image
Tiny 'organs' in cells | Flask by You Kian Giap
A more interactive way to learn about cell organelles.
Encryptify by Mahdi Ettehadnejad
"Encryptor" is a simple web application that allows users to encrypt and decrypt messages using a customizable key.
Hightide2 by jose paralta
Hightide2 allows users to build their own booking calendar share it with others and manage basically anything time and quantity dependent.
Austin Bike Ride Planner by Travis Pollard
Make sure you are prepared for your upcoming bike ride in Austin, TX.
FastBurg by Pranav
FastBurg: Your one-stop fast food hub with easy registration, login, and secure credit card creation features for swift ordering.
Cookie Planner Website by Alborz Esfandyari
Cookie Planner is a motivational website for daily planning, goal setting and better focus on daily tasks.
Zack Berger's Code by Zackary Berger
A constantly improving website that is all about me and my coding journey.
Smart Sensor Data Plotter by Alessandro Mastrofini
This project allow us to plot data from sensors. This data came from home-made temperature sensor build with ESP NODEMCU that read temperature from a room and from the boiler (3 different point) in my house
Oanda Forex Trading Bot (Setting The Foundation) by Alan P Davis
Trades for you automatically on oanda desktop.
Chemicalendrier by Warren James Temple
A calendar that outputs a "chemical of the day" to an eInk display rigged to a raspberry pi zero 2
An application that allows the administration of isolated Jupyter devel environments via docker containers.
Library Cataloging: Project TImesaver by Christian Zawojski
Saves library catalogers hours by taking a CSV of bibliographic data and converting it to a MARC file.
はきだしケア by YuyaInoue
A web application that allows you to check the changes in your state of mind by judging negatives and positives of what you thought at that time and drawing a graph.
I made different games in python (Tic Tac Toe, Magic Ball) by Usman Khalid
My project contains different games which user can play on console, and enjoy them
Chrome Extension - Color Picker by Vinícius Camilo de Souza
A chrome extension that can get color from website and export it as "css" variables
Computer Aided Drug Design Tutorial Website by Abdusemi Abduweli
It is a tutorial website where people can learn about computer-aided drug design in Chinese.
Payment Application by Magdy Ahmed Abbas Abdelhamed
Implement the SALE transaction by simulating the card, terminal(ATM), and the server.
5e Encounter Analyzer by Jerry Zalewski
A tool for building more informed combat encounters in Dungeons and Dragons 5e.
Google Calendar by Negar Karimi
It is a web application that helps you add events on your Google Calendar, and automatically tells you the departure time. It simplifies the process of adding a new event and checking the departure time.
Vedovato Vehicles Management System by Ibsen Gabriel Santos
The "Vedovato Vehicles Management System" is a comprehensive web application designed to streamline the management of a vehicle workshop. Built using Django as the web framework and utilizing a PostgreSQL database, this system provides a user-friendly interface for various aspects of workshop management.
Tic Tac Toe by Bertan Turan
A simple Tic Tac Toe program that currently only allows multiplayer. detects ties and which player that wins. wins can be achieved through diagonal, vertical and horizontal pairs.
Wildlife Rescue by Sofia Myrina Petrocheilou
A coordination app for Wildlife Rescues work with injured animal pickups.
JZ Investment Webpage by JIE ZHENG
I create a flask app webpage include a cloud database to store in cloud environment.
AlgorithmVisualizer by Klein Vahala
A web-application that allows the user to see how four different sorting algorithms function through a visual representations of the sorting processes.
ASOIAF Database by Sankalp Pankaj Phadnis
One-step solution to getting information on any character, house or book in the ASOIAF universe!
Drinking Games with Wojak by Jian Hao Lim
Compete with Wojak on popular drinking games and see who gets drunk first!
An mini inventory management system that can record each herb's remaining amount, automatically read the doctor's prescription and minus the amount from stock, and replenish.
Stock market prediction web application (No machine learning) by bumbold batbold
Web application that predicts given stock market and tells either buy or sell
Kelancelo store by Miguel Angelo Delos Reyes
An e-commerce app inspired by my favorite guitarist, Synyster Gates.
Words from the heart to the heart by Mohamed Gomaa Mohamed
Nothing is more beautiful than hearing or reading beautiful words from the heart to the heart
Axie Gas Fee (Google Chrome extension) by Morris Jencen Chavez
Axie Gas Fee is a Google Chrome extension for monitoring real-time estimated average Axie-related transaction gas fees.
SpeechBird by Leeor Peled
Do everything (nearly) on your computer, hands free, using your voice and head movements instead of keyboard and mouse!
Weather collector by Shahriar Ghasempour
Get weather information of different cities in different time periods
Study ToGather by Yun Dai
Study ToGather is a web application that helps people find study mates based on their study schedule.
Vision by Sumit Bhardwaj
You may be wondering why I named this project "Vision". So, what do you mean by "Vision"? Vision is the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom.
A teaching tool for simulated annealing by Amy Liu
My project provides background information and a demo to get an intuitive sense of the optimization technique called simulated annealing.
NFT Generative Art by TEJA S MAREDDY
My project creates a random NFT producing a collection of NFT art.
Expresso: Fuel Your Thoughts by Madhav Khandelwal
A Social Media App which lets you share your ideas and connect to the world through your posts.
Read It ! by Hana Gamal Abu El Yazed Gharbia
Quotes are the advice from someone who has already lived and solved the same problem you are living, I hope it change your mind .
Teas by Szymon Ostachowski
Platform that helps you maintain your tea collection and also serv guests.
Note Source by Siddharth Pradeep Kumar
This website provides a platform for students to effortlessly sell their surplus class notes, which are showcased for potential buyers to purchase, facilitating a convenient exchange of educational resources
Visualization of climate change with the help of weather data by Timon Wilko Bald
Visualization of climate change with the help of weather data
Surplus Food Management by Syed Abbas Hussain
surplus Food Management (SFM) is a smartphone application designed to address the growing issue of food waste by bringing together NGOs and donors and allowing them to efficiently redistribute surplus food.
Movies For You by Ian Lieberman
You like or dislike movies and then the program gives you similar movies based on those choices.
Personal Portfolio Sample Website by Vaibhav Bais
This is a Personal Portfolio Website Which Present your previous works which you have done for your profile to get a internship or jobs.
Translation and Localization Services by Ance Lepse
A website designed to sign up for translation and localization services
My final project talks about the emails that you can deliver to the person you want via the Internet, whether it is a work email, or between you and your friend, or so on. Also, emails sometimes succeed in communicating projects if it is a project for school, work, etc., so I thought about... This simple idea is to help me personally in sending or receiving emails from work or from any person I want, and these emails are definitely confidential and we do not violate the user’s identity, whatever it is. Thank you, and I hope that you like the project. Are there any suggestions that I should add to my project? creator Safaa Ismail thank you again for this perfect course.
Text Analyser by Yuriy Melnykov
Text Analyser is a language tool in the form of a website that allows a user to analyse texts of different nature using various analysis options to generate text statistic and determine text readability characteristics
Discord Bot Java version by CHEN,ZHAO-ZUN
This is a scalable Discord bot with music player and G building small game.
Drugs Database Management and Analytics by Iryna Vilner
Construction an end-user SQL drugs database for reporting and analytics
1 Click Text Marker by Felix Grebenstein
A Chrome extension that marks text with 1 simple click. You can choose between word mode and paragraph mode. And pick any background color and text color for highlighting.
Specialization by Mohamed Hassan Mohamed
It allows students in Egypt to choose their prefrences for studying in Highschool.
Mimic by Murray Storm
A honeypot written in flask that simulates the frontend of other common web frameworks.
Classical Music by Suyog Singh Budhathoki
Web application to get information about classical music and artists.
Finance Project by Malhaar Kasodekar
My project simulates a stock trading strategy where you buy a stock whenever the 10-day moving average is greater than 50-day moving average.
Video game wishlist by Aimee Dalton
A website to organize the games I love, want to buy, and am waiting for to come out.
HotTopics by Daniel Zitoli
Social media web-app where you can create posts that other users can like, comment and vote on.
NextUpSteam by Ariel Lo
NextUpSteam is a Flask web application that randomly selects two games from a user's Steam library based on total and recent playtime.
PyFlOGGER by Ömer Durmuş
Yet Another Personal Blog Scriprt Written in Python with the power of Flask & SQLAlchemy.
Boulder Dash Remake by Radoslaw Wiercinski
2D Game using Love2d framework based on a game from the 80's called Boulder Dash
TodoIst by Winar Marco
TodoIst is a web-based to-do list application created using Python Flask, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for managing tasks and priorities
My Super Weather by Valdir Giorgi Gonçalves
Fiz um site python("flask") no qual consome api de previsão do tempo da
Tic Tac Toe by Chinmay
This is a two player game X goes first and O goes second. Displays win or draw by the end of the game.
Recommended location diagnosis site by Kosuke Ando
My site recommends a location which users may like.
VB Portfolio(website portfolio) by Vahid Bagheri
I designed a resume and portfolio website with HTML,CSS and JS, where I can show clients the projects I have done.
Online Booking App by Humberto Rodriguez M.
An Online Booking app that allows SMBs & service professionals to offer online service booking to their customers, as well as manage their services, work-hours, prices, appointments and customers from a backend.
NEON-WORDLE by hedi El matri
I'm very good at wordle, so I decided to create my own for this project.
Explore the Solar System by Ryan Badenhorst
A web-application that gives you information about the planets in our solar system.
web app that allows users to register, log in, add notes, and delete notes.
TammyLake by Cindy Wamalwa
TammyLake (Tammy) is a speech-recognition software that makes use of the Azure Speech SDK.
Holiday Countdown by Tom Moore
Holiday countdown is a web app that counts down in days, hours, minutes, and seconds to one of the 4 popular holidays I put on there.
LEARN SWAHILI by Bazile Beurlet
The overall goal of the website is to allow users to learn Swahili vocabulary.
Blackjack Simulator by Puchner Dominik
A fullstack application that simulates 1000s of blackjack games.
NFL Modeling by Sara Estes
SKlearn machine learning algorithm to predict if NFL team will beat the spread.
Parking Manager by Guillaume HOMBOURGER
A web-based application which allows users to book and manage parking slots themselves automatically.
My Futures Monitor by Andrei Ovidiu Stirbat
Web application that monitors the price of the major stock indices
Machine Learning by Hikaru Konishi
It is a program that uses data from Rakuten Market, which is a type of flea market, to perform machine learning and infer categories from keywords.
VOCA by Ryo Mitsuhashi
A chrome extension that helps English learners to learn difficult English words
Free Calisthenics Parks by Johannes Michael Feldl
Finding and adding public calisthenics sports parks.
Personal Portfolio Website by Teerthesh Jain
Creating a dynamic personal portfolio website to showcase my skills and accomplishments.
Cookbook by Viktória Bonyai
Cookbook is a Flask web application that lets the user upload recipes to the global “cookbook”, and creates an inventory of ingredients they already have at home. Based on this “pantry“, they get recommendations for dishes that they can prepare without shopping.
Programming languages cheat-sheet by Alexandros Papaioannou
Providing quick reminders on differences in syntax of basic properties of "C" and "Python"
IFoA Actuarial Exams Progress Tracker by Matthew Pinkerton
A web app for users to keep track of their progress in the IFoA Actuarial Exams.
SpotSport by Pedro Henrique de Oliveira Martins
SpotSport is the ideal platform for those seeking new experiences and wanting to connect with people who share the same passion for sports and entertainment.
Ask The Sages by Carlos Henrique Rodrigues Testa
Leverage the power of Artificial Intelligence to gain knowledge.
"Chatroom" web application by Nantarat Channoi
A real-time chatroom using web socket protocol and store chat history, users info on a cloud database.
Shopping-Cart by Mujthaba Rahman
A simple designed and elegant ecommerce website where you can do all the stuffs which is common in all well renowned ecommerce platforms.
DimiTracker by Alexander Dimitrakov
Keep track on the time you spend browsing, see which sites you spend the most time on!
TOTM Combat Tracker by Conor Meldrum
Dungeons and Dragons combat tracker for 'Theatre of the Mind' style play
Sittr by Taylor Morgan
A mockup Ecommerce site where users can browse a number of chairs and add them to their cart.
Travelag by Viktoria Zimina
A web application for a travel agency, where the user can find the tour, book it and track his orders when logged in.
Weather App by Soumyadeb Batabyal
Weather App is a web application that allows users to get the current weather and a 5-day forecast for a city.
Deep Value Tracker by Javi Sempere
A web app that tracks different tickers and automatically analyzes fundamentals and gets data from financial statements.
Minesweeper. Written in python with Tkinter. by Nikolaj Simonov
Classic minesweeper game written in python.
Milkyway by Frederik Damsgaard
Milkyway is web based game where the user has to follow the hints in order to guess the hidden planet in as few guesses as possible.
ABI translator by Negin Farajipoor Lakeh
Abi is a 10-language translator that can translate your input into English, Turkish, French, Chinese, Arabic, Greek, Italian, Farsi, German, and Russian
Widget-OS by Andreas Schragner
That is my final project for CS50x, it´s a Webapplication that contains a few Widgets wich we can Choose, drag and Resize in that Window.
EASY SLEEP by Fructueux Gbaguidi
easy sleep is a wep which can help anyone loookig for an accomodation in ghana find one for a very affordable price and also help the accomodation providers to increase there visibility
Personalized Expense Tracker by Omkhanthan
A custom made expense tracker designed to suit my personal needs
Twitch Live Alert for Anth0xC0lab0y by Clara Bucciacchio
A google chrome extension that serves as a hub for a specific streamer's twitch channel
Your Personal Expense Tracker by Woon Zhen Fei
A web application that lets you track your daily expenses.
Apex Academy Prep by Kaayan Savalia
A website to advertise tutoring services for middle and high school students.
IDenty.fy by görkem köksal
Decompose long music audio files into playlists with individual tracks and export them to spotify
Annual Stock Performance by Jeffrey William Gubbins
Using python scripts, postgreSQL, and Yahoo! Fianance an Excel spreadsheet is built showing annual performance of stocks.
Smart Recipe Book by Stephen Schaadt
Web application where you can save recipes, create meal plans and grocery lists.
My Blog Project by Kien Bui
A blog website project which uses flask web framework for backend and sqlite for database...
Expenditure Tracker - Telegram Bot by Ng E En Casper
It allows the user to use the bot to track their expenditure.
Health Tracker by Iryna Stryzh
Health Tracker is a web application that can help find out relationship between the diet and health by filling in daily information about food, well-being and symptoms.
product review by MANIA ALIPOUR
my project is an online website that allows you to add a product and add your review of it and submit it, you can also access previous reviews on here.
SBP Exchange Rates Data by Mehdi Abbas
Complete data set of SBP exchange to explore and research based.
Game “Knight’s move” by Diāna Siliņa
You have to traverse the entire grid with a chess knight, visiting each of the squares exactly once and moving as a chess knight does.
Search Algorithms Visualizer by David Asatrian
A JavaScript visualization of select, bubble, and merge sorting algorithms.
CooHi by Carlos Goldmann Rumbeu
A simple Chrome Extension to hide annoying cookie banners from websites.
Which horror movie villain are you? by Shannon Linares
Its a personality quiz using combinations of answers to generate which villain someone would be.
CS50Flix by João Aldo da Silva Leite Nunes
Netflix clone for programming and computer science courses.
My design portfolio by Simona Vargas Paraschivoiu
I've recreated my design portfolio using HTML, CSS, Python, SQL, Flask and Jinja templating.
2021 Tax Calculator Estimator (For Simple Taxes!) by Carlos Hannan
Estimate your 2021 Taxes owed (For simple tax situations)
MovieTracker by Raluca-Ioana Curt
A web app that let’s you keep track of the movies you want to see, the ones you’ve already watched, and your favorites.
A coffeshop program by Mostafa Magdy Swelam
A coffeshop program where you can login and buy coffee with cash in your account
Shopping cart eTCart by Patrick Trepanier
Partial shopping cart system with products, orders, and shopping cart functions.
Website of a Steel Company "ABC Steel Ltd." by Firoj Khan
Its a simple website of an imaginary Steel company in India.
NFL Betting-Line Database to Test Betting Strategies by Spencer Rodgers
Test the effectiveness of "winning" NFL betting strategies using historical data.
tC&Cpdump by Stephan Brentrup
tC&Cpdump is a Command and Control (C&C) which allows you to add multiple clients and then start a tcpdump trace which can be downloaded afterwards.
The Cakery by Dimitri Raftopoulos
A cake sharing website for people to discover new recipes and share their own.
Words Seek by Panji Yudhistira
So my project is a mini simple game that give you a key that is a 2 alphabet characters. And then you must answer a word that contain that key within 5 seconds
Agro-rithm by Scott Williams
A Dashboard for displaying agronomic information from the US Dept. of Agriculture's QuickStats Database.
Leaderboard by Rasmus Damgaard Olsen
Boardgame leaderboard to keep track of scores when playing with friends.
Meal Saver by Paul Aldrin Panganiban
app that make suggestion for your next meal after putting ingredients available in your fridge
You Need We Find by Anakom Alexandru Suvonvorn
A website that let's the user search for a room to book and/or a product to buy.
Colour Sleuth by Aditya Pachpande
A multiplayer game to see if you can sense the slightest of colours
Notes by Renjith VK
A simple and hassle-free note-taking web app developed using Flask, Bootstrap, and SQLite.
Budget Checker by Eduardo Mateo Nardone
It is a web based application where you can manage your budget
D&D Decision Maker by Joseph Rexrode
This project is a web application that allows the user to generate a D&D character from scratch or with given inputs.
PlaylistDataSpot by William Emery
A web app that provides detailed insights into the music within users' playlists and public playlists on Spotify.
Exercising webapp with pose detection by Omid Tavakkol Hamedani
A webapp which uses data from mediapipe library to detect how good your pose is in each exercise and gives you your score at the end.
Stygian by Anika Dhanikachalam
A chrome extension that enables users to switch to dark mode with ease.
Cookie Planner Website by Sadaf Rahmani
Cookie Planner is a motivational website for daily planning, goal setting and better focus on daily tasks.
Weather and rock by Martin Jiří Krása
i made a weather app in python and a rock, paper, scissor game
asmrdroid by Alex Whittley
Creates new asmr audio by sampling and concatenating the samples into new audio files.
BMI CALCULATOR by Mahantesh Gattina
Flutter based app with a beautiful interface to calculate the BMI
MEMORIZE by Wolfgang Demmerich
MEMORIZE is a web application that enables self managed learning of any topic
MedRecords by Sebastián Presno Alvarado
Web Application created for the medical area (specifically the Pathology field), designed to make it easier for staff to register patients plus search and save valuable information easily with a relational database (SQL).
Web Programming Pizza with Python and JavaScript by Charles
An web application for handling a pizza restaurant’s online orders.
Calorie Counter by PEARLYNN
Calorie Counter is a web-based application used to track one’s calorie intake and macronutrient consumption in one’s diet.
inverto by sauravi kulkarni
Inverto is a simple Chrome extension that inverts the colors on your webpage for a smoother browsing experience.
Return the list of all dates for Excel Script by Lê Thành Đạt
Provide data for an excel-database in a private project
Corgi Cafe by Aarohan Mehta
Corgi Cafe is a website for a hypothetical cafe that makes snacks for people and their dogs (specifically corgis).
greenworld_group by Collen Hapureni
GreenWorld Group Pty Ltd is a Transport company located in Germiston Gauteng.
final project for my CS50 by Chidera Ibekwe
Quiz that decides wether your Optimistic or Persimistic any other detail is a secret check out the site..ha
Clothes E-commerce by Gabriel Fiorotti
A sports clothes e-commerce web application, with both user and admin interfaces.
Website for selling design services by Svitlana Kryvsha
This website is intended to provide design services, to collect and store information about customers and to advertise the services provided.
Getaway Driver by Thorvald G Tveitereid
You play as the getaway driver, outrunning the police in this highway chase 2D sidescroller game made with Unity and C#
Task Tomato by Jordan Yates
A simple productivity helper, featuring focus and break timers inspired by the Pomodoro Technique, a checkable to-do list, and motivational quotes.
Student Exchange by Alperen Budak
brings together dual students from around the world who want to learn languages
3 Parts Project That Shows Time And Date,Weather Profile And Stopwatch
Lone Warrior by Farhad Esfahanizadeh
i made a 2D slash game called Lone Warrior with Game Maker Studio 2
Herbline-online by Dinesh Jayasiri
Herbline Online is a web-based platform that provides customers with a range of high-quality herbal beauty solutions, including skincare, haircare, herbal tea, and food supplements, formulated with traditional ancient herbal recipes, and a convenient and reliable way to purchase them from home.
Anime by Yash Mistry
An online web application based on Flask that serves user with an entertaintment purpose especially for anime lovers.
A place to report scam numbers by Yen Trinh Hoang
A web-based application using JavaScript, Python, and SQL, in which allows user to report or search for scam numbers
Responda questões de História! - Por Me. Vinicius Tivo. by VINICIUS TIVO SOARES
A quiz-like website for students preparing for Entrance Exams in Brazil.
Automated Capstone Requirements Check by Erin Adams Chanler
Programatically determines whether learners have met all requirements for their final project ("capstone").
MedIntel - Medicine Interaction Checker by Peter Ostermeier
It allows you to check for interactions between medicines of a patient.
CS50 Intersection by Hamza Muhammad
Traffic light simulation using Arduino and a local server built with HTML.
Task Manager by Nathan Briers
A simple task manager web application to help users stay organised in a professional manner
A token on the erc20 platform by Mohammadamin Pooryazdanpanahkermani
A simple token on the erc20 platform on Ethereum
Aibo by Raymond Agustine A. Santos
A comprehensive, convenient, easy-to use and sleek budgeting web application
Rock paper scissors game by Mohammad Mahdi Mirahmadi
Rock Paper Scissors game with Python and Tekinter library
RE:mind by Antoine Blondon
An android app that helps you memorize some things acting as a to-do list.
Programming Joke Extension by Austin Makasare
quick laugh during a coding marathon or just need a bit of levity to brighten your day,
>Nutritions is a web app I created that shaws all nutritions (46 items in total) from food products someone's ate. >Without registration, the user can see the composition of a separate product. >To add or to remove product to the food diary, view the total amount of nutrients in the food diary, the user must register.
The Sorting Hat by Erfan Jebely
By the questions The Hat asks you and depending on the answers you give. You are placed in one of the houses of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Expenses Classifier by Ryan Braga Brito
Expenses Panel is a basic web application developed to get your expense sheets (maybe your bank extract or your personal monthly expenses sheet), automatically classify these expenses into main budget categories (or your own created ones), and build a dashboard. As a result, it helps the user understand, organize, and plan their expenses more effectively.
CS50 Blog Application by Sabdar Shaikh
its a blog application using a php framework called as codeignitor
Web Interface for network design (in transportation Eng) by MohammadAli Abedi
Web Interface for my master thesis
Memory Game (revisited) by Roberto Liccardo
My version of the classic Memory Game implemented in Java with GUI
Recipe Book by Andrew James Austin
An app that lets you choose from over 5,000 recipes to plan your weekly meals.
ETL pipeline using Pandas in Python by raja kumar balasai
pandas is a software library written for the Python programming language for data manipulation and analysis. In particular, it offers data structures and operations for manipulating numerical tables and time series. It is free software released under the three-clause BSD license.[2] The name is derived from the term "panel data", an econometrics term for data sets that include observations over multiple time periods for the same individuals.[3] Its name is a play on the phrase "Python data analysis" itself.[4] Wes McKinney started building what would become pandas at AQR Capital while he was a researcher there from 2007 to 2010.[5] DataFrames Pandas is mainly used for data analysis and associated manipulation of tabular data in DataFrames. Pandas allows importing data from various file formats such as comma-separated values, JSON, Parquet, SQL database tables or queries, and Microsoft Excel.[6] Pandas allows various data manipulation operations such as merging,[7] reshaping,[8] selecting,[9] as well as data cleaning, and data wrangling features. The development of pandas introduced into Python many comparable features of working with DataFrames that were established in the R programming language. The pandas library is built upon another library, NumPy, which is oriented to efficiently working with arrays instead of the features of working on DataFrames
The Body Mass Index Tools by Demetrio Angelo Triglia
A web app to calculate the body mass index and browse the EU statistics
Background Remover Python Application by Seyed Mostafa Mohaddes Khalkhali
This project is a python program that remove background of uploaded picture.
Banking System by Aastik Sharma
Banking is the project for SABKA BANK. It is user-friendly attractive. It eases the work of both bank staff as well as the customer. It includes various functions and it is password protected, so it provides a secure connection between bank staff and customer.
Unicards - AI Flashcard Generation by Luis Henrich-Bandis
Enhance students flashcard learning with AI generated flashcards.
Family Expenses by Tsz Pang Wong
It is web based application to record and calculate expenses for family member.
A journal webpage to show my progress in my main project: a videogame
Personal Portfolio by Jingwen (Nicole) Bai
This project is a static website written in Javasrcript to showcase my work.
Carted: An Online Shopping Center by Colin Seper
Carted is an exclusive online shopping center meant to deliver the best deals out there!
Budgetify by Ng Wan Ying
Budgetify is an open-source, user-friendly, and intuitive budget-tracking app designed to help you take control of your personal finances. by Sam Flower
A web app to search political donations received by UK Members of Parliament.
Mortgage Affordability Webapp by William Lac
Find out if you can afford that home with the Affordability App!
(1)NBA Searching platform (2)Sneaker Hub e-commerce by John Chen
(1)NBA Search Platform: This is a platform for you to search for 2021 NBA players & Teams' information. (2) Sneaker Hub e-commerce: his is more like a simple version/prototype for e-commerce business.
React Website with Styled Components by Geovana Gomes Grigorio
React website using styled components and React smooth scroll. The website is fully responsive
WebGL 3d-Renderer by Erik Hurst
You can move a camera around using WASD, Space, and Shift to see rectangular prisms and spheres of different colors that have lighting.
my mineral collection by Florian Neukirchen
A webapp for mineral collectors to manage, browse and search a collection.
By using Java language, Genetic Algorithms and Continuous Optimization techniques, we have tried to implement a solution to maximize the potential customer coverage for telecommunication base stations.
Color Palette Extractor by Ma Chi Kin Brian
A web application that extracts the color palette of a photo.
An adventure into thinking by Nguyen Thien An
A platform enable user to express their opinions as well as honing their problem soving skill.
Mobile by Yusuf Diaa Abdelmohsen Mahmoud
It is a mobile simulator that simulates the mobile phone with some applications in C
MovieBox by Emirhan Balcı
My project's title is MovieBox and its a web application that allows users search, rate movies and create watchlists.
Health50 by Sophie McKenna
Health50 displays recipes and substitutes certain ingredients for healthier alternatives to promote healthy eating –– bye-bye processed sugar!
University of Waterloo Classes Bot by Vincent Chen
Send alerts based on univirsity class availabilities
CS50 Final Project by Lee Kim Yew
Web Application for Planning & Monitoring Yearly Personal Budget & Expenses
Classroom50 by Stiv Haka
Classroom50 is a web-based application that allows teachers and students to collaborate together.
TextSummarizer by Nozimjon Nabiev
TextSummarizer turns long and confusing texts into short and understandable ones.
Group Chat by Eduardo Lustosa de Souza
Real-time chat application that enables users to communicate globally, utilizing web sockets for seamless real-time message exchange.
PodcastPalace by Jose Moreno Gomez
PodcastPalace is a web application developed using JavaScript, Python, Flask, and SQL.
Marvel's Characters by Alvaro Linares Cabre
Is a Web App to show a Marvel's characters and a mini-game.
Rugby World Rankings Wiki Scraper by Sebastiaan Burger
Returns the Rugby World Rankings and allows the user to choose teams to calculate their change in rankings
Coffe Land by Amir Hossein Mahjoub Khorasani
Software for managing orders and products of a coffee shop
DNS Helper by Michael Vautour
Application for sharing DNS records with non technical clients to minimize errors.
Fitness Companion by Gabriel Armando Ferrales Ruedaflores
A fitness tool to keep track of your calories and macros.
Mahdi's Electronics Store by Mohammad Mehdi Ildarabadi
This is web site you can check some Electronics prouduct
Canadian Wildfire Map by Jason McNeil
The Canadian Wildfire Map is an interactive web app that provides users with up-to-date information on wildfires across the country.
Coin Tracker by Bence Sooki-Toth
Cryptocurrency tracking browser extension written in HTML, CSS & JavaScript.
Scalable Cloud Hosting by AUNG AUNG SWE
It is a script and logic to make your own scalable free cloud static hosting at cloudflare using worker and kv.
CS50 Mail by Mahmut Alsemra
With CS50 Mail you can easily draft and send emails just like you would on Gmail.
Go, Alien, Shoot! by Mark Jeano Aguiluz
My final project is a two-dimensional small-scale platformer shooting game called "Go, Alien, Shoot!".
Rental Property Calculator by Stefan Druzdzel
A web calculator that creates financial projects for a rental property.
Ping Pong Score Keeper by Matthew Johnson
A web application that allows users to keep track of the score during a ping pong match.
Final project cs50, about time management by Bruno Costa Oliveira
Motivação a cada hora, para um melhor aproveitamento do tempo
The Great Library by Pramit Bhattacharya
It is a database management system that allows the librarian to manage and keep a track off all the data of the library in a user friendly digital format.
Compound Interest Calculator by Iaroslav Rudenko
A web application that allows users to calculate the accumulated interest on various financial assets over specified periods of time.
BLOSSOM by Rama kalloub
web application that is designed to help people achieve their goals, organize their work, and track their sleep
Fractal Game (Chaos Game) by Finn Pomfret
A programme used to generate unique fractals based on user input, you can generate fractals such as the sierpinski triangle using it.
The extension will redirect to a subreddit's top posts of all time.
Evolution Simulator by John Edward Creighton
A simple web app that demonstrates the basics of natural selection
BJJ Tournament Web Application by Sean David Landeta
A web application that allows users to view and register for a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu tournament. by Taiye Salami
A means of encouraging volunteer services in the community where volunteers are rewarded with a luxury car for rent
Teacher Admin App by Louis van der Merwe
Helping a teacher keep track of a timetable and time scedule.
Basic TDEE & 8-week Linear Strength Program Calculator by Marco Ter Wei Han
Calculates daily caloric intake based on age/height/weight/activity level/exercise level, as well as a linear 8-week strength program based on SBD PRs.
Higenku Packing Engine by Lorenzo Miguel Tareszkiewicz Rezende
A application to pack other applications
MOFC - Math Operations For Children by Salome Gachechiladze
Solve plus, minus, divide and times tasks faster. Study math even if you do less at school.
Zen's HVAC Engineering Toolbox by Zhen Yue Lim
Cooling Load Estimation and Product Matching from Database
Home Oranizer App by Marla de Ramos
We connect comsumers with our skilled employees to help them clean or organize their space.
Collab by Angelo Augustine Capili
A simple, interactive bug tracker that lets a team keep track of their work progress.
a Chrome extension using JavaScript by Shayan Shahani
a Chrome extension that converts the given currency into USD
Interactive Movies Search by Pradhyumna Ravikirthi
This search app allows users to interactively search for movies in a database and have added flexibility to search across different hosting platforms like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime and Disney+
Text Analyzer by Mahmoud Elsherbiny
A desktop application built with Python and PyQt5 that allows users to analyze text.
Moment and Force graph calculator by Tara van Belkom
I made a website where you can calculate and graph the moment and force of a construction.
Page Search Plus by Akalanka Pathirage
Chrome extension that provides additional features for in page search
Video Teleconference Transcript Parser by Duane Robinson
I wrote a script and created a website to parse VTT files into something more readable.
Forex Position Size Calculator by Ghodratallah Sisakhti
With this program, you can calculate the volume of the forex position and the risk of the position in dollars.
Rexxy Run by Paul Fenton
2D side scroller jumping game that's a remake of my week0 scratch project using Lua and Love2D
AVL-Tree by Andrey
The given C program implements the insertion operation in an AVL tree data structure. AVL tree is a self-balancing binary search tree where the heights of the left and right subtrees of any node differ by at most one.
Finance-extension by Weihao Sheng
Added two more router to include search and portfolio weight calculation
Base-20 (vigesimal) Scientific Calculator displaying Kaktovik numerals by Skopyk Hlib
People who count with twenties instead of tens should have accessible mathematical tools, and this calculator is a solid step in this direction.
Notes Web Application by Muhammad Ashhub Ali
A web application for managing and organizing your notes through labels along with user authentication.
Warzone stats website by Alexey Efimik
Warzone data website that shows your gaming prfrormance in Call of Duty Warzone.
Golem XIV by Michal Elantkowski
You can talk to with sumpercopmuter from Stanislaw Lem Book - Golem XIV
El Comarapeño by Jhonny Claros Rios
Es un sitio web donde enseño a los niños de nivel inicial distintos temas de forma divertida e intuitiva, tambien es adaptable a dispositivos moviles.
Simple bash-like command-line interface by Valentin Betbeze
With this program, you can run basic commands to visualize, move around, and modify the directory structure of your system.
Finance App by Garrett Tayek
A user friendly finance app that allows the user to buy and sell stocks
Click and Read by Laurentiu Onofriesei
My project is an ecommerce app that enables users to "purchase" books from a curated list of 24 titles. It offers features like account creation, sign-in, cart management and access to purchased books.
PHP CMS by Mohammad Saeed Babaee
php cms you can upload courses related to programing and mange the site
Portugal Fuel Prices by Fabio Andre Salgadinho Neves
A project to get fuel prices from DGEG - Direcção Geral de Energia e Geologia and calculate the cheapest one based on personal needs.
appy by Ana Teresa Pereira Teixeira
Appy is a responsive website, with a focus on mobile devices, that helps people who suffer from anxiety.
The Backyard by Hayat Aarrass
I created a website for the bar I work at using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
Ray-of-Hope by Harshad Sanjay Karale
This will be help to the student who are blind and unable to write there exam paper this web will useful to the people who are real want to help this student this web will provide the contact between them.
Assembly instruction to hexadecimal converter by Igor Resende
I'm creating a Python code where you can convert an Assembly instruction to hexadecimal and binary!
Yuk-Chiu's Weather site by Yuk-Chiu Lai
This is a weather site for users to view the current temperature, pressure, humidity, visibility, wind speeed, sunrise and sunset.
Bat Maze - A game made in Lua with LÖVE 2D by Ivan Eduardo Cruz Ramírez
A Batman's 2D Game with a simple maze
Tony's To-Do Lists by Antônio Cesar Santos de Moraes
A simple webapp for creating to-do reminders and sorting them into lists, with localStorage. Created with the help of CSS, HTML, JS, webpack, git and npm!
Food Diary For Nutrition by Rahul Varshney
You Can Check Nutrition in Your Food . (Protein, Calories etc.)
Smile detection software by Mahdibaluchi
Smile recognition software is designed using image recognition algorithms. by Aayush Aaryan
Flappy Python: A modern twist on a classic game, powered by NEAT algorithm.
Real Estate Website by Isabella Keselman
Website for real estate firm, allows employees to upload objects and guests to view them.
Sketched by Chaithanya Kota
Creating a pencil sketch effect from user-inputted images using Flask and OpenCV-Python.
Harry Potter Character Profile by Pang Haoyu
It is a web application where you can learn more about Harry Potter.
Cebimdeki Restoran - Nearby Restaurant by Gürkan Şentürk
It is an application that lists all restaurants registered on google maps up to 1 km away. You can get the phone number and directions of the selected restaurant, and you can also let other users be informed by commenting on that restaurant. Firebase was used as the database and Kotlin was used as the scripting language. MVVM architecture was used as architecture.
A Day in Bill's Life by Brian Wong
A side scroller video game where you play as a bullet trying to go fast.
The goal of this program is (without any recompression of original files) to eliminate as much as possible the flickering that occurs when shooting stop-motion animation as consequence of unintended frame to frame differences in exposition values (EV) product of oscillations in light intensity typical of unstable electrical grids or by micro variations in lens aperture.
NYTimes Top Stories Viewer by Zaul Tavangar
A chrome extension that allows you to view top stories from various sections of the NYTimes.
Doctor'sMart by Anand Polamarasetti
Doctor’s mart will be able to manage patients diet plan, food ordered will be evaluated and user will be warned to avoid bad foods.
QPaletteBot by Andrei Pivovarov
Flask based Telegram bot that creates color palettes using dominant colors from an image using k-means clustering algorithm
Student Graduation Audit by Yin Chien Richard Teng
This project is a simple one-page web app that checks if the student can graduate.
Creat My Site (Telecommunication engineer) by Babak Keshavarzi
Create my site about my experiences in Telecommunication
Youtube Bookmarker Chrome Extension by Dhruv Choudhary
I made a Youtube Bookmarker, which is basically a chrome extension for bookmarking and saving various moments of videos for any future reference.
Nakol by Ahmed Hagag Abulwafa Abdallah
Nakol, "We Eat" in Arabic, is a website for EJUST students/university students who live in dorms to find and connect food mates for ordering food or going to resturants.
Mail prototype app by Bogdan Neacsu
A prototype of mail with register and login forms, sent and inbox forms and change password.
Translate by Amine Baheddi
Translate is a chrome extension which translates the selected text in any webpage
Watchlist by Lorin-Alexandru Lungoci
Create an account and keep track of Movies that you plan to see next
Fitness - Mokhtar Ramadan by Mokhtar Mohamed Mokhtar Ramadan
Fitness: Is a flask web application that helps you to get fitness information.
Helping Grandma Cheat at Wordfeud by Gaetan Verhegge
Helping Grandma cheat at Wordfeud, while still making her do a lot of the heavy lifting!
SLOOTH by Leul Dessalegn
The Alternative and easier method to search, track and close Security Vulnerabilities
CityLine by Bianca Negrea
If you've moved cities, studied abroad, or found love on the other side of the planet, CityLine is here to put your journey into the hand-drawn lifeline made of cityscapes.
Science Olympiad Event Manager by Noah Segal
Allows schools to manage student event preferences for Science Olympiad
Conway's Game of Life - CS50 Final Project by Luke McDonald
A Rust implementation of Conway's Game of Life
C$50 Bank Management System by Rami Mahmood Yahya Al-Sabri
A simple Banking system consisting of two platforms for admin and clients
Students Grade Average Calculator by Ezekiel Olateju
Calculates average score for a student in five subjects.
Tally Book by Yara Yan
It is a platform that like a tally book where users can register an account and record their daily expenses.
Yourbucks by Joshua Josephy-Zack
A virtual barista that generates a custom Starbucks order based on the user’s preferences.
