Gallery of Final Projects
Here are just some of the past few years’ final projects, randomly ordered!
Bang Boom by Mehmet Toyanç Yazgan
Bang Boom one of the most exciting game. Put your fingers to have fun with the Bang Boom!
Console game - "Labyrinth" by Arthur Petrov
A console game about a maze from which in order to exit you must first collect all the coins.
Accountx by Atul Yadav
Accountx is a money management application which keep track your day to transactions.
Home50 by Bruno Carrilho de Freitas
Home50 is a simple application that allows managing house related expenses.
The Escape Room by John Sams
Your forgot the code to your own front door and the keypad faces inside for some reason.
MyMusicNotes by Caleb Mitchell
A website for music students to log their daily practice on a weekly basis in between private music lessons.
Dungeons and Dragons Character Randomizer by Benjamin Fioresi
Randomizes a character for the Dungeons and Dragons Tabletop RPG
SilentServiceWW3 by Joseph Fanning
Android Submarine Torpedo Shooter on Google Play!
Poker 50! by CAMILO ZAPATA
Play poker for fun, betting points and try to double your price as many times as you want!
Intensity by Benjamin A Feuer, a script for calculating and charting the average intensity of a video file over time
C-SCREEN - Covid-19 Self Assessment by Bindu Kuriakose
An application for the people to self monitor their health through Covid-19 variant specific questions
My Project is a distributed application, developed to maintain the details of employees working in any organization.
robot_deployer by Caio Fischer Silva
A web application running flask that allows you to upload a tar.gz file to the server. Working as a robotics engineer for autonomous agricultural machines I frequently have to deploy some upgrades on robots operating on locations without internet. With this application, I can send the new software to the operator, who can easily upload it using his smartphone. On the startup the robot looks for the earliest file on this particular folder and update itself if a new software version is available.
Food blog website: WE EAT HAPPY FOOD by Xiaohan Meng
A blog for me to post and share healthy food recipes.
Fave Facts by Megan Wilde
Fave Facts rewards children for practicing math facts with pretend money that they can spend in an imaginary online ice cream store.
My Favourite Movies by Mateo Milić
A web app that allows making a list of favourite movies and rating them accordingly
Cincinnati Reds 2020 Roster by Nicholas Behrendt
Returns information about 2020 Cincinnati Reds players based on an inputted position from the user.
Infinity AI by Arman Momeni
A Personal Assistant created through Python that can preform several tasks for the user.
Makerspace web app by Ayesha Hasnany
a web app where library patrons can sign up to schedule an appointment to use the Makerspace equipment
A* Pathfinding Visualizer by James Dye
Visually represents an algorithm to find the shortest path given start and end points within a grid.
Hong Kong Voter Registration Tool by Brian Wong
A web application that automates the process of filling out a voter registration form.
CORX by Karan K V
CORX is an educative page which informs the user more about covid-19. It displays different symptoms of the corona virus, how to be protected or live safely, etc. Our project provides the services such as -Covid-19 Tracking in which the user knows the total number of affected people, total deaths, due to Corona Virus and total number of people recovered. A covid-19 risk assessment scanner and a corona helpline number for Indian patients. To make the learning a bit interesting we have also added a colorful AR model of Corona Virus. Many awareness videos are linked, health news and even a game related to covid-19 is added to the project for fun. Although Covid-19 is dangerous for humans but it has proved to be very beneficial for our mother Earth. We have presented an Article on the impacts of covid-19 on our environment. The article states how the corona virus is helping the nature to heal itself. We tried to provide education, fun learning, being safe from covid-19 on one side and even benefits of covid-19 on the environment on the other side at once.
yt/web downloader by mohammed ag
program that downloads diffrent files in the highest possible speed
Harvard Admissions Calculator by Jerome Ibañez
Calculates your chances of getting into Harvard using your test scores and compares it to test scores of other students
Attendance and Fee System for small-scaled tutorial centre by Michael Cheng
The system serves three major purposes: taking and displaying each student's attendance record within a month, calculating each student's monthly tuition fee according to their attendance, grade and payment preferences and calculating and displaying the monthly income of the tutorial centre.
Yu-Gi-Oh! CS50 by Michael Vinicius Rodrigues Romko
Improving the quality of the Yu-Gi-Oh! hobby card game in Brazil.
Inventory Management System by Bretton Shawpindo
This is a simple system that helps keep track of one's inventory.
TrainingBuddy by Máté Rusz
Join and create trainings, invite fellow sportsman to training session, outdoor activities in your neighborhood!
6D Knights by Ishwar Karthik
Command-line program to compute, visualize, and analyze the values of the super-knight metric.
Hemianopsia by Nataliya Popova
"Hemianopsia" adapts texts for comfortable reading for users with partial blindness.
T4: softEngr by Benedict Fernando
A fully responsive website about me and my groupmates; made of up HTML, CSS, and litlle bit of Javascript.
Power Cube Analysis Tool by Auriane Vez
The purpose of this Flask webapp is to offer a structure that allows the user to complete its PowerCube analysis directly into a form that contains all the element of the framework, and to render a styled document of this analysis.
Pi-Temp by Ishank Pujari
My project helps encounter multiple temperature problems that everyday householders counter. My project portrays hour to hour temperature fluctuations that prompt the user to adjust the temperature during different seasons.
Secure Communication "SecComm" by Michael Thomas Vlcek
Web application for a secure communication. Subject and message text are encrypted and stored encrypted in the SQlite seccomm DB. The receiver can decrypt the subject and message text with the key stored as hash in the DB.
Task Manager by Edgar Alejandro Ramírez Fuentes
Task manager is the web application that you have been looking for to get organized about your tasks or events.
Good food, Good mood by Pia Marie Gackstatter
It is a recipe website which is designed for vegan, vegetarians or people with food intolerances.
FTL TRACKER by Mody Rosoff
Web application to record and monitor airliner pilots flight and duty times.
Braincache by Brad Blundell
A python-based command line app that uses a primitive natural language processing approach to manage a users daily, weekly or monthly habits and routines.
Sing-A-Prompter by Calvin Parks
It Creates Lyric-Captions that Are syncronized to the timecode of an MP3 music file
The Current Lebanese Crisis And Revolution by Mohamad-Ali Nasser
It's informative and it raises awareness.
Ekklesia(Church) by Benjamin A. Ngafua
A Church Manage System for connecting administartors and members with church activities.
LPR (Learn, Practice, Repeat) by Donal Dsilva
A site that reinforces and cements the basics of web development
Crime Tracker by Manuela Manolova
Crime Tracker is a web application that provides a graphical mapping of criminal activity across Berlin, one of the largest and most criminal cities in Europe.
seven_fiftythree by Luke Flees
A website that allows for music teachers to find students online and for students to find teachers online.
Detecting custom objects using YOLOv3 on Google Colab by Nguyen Minh
It uses YOLOv3 to detect custom objects in images.
CS50x 2020 concept by Mohamed Hafez Hafez Mansour
Redesigning the CS50 website to make it more focused on the content of the course
My Ultimate Webpage by Aryan Prasad
My Ultimate Webpage is an idea inspired by social media mainly for bloggers
Digital Watch by Benedict Eberhagen
It functions as a watch a stopwatch and can tell different time zones.
Birthday Reminder by Peter McHugh
Receive a text notifying you when your Facebook friends are celebrating a birthday.
Currency Converter App by Mateus Felipe Tomazini Metz
A mobile application to convert a chosen currency in others
Web app for Manchester United fans to Vote for player of pre-season games by Daniel Okot
This web app was made for Manchester united fans to vote for player of pre-season games between two shortlisted players(Anthony Elanga and Mason Greenwood)
Team Project Tracker by Max Kullmann
Team Project Tracker is a web application that can be used to track times for teams.
Library Management System by Mohammad Abdur Rahman
Its a Library Management System where both the Librarian and Student can use it.
Usadão Máquinas Dealerships Locations by Luís Henrique Castilho
Search tool for brazilian agricultural dealerships
Divfolio by Plamen Yosifov
Divfolio is a web app that lets you track certain financial data about stocks and also lets you educate yourself about dividends.
Epic Chess Game by Mohamed Mamdouh Rashad
It is 2 players chess game using C language and SDL library
WebChess by Malte Hildebrandt
A WebChess App that allows different users to play and safe their games.
Hum - Personal Soundscape by Michael Hughes
Create your own personal soundscape with Hum, a Chrome extensions to fade out the world and enable you to focus on your work.
Friends of Peggy Adams Animal Rescue by Cathy Quan
My website allows foster parents and adoption parents at my nearby animal shelter to connect and share information about their pets through memos and images.
