- Read and understand all of the Dreadhalls source code from Lecture 9.
- Spawn holes in the floor of the maze that the player can fall through (but not too many; just three or four per maze is probably sufficient, depending on maze size).
- When the player falls through any holes, transition to a “Game Over” screen similar to the Title Screen, implemented as a separate scene. When the player presses “Enter” in the “Game Over” scene, they should be brought back to the title.
- Add a Text label to the Play scene that keeps track of which maze they’re in, incrementing each time they progress to the next maze. This can be implemented as a static variable, but it should be reset to 0 if they get a Game Over.
by Edward Kang
Getting Started
Download the distro code for your game from cdn.cs50.net/games/2018/x/projects/9/dreadhalls.zip and unzip dreadhalls.zip
, which should yield a directory called dreadhalls
Then, in a terminal window (located in /Applications/Utilities
on Mac or by typing cmd
in the Windows task bar), move to the directory where you extracted dreadhalls
(recall that the cd
command can change your current directory), and run
cd dreadhalls
Having some trouble with Unity? The staff has found that Version 2018.4.28f1 has worked well for them on a variety of different operating systems.
Falls in the Halls
Welcome to your tenth assignment! Though Unity may seem daunting at first, you’re probably finding your way around the software more easily this time around. This week’s assignment is fairly simple, but it will require you to get involved with scenes, part of the dungeon generation, and more; however, this and next week’s assignment will be rather light compared to prior assignments so that you have more time to focus on your final project.
- Spawn holes in the floor of the maze that the player can fall through (but not too many; just three or four per maze is probably sufficient, depending on maze size). This should be very easy and only a few lines of code. The
script will be the place to look here; we aren’t keeping track of floors or ceilings in the actual maze data being generated, so best to take a look at where the blocks are being insantiated (using the comments to help find!). - When the player falls through any holes, transition to a “Game Over” screen similar to the Title Screen, implemented as a separate scene. When the player presses “Enter” in the “Game Over” scene, they should be brought back to the title. Recall which part of a Unity GameObject maintains control over its position, rotation, and scale? This will be the key to testing for a game over; identify which axis in Unity is up and down in our game world, and then simply check whether our character controller has gone below some given amount (lower than the ceiling block, presumably). Another fairly easy piece to put together, though you should probably create a
for this one (something likeDespawnOnHeight
)! The “Game Over” scene that you should transition to can effectively be a copy of the Title scene, just with different wording for theText
labels. Do note that transitioning from the Play to the Game Over and then to the Title will result in the Play scene’s music overlapping with the Title scene’s music, since the Play scene’s music is set to never destroy on load; therefore, how can we go about destroying the audio source object (namedWhisperSource
) at the right time to avoid the overlap? - Add a Text label to the Play scene that keeps track of which maze they’re in, incrementing each time they progress to the next maze. This can be implemented as a static variable, but it should be reset to 0 if they get a Game Over. This one should be fairly easy and can be accomplished using static variables; recall that they don’t reset on scene reload. Where might be a good place to store it?
CS50 Games exists only in archive form, as of 1 July 2024. While you cannot submit this project for credit any longer, it is a great exercise to test your understanding of the course material.