Minesweeper in C by Aaron Tristan Tamayo Arbolado
A minesweeper game implemented in C that uses file handling, X and Y for display, and algorithms for sorting users, etc.
Find the spy by Kefei Yan
In this game, a human player must identify the spy AI based on descriptions given by all AI players, using limited information and a limited number of attempts.
Machine Reader by Martin Lokvenc
Application that can be used for searching through text from pdf files,
Multilanguage online store website with wordpress CMS by Mohammad Mahdi Sabet Hajiuni
I designed and developed a multilanguage online store website with wordpress CMS.users can register and sign in to website and buy carpet from here.
Promise tracker by Valentin Barati
Stay organized, stay accountable, and achieve your goals with Promise Tracker.
It's a health watch website that enables you get great watches to monitor your health and daily activities
The game of Garfield by Katrina Mäeorg
It's a webpage where you can play the game of Garfield, view highscores and add reviews.
Animation match by Moein Bashiry
it is a scratch file who a person walking in a beach listening to music that face some animals and decide to hold a match.
What is the value of a wicket in T20 cricket? by Danny Capper
Presenting the results of a data science project where I attempt to estimate the causal impact of a wicket in T20 cricket
CS50x Quicktab by Nathan Kassahun
CS50x QuickTab - Your all-in-one CS50x new tab experience. Search, plan, and access your favorite CS50x tools effortlessly.
CRM Web Application by Andini
This web application collects and manages all of its client-related information so we can track the buyer's journey start from leads until generating revenue.
Listecheck by Jakub Felski
"Listecheck" is a web app that lets you create, manage and use checklists!
Glance EHR by Youssef Emam
An electronic health record system meant to allow physicians to manage patient information, create new records, and prescribe new medications using a drug interaction checker powered by the National Library of Medicine.
POTS - python open trivia db sqlite by PRIAMBODO YOGA SUDARSONO
POTS is a graphical user interface program created to be able to use trivia games from Open Trivia Database (
SignUp and SignIn Web Based by Ali Bahoush
on this project you can sign-up with your phone number with authorizing by sending confirmation code
RI&E Webapp by Unseh Seelt
It's an app that you can fill in as a digitalized Risk inventory and evaluation.
Blood Bank Management System by Claucia Cambruzzi
It's an application built to support healthcare professionals finding the right match between blood requests and blood donations.
Escape from Earth! by Justin Epstein
An html-based website escape room game where you and a few others must hack into an Earthship in order to search for more habitable land.
Timely by Divyansh Mishra
Timely is a Flask-based application that makes creating calendar events a breeze.
Forest Fire Simulator by Pavel
Forest Fire Simulator helps you learn how forest fires spread and how to prevent them
Classification of Anti Refugee Tweets by Arnav Brahmasandra
DS lesson using basic NLP techniques to analyze tweets
YT Video Bookmarks by Raed Mazahreh
A chrome extension that allows you to save video bookmarks and return to them later
X-Task! by Zeljko Terzic
The “X-Task!” is a simple and easy-to-use application that allows users to create and manage their to-do lists and shopping lists.
This was CS50 by Hugo Viana
A web app to share and compare your final project with other cs50 students and for future students to get inspiration and motivation for their own final project.
Simple Online Shop with Nextjs 13, TailwindCSS and MongoDB by Amin Khanbabaei
A simple online shop with the ability to add to cart, remove and also view any of product's pages
Ai-Facts-Video-Gen Prototype 0.01 (not planning working on this any longer) by Simon Ferns
A buggy program that can create short form vertical videos, using Ai such as dall.e and chatgpt
BC Substance Use Resource Link by Michael Cotten
This website is designed to connect people struggling with unhealthy substance use to resources to help them reduce their substance use or pursue their other harm reduction goals.
Keto App by Olja Gešvind
Web app, designed for individuals following a keto diet, but not exclusively limited to them; the user inputs various ingredients, and the application provides a few meal suggestions based on those ingredients.
ScriptC by Mohammed A. S. Siddiqui
ScriptC is a function-based toy programming langauge inspired from Javascript, Python and C.
Rock Paper Scissor game in Python by Gurjeet Ujjainwar
Its a Rock Paper Scissor game created in python.
To-Do List Web Application by Youssef Elsoufy Ramadan
A feature-rich and intuitive web-based to-do list application designed for efficient task management.
Advanced calculator by Alireza Nori
Advanced calculator for calculating integrals and equations of degree 2
ASPECT by Alyoshka Myshko
ASPECT is voice assistant application made with python that is able to execute tasks using audible instructions.
Trading Calculator for Stonks and Crypto by Chris Campos
Risk Management Trading Calculator with additional features for stock and crypto traders.
The Cash And Coin Calculator by Arman Jain
this is a project that can calculate coins and cash both Australian and American.
Web Billing App by Maheshwaran Dhandapani
This is a web based billing app to add items and create bill for the purchase
Availability by Rima Fitria Adiati
A simple web application to register your final project data to your campus, and to find intersecting schedule between lecturers for doing your exams.
Watch & See by Deniz Gündogan
The purpose of this website is that people can easily find movies and TV series that they can watch on Youtube for free from my site.
WebsiteMyProject by Morteza Khodadadzadeh
Website design that can be used for the use of today's technologies can be taken from this website
Let's Get Cloud by Armando Filipe Milhais Mendonça Ferreira
A web application that generates a word cloud from the script of a user's favorite movie
NOTE50 by Wajd Wael
You can through my project create, update and delete notes as well as create a to-do list and updating the completeness status.
Nutribyte Website by Amna mohamed mostafa ibrahim
A website to help users achieve healthy lifestyles
My Bank (Online Banking System) by Ahmed Magdy
My project is a web-based application using Flask. My web application is a simulation of an online banking system. you can deposit, withdraw, transfer money.
Pomodoro Timer by Lina Manel Nouasri
A chrome extension of a Pomodoro Timer that helps with tasks managing and time tracking
WebPage with Flask and tailwindcss by Mohammad Allameh
My name is Mohammad Allameh, I am a web and NextJS developer and a participant of the cs50x course in Tehran. My project is an html template developed by myself and completed by using flask. The website consists of 4 sections, the main page, about me, completed projects, and the blog On each of them, I have used bootstrap and tailwindcss to make it appear and I have completed it with raw JavaScript. For the back-end side, I have taken help from flask in Python. Express your opinion.
No more anxiety by Parsa Farzaneh
It's a web application that individuals can take a 25-question test and know wether they have anxiety or not
CryptoWatch by amirhossein naderi
watch the latest price and some other informathion about Cryptocurrencies
Personal Budget Planner by Anna Adamczyk-Halbina
Personal Budget Planner is an easy-to-use web application that helps to plan your household budget.
Webfi by Samela Mikhaella Bobis Candido
It blocks website depending on the keyword added/registered by the user, when the website contains that keyword it ill block the whole access to that said website.
A Few Questions by Mohamed Adam El-Mustafa Omer El-Mumin
A Videogame about Interrogating Suspects and finding a murderer
3d engine by Tomas Jozic
put objects in 3d space and render on a 2d plane (our screen) that is a camera viewpoint
Dear Diary, by Choo Yu Yun Lydia
"Dear Diary,", is essentially your very own virtual diary, where users can create an account and post their diary entries.
The Newborn Navigator by Phoebe
The Newborn Navigator is a baby tracking app which logs activities such as feeds and sleeps.
Bookme by Yoann Grudzien
Bookme is a web application built using Flask which allows users to manage a calendar and see other users' availability.
Discord Chess Bot by Yashas Donthi
Play chess games, solve tactics, and analyze game history right within Discord.
SVwho by Alex Stone
SVwho is a simple search application that lets you find out if an Actor has been in an episode of Law & Order SVU (and which episode) or view the cast list for a provided episode.
Express Mail by Owen Oscar
Express Mail project is a simple mail application created using flask. it's purpose is to allow users send, receive and view mails just like any other email application like GMAIL would do.
Jobflix by Santiago Alliani
A job search web platform where you can search, save and apply for jobs.
It is a web application that I can easily introduce my products and sell them and my customers can easily communicate with me
A Ticket booking Website For Tommorowland by Allewela Kankanamge Thilina Dhanushka Sandaruwan
a ticket booking website forr a musical event
CargasApp by Alan Frenquel
Web application that allows individuals within a team to record their dedication to various projects and review both their own and their subordinates' commitments.
Chat Client-Server Application by Gavriella Charalampidi
This project is a chat client-server application that allows multiple clients to connect to a server and exchange messages in a chat room.
MY portfolio site by Saqlain Ahmed p
A simple yet elegant portfolio website that can impress anyone.
Search Engine by Mostafa Alinaghi-pour
My project is an implementation of a search engine that can receive the user's query from among the different documents it has as input data and show him the best and most relevant results. It should be noted that this search engine must be able to find related documents under some conditions.
Twitch Speak by Kennedy
A chrome extension that translates common words and phrases into twitch speak.
Disco by Conall Crossan
Uses OpenAI's API to match people based of a questionare of intense questions.
The_Covid_Manager by Vaibhav Tyagi
The covid manager project was made in the difficult time of pandemic. From this project we can order the necessities like medicine,oxygen cylinder,PPE kit etc. We can book beds,get your vaccination certificate,donate blood,and generate e pass. We took our inspiration of this project from CoWin site and and learned new concepts of pyttsx 3, web browser module.
SaveYourArticles by Carmine Plaitano
This is a web application where you can save your preferred articles from any website
Online notebook by Daria Katsai
Web application for work with notes in a personal dashboard and a calendar day counter
A command line based automatic todo list application in Python and SQL.
Restaurant Review Generator by Evangelos Meintasis
The Restaurant Review Generator project is a web application that generates positive reviews for restaurants using a machine learning model.
Ibn Battuta Airlines by Omar Salah Ahmed Abdul Hamid
The travel website provides information about booking tickets, hotels, and travel programs, and allows travelers to plan their trips and choose their destinations and accommodation options.
weather game and pong game with scratch by zeinab cheshmi
Almost like a game that changes the weather by clicking on the buttons
School Student Management Database by Mykhaylo Ilyin Ilyin
A web application that allows managing students and lectures.
Intonation Checker - by Lindsey Ferguson
Scores intonation from most audio files
LittleFoot: Supply Chain Emissions Calculator by Tristan Webber
A supply chain emissions calculator and dashboard.
Nginx Log Watcher by Emerson Felipe da Silva Pereira
Small anti DoS or bruteforce attack app for web applications served by Nginx.
Sports survey by Shervin Firoozbakht
This project i try to get some answer about some question of Sport and submit and show it in another page. by Edward William Tweed
A flask web application, allowing users to create a 'Task List' and receive email reminders and notifications to help with their productivity.
CitySelect by Jake Schultz
A website for travelers that helps people select their destinations and prepare for the trip.
Advanced Calculator by Akishai Sabaratnasarma
A powerful and user-friendly web-based calculator application that supports a wide range of mathematical operations and equations.
Scottish MTB Trail Weather by Gordon Watt
Scottish MTB Trail Weather (SMTW) is a web app designed to summarise weather conditions in Scotland with an emphasis on trail conditions for mountain bikers.
Bluebird Portal by Alimi Rahaman Wisdom
An upgradable student portal app that allows fresh computer science students to receive event update, do an academic evaluation to determine a desired academic graduation grade and class then create a goal from an evaluation result to help them remain on track through their academic years.
Online Men's Fashion Shops' Price Monitor by Fung KaHo
A price tracker that compares items' prices of different online shop.
ShuttleLaunch by Joey Leung
ShuttleLaunch is an iOS game where you guide a space shuttle through obstacles.
Harvard CS50 Terminal based Website by mohammad javad karami
CS50 Website but its similar to linux terminal
Bill-Splitter Application by Marco Daumalle
Its a mobile app for android or ios that helps you to splitt your bills with your partner based on your income
"Keep ◡̈ & Productive" website by Yvonne Ng
The main idea of the website is to help users with striking a balance between work and mental wellbeing.
Personal website of Shirin Ale Aghaei by Shirin Ale Aghaei
This is my final project for the CS50x course, which is a personal website. This website has four main pages.
a web-based application using JavaScript, Python, and SQL by Youssef Hamdi Zafan
This project is a user registration and authentication system using Flask, SQLAlchemy, and Werkzeug.
Tic-Tac-Toe Game by John David Maquiñana Dela Cruz
This project is a Tic-Tac-Toe game implemented using Java Swing, where the user can play against the computer or another player. It includes features such as saving the game, playing background music, and highlighting the winning combinations.
Simple Shell by Chuks Humphrey Stephen
A basic shell that can execute commands and handle various functionalities.
breast cancer prediction using machine learning by zahra Alipour
it predict breast cancer base of features which it has , i used of UCi breast cancer diagnosis dataset which it has 569,33 samples which from 569 patients.
ARDUINO BASED GAME by Charalampos Alexiadis
A simple rock, paper, scissors game developed with arduino
YouTube Duration by Zayn Baig
Calculates the duration of a YouTube Playlist/Video taking into account playback speed!
Sudoku by Jay Li
This project generates sudoku that is playable for the user to play. There are multiple modes and some useful buttons.
Course Schedule Calculator by Lê Thành Đạt
Get the days, the schedule, the first day, return a list of day, but with a nice UI
Monopoly Helper by Tanjot Singh
Helps users play monopoly by keeping track of their balance and properties.
its a simple project where user enters their date of birth and the present day and as a result it displays their age
Beba Água by Alisson Vitor Souza da Silva
Você tem bebido água suficientemente? a extensão Bebe água vai te ajudar nisso.
The Appointment by Pattarapon Srimanta
The appointment countdown for your bigday! It's required user to input the appointment then countdown to that day and alarm when the day is come.
TicTacToe game with HTML, CSS and JavaScript by Renzo Belon
It's a TicTacToe game written with HTML, CSS and JavaScript that runs on the web browser and lets you play agains the computer with different difficulty levels.
Yazd introduction website by Azam Ghoveh Nodoushan
A site has been designed using HTML, CSS and JavaScript to introduce the city of Yazd.
COVID-19 School Simulator by Eric Zhao
COVID-19 School Simulator simulates the spread of COVID-19 among students in my high school.
Calculator by Brooke Lesko
My project is a calculator that adds, subtracts, multiplies, divides, and squares.
Sorting Algorithm Visualizer by Yaj Tetambe
An interactive web application for visualizing various sorting algorithms in real-time.
Beneath the Shell by Krista Nelson
Static website for fun and education using HTML, Javascript and CSS
Bersih Warrior CS50 by TEH KOK SIANG
A retro side-scrolling beat-em-up game which mildly symbolises Malaysians' ongoing fight against unfair elections, corrupted politicians and racial politics.
ship dev by Mahdi Habibi
people can say to our how can we do better the site I have used solid principles as much as possible. My project is a store where you can buy anything you need and it has great file capabilities - I have made es as much as can buy anything you - register: people can unroll to the this site and shop - shop : people can shop and take it in their home - log-in : people can login in their chrome or fire fox (mozila) adn stay on it - people can say to our how can we do better the site
Karaoki-fy by Thitiwut Pattasuttinont
Youtube video where every line of a song matches an image - generator
Flight Booking by Amr Sayed
I chose to create a website to calculate the number of tickets and their cost for the flight booking web page.
Noob Gambling : A poker like web-based app by Zero Noob
It is a poker like web-based app where users can create an account,buy gambling tickets and use them to gain certain amount of money.
Dual History by Shamil Valiev
The dual history web app aims to entertain and educate users by showcasing historically significant events from different parts of the world that occurred around the same time.
Strava Data Science Interface by Oliver Tyrrell
Python Client to enable authentication and pythonic access of strava data to leverage python's data science capabilities
JSON to Base64 converter by Frank Mueller
Web application to convert complex JSON strings into Base64 code and vice versa
rnal by Othman Ben bouazza
This is a full stack diary/journal web application that allows you to keep your secrets in one safe, private place
You Need We Find by Anakom Alexandru Suvonvorn
A website that is for searching for a room to book or an item to buy, then linking it to the website that provides that product or room.
Blackjack by Bruno Cabral
Blackjack is a card game, the objective is to sum the values of the card each player has and the player that is closer to 21 points wins.
cs50chain by Francisco de Asís Cerezo Valverde
Flask app based on a blockchain implementation in python.
Virtual Accountant by Ian Blake Lawson
Virtual Accountant Version 1 is designed to create an easy to understand income statement for users directly from their bank account transactions.
Shanyraq Restaurant by Igor Li
MVP web application for a restaurant with Kazakh traditional cuisine.
Salary Analyzer by Kayvan Abdollahian
The aim of Salary Analyzer is to help employers to figure out how many hours they should expect their employees to work based on the salary they are paying them and also how to split those payments by title (base pay, benefits, deductions, etc.) to match the corresponding laws.
YourList by Sahand Sanaei
It is a flaks web application in which you can save notes and customize your account.
IPAM: IP Address Management Tool by Diogo Santos
IPAM provides tools for IT infrastructure teams to manage IP address resources in a hierarchical fashion.
WebNote by Amirdha Adal Arasu N
It is an online notes taking application with user authentication feature. User can write notes and can save, edit and delete it.
Spending Trails (an Expense Tracker) by Arrita Berjani
A web application which allows the user to keep track of their expenses.
Amazon Clone Website by Unais
i made a amazone clone website where you can buy products same like amazone with payment integration
Misfits News by Ali Sadrian
A website for people to share whatever they want! any kind of news, like sports, personal, life updates, etc.
DECI-GEN by Philipp Landeck
Python tool that generates well-informed decisions based on the users personal preferences.
TabTools by Isaac Daniel Dendroff
A browser extension for Firefox for copying and opening multiple URLs
Stocks Simulator by Md Danish Akhter
Web-application to store notes keep user motivated and practice trading stock.
Get Pairs by Terrell Brown
A webpage that solves the issue of finding pairs easily given a large list of numbers
You are a marathoner! by Jane (Evgeniia) Pavlova
A web application which helps runners to track their runs and compare them with real marathon athletes for projected marathon times
An app for storing student educational information by Tayyebeh Zerang
The purpose of this project is to design a class called student, which, as its name suggests, is supposed to be used to store the educational information of students
Message Tab by Nihad Emad Zeidan
Chrome extension that allow users to display messages in a wonderful digital-sliding way.
Caring Creatures Web Application by Carlos Leonardo Emanuele
Web app with a unique voting mechanism, where NFTs represent voting rights.
Random Recipe Generator by Adrian-Stefan Ion
A web app that generates a random recipe based on inputs
Personal website by Jiahao Su
I aim to provide a platform for people to get to know me more, including but not limited to my educations, my extracurriculars, projects that I participated in and a food blog showing all the restaurants I have been to and a random food picker is available for those who have difficulty choosing like me.
DNN: Dublin Neighborhood News by Rini Jain
DNN is a website designed to keep neighborhoods and communities aware and safe of their city.
Connect Mathoperations by Benedikt Goerdt
You can break down complex formulas into simpler ones by freely arranging mathoperations.
Southern African Birding by Andrew D’Arcy-Evans
Web app for bird watchers providing front end to a SQLite database.
Cheat Sheet Central by Felix Carvalho
A centralized web app for cheat sheets from diverse technologies
PropertiesLocationFinder by Thomas Berger
The PLF (Properties Location Finder) application helps you to find suitable locations for investing in real estate in Germany.
Pass Pro by Kyle Frandanisa
PassPro is a password manager that automates password generation and storage.
A web page to facilitate the finding of recycling public spaces in Chile by Lucas Folch
a website that allows its users to look up information about recycling facilities near them
Roma MailBox - CS50 final project 2023 by Romano LIUKINA
This is a simple email messaging web application that allows users to register, log in, send and receive messages.
SPECIFY by Samuel Champion
SPECIFY is a web application that allows Spotify users to easily generate personalised playlists based on their favourite artists, tracks or genres and discover new music tailored to their unique taste.
Random Games by Júlio César Martins
A simple platform that unites 4 random games to kill your boredom.
Vacation planner by Afifi Ismail
Vacation planner is a great way to inform everyone on the trip of all pieces of information needed to be ready.
Google Calendar by Younes Veisi
It is a web application that helps you add events on your Google Calendar, and automatically tells you the departure time. It simplifies the process of adding a new event and checking the departure time.
Sound Control Using Hand Gestures by Yanzhao Yang
Sound control (play, stop, increase/decrease volume) using hand gestures
Last Night's Mischief by Mahdis Ashta
This is a fun game that requires a minimum of three players to start.
BEST PRICE by Luiz Claudio Queiroz Lacerda de Melo Filho
App connect to Binance and Coinbase test's api to choose where is the best to trade crypto currency only for testnet and sandbox env.
LoL Webscraper: The Future of League of Legends Betting by Matheus Evaristo
Revolutionizing LoL betting with real-time odds analysis and tailored recommendations.
Sentiment Analysis of Product Reviews by Freedom Consing
Text classification and sentiment analysis using machine learning.
my webpage by Mehrdad farshinehadl
This my webpage there are some information about myself and my goals.
Beginner Machine Learning Models by Finn Clancy
Predicting the Olympics, Sales and the Stock Market.
Walwal Drinking Cards by John Mark B. Delima
A flask-based personalized drinking card game made especially for Filipinos
Bycicle Data Visualization Website by Antonio de Jesus Juan Fernández
A website to create visualizations from a SQL database.
Medical Affairs Project Scoping Program by Autumn A Moss
Develops scopes of work for Medical Affairs projects.
Floricultura "Zen Flower" by João Pedro Reigota Blanco
Homepage construída com as linguagens HTML, CSS e JavaScript. Assim como, a página de cadastro e de atualização de cadastro. PHP utilizado para fazer o CRUD e trazer as informações da tabela de cadastro para colocar dentro do banco de dados. Assim como, para fazer a atualização do cadastro e, eventualmente, deletá-lo. Foram utilizadas queries para inserir, alterar e deletar, de fato, as informações no banco de dados.
TODOMaster by Fangfang Chen
This application utilizes Python, JavaScript, Flask, Jinja, HTML, and CSS. This application is designed for creating to-do lists.
calculator by Navneet Sharma
It can perform functions such as addition, substraction, multiplication, division, and calculate the square and factorial of a number.
Kizuna - Physiotherapy helper app by Valentin AMELINEAU
This web app allows french speaking physiotherapist to retrieve the latest scientific research articles for a given medical condition and to put these in relationships with their current patients.
Royal Game Of Ur by Anton Liwag
Using html, css and Three JS. This is my 3d rendition of the oldest playable board game in the world, around 4,600 years old.
Fishy Game by Petar Mrvac
A game where you are a fish that eats smaller fish and avoids bigger fish.
task manager by Ali Moshki Kashi
This is an HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code snippet for a simple Note App. Here's a breakdown of what this code does: **HTML (`index.html`):** - It defines the structure of the web page, including form elements for adding notes, buttons for sorting and deleting notes, and a list to display the notes. - It links to external CSS and JavaScript files (`ali1.css` and `script.js`). **CSS (`ali1.css`):** - It provides styles for various elements on the page, including fonts, colors, spacing, and button styles. - It defines the appearance of the note items, checkboxes, tags, and buttons. - It handles the appearance of completed notes and styles for the container. **JavaScript (`script.js`):** - It adds functionality to the Note App. - It listens for the `DOMContentLoaded` event, ensuring that the JavaScript code is executed after the page has fully loaded. - It selects various HTML elements by their IDs and adds event listeners to them. Here are some key functionalities implemented in the JavaScript code: - Adding notes: When the user submits the form, the code checks if a note and an optional tag are entered. If so, it adds a new note to the list and stores it in the `noteItems` array. It also updates the filter options for tags. - Editing notes: When the "Edit" button is clicked on a note, it allows the user to edit the note's text and tag. After editing, the user can click the "Update" button to save changes. - Deleting notes: When the "Delete" button is clicked on a note, it prompts the user for confirmation and, if confirmed, deletes the note from the list and `noteItems`. - Completing notes: When a note's checkbox is clicked, it toggles the "completed" class, visually indicating the note's completion status. The code also updates the `noteItems` array to reflect the completion status. - Sorting notes: The "Sort" button sorts the notes based on their completion status, moving completed notes to the bottom of the list. - Deleting completed notes: The "Delete Completed" button deletes all completed notes from the list and `noteItems`. - Searching notes: The code allows users to search for notes by text. It filters the notes based on the search input in real-time. - Filtering notes by tag: Users can filter notes by selecting a tag from the dropdown menu. It hides notes that don't match the selected tag. - Local storage: The code uses `localStorage` to persistently store the notes, ensuring that they are still available when the user returns to the page. This code provides a basic structure for a Note App with features for adding, editing, deleting, completing, sorting, and filtering notes. It's a functional starting point that can be further customized and expanded upon as needed.
Justice League Lineup by Paulo Henrique Martins Araujo
My project is webpage prototype that show the members of the Justice League, alongside their backstory and their unique quotes
Creating a bot that predicts Rossmann future sales by Bruno Di Franco Albuquerque
This projects combines Machine Learning and Flask
FIRE50 | FIRE Calculator by Milind Hasrajani
It is a website which helps you in calculating the time within which you can retire!
Password Manager by Eric Arakelian
A very simple to use chrome extension which allows you to store and keep track of your passwords. by Piotr Detyna
The AI-powered long text writing tool for bloggers and content creators with pixabay and wordpress integration.
D&D Location and Character Generator by Justin Paetzelt
A web application that generates a random pair of fantasy location and character names, for use in D&D and creative writing contexts.
Library Management System by Weda Gedara Kavindu Prathibha Sumanathilake
This a simple console application developed using Python to manage a library system.
Plant tracker by Eva Gadzhieva
Plant Tracker is a web application built to help plant enthusiasts monitor and manage their plants' health and watering schedule.
Notes (or Flashcards) by Kevin Covney
Notes is a web application that allows users to play an online musical flashcard game that teaches them the notes of the treble and bass clefs.
My Reminider by Hewa Batagodage Tharushi Chathuranga Dewmini
You can add notes by clicking plus mark
Tic-Tac-Toe Game by Alireza Baniali
A tic-tac-toe game created with Python that you can play with a computer as your opponent
Birthday Bash by Nicolette Joon
Birthday calendar that helps you remember birthdays and insert them into the database.
"The Duck and The Bug" by Pablo Julian Rial Sartirana
Arcade platform game featuring a rubber duck as main character
FlightRadar by Soban Shadab Hodekar
FlightRadar is a simple web application that allows the user to track the live status of any flight.
Shaven Wickramanayake's Personal Website by Shaven Dulneth Wickramanayaka
My Personal Website made with web technologies
Blood Bank Management System by Rick Munene
Enables doctors to store blood bank records and have a list of donors available in case any more blood of a certain blood type is required
BLS Employment Data Search Page by John Phillips
The purpose of the project is to provide a quick and easy way to retrieve employment data for the largest MSAs in the United States via a simple web application.
TODO List by maha bradai
- Design and style a modern user interface using HTML and CSS. - Implement essential features like adding, deleting, and managing tasks. - Use JavaScript to make your application responsive and interactive.
Intrigue Blog by Jeemon Puthusseri
This project - Intrigue - is a blog that has multiple modern features like auto image picker and text summarizer.
Bytesized Book Reviews by James Redgate
A web app that allows users to sign up and start 'publishing' mini book reviews under their username, as well as view and comment on other's reviews.
Japan Sushi Journey by Tatsuo Shimojima
An interactive platform for exploring and reviewing Japan's diverse sushi varieties.
Cuaca by Luqman Hanis Daniel bin Khailmi
A weather web app that gives info about current weather your area or other places
Rently by Mohammed Saied Abdelkader
A web site that lets users find a car to rent in their chosen location
NHS Pension Calculator by Ioannis Stathis
It helps people who work for the NHS in the UK estimate their pension and read a blog post about why they shouldn't opt out.
TaskLy by Matias Caceres
A web-based task management application that helps you organize, prioritize, and complete your to-do list with ease.
Personal website by Mark Zhyvitski
My personal website with information about myself and my experience
ANIMAL RESCUE by Camila Andrea Nieto Moya
This is a responsible webpage perfect for adoption shelters. Which has 2 parts: Clients and Staff Webpage.
Ghost and witch game by Seyed Mohammad Mahdi Tabibiyan
In this game, the ghost must protect herself from evil creatures using her magic stick
BMI Calculator by Abdelkader ahmed mohamed badwy
Equation to determine the level of obesity in people
My Inventory by María Isabel Sánchez O'Mullony Martínez
A web page to save your favourite music and movies/series
Friendsgiving by Olivia Albers
A web app where you can create a friendsgiving event and friends can sign up to bring dishes.
My quiz by Karunamuni Manodya Aloka
it is a quiz website there are 20 quiz the player should click on the option and click the next question button to proceed .At the end the score is display and the time taken to complete.
Simple Chat Client and Server by Uri Shechter Gelles
This is a set of both a Chat client and the server that it works with
Pharmanage by Mansi Begerhotta
PHARMANAGE is a web application built with Flask(a Python web framework), javascript, HTML, CSS, SQLALCHEMY. It provides functionality for user authentication, customer management, printing bills, tracking sales and stock in a pharmacy.
Quality of Life evaluation scale - Web App by Guilherme Pupo Alves
A Modern and Playful way of use the AUQEI questionnaire
Introducing the city of Tehran, the capital of Iran by Amir Shayan Moradi Gorji
My project is to design a website introducing the city of Tehran, the capital of Iran, using HTML, CSS and Java script.
ContactSafe by Rafael Vinhal Vaz Rodrigues
A website that securely stores a variety of contact informations.
Gluten Free and Me by Daniel Gervasio
A place to share creative recipes for the gluten free community.
CS50 Leilões - Auction House Cattle Web App by Alexandre Ramalho Nessralla
Web application for Livestock Cattle Auction
Akana the Virtual Assistant by Ece Tabur
Virtual voice assistant that takes commands and completes them.
CS50 Music Battles by Julie Le Rudulier
It's a web application where users engage in musical battles by voting for their favorite songs.
GymGuide - Seu guia de exercícios by Débora Castro
my project is a website in Javascript, called "GymGuide", a guide for exercises, series and correct form of execution.
Spoons by Kirsten R Opstad
Based on Christine Miserandino's spoon theory, the Spoons web application simulates the experience of expending energy throughout the day.
Email Follow-Up Automation by Marcin Miękisz
Sends a personalised email follow-up to clients based on a CSV data file.
Photoshop Group Exporter by Jesus Antonio Dalmau Cam
The Photoshop Group Exporter is a script written in ExtendScript for Adobe Photoshop. It provides a user interface to export groups in the active document as separate files, making it easier to export and manage multiple elements within the document.
FIFA World Cup Trivia Quiz by Raphael Dision
A trivia quiz written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript all about the FIFA World Cup.
Music bot (not very creative) by Zaid Tahir
This took me about two weeks to make, I'm gonna use it on a regular basis and so will my friends.
Analyze Workouts by H. Emin Demirel
Analyze Workouts of ergometer (row,bike,ski) users using graphics.
Daily Motivation! by Jason Sockol
A simple website that will give you a new motivational quote every time the page is reloaded.
Ten Queens Problem by Charles NIKDEL
Backtracking algorithm with a command line argument implementation
Mario Fan Game by Mate
It’s an attempt to imitate The mario 2d platformer games and create a framework for future 2d projects
Online store by Sunderarajan Srinivasan
Online Store - eCommerce website that display products under various categories for user to Order
BINGO: the Guide, the Myth, the Legend by Samuel Lao
It's a helper for a game in a game in a game in a game (yes, really!)
Dice: The Game by Michal Dziubany
Play a game of dice with dice animation, stats and automatic score calculation
Blockchain Fundamental Concepts: Live Demo by Emmanuel Murano
An easy way to see how blocks are chained on a blockchain, and create some on live.
snooker_demo by Arian Delir
A project that solves the problem of people in snooker clubs who do not have the score board.
Grocer's by Moetassim Rady
It is an inventory tracker/transaction processing website app that grocer shop owners can use as an alternative to a cash register.
Purchasing system by Okoro Sunday
Gives earners opportunity to buy stocks if their salary is worth buying it
Snake and Ladder by Madhu Midha
A two-player Snake and Ladder game simulation in C, where players take turns rolling dice and navigate a game board with snakes and ladders.
FIFA World Cup by Licheng Geng
This project is a web application built with Django. It serves to provide the statistics of FIFA World Cup tournaments in history.
Simple Weather App by Rizqi Siti Rahmah
This' project is a weather app project. this' app will give you a real-time weather info/forecast for any location that you want to know.
Negativity Checker Extension by Loh Ze Qing Norbert
It is an extension that measures the negativity in any sentence that the user highlights.
Project_Schedualing by amr abdelrazek ahmed abdelrazek
schedualing a project updating it and get some simple graphs out of it
StockTracker+ by Isabel Su
StockTracker+ is a website to view the historic performance of a company using a graph.
Convenient Calculator by Aysel Elshenawy
This is a conveinent 2 integer calculator that is able to execute 4 operations at the user's choice.
GPRO Tyres Prediction by María Florencia Caro
Webapp (Flask) to place predictions for the tyres brand choices of GPRO's Elite league.
Peaky Invaders by Muhammad Awais Ahmad
A 2D game resembling space invaders built using python's pygame library.
SOLUM by Juan P. Zanguitu
Affordable, universal and open-source datalogger for environmental sensors
Simple Translator by Hau Keung Au-Yeung
This Simple Translator is an online translator that translates between popular language pairs.
collect fruit (Scratch Project (2) (1)) by Taha Mahmoudi
collect the fruits by pressing the left and right arrows and win the game by reaching 40 points
Find my next Book by Antoine ESCUDIER
A website, powered by OpenAI GPT-3.5-turbo model API that recommends you books based on the one you like.
WebRTC Chat App by Sahand Masoleh
A peer-to-peer web application for chatting and transferring files.
Kristal Definitions by Davide Ricchiuto
Kristal Definitions is a chrome extension designed to instantly provide the user the definition and the pronunciation of the selected word.
StockAnalysisBot by Roy
Predicting a stock price by looking at a linear relationship between the closing price today to the closing price in x days, and using that prediction to predict x days into the future by Efuah Oluwaseyi Stephanie Eigobhor is a web application that gives users access to attorneys and legal aides.
Program with Python Language by Parham Ramezani Amir
It is a Python program for adding, displaying, and searching contacts
Count 'Em by Koustov Chapagain
Count 'Em is a card counting trainer, and the casinos' worst nightmare.
DFTrack by Laura Augusta Vasconcelos de Albuquerque
Web app that tracks prices from the Dafiti website.
CSCP Tennis Ranking by Pedro Oviedo
My software will allow tennis members of my tennis club, Club Social y Campo de Pato to first register and then place and receive tennis match challenges. The results of the matches feed a rating system that becomes visible to club tennis players.
Amazon Book Scraper Website by Blaine Butterworth
Website for looking up used book prices on using the Scrapy web crawling framework
Oyatsu Skincare by Catarina Mourato de Sousa
A Website that introduces you to the world of Skincare, based in scientific evidence, with condensed knowledge and tips for each particular skin, with emphasis on sensitive skin.
Journal and Goal tracking Web Application by Lakhi Godavarthi Raju
Allows users to track their daily journals and their goals
Dashboard Maxum gas chromatograph (GC) with Arduino One hardware. by Sabine van Adrichem
The goal of this project is to be able to read the calorific values of the Maxum Gas Chromatograph (GC) on a dashboard programmed in C# and on the hardware of the Arduino Uno.
Doran Mauldin's Biomimicry Articles by Doran Mauldin II
A site that shares my interest in biomimicry with the world
Calculation of angular error with Python by Shahrokh Sadeghianpour
Calculating the angular error in geomatics
CryptoPriceBot by Seyed Parsa Feyz Esfehani
Telegram bot, created using Python, which enables users to track real-time prices of reputable cryptocurrencies
Gym Track by Revengehb Revengehb
Gym track is a web application service designed to help people keep track of their fitness progress.
Online audio processor and MP3 converter by Gian Marco Ferronato
It is an audio processor and MP3 converter made with Flask and Javascript.
Website - gallary of cars photo and video with wordpress by pouya amiri
Online exhibition of images and videos related to cars with WordPress
dolatabadihassan - airraha - kilidganj by Dolatabadi Hassan
Personal page to introduce ideas and thoughts and creativity
QuickLift by Daniel Fenske
QuickLift is a powerful, never-before-seen workout application that prescribes its users a unique workout, or set of eight exercises, every time they login and hit the gym.
CPU Scheduling Algorithms by Ayesha Afzal
Different processes undergo 4 scheduling algorithms and return the order each one would be executed in, along with the wait and turnaround time
Advanced Calculator by Razia Karim
Calculator with additional features of exponentiation and factorial
SimpleScheduler by Liad
A program that executes several operations (tasks) at predetermined time intervals.
Alarm Clock by Fatemeh Zahra Alizadeh Nia
It is a Alarm that we can set the alarm and buzzer will be on.
PingPongBattle by Nico rauseo
Immersive scrolling animation and thrilling ping pong gameplay combined in one web application.
Study with me by Yessica Bao Ye
Study with me is a web app that emules a desktop with Youtube videos on the back and a timer and to-do-list as tools for students while studying alone.
scratch womam by Sadegh Zarei
My project is a two-step game with Scratch program, the main role of which is a lady who has to cross obstacles
I visualized the bubble sort algorithm from week 3 and the user can customize the gui and display
Fortune of the Day Google Extension by Matthieu Delay
A google extension that shows your fortune once a day using javascript and html.
Respecting Boundaries by Jannick Leukers
Web application that playfully familiarises users with the ecological concept of planetary boundaries and seeks to educate about environmental impacts.
Flower shop Roya by Maryam Moeini Far
This project is a flower shop website written in HTML programming language
TODO LIST by Pablo Henrique dos Santos Dias
I made an algorithm in C that is a todo list, to make a list of itens, the list has a limit size of 100 tasks and is possible to check each task with done flag.
Playful Square by Amir Hossein Sarrafi
A game that can entertain player by trying to avoid hitting the yellow obstacles.
Cryptocurrency Price Tracker Browser Extension by Briyan Dyju
It is a browser extension that can be added to any browser in developer mode. it tells you how much money each digital coin is worth in real-time. With this tool, you can make better choices when you want to buy or sell digital money.
Coffee Journal by Oksana Okhrymovych
It's a web application to add and store ones favourite coffee roasters, places and coffee equipment.