Investment Portfolio App by Garreth Lee
This is a Python-based application for creating personalized mutual funds portfolios based on the Indonesian stock exchange
Your Online Library by Joannah Andreliz V. Gervacio
A web application that lets you have access to browse your favorite books whatever and whenever you want.
Lexington Sea & Steakhouse by Michael Clancy
A website for a fictional upscale Manhattan restaurant along the Hudson river.
Who Turned off the Lights? by Lynette Walsh
A spooky Interactive Fiction (aka a choose-your-own-story) game written in Ink, and adapted for the web via Javascript & HTML & CSS.
Sharegarden by Jean-Philippe Cote
A web app allowing people to share the food they grow in their community garden with others.
Harvard Reference Generator by Christa Bridges
A website that generates Harvard References just by inputting a URL.
Infinite Space by Michael Alonso Capistran
An infinite side scrolling shoot em up with a two player pong like mode.
Fit Game by Jos Kampkuiper
Login using Fitbit, presenting the Fitbit data visually in a graph frontend.
Sports Betting Simulator by Nikhil Dharmavaram
This project was designed to deliver an authentic sports betting experience to people under the age of 21.
myFace by Lotta Emilie Bachmann
Using MyFace you don´t have to search through thousands of pictures anymore in order to find the ones which show you.
MED HQ by John Higgins
A service which gives emergency services access to users medical information.
Duty Scheduler by Eric Zarsky
Duty Scheduler automates the process of creating a schedule of duties for teachers at a school.
moosik 1000 by Anjali Chittivelu
A music web application where you can find and save any music or artists.
Drug Inventory Program for Primary Healthcare Clinics by Mohammadreza Akhavanzadeh
Medical Drug Inventory: suitable for pharmacists and anyone in charge of drugs supply.
E-COMMERCE by Jorge Miguel Moreno Hernández
My final project is an e-commerce in flask using Html, Python, Sql and Css.
Task Management Quadrant by Mohammad Abdul Ahad
You add a task, the app will sort it in a time quadrant of 4 time quadrant of time management given by Stephen Covey.
Horse Stable Web Application by Marco Heiko Pfeiffer
A python flask web application to manage the communication for the stable owners.
student calculator app by Ahmed AbdelNasser Mahmoud Allam
you can add a list of students marks and calculate the average marks for all students in the database
Fun Dictionary by Cléber Silveira
This app is a website that searches an English dictionary for words contained in images. After sending an image with a word, the system will identify the letters contained in that image and look up the meaning of this word in the dictionary.
Tic Tac Toe by Aryanadi Iman Cahyono
Simple Tic-Tac-Toe (no AI yet) game in Lua, using Love2D. This was made for learning by doing purpose only, and may not be 100% perfect.
Texecom Intruder Alarm integration with Home Assistant by John Duffy
Designing and programming a custom module to integrate a Texecom Intruder alarm system with the Home Assistant Automation system
A simple discord bot that sends images/gifs when a certain phrase is typed in the chat.
Simple Bloggg by Nabil Al Hussain
Simple Bloggg is a web based blog that enables the users to create and edit their own blogs.
Avvienash's Ball Game by Avvienash A/L Jaganathan
It is designed to help people destress after a long day at work or hours of non-stop studying.
Vitamin D Monitor by Armin Bernhard Friedrich Oesterwind
A Web App to keep track of your Vitamin D level
SCD's automation tools by Benjamin Loubet
Tool for auto-generating Google Contacts from a Google Sheets table
Wheel of Life by Daniel Dubaniowski
Visual representation of different life aspects, which a person deems important, in a goal-setting tool.
Docker Compose Port Mapping Manager by Sadegh Mohebbi
cli tool for add or remove port mapping options via command line on docker compose yaml file
ToDOApp by Miguel Amaro
ToDo is a classic task application, in which the user can write all the things he wants to accomplish, this application will help to keep your days more organized, with all the tasks you must do throughout the day.
CS50 final project: Museguesser by Harshvardhan Patel
A game in which you have the name of the artist and the name of the first letter of each song and have to guess the song.
Photon by Shubham Banik
A chrome extension which alters the brightness of the screen and has different reading modes. by Jennye Austin
Command line program that stores gift ideas from user and provides the ideas at a later date.
BMI Calculator by Shota Gogichashvili
BMI (body mass index) is a measure of whether you're a healthy weight for your height. -- MID NIGHT FOCUS STUDY SOUNDS by Jeel Tikiwala
It has timer ,Ambient sounds with Volume controller , To do list Checker and focusing Spotify playlist. People are more productive in places they're comfortable in, says a study that we made up for the purpose of writing this sentence. That said, real experts with real studies recommend you stay away from public spaces TODO i,'ve put together a lovely playlist and the best sounds for an immersive experience. You can control the volume and positioning of the sounds however you like. We recommend Chrome for the best experience.
Scary Noises by Roland Baumgartner
Scary Noises is a Website about desensitizing dogs to loud noises.
Arcade Game Engine by Andrew Moody
A framework for making arcade games along with a Pacman clone developed in C++ with SDL2
Blood Bank App by Pratik Patwari
My final project is Blood Bank android app where a Donor can register and Seekers can make Blood bag request and check stock of different blood groups in the blood bank database.
MyBMIApp by Henry Kelvin Christopher Searle
Registered users can log in to track their BMI via both graph and table, which is stored so they can see their trends over a long period of time. There are links on the page to see how they can decrease their BMI and each calculation is colour-coded to the severity of BMI.
Business Insights App by Rotem Ross
A web application which aimed to provide a simple and lean representation for key teams/stakeholders of customers, met during business engagements.
Pokemon Deck Organizer by Silas N. Velarde
An easy way for you to organize the original 150 Pokemon.
Monokuma Bot by Enrique Rafael A. Lejano
A discord bot that plays Hangman, themed around the video game character Monokuma.
Amigos de Arte (Art Pals) by José Edgar Hernández Cancino Estrada
A platform to connect seniors in an asylum with outside young people during quarantine through art and letters
zot_ref_export by Marius Rödder
A Python Script (or CL app) that takes project references managed in Zotero, formats them and puts them into a Word document.
Your Image Gallery by CHIRAG GOYAL
I have made an online Image gallery in which we can add new images to sql databases as well as add those images to webpage too . Or we can delete images from the pre-existing images already in the database.Each user can have their own library.
LocalGuide by Erica Koopman-Glass
The website allows travelers to find tour guides in certain cities based off of certain preferences.
Minimalist Browser Extension that Displays Quotes
Order Of Operations Calculator by Nicholas Carbone
A javascript calculator that evaluates an expression while maintaining order of operations.
POCO A POCO by Daniel Saleeb
A web application to incentivise daily music practice, especially during the week, made for students at a UK Music Academy (that takes place on Saturdays!).
Kumpa Test by Andres Gonzales Delgado
A multiplayer game to test how well you know your fellow players
ChargePoint App by Stuart Stokeld
A GIS app that finds ChargePoints within a given radius, and displays routes to them.
Zoom absentee finder by Mohammed Alzuaa
Finds zoom meeting's absentees through OCR technology and python
Task Station by Ahmed El Sayed Mohamed Boraei
Web application for tasks management with multi users.
Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock Simulation by Ramandeep Saini
The user can play Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock against the computer.
Plant Tracker by Micaela McCall
A simple website to help users track the watering schedule of their houseplants.
Building Finance Management by mohammad amin balouchi
it is a project to help apartment managers do their job much easier
CovidInformation50 by Si Rui Tan
CovidInformation50 is a website that gives users more knowledge about Covid19.
⚡PW² Library and Tools by Jordy Henry
⚡PW² Library and Tools is a group of three projects that easily allows you to re-scale your images to the right power of two dimensions.
RYASAP Website by Andrew Visceglia
The purpose of the RYASAP website is to turn visitors into prospective clients that support the organization’s mission to further the healthy development of youth, family, and community members by providing direct service, building capacity, and changing systems through the services of eight programs (Juvenile Review Board, Mediation Program, StreetSafe Bridgeport, Bridgeport Child Advocacy Coalition, Public Allies, Prevention Corps, The Hub, and Connecticut Juvenile Justice Alliance).
Chabahar problems forum by Mohammad Amin Moghaddam
It's a python web application, a forum to collect problems of my city from my citizens.
Defining coordinates with geofenced locations by Robert James Andrews
Defining coordinates with geofenced locations
Congroove 50 by Shun OSAWA
You can store your writings and analyze them by using the database this Web app provides.
Workout Tracker by Pauline Chung
A website to record and shows your workout history and fitness progress.
