Hello, It’s Me

Problem to Solve

In a file called hello.c, in a folder called me, implement a program in C that prompts the user for their name and then says hello to that user. For instance, if the user’s name is Adele, your program should print hello, Adele\n!

  • Recall that you can get a string from a user with get_string, which is declared in cs50.h.
  • Recall that you can print a string with printf, which is declared in stdio.h.
  • Recall that you can format a string with printf with %s.


How to Begin

Execute cd by itself in your terminal window. You should find that your terminal window’s prompt resembles the below:


Next execute

mkdir me

to make a folder called me in your codespace.

Then execute

cd me

to change directories into that folder. You should now see your terminal prompt as me/ $. You can now execute

code hello.c

to create a file called hello.c in which you can write your code.


Here’s a “walkthrough” (i.e., tour) of this problem, if you’d like a verbal overview of what to do too!

How to Test


In your terminal, execute the below to check your work’s correctness.

check50 cs50/problems/2025/x/me


style50 hello.c

How to Submit

submit50 cs50/problems/2025/x/me