Walmart Data anlysis by Blake Underwood
Finding if weekly sales correlate to any other variable and finding out how well we can predict holidays with machine learning algorithms.
beam_analysis by Amirreza Alipour
This project is a GUI-based beam analysis tool using Python's tkinter library for calculating parameters and generating diagrams.
ACTpoints by Daniel Rackl
A web application for booking courses and logging of healthy activities by users in a company environment.
easyGPGTool by Mehdi Ghazanfari
🔐 Introducing "easyGPGTool"! 🐍💻 Get ready to unlock the world of encryption effortlessly. Built with Python and powered by the awesome PySide6 framework, this Linux-exclusive gem is your go-to for seamless encryption and more. Say goodbye to complex command-line jargon – easyGPGTool makes encryption a breeze. Join us on this development journey as we refine and redefine security! Stay tuned for updates and embrace the future of user-friendly encryption. 🛡️🔒 #easyGPGTool #PythonMagic #SecureSimplicity by Travis Pickens
A tool to generate recipes from ingredients you already have powered by OpenAI.
CS50 Chatting! by Vejsana Bito
a chatting platform for cs50 students to share their experiences and memories.
Medical Referral Appointment by Ssenyonga Emma
Medical Referral Appointment For many years patients in Africa most especially in Uganda find it very hard to contact with the doctor in any government hospital, After taking CS50 (aka CS50x through edX), Harvard University's introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming. So in my final project a good friend of mine ( Tulyakira Gasto ) came up with an idea which I decided to implement through creating an online system to help on solving: impersonation, easy access to the specialists and congestion in any government hospitals
MyCollegeStats by Paulo Agujitas
A web-based application using JavaScript, Python, and SQL that keeps a record of scores of a subject/s to be computed as the subject/s' final grade
NITS by Hans-Arthur Schilling
iOS App written in Swift (SwiftUI) to support flight and cabin crew when going through the steps of an inflight NITS briefing in case of an inflight emergency situation.
Suvat python calculator by João Amaral Silva
A calculator created using python that allows students to do SUVAT calculations
Medicina by Mustafa Mohamed
موقع حجز طبي مصمم لتعزيز تجربة الرعاية الصحية الخاصة بك. الموقع يسهل عليك اختيار تخصص طبي معين
movie and series website by mohammad z
The project offers several movies and TV shows that you can add to your list
Arduino Ping-Pong Game by Hayk
Famous Ping-Pong Game's developed variant with 1player, 2player and 4player game modes made with Arduino microcontroller.
NYC Baby Names by Max Slusarczyk
This is a Flask run site that helps people explore and learn about names of babies born in New York City.
Lisa's personal homepage by Lisa Becker
My personal homepage as a graphical interface website and terminal-style website
Distance Calculator by Pedro D'Ávila
is a Python project that uses the Flask library to create a web application that allows the user to calculate the distance between two points on Google Maps.
Homage by Gregory Sanon
A web application that stores user's id's within sql, once they create an account, using python, javascript, html, sql,css, you can go into the website, view different html links, and go to a calendar and add notes, to an event board and delete the notes and events calling Javascript function to do so.
Eve Analysis by Mike Enting
A web-application that fetches data from Google Drive to provide insight in the (temperature) data gathered by a smart-home accessory, the 'Eve Room'.
Battleship! by Emanuel Jireh Llontop Huiza
A web app that resembles the paper and pencil, Battleship game.
AI image creator by Ali Esmaeli
I've created an app for desktop which is able to create imeage that you want using ai
DNA analysis tool for scientists by Dylan Taylor Alexander
Identifies and prints a graphical representation of a DNA molecule, indicating important features from the user
Spreadsheet Merging HTML Application by Lillian Kozel
And HTML page with python back-end coding that will merge two spreadsheets
Eevee Dex by Rafael Magalhaes Sales
Eeve Dex is a web application offering a user-friendly interface to query a PokeAPI, display detailed information, and facilitate exploration of Pokemon data.
World Barometer by Filipe da Silva Pereira
The World Barometer project provide users with up-to-date news articles from around the world. It utilizes various data sources and an API to fetch news based on user preferences, such as country selection, category and keywords.
Sudoku Solver by Gabriel Ikaro Fonseca de Paiva
A Java program that uses Graph theory to solve sudoku puzzles.
Interactive Resume Website by Yi-Shiuan Chen
It's an interactive resume website created mainly using React, Redux, and PHP
cs50x final project scratch by Azam Harati
In this game, the bear earns points by hitting the name and loses points by hitting the dinosaur.
Wordle50 web game by Reza Jafari
It's wordle50 from pset2 but a web page changed from simple c to a web designed by html, css and javascript and logiced by flask from python, jinja 2 and a sql to access a data base
Yadika 13 Website by CHINTALYA MAGDALENA
The school website can also be an information center for visitors and those who want to continue their higher education
Exam Buddy by Dineth Dewmina Withanage
A website which students can enter their exam results and see their progress.
Weather app by Clement Lai Zen Ching
This is a simple weather app that allows users to search for weather information of a location.
ManisSite by Mani Mohebbi
In this project, I planned to create a personal site about myself that can introduce me to you.
Movie Recommendation System by Alston Samuel Peter Antony
It suggest movies from your ratings of past seen movies.
Organized Life by Sofia Torres de Paula Cintra
A website that helps people organized their life with notes, checklists and an agenda.
Project “Cho-Han” by Pasha
I wrote the game in the Python programming language. In my game, the dealer is the computer. The game is played with one player. The results of the numbers dropped on the dice are randomly generated.
JP50: Learn Japanese from Scratch by Sim Jia Jun
A website that assists its user to start learning Japanese.
Oursports by Anthony Obiora Chukwujekwu
Oursport is basically a web application for sport lovers and enthusiasts.
Trainings diary by Mike Eminger
A web-based multi-user capable flask application that allows you to log and manage all your workouts and activities.
Bian System by Kattya Cecilia Claros Gutiérrez
The proyect is a system for team sales, where you can allows to create a business, the users of the sales team, customer list, the list of products with details of fixed or variable prices and finally the sale made.
EPData. by Jocelyn Patricia Tang
EPData. is a free web tool that allows architects and other construction professionals to track and visualize embodied carbon emissions of various construction material options.
Oblivion PCCleaner by Simone Prinzi
Oblivion is a Automatic PcCleaner. Oblivion will execute each cleanup command to keep your computer always clean and performing. all pop-up close automatically after 3 seconds, DO NOT TRY TO CLOSE THE WINDOWS THAT APPEAR ON THE SCREEN. commands executes: Run Disk Cleanup Delete Temp File from %temp% folder Delete Temp File from prefetch folder Empty Recycle Bin (If the trash is empty or you have set it to automatic cleaning, the program will not execute any commands.) Unistalling All Pre-installed Windows Application: •Skype - Pre-installed from Windows Version •Windows Maps - Pre-installed from Windows Version •Office Hub - Pre-installed from Windows Version •Windows Camera - Pre-installed from Windows Version •Solitaire Collection - Pre-installed from Windows Version •Bing Finance, Bing News, Bing Sport, Bing Weather - Pre-installed from Windows Version •Sound Recorder - Pre-installed from Windows Version •Get Started - Pre-installed from Windows Version •3dBuilder - Pre-installed from Windows Version •WindowsAlarm - Pre-installed from Windows Version •People - Pre-installed from Windows Version
Bitcoin dashboard by Byron Dennehy
A dashboard that displays the price and network stats of the Bitcoin network.
Basketball by James Matthew Reeves
How I got through CS50 compiled into a single website that focuses on basketball.
My Tool Box by Sasindu Senanayake
It's a web application with helpful tools that we use in our day to day lives
Meaning extension by Cristopher Góngora Sánchez
You can search the meaning of words in spanish or english
Learning plan diary by Valeria Сhuprina
Сonvenient planning to achieve the goal(educational or any other) and evaluate progress
FLEETS by Angel E Lopez Zambrano
Help companies keep track of their fleet maintenance, inspections and issues.
Chatty - Chat Bot by Shadab Shaikh
Its a simple chat bot made using HTML, CSS, JS, Chatterbot and Flask. Users can can chat with the bot topic related to AI, computers, Movies, Sports, etc. Bot has some humor and built into it.
Upscaler by
Upscaler is an application that allows you to increase the resolution a given image on Linux.
Real Time Car Detection by Mostafa Bakhshi
This Python project demonstrates a practical application of computer vision and machine learning for automated video analysis.
Family Shopping List by Fengyu Jiang
This website allows family members to create and manage their own shopping lists.
Kishu by Diego Mellizo
Kishu is a web when you can search your favorite animes/mangas, and see a few features of it. Secondly, offer the capability to store different types of lists so you can trake your animes/mangas, you can create: plant to watch/read, watching/reading, watched/readed and dropped.
Goods Market by YANGYANG LI
This is a website where people can post items for sale and buy things from others.
My CS50x final project is a website that contains the photos that I have taken from different places. On this website, I introduce myself and my taste in photography. I used HTML, CSS, and JAVA for creating this website.
Google Maps (fast) by Clancy
Speed up your Google Maps search flow! Search for anywhere from any webpage by Google Maps (fast).
Game Math Kidz ( by Yohan Adi Setiawan, S.Kom
Simple math game for kids with addition and subtraction, consists of 3 levels based on units, tens and hundreds.
Password Vault by Felipe Poletto Xavier
A password vault used to securely store and manage user accounts.
SplitBill by Alvin Pan
SplitBill is an online tool that helps you split bills with a friend and accurately keep track of receipts with them.
Rigid Body Physics Engine by Tariq Altini
A rigid body physics engine made with C++ and OpenGL that simulates elastic collisions
Voice-Controlled System Volume App by Habib Ghaderi
Controlling system volume level with 4 function (increase, decrease, mute and unmute)
Automated Water Tank Filler by Jose Eduardo Hernandez Paredes
The projects automate monitoring of a water tank, offering a visual interface for PC.
CS50 Trivia by Chandler Campbell
My project is a trivia web application using Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Jinja, and Flask.
ClassMate by Paolo Cruzado
ClassMate is a web application that serves as a guide for students to aid them in their daily school lives, providing them with information on their subjects, their class schedule, and a to-do list they may add to.
A task manager with a pomodoro timer by Awotide Ajibola Oladokun
A task manager with a pomodoro timer
The Automated Hospital Bonus Calculator by Ananya Gupta
A calculator that calculates bonuses for unlimited hospital employees within seconds
Flask application through which a freelancer can keep track of invoices and tax due
Atmosphere Particle Rocket by Zach Hagelberg
In this game, you can move yourself by controllably bouncing particles off of a circle.
Scratch game(tesla game) by Fateme Honarvaran
A scratch game where you go through 35 houses by rolling dice and answer questions about space, literature, the human body, cinema and art.
Best Playlist Finder by Akiho Kurihara
This website asks you some questions and shows you a best playlist from Spotify which match your feeling.
Gas sensor measuring temperature, humidity, pressure and volatile organic compounds by Lazar Chervenkov
It's an embedded device that reads the temperature, humidity, pressure and air quality from a sensor and visualizes it through serial terminal
Animal evolution by Luke Lee
Its a game where you try to create more of a animal so it can evolve to a better animal.
DukaanMate - A Shop Management WebApp by Harmeet Singh
It's an web application which can be used to do general activities for shop owner and their workers
Color-picker-chrome-extension by Akash Mishra
I have made a color picker chrome extension using html, css and Javascript. Using this we can easily find the color code behind a certain webpage.
Friender by Yevheniia Piatkova
My project is made for people who, for some reason, are left without friends or would like to make new ones, but do not know how.
Welkin by Alicia Mirembe Thanzan
A wellness vent app that allows you to write out your deepest thoughts and feelings privately and unlike a diary it is a lot more private and easy to access.
Crop Rotation Tracker by Michelle Ma
Web app that tracks the crops currently planted in my garden, allowing updates to garden and viewing planting history.
Webcam based air drawing using machine learning pose estimation and opencv in python.
Patron is all about connecting a person who needs help to a person who is ready to help.
PFC BALANCE by Koki Kazaore
Just upload a photo of a dish and it will determine its protein, fat, and carbohydrate content.
My ToDos by Dwayne Brathwaite
This web application was designed using Python and Flask to help a team of users to keep track of the tasks on their todo list.
Alpha Equity Research by Yulong Dai
My website can give buy/sell/hold recommendations for US market traded stocks.
Luck & Jinx in Chinese Almanac by Yihang Huang
Visualize the mechanism of Chinese Almanac to forcast Luck & Jinx
inspireNuggets by Ritam Debnath
inspireNuggets is a Chrome Browser (Web) Extension that displays random inspiring techie quotes for developers/designers.
Mooveez by Sean Matthew
A web application where the user can lookup information about movies, add movies to their collection, and write and read reviews.
Library Management System by SAGAR PAWAR
A system for keeping track of books and users in a library.
Your Number, My Phone by Akshara Balakrishnan
A quick way to store your friends and family's phone numbers without having your phone handy.
Roman Numeral Converter by Kirk Henrich Gamo
A program that converts roman numerals into decimal numbers.
Eco-beautique by Diego Alejandro Loayza Llamosas
ECO-BEAUTIQUE is a Flask-based web application for streamlined online shopping.
GoWeb App for Salesforce Admins by Sue Irvine
A mobile friendly web application for Salesforce admin user management.
Movies50 by Shota
a website where you can look up any movie/show you want and add them to favorites list
Resto View by Andrei Albu
A web pased app, that takes Google Maps Leads in form of a csv file to represent it in a nice way on a map and table.
StocksTracker by Nicholas Y.
A web application that allows user to gain a quick insight into the performance of their stock portfolio and investment transactions
iTraverary by Ryan Wong
A tool for travelers to design, edit and print itineraries for their upcoming trips
Record Label Website by Jonathan Degnen
Interactive website (with music streaming) for a grunge/rock record label in Guernsey, Channel Islands.
mercedes w201 by falah alatabi
My project titled Mercedes w201 presents some information and pictures about this model of Mercedes cars
Sabacc by Samuel Rincon Anes
This web application allows you to play Sabacc, the card game, with your friends online.
Citizen Report by Pedro Alonso Ayuso Faber
Website to rise incidents about street lighting, broken sidewalks, and so on
Hospital by Si Thu Soe
This web app is for patient recording. In my country patient recording process is just on paper so that I want to make is in webb app.
ラジオ特化ウェブサイト(A website dedicated to radio) by Tsubasa Kondo
ラジオ特化ウェブサイト(A website dedicated to radio)
Bike Rental System in C by Mohamed Adel Al-Sayed Ahmed
It's a Bike Rental Program to save data about rented bikes and more..
shortener-url-application by Matias Daniel Torre
A basic shortener application, allows to shorten a long url in a tiny url
Gallery by Valentino Tiago Bernal Saez
It's a web aplication that works as a "social media" where users can share pictures albums with others.
Ez Lang by Mostafa Sherif
A website that helps people start learning a new language by showing them the letters, their spelling and how to write them.
Dark-white mode Chrome extension using JavaScript by Doja Wael
A Chrome extension using JavaScript, you can use it to change the theme with white or dark mode.
breast Cancer prediction using machine learning by Zahra Alipour
i had used machine learning algorithms to predict malignant and benign type of breast cancer.
Dough Calculator by Azizcan Yalçın
This is amount of ingredients calculator for specific number of pizza.
Heart Disease Web App by sara
This web app diagnoses 11 types of heart attack in patients with the help of artificial intelligence.
Equation Assistant by Ahmed Saad
the progrem works in the work of mathematical and accounting equations
Balancephere: A Health Journal by Asena Zeynep Ayyıldız
It is a health journal where users can track their meals, water consumption and sleep durations.
Reading List by Margaret Hughes
Reading List is a website that allows users to create accounts and then document the books they have read and the books they want to read and track their progress towards a reading goal.
My Account Book by Shen Haiye
A Flask Web Application used for personal or family bookkeeping, to record their incomes and expenditures and manage their financial situation.
Free Pfand by Thuy Linh Pham
a platform for people to give and take Pfand-bottles, which can be then brought to almost any supermarket to exchange for money.
Computer Science Quiz by Diya Hiremath
My project is a computer science quiz testing the user on concepts introduced in this CS50 course.
Birthday Web App by Nzeamalu Chikelue Austine
A web application for receiving birthday messages from friends
My car service reminder by Apostolos Noulas
A reminder for the yearly service required for a car by sending an email
football manager by Kou Furunaga
This application is a simulation game that allows you to experience yourself as the manager of a football club.
Food Explorer by Allison Hong
In this project, I designed a full-stack web application enabling users to search for restaurants filtered by location, price, type, as well as view and add merchants to a wishlist and favorites list.
Hostelp by Telvin Mario Jose
Effortless complaint management and seamless work assignment for hostels
Plots and data analysis of test samples by Filipe Sousa Couto
Web graphic user interface for easy enterpretation of data extrated from a test machine as a student of mechanical engineering.
Our game was Rock, Paper, Scissors and Lizard. An exciting team work, which is my favorite game and I enjoyed this exercise very much.
PRJ Manager by Mehmet Yiğit ERSÜ
A dashboard web application, producing Gantt charts from given data
EZ stock info scraper by Tohya Tanemura
Obtaining a stock price info of a particular organisation and recording it csv file.
J50 Japanese by WONG, Tsun Lok
A website for learners of Japanese language to keep track of their vocabulary.
Car Land by Kimia Bahari
Car Land website is about different brands of cars and more information about each of them.
Air Alarm by Nizhyvenko Artem
A site that shows the situation with air alarms on the territory of Ukraine.
E.C.H.O. (Enhanced Chats and Helpful Outputs) by Ralph Henrik I. Cajipe
E.C.H.O. is an AI chatbot designed to assist with helpful, creative, clever, and very friendly responses.
GitHub auto uploader by Arsha Fazlollahi
Uploads folders containing 100+ files automatically to the specified GitHub repository.
Corporate website by MohammadReza Heydari
The company's html site project that can be used to fully introduce your company
Guess The number by Lon Shan
The game project is about testing your luck by guessing the numbers multiple times.
Digits Recognition by Diego Bravo
For my CS50x final project Final Project, I decided to create a website on which I implanted an artificial intelligence that recognizes a hand-drawn digit.
Git Cheats by Can Cellek
Git Cheats helps you to find the most common commands in a user-friendly way instead of the daunting git-scm documentation.
Class Diary Management System (Diário de Classe) by Laís Souza da Silva Vigas
This project is a web-based diary and class management system that allows users to register, log in, add, and manage student records, including grades, in a secure and user-friendly environment. by Rafael Alexander Najarro Campos is a web application that saves a todo list for users.
TooMuchSubs by Çağın Yarkın Sarı
TooMuchSubs is basic web application to keep information of your subscriptions
Participant Scraper by Folke Eikmeier
Making information from directories on a shared drive available in an Excel file.
Play fair with Caesar! by Austin Devoid
With this program, users are able to encrypt and decrypt messages with the Caesar and Playfair cipher.
Knight Rider by Shreyans Daga
A robot that can track, travel to, and pick up any object (given that it is not too heavy).
TestAutomationFramework by Alex Stefan
A Python test automation framework with Selenium and Pytest used to test a website.
Formula 1 Telemetry by Pablo Reis Geraidine
Web based application that displays graphical data comparison between F1 drivers for a chosen event
MehranLatifi Resume by Mehran Latifi
Mehran Latifi's work and academic resume in a site was written based on html, css and javascript.
Sudoku Solver by Sunil Kidambi
Print solution to sudoku puzzle with explanation for easy understanding
Re-reCAPTCHA by Shaurya Addagatla
a simple random number guessing game that secretly acts as a CAPTCHA test.
Tie & Veil by Reem Walaa
This project is designed to make it easy for the brides to search for a suitable venues, hairdressers and flower shops and choose what is suitable for them to reserve.
Grocerylist by Nour Nasri Al Hek
It's a list of healthy groceries that you can add to and remove from items.
Currency Converting Rate Calculator by Avi
Allows users to convert between a large list of currencies quickly through a Chrome Extension
Secret Keeper by Hussein Mahmoud
Web app for generating random passwords and keeping it saved for the user.
Mbtify by Melisa Kurt
A Spotify API powered, MBTI related website, where users log in with their Spotify account to see 5 of their songs as they match with a selected MBTI type.
A software to manage your passwords for different websites.
Contrast by Anna Toll
A Chrome extension that increases color contrast and font weight for people with vision impairments.
CS50 - Final Project - DAX40 by Jan Huber
A nice little overview on Germany's most relevant stock market index: the DAX40.
Conway's Game of Life in Python terminal by William Paul LaCroix
A Python command-line/terminal based rendering of Conway's Game of Life
Personal web page by Fereshteh Manouchehri zadeh
my project is a personal web page that users can register in three classes.
No Pain , No gain (A gym website) by Hamada Ammar
It is a gym website that people and me to orgainze my life in gym and many features like many workout for men or women in home or gym and bmr calculator that calculate the calories that human burns per day.
Plantation Organization by Melanie Ouellet
It is an organization app for a palm oil plantation owner.
BaseCalsi by MD Hammad Bin Aftab
A calculator that converts numbers from one number system to another number system.
Pojio by Arsham Bozorgi
his is a Project Manager web application built using Django that allows you to manage projects, tasks, and sub-tasks. The application follows Progressive Web App (PWA) principles for improved user experience.
Interactive movies search by Pradhyumna Ravikirthi
An interactive movies app with ability to search on different hosting platforms like Netflix, Hulu etc.
coffee shop by Esraa osama
include everything you want home, menu meals, contact us if you have problem
Studymate by Nicholas Sidharta
A web application designed to help students and learners in their studying journey
University Bulletin by Mohanish Chavan
Implementing news feed management in a Web Applicatio for university students, professors, etc.
Erion's Top 50 by Erion Adams
This site shows 50 YouTube videos that are intersting to me that I would share with others.
Beverage Ordering System by Niamatallah Massik
A System where you can order different types of drinks with different sizes and prices
Neural Benchmark by Jack Elliot Collier Ryder
An application with 5 mini games all created using a convolutional neural network.
Eligiblity for loans discovered through machine learning models by Dewan Abdullah Al-Mamoon
Identifying who is eligible for housing loans through a program of machine learning.
Scientific_calculator by Shaopin Wang
This program is a scientific calculator that can perform simple quadrature operations, finger pair functions, and trigonometric functions by obtaining user input. Because the radian system input is complicated, this program uses angle values and converts them into radian in the code and performs the operations through the radian system.
Universal form creator for risk assessment in medicine by Stephen ong
C program to create forms to calculate risk of disease
Focus mode by William Brandon
Chrome extension that is meant to aid people in focusing by denying the ability to open certain websites such as Facebook per the user's choice
Coffee Paradise by Win Lwin
My porject is a Coffee ordering system which accept order and calculate the total price.
Nestor by Heber Dutra Macedo Júnior
Nestor is an alcohol consumption tracker and blood alcohol content estimator for bangle.js smartwatches.
Fake Binance by Yu Tian
A fake binance exchange that uses binance API to get pairs and real-time prices, mainly for my own practice trading during this bear market.
Game Finder by Anisha Rahut
A website for soccer players to connect with each other and schedule games.
MAT - My Application Transfer - by Manish Raj Moriche
It is a program that allows a user to send different files via a generated link. by Jonas Bouchraiet
webapp, that allows controlling drones with database subscriptions
SECURA by Tim Scholl
SECURA provides random password/PIN generators as well as a password checker and offers a suite of information on cybersecurity software.
IRMS - Interactive Restaurant Management System by Netanel Dahan
a functional and efficient system designed for the management and operation of a restaurant.
To do list web application by Mohamed Hassan Gamil
it's simply a web application that creates a to do list
Space Shooter by TAN JUN YANG ADRIAN
Shoot down all the enemies while avoiding them and collecting parts
Buy&Sell Market using python flask and sqlite by Charles Hondanero Artillero
This application enables users to interact with another users by selling the things that they wanted to sell, and other users will able to see that and make a request to buy that product.
ADA's Ristorante Italiano by Andrea De Arcangelis
Website for the restaurant I dream to have one day.
Discord Simple To Do Bot by Leung Ka Wai
Todo bot with following function to encourage peer pressure
alarm by Mohammad Moein Sohaily
It is an alarm clock and it is activated at the time specified by the user.
APPreciate by Ricardo Escobar
APPreciate is a social platform that promotes encouragement, appreciation, and positivity.
Design Path by Aidaoui Abdellah
Design Path is a platform offering design skills roadmaps and tutorial videos, guiding learners to acquire expertise in design skills effectively
CS50 MAIL by Kiran Negi
it is the webpage through which we can send ,receive emails and check email details and received emails.
Casual Commander Deck Comparisons by Blake Robinson
A tool to help Commander players form balanced games
Tim Shaw's Wordle Solver by Timothy Shaw
A flask app that simulates and helps solve a game of wordle.
CS50 ONLINE BANK by Marc Eddy Jean
My project is a bank account onine interface where customers can perform transactions
AstroLore by Yang Chi Hua
AstroLore is an educational website that functions as an astronomy website with mythology, folklore or legends as the focus.
Telelink by Harrison Waltman
Telelink is a quick and easy way to send links from your computer right to your phone!
The management system of an optometry center by Mehregan Mataee
This project is about the management system of an optometry and glasses center.
Personal Finance App API by Meirion Elliott Layton
A backend REST API for storing some safe banking information in a PostgreSQL database.
Student, teacher and university employee registration project with command line by Mehdi Noorzehi
Registration of students and selection of courses and registration of professors and university employees by Python language in the command line with a different design
Celebritie$ by Linh Hong Pham
Celebritie$ is a data scraping, exploration, recreation and visualization project using Python, Flask, and HTML/CSS, focusing on the top highest-paid celebrities.
Student Registration Form by Lomitha Manudana Dodampe Gamage
its a web site, student registration form
Aviation Weather - a tool to get automatic aviation weather reports by Angus Lai
Aviation Weather - a tool to get automatic aviation weather reports
Spatial Data Manager v.0.0.1 by Irsyad Kharisma
A simple system to store geospatial data and visualize it if needed
Vault Manager by Lamin Jawla
The vault manager is a web application that can help foreign exchange companies manage their cash flows from the bank to the supervisors, from the supervisors to the tellers and from the tellers to the customers.
Trivia Portal by May Lanie Abinido
A trivia game that allows users to answer multiple choice questions across a variety of categories.
Personal Budget Tracker Web App by Anna Dąda
Personal Budget Tracker is a web application designed to help you keep track of your finances.
ASTA: A Simple Timing App by Joel Gaff, Jr.
A simple timing app for timing small running, cycling, or similar events.
THP Search Engine by Florent Devrièse
Allows you to easily find a course from the French programming school [The Hacking Project].
Instant Professional Resume Builder by Manjot Singh Sran
The project is a web application built using the Flask framework. It aims to provide a seamless experience for users to generate professional resumes. The application's primary feature is its user-friendly interface where users input their personal and professional details, and within moments, they receive a well-structured, sleek resume ready for job applications or personal branding.
Reci Sharing by Lwin Moe Paing
Recipe-sharing platform is a place where user can share their own recipes and for Food enthusiasts who's looking for favorite recipe
AEE Website by Olalekan Oladimeji Segun
A simple small scale implementation of a departmental website
The Mollybox by Nashira
This is a movie rating and sharing app for mollywood cinephiles where they can rate and comment on the movies they watched, share them to other users and slso get to know their ratings on movies, then add to wishlist too.
Which Would Win? by Gregory Thomas Miller Herringer
A simple, responsive web-hosted (Heroku) game in which players are given two choices and must select the one that is 'worth more'.
Candy Crush by Amir Mohammad Ghadimi
this is Candy crush with c++ yeah you heard that right! this a candy-crush projwct but in cli!!! developed in c++ and for windows cmd!!! the goal is to reach a certain score to win the game! moving candies is possible giving the cordinates they have and if your move is valid, BOOM... you get the score for it. simple right?!!! and there is also this feature that if you give the cordinates 100 100 , it suggests you a valid move so you won't hurt your eyes trying to find it :) making this game was possible using 2D arrays and so many loops and ifs!
Mobile Mechanic by Xavier Quinn Reilly
A web application for storing vehicles and vehicle maintenance.
Naughty Words Extension by Matt Marini
Finds and replaces bad words on any html page with nicer words.
CLI User Registration/ Authentication System by Mohd Zeeshan
It's a CLI program for user registration and authentication system written in Python Language and MySQL.
Employee Information Management System by Sebastian Rony Gomes
On this system organization can create, edit and delete employee info
Simulating Lorentz transformations in C++ by Chan Ric
My project utilises C++ to calculate the Lorentz transformations for objects moving in the x direction with no spatial rotation (i.e., a Lorentz boost in the x direction).
World Time Mobile Application by Alireza Mahdi Barzi
"World Time" mobile application is developed with Flutter framework & it provides several country time zones using public APIs.
Ukrainian Poetry by Lina Posmitna
Web app that translates Ukrainian poetry into your native language.
Fast Mail by Hamid Abad
Fast Mail is an email service which can help users to send email to other registered members. It shows all recent emails which are sent and recieved.
Simple Polynomial Equation Solver by Phạm Trần Minh Trí
My website can solve quadratic, cubic, and quartic equation for real solutions.
Wave by Charles Mendez
It is a mock landing page up of what a website would look like if it were a school based web chat company.
Youtube video downloader by Houdaifa CHERIFI
A desktop app that downloads youtube videos up to 720p resolution
Number1 and Number2 Scratch game by Alireza Eidi
A race between two cars, one named number 1 and the other named number 2
Simon's Weather App by Simon Henkel
Enter a City Name and get some current weather Information and Ranking of the most submitted cities on this application
The Restreamables by Luke Canan
Determine streaming availability for each movie reviewed on "The Rewatchables" podcast
Portfolio Website by Jianhui Yuan
This project is a REACT app portfolio website using JS and Node.js that deployed on Vultr managed Ubuntu server (Cyberpanet instance).
this is my project, a javascript game - you need to guess the word until the little man is completely drawn
Waiter Budget by Jean-Pierre Mulder
An expense tracker for waiters where you include hours worked * pay rate, your daily tips and monthly expenses.
Healthier50 by Wilson Eduardo Scorbaioli Placido
You can check your Body Mass Index and follow up your progress with Lose or Gain weight
Unit Converter by Amir Dulla Urgessa
Convert all kinds of standard units of measurement from one to another with this highly customizable, easy to use, lightweight PHP component.
My CS50x experience by Haya Farid
A special keepsake and display of my HTML skills developed through CS50.
Crime Map by Cristhian Alonzo Becerra Espinoza
Report and Visualize Local Crime Incidents on an Interactive Map.
AKT College Manager by Kailash Choudhary
This Project is a college management website where the students and teachers can record and track classroom activities with user authentication security system.
A Go Client for eBird API by Min-Sian, Su
This package provides a golang client for eBird's REST API!
Basic Digital Footprint Checker by Juan Carlos Serrano
A basic program to check the digital footprint of a user
Guess The Number by Sidi Mohammed Mortada Korti
"Guess the Number" is a challenging and addictive game that requires players to guess a randomly generated number within a limited number of attempts across 10 levels, with increasing difficulty and feedback provided on each guess.
Shopping Wishlist Chrome Extension by Arnab Animesh Das
Generate wishlist of items from across sites
MTTCalc-Website by Morteza Ahmadzadeh-Darinsoo
Calculate the viability and compare them between treatment groups.
Portfolio website by Atham Norkulov
It's a portfolio website, you get information about me through that website.
Cat Facts! With images! by Volodymyr Maksymenko
It's a Chrome Extension that will provide you with random cat facts and images.
Sleek - AI Chatbot by Nguyen Huynh Thu Hong
A small AI chatbot application that allow user to have a chat on any topic with AI model "text-davinci-003" from Open AI API.
Solar System Simulation by Levent Polat
Solar System Simulation in Python using Newton's second law of motion and of universal gravitation.
Hi everyone My name is M ZAKERIA SHARUQ From United States, Sacramento, CA and this is my final project for CS50 Class, Harvard University, my project is included an app which is called Check&Go this app used for the airports for COVID 19 Vaccination status. this app is available on your cell phone, android, kiosk machine and on your computer, before traveling you should sign up and register your COVID 19 Vaccination status. this app helps You to safe your time, and you don't need to standing on the line to register your COVID 19 vaccine status. safe your time and take advantage from this app. I believe this app change the world of business very fast.
mavic2pro Drone by Hamed Shoghi Abkenar
This is Dji Mavic2pro Drone in Webots Simulation Environment Programmed by Python Language.
Quzzical by Anastasiia Smith
Quizzical is a trivia app which fetches 5 random questions and gives user an immediate score.
DinoJapan by Cíntia Felipe de Albuquerque Vasconcelos
Learn some japanese alphabet with a turn-based game
Today's Picture Of Astronomy by Pradhuman Sharma
Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.
Donut_Finder by Sarah Chavez
Web app that employs data from the Yelp Fusion API to locate donut shops by city and state with a background scheduler that fetches Yelp API data and upserts it to the SQLite database.
Birdserver by William Bonnell
A personal website to log bird sightings and favorite birds and add a watch list of birds you want to see
Tic Tac Toe by Chinmay Somayajula
The two player game of X or O. The player who succeeds in placing three of their marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row is the winner. If no ones wins then the program responds as a draw.
Maze generator and solver by Kyaw Zin Myat
Generate a maze using randomized DFS and find paths using DFS and BFS.
Melochrome by Jorge Andrés Gutiérrez Pacheco
A web application that takes an audio file (mp3) as input and plays a colorful visualization along with it based on its frequency distribution and loudness.
Käpt'n Flint Schocken by Dustin Ludwig
A web application to track data/statistics for a traditional table game.
MY HOTEL by Ola Makhlouf
A flask web application hotel reservation system that enables users to reserve rooms. It offers an administration interface to manage the hotel rooms, prices, and reservations
c_existence_asteroid(iasc) by Nariman Kouhbor
My project is an app that check if there is any astroid in image_sets of the searching asteroid campaign of iasc site
Speech Therapist Assessment Form by kamal ariffin
Generated bar graph which obtained data from the assessment for speech therapist to analyze the graph
tic tac toe by Mehrnoosh Ghodsian Aghdam
tic tac toe is a simple two player game that you should set the O or X in an streight line to win.
Coolr by Niccolò Mineo
Coolr is the productive eye dropper for Mac Os pleasing developers and designers alike.
Sales database by Inga Zune
User defines some variables, with Python codes different data from the database can be viewed on screen and exported into .csv files
Astronomical calculator/convertor by Shahdad Fadaei
This app convert any astronomical cordinate system to another and calculate Julian date time and LST.
Random Facts Chrome Extension by karim Dergham
a simple Chrome extension that displays random facts using the Useless Facts API
PCPlanet by Miguel Mondéjar Felipe
PCPlanet is an e-commerce web application built with Flask, SQLite, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
MyTube by Fauzi Kurniawan
A website that allows you to save and manage your youtube playlists in one convenient place
Javascript-Weather-app by Peyman Radmanesh
My project is a simple web page that can give us the air temperature, weather type, and wind speed of any city in the world in a moment.
Personal Website by Peter Kamel
A website that has some information about me and my programming skills
I SAW IT LIVE by Josh Klein
I SAW IT LIVE is a personal concert tracker web application, providing users with a data dashboard specific to their lifetime live music experience.
Fuel consumption calculator by Paulina Hercel
GUI application for tracking your refueling data, made with Python and Tkinter library
Hogwarts school webcite by Elena Chueva
Hogwarts school website for storing information about the houses, professors, students and subjects.
fateme zarei's homepage by fateme zarei
My final cs50 project is my homepage as Fateme Zarei's homepage. It is written with html, css, javascript(js), flask, jinja, python and you can see the source code in my github :
myFridge by Lin Yu Liang
A web app that helps people who have trouble keep track of all the items in their fridge.
Physics Simulators With Unity Engine by Sebastian Gonzalez Certuche
Simple pendulum, Parabolic Motion and Gas difusion simulators in an atractive webpage
ChattrBox - The AI ChatBot by Rhythm Dutta
ChattrBox is a conversational AI ChatBot which you can chat with just as you would do with a human.
Resume website by Saeed Malmir
a Resume website for myself. this project made by Html, css and Javascript.
Stock Options Data by Jerome Davis
A web application that uses spark and python to query stock options data for selected tickers from yahoo finance and displays this data in a table.
Rice_bot by Nutellinha bolacha23
In this project I made a bot for discord that shows curiosities about our planet and the universe.
Template simple web-app for early stage organizations by Andreas Angermann
Early stage organizations can present their ideas/project on the web and collect email adresses from interested visitors who want to sign up for newsletters or the like.
To Do List is a website where you can write your to do things and make sure you complete each task .
Quiz Maker by Parsa Hoseiniyan
Quiz Maker is a web based app which allows people to create quizes and also take quizes which people create.
Shooter Game by Reza Abdolahoghli
This project is a simple shooter game made with Scratch. It consists of two stages. In the first stage, you must destroy target_1s using the bullet. Each time you destroy a target_1, one point is added to the "Killed" variable. When the number of "Killed" points reaches a certain amount, the second stage begins. In the second stage, you must destroy target_2s using the bullet. Target_2s are stronger than target_1s and require you to shoot them twice to destroy them. To win the game, you must destroy all target_1s and target_2s and maintain all your lives. If your lives reach zero, the game ends and you are declared a loser.
Word Guess Game by Xiang You
Word Guess Game is a web application that allows users to play a guessing game where they have to guess a randomly generated word or a word from their own list. The user has to guess the word letter by letter, and they have a limited number of tries to guess the word correctly.
Caption Generator by Tan Hui Zi, Odelia
This web application helps users to add captions to images ('png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif').
House rental web application by Omar Ahmed Osman
My project is responsive web application that solves the problem of finding houses for rent.
Call of Cthulhu Character Generator by Benjamin Sternberger
This web app helps creating character for the roleplaying game "Call of Cthulhu" by Chaosium
GEOPEDIA by Vladimir Koudela
An interactive website allowing users to look up any world's country by its name and the website provides them with basic details of the required country and its neighbors..
Manage your appointment online by Nikolaus Albert
Enable patient to make and receive their appoinment online
RSA ID Validator by Christiaan Nel
Electron app that checks validity of RSA ID Number using LUHN and a few other checks.
Crypto Car Sharing Service by Anna Kolbasova
My idea is to build a car sharing application using Decentralized ID (DiD) and temporary NFTs assigned to drivers when they book a vehicle
Online Web Application in Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS by Fuad Goloba
The project is a web application developed using Python(Flask), JavaScript, HTML, CSS which is a website prototype for my partner's online shopping brand called KayKaybrand.