Drug Inventory Program for Primary Healthcare Clinics by Sahand Samiei
Medical Drug Inventory: suitable for pharmacists and anyone in charge of drugs supply.
Mad Over Matter by Alba Ollé Moreno
E-commerce website where t-shirts with fun pun designs can be bought
Portfolio by Syed Omer Ahmer
This project is a portfolio page of all of my achievements and activities since 2018.
Asociación Parkinson de Puebla by Daniel Zarco Gonzalez
A website for the non-profit organization "Asociación de Parkinson Puebla"
Collecting data from sources ( by Teresa Terracciano
Understand how to build a data collection
Seahorse-Scope by Kelly Delavergne
Just like the online quizzes or daily horoscopes, Seahorse-Scope assigns a "seahorse-sign", daily seahorse-scope, perfect partner, and a learning experience about seahorse species based on month and day of birth.
Clider by Samarth Negi
Clider allow user to creates courses from YouTube videos and receive a certificate on completing the course.
NECTA Search by Caroline Fong
A searchable database for Tanzania Form IV National Examination results.
4886T Turboencabulator Robot Code by Tate Whiteberg
This is the code that runs on my Vex VRC robot: 4886T Turboencabulator.
Upgrade Your Skills by Mohamed Ali
A site that includes many direct links to the most famous educational sites in the world.
Artificial Brain by Sun-Woong Kim
Artificial Brain(specifically visual cortex) can predict age, gender, and multicultural appearance for each detected face based on facial characteristics.
Purtrace by Andrew Ku
Purchase tracking tool to remember what you purchased without you having to remember.
Food For Everyone OnlineResturant by Mahmoud Ramzi
Food For Everyone OnlineResturant is a simple web app for a restaurant that is going to open in my country. I hope you like it!
Music Practice Logger by Lucas Anderson
Music Practice Logger is an Android application made to aid musicians in their study of music by allowing them to keep track of their practice.
Thank You CS50! by Louise Rafael Lalu
A game that takes in all the elements that I've learned from the game track, and use them to thank the CS50 Team.
NZOI Training Site IO Copy by Joshua Yee
Creates associated buttons on the New Zealand Informatics Training Site which copies sample inputs.
Dude, where's my file? by Mohamed Bouazizi
looking for a file may take a few minutes. my projet creates a database for a given folder/disk, with all file names and paths. Enjoy flash speed looking for your files.
Album Receipt Generator by Frederico Morais
A cool and different way to see your favorite album's information!
Covid19 Tracker by Udawaththa Kankanmge Don Raveen Asela Jayasinghe
It shows the current situation of covid19 worldwide
Button Clicker Game by Shukun Shah
Game where the objective is to press a randomly generated button before the timer runs out.
A Web Tool to Manage SQLite DDL statements graphically
Algorithms Visualizer by Jacob David Grisham
Web-based searching and sorting algorithms visualization tool
Slang - Text to Speech by Kauê Reis de Assis Pereira
A Chrome Extension that converts to speech any text of any website.
MusicFriend by Karis Sophía Arróliga Rubio
A webpage in which you can inform yourself and give opinions freely.
Single Page Todo List by Mateusz Pyzowski
Full-stack Single Page Todo List App built with React and Redux consuming a RESTful API created with Node, Express, MongoDB.
Dictionary and Thesaurus by Agil Singaraselvan
Its a web app that allows users to define a word with the dictionary and find synonyms to words with the thesaurus.
Retrieval-based Learning by Chua Jia Jie
Help users learn effectively through retrieval-based learning.
Student Projects by Athina Apostolelli
A page for students to upload their projects and learn about other student projects around the world.
In this application you can keep data about your kids vaccination.
Test Your Brain by Modhurima Roy Kenopy
This is a quiz game consisting of two rounds and anyone can play this game since the questions are designed to provide a mix from different general knowledge backgrounds and for each correct answer in the main round, the contestant gets awarded with 10 coins.
Legit-APP by chiara cattabriga
Legit-APP is the APP that connects different institutions sharing only official documents.
website for learning english language by Mahmood Mohammed ali mahmood
a website to teach the English language. The site contains the home page and six other pages in addition to the user login page.
NoteSets by Terence Yuen
Note taking desktop application that allows grouping of notes into different note sets. Also allow exporting notes as html files for greater portability.
Bing-wallpaper by Risalat Siddiqui
It downloads the background image from and sets it as the desktop wallpaper (Ubuntu based Linux distros only).
Banerjee Classroom by Trinav Banerjee
It is a way for students and teachers to communicate and send and recieve assignments
Hva er det til middag? by Martin Spinnangr
This project is a webpage that allows users to create and store new meal recipes and pull recipes from their database whenever needed.
Text file compressor by Tetiana Dubovyk
Python text files compressor based on the Huffman's compression algorithm
Prez Quiz by Trinity
An iOS quiz to help AP US History students memorize the American presidents in order.
Appointments by Jethro Basa Mukisa Kigobe
A web based application which can be used by companies and clients to schedule appointments
Olympiorium by Luca Gentile
A website that allows anyone to rapidly check how many medals a country has won in the Olympics during the years.
Calculator by Poojan Kishorbhai Badodariya
It is a simple but an efficient application to help a person with daily mathematics tasks.
Command Line Tool for Creating Memes. by Ramkumar G
A simple command line tool built using python for creating memes.
CaesarCipher Decryptor by Anastasiia Mazur
Encryption using caesar method, decryption without a key.
NESTify: Renting made easy by ANUBHAV DE
Website for putting house on rent or finding house for rent
"Travel Insurance" web application by Thein Han
A web application where you can purchase travel insurance on the go.
LoanFree by Tarunraj Govindarajan Mohanraj
Organize your loans effectively and stay on top of your monthly payments!
Technical Tools or TT by Hagios Jerome
This project is about technical tools for computer scientists.
TodoTimer by Daniel Velez
TodoTimer is a Flask web app that combines the convenience of a task-tracking app and timer at the same time.
Pharmacokinetics by Joanna Seen Qianhui
Hello, I am Joanna Seen. I am currently studying in National University of Singapore, Pharmacy as a year three student. Due to the nature of my course and my passion in pharmacy, I have decided to made a website that enables viewers to understand and appreciate about the topic on pharmacokinetics. Another reason why I decided to create this website is due to the few resources online that is available to explain difficult jargon in an easier manner, so I decided to summarize the concepts that I have gathered from my course and share it in a more presentable and easy to read manner.
Celestial Body Simulator by Robert Ruta
Pretty visualization of Newton's laws of gravity and motion.
Harvard Star Wars by Raphael Baptista da Silva Fontenelle
Web app that allow user to add, remove, find for a Star Wars Planet
Schedules by Muralimadhav Manoj Pillai
A simple Scheduling web application for middle and high schoolers.
The occupationGame by Frederik Oskar Bomheuer
The first App that picked up the idea of the German Game called "Quartett"!
Vitamins to Recipes by Toader Dragos
My project is an app written in Android Studio that helps you find ingredients based on vitamins and then recipes based on those ingredients.
Bread Cookery by Svetlana Grebennikova
Responsive website with bread recipes, allowing registered users to post their own recipes.
mofit&more by Tony Chionye Jays
It is a website aimed at helping users attain physical fitness through proper diets and regular exercises.
LibrasMath by Paulo Henrique Vieira
LibrasMath is a Progressive Web App to teach and practice Libras Mathematics sentences.
E-Commerce website by Andrey Parshukov
E-shop for e-commerce with frontend and backend using Python Django, CSS and JS
Team Seeker by Sulaiman Muharik
Team Seeker is a web application that is used to help the user find teams that share the same interest as the user.
Bookmarks Collections by Teddy Thioulouse
Create collections and switch between multiple bookmarks bars
ESP-32 Cam android app by James Kusuma Dewa Halim
An android app that is able to stream videos or capture images from ESP-32 cam
Dosette Box by Nicholas Long
A flask web application allowing users to enter their medications which then generates a schedule for when they take them.
Tournament Calendar Management System by Jill
Tournament calendar that allows tournament directors to change/add/update information on tournament pages.
Blue City by Tehreem Fatima
In this game you have to collect gems and kill the aliens to reach the flag after consuming key.
My Capital by Jeltje Scholte
The webapp My Capital lets you keep track of your balances at your banks.
Tastebuds by Joel Gelding
A website for a local cafe allowing them to reserve tables and comment to the administrator.
BAZINGA by Siddharth Singh
It is a game influenced by 'air hockey' which can be both single and multiplayer with different levels of difficulty.
Corspat by Nidal Iguer
Adding online courses to your collection and tracking your time studying. As simple as that.
