This course is a variant of CS50x designed especially for business professionals. Whereas CS50x takes a bottom-up approach, emphasizing mastery of low-level concepts and implementation details thereof, this course takes a top-down approach, emphasizing mastery of high-level concepts and design decisions related thereto. Ultimately this course empowers students to make technological decisions even if not technologists themselves. Topics include cloud computing, networking, privacy, scalability, security, and more, with an emphasis on web and mobile technologies. Students emerge from this course with first-hand appreciation of how it all works and all the more confident in the factors that should guide their decision-making. This course is designed for managers, product managers, founders, and decision-makers more generally.
How to Take this Course
Even if you are not a student at Harvard, you are welcome to “take” this course for free via this OpenCourseWare by working your way through the course’s six weeks of material. For each week, follow this workflow:
To submit the course’s assignments for feedback, be sure to create an edX account, if you haven’t already. Ask questions along the way via any of the course’s communities!
- If interested in a verified certificate from edX, enroll at cs50.edx.org/business instead.
- If interested in transfer credit and accreditation from Harvard Extension School, register at web.dce.harvard.edu/extension/csci/e/1b instead.
- If interested in transfer credit and accreditation from Harvard Summer School, register at web.dce.harvard.edu/summer/csci/s/1b instead.
How to Teach this Course
If you are a teacher, you are welcome to adopt or adapt these materials for your own course, per the license. Additionally, we encourage teachers to participate in the CS50 Educator Workshop to learn more about CS50’s curriculum, technology, and pedagogy.