Pangolin by Hojiakbar Ikromjonov
My projects name is Pangolin, application that made in Flask, you can create quiz tests and do, share ID of test with your friends.
AiBuddy by Razvan Mihailescu
This is a simple AI chatbot web app that uses OpenAI API to generate AI responses to user prompts. The app is built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and deployed locally.
Countdown Game by Sinan Yolal
It is a countdown word game, you receive random letters and create a meaningful word in 30 seconds.
Test Suite for Finance P-set by Andrei Zorin
A collection of browser-operating functional tests for Finance web app
Shift by Russell Luo
Assigns people doing shiftwork to a number of posts evenly and without conflict
Jammming! by Jonash Marcelino
Jammming! - the ultimate platform for creating custom Spotify playlists. Find and add your favorite tracks in just a few clicks and create the perfect playlist for any occasion.
Work Space by Aijing Huang
Time management and project management tool that record times user spend on various projects
Resume - Personal Website by Mehdi Riahi
One page website about Mehdi Riahi such as skills, portfolio and etc.
Power Supply Unit Calculator by Guilherme Pais de Souza
Calculator for minimum wattage needed for computer build.
Translator-APP by Kieu Xuan Thoai
A simple language translator app written in java, the application will translate the language according to the user's choice
NoteCrypter by Raphael Araujo de Freitas
A password Manager or a Notepad that keeps the data encrypted
Fuel Calculator by Francesco Benedetti
Fuel Calculator is a web-based application that allows the user to obtain simple statistics useful for planning a trip
BattleGame by Phil Eason
RPG style, one on one turned-based battle engine versus a CPU, built with React.
Bookmovie by Rafael Vasconcelos Cordeiro
It is a bookmarker, for movies and tv series, that could really be used in daily life, whenever needed. During development phase I tried to keep it as simple and user friendly as possible.
Profile Card by Abanob Rafik
It is a profile card for me with a picture of me, my name and the academic year of my university, and it also contains my social of communication
Spoilerless Tournaments by Jimmy Bakir
A web-based application that retrieves videos from a YouTube playlist that contains a tournament, sorts the videos by the stage of the tournament, and hides the thumbnails under an image until they are clicked to avoid spoiling the results. It provides a spoiler-free environment to watch YouTube tournaments.
YuGiOh-card price generator by Oscar Philippow
It displays the prices of the YuGiOh-card which you hold under the camera, on different selling sites.
cv about myself by Mobina Rajabzadeh
This code creates a basic web page showcasing personal information, skills, and educational background for an individual named "Mobina."
iFlights by Afonso de Guimarães e Marques
iFlights is a "reverse" flight search engine that should ultimately allow the user to browse all scheduled flights to a provided destination (here restricted to European airports for performance's sake) on a provided date, as well as their price, not from a single selected departure location but from all of the available ones, sorted from cheapest to most expensive.
Pasta Timer by Konstantin Richter
I developed an application which tells you right on time when to get out your pasta.
Shopee Web Crawler by Hong-Son Nguyen
A bot for scraping comments and stars from an e-commerce website called Shopee
Fantasy Football Draft Tracker by Francisco Ruben De La Cruz
Track who's drafted and who's available in your fantasy football league's draft
Real Time Car Detection by Elaheh Zendeh Del
This Python project demonstrates a practical application of computer vision and machine learning for automated video analysis.
Super Translator by Pranav Kunisetty
A translator that provides you with multiple trnalations that you can use to exapand your vocabulary in many langueages
Note Taking Web App by Md. Noman Biswas Sibly
t's a note taking website where users can store their notes and update note
Capital knowledge! by Andrej Hribar
Website that test your knowledge of capital cities from countries all around the world.
Your Expense Claim Companion by Nicolas Louis Pinon
YECC is a web-based expense claim management system.
Business cards print production estimator by Jiří Prchal
Helps to calculate final price of requested amount of Business cards.
visualising sorting algorithms by Dimitris Angeli
Visually represents how sorting algorithms work using a bar chart
The socer dream by Filipe Rezende Falsetti Cabral
A simple and fun soccer simulation game with players and teams classes, where special powers are added.
Car Parking Assistance System by Mohamed Walid Abd El-Hakim
ThThis project is all about helping the drivers park their cars without crashing them into barriers that exist on the streets represented in other cars, fences and walls.
Harry Potter Personality Quiz by Allison Karp
A personality test to determine which Harry Potter character you are most similar to.
Portfolio Manager by Jochen Wurstbauer
A web application based on Python Flask, Bootstrap and SQLite to manage multiple stock portfolios, record transactions and optimize tax obligation by supporting different cost basis/sale allocation methods when selling stocks.
FOCUS: Chrome Extension by Albert Głębocki
A simple Chrome extension that help you stay focused on what's important and temporarily get rid of distractions.
StoreBot by Mattis Ong Jing Jie
StoreBot is a Telegram Bot that is able to keep track of item stocks and transactions in a warehouse/storehouse setting.
preregister by aymane atigui
Platform that helps students in the enrollment process for a particular institution.
São Paulo's Weather by Ana Paula de Andreis
It's a web weather app that displays both current and historical weather conditions of São Paulo in the present day.
QR code Generator by Mayura Sandaruwan Kankanam Pathiranage
It's a website that can generate QR code about your personal information which you can add to your business card or anywhere you want.
Minesweeper Algorithm by Roberto Sprengel Minozzo Tomchak
The Minesweeper game with an algorithm that can play the game by itself.
Typing Practice by Salahuddin Ahmad Yusof Bin Azlan Hamzah
It is a website that helps people practice their typing skills.
non_heart.dataset by Sarah Alipour Lonbar
There is a dataset about heart diseases that has missing data, and we have to insert the missing data using different methods such as the mean and average of the missing data and prepare the dataset.
Aryabhatta by Mayank Mehta
It's main purpose is to make you register the problems of the hostel online instead of going to the warden and saying them regarding the problem.
car_expenses_2023 by Dylan Bailey
Program that takes csv data relating to car expenses and trips and outputs a report detailing how much can be claimed as a tax deduction.
What to Watch (with friends) by Daniel Armella
My project is a website that helps users choose a movie for their group movie nights democratically.
DOGS & CATS by Arnav Aggarwal
a website that allow the user register donation of pets and get donation from the others people (adopt)
Tech Recycle for Education by Santahope Bandaru
Do you know that old gadgets picking up dust can be useful by schools to teach math, electronics and programming? Donate old phones or computers, and help schools create a lab that can change the life of many students.
Just Shoot the ball! by Sami Hesami
Hi its cs50x final project just simple scratch game that consider 3 sprities using different condition loops This is a step by step walkthrough that helps students understand the logic behind Problem Set 0.
Algorithm to help engineering students design helical compression springs by Bruno Chimentao Punhagui
This software will take the user input values and analyze whether they are within or outside the safety factors of a conservative spring design.
CS50: Quiz by Jeven Seider
I built a quiz web-app where you can play and create quizzes. Also featuring a login-system and highscores.
Defender of Polaris by Brian Humphreys
A quick but deviously difficult space shooter made with Unity and C#
CS50 Music Tools by Martin Hackl
A web application where you can use a metronome, tap tempo and a tuner.
Halo Cook by Erik Lommel
Cooking App - Generate meal plans and shopping lists. Find new cooking Ideas.
REI Comps by Sarah Kim
REI Comps is a simple automated research tool investors can use in the early discovery phase of the investment process to get comparables for the property they are interested in.
Focus Helper and Study Logger by Luiz Felipe Rodrigues da Silva Batista
Chrome extension to improve organization.
kindergarten by Tobias Seiler
a flask app for kindergartens, where they can provide registered parents with information (menu, announcements and docs)
Fit-Connect by Amit Pachisia
Networking and community Website/ App for fitness enthusiasts and service providers.
Machine Learning in the Web by Erik Martinez Vera
Implement Machine Learning with Python and visualize the results in the Web
Pick A Movie by Aung Oo Khant
A web app that suggests movies based on the user's preferences, such as genre, release year and rating
Hangman by Tina Aminipour
It is about a game that is called Hangman which you have to guess the word letter by letter
The Simple Task Manager by VU QUANG DUY
My project is about a simple application where user can manage their task and gets notification when task dues
TO Do List application by Melissa donyaei tooli
This project is a simple web application built using Flask and SQLite to manage to-do lists. This app allows users to log in with their email address and manage their personal to-do list.
Text Replacer by Gustavo Ribeiro
The "Text Replacer" is a Chrome extension that allows users to edit any text on any web page.
FilPsychConnect by Van Alistair H. Faeldon
FilPsychConnect is a web-based application that aims to provide the Filipino public a free platform where they could quickly connect or collaborate with mental health professionals. by Piyush Mudgal
it's a website based on the popular search engine google it uses the power of wikipedia API to provide information that user requires
Torment Grimoire by Amilton Vaz de Siqueira Neto
A spell finder database for tormenta 20, a brazillian pen and paper rpg.
PlaneGame by Nicholas Thomas
A base defense game where you play as and shoot down airplanes, the game gets more difficult every level.
QR Code Generator by Arshia Jafari
This is a simple web application that generates QR codes from user-provided links
WishLib by Yuliia Kulbachka
Web application to create your virtual Library and also share your book wishlist
Crypto Analytics by andrii_seeker
This is a platform for your integration into the world of cryptocurrencies
Bet Game by Mehmet ŞARBAK
Bet Game, it shows the richest person in each round, it shows the number of rounds and table balance at the end of the game, it is recommended to run in Windows
SafetyWalk App by Sascha Kornberger
This app is used to monitor employees on construction sites to see if they are following the safety policy by Christopher White
A residential house painting website for a Vancouver Lower Mainland company that has been in business since 2009.
Nutrition Magician by Robert Schmidt
A web app able to store and access patient information and calculate nutritional needs.
Twitter Scraper Webapp by Ismael Luis Sarmiento
It is a Twitter scraper that can be used to gather data and export it as a CSV that is database ready or as a dataframe.
LMPs ANALYSIS WEB PAGE by Omar Brandon Macias Rivera
Analyze the day ahead market prices in web page using CENACE's data
ATLAS by Ayush
This Project is all about names of different places. You enter a name of place and the website returns another place starting with the last letter of your input and the game continues.
Learning flashcard with Quackcard by Vu Quynh Mai Nguyen
The website helps users study effectively based on the flashcard learning method.
QR Code Generator by Jiří Čížek
A simple web application that allows you to generate QR codes with custom fill and background colors.
Cash Manager by Vasil Stoynov
It is a web-based application and it can be used for financial management.
GAMEXAX ANGULAR videos game discovery platform by Andranik HAKOBYAN
GAMEXAX is a video game discovery platform that uses the RAWG API, a community-powered database with over 500,000 games across half a hundred platforms. Angular 11 | API | Typescript | RxJS | Material angular | HTML | CSS | SCSS
Accounts payable by Pedro Manuel Alves da Silva
A web app for small business that manages the suppliers documents and payments.
Weather by Ali Alparslan Adam
A weather app that provides users with up-to-date meteorological data by providing instant and detailed weather information for cities around the world.
Australian Pastoral Stations by Simona Cancian
This is a web-based application using JavaScript, Python, and SQL.
Steganography by Bahaa Abdelrahim
conceals a text within an image and retrieves it, while saving your history.
Random abs workout by Raphael Masset
An app that generate a random abs exercise with some tools as a bonus.
Project Loveland by Najorae Trang-Kwina
A collaborative platform to build courses, share questions, and respond - more specifically the youth around social justice topics.
Microdrone club's web page by KYOKO ONODERA
This site is an introduction website for a microdrone club which I belong to.
Text Based Adventure Reader/Creator by Mohammed Razeen Jegabber
A program that outputs a text based adventure from a simple plaintext file
Womnote by Yushan Xu
It's an iOS application which serves as a note-taking tool, you can create, read, update and delete your notes.
Prompt Writer by Yoel Andreas Manoppo
"Prompt Writer: Empowering businesses with on-demand professional scriptwriting services."
Elisa SFMC Professional Website by Lizaveta Trafimuk
This web-based application is a representation of my professional website, featuring a contact form and exclusive articles that become visible only after users sign up for the newsletter.
Customized Data Analytics and AI (image classifier using CNN) by Thaer Nofal
Data analytics tool + AI using CNN
PHLottoChecker by Nevan Catoy
PHLottoChecker is a command line program written in the Rust programming language to easily check PCSO results.
CS50x Final Project - E-mail System by Douglas Pereira Batista
Meu projeto final é um sistema de email
The detective notebook by Nasri Mohamed Houssem
my project is inspired from fiftyville, I made this project to easly save his thoughts.
Invasion! by Michael Joseph Lutz
A Missile Command-style shooting gallery game written in Lua/Love 2D.
Project: Rail Shooter by Michael Welker
An arcade-style space-themed rail shooter game made in Unity and written in C#.
Food truck game with scratch by Omid Manoochehr Far
An exciting race between Jimmy and Rose to reach the food truck.
Navy's Engine LIVE Monitoring by Gustavo A. Velandia C.
A program that can be used to monitor in real time the machinery parameters of the Navy's ships. By now, the data is generated randomly in the file, but obtaining the data from sensors and using the same software architecture in the future, it will allow the exchange of the data between database, backend and frontend to show the most recent data anywhere around the globe.
Food ordering System by Mrinaal nagpal
The final project is based on C++ language and the topic is FOOD ORDERING SYSTEM.It is an online food ordering system that enables ease for the customers.
The Circle Skirt Calculator by Victoria Brennan
It is a website that generates a circle skirt pattern based on your inputted measurements.
website-time-tracker by Harlley dos Santos Bastos
A website for tracker everything that you spend you time.
Stone Generator by Francisco Parada
Catalog Web App to display different kinds of granites on sample stone images.
Family Game Night by Chad Campbell
A flask web app to make picking a game for family game nights fun!
Password Generator by Amirhossein Jangi Rashid
My project is written in Python and generates a password using the settings entered by the user.
Multi-winner Approval Voting by Kevin West
A flask web application to conduct an election using a multi-winner approval voting election method.
Top 5 Persian poets Webpage by Fateme Nasrollahzade
I implemented a webpage with Flask framework and MySQL.
Digit Detector by Wilson Yumadi
A webpage that allow users to draw digit on 20x30 pixel canvas, and get an AI prediction of the value of the digit drawn.
Healthy 24/7 by Shishir Bychapur Umashankar
Project to promote fitness and spread awareness about health.
MyTime by Aarna Prakash
A website where users can see the time of anyplace in the world in an interactive format.
WTC Final 2023 by Ritik Verma
My project is based on the WTC final which going to be held on The Kennigton Oval, London. Here, It is a website for a brief description about the Australia team squad and India team squad.
Secure Password Manager by Joseph Javier Prado Chaparro
Secure Password Manager: A Command-Line Password Management Tool in C with SQL Integration
Web evaluator of mathematical expressions based on the Shunting Yard algorithm by Bargan Constantin
Convert infix expressions to postfix form, and then, in one scan, determine the value of the entered data
Google Calendar by farzin hosseiniii
It is a web application that helps you add events on your Google Calendar, and automatically tells you the departure time. It simplifies the process of adding a new event and checking the departure time.
A personal website. by Bandaranayake Mudiyanselage Udeshika Kavishan Bandaranayake
My final project is a responsive personal website about myself.
ShortCat by Shantanu Jalkote
ShortCat is a shortcut manager website that allows users to create and manage clickable links to their favorite websites.
Flashy Flashcards by Jana Streit
Flask Web App enabling users to create their own flashcards and be quizzed on them
SleepAnalyzer by Michiel Ghesquiere
Automates sleep analysis (sleep staging and some basic statistics) from polysomnography (PSG) recordings .
Reinforcement Learning with Snake Game by Hsieh, Hsin-Yu
Reinforcement learning with the classic snake game.
Elektra 💻 eCommerce by Guillermo Dulce
Elektra eCommerce is a simple web app, whose purpose is to register new articles in a catalog of an electronic products store.
KanjiRack by Sharmaine Elaydo
KanjiRack is a web app that helps users to study kanji, in preparation for the JLPT.
Simple Injector by Dominik Richter
I have developed a tool that is able to inject code in a external process.
Singapore's Best Movie Ticket Booking System as C command line program. by Caleb Chong
Intuitive and user-friendly booking system for customers to conveniently purchase movie tickets online.
Forum Website by Muzaffar
I have crated a forum website, where users can ask question on different categories, like and comment. With telegram bot support.
Refuel Tracker by Hakan Ayata
Refuel Tracker App helps users to keep track of the fuel consumption of their vehicles
Karyomapping pedigree and embryo prediction generator by Caitlin Williams
Generates pedigrees and embryo predictions for karyomapping analysis
Chan's Bot by Chanakya Kanthimathinathan Subramanian
A personal-use Discord bot with some basic functions and can play a game of Wordle!
CS50 Project - Formula One Season Tracker 2023 by Sam Frost
A Formula One season and results tracker for the current season and results for historical races.
WordPlay by Abhinav Vutukuri
It is a web application to help learn new vocabulary words and test knowledge.
BoxingHub by Hongbo Wei
BoxingHub is a web app based on Python Flask, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and SQLite.
Sneaky Snake by Juan Antonio Martínez Sánchez
The author's version of the 1976 arcade game "Blockade" written in Lua with LÖVE
iMusicDb by Scott Peter Vaudreuil
Web Application (Python/Flask/SQLite) that allows users to listen (via YouTube), add, and/or remove songs from their music library.
Optimal calculation Mud pressure by Kara Saeedi
Calculation of mud pressure between pore pressure and structural failure pressure
Nginx Logs Watcher by Marcos Vella
Small anti DoS or bruteforce attack app for web applications served by Nginx.
Slagalica by Miloš Petković
Slagalica is a web-based word puzzle game based on a popular Serbian TV Show.
Secret Santa by Christian J. Albrecht
Building a website to set up a Secret Santa events where you even can define which participants may not be the Secret Santa of others.
Gather by David Wilson
Gather is a feature packed, event organisation tool to give you peace of mind what ever your are planning next.
SAPE - Automated Eletronic Process System by Rafael Silva Paes Pires Galvão
System that analyzes the legality of a person's arrest in Brazil
booking.c by Pourya Shahbazzadeh
It's a flight ticket booking system for Harvard students from Massachusetts to other states..
Scientific Calculator by Anika Zinnia Gupte
It is a calculator which is more complex than standard phone ones as it includes brackets, decimal point and pi.
OZlogger by Bridgette Murray
the software is a basic logging program for communications between Ham Radio operators.
Employee Payroll Management System by Amirreza Hassani
The program uses object-oriented programming concepts to organize employee information
MyLibrary by Yasin Günay
MyLibrary is a user-friendly platform for managing personal media collections, such as books, films, projects etc. This platform could be particularly useful for individuals who want to keep track of their various interests, activities etc.
Colour Streak by Debbie Fan
A web application hosting a fun colour game with a leaderboard ranking players' highscores
qr-code-generator by Matthew Carlson
A React webapp that instantly generates qr codes and allows you to download them.
Matrix Calculator by Mohammad Saeed Arvenaghi
A simple matrix calculator using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Measurement taking for prosthesis creation by Arnau Tricas Arjol
A web form to take the measurements orhtopedists need to classify a patient and contact them through gmail to book appointments.
My Form by Amirmohammad Almaei
This program can save and manage people's data such as name and address.
Totem by Олександр Жадовець
Totem is an AlienInvasion-like arcade game with lots of interesting features!
Autonomous Survace Vehicle and Realtime Water Quality Sampling by Anggra Anwari
My project base on Esp32 that link with 4 sensor, like Ph,Tempature, TDS, And Turbidity. for Monitoring i use Blynk Platform so the device possibly control everywhere by Ben-Oni Dankyi Ofosu
A feeds web application for user to post feed, and other users get to comment on it .
GreenLink by Siddhesh Rohidas Kotwal
It's a platform with collection of eco-friendly, recycled/upcycled products and services with Carbon Footprint calculator for calculating individuals emissions.
how to calculate the profit or loss from atransaction by Nagah Ibrahim Ismael abo zaid
project about how to calculate the profit given product cost and selling price
Appointment booker by Veera Hiltunen
Web application for creating booking calendars and booking appointments
Program taking Command line Argument in C Language by Partigya
I have make a project that takes command line arguments.And prints them.
cs50xtehran by seyed mahdi mirsadeghi
Website design using html, css, javascript designed by myself.
an emoji app on iOS by Qicong Mai
Develop by swift. Change the Emoji when the users click on different emoji.
The Career Finder by Carmen Rebollo Monjo
Taking into account your qualities, we advise you on the different paths that you can choose to study in the future.
Guiseppe's by Paul Doheney
Allows you to order from and make reservations at a particular restaurant by Gabor Jenei
It's a kanban app where you can keep up and manage your tasks. by Jonas Bouchraiet
webapp, that allows controlling drones with database subscriptions
Word Search by Ianna Clarke
A chrome extenesion that allows users to search for the meaning of words they don't know on a website.
CS50-games by Carlos Gabriel Rivera Domínguez
A website to play trivia and a wordle-like game with cs50's words and concepts
AKT College Manager by Nishan Chakma
This Project is a college management website where the students and teachers can record and track classroom activities with user authentication security system.
Discover by Paul Cratzius
An IOS App that let's you see travel information about different places on earth.
Canyon Status by Hendrik Schütte
Canyon Status is a tool to observe the delivery status of canyon bikes by Christopher White
A responsive residential interior and exterior website for the company Grade A Painters.
Inventory Management System by Declan Lacey
A website that allows you to add, remove, and change current Inventory.
Weather app by Eduardo Tomkiel Bueno
Meu projeto consiste em um app de clima onde armazena o nome de uma cidade e faz a pesquisa usando API onde seus resultados são a amostra de sua temperatura em celsius com máxima e mínima, bandeira do país correspondente e qual a condição do clima como: ensolarado, nublado, chuvoso etc.
Trackeo by Patryk Rogala
Trackeo is a tool that can help you organize and keep track of the tasks that you need to complete in a given day. It is a visual representation of your to-do list, where you can see all your tasks in one place and track your progress as you complete them.
Lost Birds and Shelters for Birds by Alejandra Martín
CRUD web app for displaying lost birds and shelters for birds in a Google Map.
simple Adblocker by kareem ibrahim hussain ibrahim(كريم ابراهيم حسين ابراهيم)
simpel Adblocker for chrome
google calendar by Farzaneh Hosseini
It is a web application that helps you add events on your Google Calendar, and automatically tells you the departure time. It simplifies the process of adding a new event and checking the departure time.
Key Registration by Malika Temurova
A new way of registering keys in a dormitory for increased time efficiency
School Management System by Federico Martinez Bon
Web App simplifying administrative tasks for teachers and administrators in a school.
Say to each by Panithan Rattanasombatpiboon
A web page that allows you to search for recipes by name or ingredient.
Eight Queens Problem by Kyle Luo
Program code to position 8 queens on an 8x8 chessboard without attacking each other.
Plus50x by Vladimir
Plus50x is a redesign page for CS50's Introduction to Computer Science by Harvard.
ReMembox by Kristina Holman
ReMembox is a web app that acts as an online memory box that supports text, photo, and audio uploads and is focused on simplicity and ease-of-use.
WTWIMG? - What's the weather in my garden by Luka Arsić
An educational DIY-type website showing the use of an Arduino set of sensors and then the use of the data received.
eNotes by Mohamed Mohamed
My project is a web app that allows users to create notes and receive or send emailed versions of those notes.
do-not-procrastinate by Rodrigo Marba
It is a web application to influence people to have positive habits by scoring their tasks.
Notes by Prince xalxo
Notes Web App: A simple and intuitive application for managing personal notes online.
Library Management System by Jan Kristopher Cabrera
An inventory-type system which keeps track of all the books present in the library, it also makes it easier for people to borrow books and for the librarian to keep track of books that have been borrowed without having to look at card catalogs.
Vaccination Records by Daljeet Singh Virdi
It is a web application to keep records of a child vaccinations.
Kipify by Soham Borate
Kipify was developed as an open source app which recommends you new songs on Spotify. It makes a playlist of 50 songs, based on your data from the past.
Recifilter by Mouhany Idris
A recipe-filtering web application that lets users, with or without complex dietary need, find and bookmark recipes from the internet with the help from Edamam's Recipe Search API
Snack by QiLongchen
Use the arrow keys to move the snake. The arrow of the snake's plate is upward. The snake's keyboard arrow is down. The keyboard arrow on the right moves the snake to the right. The left keyboard arrow moves the snake to the left. There will be some gray blocks on the map, which are snake food. Catch them and get points. When you capture the red block, your size will increase. In case you hit one end of the map, the snake will die. In case you bend down to beat yourself, it will be cold. Capture the red block. Be careful not to curl and don't touch the two ends of the map. You will realize that the fuller the worm snake is, the harder it will become.
A* Search Algorithm Visualiser App by Pierpaolo Capra
This kivy app allows you to visualise the pathfinding algorithm known as A* in action.
Visity by Jayant Kumar
This is a web app which can be used to register persons for an event or party etc
Front-end by Ali Ensafdoust
About front-end languages, as well as some cs50 exercises and having a database to show the number of people who commented
QUT Event Space by Chung Han Luan
A web application that QUT staff can use to store, view, and update events information, as well as the informaiton of prospective students that they've met during those events.
Qatar2022 World Cup Simulator by Pablo Adrian Hernandez Munguia
My project is a Flask application that allows to simulate the Qatar 2022 FIFA World Cup.
Web GIS Tracer by Joshua Owen Mangotang
Web GIS Tracing is a simple web application that allows users to visualize geographic coordinate data from CSV files as polylines on an interactive map. Inspired by my very first GIS project, which is about visualizing manta tow tracing.
LD50 - Language Detector 50 by Ali Mateen
Using NLP and Flask, a webapp that will detect any language inputted in.
KOLLABOR8 by Adrian Thelen
KOLLABOR8 is a website that helps teams discuss issues and find solutions.
Weather Teller by Mohammed Kasim
A client side based website tells the weather of your city for current and next day, and the weather of any another city you like.
Personal HomePage by Mohammad Sadegh Golbarg Balasbaneh
A personal page for acquaintance and business communication, as well as information about service rates.
The "Magic: The Gathering Card Database Program for Casen" by Jude Vargas
It is a virtual database for "Magic: the Gathering" cards that allows the user to add and remove cards in the database.
What's That Song by Jason Bellis
A game to test players song lyric memory from their own Spotify library
CV Generator by Армен Месропян
Mobile application with authorization flow and CR(Create Read) functional.
SolElectric - A web app for a company! by Fernando Jose Velasco Borea
Web application for a company including forms.
Relax with a Drink by Leung Fong Ki
A web-based application that gives access to drinks databases and much more!
Sorting Algorithms Visualizer by Nguyen Xuan Khoa Tu
A web application that visualizes algorithms from code (initially provides sorting algorithms demonstration).
Custom Map Maker by Maxwell Woodruff Vale
A website that allows you to create a custom map of locations. by Piyush Mudgal
It's a website similar to a search engine using the power of wikipedia API
Fragrance App. by Mayssa
Fragrance is a web-based app to buy perfumes online with Python, Jinja and Flask.
Amisoo by Motahareh Rad
Amisoo is a site for displaying gallery photos and descriptions for them. Amisoo helps users to quickly and easily access the most popular works of art and improve their art information
todolistwebapp1 by Ganesh P Bhatt
My project is a todo-list web app where you can add or delete a task.
Doctor's Schedule by Grzegorz Muszyński
A helpful tool that allows you to book patients visits in a convenient way.
IoD50 - Imagery Object Detection by Armstrong Manuvakola Ezequias Ngolo
A web application that allows object detection (airplanes) on satellite images using tensorflow.js SSD model trained on COCO dataset.
AddressBook by Tarek Yahia
AddressBook web app v1.0 is a contacts digital solution that stores contact information in one place with multiple users capability and was developed using HTML, CSS, Python, Flask.
Meme Compilation Maker by Om Iyer
It makes a compilation out of the top week posts from any specified subreddit.
Sports Management System by Mohamed Ayman Tammaa
A web app to help manage sports and fan tickets, as well as clubs matching...etc
Make you smile! by Johanna Hoffmann
Make you smile is a chrome extension, which purpose is to make you smile by showing a dev joke on click
webapplicatie voor psychologische vragenlijsten by Nicole Buwalda
It is a web application where you can fill in psychological questionnaires.
Chat Gpt by Mohammad Torkaman
the chat box, by entering the question and sending it through the Chat gpt api, the user is asked the question and receives the answer and sends it to the user
Cycling Routes by Hans-Martin
Cycling Routes is a webpage that shows the location of nearby cycling routes. This is useful for cyclists who want to get somewhere and find the nearest cycling route. The website will work globally, but it is especially relevant in places where it is common with cycling routes.
Sierpinksi Triangle via Chaos Game by Taylor Zeller
Chaos Game creating the famous Sierpinski Triangle
Kengram by Faheem Mohamed Kodithodika
Kengram is a learning assistant app that helps users learn more efficiently by organizing, tracking and analyzing their academic goals.
Lucy Hotel Management System by Natnael Wolde
The project will have a pivotal role in automating the Hotel Management System.
toy car controlled by wifi by Raúl Alan Cienega Serrano
Its a toy car controlled by an interface on flask
Multiplayer Ultimate Tic Tac Toe by Adrian Valdes Diaz
It's a multiplayer nested Tic Tac Toe game based on the browser.
ERP system for precast plant by Maksim
It's first step to make powerful tool for precast plants in Belarus.
My resume WebPage by Tala Momen Hashemi
A personal portoflio to showcase my skills learned during the course
Weird eXtension (Multi-Functional Chrome extension) by George Mzhavanadze
Chrome extension that can modify video speed, browser visuals and set an alarm timer.
Password generator and checker by Amirsaman Sarasiabizarandi
Check how strong and secure is your password. Improve the strength of your password to stay safe.
Cronicle by Kevin Wijaya
Cronicle is a productivity tool aiming to maximize your working hours by organizing your tasks.
Color Generator Website by Karishma Garg
It allows the user to get the tints, shades by the weight of 10 and base color of a specific color.
Rec I/E by Neeraj Babu
‘REC I/E’ is a simple web application for recording your monthly Incomes & Expenses.
Snake Flame by Francisco Mariscal
Popular game of snake but you are a flame burning down woodblocks.
FilterdIn by Matheus Inacio Borges Santos
A browser extension that allows you to filter your FilterdIn feed by text content
Personalized Fashion Recommendation by Metra Strode
2 quizes on body shape and seasonal palette that give you Personalized Fashion Recommendation by Javier Ignacio Fernandez Florin
Focused session timer with random micro-rest pauses
Human Movement in Rhino and Grasshopper by Rogier Tamminga
The project defines scripts that let the user animate a human object in the environment of Rhino and Grasshopper software.
Melting Temperature Prediction Web Application by Ziyao Tang
Build a web application to predict melting temperature given users' input
Isaac Frith Personal Site by Isaac Frith
I have created a personal website displaying my interests and experiences over the years. by Ahmed Mohamed Bastawi Salama
My project is a website to help the Brazilian individual business owner to know if they have to declare and pay the personal annual tax return or not.
Syntho-mind: Bridging Borders in Digital Innovation by sadegh Khajepour
Welcome to, my CS50x Harvard final project. This fully responsive platform, crafted with Next.js and styled with Tailwind CSS, is your global hub for high-quality, low-cost website and mobile app development. Explore today and connect with us to turn your ideas into online realities. Join a worldwide community of creators and innovators, and make your digital dreams come true.
TravelZoom Podcast website by Agnieszka Skoczypiec
The website provides the information about the podcast and the host and it gives an opportunity to the listeners to suggest destinations for the future episodes.
The Military Application Checker by Ozan Sezen
Website that checks one's eligibility of entering the military by accurate criteria
Freelancer by Hamidreza Masihian Jahromi
Hamid Reza Masihian's personal website showcases a blend of elegant HTML structure and meticulously crafted CSS styles, creating an engaging online presence that reflects his professional profile and passion for technology.
Snapbook by Gabriel Bastos Rabelo
A shared photo album, where users can create an album, join in an existing album and search for an album.
Enhanced Finance with Savings Feature by Kai Uwe Bernhardt
Enhanced Finance in where you can save as well money
BMI Calculator by Seyed Amirreza Razavi
I programmed an application in flutter framework that takes your heigh and weigh and show you'r BMS number and tell what situation you are in.
LibraryAlpha by Brian White
Online Library to allow my wife to stop losing the books she lends to friends.
TicTacToe in C++ by Jonas Bader
A command-line TicTacToe game in C++, you can play together or against an AI.
Erfan Ghiasi Resume by Erfan Ghiasioskouei
my personal resume that created with html/css/javascript and... that describes me and my education skills.
Calculator app using Flutter by Sarthak Kotia
A cross platform Calculator app which does all the functions that is expected from it.
calculator by Amir Mahdi Abbasi
It is a calculator that you can perform various operations like addition, subtraction and etc...
Rightprice by Guillaume Nobis
Unlock the power of information with Rightprice, the must-have extension that seamlessly connects with Land Registry data.
A program for the study of fluctuations in the optical thickness of cancer and normal human breast cells by Константин
The project was created to build recurrent diagrams
Simple TODO App by keyshawn bhagwandin
A simple TODO application that can persist data and allow to also delete that data
Personal Portfolio Simone Morella by Simone Morella
It is a personal portfolio made in HTML CSS JS and FLASK
W&BPhotoes by Mohammad Ghannadha
I have shared the HTML code for a webpage that showcases the five most famous black and white photographs in history.
Animal Protection by Hananeh Ghorbani
my website is about animals that released, the department gathering all animals and train them to live with new family.
Reflexion by Krishiv Singhal
A digital journal website with which a user can learn to better understand themselves through reflection and analysis.
Classify customer income group using Logistic Regression by Thai Hoa Nguyen
Apply python knowledge and machine learning with some exploratory data analysis
Project’s title = 1) Android calculator application 2) Android database management application by Tejas Milind Pote
Streamlining dining experiences through an intuitive app that enables menu item selection, real-time price calculation, and efficient order management.
Heros Supplements by Bogdan Cozma
My project was made to create a replica of what real websites that sells supplements are. The design of the website is my own. It's a web eccomerce built using Flask and SqlAlchemy.
The Intelligence Race by Sina Jafari
"The Intelligence" is an exciting and challenging game that tests the players' agility, decision-making skills, and strategic thinking. It is a multiplayer game that can be played by up to four players. The objective of the game is to navigate through a series of levels, overcoming obstacles, collecting power-ups, and avoiding enemies, in order to reach the end and emerge as the ultimate winner.
MTG Home Leaderboard by Alexander Parker
A web app to track the rating and ranking of a local group of MTG players
Volunteer Hub by Pranav Sajith
Volunteer Hub is a web application for high school students to find volunteering opportunities.
Perpetual Sunset by Jane Ling
A website that displays photos of sunsets from Twitter, one photo per hour, 24 hours a day.
Election Management System by Paolo Andrew Pomar
A Web application for managing and conducting student elections.
Scientific Calculator by Filippos Christodoulou
It's a web based application written in Javascript, HTML and CSS.
Database Tool by Ali Eshraghi Ivari
Encript/ Decrip Database varied values, bring benefits in cybercecurity.
Recryptex by Kevin Michael Duff
Recryptex is an online game that uses regular expressions to decrypt cyphertext.
Online bread sales site design by Malihe Soleymani Tabasi
Multi-store website design has three customer, seller and courier panels
Rated Netflix by lon AIexandru
Firefox extension that inserts, IMDB ratings and links into Netflix movie pages by calling on OMDB api.
Game of Thrones Wiki by Danesh Soleimanifar
All you need to know before and after watching Game of Thrones
SIC app, Servizio di Ingegneria Clinica app by Tommaso Sabatini
servizio per seguire la vita di un dispositivo medico by Denis Bezvershenko
The Web application was developed for an electric expertise company
Movie app CS50x by Anastasia Stavroula Karatza
The app is a data base for manual entry of movie titles that also sorts , saves and presents statics depending on the imported information
MovieNight by David Ramiro Justo
Planning a movie night with friends by suggesting and voting for titles.
Track-keeper Journal by Kerim yurtseven
keep track of your runs, with notes on runs, and share them with others, who can also make notes and send messages.
The table game by Yuliia Lotysh
My project is a board game. There is a field of different sizes, you roll a die and move forward. Your opponent is a bot.
Mug Your Drug by Jeffrey Lim Jun Jie
It is an e-learning web application designed for pharmacy students studying the topic on the pharmacology of drugs in cardiology.
Sedona Bus Tours by Nicholas Norton
Website that allows user to book a tour and uploads the their booking to a sql database
Wrong Bin! by Ryan Flores
A mini-game where you play as a trash bin that doesn't want to collect trash. by Андрей Мартынов
Aviation database and live flights map, something like simplyfied flightradar24
MusicLink by Janzen Kent
A website that converts a users Spotify playlist into downloadable mp3 files via YouTube URLs.
Anime download webpage by PREMAL ATULKUMAR MODI
webpage that tells about the anime, it's synopsis, genres and i have also provided download links
TERM LEARNER by Thomas Al-Suliman
A web application that allows you to master the terms you want to remember
CS50 Mail by Rohit Kr Gupta
A Web application to send or receive email like Gmail or any other email based app or website.
My profile by Abanob Rafik
Profile project is a profile front-end project. This project provides details of the users’ introduction and background in one site. It is simple and responsive.
Currency Exchange Webapp by Eng You Guan
A webapp that exchanges SGD and MYR, with google login as authentication
Binary Clock Chrome Extension by Werner Moecke
A skinnable binary clock that you can install in your Chrome web browser.
Top 5 On the Fly by Ashish Rao
Google Chrome extension to list top 5 rated books in 18 categories according to NY Times
Calories Calculator by George Attia Eid Kamel Dawood
A calculator that calculates number of calories needed to stay on your current weight according to your age, weight, height, and activity
Robo Seeker by Noah Michael Adams Pride
Text game where you pilot a robot and find a lost control module
IP Address Tracker by Milos Pujovic
A small web aplication that uses ip addresses to display aditional information and a location on a map.
Where2fly2 by David Patrick Philippe Lupau
The project is a web application that helps undecided travellers to find their next destination. by SUREAU Vincent
A free recipe cost calculator and quotes generator to help sell your awesome cookies
Yet another TV database by George Lefteris Ntanalakis
a website to track your watched and to wath movies or series.
High Energy Physics Hive Mind by Howard Wells Wulsin
A website for physicists to share the most valuable learning resources.