UCOOK by Basem Magdy Agwa
UCOOK is a website for recipes building a community platform for people to share recipe ideas and cooking tips.
Access Anywhere by Siddarth Mallemudi
Our project was to create a website in which people can learn different coding languages using pdfs
Colibrary | Your Convenient Library by Bohdan Ivanovych
Compile your books, continue your development, colorize your imagination...
Anonymous Message by Mahmoud Raafat Mohammed Mohammed Elwakeel
Send an Anonymous Message to a registered mail
Graphin' Tunes by Chirag Rao
This project plots Insightful and Interactive Graphs of various Audio Features.
VocApp by Antoine Sauvage
VocApp is a Web application developed to create, modify and practice lists of vocabulary from one language to another.
Tic Tac Toe game using python by Nabeul Islam
I made a simple Tic Tac Toe game using python which runs in command line
GradeBook for Teachers by Kelley Hanamean
A gradebook for teachers to record grades and absent/tardies
Expense Tracker Web App by Begench Bekmyradov
Manage and track your cash expenses to better understand your financial habits.
BookExChange by Frikha Jihen
It's a web app that allows people from all over the world to get books for free by only giving away some of theirs.
Tomado - A Pomodoro Timer by Tan Zu Wei, Joel
Tomado is a Pomodoro Timer written in Python with a GUI, which offers the option to track tasks, as well as the option to utilise custom timings in minute increments.
dynamic systems by Sheikh Abubakar Asghar
Dynamic systems is a web application for the software company which provides all the services related to human resource management, complete ERP in which there are inventory, accounts, manufacturing, and import & export. Customers can send email regarding these services which they want.
your bible verse notes by Kwun Ho CHOI
This project is for Christians to share their great ideas from scripture reading and hopefully bless all who view the shared ideas..
Translators' Helper Bot by Yeung Hwei See, Ingrid
A discord bot that can be used as a personal dictionary when translating.
The 3D Printing Shop by Martin De Nardo
A site to learn about 3d printing and shop for 3D printers, parts and filaments.
wakemeUP! by Sonali Ankolikar
A small simple LUA language program i.e. 2-D gaming application which will help in making you alert. Give the game a spin to make you feel alert and awake!
EZFinculator by Ahaan Shah
This calculator is Java-based incorporating GUI and includes some basic operations, algebra and financial transactions.
raindrop by Twisha Patel
My project-- raindrop-- is an online bullet journal that allows anyone to write journal entries and track their moods without needing expensive materials.
VideoNote by Wael Kamal Mansour
VideoNote is a place where you can take notes and highlights from a YouTube video fast and easy with a beautiful user interface.
No Code Predictions by Jonatan Cid Prati
Lets people upload a CSV and runs a model that uses that data to make predictions for future values.
Execute Order 66 by Hasan Aslan
No one wants to be embarrassed by their browser history or files after their death.
Chatbot Information Getter by Steven Shih
The Chatbot Information Getter acquires information from APIs to respond to the message a user sends.
Nutritional Assistant by Jed Merlin Pauckner
A text based program to help the user keep track of their nutritional intake
I am Debug by Marcos Josserme
"I am Debug" is a web page that works as a virtual assistant to help you remember solutions to errors in enabling teams in your work. (Built for companies that provide Internet, TV and telephone services). Since I know what it is like to have to remember so many things when you are solving a problem and how frustrating it can be when you forget something, "I am Debug" serves as a tool to quickly solve this, making access to information easier. Wouldn't it be great to have your virtual assistant whenever you need it? The technologies used are: Python, Flask, SQLite3, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Watson Assistant
Delta Hospital (Reservation system). by ahmed mangood
The Web Application is based on a reservation system for patients wishing to obtain medical services provided by the hospital. The patient fills out the form and it is displayed on the reservations page so that the disease knows that it has been sent.
Wonders of Lebanon by Mohammad Awada
It is an interactive map of Lebanon with an image and description of the famous landmarks there.
TYPE50 by Rishikesh Kanabar
It is an accurate typing test based on Javascript and supported by Flask in Python.
Recipe Maker by Ahmed Adel
Allows people to create food recipes and see other recipes made by other users.
Mapping remoteness in Denmark by Jacob Stubbe Østergaard
Calculating a remoteness value for all addresses in Denmark and visualizing the results on a map
Cryptocurrency Inter-exchange Price Arbitrage by Tin Shing Lee
Crypto price difference detector across exchanges
Night-Mode Switch website: by Shokhrukh Shomuratov
Switch the background color to make it better UX
Style My CV by Alex Gidman
A web application that creates a professionally formatted CV targeted at specific roles for better job application success.
Cryptocurrency basic price analyser by Alberto Vega Peralta
Import cryptocurrency historical price data from Btifinex api, store it in a csv file and perform basic analysis over it.
Sport's APP by Jean Rauwers
It's allow you to create virtual challenges for Running, Cycling or Swimming in order to get fitter during the lockdown
Multi Currency Shopping List by Danil Ardashev
This is an application for creating personal shopping lists with things in different currencies.
Full Stack Casting Agency by Daniel R. Neal
An API with Role Based Authentication and permissions for a casting agency that is responsible for creating movies and managing and assigning actors to those movies
website for mobile by haidy ismail
you can online shopping for mobile and edit if you have a license
UT Inclusive Restrooms by Harrison Ward
An Android App that finds the nearest gender inclusive restroom.
Morabeza Island by Leonardo Rocha Inácio
Promoting and exploring Sao vicente Island aka Morabeza Island
Lecture Feedback System by Marvin Schumann
A system where lecturers can take multiple classes' students' feedback and then visually show progress over time.
InfoVirus by Parsh Gandhi
Helps people realize the magnitude of the global pandemic and come together as a community
COVID-19 Stats by Vladimir Butko
Presents the latest COVID-19 Stats about new cases and vaccination to the user.
Data Outcomes (Database) by Rami Alhaddad
An interactive database to record IT professionals efforts.
Light A Candle by rishabh joshi
A platform enabling people to converse about their deceased loved ones, share their memories and come to terms with their grief, gather their actual stories, and through these stories collect the actual covid figures of a country
Afterthoughts by Andrew Yeo
My project gives you a snap shot of what i have learned, a recap of the 9 week course, and my comments on each week.
Jake Dvorak's GIS Portfolio by Jake Dvorak
Website that displays the GIS and Cartographic works of me, Jake Dvorak, in order to show to employers as a showcase of my abilities.
Activity Generator by İsa Oğuz
AG is basically a recommendation system that helps people to find an activity to spend their time in a fun way.
Recipe Lounge by Shruti Jha
It is a web-based application using HTML, CSS and Javascript. It is a collection of authentic North-Indian recipes.
Gap-Fill by Frederico Branquinho Teixeira
It's a implementation of the gap filling memorization technique
Online Planner by Asmi Sehgal
This is basically an online planner for high school students and it helps them keep track of what they need to do.
Isolation by Koleane Anita Ann Hames-Turner
Isolation is a 3D FPS horror game reminding you that you're never alone.
Voter by Adriano Carvalho e Sousa
I've made an application for people create and monitor their own polls, as well as they can share with their friends, so they can vote.
It is an application that helps the doctors to record patient daily progress notes.
Nightengift Frenzy by Isaac S. Fleitas
A game where you collect red gifts and avoid purple gifts to increase your score.
EduMech by Chloé Arson
EduMech will help master students perform rapid numerical calculations in class to solve complex problems of continuum mechanics, and will help students develop an intuition of abstract mechanics concepts through graphical outputs.
Color background changing Chrome extension. by Vitalii Horobets
It changes a background color of the web pages with "" domain.
Fragments by Luiz Augusto Dembicki Fernandes
A simple game, inspired by old plataformers, with focus on movement and pathfinding.
"QR Code Maker!" by Stefano Esposito
It's a Chrome Extension, a simple IME that converts whatever you write to a downloadable QR code.
Red Ant Project by Daniel Jędrysik
It is a Flask web application that uses Python to connect with Indexing API and send request to update or delete URL from Google search engine database.
Secret Mood Journal by Joshua Zhu
An online mood journal network where one can log their moods via colors that only they can decipher, and also see their friends' mood calendars (without knowing their keys).
Anniversary by aono tomohiko
This app keeps track of anniversaries, calculates elapsed time, and notifies you.
Game Gauge by Alex Isken
A web-based app for tracking a video game backlog with playtime and completion.
Typing speed tester by Sumin Choy
I made a website with django that will allow the user to find out their typing speed.
Numerical integration in C++ by Johannes Single
A symbolic representation of a math function is interpreted and the area between the axis or a second function is calculated numerically.
