
The my.harvard logo
The my.harvard logo

Problem to Solve

If you’re not already familiar, Harvard has a course shopping tool called my.harvard, with which students explore (and ultimately register for!) classes. To keep track of courses, students, and their registrations, my.harvard presumably uses some kind of underlying database. And yet, if you’ve ever used it, you’ll know that my.harvard isn’t especially… quick.

Here’s your chance to make my.harvard just a little bit faster! In this problem, take some Harvard course data and create indexes to speed up typical queries on the database. Keep in mind that indexing every column isn’t always the best solution: you’ll need to consider trade-offs in terms of space and time, ultimately representing Harvard’s courses and students in the most efficient way possible.


Distribution Code

For this problem, you’ll need to download harvard.db and an indexes.sql file in which you’ll write your SQL statements to create your indexes.

Download the distribution code

Log into, click on your terminal window, and execute cd by itself. You should find that your terminal window’s prompt resembles the below:


Next execute


in order to download a ZIP called into your codespace.

Then execute


to create a folder called harvard. You no longer need the ZIP file, so you can execute


and respond with “y” followed by Enter at the prompt to remove the ZIP file you downloaded.

Now type

cd harvard

followed by Enter to move yourself into (i.e., open) that directory. Your prompt should now resemble the below.

harvard/ $

If all was successful, you should execute


and see a database named harvard.db alongside a SQL file named indexes.sql. If not, retrace your steps and see if you can determine where you went wrong!


    "Student" }o--|{ "Course" : "enrolls in"
    "Course" }|--o{ "Requirement" : "satisfies"

Within harvard.db, you’ll find five tables that implement the relationships described in the ER diagram above. Click the drop-downs below to learn more about the schema of each individual table.

students table

The students table contains the following columns:

  • id, which is the student’s ID.
  • name, which is the student’s name.
courses table

The courses table contains the following columns:

  • id, which is the courses’s ID.
  • department, which is the department in which the course is taught (e.g., “Computer Science”, “Economics”, “Philosophy”).
  • number, which is the course number (e.g., 50, 12, 330).
  • semester, which is the semester in which the class was taught (e.g., “Spring 2024”, “Fall 2023”).
  • title, which is the title of the course (e.g., “Introduction to Computer Science”).
enrollments table

The enrollments table contains the following columns:

  • id, which is the ID to identify the enrollment.
  • student_id, which is the ID of the student enrolled.
  • course_id, which is the ID of the course in which the student is enrolled.
requirements table

The requirements table contains the following columns:

  • id, which is the ID of the requirement.
  • name, which is the name of the requirement.
satisfies table

The satisfies table contains the following columns:

  • id, which is the ID of the course-requirement pair.
  • course_id, which is the ID of a given course.
  • requirement_id, which is the ID of the requirement which the given course satisfies.


In indexes.sql, write a set of SQL statements that create indexes which will speed up typical queries on the harvard.db database. The number of indexes you create, as well as the columns they include, is entirely up to you. Be sure to balance speed with disk space, only creating indexes you need.

When engineers optimize a database, they often care about the typical queries run on the database. Such queries highlight patterns with which a database is accessed, thus revealing the best columns and tables on which to create indexes. Click the spoiler tag below to see the set of typical SELECT queries run on harvard.db.

Typical SELECT queries on harvard.db
  • Find a student’s historical course enrollments, based on their ID:

    SELECT "courses"."title", "courses"."semester"
    FROM "enrollments"
    JOIN "courses" ON "enrollments"."course_id" = "courses"."id"
    JOIN "students" ON "enrollments"."student_id" = "students"."id"
    WHERE "students"."id" = 3;
  • Find all students who enrolled in Computer Science 50 in Fall 2023:

    SELECT "id", "name"
    FROM "students"
    WHERE "id" IN (
        SELECT "student_id"
        FROM "enrollments"
        WHERE "course_id" = (
            SELECT "id"
            FROM "courses"
            WHERE "courses"."department" = 'Computer Science'
            AND "courses"."number" = 50
            AND "courses"."semester" = 'Fall 2023'
  • Sort courses by most- to least-enrolled in Fall 2023:

    SELECT "courses"."id", "courses"."department", "courses"."number", "courses"."title", COUNT(*) AS "enrollment"
    FROM "courses"
    JOIN "enrollments" ON "enrollments"."course_id" = "courses"."id"
    WHERE "courses"."semester" = 'Fall 2023'
    GROUP BY "courses"."id"
    ORDER BY "enrollment" DESC;
  • Find all computer science courses taught in Spring 2024:

    SELECT "courses"."id", "courses"."department", "courses"."number", "courses"."title"
    FROM "courses"
    WHERE "courses"."department" = 'Computer Science'
    AND "courses"."semester" = 'Spring 2024';
  • Find the requirement satisfied by “Advanced Databases” in Fall 2023:

    SELECT "requirements"."name"
    FROM "requirements"
    WHERE "requirements"."id" = (
        SELECT "requirement_id"
        FROM "satisfies"
        WHERE "course_id" = (
            SELECT "id"
            FROM "courses"
            WHERE "title" = 'Advanced Databases'
            AND "semester" = 'Fall 2023'
  • Find how many courses in each requirement a student has satisfied:

    SELECT "requirements"."name", COUNT(*) AS "courses"
    FROM "requirements"
    JOIN "satisfies" ON "requirements"."id" = "satisfies"."requirement_id"
    WHERE "satisfies"."course_id" IN (
        SELECT "course_id"
        FROM "enrollments"
        WHERE "enrollments"."student_id" = 8
    GROUP BY "requirements"."name";
  • Search for a course by title and semester:

    SELECT "department", "number", "title"
    FROM "courses"
    WHERE "title" LIKE "History%"
    AND "semester" = 'Fall 2023';

Be sure to consider the Advice section as you get started!


In this problem, you’ll take the opposite perspective you did while working on In a Snap: rather than design a query that takes advantage of existing indexes, your task is to design indexes which existing queries can take advantage of.

Use EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN on each SELECT query to assess where best to create indexes

Begin by assessing where best to create indexes by understanding the plan for each typical query on my.harvard’s database.

For example, try revealing the plan for the first typical query, as by executing the following:

SELECT "courses"."title", "courses"."semester"
FROM "enrollments"
JOIN "courses" ON "enrollments"."course_id" = "courses"."id"
JOIN "students" ON "enrollments"."student_id" = "students"."id"
WHERE "students"."id" = 3;

The output of the above is as follows:

|--SCAN enrollments

Notice that, while the database engine is already SEARCHing the students and courses tables using their primary key indexes, there are still improvements to be made: the database engine is SCANning the enrollments table without an index. Recall that to SCAN means that the database engine must search through all rows, one by one—a process that is much slower than searching an index!

Experiment now by creating an index which could turn that SCAN into a SEARCH that uses an index. Then, repeat the same process for each of the typical queries on my.harvard’s database until you’ve arrived at a set of indexes which ensure all queries are using indexes to their full potential.

Minimize the number of indexes you've created

Keep in mind that indexes take up additional space, and that they can slow INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE queries. Once you’ve arrived at an initial set of indexes, start paring them down until you’ve created the minimum required for each query to use indexes optimally. How to start this process? Consider the following questions:

  • Do any of your indexes include the same columns? If so, it’s likely you need only one index on that particular column.
  • Do any of your indexes include columns unused by the given queries? If so, it’s likely you can remove those columns from your indexes.
  • Does removing an index have any impact on each query’s plan? If not, might be best to remove it!

Through the iterative process above, you’ll refine the indexes you’ve chosen to create.


To load your indexes as you write them in indexes.sql, you can use

.read indexes.sql

Keep in mind you can also use


where name is the name of your index, to remove an index before creating it anew.

You may want to use VACUUM to free up disk space after you delete an index!

How to Test

While check50 is available for this problem, its open-ended nature means there aren’t clear right or wrong answers. Instead, try following the advice given and use what you’ve learned from lecture.


check50 cs50/problems/2024/sql/harvard

How to Submit

In your terminal, execute the below to submit your work.

submit50 cs50/problems/2024/sql/harvard