Educational Website: by Rasa Pourshahrezaei NajafAbadi
Front-end of An Educational Website
Digital Sales Assistant by Konstantin Burger
Register sales and create receipts while tracking inventory.
BookClub by Anna Andrzejak
BookClub is a web-based application, which recommend other titles and allows you to browse through various books and to add them to the wishlist or to the read list.
React Typing Test by Suhas Sunder
This is a simple typing test website that I coded using the React JS library.
CS50 - Face recognition final project by Viktor Major
Edge deployable real time face recognition using a Google TPU and selfhosted Compreface
MemeGen50 by Piyush Priya Yadav
A website built using flask at the backend which displays memes from a list of subreddits on user's request
Solar system simulation by Mira Mamdouh
its a simulation to the solar system and show information about each object in our solar system.
Face-Emotion Detection App by Kamran Rezazadeh Tazehshahri
A program based on artificial intelligence to recognize faces with facial emotions.
Windsurfing Fin Size Calculator. by Adrian Tregoning
An Android app written in Java to determine the fin sizes for windsurfing.
Destroying rocks by Benyamin ghasemi Saadat Abadi
In this game, rocks and land are destroyed by rockets
Scrabble Game with AI Player by Bhavik Varsani
A recreation of the classic scabble board game, including an AI/computer play with various difficulty levels.
Rapid Game Clicker by mohsen fathi
this application automatically doing rapid click in the game for one shot weapones
Flipkart Mobile Application by Sumit Suryawanshi
An Modern E-commerse Application with Amazing User Experience.
LabBook by AF by Alexander Feige
Laboratory book for performing solid-state syntheses and corresponding analytics
Literat-Sure: A Module Checker by Timothy Wan Zhu-An
This website allows a user to see if they can graduate with a Bachelor's Degree in English Literature from the National University of Singapore.
Oybek's Scientific Document Analysis App by Eshbayev Oybek
Data analysis based on NLP, Word cloud and key word extaction is for scientific documents.
Real Estate Property Description Generator by Travis moore
Helps Real Estate Agents instantly create a property descriptions using AI for their listings
ReaderBook by Daniel Reader
A web application where users can save their owned books to an online library and add books to their wish list they wish to purchase in future.
Online drawing and painting system by Hadiseh Mehraban
In this system, I introduce design and painting, download books and teach
CS50 Final Project: My Quiz App by Trần Phúc Nguyên
This project is an Android Quiz app, developed in Kotlin language and Android Studio
Ryansearch by Grzegorz Kotecki
This web application allows users to search for Ryanair flights for a selected time period and to save them.
Cause you had a bad day by chiu chi-kuan
Mental health is a serious issue for every cs student So I builded a Chrome extension that can provide peaceful img and mp3 which can release from pressure.
ClawdiaAI by Mihai-Adrian Pîrvu
AI Chat Bot for Twitch and YouTube livestreams that can provide real-time responses to users chat messages using text-to-speech.
SHOPPING CART PROJECT(clothing store) by Mohamed Shazeen Thowfeek
This project is building a **shopping cart using vanilla JS without any additional libraries.
Analyze Movies by Abdollah Nobaghi
I have done analysis using imdb database and written in Python programming language (Flask, Bootstrap).
What Can I Make With? by Bobby Alexander Doorduyn
What Can I Make With? is a website where users can find recipes based on a list of ingredients.
HomeCooked by Daanyaal Ballim
An app which aims to provide a singular structure that bridges the gap between customers and people in my community who cook meals for others as a source of income.
Purse - Brutally Honest Banking by Mark Satin
A fully-featured and fully-responsive satirical banking app
website : Every things you need to know about Tabriz by Parisa Kargar
Final project ( website)A website about Tabriz, customs, foods and tourist places
Webdriver by Vladislav Ostapenko
Python based apllication that parses webpage, generates information using parsed data and updates content on a website using generated information, WCM and SELENIUM library.
traxpenser by Lisa-Marie Pleyer
Traxpenser allows users to track their expenses and income and it automatically creates charts providing an overview about the amount of money spent on distinct categories in a selected month.
Distance Between Cities Map Emergency Contact by Sriram Vassuthev
Distance Between Cities Map with Emergency Contact Link to Visitt
Code-GPT by Ethan Jewell
Code-GPT is a custom extension for VS Code that brings OpenAI's GPT-3.5 Turbo model into the application and provides assistance with programming tasks.
Amaan Jiwani's Personal Portfolio Website by Amaan Jiwani
A complete portfolio website describing myself.
Rock Paper Scissors but Smart by Nheil Kirby Torres
A game that tries to counter your patterns in rock paper scissors
Personal wesbite & portfolio by Adrien Parenthou
It is a personal website developed using HTML, CSS & JS that serves as a resume and a place to publish some of my personal achievements.
iContent by Miles Tsue
It's a personalized hub where a user can watch a video based on a random search query and write their thoughts about it.
Simple scientific Calculator(url: by Venkata Krishna Pramod
simple scientific calculator
Webcam by arshia
whenever this project is running it will ask the user to either open the webcam or not
Learning Is Fun-Flask Web Application by Maxin Ana
My project is a friendly Web application that helps users improve their English skills.
SalesMaster by Alex Graham
A booking system to book the SalesMasters game which played in a team with others
ImageInj by andrea bergantin
A simple web app that allows you, previous registration, to inject some text inside an image using steganography (similar how NFT works). Then You can also see the text injected through the extraction page.
myTrainer by Bruno Della Volpe Alves
Manage personal trainer client's payment and their train's presence.
A web-based application that translates Amharic words to English.
Stock Price Chart by FAREHAN abdolahzade
این پروژه یک وب اپلیکیشن با Flask است که به کاربران اجازه می دهد تا چارت قیمت سهام را برای هر سهم موجود در بازار با استفاده از IEX Cloud API بررسی کنند. کاربر می تواند نماد سهام را وارد کند و نمودار قیمت و حجم معاملات برای آن سهم در یک ماه گذشته را مشاهده کند.
OrganLood by Siti Nurfatiha Halil
Web application for donator to make appointment whose willingly to donate blood, organ and tissue
Categorizing New Students into Houses Based on Age and Characteristics by Anish Sarkar
Categorization of new students into different characteristics
Schedule50 by Daniel Son
Schedule50 essentially provides tools to help students get motivated to study, and study efficiently.
Shelf by Arseniy Shapiro
"Shelf" is meant for people who want to have a digital version of their own library
Train simulation - station approching phase by Moti Topf
Simulation of station approch of passenger high speed train
Time Management Project by Agustina Fernandez
My project brings together two of my must have when studying or working, a pomodoro timer and a to-do list.
Google AI video transcribe and subtitle generator by Ziyao Yan
Transcribes any video or audio file using GCP speech-to-text API and generates SRT formatted subtitles
Do It! by Karthik Sairam
Do It! is a web app, intended to be used as a productivity tool. It combines 3 main features into one app that can help you stay focused, track your tasks and get them done.
Feet Sighter by Harry Stone
A jousting game with funky controls complete with a main menu and soundtrack.
playful square by Amir Mahdi Jamal Zadeh
A game that can entertain player for hours. player by trying to avoid hitting the yellow obstacles
IoT Electric Concentration Device by Timon Cappella-Pimor
A device that delivers an electric shock whenever you open YouTube
Statestikkbanken search by Joakim Vatne Johansen
A search engine for looking up datasets from Statistics Norway
My Album by Davoud Ghadimpour
The project that I designed is an album called My Album, the contents of which are things that were interesting and strange to me during the period. by Jannik Henke
Acc-Tools is an app to improve and collaborate the experience of players of the game Asetto Corsa Competizione.
Image Filter Webapp by Robert Colby Davis
Web application where users can apply custom filters to their images
Fruit_Ninja Game by Siddhi S. Pandkar
The fun and mostly known game of FRUIT_NINJA using python and it's libraries.
true-youtube-shuffle by Aarub Butt
Seamless one click way to replace youtube shuffle with a true shuffle
Idle Duck by Gabriel-Mihail Bamboi
Idle money making game, with the goal to buy a duck leading to a short video
Pathfinding Visualizer by Hubert Stanowski
Tool for visualizing pathfinding and maze-generating algorirthms
Arduino Lights detector by Adnan Sharifov
Turns bulbs on and off depending on whether the lights in the room are also on or off, but inversely.
Bwave ICT online training webapp by Bright ufuoma Oghor
A webapp that allows users have access to online courses on various tech subjects.
Interval Project by Ana Selegova
Prevents computer from going to sleep by writting letter a into a field at aspecified interval.
The Bookkeeper by Phi Yi Xian
The Bookkeeper is a virtual book journal that records the title, author, review and rating of books. by Luke Crumb
Using Python and the Pillow library, I resize, brighten, and convert to grayscale three selected photos.
Quote Viewer by José Roberto Oliveira de Araújo Filho
Web application which allows the user searches the quotation of stocks and cryptocurrencies.
A New Gamemode for Flappy Bird by Caio Alex Lucena Negreiros
I find the game Flappy Bird quite fun (most people might not agree with me), so, in my project I implemented a new gamemode, that's even harder compared to the normal game difficulty.
Voidland Engineer by Nathan Harrison Lusk
Voidland Engineer is a 2D side-scrolling adventure created with lua and love2D.
Youtube Ad Manager by Haryeni Friska Yulita Tampubolon
to silence stubborn ad or to skip long ad, both automatically
Pagina Web Empresarial by Jhon Eder Montero Espinosa
web page for a company, with the possibility of creating a user
Organized by Irvan Castro
Organized is a web task manager that allows users to manage their tasks while keeping track of their progress.
Cooking made easier by Nita-Gheorghias Anelis Ramona
With this program, you can easily narrow down possible recipes to those containing ingredients you have on hand, as well as excluding those containing ingredients you don't prefer. Once you have chosen a recipe, you can then cook it and provide feedback, ensuring you have the perfect meal every time.
Blockchain Simulator by Marek Hojnacki
Simple implementation of the key concepts behind blockchain: distributed ledger, proof of work, chain of blocks - all within a Flask Python app.
The Resume Bot by Sean Lim
Through a guided conversation with The Resume Bot, create a basic resume that can be downloaded in PDF and DOCX formats.
Dogs & Cats by Raul Lama
My final project is a website that allow the user register donation of pets and get donation from the others people (adopt).
Philadelphia Eagles Trivia by Shayna Feldgus
A trivia game for people who loves the Philadelphia Eagles
sudoku puzzle by Neslihan ERKAN
This is a Japanese Sudoku Solver game based on the idea of Magic square in python using pygame and backtracking algorithm. The player can choose the difficulty level(1, 2 or 3), and according to the level, Sudoku generator will generate a random sudoku solver grid. In classic Sudoku, the objective is to fill a 9 × 9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3 × 3 subgrids that compose the grid (also called "boxes", "blocks", or "regions") contain all of the digits from 1 to 9. A sudoku is a well known logic puzzle where numbers between 1 and 9 are placed on a 9x9 grid of cells. In a valid Sudoku grid every number from 1 to 9 must appear:
Make you smile! by Johanna Hoffmann
A extension where you can see a dev joke whenever you click the cat icon.
Need for Text by Aaron Sabellek
Need for Text is a social network designed for its users to search or recommend texts in their communities.
Screen-ON Makes Programs RUN by Dennis Mitzéus
SONMPRUN is an all-in-one IFTTT (If This Then That) solution for automating your screen-on state to run whatever you want on your PC whenever you turn it on!
EdX WebApp by Erik Kostanyan
A WebApp that helps you discover the many courses available on the EdX website.
Deploying a Cloud Infrastructure for a Webservice with Infrastrucutre as Code by Ilker Yildiz
Deploying a fully functional Wordpress site hosted on an Azure App service with a MySQL Flexible server back end with a CDN front end, all as Infrastrucutre as Code.
Li by Juan Antonio Vera
Linux terminal command for downloading chess games and getting users data from
Book Finder by Chiara Stefanelli
Find your next book to read - Type a subject in the search field and browse a list of books related to it.
CS50 Movie Guide by Caio Macêdo Monteiro
It is a movie guide that you can search information about movies and series
Speed Typing Website by Maytid Ketunuti
A game where you need to type the displayed word as fast as you can.
Expense Tracker by Dirk van Meerveld
Allows user to track their income and expenses to gain more insight.
Shams Family Foundation and History by Reena Ali
Get your desired education in your dreamland, through shams and family foundation.
My Personal Website by Shokhrukhbek Yursunjonov
For the final project, I have implemented my own personal website where you can check out my resume, blogs, and contacts.
Real time drawing with by Simon Leclere
Simple real-time drawing application using
NBA Stats Display by Chin Yin Lin
A website that displays top 10 ranked NBA players and regular season stats
NFL Strength of Schedule Web App by Benjamin Barkworth
A web app that provides a rating for each NFL team based on the results across a season, as well as displaying schedules and scores.
Aircraft Weight and Balance Calculator by William Keith Shearer
A calculator written in Python that determines the center of gravity and weight characteristics of an aircraft.
Company's Key Records by Seah Tze Yang Kendrick
My project helps to better keep track of the many keys that my company handles
FalconLove2022 by Thomas Desmedt
a nostalgic trip down memory lane about how 'simple' games were in the 90's
Event countdown Timer by Oluwatola Senbadejo
The countdown timer counts down in seconds, minutes, hours and days to any date which the user as indicated
Readme Creator by Tiago Barros
Website to create readme for github profile or projects in a easy way
Classic Snake Game by Tran Tien Anh
This is a basic copycat version of a famous classic game called snake, which is written in Python, using OOP and the turtle graphic library.
Pet Health Carnet by Valerio Benjamin Beauregard Vidana
Tool to keep track the medic atention of pets
iFinance by Pablo Rodríguez Malia
IOS App that allows the user to keep a track of his/her transactions.
Prodozo by Thomas Terebesi
Prodozo is a web application that allows the user to use three productivity tools: A task tracker, a note-taking tool and a timer.
GestureWeb Navigator by Sergiu-Dacian Balint
Chrome extension that utilizes Native Messaging to connect with a Python application that enables users to control web browsing and interact with online content using hand gestures.
Fashion story by parnia kiani
Choose from a selection of outfits and quickly customize your character
Expense Tracker by Joseph Alexander B. Feliciano
A simple application that allows users to encode and track their expenses.
Mars Rover App by Patricio Andrés Toribio
An app which shows images taken by Mars Rovers and lets users filter and navigate through them.
NSFW Filter by Max van Amersfort
This extension makes browsing the web safer by censoring NSFW content
Anti-Distraction Chrome Extension by Adison Goh
A Chrome Extension that aims to stop the user from procastinating when accessing certain 'distracting' sites.
Hide Images by Michel Mingroni
It's a Chrome Extension to hide images and videos for a distraction free website viewing experience.
Mysteries of the Ouija by Nevena Salapura
Mysteries of the Ouija is a short 2D pixel art game made in Godot game engine.
COMBUSTION by Carlos Castro
Site with combustion theory with some interactive elements with relevant information for a combustion process.
scratch soccer by Amir Hossein Ansari
This is a soccer game thah player must hit the ball to the red area. I made this by scratch.
My Finance Tracker by Ng Hong Jie
A personal finance tracker for easy adding an visualizing of transactions
LinRam by Satya Prakash Dahal
It is a command line program for linux OS that displays the system's RAM information and other info like swap space and uptime.
FSCPR(Food Service: Check, Prepare, Rotate) by Lewis Fitzsimmons
Inventory assistant for food service
My Library by Arya Gorjipour
A light app to easily add books, list your favorites, and know what books are on your waiting list, which ones you've read, and which books you've started.
QATAR FIFA WORLD CUP FAN PAGE by Miguel Angelo Antoniazzi Decotelli Silva
It's a web page that shares a bit of world cup history and brings a review of the latest FIFA World cup ocurred in Qatar with some informations regarding the tournament and a small simulator to test the odds of a hipotetical winner.
fix my phone by amine dahmoun
web application build with Flask, html 5 and sqlite3 it helps users to managed his stores devices with their clients
MedsExp by Marrugo Eduard
Application that sends a notification when the expiration date of medicines ends
CS50 Futbol: Create Your Own League by Germán Nacher Medaura
Tool to take note of a local/friend's soccer league
Minimalist and functional To-Do List by João Roberto Ferraz Paolillo
Is meant to organize tasks during the day
calculator by Loay Ahmed
it is a simple calculator that make you easily calculate Logarithm (base 10), Trigonometric Functions, Power, Square Root, and +,-,*,or /
Task Manager by Marcelo Oscaberry dos Santos
A simple Task website that helps the user develop a routine.
Brake Fluid Flush Machine by Carlos Gustavo Pietrasanta
Repairing a machine with my newly acquired programming skills!
Be healthy by Olena Zheliezova
Using the "Be healthy" web application, the user can easily find out nutritional facts about any product, find recipes and keep his own food diary.
Paramus United Database by Yusuke Ota
Database of the town soccer which includes game results and player's parent's gmail address
Telegram Bot with Google Calendar by Maxim Osipovs
his is a Telegram bot written in Python 3.11 using pyTelegramBotAPI combined with the Google Calendar API, it let's you create, list and remove events within a Google Calendar using direct messages to the bot or by simply keeping the bot in a Telegram group chat.
I've used Flask web framework based in Python its was necessary flask-sqlalchemy for manage SQL database with sqlite and flask-wtf for upload files and forms extensions
Wabbys Adventure (with other projects) by Bayan Maroon Abduraouf Alsafadi
indie game developed, with extra projects.
Budgetary Management by Hemal Sinha
One can track their income and expenses plus overall transaction by managing them in as many types as they want.
Issue Tracker by Alvin Leo Guarin
An issue and task-tracking web app for small development projects.
TimeBox by Reem Dalvi
Timeboxing is a time management technique/productivity hack in which a fixed amount of time is allocated for a specific activity.
sahar personal website by Sahar Salamzadeh Salmasi
For my final project, I created a personal website and portfolio in Persian language.
Hots: Avoid the Cars by Francis Bernard Ferreira Martins de Oliveira
Do your best and avoid the cars
graphMonitor by Kai McGregor
A webserver that queries and displays network traffic data from switches over telnet.
Tab Manager for CS50 Extension by Fatemeh Bahrami
When you open many tabs, you got confused therefore you use the extention to manage the tabs.
Guess The Movie by Pongsakorn Eiamrod
It's a game in which you have to guess the movie name from the emoji.
A combination of a chrome extension that submits portfolios and a flask server that receives the information and allows companies to search for sollicitants in their database.
Generalized Connect Four bot by Nam Hoang Nguyen
A bot which plays any size variations of Connect Four.
My Personal Website by Jessica Galli Adamek
This is my personal website, it talks about me, my journey, skills and projects that I built.
AI CV Generator by Mohammed Abuzayed
Will create a custom CV template for any job you would like to apply for, just paste the job description.
Week Availability by Lautaro González Trejo
Web app to select and show in a table your available time in a week.
CS50 MAIL by Kiran Negi
it is a website of mail in whic we can register ,compose, reply emails, check emails details and I use flask, html, CSS, etc.
GestoreAttivita by Pierpaolo Sablone
Il Gestore di Attività è un'applicazione web semplice che consente agli utenti di registrare e gestire le proprie attività quotidiane. Gli utenti possono accedere, aggiungere nuove attività, visualizzare i dettagli delle attività esistenti, contrassegnare le attività come completate e modificare i dettagli delle attività.
Contacts by ali Ashtab
a web application give a name and phone number from user and save them on a sqlite3 data base and then show them all to the user.
personal portfolio website( ) by RAM GOPAL SIDDH
portfolio website create by use of html, css and javascript
Babbo Natale is again among us by Andrea Sestito
A project where I expressed some of my programming knowledge
RESTful Bird watching API by Russell Tabata
A CRUD api to easily interact with a birdwatching database over a network.
Investment management tool by Tsoi Wing Chau
An excel tool empowered by VBA and python to keep track of investment portfolio and performance
Automate_Daily_Text by Ojesh Vijay Singh Bisht
Play the Daily Text on startup, by scraping the website for the scripture and paragraph, using Google's text to speech API and macOS automator.
Sounak's by Sounak Ghosh
This is a tutorial website, where one can look at the courses we offer, and also register themselves.
Minimax Tic-Tac-Toe by Owen Battles
A Tic-Tac-Toe game that uses the minimax algorithm to find the best possible move in a game state.
CStore50 by Kaio Deodato Campos Viana
CStore50 is a virtual store web app, with features such as login and cart
Blogpost by Başar Sadettin Aksu
It is a web application which allows users to publish their blogs and follow their favourite bloggers.
BMI Android App by Ali Istan
A mobile app for BMI measurement written in Dart language and Flutter platform
My poem website by Fasanmi Oluwatomileye
This is a website created using HTML and CSS which consists of buttons, links to other webpages within the website and websites from the contact.html
Classic Snake Game by Karl Luigi Loza Vidaurre
Snake game using Object Oriented Programming in Python.
TX Top Recruits by Shawn Chen
Organizes where recruits should go to school based on location in an app coded by python.
Rock-Paper-Scissors-Games With Computer Vision by Farhad KHodavirdizadeh Sardehaei
This project uses computer vision techniques to interact with the camera to simulate the rock-paper-scissors game with Python.
Short AI Module (Titan) by Abdul Rehman Vaqar
My project is an Voice Assistant (AI) that is capable of executing voice commands.
Blog Website using html, javascript and css by Abdulfetah Y. Abduljelil
"I successfully developed an engaging and dynamic blog website using the synergy of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS, delivering an immersive and interactive user experience.
Pythagoras Thereom Calculator by Muhammad Usayd Lakhani
Simplying the task of finding the sides of a right angle triangle.
Hand by paw by Alina Ustinovica
Web application for dog owners to find and share pet friendly places
WSP (Web Scarping Project) by Sadra Naseri
Web scraping project and receiving data from and sites based on web and using python, sql, php
Audit Assistant by Katelin Noble-Kelly
Web application for processing a CSV file and outputting a table in the application.
Personal Yi Jing Oracle by Jose Lorenzo Valles Brau
Application allowing a user to consult online an oracle based on the Book of Changes.
PharmDooz by Kamil Bindas
PharmDooz is a web-based application using JavaScript, Python, and SQL dedicated to pharmacists for pharmaceutical care.
Quizzle by Jenna Leigh Castillo
A spanish-english quiz web application built with python, JS, sqlite3
Mote by Hanif Nasser
A Discord bot for extracting emotes from 7TV and uploading to a Discord server.
penalty by Mohammad Amin Soleimani
The game is about a penalty shot, where there is a whistle, a player, a goalkeeper and a ball, each of which has a special code.
Math Statistics Calculator by Вероника
Math Statistics Web App for calculating descriptive statistics of samples
WebApp - 4Share by Renato Didier Fernandes de Lima
It is a web app where users can store in an organized and a structured way important things watched or read.
DavidMalan_Everywhere by Guilherme neto
This project changes all the images of one site to one random picture of David Malan.
CHA(i)T - AI for everyone by Tal Yavits
website designed to ease the access to ai tools for non English speakers as well
rock-paper-scissors game by maria hejazifar
The program I designed is a rock-paper-scissors game By entering the numbers 1, 2, or 3.
Car Center by Arsam Bahrami
this is a webpage about cars that created by css,html,javascript,flask,sql
cinefile by Ian Herrera
Full-stack React application allowing users to customize a list of the top 100 movies of all time (according to the AFI) that is persistent between sessions.
personal site by Morteza Jaladat
A personal site for displaying projects and users' opinions about them.
MyFin by Loïc Jeffmar
A web appliction that runs a financial analysis of a company based on its balance sheet and income statement.
Route50 Heatmap by Ciprian Balint
Route50 Heatmap is a web application that visualizes Strava user's activity data on a map.
Digital menu of cafe and restaurant by Hamed Bagheri
Creating a digital menu for your cafe and restaurant
Quiz by Piotr Dziedzina
It's quiz app, with questions taken from API, where user can choose categories/difficulty level
Activity Planner by Andrei Ghiteanu
It can help a user planning activities, and keeping track of tasks.
Efficient Video Organizer and Splitter by Shreyanth S
Upload a video and split it into different videos along with our watermark
cs50 final project | a summary of harvard cs50 courses by سمية سرور
my project is a summary of some harvard cs50 courses
Dektoren by Aleix Moreno Jaen
Dektoren is a 2D platform game built using LOVE2D and the lua programming language.
An Irish language verb game using Flask and javascript/jinja/sql by John Twomey
Irish language Verb game
SLS - Simple Logistical System by Rafael Antoniassi Vicechio
Simple system to handle logistical needs.
Crypto price evolution by Jean-Bastien Dussart
A webapp that allows users to compare cryptocurrencies together and how their price evolved over time
Stock Web Application by Koushal Sanjay Modi
For this project, I have created a web application using Flask that connects with an API to get live stocks information. I've used the Alpha Vantage API ( that allows users to get detailed information about any stock.
Fractal Renderer For FX-CG50 Calculator by George Newman
Renders the iconic Mandelbrot set on the Casio FX-CG50 graphical calculator
VirtualNote by SugimuraMinori
This is application to discussion about soccer tactics in 3D space for soccer players.
Agridoce Hamburgueria (Agridoce Burguershop) by Jocemar Nicolodi Junior
A dynamic website for a burguerplace where the owner can update the website with new burguers and sweets.
Lords of Westeros by Nizar Zouidi
It is a game-like interactive website about Westeros (nothing fancy)
Personal Webpage by Marcus Dudáš
Personal Webpage for my uses and also my friends but primarily for my purposes.
2D Ultrasound Axial Images 3D Reconstruction by Pedro Luciano Mellucci Filho
A pipeline to written in Python that takes a ultrasound cine loop (short movie of a ultrasound sweep), take each frame of that cine loop and renders a 3D volume of the area of interest.
String manipulation by Ela Cerar
The program demonstrates basic string manipulation, input/output operations, and control flow.
Gesture Recognizer (Machine Learning) by Jocher Joaquin Escueta
A software program that recognizes gestures and has a corresponding output depending on the recognized gesture.
Food Bank by Akib Rahman
Food Bank is a food review posting site developed in Django, where user can register, login then add review, user can like review, update their own profile, edit their posted review also can delete them.
My ESL Website by Will Brooks
An ESL teacher's resource website to help create dynamic lesson plans.
My experience while travelling abroad - blog - by Iulia-Alexandra Fuiorea
A website that looks like a blog where four of my favourite cities that I have travelled to, so far, are described.
Find your nearest grocery store by Luu Nhat Khoa
I made this project for my university research project
Bar Custodian by Julien Bouchard
It manages what items you have in your bar and which cocktails you can make with them.
Multiplication Practice by Natalia Kurinnyy
Website for instructors to manage students' 0 - 12 times table practice.
Voice Enabled Calculator by Ayush Srivastava
"Voice-enabled calculator project for hands-free mathematical calculations."
Note Taker by Dusan Milosavljevic
It's a Chrome extension that allows users to add notes or reminders
Learn to Pronounce by Beulah Priscilla Soundar
It is a chrome extension that helps to easily access different English pronunciations across any web page.
AceTK by Caio Reis Oliveira
Is a NPM package meant to improve digital experience for people with disabilities
DegenieTools by Benny Joumessi Jason Isaac
Bringing you to do more, add on what you already have i.e improve.
Streaking Stars Window Cleaning by David Pedrero
For my final project I made a website for a hypothetical window cleaning company called Streakless Stars
Let's Discuss by Mariia Pankova
An interactive couples' questionnaire fostering communication and decision-making in relationships.
"Carpets" of ASCII characters python project by Алексей
The final project that creates carpets from repeating patterns and symbols
Omega by Dayim Zahoor
It is a web-based application for an online grocery store named Omega using JavaScript, Python, SQL & Flask.
KVKL Registration by Elizabeth Karr
A web application that allows users to register kickball teams for an upcoming event or join a team that is already registered.
TO-DO list by Daniel Šmerda
A simple web based to-do list application developed with HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python and SQLite.
WorkBreak Timer by Ahmed Hinedy
A Chrome extension that enables you to set timers for Pomodoro-like cycles of work/break sessions.
Max Your Workout Website by Sérgio Garrido
Web site developed with python, flask, jinja, css, html to submit for my cs50 final project
Fieldely by Jim Koeleman
A simple web app to schedule jobs for field workers and let them execute it
3ple Game by Viktor Samuel Podhradský
Collection of interactive games with a simple slide banner interface, built using HTML, CSS, and JS.
RaiksLinguist - learn Spanish and Russian words using flash cards. by Dmitriy Parhomenko
RaiksLinguist - you can learn words from flash cards and build your own vocabulary.
Weather Report by Mohammad Omid Azizi
The user enters the name of a desired city and this website receives and displays the weather information of that city with the help of API.
Stock Market Simulator by Musa Yohanes
Stock market simulator in form of web application, built in Python-Flask
Plantform by Josephine Dumas
Plantform is a website to manage mapping configuration of plant data from different stores having different data structures.
Used ReactJS and EdamamAPI to build a basic Recipe Search algorithm with multiple forms of criteria.
Image filter by khaled waleed
A simple website to edit images, where you can upload an image to the site and add a set of filters to it.
Learn English by Melika Davari
Learning language through short stories at four levels - Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, and Upper-Intermediate -
Ai answer web application by NFOYE DJOMO DARYL DEWILDE
A website which gives responses for any question you ask and a related a content when the user doesn't implicitly ask a question
Full stack Amazon Clone by Vijita Udayabhanu
A full stack amazon clone with payment functiionality using ReactJS, Firebase and StripeJS.
Garage Sale by Priyanka Raju
a website via which users can “buy” and “sell” products.An online marketplace where we can sell,buy things or we can freely give away products.When i say products which can be used or new.
AndroidNasheedApp by Mirza Hasan Arif Baig
An android song app that includes muslim songs i.e nasheeds.
IKoin by Gabriel Alisson Costa Queiroz
This application has been developed as a help to manage the desired world currencies' prices. Some investors usually buy foreign currencies as a way to profit from price fluctuations through buying and selling method. Therefore, it is necessary to check constantly the currencies' values so you can choose the best possible moment to make the purchase or sale. So, instead of using the web to search these values, which takes a while due to the input of the currencies, you can use the IKoin app that provides you with the updated value of the desired currencies. You can manage as many currencies as you want since IKoin provides you with a list of several coins in the world. Besides that, you can enable whatever registered currencies to receive a daily notification about their latest value to be updated at a specific time.
C$50 Stocks Mobile App by youssef hegab
This project is a redo of CS50 Finance assignment which enables the user to buy and sell stocks in user-friendly mobile app. This app enables users to sign-up/login using Firebase Auth. Every user can check the latest price for any stock share. Users can also buy stock share(s) as long as they have enough cash balance (Assuming each user has a starting cash of $10,000.0). After owning share(s) for stocks, users can sell any number of shares of stocks they own. Users can view all the shares they own on the Dashboard screen with indication of whether the price of the share went up, down or stayed the same since last purchased. Users may also access their Buying/Selling transaction(s) through History screen.
Lone Warrior by Farhad Esfahanizadeh
i made a slash 2D game called Lone Warior with Game Maker Studio 2.
Todo List Web App with FastAPI and Reactjs Web Frameworks by Abdurahman Ayesha
A web app that tracks general tasks of users
PreLink by Joan Serrano
Chrome extension that helps us find outgoing links on a web page and shows us the websites they redirect to.
Powerful Password Generator by Parsa Ahmadi
Web application for creating custom and strong passwords
Online Store Management System (WEB app) by Marko Bondaruk
The OnlineStoreManagementSystem is a web application designed to simplify the management of an online store's products, customers, and orders. Built using Flask, HTML, and SQLite, this application offers an intuitive interface for store administrators to perform various tasks seamlessly.
Youtube Downloader with GUI with Python Language by Behzad Danesh
Unfortunately, in some countries, people do not have daily access to the Internet and are having trouble paying for YouTube Premium. This project helps them to download videos from YouTube easily.
Nutritional Values by Parth Pradeep Desai
My project helps the users to know all the essential nutritional values after they input the food item of their wish.
MP3 Player in Python by Jorge Askur Vázquez Fernández
It is a MP3 player and downloader using Python.
Restaurant website by Eiliya Zanganeh
A website for restaurants to display products and reserve a table for the user
Neon Peak Chronicles by Yaroslav Drozdov
CCG RogueLike Game with using JavaScript and framework Phaser
Personal Blog by Ali Shahrabi Farahani
I created a simple blog using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and JavaScript.
Weather application by Mohadeseh Chopani
In this video I described about weather application , which made with java Android . In this application We can see temperature of all cities in world , also We can see prayer time of that city and this application has search option.
MatPlotLib made easy by Seyad Abdur Raheem
menu-driven python program to make graphs using matplot library
Rivet by Miraz J Naina
"A platform for sharing your posts and engaging in messaging with other users in a social media context."
This is 'Not a Brick Breaker Game' by Ali Alparslan
It's a game like 'Brick Breaker' games, but without bricks
Game Idea Generator by Ryley Christopher Bulmer
Generate random game ideas, including protagonist, antagonist, setting, and premise.
CS50 Study Timer by Sarah Eaglesfield
Browser extension which times your study and keeps your statistics.
Clef by João Rodrigo
Clef is a song-guessing game based on the Spotify API. It can also search for songs and artists.
Python Stock Analyser by Mithun Aaditya S
Gets information about the stock and stock company as specified.
Chessify by Cem Kocaoglu
Chessify gives chess players a personalized study plan based on their skill level and playstyle.
Best of New York, SeatGeek API by Greg Hawthorne
List of current Broadway shows and details to lead users to find times and tickets via the SeatGeek API
Red Dot Mortgage Calculator by Chua Chong Er
The Red Dot Mortgaget Calculator helps potential homeowners understand their mortgage options by allowing them to input key parameters and visualize the breakdown of their mortgage payments.
Website management system by Ihunna Sunday Orji
In this project, I developed a website management system with which you can do the following: 1: Signup, login and recover password. 2: Upload, edit and delete your website's images. 3: Write, edit and delete your website's information such as: About-us, Our services, etc. 4: View and analyze your visitors and users statistics. 5: An API to login and query the database. Languages includes: PHP, MYSQL, Javascript, HTML5 and CSS.
TODO app by Amirali Mortazaie
This app is a TODO website. Via this web application, you can manage your daily tasks and organise them.
Multichain Price Aggregator by Edmund Ng
A price aggregator across multiple blockchains to compute best price routes for cryptocurrency exchanges
Golf GPS by Kolton Ostler
A React Native Mobile Application that serves as a golf rangefinder - getting distances to front, center, and back of selected green.
M.A.L.I.A. | Your All-in-One Voice Assistant by Hong Shi-Jie
Your All-in-One Voice Assistant who has strong personality, long-term memory, math calculation, online-searching, youtube vidoe summary, convert it to tweets and send them to my twitter account.
TubeSense by Madhawa Monarawila
A chrome extension which detects the perception of a Youtube video and updates its icon based on that.
DOT CI - Database Operated Tracking of Capricious Issues by Marcus Voller
DOT CI is a simple bug tracking software operating on the flask framework, utilizing Python, HTML, CSS, SQL and Jinja2
Send Email by Ali Alef Ostovar
I made a simple project where a user can create an account and log in and then send an email.
E-CRYPT by Emad Saab
E-CRYPT is a software for encrypting and decrypting messages. It is based on two encoding methods: "Morse Code" and "Binary Code".
CommuPool by Tommy Galmiche
Carpooling app for commuters matching people according to their home postal codes, workplaces postal code, and commuting schedules.
Biblical Hebrew Parsing Trainer by William Delgado
It is a mobile application for mastering the paradigms of biblical Hebrew verbs.
Stream-ON by Marco D'Aurelio
Stream-ON is an Android application that lets you search for movies and tells you where you could stream them.
FLAPPY BIRD by Aayush Aaryan
"Flappy Python: A modern twist on a classic game, powered by NEAT algorithm."
Blog website. I made it on wordpress. by Amir Murtaza
A blog website is a platform for individuals or groups to regularly publish content in the form of blog posts on a wide range of topics
Farmfund web app is a social investment platform for agriculture and small medium enterprises established to raise and empower farmers in Nigeria and Africa at large.
Website Data Extraction and Cleaning by Murugeshan Subha
In this project, I will make a Extract – Transform – Load pipeline data from a website name The Movie Database
Mini Technical Analysis and Strategy by Chun Kiu Chung
Stock Trading indicator and buy/sell strategy with save chart, load chart, share function
MK finance by Mohammed Khaled Saleh AL-Majhali
My project is an updated version of cs50 finance, as there are some additions, such as how much I made a profit in these stocks, and adding direct link icons to my pages on social media and on github, which is uploaded to pythonanywhare hosting, where I made major modifications in the Python code for the hosting to accept, and also There is an option to change the password with the addition of JavaScript codes to make it more beautiful
canvas_settings by Rick Hollenbeck
This is a web application that uses Canvas API to change quiz settins for a Canvas quiz.
Poem by Enxhi Zalli
Poem is a web-based application social blog created with Python and Flask Framework
SNAKE GAME by T.M by Tanaka Yvette Madimba
It is a snake game implemented using python and pygame library.
Salloc by Petter Sand Austnes
A web app aimed at helping individuals achieve financial goals by efficiently allocating savings.
Yshas3's Tee Time Search of a Few Bay Area Golf Courses by Yatin Shastri
Retrieves tee times for an inputted date from a few bay area golf courses.
his web application is built with python, flask, SQLite, HTML/CSS (Bootstrap 5.0.2) and JavaScript. It pulls in recipe data from third-party API ( via AJAX call and stores user-related information in SQLite. This application generates random recipes upon landing. The randomized result is loaded according to the local time by meal type such as breakfast, lunch, dinner and etc. Users can also get more recipes easily by choosing diet type, meal type and keywords through the search interface. Users can also get more recipes easily by choosing diet type, meal type and keywords through the search interface. Registered users once login, can store intolerances which will be excluded from the search results. Registered users can also save recipes from the search results for future references.
BeepR by Jeremiah Njom
BeepR is a lightweight, functional and simple to use real-time web chatting application
Eclipse Co. Cipher Program by Luke Avery Lanning
A book cipher program for encrypting text or text files.
Herder's Help by Alicia van Dyk
Mobile app for cattle farmers to keep track of their cattle and remind them of vaccinations and treatments within a specified timeframe
The Boardgame Companion by Joe Hollands
Track yours and your friend's boardgame collection and plays.
Coin-collect-game by Parsa Salehipour
A game in python that you should keep away of monsters and collect coins.