Family Database by Celeste Dupont
This website allows family members to update and access family information
Pomodoro timer by Rebecka Garragate Tapia
This website will help you increase your productivity and focus your brain on a certain task, by using the Pomodoro technique.
Robot Autonomous Exploration & Topological Mapping Simulation by Dr. Adam Kovacs
2D simulation on autonomous exploration and topological mapping
Transcription Tool Web Application by Sachin Bhaskar Bhutekar
Transciption tool is a web app implemented using Flask and bootstrap that translates .wav audio files into text and displays on screen.
Recipe Haven Web Application by Jackson Leonard
Website to post your recipes and to find other users' posted recipes
Budget Buddy by Mustafa Mahmoud Sobhy
It's a web application that gives you the ability to control your budget and track the flow of money in or out of your wallet.
Travelog by Guilherme Gomes
Connect travelers and help users get relevant information through story sharing. Each user is able to publish and view storys from one another.
きっずふれんず(Child's friends) by Onta Taihei
A chat application for parents and children to play together
ReceiptTrail by Kimberley Baldwin
A web app where users can create receipts for past purchases to help with lost receipts
Book Finder by Vinicius Rodrigues Silva
Book Finder allow users to search for books by entering a query (title, author, publisher, etc) and display all books found in a list on the page with corresponding data.
Web App: Airbnb Occupancy by Christian Michael Lehner
Looking at Airbnb occupancy rates in US cities.
TimeCloud by Namra Nandan Shah
A Minimalistic Time manager extension with alarm ,stopwatch, timer and tasks.
Gerenciador de eventos (EZE Party) by Gabriel Bezerra Pinheiro
Challenger. And that is what makes it with incredible potential to revolutionize the business of events.
Tanvi's dance academy by Tanvi K Nadimpalli
A website for a dance academy allowing customers to know the programs they offer and register for the program as well as schedule classes.
Using python for rendering ascii arts using aciimatics by Hamed Ahmed
rendering text with fire animation in the terminal window
LGA Network by Bryan Tadie
My website is a place where people can create and have access to worksheets created by other users.
Body Fat Tracker by Matthew Tiger McDonald
A health website that calculates the user's body mass index (BMI) and body fat percentage.
Implementation of RPC in C by Siddarth Singaravel
An implentation of remote procedure call which involves the solution to a real time scenario problem thereby reducing code redundancy and space complexity.
Recommenddit by Guilherme Fernandes
It's a web app much like an reddit, but for video recommendation on specific topics
HS Fridge App by Sam Hoong Leong
To allow user to keep track of the expiry date of items that are stored in the refrigerator.
I am Grosh ! by Vincent Jacquemin
It's a Flask App that allows you to create a list of recipes that you like and generate printable grocery lists based on these recipes.
Caraka by Dandun Adi Nugroho
This app help people to learn how to write in Javanese Script (known as aksara jawa), which is one of traditional language in Indonesia.
SwiftUIGraphs by Dominik Butz
A SwiftUI library for creating line charts, bar charts and pie charts.
Anomaly Detection by Calvin Hu
The goal of this project is to generate a set of data and implement machine learning to detect anomalies or outliers.
Find my solvent by Miguel Angel Badillo Cessa
a website that allows customers of a solvent company to find their best option
Raise Awareness by Damaris Corales
A place where people can learn about vanlife, and find links to helpful sites. It's a work in progress, since I've never programmed anything in my life. I'm proud of what I've learned, and hope to do better things in the future. Thanks!
Netflix-clone ( by Ahmet Alper
I've built a Netflix clone on React that displays movie trailers from Youtube.
cotton candy - online event consultation by Dhay
online events and parties planning and consultation
PRONTO PIZZA - Click and collect! (all info in the thumbnail) by Salvatore Di Salvo
An online reservation system for restaurants.
Fast Food Delivery by Sheila Makena Bundi Rukunga
The proposed system solution will go a long way to reduce waiting time at point of sale and minimizes the burden on customer service providers in fast-food restaurants.
Auto-Accounting by Roderick Adrianus Lodewijk Maria van Nispen
The program takes a stock symbol and then displays all the relevant information in the terminal, such as financial statements, financial ratios and the current stock price.
Harvard-University-CS50x-Final-Project-2021- by Mohammed J Mansaray
Centralize Covid Vaccination Record System
Stock Price by Devin Chugh
My project is all about solving the problem for those people who wish to monitor real-time stock prices of some particular stocks. It uses an API from IEX Cloud to get the prices for stock added. It also have a backend to store the stocks name added by user and the user can also delete the stocks when needed.
NearMe Data by Gian Andrea Sechi
COVID-19 Dashboard to see the pandemic and vaccinations progress in Italy
CollectShelf by Hakan Yıldız
CollectShelf is a tracking web app that helps collectionists on the first hand but actually has a potential to help everybody who wants to track their collections or expenses on anything they have so far.
Corona-Desk by Irshad Khan
CORONA-DESK is a web application which allows the user to check their coronavirus infection status along with gaining real time information about coronavirus in the form of maps and graphs.
I made two mini projects that consist of two games called Flappy Bird and Dinosaur Game.
Unagi by Amyr Edmar Francisco
Unagi is a To Do list app that provides features to help you beat procrastination.
Word Play by Katharine Yu Zheng Liang
Web App that modifies diction of inputted texts using synonyms from and creates a word bank with definitions from for later reference
DSP - DIREITO SEM PRECONCEITO by Raphael Angel Palhano Carballar Arévalos
There should be no prejudice in learning
Guess'n'Draw by Derek Whyte
Social distancing got you down? Find your "quaranteam" and reconnect with friends and family playing this fun illustration game!
Doki Doki CS by Lynca Saito
An interactive visual novel online game; a slight parody of Doki Doki Literature Club.
Binary by Kahan Bhalani
A small converter app to convert between the four famous number systems - Binary, Hexadecimal, Octal & Decimal.
Budget Lists by Mung Yan Daniel Lam
Budget Lists is an all-purpose, general hybrid between wishlists and budgets.
Space Shooter by Arjun Shankar Suresh Kumar
A game where you survive a wave of asteroids by shooting bullets
Website for a German B2B Company ( by Tetyana Frowein
For the final project I have created the real Website for a small firm in Germany.
Formula 1 Results Website by Stephen Winwood
Allows users to lookup the result of any Formula 1 race from the 1950's until the present day
Headache Agenda by Patrick Kox
A tool to help a patient and doctor to diagnose the kind of headache he/she is suffering from
Golf Handicap Calculator by Jack Barish
This service is desiged to help amateur's golfers calculate a handicap quickly
Kinda Bad Bullet Hell by Aidan Liu
Exactly what the title says: It's a kind of bad bullet dodging game. by Jhojan Andres Lerma Achoma
It's a web app that can be used to rank employees' performance
Base Value Strategy Tool by Katherine McCall
A web app for skating coaches to calculate and compare technical scores
Human Resource Management System by Priya Singh
Softwares to automate your organisation’s HR functions end to end and eliminate repetitive tasks, easing the administrative burden of HR department.
Car Search Community by Stephen Brown
A web-based community to report stolen vehicles and their sightings.
Ottawa Buses by Alexander Louis Robertson Aumais
An IOS app to see when buses will come in the city of Ottawa as well as seeing near stops and transit alerts.
Annas Mantas - online shop by Anna Oniščenko
This is a web shop that I someday might use for selling craft items I have made by crochet or hand embroidery with beeds.
CS50 Journal by Devender Kumar
It is MERN Stack web app which allow users to create, edit or delete daily journal entries directly from there browsers.
Learning Objectives Analysis (using Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy) by Tetiana Sotnik
The program reads the user's input - Learning Objectives, checks and counts how many verbs related to each of six levels of the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy these learning objectives contain.
homeschool journal by Maeling Murphy
homeschool journal is a web application that enables homeschooling facilitators to schedule and record activities for their students, as well as log attendance records.
Code Tutors by Richard Fogaça
The goal is to help programming students connecting them to experienced tutors
LearnGlish by Oleksandr Volkov
LearnGlish is a modern, dynamic and flexible tool for learning English.
CryptoMonitor by Lucas Cerqueira Jeronymo
Website to check Cryptocurrency Data in real-time, such as price, market cap, volume and more.
Paradiso0 by Michael Leung
A simple command line, text adventure game written in Go using sqlite3 for data. The story is part of the universe.
Teacher Tools by Amos Tan Yan Heng
Web-based application for teachers to evaluate and track student's work progress
fhemedX by Holger Treber
A simple web frontend for controlling the main technical devices of my private home.
Only-Contacts App by Nimisha Maria Cletus
A mobile application to store contact information with multiple phone numbers per contact. by Nicole Marker
A site that allows users to track online courses they are taking and uses data from peers to help each user to plan future courses.
Daniel Albert Portfolio Website by Daniel Albert
A portfolio website of all my data science projects.
Encryption and Password Security by Chinmay Ajit Kulkarni
This program shows how encrypting and password generation/classification works at the backend
Crab Catch! by Ahmad Mirbaz
A catching game with a point system; as the player progresses in a proper manner, the score increases as well.
Ad Tag Previewer by Chen, YI-AN
Ad tag previewer can help you generate a mockup website with your custom ad tag (Javascript/ HTML format) displayed directly.
NinoBot by Marinos Papadakis
Computer bot which takes user's microphone as input and responds in voice and text.
Social Distancing Detector by Caleb Hyun
Using OpenCV built in AI to detect where people are gathering.
Jobs Management App by christopher li
Your one stop solution to log your jobs and interviews and update them.
Tic Tac Toe game using python by Sai vipul chakravarthy 20186023
Python GUI application- Tic Tac Toe
Recipe library by Denys Sychov
Recipe library is a web application for creating and storing your favorite meals' recipes
OxiVida Hiperbarica - Website by Herick Morais Nogueira
Website created for a healthcare service in the countryside of Brazil.
Day's Worth by Tudorache Andrei-Adrian
A web application that helps you keep track of tasks, achievements, calories and can offer you a bit of motivation.
CBT Aid by Tony D Jones
An app to make Cognitive Behavioral Therapy easy and convenient at any time in any place.
Fragmented Memories by Stavrou Marios
The game is a short text-based adventure, to remind everyone how lucky they are to enjoy their health in this challenging times.
DocLog by Davi Pinheiro de Barros Leal
A web application for registering appointments for doctors and patients
Make Your Impossible List by Laura Wilcock
Wep application that creates and keeps track of your impoosible list.
Electronic Health Record by Anthony Riccalarsen
It is a web-based electronic health record which could be used by a medical facility to manage patients' health information.
DOGS&CATS by Aryan Singh
I've used Flask web framework based in Python its was necessary flask-sqlalchemy for manage SQL database with sqlite and flask-wtf for upload files and forms extensions
Dance Class Booking Platform by Lucy Macartney
A simulation of an online booking platform and student portal for an online dance school.
Spanish Tool Box by Karen Quintanilla
A toolbox to help users type Spanish diacritics such as accented vowels, the diaresis, and the tilde n.
ToDo by Isabelle Ilyia
A student workspace in which users can store all relevant information for any project/assignment in one place.
Droplet by Harvey Hayman
Droplet is a procedurally generated drop game where it is your goal to steer the protaganist, a playable drop of blue liquid as far down the map as possible.
An app that is intended to help people in Sudan where there's shortage of many essential drugs to find drugs more easily instead of searching one pharmacy after the other.
PROTATE by Param Siddharth
A command-line utility to encrypt ASCII text files by applying Caesar Cipher.
Homepage CS50 by Beatrice Roxana Prepelita
What I decided to do in this assignment is to recreate my CV as a website. I did it by using JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
Euro 2020 Predictor by Stanley Georges Auguste Houcke
A game based around the European Football Championship where users predict the scoreline of every match in the tournament and are awarded points based on the correctness of their predictions.
Riester-Payment-Calculator by Benedikt Pascal Hofmann
Calculator to ensure full subsidy for the Riester-Pension
Wishlist50 by Michael Debétaz
Wishlist50 is an application that allows you to build a wishlist and share it with others.
Course Selector by Ellis Brown
Allows students to search for a select courses from a list of avalible courses
Retirement Calculator Web Application by James Wang
An application to project the retirement account balances
London Weather by Martin Nagy
web-based app showing weather in London in date you choose from 04/01/2013 untill actual date
Login and Registration: Loadboard by Amritpal Singh Dhillon
A secure way to Register and Log in two types of Customers.
Anki Dictionary Creator by Roberto Higor Matos dos Anjos
Is a web application that search for word definitions then create a card on Anki using it.
The Blog ( by Brendan Dannaher
It is a website showcasing my blog on wordpress.
Crypto Coin Prediction With Machine Learning by Murat Uğur KİRAZ
This program aims to predict the next value of a crypto market coin by using a machine learning algorithm, named as Random Forest Regressor.
Stayfocus by pattaranan srisara
Stayfocus is a website to help you to focus at work or while studying.
FriendsChat by Christopher Martin Bearcroft
An online chat service for friends to have conversations.
Bank of Josh banking web application by Oluwagbemiga Joshua Olaniyan
An easy to use banking application!
Java Deposit/Withdrawal Program by Kenneth Zhang
A program that records all deposit and withdrawal actions in one GUI database.
OMÜ Öğrenci by Emre Kaplan
It's a basic web application allows students to see their educational informations (grades, gpa, assignments etc.) and submit assignments.
KCCC Website by Ken Kinoshita
A Web-App to facilitate information and connect to the community of our parish
Covid19 Vaccine Finder by Nitish Kumar
It is used to find available slots for Covid19 vaccination in India
Text Analyzer by Pankaj Maurya
this project analyzes text for you, such as it removes punctuation marks and many such features.
Wizard Golf Game by Steven R Strand
Computer Video Game to Play Golf as a Wizard, developed using Godot Game Engine
MarketSim50 by Steponas Viršilas
MarketSim50 is a market simulation website where you can trade stocks from all around the world.
Dining Center by Mohamed Sayed
Diving center website to provide serves as daily diving as fun dive and all padi courses
Mumble Jumble by Myles
It is a Flask Web app that uses various python libraries to generate custom or random crossword puzzles.
QuickSort Python by Eduard Humenchuk
This is my project for sorting arrays using the Quick Sort method in Python
PowerCurve by Stephen Adams
A web app for players of Dungeons and Dragons (5e) to calculate expected Damage Per Round.
A portrait of the pandemic by Camilla Trudda
Get a visual impression of the COVID-19 situation- worldwide and for every country!
Matérias Perigosas by Paulo Alexandre Monteiro Carrilho
Helping firefighters protecting population against hazardous materials accidents
Physical Simulator by Kenner de Araújo Mendes
A website that provides usefull visualizations of some non-trivial phenomena
Change Background Color by Jacob Cabral
This chrome extension I created changes the background color of any page.
Noticelyy- Public Notice Board Website by Merrick Marshall
A website to view/create public notice boards.
ANILOG by Guilherme Santos Serafim
An anime indexer, where you can build your profile with your favorite ones and share it.
Restaurant Dashboard by Ramon Lúcio Linhares de Araújo
A dashboard that shows data and metrics for a restaurant.
Circus For Developers by Laura de Cos Carrera
A web application to register for an event and its activities. In this case, a circus event organized by five fictitious companies for developers working in them.
The Movie Recommender by Callum Churchman
A website that allows users to rate films and curates a list of recommended viewing for them
"Black or Red" Card Game by Chingis Janburchin
A card game where you have to guess the color of 8 cards drawn randomly from a standard deck
COVID-19 case tracker by Jacob Bocotan
A very easy and convenient way of checking how many COVID-19 cases there are in your inputted country.
Missile Command is being a little extra by Vinh Phuc Hoang
Recreated classic arcade game Missile Command with new fun features
Cursor Control by Isaiah Trumbull
My project is a game designed using LUA in which you move your cursor to capture balls.
Hexview by Emanuel Wilches Brandt
Display the bytes of a file in hexadecimals togheter with extra functionality.
Assess ENIGMA by Sahilsher Singh
It's a web application on which you can create forums and anyone around the world can submit those forums, by log in and having the ID and password of specific forum. Just like google forums, but more features.
The Pyramid by Kirk Mendes
A website of the Pyramid, a ficticious tablet that was created on the TV show The Office
Interactive Network of Relative Relationships by Hieu Le
Allow stakeholders to visualize a complex network in easy way
Blinks detector by Srijan Mehrotra
Remids people to blink more if they aren't blinking enough by beeping.
League Stats by TJ Barger
A webcrawler that goes through each champion on the League of Legends Wiki ( and uploads the champions stats to a database to be analyzed using Tableau.
Nugget for IOS by Kishore Kumar G
Nugget is an iOS app that lets you record notes and images, so you can be reminded of them in the future.
The Daoist Blog (Python Web Application) by Tylor Branch
It is a blog site built on a python backend using the Flask Framework.
Bank Database system by mohamed ismail
this project is a bank database management system the main function which the client may perform is to create a new account , delete an account , edit the data for an existing account , inform a bout his cash (printing the client data) , or transfer cash from one account to another account.