GetSET by Alexandru C. Florea
GetSET is an organizational hub for structuring your study/work schedule and personal life, organizing to-do lists, jotting down journal-like reflections/notes, and visualizing progress toward your goals.
Time Tracker by Arthur David
Time Tracker is a web application that lets you track the time you've spent on your tasks.
HardHat's Basic Systems Checker (for Windows) by Evan Leonard
A lightweight program that checks core system specs.
PUNCTUALITY by Saeidsouri
It is a web application that helps you add events on your Google Calendar, and automatically tells you the departure time. It simplifies the process of adding a new event and checking the departure time.
Daily Inventory Check by Ahmed Hafez Hafez Ali Elshikh
generate random 10 product names to check and send report via email to the manager
A Novel Graph Neural Network For De Novo Drug Discovery: A Case Study on Glioblastoma by Samhita Pokkunuri
This is a project about using machine learning algorithms to better predict Drug-Target interactions to successfully use it to quicken and improve the accuracy of the Drug Discovery process.
CS50 MailBox by João Victor Ferreira Alves
A simple email system where is possible to compose, reply and see emails.
InstaShield by Deborah
InstaShield is a web application that allows users to automatically delete unwanted comments from their Instagram posts.
My Diet - Programming Project by Maria Victoria Murillo Isaza
This project talk about the best form to eat the common food, and the best plan that you must have for the daily
Google Sheets Reversi with Apps Script by Tan Yuzuo Joe
Play Reversi with a friend using copies of Google Sheets Reversi.
Animef by omar nagy
Anime webApp made using Flask from which you can discover, watch and save animes along with other features.
CIFAR-10 Image Classification with Streamlit by Shayan Moharer Navaei
I've Developed a Robust Web Application with a CNN Model: Upload CIFAR-10 Class Images and Watch Them Classified into Matplotlib Plot
Deluxe Domains by Sergiu Popa
Its a web application that lets you search available domains and it shows you quickly if any 3,4 or 5 letter domains are available from a list of 20000 words from the Scrabble Dictionary.
Travelling website by effat fazel
A website for collecting people's choices for a travelling destination
DollarXpress by Aditi Anand
A web app that sends weekly personalised emails containing links to top news articles about cryptocurrency.
My Portfolio Website by Nolan Spencer
Portfolio website showcasing my experience using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Ecommerce Website by Amine Bakkou
An eCommerce website with a third party authentification system, using AngularJS in Front-end, Java Spring in Back-end and MySQL as database
Random Song Generator by Dylan Crone
Takes a string as input to use as a seed for the random library and generates a semi-random short audio clip.
Party Phil Fanclub by Assmaa Belcaid
A fanclub site dedicated to Party Phil, the icon of the Wii Party game for Nintendo Wii.
School Lunch by Martin Solari
School Lunch is a web app that allows parent to order meals for their children in primary school. Developed in Python, using Flask, jinja templates, SQL and Bootstrap.
BigNames by Nick Heslop
Create a custom "top trumps" deck, inviting others to your group to make suggestions, vote, and rate each card and category.
Car Price Prediction by Shayan Behzad
if you give the specifications of your car, we will predict the approximate price of your car.
Office Automation Project by MohammadMahdi ElyasiRad
This project is a personal page for employees of a company that they can use to contact their colleagues and search using cartable and complete the shopping list.
Price Checker for Non-perishables by André Huang Hong
It's a program that get's the price of non-perishables in popular supermarkets and compare it
spotify-analitics by Emiliano Abel Giannoni
It consists of a web aplication based on Flask and Boostrap that gives information about the Spotify's playlist indicated by the user.
Simple Fault Locator by Ignacio Lucas Avila Mangano
A simple fault locator to estimate the distance to a fault in a high voltage transmission line.
Robotic Arm to display Spine Model by Adithya Suresh
Display 3D printed model of deformed spines during surgery.
your mountain by Hendrik Koekkoek
your mountain combines the data of selected rides from Strava into one continuous climb and visualizes this: your mountain
Command-Line Weather Mate by Abigail Smith
The Command-Line Weather Mate is a tool for the terminal written in Python that communicates with a weather api in order to find and display weather-related information to the user about their chosen location.
How Breakfast Choices Affect Student Behaviors and Habits by MOHAMMADSADEGH HAJI HOSSEIN JAVAHERI
This project is related to data science and data analysis using the SQL programming language. The topic of the project is "How the choices of breakfast affect the behaviors and habits of students".
Login form design by Kimiya Fallahi Manizani
I made my project with C# and made an entry form for students
Personal Website by Erfan2079
My Personal Website Which can be used as a CV, I believe personal websites would be the future of Resumes.
Color Matchmaker by Fazilat Khaydarkhonova
A website that provides complementary colors so you don't have to do the guess work
VOICE CLONING by Sogol Golestanifard
give this program just a few second of your voice and it will create any text you wany
Task Manager by Franklin Griffin
A Flask website to create, edit, and complete tasks, as well as compete with others.
ProgramTools by Matthew Losito
My project provides valuable tools to developers and students to learn and use.
Night Rain Renamer by Daniel Hernández Méndez
Python script to rename strings in contents, file and folders.
Scientific Calculator by Farshad jafarzadeh Bejar Gafshe
the code creates a straightforward scientific calculator with a graphical user interface using the tkinter library. While it covers a variety of mathematical functions and basic error handling, it is relatively simple and may not handle all edge cases or provide advanced features seen in commercial scientific calculators. Nonetheless, it serves as a great starting point for anyone looking to build a basic calculator with Python and tkinter, and it can be expanded upon to include additional features and improvements.
Complaint tracking system by Harikrishnan Nair
A web app through which complaints can be allocated to different contracts, complaints can be closed and viewed.
Projects by Américo Cot
folder_scanner scan a folder structure to construct a linked list based on paths and then insert the records in a sqlite3 database that can be read by the user in a Projects macos app.
Microblog by Ionut Trandafir
A simple blog web application that integrates a React frontend over a Flask backend API.
Dog breed picker by Vivek Koul
My webapp helps user to see all the photos of dog breed at one place.
PathFinder by Linus Woch
PathFinder is a small concentration-Game that is about remembering the shown Path before it disappears!
CSV to Plotly by Nicholas Brown
plot any number of 2 column CSV files into an interactive plotly plot
shortNotes by Jake Ryan P. Olase
shortNotes is a simple yet powerful note application that allows notes to be kept through a browser extension
CraftWorks by Joan Palomares
CraftWorks is a web platform designed to inspire and empower crafting enthusiasts of all skill levels.
Multipurpose Calculator by Yasin Jafari
It's a calculator that calculates the discount, temperature and BMI.
Leave/Status/Appointment Tracker by Xiang Yang
My project integrates Telegram Bot API and Google Calendar API to collect information via a Telegram Bot and reflect it automatically in Google Calendar.
FlashWord by Nesaar
Game of quick lateral and associative thinking. You get a word of the day and questions whose answers need to contain what the word of the day sounds like
Auto-accept Cookies Chrome Extension by Lim Jie Xi
My project is a chrome extension that enables users to auto-accept all cookies whenever they reach a new site that requires cookies-tracking.
LittleBitHelper expenses tracker web app by Ivan Girsov
A web app with Telegram bot integration to keep track of daily expenses with various curencies.
FutRanking by Enzo Murat Aires de Alencar
A ranking of top 10 best brazilians of all football (soccer) history
Wheel of Names Generator by Rafael Vincent T. Fausto
It is a website that keeps track of names and entries, and then generates a text that can be used for the Wheel of Names website.
Digital Skills Consultant by Simon Rahenbrock
The "Online Digital Skills Consultant" makes personalized course and video recommendations on how to develop your digital skills.
Election Eligibility Check by Matrika Regmi
Basically it is the program which allows user to check their eligibility to cast vote from the comfort of their home.
The World of Yao Nationality by Mengnan (Megan) Sun
Introduction to a nationality in China called Yao, including the general information, the traditional dance, traditional clothes, and the bath that represents the culture of Yao.
Tentips by Yuvraj
My project is a website called Tentips which contains 10 tips from various kinds of books.
Paper Tree by Daniel Sun Yuan
Science Paper summariser using AI natural language processing
Calculator-Language C by Mohammad Haji Khodadad
Receives two numbers and applies four main operations on them
Crime Records Management System by Nanditha Alagusundar
It is a application to store and retrieve FIRs and case information.
Packer50 by Julia Noemi Kidybinski
If you're always struggling packing your suitcase for a trip, Packer50 is a flask application that gives you a packing list for your next trip depending on the destination, the average temperature there and your gender.
Food E-commerce Website by Chan Tsz Leung
It is a food e-commerce website for Oliver Restaurant, with using Flask to develop backend and using HTML, CSS, JavaScript for developing the frontend.
National Monuments by Kalina Barzashka
The idea of the website is to contain the general information for all the USA's national monuments. Here all citizens and tourists can get familiar with the monuments, check their location and some other interesting information.
Fitting Room Manager by Pedro Alexandre Rodrigues Fernandes
Replicates the way a simple smart fitting room could work
Medicine Management System by Noel Abraham Tiju
Database management system involving mysql-python connectivity capable of managing, editing, adding, booking vaccine and so on.
Calorie-Tracker by Sulabh Katila
Calorie Tracker is a Flask-based web application that allows users to track their daily calorie intake, calculate their maintenance calories, and search for food items in the USDA database.
My Shows List by Ashish Krishna K
A web app to help users keep track of the TV shows they've watched.
Web Crossword Game Project by MARCO BENEGIAMO
A simple web game application that allows users to play crossword puzzles.
My Project is about SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING by P J Navodith
it is about buying of social media services from a particular website
Company's Website with a Chatroom by Mohammad Ammad Bin Mohd Jamil
Website using HTML, CSS, JS, Python and MySQL
Finance Webapp with Tom Demark Indicator by David Tai Wai Tan
extention of finance problem set. add watchlist with Tom Demark indicator to recommend buy/sell of a stock
Recommendations by Cody Peters
Recommendations for Spotify provides accurate song recommendations based on a playlist.
palindrome by James May
command-line program in c that detects if user input is a word backwards, not a word backwards, a palindrome, or a semordnilap based on a words.txt file
Snake Game by Adhya Batepati
In this game, the user controls a snake using WASD keys. The goal is to get the highest score possible.
CVHS Vaping APP by Bryson Villago
A submission form that allows users to submit info about Vaping/other things
Diablo 4 World Boss Timer by Jeremy Cheng
A countdown timer until the next world boss spawn in Diablo 4.
TechInEd by Lilli Reinmuth
iOS app that shows a collection of educational websites for kids with links to the specific website
NarutoTracker by Yana Malenko
Web app which will help ypu to keep track of all the Naruto titles watched.
Digital Skills Consultant by Simon Rahenbrock
Get personalized course and video recommendations on how to develop your digital skills.
The Internet Blue Book by Jacob Pacey
Web app that scrapes internet classifieds to find the average market value of a used vehicle.
Buon Appetito by Tania Lopez
It is an online ordering website for a fictional Italian Restaurant called Buon Appetito.
Meal Planner by Satomi Aoki
I made a web-based application "Meal Planner", which you can manage your daily food using Weekly Meal Planner, Fridge Item List and Shopping List.
Todo list. by Fatma Mahmoud
Todo list to mange your tasks, it's easy to use and keeps your data private.
TeamCportz by Christopher Lin
It allows sports team managers and players to enter their information.
Book Recommendation WebApp by Hari Acharya
It recommends 5 books based on input from a database of about 12k books.
WebBot by Amirreza Firouzkandian
my project about login and register and delete account web with telegram bot
Livestock India by Amiya Vatsa
A website containing information about the livestocks across every district and state in India
Automation of Stop Loss and Take Profit order placement by Robert Isajuk
Command line shares purchase with immediate Stop Loss and Take Profit order placement.
ArtCom by Feichi Gao
A web application that enables users to discover, collect and discuss objects from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Web application for the world cup 2022 using live API data.
Premier League Hub by Mohamed Ashraf
This is a web application that provides information about the Premier League, including team standings, fixtures, and match details. It utilizes live data to display current standings, match schedules, and other related information.
Menu driven single link list representation by Anay Roy
it is a menu driven code written in C data structures for showing how link list works
Calculator by Seyed Mahdi Mortazavi Asadabad
This project is a calculator base on HTML, JAVASCRIPT and CSS.
Book Tracking App by Rafael Alves
It tracks books that have read and haven't read yeat, serving as a database to help me with my learning.
Resume-Builder-master by Chaman Swami
Web based editor to create Resume in a customizable template with the facility to save the file in .pdf formate.
Where Should I Hike? by Erin Pedersen
My project is a web app to help users decide where to go hiking.
Dilemma (CS50x Final Project) by Paing Phyo Ko
Decision Making Web App for people who are in Dilemma!
Personal finance project (I'm broke) by mohammed ou-zaa
it's a personal finance project that track your spending a filter it by categories
Sphere Dodge by Catalin Gherhes
A simple game made with Unity and C# where you have to dodge falling speheres. by jericho Wenzel A. Serrano
A Calorie Counter web app that utilizes the USDA API for searching food data and an individual bar graph showing its stats for calories and macros
the voice of kindness by seyed salman Siadat
This is a Telegram bot for a grassroots campaign to create photos to publish and encourage others to help with this campaign
MindFlow by Sam Baghban Golpasand
A self-help website that provides you tools to help improve yourself
COMPANY'S WEBSITE WITH CHATROOM by Mohammad Ammad Bin Mohd Jamil
HTML + CSS + JS based website integrated with MySQL + Python
twitterData by Elli Palaiologou
Web app to search for twitter keywords, generate and download datasets.
Kom2Gether by Tim Richstein
A **web-based application using Python, Sql and JavaScript** to connect people with the same characteristics they like.
Classic shorts for kindle by Mubinul Goffar
It scrapes short stories from and puts them in html files
Help Me App by Edilson Rogério Cuambe
This is my Final Project HELP ME APP for CS50x which has the function of some users asking some questions and being answered by teachers they find best.
General Disease Prediction based on symptoms provided by patient- powered by Django & Machine Learning
Owner2 - Vacation Rentals Manager by Thales Guilherme Lopes Greco
WebApp to manage vacation homes rentals bookings.
Date Convertor by Bardia Khajeh Ahmadi
This a program that inputs Solar or Gregorian years and turns them into each other.
CaféNearYou50 by Kristian Kolumber
A webapp that utlizes the Google Maps and Google Places API to display cafés nearest to the user and relevant information as well as a map with directions to the café
Provideo by Tomoki Uda
A web application that can search for streaming video service information using TMDB and JustWatch API.
Movie Recommender by Çağan Ahmet Yanmaz
It helps you search the movies you want to watch and save them in a watchlist.
Smile detection software by Seyed Majid Aghanejad
Smile detection software uses faces to identify smiles in images or videos. It can be used for various purposes such as sentiment detection, behavior monitoring and advertising.
Online Shop by Shayan Amini
my project is about an online shop where there are a series of products for sale, such as laptops and mobile phones
JSONify your tables by Yağmur Güleç
With this app, you can convert your excel and csv tables into a JSON format to make them ready for web apps like data visualizations and machine learning.
Heatmap camera and viewer by Ian Furlong
The program uses a local webcam to create a series of heatmaps, to help visualise activity hotspots.
Digital Skills Consultant by Simon Rahenbrock
The "Online Digital Skills Consultant" makes personalized course and video recommendations on how to develop your digital skills.
Todo dashboard coded with svelte, sveltematerialui, bootstrap. This dashboard has a serverless structure with dedicated api for save, load and remove task from dynamodb. It can be deployed inside s3 bucket, with cloudfront and apigateway.
Backtesting and Visualisation of an Equity Investment Strategy Using Python by Men Chengkai
I backtested and visualised an equity investment strategy (customized China semiconductor company index based on market capitalisation) using Python.
Task Manager by Farid Malekpour
Task Manager is a web application designed to streamline task management and enhance productivity. The project aims to provide users with an intuitive interface to create, manage, and track their tasks effortlessly.
Password Vault by Julia Evers
It is a GUI where you can store your passwords or retrieve information for certain websites.
Library system application by Mohammad Amin Barancheshmeh
A c program of a library system in 1400 lines , very simple and practical
Healty by Haider Ali Sultan
The website is designed to educate people on ways they can become healthier.
Online orders and management system by Amer Makke
A webb app that allows taking item orders online and allows the admin to check all transactions.
Animus Stock Screener by Steve D'Agostino
It is a stock screener wherein you can input a stock ticker and retrieve information including a candlestick chart, basic stock info, and historical prices, trading volumes, and dividends.
InspireVerse by André Menniti Pennini
My project, 'InspireVerse,' is a daily motivation web application that uplifts and inspires users with personalized and curated motivational phrases.
A Real-time Voice Translator by Cesar de Macedo
A real-time voice-to-voice translation tool built with Python.
Macro50 by Karim Kansouh
A website where you can input nutrition facts in order to calculate the number of calories and percentages of marcos a certain food contains, the style is inspired by google and another final project called GPS50.
Object detection web application by Mohamad Amin Nemati Sheikh Ahmad Loo
An application that can detect objects in an image
Blog50 by Hani Bashir
My final project in CS50 is a blog with a dashboard. Users must register or login to add posts, categories and comments. Each user has their own control panel where they can control their posts and profiles.
tic-tac-toe by Imran Mohammed
It is a simple web game that uses html css and javascript in which playes can play vs the computer.
my personal portfolio website by Omar Hany Mohamed Khaled
An online showcase of my web development journey and skills
Dream Bank by Md Ahsan Habib
This a web-based application using and SQL server where you can create login credential, create new client, update, deposit , withdrawal and so on.
Online School Management System by Mus'ab Farouq
The Online School Management System is a web-based application that provides a platform for managing basic school activities such as login/registration, student addition and search, teacher addition and search, subject addition, class addition, and students list with their classes. The system is built using Flask web framework and SQLite database.
Online Media Player by yoav levin
Its an online music library where you can see and listen to other people's music as well as your own.
Greedy algorithm for solving the knapsack problem by Artyom Kolomiets
Is uses dynamic programming to decide which item to put in knapsack, and to achieve profitable result.
calculate the beta coefficients of the three stocks Shapna, Khodro, and Foolad by Saeid Adeli
this project is for calculating the beta coefficients
myCalendar by Mehdi Masmar
This project is related for making event and calendar as well as share it with friends.
Expense Tracker by Igor Vinícius Gonçalves de Souza
A tool to help you organize your monthly expenses
Runner_weather_status by Teera-as Asavateeratham
The project is about weather and air pollutants status app for runners, where the users will get suggestions on whether to run outside or not based on their location.
Nice Bot by Ebrahim Mahrous
A discord moderation bot that helps you control the server without clicking buttons. made using the API
I Done by Edson Silva Oliveira
Thinking about the current problem of garbage in the world, and how much of that garbage could be reused, I developed this system where it connects those who want to donate with those who are in need of something. Thus making the product cycle last longer.
With a temp email, you can effectively hide your identity and primary email address so that it stays clean and your inbox is free of spam and advertisements.
"Space Exploration" - Data Science by Oskar Krawczyk
Expanding interests of Data Science and Universe.
The Eco-Car by Aarush Jain
The Eco-Car project will solve the problem of air pollution in the real world.
Healthy by Haider Ali Sultan
Healthy is a web-based application designed to empower individuals with the knowledge they need to lead a healthier lifestyle.
My Gaming Room by Kolsi Yassine
My Gaming Room is a website that helps gamers search for new consoles, games and accessories in order to help them improve their gaming experience
My Finance by Serhii Storozhenko
Its aim is to sum uo all incomes and expences for some exact period of time.
ChatGPT +Voice by Pius Wesley Quiambao
An Android App that utilizes ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo and MediaRecorder and OpenAI Whisper model
EPLA by Haidar Maula Reynaldy
A web application created to search for types of exercises and how to perform them, create a training schedule, and monitor training progress.
Calculus Helper by Ömer Can Baykara
A web app for visualizing and graphing derivatives and integrals
Pokedex by Steven Bruce
An encyclopedia of Pokemon information and battle stats for the Pokemon video game series.
Prepare your meals in a week by Beibei Liu
It's web application that helps you prepare your meals in a week
The Unseen Library by Mariam Grady
A Library administration application designed for large and small scale libraries, using a Neo4j graph database.
STICKIT – Design for Change by Sarah Göbels
Non-profit and activist website to share pdfs of stickers about socially relevant topics
DBMS using Bash shell scripting by Abdallah Ashraf
it's a database management system using UNIX/linux bash shell and filesystem
Movie Personality Quiz by Nicholas George
A series of questions relating to things surrounding film which provides a personality best suited for you.
Santia Propiedades Webapp by Martin Fernandez Santia
Web application for a small real estate business
Elevate Women Period by Luke Briden
Helping spread menstrual education and awareness across Zimbabwe
Access Control Peace Access by HELTON SILVA SANTOS
I chose to create a acess control software because I believing that with this development I would be able to use the tools that I learned during the course: python, SQL, javascript, HTML, CSS and flask.
Nature Password Generator by Mārcis Sniķis
Simple password generation tool to make life on the web easier and safer.
Personal Portifolio Website by Lukas de Araujo Albus
This is my personal webpage where I will add my own blog posts and projects along my journey learning programming.
Quiz-tion AI by Ivan Suralta
A python flask web application that turns long article texts into test questions (multiple choice, true or false) with the quantity of your choice using OpenAI API.
Crypto 50 by Tom Atkins
It's a dashboard for viewing top crypto tokens and a range of NFTs over multiple blockchains.
Closer to Astrology Web Application by Sirbu Irina
The project combines my skills with my interests.
Reveille Recs by Carol Geng
Java Swing web app that shows all of the recommended places to go when visiting Texas A&M and College Station, TX.
NHS Scotland Waiting List Searcher by Alexander Doyle
A website so search into NHS waiting list databases.
Reservation system by Roman Németh
A web application serving as a reservation system for beauty procedures.
Jan's Personal/Portfolio Website! by Jan Bock
A personal website for myself, a digital CV/Resume, and a place to add all my projects!
Deflorestation detection by Arthur Silva
Collects satellite images from the Amazon Forest and detects deflorestation signs by Nathalie Benarroch
An application that allows users to organize their wardrobe, sift through it to give away no longer needed clothes, create new combinations and import new clothes from shopping websites to see how they fit in to their existing wardrobe before finalizing purchase.
Simple Python CPU benchmark by BEHROZ MORADI
A simple python program that benchmarks the system's CPU and provides you information on what is the model number, and how many seconds it took to complete the test
Recipe Finder by Kalos Chhoa Tsun Yi
A recipe finder that takes user input and returns a list of possible recipes
The Time Tracking System by Yanhong Li
It is a simple web application helping staffs who usually work across departments to record their working hours in different departments.
Taropod software by Mohsen Asgari Sabegh
Look up details 830 / 5,000 Translation results Translation result Taropod software is a comprehensive directory in the textile industry
Ecommerce webapplication(Bonsai House) by meghaji shravan kumar
Basic Ecommerce webapplication which is used for online sales
Stay Focused by Nouhaila OUAAMARI
Stay Focused is a chrome extension can help you focus on your work
My Personal CV Website by Bartek Hryniecki
Here is my personal website that introduces who I am and serves as an extensive CV showing my skills and projects
Aeneas by Liam Christopher Burgmann
Aeneas is a text-based game based on the story of the Aeneid, where you encounter challenging scenarios and must make decisions about where to settle the remnants of the Trojan people.
Kenka (2d samurai fighting game) by HamidReza Safari
It's a 2d samurai fighting game created with python pygame library .
Job Board by Serhan M Miah
My project is a job board that allows users to search for developer jobs and keep track of their applications.
Workout Tracker by Foo Shuen Hao, Jason
This program enables users to record their workouts so that they can see what workouts they have done over a period of time.
Rh positive blood type distribution worldwide by Lasha Sadz
Visualization of Rh positive blood type distribution worldwide
Ecommerce web application using Python, JavaScript, SQL to generate funds for the less privileged, orphanages, war victims in the society.
movie4night by Dmytro Kataev
If you struggle searching for a nice movie to watch we have a solution!
NatureTeen Environmental Organization Website by Luong Minh Nhat
NatureTeen protects the environment and inspires people to do so.
Performance Reviews by Zubin Talwar
A tool that automatically generates performance review assignments.
Discord Face Swapper Bot by Sevgi Sarıkaya
The Discord bot that can paste users' faces on pictures which it lets us to search on Google.
Happydiary by Dmytro Klochko
It serves to help people to track how different aspects of their life affect their happiness.
Face Recognition with Python by Marta Julia López González de Quevedo
Command-line version of a face detection and recognition system made with Python.
Rocket Launch Website by Ben Whitfield
This webapp allows users to read the latest space news, look at past and upcoming rocket launches, and bookmark those which they are interested in.
Success for computer my health
KATEB web application by Iman Aghaei Ghahderijani
This web application is purpose-built for the oil industry, serving as a robust data collection platform. It streamlines the process of gathering essential data points within the oil sector, offering a seamless digital solution to monitor and manage critical information.
Classroom50 by Stiv Haka
Classroom50 is a web-based application that allows teachers and students to collaborate together.
sqlui by Remy Alain Ticona Carbajal
The sqlui crate is blazing fast, lightweight, small binary and crossplatform, database client.
Language Translator by Sujal Shah
This program helps to translate a phrase into as many languages as possible at once.
YouTube Timer by Yurii Pidlisnyi
Adds a timer on YouTube videos that shows how much time is left until the end of the video.
NumberType by Marian-Andrei Antonescu
Learn your contacts' phone numbers, and by doing so, become more confident in typing numbers on the keyboard.
PlayStation Store Cheap Games Finder App by Cai Parry-Jones
PlayStation Store Cheap Games Finder App
Purrfect Companions by Boerescu Constantin
A website where a user can adopt or post a cat for adoption
Plantform by Alina Vennes
Plantform is a website to manage mapping configuration of plant data from different stores having different data structures.
F1 Upcoming Event by Luke McKinley
A Chrome extension that collects the upcoming F1 races, and the current driver/constructor standings
SpotiTube by Muhammad Ahmed
Converts Spotify playlists into YouTube playlists and export data about your playlists
Brasileirão Data Analysis Tool by Artur Dornelles de Moura
it is a tool to display stats for the Brasileirão.
My Money by Nguyen Thi My Hanh
My Money is a web application which helps you to track your cashflow.
Thai Teach by Tosporn Atsawachinchot
A personalized Thai dictionary and a tool for streamlining my partner's work process.
Phagocytosis by Miguel Santos
A game prototype using Love2D where the player must consume all bad cells while maintaining the good cells.
Myra - Partner of your dieting life by Tsz Yan Choi
This web application can calculate and track your diet habit
Chrome Extension to gather information from the DEV Community using tags by saki yokota
The user can review the top 10 weekly or monthly articles by tag in the DEV community.
Feeling Good Journal by Karimov Komron
This is a web app to take Burns Depression Checklist test and keep the scores in the journal.
PersonalArt by Vasileios Dimopoulos
A social network where anyone can find a tattoo artist based on his category.
Google Calendar by Amirmohammad
It is a web application that helps you add events on your Google Calendar, and automatically tells you the departure time. It simplifies the process of adding a new event and checking the departure time
School Finder for Qatar residents by Ngô Đức Bảo
85% of Qatar population is foreigners, creating huge demand for private schools.
Tessellation Quilt Design by Catherine Hoffmann
Use tessellation to design a quilt block, then use the block to do a quilt layout.
The snake game by Fedor
This project is about a snake that moves across a square in order to eat a pixel resembling an apple/
Aurman by Pranav Latish Setpal
It is a simple CLI application, aimed at simplifying the installation process of applications from the AUR(Arch User Repository)
This is an app which is used for COVID19 Vaccination status, this app is available in cellphone, Android, Kiosk, and computer desktop. By this app you should safe your time, and you don't need to standings on the line, in the airports, before traveling you should sign up for this app and register your COVID 19 Vaccination status and Vaccination card.
My Places by Olivia Martin
Create a personal travel list of all the cities you've been to, want to go, or plan to go, and view them on a map.
2048 Game by Yiteng CHEN
A simple number game where you can get points by moving the numbers in the grid to get them added to each other.
a plugin for wordpress by Mohammad Norouzi Harouni
For the final project of the course, I wrote a WordPress plugin
Albums Recommendation App by Mykhailo Savych
Frontend web app that gives music recommendations based on user preferences.
Starship Development Tracker by Dylan Zilifian
This is a web application designed to store information on tests conducted on the Starship launch vehicle.
Basketball Coach by Agrin Serqa
My Final project is a website that allows the user to register and schedule indiviudal basketball training sessions. Also allows the Coach to use the website as Admin and see all the registrants and all the schedules that users signed up for.
Effective Learning System by Jianhua Huang
Help you memorize better through quizing yourself at learning.
Signal Fire by Colin Fearing
A 2D Wilderness Indigenous Survival Crafting Game Made With Entirely AI Generated Art.
Lane detection with C++ and OpenCV by Esma Zuurbier
Lane detection program based on finding straight lines using canny edge detection, hough line transform and finally linear regression to find the two lines of best fit: one for the right lane and one for the left lane.
Run100Miles by mikey gough
A web app that displays dynamic summary statistics and graphics based on my 100 mile garmin running data.
Personal Portfolio Website by Adkhamjon Norkulov
If i talk to this website that you understands.This project is about personal website of mine. It requires to learn many information about me.
Gravity by Jake Robert Richards
A 2D game where you play as an asteroid growing in size by gobbling up smaller asteroids.
4 games for kids by Mohammadreza Dashti Rahmatabadi
Four games created by Scratch and placed on one web page
EVOLUTION by Dorota Wisniewska
EVOLUTION is an open-source platform for game developers and offers a wide variety of animated Sprites.
Restaurant Search Zurich by Henri Dietz
Searching, booking, cancelling restaurants brought to your fingertips
Dynamic population map by Payam Esmaeili
A dynamic map showing the population of each country with data from 1960 to 2010
Miller by Kyaw Zin Htet
In this cs50 final project, user can register with email address, mail sent each other , reply each other and including validation for register
Booook by Tamkin Tamrazli
The book search web app where you can search books, put them to your virtual bookshelves, give a rating and write a review.
Coinky by Aidan Delany
Obtain a messageboard passcode from a physical heirloom and then update the message board and pass along the heirloom so someone else can leave a message.
Grammarama by Marcos Nobre
Grammarama is a free online grammar checker that uses advanced LanguageTool technology to help you improve your writing skills and catch all your mistakes.
My Dwelling by Ana R Zitzow
My Dwelling is a SPA(Single-page application) that allows you to track your property's preventative maintenance due dates and costs.
Rez Maps by Matheus Rezende Porto
A website with a easy-to-use tool for land owners and managers who need a tool to control their properties.
The Eradicator by Wojciech Krzysztof Grodzicki
"The Eradicator" is a 2D side-scroller game available directly in the browser with an option to create an account and save scores.
Water Order Management System by Galileo Gene Robin
A web app for a Water Order Management System designed for a water refilling station.
Space Panda by Paul van Amelsvoort
A game where you are a panda in space with one goal: survive as long as possible.
OnChat by Hossein Afsari
OnChat is a real-time chat application developed using Flutter and Firebase services.
Classroom50 by Stiv Haka
Classroom50 is a web-based application that allows teachers and students to collaborate together.
Task Master by Muhammad Alif Budiman
Task Master is a web application that allows users to manage their daily and weekly tasks.
CS50 Wordle Helper by Pedro Carlo Restelli Ribeiro Muniz de Souza
A databse helper for the Wordle Browser
Gerador de imagem Via chat ( gerador de imagem automatizado 1.0v) by Nicolas Almeida Prata da Silva
Um gerador de imagem com base em programação python com intuito de criar imagens únicas e inovadoras com base no solicitado
BMI Calculator by Mohammad Jahandar
BMI Calculator with a graphical user interface (GUI) using the Python programming language and Tkinter library
Interstellar Journey Time Calculator by Artsiom Arlouski
This program calculates the time it takes for a spaceship to travel to a distant places in Universe from two different perspectives: an observer at the departure point and a traveler on the spaceship. The calculations are based on the Lorentz factor*, a concept from Einstein's theory of special relativity.
Sudoku Solver by Reza Shafaghi
A program with Python language (flask framework) that solves Sudoku puzzles.
Google Calendar by Ali pakdaman
It is a web application that helps you add events on your Google Calendar, and automatically tells you the departure time. It simplifies the the process of adding a new event and checking the departure time.
Python exercises with automated results testing by Ojārs Krūmiņš
A web page to write, run (in browser) and automatically test Python code during programming lessons in school.
CarbonImpact by Arthur Demurger
This tool calculates the carbon emissions for your trips for different modes of transportation and lets you log your trips.
SafeKeep by Abara Charles
A simple and secure password manager built using the Flask web framework and Flask extensions.
CineWatch | Watch Any Latest Movie by shikher saras
It is a movie application where you can watch any movie trailer and search any movie.
Thesmartschool 3e Project by Bellamy Widjaly
SmartSchool is an education management system designed to help schools efficiently manage their operations. It offers features such as student and staff management, course and assessment management, as well as online communication and school website management. By streamlining administrative processes and enhancing communication, SmartSchool aims to improve efficiency and the educational experience for students, parents, and school staff.
Games Vault by Shayaan Musthafa
A game list web application to learn about and save your favorite games
Spelling Sloth by Ben Hillier
Learning resource for children, aged 4 - 9yrs, to practice spelling and times tables, and earn stickers.
CS50 Weather by Deniz Adigüzel
My project shows the weather of different cities all around the globe with a 3 day weather forecast
Connect Four game by Mihai Doldur
A command line program written in Python to implement Connect Four game
IP cloud - turning IP addresses into an image by Andrea Chiu
An application that turns IP addresses into a unique color palette
Who Fed Fido by Matthew L Paunicka
A web app that allows users to track their dog's feeding schedule
Midnight by Amirmohammad Gitibin
It's a half completed project of my idea to suggest a nickname to people by their favorite things.
Simple bookmark extension for Google Chrome by Valerii
This is a simple Chrome extension that allows users to save, re-open and delete bookmarks in a popup window.
A guide to understanding Argentina's inflation by Guillermina Suárez
Web app for Argentina's inflation calculation, economic graphs, restatement indexes and CPI forecasts.
Portfolio2023 maxvdkogel by Max van der Kogel
This is my personal portfolio using, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, GSAP3, Lenis and ViteJs
Route Optimizer by Erik Fubel
A web app that enables an NGO to more efficiently collect and distribute food through smarter routing.
Puzzle Tools by Tamara Brenner
A web application with a collection of tools for word game and puzzle hunt enthusiasts.
simple calculate by Samaneh Mohammadi Rad
My code is a simple calculator program written in Python. It allows the user to perform basic mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Pyflask Blog by Kevin Chang Wang
Pyflask Blog is a fully functional full stack blog, where you can publish/edit/delete posts, upload profile pictures, edit your profile, change your password, delete your account and search contents across the whole site by title, content or author.
Webdevpack by Ahmad Badghaish
A website offering tools that help web developers and (hopefully) make their lives easier.
Wine Tracker by Jacob Plecki
A Website Database that allows you to track and edit different wines you've had and it will generate suggestions based on certain tastes/criteria
Budget App by Elliot Powell
Budget App, is a budgeting app built with Next.js that intergrates directly with users banks through the use of the Plaid Api
Goblin Fight by Mayur Chermala
This is a simple text-based, turn-based game where you fight a goblin
Guess That Song! by Derek Dong
Takes random excerpts from your Spotify playlists and plays them for you to guess.
Water health by Fatima Albuainain
A calculator to calculate the amount of water the user needs daily
ListMe by Rohit Bhati
This an chrome extension for stroing links and notes separately by websites you are visting.
Crypto Portfolio Tracker by Octavian Duiu
Simple Web app that tracks investments and calculates current profit/loss. by Dominic ODonnell
Designed to showcase all my skills and projects within a single consolidated domain.
eat_fruits by Artin Ashoogh
In this game, the monkey character must eat the fruits that are dropped by the cat and collect points, and if she eats the lightning, she loses points.
Pennywise Hub by Caio Andre Fernandes Batista
A web-based financial management tool for small companies
Voice Cloning by Maede Kondali
Give this program just a few seconds of your voice and it will create any text you want with a voice similar to your own.
To-Do List by Bhavana Reddy PN
This is a website called ToDo-List which helps people to remember the tasks they wanna do in day to day life.
G-Stream! by Mirang Bhandari
It is a simple Gamer's hub which showcases all of the games which redefined the gaming genre as a whole
Easy Helper by Matheus José Felipe Rosa
Get the current status of REITs and stocks in the Brazilian Stock Market in two sheets with the possibility of adding filters!
An Online Shopping Website "Homer Art Gallery” by Reza Homayounmehr
I created this online shopping website for my final project based on the concept that it should be something of interest to me and solve an actual need. My father is both an electrical engineer and an artist. He created so many gorgeous and colorful pieces of art. However, in order to sell his artworks, he needs use third-party internet shopping portals. As a result, he suggested that I create this website to assist him.
NOTE- Your Digital Diary Sanctuary by Snigdha Pandey
It is a digital diary app which allows dateless entries.
Global Perspectives Index by Zoltan Pallai
A web app built with React that creates a unique global performative index.
Top 3 Technical Writing Mistakes by Zachary Vertner
How to fix the top three technical writing mistakes
BookBox by Maria Seghezzi
An online place to keep track of all of your books, whether you're reading them, have already finished them or would like to read them in the future.
eMail site by Seyed Mahdi Mortazavi Asadabad
This is an email website which you can use same as the other email webpages. It includes lots of options such as Composing, inbox, Sent and so on.
Deployment Data Processing Script by David Storm
A pair of programs to automate the processing of Deployment Data for my day job.
Beatramid by Wang Paike
Beatramid is an advanced metronome with visualization of different types of notes, to assist with instrument practice.
Sustainability Calvulatir by Arthur Van Geel
Calculate how sustainable your business process and material use is with the sustainability calculator.
Py-Bot by Harsh Sehgal
Py-Bot is voice bot which can perform task on your computer at user's voice command.
TEA LOVERS (name of the website) by Alba Yvette Rodriguez Muñoz
Discover which tea will be best for you to have a healthier life
Meloviste! web application. by Arturo Moyano
This is a web application for a second-hand clothing store.
Kudos: a volunteers platform by Kasthurisinghe Mudiyanselage Malinda Pasan Bandara Wijeratne
A web platform which helps connection and collaboration among volunteers for causes
Pet Companion by Artur Herbert Malek Huidobro
WebApp for improving visibility of breeder/owner actions.
Foodster Plans by Kiril Nikolov
A webb app where you can keep food items in an inventory, make grocery list, search for recipes, save them to favourites and see their nutritional value.
CS50X Final Project by Paul Douglas Brittain
Website about final fantasy 14's airship / submarine system
Title: Item Report Dashboard using Plotly, Pandas, and Dash in Python by Gian Gabriel de Almeida Wegrzym
This code reads data from two Excel sheets, cleans and modifies the data, counts and sorts the removed parts, creates multiple plots using Plotly Express, and then creates a Dash application layout with the four plots as graphs. The Dash application is then run and displayed in the server.
NHK News Web Easy Scraper by COLIN ZHANG
Scraping news articles from NHK News Web Easy and sending a customized quiz to students via LINE Messaging API; it also came with GUI.
English Dictionary by Fransiscus Xaverius Mario Jevta
This application use PyDictionary and to get the meaning, synonym, and antonym of the english word based on the user input.
EncBit by El Mehdi El Brahmi
EncBit can encrypt and decrypt a directory, file, or string using AES-256, and hash a file or a string using SHA-256.
Voice Cloning by Maede Kondali
give this program just a few seconds of your voice and it will create any text you want with a voice similar to your own
Sudoku Solver with Integer Programming by Nicolás Jesús Mafla Checa
This Python project is an automatic solver for any SUDOKU by seeing it as an integer programming problem with the help of PuLP library and integrating it into a web application developed with Flask.
Virtual To-Do List by Ella Hawkins
This is a virtual to-do list where you can add tasks and delete them, star them as urgent, and highlight them with different colors.
EZ Events by Taoyi CHEN
The EZ Event is designed to be an events-oriented platform to gather people who has common interest and engage people in exploring the city.
Falling Words by Skander Yousfi
write as many words as you can before they disappear and reach highest score.
Maze Riazi by Mohammadsajjad Sibooyeh
This is a syntactic formula based on mathematical concepts and gravity, which is a huge physical game, and it is addressed to a linear equation that can be used to create a laser, a line with a laser pointer on it.
bookreader by Sara Alizadeh
My project is a book reader program, we send the text file and it starts reading the text
image-color-analysis by kerlos alfy
The idea of the project is to analyze the image and extract the main colors so that the designer can take the spirit of the colors from another design or image in order for the colors to harmonize
Litracker by Vasanthan S R
A web app to store logs of our reading routine , also stores current books we are reading and completion status
YouTube Watch Statistics by Vishnu Peddineni
A web app that allows users to analyse various aspects of their YouTube watch trends.
Atlas Web-messaging app by Kevin Mardemootoo
A web-messaging app using a proprietary encryption method
Master of Delay ( a social media web app) by Anna Bella M. Tagg
Master of Delay is a web application that celebrates the art of procrastination.
OneNoteSyncScheduler by juho kim
Desktop application that creates onenote with all google calendar events categorized
Patient Records by Liliane Camargos
Module to register care actions for legal patients, suffering mental illnesses
Escribanía Vaccaro by Daniela
Web Application created using Python, Flask, HTML, CSS and SQL to promote a notary´s services.
The Drug Shortage Database by João Pedro Branco Pires
Web based app to store information about drug shortages
Photographic Memory by Ahmed Saadawy
A program that helps you make the most out of the mind palace method for memorizing anything more
Investments in treasury bonds in C++ by Wioleta Wróbel
Simple, user-friendly program for calculating the return on investment in Polish treasury bonds.
Helpte by Kósa Péter
It is very similar to a discord server, you can ask for help, or simply talk with other students.
My Little Friends by Burak Tunç
Its a managment software to manage all of your pets data in a single application
UPS Generator Web Application by Bruno Ribeiro Hachenburg
Web Application that generates a Unitary Price for Project Biddings
The Quizzler App by Shubhi Bhatia
The Quizzler App is a trivia game that poses 10 random questions to the user.
Flashcards by Margit McGrath
Simple flashcard web app where you can create and run decks of flashcards.
Counting letters by Ivana Vera Sánchez
It prompts the user for a word/sentence and it counts the letters that are repeated (ex. ["l","e","t","t",2"e","r","s"]).
BOM List Creation by ANG Chun Hang
Allow user to create a list of materials for production, requiring category, stock code, and qty to lookup from a database to complete the other necessary information.
WEB CANTEEN by Ruth Price
WEB CANTEEN is a website design for parents where they can pre-order their kid's lunch.
Shadowing voice recorder by Miguel Angel Raczan Quisquinay
A voice recorder program, Use electron to create this program
Soon by Julia Maksymovych
A website than notifies you via email when a movie or an album of your choice comes out
HyperPong by Ruzgar Imren
A pong game that is built with lua and interpreted via love2d. Considered as the hardest pong game ever made that includes sounds, a scoreboard and algorithms that increases the hardness of it.
Stockify | Stock Keeping Application by Rahul TP
Stock keeping application created using Python and SQL
fınORC Advisor by Berat Osman Demiralay
This is a digital platform designed to assist individuals in managing their finances, making informed investment decisions, and achieving their financial goals.
Quote of the Day by Ishchenko Hlib
A web application that displays the quote of the day (different every day), where the picture in the background always matches the text of the quote.
Chrome Alerts by Ryan Berryman
An alarm clock for your browser that pulls up tabs whenever you want.
Implementation of the dijkstra algorithm by Bohdan Cheres
Python program for Dijkstra's single source shortest path algorithm.
Todo App by Tarek Tarho
The Todo App is a simple web application that allows users to create, manage, and track their tasks (todos). It provides basic functionality for user authentication, registration, logging in, updating passwords, and logging out. Users can view their todos, mark them as done, and delete them.
YourFinance by Gabryel Rodrigues Castro da Nóbrega
Your financial platform for expenses and stocks management
Listecheck by Jakub Felski
"Listecheck" is a web app that lets you create, manage and use checklists.
QuizBot by Vijayakumar Panchakshari
QuizBot is a web application designed to engage users in interactive quizzes.
Weightlifting progress tracker by Stefan Berger
This web application helps weight lifters track their progress and motivates them by comparing the personal record to the world record holders in their weight class.
cs50x Tehran Final Project by Fatemeh Farahmandfar
A game is designed using the Scratch program in two steps.
Programmer Interview Study by Kevin McMackin
Site where you can get a random coding-related question and answer to help you study for interviews.
Investment Tools by Raymond Dang
A collection of tools to help you calculate how much time it would take to pay off debt or build your investment portfolio.
Pacman game by Hamid Ghobakhlo
In the gameplay, the player moves through a maze in Pac-Man. The maze contains different spots and ghosts named Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde. The goal is to eat all those dots in the maze.
Astral by Russell Chen
Top down dungeon crawling shooter game where certain enemies are only active in line of sight and other are only active outside your line of sight exclusively.
Personal Website and Finite-Source Correction Factor Calculator by Seth Whiteaker
A personal website with a link to a calculator programmed for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
herman by Amirreza behjatian
A program that provides dates for reviewing the contents read so as not to forget.
Kathy's 50+ & Fabulous Self-Care Oasis by Kathy Caldwell
A space for women 50+ to realize that self-care is not selfish.
Hype Games by Tanner Galloway
Game details aggregation where users can search and save games they find interesting.
Clean Odesa by Kostiantyn Lytvynov
web application that will help citizens with waste sorting and recycling
Finance Tracker App by Rahul Kumar
Finance Tracker is a web app implemented using Flask and bootstrap that works like a mini stock exchange system.
MoneyPig website: by Klaas Pieter Rietkerk
An app to make your and mine administration easier.
Real time weather by Levan Zardiashvili
Displays real time weather of certain cities on main page and can search any city’s real time weather.
Freelancer Helper by ELISA FERNANDEZ VIC
A web app that helps freelancers take control of their rates.
Anon Mood Board by Jacob Nelson
A web application which logged user data regarding their emotions on a scale from 1 - 10 (with 1 being the lowest) and provide an anonymous comparison with all other users on the platform through the display of informative charts.
My email templates by Vidya sagar H PEnumatsa
A falsk app that can create emails in outlook with just few clicks
T-lingo (the translator) by Karim Haidar
T-lingo processes text in images and translates them to the desired language.
BEHINET by Mohammad hassan Liaghat
Finding the most lightweight route between two nodes in a weighted graph
Movies & Series Stats by Aleksandr Tyvoniak
This website allows you to get all IMDb info about series/movie
CS50 Weather by Douglas de Souza Melo Araujo
CS50 weather is a basic weather app that shows forecasts for up to 10 days for any given city
digital shop site by SeyedShahramShariatpanahi
It is a cooperation site in the field of selling all kinds of downloadable products and introducing and receiving fees from businesses and services
The project is a web app where users can choose a vehicle and pre-order the vehicle. I wanted to make a project like this to expand my knowledge of web designing. I wanted to make this site very attractive and very user friendly. I think I successed.I named the company as "infinity" and I also designed a logo for the company. The application is fully responsive.
Punkcrushers NFT Project by Ahmed Ali
This project is an ERC-721 implementation for non-fungible tokens with minting and transfer capabilities, enumeration, token existence checking, and metadata URI functionality with an interaction with a frontend.
Extra-curricular Points Tracking Website by Janice Cotcher
This is a Flask-based website that is a user-friendly interface for a points tracking database.
Chess timer app by David Svoboda
Chess timer app for 2 people that ticks down and one person will lose
Rate Rentals by Benson Mugo Kamau
Rate Rentals is a web application that allows users to view and rate rental properties, helping students find suitable apartments based on their budget and preferences.
Algorithm for multiplication of Strassen matrices by Ruslana
Website using javascript, bootstrap, css, flask on the topic of matrix multiplication algorithm by Strassen method
Lingoflix by Prince Kumar
A web app where you can find international movies and tv shows to help you learn a foreign language by watching movies.
Mining Fleet / Tyre Management System by Dean Dalton Nielsen
The application enables the efficient allocation and tracking of tyre inventory on MIning Vehicles which has no SABS governance in South Africa .. Meaning no approval to how the tyres are designed by tread or lifespan.
flask shopping mart by Jannatul Ferdous
It is a digital marketing site where anyone can buy and sell available digital product.
DishDiary by Ana Popovic
It is a recipe app build with React/Flask where user can create, manage and share the recipe with the world.
weather with python by Hoseyn Ariafard
Using this Python code (program), we can know the weather of different cities just by changing the api key and the desired city and country...
Warrior Cats Database by Amber Walker
WCD is a website that allows users view information of current Warriors books and keep track of their own personal collection.
Transaction Coder by Mohammad Ghalichi
Tool to categorize bank transactions and to generate a P/L statement.
Zoology learning app by Philip Lee
Learn about zoo animal characteristics and test your knowledge with trivia questions.
University education system by Elham Shafiei Falavarjani
University education system with student, course and unit selection modules in Python
CMS Shopping Cart by Maruf Hassan
A web app using Spring Boot that can perform the basic e-commerce functionality.
Travel Companion by Pavel Parinov
Web application for storing and organising your travel plans and ideas
QuickPaste by Constantinescu Cristian-Gabriel
A chrome extension for easy of note taking, and saving text clips from websites
The Expedition: An Interactive Story for Children by Elizabeth Szczesny
This project was created to be an interactive, engaging reading experience for young learners.
Shoppr by Ignas Kilkius
A dynamic shopping list with ability to keep track of purchases and amount spent.
Ingredient-based Meal Search Project by Jeric Reyes Caramat
Search for recipes using a key ingredient.
Learn!T by Łukasz Ziemacki
Application created to share knowledge and skills as well as a way to master knowledge and skills.
Weather Forecasting using Python by Yashar Kheirabadi
For forecasting weather using Python, we need a dataset containing historical weather data based on a particular location. I found a dataset on Kaggle based on the Daily weather data of New Delhi. We can use this dataset for the task of weather forecasting.
DS50 Analysis by Steffen Weimann
The projects goal is to generate a web based application to analyse stock markets and identify interesting scenarios or constellations which could be used to support trading decisions.
The Mandelbrot Set by Bruno Platero
The Mandelbrot set is a mathematical object that has fascinated mathematicians, computer scientists, and artists alike. This project aims to delve deeper into the properties and behaviour of the Mandelbrot set.
CS50 Weather by Jin Zihan
Web app that shows current, forecast and past weather data from user input.
HANGMAN GAME by bertin balouki simyeli
Hangman is a classic word-guessing game where the player must try to guess a secret word, letter by letter, before running out of chances, game provides the player with a limited number of incorrect guesses, and for each incorrect guess, a part of the hangman's body is drawn, if the player guesses the word before the hangman is complete, they win; otherwise, they lose.
Website - gallary of cars photo and video with wordpress by Marzieh Fattahi
Online exhibition of images and videos related to cars with WordPress
Python Bot for the Game "Friday Night Funkin" by Marten Dreger
I wrote a bot in Python that is able to play and complete the game "Friday Night Funkin" on the hardest difficulty.
Speed & Scale: The OKR tracker by Kaj Sennelöv
A user friendly and dynamic view on the progress of the Speed & Scale OKRs
The world on a plate by Zoriana Melnychuk
It is a web application, where users can purchase different types of meal plan from a cuisine from any country of the world.
Pesate by Pedro Alabart
The Saves recipes and display the cost of their ingredients in both Argentine pesos and US dollars
og:preview by Gabriel Lopes Ferreira Ramos
Og:preview allow users to enter a URL and see a preview of the OpenGraph tags for that URL.
Coffeeless? by Cristian-Alexandru Dinuta
Coffee is one minute away, is there even a better way to start the day?
Star Wars Wordle Clone by Mason Hunter
My project is a Wordle clone where all the words are Star Wars references.
hashtable store inputfile by 吳華楨 (Trista WU)
reading file as input data and using hashing algorithm to create a hash list with length 10 (address: 0~9) and each address entry links a serious of inventoty linked list.
Portfolio and Dividend Tracker by Victor Nengerman
A dashboard to visualize my portfolio and dividends
Age Calculator by Walid Safaa El-Din Nour Ibrahim
Know the time gap between two dates and the time left until your upcoming birthday.
Data management by Elif Nur Cholak
It is an educational desktop application which converts various types of data and calculates sets of binary digits
D&D One Shot Generator by Craig Mark Pettifor
A Flask application that randomly chooses and displays Dungeons and Dragons One-Shot Adventures.
Basic skills by jerico micutuan
Mobile app that showcases essential skills for a ios mobile developer
Audio Signal Processing by عبد الرحمن الشرباصي
desktop application built to do multiple processes on audio signals.
University News Scraper by Nenad Trajanoski
It gathers all my university news and displays them in a simple app
Bus reservation System by Hakimo Abdikadir
A web-based bus reservation system that help to automate the bus booking system in the counters
CS50 StockFolio by Md Mahamudun Hasan
Portfolio management web app, inspired by problem set of week 9!
AI trader by Mostafa Lotfi
This project consist of two parts, part 1 is a program that extract and export data in CSV format from METATRADER and part 2 is in python where we use the exported data to train and test a model for trading purpose.
Hospital Management System by Ibrahim Fayz Albadawi
Application that helps hospital employees collaborate
The Login2Win Challenge by Lim Boon Kai
A game that introduces the casual user to their browser's developer tool and shows how easy it is to bypass client-side validation.
Simulateur BAC by Monteilhet Justin
A browser extension that allows French students to compute the points they already have for their final exam.
Electrical Engineering by Adil Abdulkadir
Controlling the 7 Segment LED Display to change digits through python through a Raspberry Pi
FormalizeIt by Danilo Bilanoski
Gmail add-on to help you write more professional and polite emails using OpenAI.
Tic tac toe game by Amir Hossein Pourtaheri
Whoever arranges x or o in a row, column or cross in a row wins the game
Snow Fall by Rodolfo D. Koyanagui
A game where you need to keep warm by chasing and eating freshly baked cookies or else die!
SnakeGame by Sonu Kumar Shah
It is a online Snake Game which users can play with keyboard or controls present on the screen.
Student Learning Management by Etiene Winston Johnson
Busy students who can add work to the database
iFood Scraper by Bianca Filtre Lima
Extracts information about the restaurant and dishes from a given iFood url page
CS50 Market by Oleh Kutashenko
Simple web app using JavaScript, Python, and SQL for sellers and buyers to publish and view prices and stores.
Compare Grocery Price by Amir Shaban Keleshteri
comparing the daily groceries prices and finding the most affordable ones
SAT Vocabulary Game by Alexander Doboli
It is a game meant to teach kids vocabulary essential for the SAT>
This project is made using HTML,CSS & JavaScript. It's a simple online memory matching game, which contains various levels.
Food Market by Van Hoa Bien Phuoc
A web application to connect home-based Vietnamese food businesses and customers
Personal website by Ahmed Bakheet Al-Khalidi
its a personal website (Font end) by uesing html & css & js. let my tell you about my websit page number 1 the login page i use html and css and js it's the first peag in my website . page noumber 2 it's the min pege for my website and i use html and css in the min page . and i add some of project the i have done in the cs50 such as recover. and othe wed page (font end) . and simpl porject in python . and the last things is the img folde you can find all the img that i use in this project. and i name every file in has name with the formal lik: min page.html and min page syle.css. adn think you.
DressCode by Daniel Svensson
A website with clothing suggestions depending on the weather using flask and OpenWeatherMap's API.
FundRaiser by Jason Jay Gurang
"FundRaiser" is a website created for people who wants to make a difference in the community by either starting a campaign or funding an ongoing one.
Local Events Listing application by Matthew Hall
Add and maintain a database of local events using a front end homepage to view and filter results
Lead to Safety by Vidza Kofi Godwin
This project is a game, where the player is to go and bring the lambs who are in an unsafe place to a safe place.
Ideas on what to do during your stay! by Mira Katharina Scholles
A website with a collection of Ideas on what to do during ones stay in my region.
The Snake game by Daniil Nam Yuryevich
This project is about a snake that moves across a square in order to eat a pixel resembling an apple
Video Poker by Mark Angier
A recreation of the video poker gambling machine with a resizable and interactive GUI, sound effects, and a functioning currency system.
Intellectual Test Website by Advaith Elluru
You can take tests from the 3 of the 4 core subjects in the US.
Shooter Game by Hanieh Amjadian
This project is a simple shooter game made with Scratch. It consists of two stages. In the first stage, you must destroy target_1s using the bullet. Each time you destroy a target_1, one point is added to the "Killed" variable. When the number of "Killed" points reaches a certain amount, the second stage begins. In the second stage, you must destroy target_2s using the bullet. Target_2s are stronger than target_1s and require you to shoot them twice to destroy them. To win the game, you must destroy all target_1s and target_2s and maintain all your lives. If your lives reach zero, the game ends and you are declared a loser.
CS50 AnimeX by Matías Pinto Jaeger
It's web app for giving anime recommendations based on a main genre, you can register or login, and if you don't know what you want to watch, I'll suggest something for you if you click random.
Cargame by Daniel Bolyi
Small car game on a hilly circuit, with self navigating opponents, designed for android devices.
Admission Disha by Shresthi Srivastava
This website serves as a tool for students, which helps them to choose the right university or college in India for their desired major.
CS50x CRM by Hector Gustavo Serrano Gutierrez
Customer Relationship Management App coded in Python & Django
Tic Tac Toe game with Java GUI by Yigerem Bisrat
My Project is a Java GUI implementation of the tic tac toe game
NIIBS (NBDgroup inventory & instrument booking systeme) by Paul
An inventory and instrument booking system for my research group.
Joshua Lim (Personal Website) by Joshua Lim
A website that will allow me to keep adding more projects that I will be doing in the future.
Genetic Test - Svishtov by Kamen Kanchev
Fingerprint taking web app and receiving answers through email.
winGo! by Daniel White
A wordle-type game, with extra features for kids. You can choose between 3, 4, or 5 letter word games, and are awarded points based on how many guesses are left when you solve the puzzle.
node connector by Stephen Anthony Henson
connect nodes to score points, try to avoid virusbomb nodes how ever
Quote Generator by Dishan Anuradha
My project is a website that generate random quotes by using an API.
Moviezone by Nour-Eldin Akram Elsayed Seif
The main goal is to provide the user with the most important info about the movie that he wants to watch by using TMDB's dataset.
TimeApp by Yago Bolívar Barbudo
TimeApp is a simple, lightweight and elegant timer application built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
University Course Management System by Hamoun Forouzanmehr
User can create their profile and select the courses that are available and ....
Austen Aloud by Hilary Havens
Austen Aloud extracts all of the spoken language from a TEI/XML encoded version of _Pride and Prejudice_ and displays it on a webpage, connecting speeches to character names in chronological order.
Nerbo's and Ditro's Habitat by Jerzy Janiec
S.T.E.A.M.-based web app for IB Individuals and Societies subject group
ASCII Art in C by Mads Andersen
Modified PSET4 that gives users the option to convert bmp files to ASCII art.
Encounter Table Management by Arturo Sánchez García
A web app in which you can end up creating random table encounter for your dnd games automating initiative and turn order you
Meetyourl for Zoom by Takeru Fuwa
It's a Google Chrome extension that generates a URL to join a meeting from a Zoom meeting ID and a meeting passcode.
Meta Assessment - a Privacy Awareness Tool by Tónie Bruijns
Java CMD application that analyzes metadata of a .jpg/jpeg file
High School Website Project by Paun Vlad
I redesigned my high-school's website from scratch, focusing on good design patterns
Contagion Modelling by Zahra Yaqubi
This project is to simulate and predict how a disease will spread over time using python language.
Assigner by 安田凌
こちらは教員用のクラス替え最適化ツールです。 学校教員の職場環境の改善を目指して、サービスの開発を始めました。 性別・学力・体力・ピアノ経験・リーダーシップ・双子・悪い人間関係の計7つの決定要素によりクラスがを最適化します。 現段階では、3クラスの編成のみに対応していますが、今後の開発で更なるサービス向上を目指します。
StoryHub by Tanmay Haldar
toryHub allows users to create and share stories without the need to reveal their identity. Simply create an account, write your story, and hit "Post" to share it with the community. You can also browse and read stories from other users, and even leave comments if you'd like.
snake by QiLongchen
Use the arrow keys to move the snake. The arrow of the snake's plate is upward. The snake's keyboard arrow is down. The keyboard arrow on the right moves the snake to the right. The left keyboard arrow moves the snake to the left. There will be some gray blocks on the map, which are snake food. Catch them and get points. When you capture the red block, your size will increase. In case you hit one end of the map, the snake will die. In case you bend down to beat yourself, it will be cold. Capture the red block. Be careful not to curl and don't touch the two ends of the map. You will realize that the fuller the worm snake is, the harder it will become.
Triangle Quest by Andrew Christopher Courtney
Triangle Quest is a simple arcade shoot-em-up game made in LOVE2D.
Hugo Booklog by Andrew Horton
A Flask web application that allows users to register for an account and save their notes and ratings on the winners of the Hugo Award for Best Novel of science fiction.
Oryarnize by Anna Schwegmann
A Web app that helps keep track of your knitting supplies and projects.
Conversor de cantidades (unit converter) by Kevin Maximiliano García Garbini
A web app that convert units for cooking
Sudoku50 by Octavio Engel Villon
A sudoku solver written in python that makes use of depth-first search and heuristics.
BMI Calculator by Seyyed Mostafa Khoshneshan
In this project, written in Dart language and using Flutter framework, a person's body mass index is calculated.
Song Recommendation Web App by Conor
A song recommendation web application that uses a content based filtering system to predict songs a user will like based off of a sing inputted song.
Huffman Coding Program by Alireza Ghaderi
This is a Python program that implements Huffman coding, a lossless data compression algorithm. The program allows you to compress and decompress text using Huffman coding.
Logbook by Prissana Thamboon
A web app for logging works on a daily basis and displaying a bar chart of work performance
HikeShare by Michael Dionisio Morales Sojo
HikeShare is an application where users can log, share and comment their own or someone else's hikes.
Serial to MIDI Converter by Michael Bauer
Processes data sent from the Arduino serial port into MIDI messages for GarageBand.
BTD-ExpenseTracker by Milos Radovanovic
BTD-ExpenseTracker is an expense tracker, web-based application created using Python's framework called Flask, combined with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Smart Watch Purchase Predictor by Aayush Chourasiya
A machine learning-based web app that predicts whether a user is likely to buy a smart watch or not.
Oikos: a family web organizer by Gabriel García Caballero
Web app that allows users to create group of users (family) and create, delete and display events as an agenda for the members of the family, with a weekly visualisation
*aesthetic* productivity website by Jedidiah Villegas
a cozy Studio Ghibli-themed virtual study space.
eProcurement App by Victor Kai
A simple eProcurement app that allows users to manage procurement requests and suppliers built with Python, Flask and SQL.
FlashCodes by Kyle Español
FlashCodes is a unique learning platform that combines the fun of code typeraces with the efficiency of flashcard reviews (Flash + Code!).
CS50 Medical Clinic by Emad Hamdy Mahmoud Moustafa
The system manages the general definitions of medical clinics
iRent by Alexander Romanach Villarreal
The website iRent is specifically made to provide rental property owners with an eficient way to maintain their business’ and client’s information organized, all in the same place.
A website that has user functions and allows users to post their thoughts on books they have read. by Yuto Yamada
A website that has user functions and allows users to post their thoughts on books they have read.
Website Content Updater by Vladislav Ostapenko
Python based application that parses webpage, generates data using parsed information and updates data on the website through admin panel.
Candy City by SeyedehElahe Hassani
In the game Candy City you will meet three characters named Panda, Grizzly, and Bruce, which is inspired by the animation of Hazel Bears. This game is for three players, in this game you have to collect the Candy, each Candy gives you a positive point, but you have to be careful with the donut, because if you hit it, you will get a negative point. Whoever gets 10 points first is the winner of this Candy city.
Age calculator app by Sidarth G
An webpage to calculate the time from the given date to current date
Final projet: A race between a horse & a car by Sahar Sadreddini
A race between a horse and a car that has a special challenge, prize and winning conditions
PokéQuiz! by Federico Romaniello
Online quiz that tells you your Pokémon type, region, habitat and favourite berry
Organized by Ahmed Mohamed Gafar
it's a website to help people organize their important things such as to-do list, their budget and their passwords
portfolio site by Seyede Tayebe Hashemi
all the small projects I had done to learn, into a portfolio website in the form of a single project.
ChatGo by فرزاد خدارحیمی
It's a chat app. Real-time communication. Messages aren't store in server so privacy is not an issue.
Pomodoro Ducky by Elif Naz Yılmaz
Your pomodoro buddy Pomodoro Ducky is here to notify you when you need take a break!
Admission WEBSITE by Okoro Sunday
It helps students to check their admission status and also make enquiry about the institution
FleetVision by Rogelio
A webpage for easier reporting of vehicle maintenance and more communication.
Peloton Daily Stats by Susan Pizza
Application that calculates total metrics for multiple workouts taken by a Peloton member in a single day.
Translation Movie Viewer by taira nakamura
A video player that can translate subtitle files with DeepL.
goto: a shortcuts manager by Qinzhuo Zhang
goto is a command-line shortcuts manager for quickly going to files, directories, and links.
search algorithm A* by Shchadrov Nazar Oleksandrovich
Searching for the shortest path in a graph by the A star algorithm
Derivative Calculator ( by Ayana H
A simple differentiation calculator.
Task Manager by Zeuz Valdez Zavala
y final project is a Task Manager web page that helps the users manage their tasks and to-do lists.
Notify by Pedro Henrique Furquim Sanches
A web-based CRUD application that allows users to create, read, update, and delete notes.
Baby sleep tracker by Dennis Luetz-Hawranke
A user can track their baby's sleep behaviour and get some statistics on it.
Deep's CandiHire by Deep Mukeshbhai Patel
Its a globle site to help organizations to manage the hiring processing and the things efficient
catch-griffin by Ishant Rai
it is a scratch based game in which a bird moves horizontally and runs endlessly
A multi-market algorithmic trading basic structure by Kamir Freire Gemal
An adaptative algorithm able to trade multiple markets and instruments at once, capable of holding and combining many different strategies and managing risk according to inputs. Reach out on @kamir.gemal!
Bugport by Norbert Merkwart
Bugport is an issue tracking system for tracking issues during software development.
I Save Fuel (Gasoline) by Julien Mayard
The aim of this app is to record fuel consumption in order to help reducing it.
Money Control by Ibrahim Atef Eltahlawy
It's a web application that make you control your money and show your payments
Artist Page by Alyssa Auvinen
A website for a musicians with pages and links to their biography, discography, social media, and contact.
COVID-19 Vaccine booking portal by Deodutt Kotasthane
My CS50 final project was developed with the hope of making covid-19 vaccines easily accessible, and this is how it looks.
Fantasy Footy by Alex Rodgers
A website where me and my uni football team have our own fantasy football league, with ourselves as the players!
Command-Line Expense Tracker by Ohene Nana Kwame Akuffo
The project is a command-line program written in C that allows users to efficiently track their expenses.
Personal Next.js portfolio site by Zeyu Yao
This is my personal portfolio site, built with Next.js and hosted on Vercel at
Micro-Blog Web Application using Flask by Kapil Dave
A basic web application that is similar in function to **Twitter** that allows users to create an account and post micro-blogs on this social media web app.
VnTrade by Vũ Hoài Sơn
A web platform that retrieves cryptocurrency and stock information, and allow the purchase and sale of these financial assets.
News Collection by Renata Barcelos Leão
Responsive website built upon the data from an News Search API that allows users to sign up to save and share worldwide latest news articles.
Bugs Shooter (LOVE2D Game) by Damrin Yevhen
It's a shmup where you shoot bugs and worms to protect your place.
Weather App by Tamara Eigenmann
Web-based weather application that fetches real-time weather data for a specified location using the OpenWeatherMap API.
SPAM Guardian by Siddhant Patnaik
SPAM Guardian is basically a web-based email service created using HTML, CSS and flask.
Me 'N U by Delali Funani
Python program simulating a restaurant. from listing availabke items as a menu to taking the order from user. Also outputting a receipt/slip of the items ordered.
Interpro API - Abstraction layer of Interproscan Docker by Sebastian Jinich
A simple way of annotating proteins with Interpro docker.
CS50 final project- habit tracker by shubham sagar
a daily habit tracker equiped with a clock, water tracker, to do list, notes, drawing board and dad jokes.
Meowssenger by Juan Pablo Rinaldi
An app used to encode and decode messages within images in such a manner that the presence of such messages is not evident to human inspection.
Principal Components Analysis of the HDI of Central America by Jorge Luis Monroy Peralta
It is a Machine Learning Project
Gluten Checker by Liam Bickett Walsh
This app uses a recipes API to check if foods/meals have gluten and warn the user!
Attendance Tracker by Ellexandrei A. Esponilla
An android app to minimize the hassle of keeping the attendance and time of arrival of students in school.
Personal Library by AmirAli Sohrabi Teharni
A great library with good features and offline storage for anyone who loves books!
DentiColor by Aybüke Güven
A website designed for dentists and dental students to help them select suitable tooth color for their patients.
QuizMasterBot by Ivan Hudz
User is sending URL - bot analyses text from webpage and generates 7 trivia questions for user.
Space Invaders using Love2D by Amirah Natasha
This is a simple classic space invaders 2d game, written in lua language and using the Love2D framework.
Drink Water tracker by Denys Barkanov (Barkan)
Web-based application for tracking the amount of water one drinks during the day.
Eljayzaalhuur by Eljay Raoul Angoelal
This is a web application where you can rent a meeting room for a specific period of time.
Pocket Monsters by Jessica Burton
A website pulling from multiple databases to produce results based on user input.
Picturesque by Tomasz Barciszewski
A website that allows of creating a blog that matches quotes from world literature with relative pictures.
Stock Watch by Artur Cortez
Web application that display historical data on stocks using Flask, Yfinance, Plotly and Pandas.
Stock Tracking and Management System by Tang Ka Ying
Stock quotation, recording, real-time data visualisation with email notification.
Dice Calculator/Expression Based Dice Calculator by Juan José Corella Martínez
Expression based dice probability calculator.
Medication List by Byun Jaemin
It is a web-based application which the user can list down the medication details to remind themselves
Background_color Changer by Yohaan Singla
You will click the extension on a website and it's background will keep changing color.
Child Oral Antibiotic Dose Calculator by Hao Ning Ng
Child Oral Antibiotic Dose Calculator (COADC) is a dose calculator designed to be used by pharmacists or patients to verify the dosages of children's antibiotics prescribed by their doctors. by Hamza Tijani
A web app for drawing on a canvas then saving it in a remote library
My Reminder by Hewa Batagodage Tharushi Chathuranga Dewmini
Can add notes clicking by plus mark and can save it.
Project_Schedualing by amr abdelrazek ahmed abdelrazek
schedualing a project updating it and get some simple graphs out of it
Prego Web App by Pedro Henrique de Souza Marques
Easily map Brazilian open tenders for more transparency in government procurement.
CS LIST by Fabricio do Canto de Souza
This project aims to demonstrate the use of a platform for managing the attendance list, registering students and teachers, as well as creating classes. An intuitive, functional and basic system.
MyGrocer by Muhammad Anas
A grocery list hosted on a website which has the name of the item, quantity and the name of the person requesting the item.
SportsGator by Marcos
A Web Application which displays a lot of real-time NFL data with the help of an API, also includes a minigame developed by me!
Restaurant by Numero Uno Arroefy
simple web application to order food and for owner to easily manage order
crime statistics of NYC by Eva Useros Marugan
It's a web application to visualize arrest statistics of New York city for the year 2021
Password Generator by Hadis Rafati
With this project, secure passwords can be created according to the user's needs.
Marvel's Characters Enciclopedia by Alvaro Linares Cabre
A Website of Marvel's Characters with Mini-Game
Tic-Tac-Toe Game by Ibraheem Ahmed
This project is a Python implementation of the classic Tic-Tac-Toe game with a graphical user interface using the Tkinter library.
Split Bucks by radhika mendiratta
An app for keeping track of shared expenses with individuals or groups and enabling hassle free settlement of payments.
The Movie List by Jatin Raghav
You can store the names for your favourite movies and shows and also search for them.
Kuat Drive Yards E-commerce by Juan De Luca
My project is the e-commerce website for Kuat Drive Yards, a fictional company from the Star Wars franchise that sells interplanetary vehicles.
Easy Color Inverter by Rodrigo Emmanuel Rodríguez
Is a Google Chrome extension that allows users to invert colors of webpages while keeping original images and videos.
Noughts and Crosses with AI Opponent by Sam Donald Parsons
A game of noughts and crosses using Pygame with an AI opponent that should always win or draw.
Library Services Control System by Marcelo Cavalcante Nunes
A web application used to register and fulfill requests in a library.
Statistical Tolerance Stack-up by Dmitry Chechenev
Generate 5000 normally or uniformly distributed values within the tolerance for each dimension and calculate 5000 results of tolerance stack-up using these dimensions.
Lode Runner (game) by Aditi Jain
Lode Runner is a 2D platform game where there is a player and possibly multiple enemies..
TagURL by Kamlesh Kumar
TagURL is a web application for managing and organizing online bookmarks with tags
Hike New England by Emily Arai
Web app to allow users to log hikes and keep track of the 67 4000+ foot mountains they have hiked.
Ospace website by Ayda Ghasemi
My project is an imaginary website that can be used in the future for buying starships, robots and planets and travelling to space
OpenQuiz50 by Jadon Ng Tsz Hei
OpenQuiz50 is a simple trivia/quiz-based website that allows users to challenge themselves with over 10k+ questions among a wide range of categories anonymously.
Inventory Bot by Felipe Gonzalez Vasquez
Whatsapp bot that answers questions about a dealership's car inventory.
TASK MANAGER by Syed Zohair Abbas
The Flask Task Manager provides a user-friendly interface for managing tasks effectively. It leverages Flask's capabilities for web development and integrates SQLite for data storage. Users can register, log in, create tasks, track task progress, and categorize tasks based on status. The application aims to enhance task organization and productivity.
Soccer Simulation 2d by Mohammad Hosein Monfared Gohar
In the 2D Soccer Simulation, two teams of eleven autonomous software programs (called agents) each play soccer in a two-dimensional virtual soccer stadium represented by a central server, called SoccerServer.
CryptoX by Jordan Georgiev
CryptoX is a simple cryptocurrency exchange which allows user to trade cryptocoins using real-time market data.
Duty Clerk Planning by Elijah Tan Chih Heng
A web-app to make duty roster planning more efficient, tailored to the needs of my organisation.
Dogs&Cats by Sara Mohamed Ali
my website show pictures of dogs and cats, and how we can love cats and dogs .
Weather 50 by elfarouk eltawil
Weather 50 is a web application that allow you to access the basic weather information in the most cities of the world.
Simple Student Data Management System by Sajith Madhusankha
This Project Can be used to manage student data and to search, modify and delete data.
Compound Car security system by Mazen Emad
A Web application that logs data about the entries of cars into a gated community for safety.
my personal website by Mohammad Kahkeshani
this is a website that show a little about my experiences and my edgucatinality
Tea Time In Space by Johnny Labedzki
A space-themed chrome extension that replaces the new tab page.
Basic TodoList with HTML, CSS and JavaScript by João Pedro Soares Oliveira
It1s a todo list with HTML CSS and JS
MyBlog CMS by Anselme ATCHOGOU
MyBlog is a Symfony-based dynamic blog with a comprehensive content management system, empowering bloggers to efficiently create, manage, and customize their online content.
Budget$ App by Said Ahmadli
It is Budget$ App. We created this project with Python, Flask, Sqlite3. We can follow our income and spends with this app.
All About Reptiles by AbdulGhani Ali Shahnawaz Othman
Your One-Stop Shop for Breeding and Equipping Your Precious Reptiles.
REEsched by Allan Kristoffer A. Velasquez
REEsched creates electrical load schedule based on the circuit data from user. REEsched complies with the Philippine Electrical Code.
Maintenance logbook and KPI calculator. by Andres Guzman Pacheco
An easy way to know your machines status.
SpotiPsychic by Sia Yun Zhang Ethan
SpotiPsychic takes user listening data, presenting recommendations and insights.
AgroSense IoT by Jose David Suta Carvajal
AgroSense is an IoT application that collects and monitors data from plants
Mechanical Maintenance and Service by hamidreza katani
it handles and organazies the maintenance and service of mechanical machines
Music Band Website (The Glaciers) by Olena Arakh
It is a website for an imaginary music band with three pages: Home, Store and About.