Virtual Dice Roller by Virej Dasani
This is a fun, minimal app, for the perfect board game experience!
craftsmen by Mustafa Elazazy
site that connects craftsmen and seekers for their service from customers,
Tool Share by Steven Small
This web app lets you share and borrow tools with your family, friends, and other neighborhood groups.
Chrome Extension for Accessibility by Marco Venturi
This extension helps visually challenged users to read webpages' content in an easier way thanks to a chromatic contrast between text and background of the webpage. It also enalarges the text.
The Colorspider by Vincent Philipp Sommer
The Colorspider gives digital artists easy access to hundrets of colorpalettes.
Animal Information by Cameron Mackay
This is a website where you can learn about 10 different animals.
Token System For Reporting Problems by Shrenik Sandeep Kumar
I have made a token system to allow the users of the company to report problems to the admin, who can then assign it to helpdesk personnel who can then close the tokens once the problems are solved.
Which Beyoncé Song Are You? by Anahita Aggarwal
It's a buzzfeed-inspired web-based quiz that tells you which beyonce song represents your personality.
Creative Placemaking News Aggregator App by Melanie Courtois
This project was to build a news aggregator web app with Django and python web scraping (beautifulsoup4).
Birthday Meet by Ran Gong
An online social platform that allows users to connect with those who have the same birthday.
iMDb Movie Library by Abhiram Rishi Prattipati
iMDb Movie Library is a Flask Web Application that lets users checkout and return iMDb digital content.
Streaming video server on a Raspberry Pi by Michael Mearing Williams
I user Python to build a web server that would stream live video.
Die Hard, the game by Miriam Latasa de Araníbar Marsal
Die Hard, the game, intends to be a small homage to a great movie, from a newbie developer.
Random Quote Generator by Muneeb Adonis
A site to generate random inspiration quotes at the click of a button.
using minimum HTML and scripting. A static website is the easiest and simplest way to showcase your profile to everyone online and serve as a one-stop shop that provides your clients with all the relevant information.
food tinder by Stefanie Beyer
food tinder is a web application that suggests recipes to users based on their diet.
Time Management Timer by Ker Soon Kiat, Kimber
It is a productivity system with different types of concept which helps user to get their tasks done and progresses them in achieving their goals.
snakewhisper by Anthony Chen
Proof of concept of an end-to-end encrypted peer-to-peer chat program written in Python.
FragAI by Jeongseok (William) Hyun
A fragrance lover's dream, it provides you with information on fragrances using machine learning (TensorFlow)
Your at home - Booking Integration by Stewart Davis
Demonstrating how to use StarRez API to integrate a front end marketing website.
Scrapilicious by Ljubica Samardžić
Scrapilicious is a Selenium-powered web scraper which updates me on new article uploads by my favourite local journalist.
Movies Query by TAREQ JUDEH
Movies Query is a RESTful API web app, developed and design using Python/Flask/SQL Alchemy/API/JS/Bootstrap/HTML/CSS, with many features including HTTP and DB GET/POST requests, sending emails, and also search filters.
Arthritis diagnosis through machine learning by Joel Reason
Attempts to diagnose the severity of arthritis using an x-ray image by Gevorg Ghukasyan
Simple Truck Dispatch Management System for small operators.
A Prototype Environmental Monitoring SIte Register by Jeffrey Cooke
A register of monitoring sites with registered user login for maintenence, and a public API so that information is discoverable.
MARK by Herath Mudiyanselage Mihili Nipunika Herath
A website that will allow teachers and students to manage student marks.
Tetris Basic by Ishan Katpally
It is a recreation of the game Tetris, where you stack tetrominos on top of each other to fill up rows and earn points.
Borrow My Tools by Brenda Romino
Borrow My Tools is a web application created to lend/borrow tools to/from people in your area for a short period of time.
Car crash game by Toavina Haingotiana Rabetokotany
The car crash game is a web based game and his aim is to have a high score by avoiding bumping into other cars.
Daily Dose by Shu Ching Hsu
a project for self-care, self-satisfaction and self-heal with some of the elements and aspects of this world that I love and enjoy
StackTrace50 by Brendan Kinahan
A MacOS game in Swift about quickly identifying and removing bars which are not obscured by any other bars.
StuDoSMC by Nabil Tarraf Kojok
Student jobs, projects and notes management system with rewarding points
Scientific Calculator using C program by Trisha Anbu Kumar
This is a program which includes various mathematical operations used in a calculator.
Snake game by A I K O M A R A T
Any business must start with the basics and, most importantly, with what you like
Veggie Classifier android app using AI and ML by Aarav Singh
My app classify vegetable using Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning.
Sudoku Puzzle Game ( by Hua-Ming Huang
An interactive web Sudoku puzzle game developed in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Car Racing Game by Hasan Alqassab
The player uses the arrow keys to move the car in order to avoid hitting the obstacles and score higher points.
AlmaMater by Onasanya Abiola Oluwaseun
This is an INTERNET COMMUNITY for ALL schools, students and alumni in the public sector as well as the private sector in Nigeria.
kichas forum by kennedy Godlight lema
There are different sections on the website. You can read new stories or random ones, add your own story or create an account in order to leave a comment
PL 2020-2021 by Syed Aamir Aarfi
PL 2020-2021 is a Flask and Python based web app which helps football fans to track the performance of their favorite English soccer team.
Stop Procrastination! by Taissa Silva
Chrome extension that displays messages on certain websites to avoid procrastination
Puzzles ( by Erik M Umble
Puzzles is a web app for playing simple logic games such as sudokus or kenkens; it also contains an AI puzzle solving service.
A Day In History by Shriya Sandilya
A website that tells you what happened today or on a date of your choosing.
The colourant mapping project by Georgios Karellakis
An interactive web-application for the creation of a database for ancient and historical colourants.
Game Addict by Elvinas Didika
Read more about gaming addiction and find out if you have a problem! :)
Cryptography Encoder & Decoder by Adelyn Thazhuthadath Kishore
The goal is the encode or decode text as specified by the user through text files.
Hangman App & Website by Aaron Mackay
Native Android app and hosted website to play the classic hangman game
Jerobin Travel Agency by Jerobin Cruz Macapagal
it's a website where you can book a travel destination.
EconoMod by Rebecca Ronnen
EconoMod is a web application that teaches visitors the basic details of the global economy, including GDP and imports/exports, and provides users access to a bar chart race and game to solidify their understanding.
Quickie Stickies by Maliha Hossain
A note-taking app with a timer for all your brainstorming sessions with the option to hide & export notes
Knowledge Game by Brian Julien Lee
A game made through C programming that tests a participant's knowledge in five subject areas
Ecuador-Telecommunications-Webb-App by Byron Raúl Avilés Rodríguez
It is a web app that shows data on telecommunications in Ecuador.
Artsy Kids by Trần Xuân Bách
An attractive website built HTML and CSS aiming at teach art to children
Fine Arts Insurance Certificate System by Armando Augusto Rodrigues Junior
Web based certificate system for Fine Arts Insurance.
Document naming tool by Nikel Kirill
Web app to register, strore and view unique document and meeting codes used in my work
Celby by Zara Khanna
Celby tells you about celebrations all over the world and lets you browse them and add them a wish list.
Capital City Memorizer by Emily-Alice Mae Sesto
Inspired by Memrise (the website which taught me every capital city in one week), this is a web-app designed to help the user to memorise the capital cities across the world.
Foreign currency parsing Telegram bot by Salavat Yaykarov
Telegram bot that parses bank currency prices using XML
My Success Board by Andoni Estefano Collao Soriano
A platform where I can organize what I value the most.
An App to play the ultimate game,"The Game of Life". MYX helps you fulfill your objectives and gives you the tools to become an active agent of change.
Month Calendar by Amrit Singh
It is a simple program which prints the calendar of any given month of any given year.
Simple Asset Allocaation by Larry O. Risk
Provide users with an Asset Allocation Recommendation base on their tolerance for risk.
SuggestDiningBot by Jairus Ho
It is a simple bot to help undecisive friend groups decide on a place to eat!
Data Visualization by Daniela Balaniuc
My project is a Website for data visualization. To help Data Visualization revealing critical data to business users via intuitive visuals.
BEDMAS Worksheet Generator by Krish Krish
It allows users to create customizable yet unique worksheets with BEDMAS questions in it for practice.
Atlist by Sunisha
Atlist is a todo based application based on the CRUD operation with some actions like register, login and profile and dark/light mode.
RealTimer by Georgio Diab
RealTimer is an automatic irrigation system with temperature and humidity sensing features.