Etch-A-Sketch by P M Gagan Ganapathy
A browser version of something between a Sketchpad and an Etch-A-Sketch
Tech Secure by Faisal alessa
Web page for Encryption and decryption text's and also generate strong passwords
Numberly by Fatmah Muidh Alharthi
Numberly is a Search engine to retrieve interesting trivia, math, and year facts about numbers.
MT$ CSV EXPORTER by eka setyo agung mahanani
expert advisor that able to export numerical data from MT4
Notes by Dmitry Zharikov
This website allows users to add, store, delete, change their notes, and view the number of users registered on it.
Final Project of CS50 by Dip Dutta
This was my final project for conclude the CS50 Introduction to Computer Sciense course.
Flask To-Do List by saharnaz yaghoobpour
This is a simple To-Do List application built in Python. It allows users to create, view, update, and remove tasks from their to-do list. This project serves as a basic example of a to-do list management system and can be further customized and expanded to meet your needs.
Sendthis4me by Emmanuel O Alabi
A web application to help you quickly and conveniently find someone to deliver your parcel.
logbook. by Arthur Rylance
A virtual pilot logbook for easily and efficiently logging and viewing flights.
beam analysis by Amirreza Alipour
This project is a GUI-based beam analysis tool using Python's tkinter library for calculating parameters and generating diagrams.
CS50 Mail by amirmahdi abedini
This project made by Flask and 5 web pages for sending and receiving E-mails
RMS: Room Management Service by Mostafa Mahmoud Elnenaey
A site for managing rooms for students and staff in college.
Habitica by Prerit Jaiswal
A daily task website that motivates you to maintain healthy lifestyle, along with an in-built chatbot.
Ahl Al-Quran by Mohammad Hammoudeh
One stop shop for going from zero to hero in terms of Quranic knowledge in a fun, interactive and structured way
Email checker by Arthur Henrique Lima Nascimento de Oliveira
A simple email checker that can check Gmails.
Course Manager by 廖為
A course manager to help you tracking the courses information and deadlines better.
HPI and HTPI by Laurenz Jakob Kluth
Command-line program in Python calculating handball players' and teams' performances, comparing them with the statistics from this season and outputting all relevant information for the new Fantasy League Handball Application.
Zombie Attack by Kimone Francis
Zombie Attack is a fun shooter game, which engages and challenges it's players.
File Naming Utility by Colin Mitchell
Application to simplify and hasten file-naming for the specifics required by my workplace.
Project Rio Script Collection by Micah Russell
A collection of scripts that help read json files and organize the data through API and through local files
GEOGEBRA-everywhere by Mohammad Mehdi jafari
GEOGEBRA is one of the most widely used tools in drawing lines and coordinates
The Leads Tracker by Mohammad Daniyal Sidiquie
It's a google chrome extension that tracks the URLS that we go through
Translation Progress Tracker by Shuang Luo
An wen application for book translators to record words translated every day
To-do list with Pomodoro by Hessam Asadi
i need to focus on my projects , so i find the Pomodoro techniques is awesome to using therefore i think to having a web based app with to-do list and Pomodoro is great
Google clone by Levente Nagy
Simple clones of Google Search, Google Image Search, and Google Advanced Search
Stock Simulator by Kannan Anil Kumar
Simulator to check what stocks purchased over a selected period of time would have been worth at a selected past or current date.
Wing Foil Courses Booking Application by Piotr Serafin
Presentation of a new water sport - wing foil, gear required for its practice and criteria for gear selection as well as, for those interested, booking of 5-day courses in Poland and Greece with password protected admins pages enabling bookings analysis and management.
Stardew Valley Anarchist Challenge Spring 1 Calculator by Kaitlyn Cappetta
Multi-Type Game Calculator
Online notebook by Pavlo Zinchenko
Web application for work with notes in a personal dashboard and a calendar day counter
CTP Summer 2022 Student Mock Course Works Website by Abenezer
Mock course works site for students enrolled in the CTP mentorship program
eating by Amirreza Bodaghi
(Scratch)Hungry Crab: An Addictive Adventure *Introduction* In the realm of casual and browser-based games, there exists a delightful creation known as "Hungry Crab." This engaging game is a testament to the creativity and accessibility of the Scratch platform, where budding game developers can bring their imaginative ideas to life. "Hungry Crab" is a charming and addictive adventure that features three main elements, a captivating backdrop, and a ravenous crab that has one primary goal: devouring falling strawberries and cakes. With the added elements of time constraints and scoring, the game takes players on a thrilling journey of skill, strategy, and entertainment. *The Game Mechanics* At its core, "Hungry Crab" is a game that exemplifies simplicity in gameplay. The player takes control of a hungry crab situated at the bottom of the screen. The objective is clear: eat as many strawberries and cakes as possible while they descend from the top of the screen. The challenge arises as these delectable treats fall at varying speeds and angles, demanding the player's swift and precise maneuvers to catch them. The game incorporates a scoring system that rewards players based on their performance. Each strawberry and cake devoured contributes points to the player's score, creating a sense of accomplishment and competition. As the player accumulates points, the game becomes progressively more challenging, with falling objects increasing in speed and frequency. *The Element of Time* Adding an extra layer of excitement, "Hungry Crab" incorporates a time limit. Players must make the most of the allocated time to score as many points as they can. This time constraint creates a sense of urgency, pushing players to make quick decisions and strategic moves. It also adds an element of replayability, as players strive to beat their previous scores within the given time frame. *Visual and Auditory Appeal* One of the game's strengths is its visual and auditory appeal. The colorful and vibrant backdrop, featuring a marine setting with an animated ocean floor, complements the game's playful theme. The strawberries and cakes falling from the top are visually enticing, making players eager to collect them. The crab's movements are smooth and responsive, enhancing the overall gaming experience. The game's audio elements are equally engaging. Catching a strawberry or cake triggers satisfying sound effects, reinforcing the feeling of achievement. The background music, perhaps a cheerful aquatic melody, provides a pleasant ambiance that immerses players in the game's world. *The Challenge and Strategy* As players progress in "Hungry Crab," they quickly realize that the game is not just about mindlessly collecting treats. It requires strategy, coordination, and adaptability. The varying speeds and trajectories of the falling objects demand split-second decisions and precise timing. Players must also anticipate the changing dynamics as they score more points, making the game progressively more challenging and addictive. *The Universal Appeal* One of the game's strengths lies in its universal appeal. "Hungry Crab" is suitable for players of all ages. Its straightforward gameplay mechanics make it accessible to newcomers while offering depth and challenge for more experienced gamers. It can be enjoyed as a quick, casual diversion or a competitive pursuit to achieve the highest score among friends or online players. *Conclusion* "Hungry Crab" stands as a testament to the creativity and accessibility of game development through the Scratch platform. This delightful game combines simplicity with addictiveness, offering players a rewarding and entertaining experience. With its engaging gameplay, scoring system, time constraints, and visual and auditory appeal, "Hungry Crab" has the potential to captivate players worldwide. As we continue to witness the evolution of game development, it's creations like "Hungry Crab" that remind us of the enduring charm and magic of video games. Whether you're seeking a quick, fun distraction or a competitive challenge, "Hungry Crab" has something to offer, making it a shining example of what can be achieved in the world of browser-based gaming. So, dive in, guide your hungry crab, and see how many strawberries and cakes you can devour within the given time frame.
Blood test interpreter by Mohammad Reza Shahab poor Sorkhabi
Reading the CBC blood test sheet and announcing the results to the user.
Alrashedy Ecommerce by Kamel ALRashedy
my project is an ecommerce site which you can buy items on it.
Random Fact Generator using Facts API by Tanuj Neela
It is a chrome extension which generates random facts using an API
GAMER by Mobin Asli
a website that has three games in that include : snake , tic-tac-toe and minesweeper.
Big-Burger by Юліанна Максимів
this is a small site (application) where you can buy goods, in my case it is fast food.
Password Manager by Kevin Phung
Google chrome extension that allows you to save website information like website name, username and password
Pokedex by Corneliu Zediu by Corneliu Zediu
Pokedex is a library of old and new Pokemons that awakes the nostalgia of Pokemons.
Pokemon Web Application by Leonardo Wolf
A web application that allows Pokemon enthusiasts to explore and find out more about the Pokemon universe!
Deliverio by P Y Rohith
A food delivery mobile app built react-native compatible on both Android and iOS Platforms.
Secret Message Ipsum by Jacob Pacey
Python script that hides a secret message within Lorem Ipsum placeholder text via null cipher method.
CS50 Image Processing Web Application by Burak Özenç
Convert, resize or apply filter to your images.
Online Ordering System for a Shop by Kalpana Pitawela
Online ordering system for a shop coded using java java
Interactive Educational Physics Website by Jonathan James Ovenden
A website containing an asteroids game as well as asimulation and lessons on the laws of motion.
Forewarned Companion App by Fred
A companion app for the video game "Forewarned" to help identify a Mejai.
OP Profile Card by Jonathan Vaca Garcia
A Interactive and Animated Profile Card designed for a website.
Running Journal by Yash Kothari
An iOS app built using Swift for runners to track workouts and share with friends.
Orchestration App by Matias Nehuen Malpartida
An Andriod App for displaying orchestra instrument ranges and comparing them.
MyPokerLeague by Tony Foster
My project is a web application to keep track of a 9 person Texas Hold ‘Em Poker Tournament League.
On The Sales by Raiane da Silva Oliveira
On The Sales is a web application developed to make life easier for those who like to organize themselves when planning their sales.
Flask Grocery List Web Application. by Roukia Nesrine Kabachi
The Flask Grocery List Web Application is a simple yet practical web application that allows users to create and manage their grocery lists.
Phonebook by Khosrow Hafezi Motlagh
Phonebook programmed with Python version 3.10 with sqlite3 database and tkinter gui
G-Stream!, (A Gamer's Hub) by Mirang Bhandari
Its a combination of all the Games which redefined The Gaming Genre we know now as a whole.
Conversational AI Bot by Preston Cook
This is a conversational AI bot that combines a variety of APIs the mimic conversation
Developer Jobs by Satyamkumar Yadav
My CS50 final project name is "Developer Jobs". It is a web application to find and create new developer related jobs.
Bhaskara Calculator by Pedro Alves Rocha
The Bhaskara Calculator website offers a simple solution to finding the roots of quadratic equations.
UB Campus Photography by Andres Hung
UB Campus Photography is a web application where users can upload and view photographs of their university campus.
PAO Cards: Mastering Memory with the Person-Action-Object System by Daniel Bliss
PAO Cards is a web application designed to help users improve their memory skills by using the Person-Action-Object (PAO) system.
TimetableGenerator by Richard Onyango Odhiambo
A django application used to generate timetables based on user input.
Minute Math Quiz by Simon Ou
A math quiz game where you try to answer as many simple math questions correctly as you can in one minute.
Online Store Web app by MPUHWEZIMANA Jean Gabriel
It is a web app which enables the buyers to buy and pay for things in the store online.
Molecular Geometry Calculator by Zhongli Wang
A website that calculates the geometry of a molecule given its formula.
Realmed: Drug Interactoin Checker by Emmanuel Owusu Brempong
My project is a web-based application that enables users to check possible harmful drug interactions.
EPA Hardware Information Management System by REDIET BAYNESAGN AYALEW
Creating Records of Computer, laptop and others detail.
2022 Habit Tracker by Sarah Zaccagni
A web based application to allow you to track one or more habits through out the year.
Random Movie Generator by Daniel
The website let's you generate a list of random movies you can watch tonight.
Fast Dictionary by Masoumeh Farahmand
Fast Dictionary is an online dictionary website that made with HTML, CSS, JS and API.
Project Personal finance flask application by bryan sirandula wekesa
it is a personal finance flask application
Yalla Tasawk by Moustapha Ramadan
Yalla Tasawak is an Arabic sentence that means let's go shopping. Yalla Tasawk is an online marketplace where stores and individuals can buy, sell or find anything in their community.
Calculator by Amin Zardosht
My final project is a calculator with multiple operators such as factorial, log, sqrt, power, which use math.h library.
Sign up on the LandingPage to receive guidance on CS50. by Olavo Costa
Sign up on the LandingPage to receive my guidance on CS50.
Password-Generator by Théaud Moga
My project generate random strong password and allow to hide/reveal/copy them.
KNJIGA KLOPE by Muhamed Adžamija
My website provides a hassle-free and regularly updated recipe library with various dietary options that you can save and access easily.
Exchange Rates by Muhamad Fahrurrozi
Exchange Rates project is a web application that allows users to convert one currency to another based on current exchange rates.
Scientific calculator built using Python that supports a variety of mathematical operations with key constants and functions.
Coding Girls by Sweta Das
This website aims to foster a supportive community of girls by giving them information about computer science opportunities.
Infinite Deathstar by Elliot Theodore Loh
Pilot a fighter thru an infinite death star and survive as long as you can!
Telegram Ultra Bot by pedram
The ultimate all-in-one solution for entertainment and content management needs in a telegram bot.
Autodim by Pablo Manera
Web aplication that automate the measurement of sides and interior angles of a polyline in Autocad software.
RES by Tharun
It is a website that generates all the available resolutions in the given aspect ratio
web page using javascript, html and css by مدى عبدالعزيز محمد الحميداني
The web page interacts with audio using Javascript, html and css
Client server using socket programing in python by Maryam Rezazadeh Aliabadi
The project I did is using Python language. I did the project of sending data and receiving data in the TCP protocol platform and storing data in the database, the database used is sqlite3.
Dating app LOOVE by Martina Talan
A simplified version of dating app which connects opposite personality types.
Eshteraki by Sourena EyniPourfazli
An online platform which focuses on borrowing items we are not inetrested to buy, but we need them
Interiorize by Marvel Ogoke
A flask Web App That helps you search for places where you can get furniture for your Interior decoration.
Weather App by Ibrahim Hassen
Its a web based application thta uses API to give us the weataher condtion of any city,country around the world.
Wildlife WonderHub: Preserving Nature's Symphony by Muhammad Haad Haroon
It is a website for a wildlife sanctuary.
TicTacToe by Sonu Kumar Shah
It is a basic game name "TicTacToe". In this player has to make 3 'x's or 'o's in any direction to win.
pufferfish by Faezeh Kargar
Faeze Kargar, a student of CS 50 Tehran, created a game called Skridge for children under 4 years to focus on hand movement. The game includes three characters: an air balloon, a crab, and a kite fish. The air balloon is the main player and can move in four directions: up, down, right, and left. The balloon starts at zero and zero coordinates and can earn positive or negative points by colliding with other characters.
EducateU by Joaquim Luzia
A web app designed as a single-page application using React, intended for an online educational provider.
Warehouse Management web-app by Davis Grundmanis
A web-app to manage warehouse stock and related processes (purchasing, project backlog) for a printing company
CS50 Wordy by Ibrahim Siddique
CS50 Wordy is a fun word-guessing game with different difficulty levels. Test your skills and try to guess the random word within 6 tries. Enjoy the challenge!
Implementation of the sorting algorithm by counting method. by Artemenko Iryna
Implementation of the sorting algorithm by counting method.
Book Manager by Venkata Bhrugubanda
An application that helps you manage bookmarks, your opinion on books, and the past, present, and future of your reading experience.
witupe by Tamer Mohamed El Saied Borg
I have designed a very simple site similar to YouTube in terms of the idea of uploading private videos, downloading them and watching them at a later time
Red Panda by Harley Thorpe
In this project I learned for the first time how to use a non-OOP language
ReadRoll by Kamil Wiśniewski
A website designed for recommending a random book based on the genre the user chooses.
toVoice by Jaime González Sánchez
Web-based application that allows the creation of a custom voice model and its use in speech-to-text, text-to-speech and speech-to-speech functionalities.
Music Gear Tracker by Mikey Wilson
A Flask web app to register your home recording studio gear for insurance purposes.
News Combinator by Paul Schilling
Makes it easy to compare news coverage from CNN and Fox News on various topics. by Daniel J Welborn
Build and demonstrate a hands free, mind controlled mouse.
Live Mood Based Sentiment Anaylsis with Machine Learning by Jack Hickey
A live evaluation on how happy you are.
AnonMSGs by Yousef Moustafa Lotfy Mohamed
AnonMSGs is a webapp that allow its users to know others feelings and opinions without knowing who if the teller doesn't want.
YOUR MEAL PLANNER by Jagoda Spychała
Application that allows users to manage recipes, set meal plans for each day and generate a shopping list.
CS50-Drawio by Pavlo Mishenko
The drawing collaboration tool for sharing ideas or play mini-games on the canvas in real-time
VetConnect by Vijay Varadarajan
A fully functional flask-based web application to promote veterinary healthcare and the importance of pet health in India.
TO DO List by Priyal Srivastava
This project is a simple web-based to-do list application built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It allows users to create and manage their to-do items and keep track of their progress.
Mr. Pizza by Pedro Henrique Vaz Silva Alves
My project is a Flask-based website that seamlessly integrates SQL databases and JavaScript for intuitive user interactions.
Named Entity Extractor by Maryam Seraj
An application built using Flask where the user enters free text and the program returns the named entities, document length and custom components using the spaCy library.
Watch & Learn by Starry Lim
A website which analyzes TV shows' transcripts, lists the most commonly occurred words, allows the user to place words into flashcards and then to mark them as learned, and ultimately displays the users' progress per analyzed transcript
Espy - Task Manager by Swapneel Paranjpe
Espy is a Task Manager app that can help you stay organized and manage your day-to-day activities quickly and effectively.
20/20 vision by Jakapat Huayrahan
A reminder/timer that help to relax your eyes every 20 minutes for 20 seconds.
Bookshelf by Tahir Mujic
The Bookshelf web application is a simple and user-friendly platform that allows users to manage their book collection.
Information system for health care sector by Yari Van de Kerkhof
This information systems allows (for example) the government to quickly look up and information to the databases.
Simone Molino's Portfolio Website-Application by Simone Molino
A Website-Application fully developed to be a Portfolio for coding projects and other coding related stuffs'
Meet.oo by Gabriel Henrique Rocha de Oliveira Silva
At first a place where you could talk with others about things you liked ended up as a repository for those things.
Lykaa's Inventory system by Lavanya Agarwal
An efficient and user friendly inventory management system for a clothing store.
Axolotl Finances by Arturo Jacobo
A centralized database with the basic information of all the users' bank accounts so they know the total amount of money at their disposal and how much they owe across all of their bank accounts in one place.
CommunityCash - Pay Together, Build Together by Tarun Sharma
Web application that allows members of a residential community to pay any annual maintenance charges (AMC) via a centralised platform.
NOWS App by Mikhail Katsman
NOWS is an Android application that allows users to view and publish location based events.
CS50x final project Coders Chat. by Azaharul Rashid
If you collaborated with 1 or 2 classmates, provide their github usernames here. Be 100% sure they're correct. And be sure your collaborators also submit this form themselves.
F&E Dictionary by Arthur Fabres Barcellos
A fast and easy dictionary chrome extension you can use directly from the page you are.
OPENAI_API by Daniel Yu
"Extension that run's OPENAI's Chatgpt Model using your API_KEY by communicating locally on a flask development server
Naghshejahan Orchestra Website by Kamran Sadeghzade Rizi
A website for naghshejahan Orchestra with fantastic options.
Search for ingredients by nutrient requirements (protein, fat, carbohydrates).
Video website by Chen by 陈逸飞
An video website that can upload, watch, collect, like and comment on videos with customized user avatars and search function.
Notes by Pedro José Fanelli Ederra
My project is essentially a web-based application that creates and saves notes for any user that signs up.
Heat Alert by Freddie Oxland
Money saving aid to remind people of the ambient temperature when they first turned their heating on.
My project is a wordle game, but instead of words, it is about things related to Disney
Triple repetition checker by PADABEDAU PILIP
Help a chess referee to detect a triple repetition draw
InstagramNetworkGraph by Marvin Möltgen
An all in one Instagram scraper and analyzer for finding and visualizing clusters from people you are following.
Web Insides by Othmar van den Brink
Web Insides is a customizable dashboard for organizing and accessing your favorite websites.
Planilha Simulador Amortização com Redução de Parcelas by Ana Paula da Silva Souza
Uma planilha que simula amortização no sistema de amortização constante com redução de parcelas.
Distance Between Cities Calculation and Emergency Contact Detail by Sriram Vassuthev
Distance Between Cities Calculation and Emergency Contact Detail
Trade Diary by Lungile Morolong
Allows traders to keep track of their trading progress, as well as keep up with daily business news.
Dump Truck Problem Solution via Genetic Algorithm by Abanoub Girgis Aziz
Dump Truck Problem Solution via Genetic Algorithm
Diems - v1/stable by SYED MINNATULLAH QUADRI
CodeShine (a part of Di website) - is an application for posting, submitting, and evaluating assignments
Volunteer for Well-being by Srour Ganosuh
A Volunteering platform where organizers can publish volunteering events, public users can find interesting good-cause events and participate in them, and sponsors can sponsor these events to encourage people to participate by giving prizes and vouchers
A program that both generates multiple random passwords and encrypts/decrypts a file.
A web application for managing daily finances, tracking income and expenses by category.
DIGIT DUNGEON by Jake Browning
This is a simple turn-based text RPG where you battle monsters with math!
The Monty Hall Problem: Practical Simulation by Mirza Muhammad Omer Baig
It allows you to prove the monty hall problem practically.
VISAREP by Thi Thanh Thuy Pham
VISAREP is a web portal for visa applicants to simplify their visa documents preparation process.
Pachisi(A board game created using SwiftUI) by Madarapu Vishnu vardhan rao
A board game which has 2-4 players 4/8 pieces and 72sided dice’s with 8possible different scores which gives 8different moves for pieces to take birth or move on board.
VerisiChat by Piyush Acharya
VerisiChat is a real-time messaging platform that allows users to communicate with each other in private or group conversations.
CS50 Personal Budget by Luca Moretti
This web application allows the users to store information regarding their expences and incomes.
Prayer Times by Rashid Youssef El Hattab
A user-friendly wbesite that showcase prayer times based on your location.
Covid Response by Sohail Khan
I created This website to aware people of covid-19 and learn more about covid-19.BY using CovidResponse you can learn how to prevent from Covid-19 virus and you can also read articles about the Covid virus and you can also see Covid cases of many countries.
Function Analyzer by Lawrence Granda Zarzuela
A website that finds the real solutions of any mathematical expression
Major Events Log by Florian Bethke
An App to pull and visualize GitHub Commit Date with the possibility to add manual entries to the frontend.
Big Nest Ceramics by Joseph Cole Ryan
A website for my Fathers business as an Independent artist and teacher.
Recipe Box Web application by Tadelu Tejaswi
Recipe Box: Your Virtual Cookbook and Culinary Companion
Check the List by Mircea Ionut Nonea
A responsive web app where you can create lists and share them with others.
on display by Maggie Zhang
My project, on display, is a community diary where users can submit writing entries for us all to see, judgement free.
My Shopping Assistant by Rudi Killian
An app to help you manage your shopping items and the stores where you plan to buy them.
Aviation Unit Conversion by 藤田航旗
The web application which can convert value in different aviation unit.
Hand Recognition by Atul Kumar Singh
using python codes for creating a hand recognizing virtual mouse
Calculator with Python by Roghaiyeh Tayefeh Younesi
This Python script is a user-friendly, console-based calculator program that empowers users to perform elementary arithmetic operations.
Blender Copycat by Ignacio Blancas Rodríguez
A 3D renderer in python using matrix multiplication, with a moving cube demo included.
Flask(login-register) by AhmadReza Barari
a simple Flask Python Login and Register Page This app Hash All Password and Stored in data base
Orient by Abdurrahman Sameer
A simple chrome extension that helps you ORIENT yourself towards achieving your tasks faster
Portfolio analysis by Yaroslav Linik
Asset allocation and asset performance traction web based instrument that allows to track investments across various broker accounts with different asset types
Freaky Fast Delivery by Gavin Barham
Quickly and effeciently assign orders to drivers without hassling over looking up directions yourself.
Shop On Line Store by Aldrin Myhedin
This is Shop my web-based application On Line Store created for CS50 Final Project
Python-Search-Engine by Erfan Esfandiar
I developed this simple Python search engine. I collected all the Python-related questions and descriptions using the bs4 module and stored them in a mongo db. I then created the web application using HTML and Jinja.
Tenzies Game by Liman Shen
Play web based Tenzies game and save your record to an online leaderboard.
Multi-rate filter bank by Reza
Filter the signal with a filter bank, which is the filter coefficients in a file
Fantasy Football 101 by Jack Peterson
It is a ecommerce website that allows you to purchase 3 different items through an integrated Stripe payment method.
FOODCRITIC by Thejus Unnikrishnan
A webapp that can be used by users to comment and rate the restaurants they have visited before
pregnancy health care by ghadem
After calculating the user's gestational age based on Williams's book, which is a reference for gynecologists, it tells her the necessary health care measures.
IPPT Score Calculator by Soh Yong Sheng
A web-based calculator for the Individual Physical Proficiency Test (IPPT).
PRIME by Jacob Crowley
PRIME is a Discord bot that gathers and interprets data for Parallel (a TCG in development) and their ERC-20 token, Prime.
Gem Looter Game by Michael A Emeritz
An addictive game with 100 levels of increasing madness where you try to collect gems and wacky power-ups while avoiding being eaten by ghosts!
TicTacToe by Sathishkumar Krishnan
A Player vs Player Tic Tac Toe game over WebRTC written in Python and Javascript.
Task Management Web Application by Marton Toth
This is a basic task management app where you can easily organize your daily tasks.
CS50 what3words by Ayush Malviya
A web program that uses an API from what3words to convert coordinates to 3 word addresses and vice versa.
Build Your Skincare Routine by Ayushi Lal
The website helps users build a personalized skincare routine based on their specific skin type and main skincare goal.
Search Tool Inside YouTube Channel by Souya Nagatomo
It will be possible to search within the channel
Shaun-maker by RAJ KUMAR
The program is entirely written in C, and since it is used via the terminal, it is very light and very fast.
This bot interacts with a cryptocurrency exchange to fetch trading data, calculate simple moving averages (SMA), and make trading decisions based on those averages.
CS50 Tutoring by Sindri Sindrason
A website for students to connect with teachers for extra tutoring.
Section Calculator App by Zejd Imamović
Fully functional app for solving basic elements of structure problems
simulator for learning the merge sort algorithm by Bondar Mykola
The programme, wich will help you to learn the merge sort algorithm
CS50 Meditate - meditation timer app by Mārtiņš Jakobsons
Meditation timer app built in game engine (Godot)
Xepasim by Marilia Fiorella Méjico Mendoza Bueno
A website that uses generative AI to generate personalized recipes based on the ingredients available in your kitchen.
Store Manager by Omkar Thite
A Web app that allows user to record everyday retail business transactions.
Room Escape Game "Cabin In The Woods" by Maryna Sychova
Find the way to get out of the cabin alive using your surroundings.
calcMEI by Frédéric Helfer
It’s a website to help the Brazilian individual business owner to know if if they have to declare and pay the personal annual tax return or not.
Workout Tracker by Maxim Kirby
A simple flask app meant to keep track of a user's workouts over time
SRBC Reservations by Samuel Ogundare
A reservation hub for the Scenic Ridge community basketball court.
IdeaCloud by Giorgi Tsomaia
Share your ideas for developers so that they can create something meaningful instead of working on randomly generated useless projects.
Job Scraper by Brandon Prescott
Web scraper using Python and BeautifulSoup to extract summary information from Software Engineering job postings
Diet and Exercise programs by Mohammad Hadi Shirin
simple design and implementation of a website selling diet programs and exercise programs.
Hut Bagger by Fraser Munro
A website where users can keep track of which DOC huts they've visited, and check for any alerts
Connect by rshed sfa
digital phone book for teachers to easily communicate with students by one click
Currency Converter for CS50x 2022 by Poulastha Mukherjee
A website which converts currencies of different countries.
Fitness Center by Simonas Dambrauskas
A website for people to find the workouts that will most suit them and learn about it.
Only Connect Host Assistant by Eric Acchitelli
he Only Connect Host Assistant is a Flask/Python application designed to serve as a game-master aid for a homemade, in-person version of Only Connect, based on the BBC quiz show of the same name.
Foodshop by Bordin Tossaporn
FoodShop: A web application for streamlined restaurant order management.
Risk and Leverage calculator Bybit by Daniel Jan Damman
It is a program that calculates the leverage and take profit for a trade in Bybit.
CoinFlipper: Interactive Coin Toss Game with a Twist by Erfan Daneshmand Khorasgani
CoinFlipper is an immersive web-based coin toss game that combines stunning visuals with interactive animation for a thrilling user experience.
2_vector_teta by Ensiye Sadat Mirsadeghi
In basic physics 2 we need to calculate the angle between two 3D vectors
Google Calendar by MasoudLalegani
It is a web application that helps you add events on your Google Calendar, and automatically tells you the departure time. It simplifies the process of adding a new event and checking the departure time.
Space Hub by Ghazal Abdi
I have developed a website about sapce. It contains from 3 pages as: home, planets, and contact us.
Image-to-ascii by Abdeljalil Bouchfar
image to ASCII c program takes an image and converts it to a text file that contains a collection of characters, those characters combined together and ordered with the correct way to represent that image using only ASCII characters.
Bubulle, your breathing ubble Friend! by Victor M'Baye
Breathing bubble app that has a special Night mode for OLED screens
Recipe Bank by Pamela Swiderska
If you're passionate about cooking or want to reduce waste, you've come to the right place.
Celebration Envelopes by Ignacio Alberto Carmiol Jimenez
Create celebration pages to congratulate someone.
The Form by Abhay Verma
The Form is a web app which allows assess users answers about a quiz, providing them some study material to look forward to.
Fifa 22 Player's Database by ABHIGYAN SRIVASTAVA
a database management system that is responsible for maintaining and managing a record of players’ stats and attributes for FIFA 22 which is my favorite game.
F🍩🍩D Corner by Michael Christopher
A website that allows the user to search for the recipe for the food they want to make.
Employee Time Clock System by Francisco Castillo
Command line program for employees to clock in and out of work.
NTU Tools by Thia Yan Tong
a simple web application to assist students in planning their semester schedules.
My Portfolio by Franco Rivarola
It's about a portfolio, a website in which I'll be able to add, edit and remove information about me.
Lift-It by Erik Cheekes
a dynamic web application that lets users browse exercises, make exercises, and create personal workout plans.
CS50 Finance 2.0 - Feature Enhanced by Amarpreet Singh Bir
Financial portfolio web application with enhanced features.
MyFridge by Fabio Vecchio
This project aims to help reduce the food waste that happens everyday in our homes, it is a webpage where users can receive information and inspiration on how to utilize the food in their fridge, help them to combine ingredients in ways they didn't know possible obtaining recipes that might please their stomach and help their wallet.
The Gaming Store by Rohan Banerjee
It is a website which displays gaming products and sorts them according to their categories.
PING PONG GAME by mohamadreza nafekarimi
two players play together And they should not let the ball go out
Crypto Tracker by ali khorshidi
Crypto Tracker allows users to track, edit, update etc... cryptocurrencies!
Class Identifier/subject50 by Gene Lorenz Sarmiento
This app will find what class/subject are you included in.
Recipe Cost Calculator by Quang Dang N.
The purpose of this app is to allow my wife to calculate the cost to make any of her recipes :)
Drag & Drop using pure javaScript by نورهان ربيع السيد عبدالهادي
The idea of the project is based on drag and drop. We can move any element to another place.
Journal App by Fredrik Haugen
Journal App is a web-based platform designed to help users record their thoughts, experiences, and memories in a digital diary format. It offers an intuitive interface to jot down daily entries, reflect on past memories, and keep a personal space for oneself in the digital realm.
Peg Solitaire Game by Yusuf Arslan
Peg Solitaire game as desktop application written with Java language.
Daniel's SUPER-EPIC adventure by Daniel Melero Ferrer
A fun race to the end platformer with nice 16-bit textures.
Paperscraper by Giovanni Billo
A command line web scraper for scientific papers on google scholar with some features
EntrACE by Gaurav Bhushan Kumar
This is a flask app that helps users preparing for a competitive exam in India, called JEE.
Rostr by Brayan Arellano Sudario
Rostr is a web app for creating, editing and viewing employees' daily work schedule. with notification features.
MonsterHunter Random Wheel by Rodrigo Marques
It's a web application based on the videogame series MonsterHunter which picks a random monster from the respective game released in the west
ATM simulator by Arvin Aryaei Azad
You can create account, deposit, withdraw, see your balance, see your transactions and transfer some money to another account.
HomePage by Michał Adam Gnieciak
It's an app that facilitates everyday needs and organisation aspects of a family
Core Defense by Máximo Comperatore
In "Eggstravaganza," you become an agile shooter, armed with a futuristic weapon, tasked with eliminating hordes of rogue eggs that have taken over the world.
Unit Converter by Zala Harshpalsinh
A menu-driven programme that converts a value in one unit to another.
PYTHON - CHESS GAME by Miten Jatin Gandhi
This is a simple Chess Game implemented using Python and the Pygame library. It allows two players to play a game of chess on a graphical user interface.
Programming Job Board by Hosna Zarei
I created a programming job board website, for example, for the job opportunities that exist for IT majors in the field of programming all over the world.
DanielAI by Daniel Franco
DanielAI is a website hosting a ChatGPT powered chatbot. It has been preloaded with my work history, including resume and education. The bot responds to questions accordingly.
QR Code Generator by Mayura Sandaruwan Kankanam Pathiranage
Generator of QR code includes personal information.
Schedule it! by Brandon Bryan Pineda Duarte
A system to facilitate planning a trip to a new city or a day schedule
My Liberation Notes by 何俊希
This website aims for encouraging you to liberate from your difficult situation and note down your journey of going through it.
My Money by Marco Antonio Figueiredo Ribeiro
My Money is a Personal Financial Control web application to help the user balance his/her incomes and expenses.
Edge Cutter by Tasimuka Josiah Armani Dzikiti
Application that allows video cropping in two areas and stacks one area on top of the other.
Website design to introduce products. by Mahdi Farzollahi
Introduction of various products and stores
Wiki/DnD Party Manager Experiment by Niels Claassens
A tribute to Critical Role Youtube series and an experiment to create a wiki/dnd party creation tool.
Voting system where voters rank their choices and points are distributed accordingly
Octagon Records by Emil Hampus Berg
Octagon Records is a website where the user can look up a fighter’s carrier in UFC without getting the result of each match.
Bou_Azz's Webpage by Bouchra El Azzouzi
website that contains all biology detaild courses divided by branches.
The Dinas Powys Village Show Website by Claire-Marie West
A website providing information and collecting entries for an annual Village Show in my local community.
Auto Like Youtube Video Chrome Extension by Aiman Karim
A chrome extension which can Auto like Youtube Video when the video has bein watched
Flashcard making app. by sarah karim
it's a webapp where you can make your own flashcards and edit them.
Dorm Allocation by İbrahim Bülent Hatput
Platform for ABC University to collect dorm applicants with their respective choices and then make the allocations to best of students' satisfaction.
Chat Gpt by Mobin Gholamalizad
This project is to rebuild Chat gpt using api but with different style
Quotes by Michael James Allen
I have been collecting quotes for over twenty years and a website to share them with the world appeared a good idea.
blockquiry by Ervin Zubic
blockquiry app delivers the most current blockchain data, user-reported information, and activity taking place on the blockchain at the time of users search.
autoheartwatch by Gene Shaver
automatic life alert style system, send alerts to emergency contacts when no heart rate detected.
Personal Journaling Application by Ali Tofiqi
It's a very simple diary app with python that runs in terminal and give .txt file.
Al Falih Supermarket Simulation by Ali Shahroor
Java program that emulates a supermarket environment
Online Poker Chips by Thalles Cunha de Oliveira
This web app replaces physical poker chips so you can play poker with your friends with just a deck of cards.
Israa's Charity by Esraa Gamal
charity is a website that gives people the opportunity to do charitable work from anywhere in the world
HydrateGreen by Mirmohammad Fononi
A program that helps you to keep your plants from being thirsty and always alive and happy
MyNotes by IBHI Ahmed Yassine
MyNotes is a note taking web-app that uses HTML CSS and JS in the front-end and Python with flask in the back-end.
Instagram bot by Ali Nurabadi
This robot reads a text from the user and follows the pages that have this text and leaves messages
Finance App by Alexander Lautin
The framework of a Finance App using the JavaScript frameworks NextJS and NextUI.
Converting asset climate risk results from Json to a sqlite3 database to enable querying through a user-friendly browser interface by Zafrir Bachar
Enabling browser-based user querying of asset physical climate risk results
Elden Ring Platinum Trophy Checklist by Erin Bridges
A checklist that can be used to track progress towards a Platinum Trophy for the game Elden Ring.
AI Prompt by Marshall Scott
An AI prompt that lets you speak your question and get an audio response.
Escher Moore (Personal Website) by Escher Moore
A personal website where people can easily get in touch with me and learn more about me.
CS50 Final Project - Snake Game by Giovani Eduardo Quisini
A snake game developed using only HTML, CSS and Javascript.
Strong Fitness Gym Website by Rayhan Muzaffar Shaikh
It is website were user can find a most of the information of a particular gym
Cozy Hub extension by Victoria Akhmatova
An inspirational and practical extension for your browser, implemented with webpack, react 18 and pure css clock
Instagram Clone by Hareesh Nandigrama
A basic clone of instagram where u can upload posts and change user profile details
cs50 final project Go Gitty by Faradeen Jami
Go Gitty is built on GitHub APIs fetching user profiles information such as ID, Name, Followers... a pretty quick way to look up usernames or names to find accounts on github spaces.
Motor Insurance Renewal Website by กษิดิศ มานะสุรางกูล
These is quality of life functions for insurance agents
Stock Research by Alexandru Neagoe
Lookup symbols (etfs and stocks) displaying summaries and charts for stock market education.
Bricks eCommerce website with HTML, CSS, JavaScript by Alex Shalda
Bricks eCommerce website to shop for building materials
Intake calorie/personal training plan by Rogier Groenewold
Calculate your daily calorie intake and show off progress
Google chrome extension: clock by Alexandrine Des Cieux
Display of the clock on the google chrome browser
Recipe finder by Tharmarajan Balakrishnan
search recipes you can cook with main ingredient you have.
Automatic staircase lighting by Aditya K H
The main idea of this project is to make a smart lighting system which lights up automatically based on movement detection. This is done by using arduino and motion detection sensors by Ibrahim Abdullah Aldrees is a medical scheduling website where users can book, edit, and view appointments with their (fake) doctors across different hospitals using the flask framework as the backend.