Web based application for travel sharing in Africa by Sandisiwe Khanyisa Thisani
web application for travel sharing
Big Screen by Alp Zengin
Search about the movie stars and directors in the production they had been on the big screen(cinema).
The Zombie World by Rafael Jose de Souza
O jogo The Zombie World é de zombie em 2D onde o personagem heroi precisa sobreviver ao apocalipse zombie.
K-12 Private and Public School WebApp DB by Jordan Heller
Webapp connecting SQL db with public information on every k-12 school in the USA
Video Converter using ffmpeg-python by Mario Rafael Chusán Palma
This python app can convert mp4, avi or mov media file to these formats: MP4, MOV, AVI, HEVC, MP3. This happens using a python library called ffmpeg-python
Application of Python in Portfolio Optimization by Yeo Jun Jie
Applying python to determine portfolio that provides the highest return with lowest return through brute force simulation.
Noted by Aprameya Aithal
A platform for users to clear each other's doubts on various books they've read
SKYLIGHT 360 by Jerrick Ban
SKYLIGHT 360 is an infrared motion detector designed as a multi-directional defense mechanism.
Rock Tumbling by Sarah Murad
An informational website designed to teach users about the basics of rock tumbling, and to provide them with the tools to do so effectively.
Logistic Encryptor by Nicholas Funari Voltani
It's a cryptographic encryptor based on the chaotic attractors of the logistic equation.
Movie Info App by Zachee Niyokwizera
It's a JavaScript/jQuery app that fetches movie data from the OMDb API and display them on the page
BlogFifty by Md Fahad Hossain
BlogFifty is a blog posting site where one can make a post in markdown language and share it across the world.
Grader by Rodrigo Bassi Guerreiro
Helping students from my school to keep track of their grades during social distancing.
Is Your Destination Safe? by Hasan Selim Çaşka
Provide information about natural events ongoing in the destination city entered by the user.
Animal Shi-ri-to-ri by Kyoko Suenaga
A simple but fun brain exercise game for seniors and young children
Teacher-Student Collaboration by Saravana Natarajan Poosai
Consolidated dashboard for teachers and students to view all their announcements, assignments etc.
Fitness | CS50 Final Project by Rakshith N by Rakshith Nagaraj
Generates a custom workout and meal plan for the user based on their requirement.
VirusTracker by Shubhankar Darbari
A java based application which can track the number of cases(active, total, recovered etc) all around the globe and a particular country.
Authentication and login page and display by alert by Mostafa Talebi
Authentication and login page and display by alert
E-labour Mobile Application by Mosope Olaniyi
The project main aim is to hire a worker or provide a service.
THEMIS by Jean Compion
THEMIS is a game where you have to dodge your way through a procedurally generated asteroid belt, avoiding the asteroids for as long as possible.
Photo AI by Grigory Plakhotnikov
A web-based application that allows you to apply different filters and effects to photos online.
#Team Seas - The Game by Tomas Lacerda Muniz
A game where you're a fish trying to avoid trash and raise money to clean the seas you're living in
Who are you? A Personality Quiz for all ages !! by Nain Jaswani
A personalty quiz designed using HTML, javascript and bootstrap that will help a person get a better understanding about themselves
AI Fifty - Virtual Assistant by Prashant Kumar
AI Fifty is a basic AI based virtual assistant for Microsoft Windows operating system computers. It take voice commands from the user, process the command using basic machine learning algorithm to classify it into intents and perform the task requested by the user.
Bib-Reader by John Grogan
Suggest journals and reviewers for an article based on the frequency of their citations in the bibliography
ODEON: Academic Support by Agustin Francisco Nigrelli
This is a project that intend to create links among people who can offer help as tutors or need help as students.
Translate50 by Donovan Trinh
Type in whatever you want in any language, it will detect the language and translate it to both English and French.
BTESW Locations Bot by Eduard Filip Tanase
A Discord bot for a Minecraft project to access info about users and locations.
Finance by Tan Jia Xin
Finance is a virtual online stock trading platform developed using Flask framework. (An improved version with better UI UX done with bootstrap.)
GreyLife by Aarav Agrawal
A webapp that uses the Spotify API, to filter songs based on genre and playlist
The Market-Place by Juliana Fernandez
The Market-Place is a web application which recreates a real marketplace webpage. Post items for sale or buy it!
Personal Kanban Board by Christopher Jeffery
I created a simple kanban board where users can create tasks and drag them across different columns.
Yu-Gi-Oh! CS50 by Beatriz Guasti Pozzi
Improving the quality of the Yu-Gi-Oh! hobby card game in Brazil.
X-Ray Diffraction Tools by Martin Screen
This program can be used either to predict the X-ray diffraction pattern for a crystal structure, or to determine the crystal structure of a solid sample using diffraction pattern data obtained.
Nugget iOS App by Gayathiri K
Nugget is an iOS app that lets you record and remember nuggets of wisdom.
A nutrition counseling website by Michaela Valek
A website, I want to use as an aspiring nutritionist, including a BMI-calculator.
Computer vision based home anti-burglary system by Malesela Modiba
The main objective of the system is to detect burglars and alert the owner of such
Sorting Visualizer by sanish chirayath
A webapp that visualizes different types of sorting algorithms.
Data Tabulation and Plotter by Anuj Mittal
Performs data visualisation and plotting for simple csv files..
Yogic Wisdom by Srinivas Padmanaban
A basic website that is built for the general public to learn about the chakras and how they are important for your bodies health.
Fale com a Annie Pê by Henrique Laguardia Heringer Faria
A web-based chatbot (integrated with Twillio's Autopilot via REST API) for questions about the automotive fuel segment in Brazil.
NUSJumpStart by Aranchaiya Sasipreya Valerie
A website tailored to all NUS students where they can apply for hall/housing and calculate Cumulative Average Point (CAP) in this website.
SupercarInfo. by Mohommed Ilyan Zulfiquer Bubere
Information with pictures of latest/upcoming supercars
Python based Car Rental App by Guido Vinci Carlavan
Program that simplifies paperwork and also collects data from clients.
Abyssinia Tour and Travel by Elias Bazezew Ferede
Go and book your travel to Ethiopia from my project.
Project Tracker Website - Collaboration by Riya Gandhi
Project Tracking website wherein multiple users can collaborate to complete multiple tasks from multiple projects and track progress.
AgriMachinery: agricultural & machinery by Saida Hajjaji
Web application to rent agricultural machinery
DataVet by António Nuno Carrilho Canatário Duarte
DataVet allows veterinary clinics to manage their data in a more efficient way.
Fridge Solver by Oleksandr Kucher
Web App to recommend recipes based on ingredients that users hold in their fridge.
BalotoCheckerApp by Jesús Gabriel Imitola Acosta
An app to see the latest results and check if you are a winner.
PAC MAN - In search for CS50's Certificate! by Diego Rocha
A myself developed game in homage to CS50 course.
Digital register by Mussner Mattia
My digital register allows teachers to enter homeworks, exams, grades etc and students will see everything.
French Verb Trainer by Nam Huong Vu
A web app provides customizable quizzes to practice French verbs conjugations.
Arduino Controlled Camera Slider by Mostafa Ashraf Mohamed Hamza
Automated camera slider for stop motion movie making
SPTT(SPEECH TO TEXT) by Abhinandan Saha
This app uses speech recognition to aid in typing out large documents.. with just your voice!
Finished! by Rishi Jeyamurthy
My project is a productivity tool that can be of use to all who desire assistance with their tasks.
drowsiness detector algorithm using python and opencv(deep learning) by Saman Batouei
I use python and opencv and deep learning to make drowsiness detector algorithm to decrease car accidents.
Plate Shatter by Aarnav Sanghvi
Plate Shatter is simply an app designed to help relieve stress by allowing users to smash plates.
Classic fashion by Julia Mendes
In order to help in fashion stores, and administer the stock in a fisical store.
Saurian Soccer Simulator by Juan Rodrigo Harbar Penas
A website to simulate soccer games and view statis about soccer teams
Moving Towards A Mental Health by Kavya Venkatesan
This dynamic website spreads awareness about steps to take towards improving mental health.
InterShuttle by Benjamin Lagarhus
Intershuttle is a pretend booking system for interplanetary shuttles.
2D game climbing the Covid-19 recovery by Rafael San Juan
Fully working 2D game using python that takes user keyboard input to move a player icon to jump from platform to platform upwards by Vinícius Emanuel Moura Santos
A website that stores and locates a user's property information on map.
Explore The World by Arda Özdemir
User can get many information about the city that he wants to visit.
High Note by Benjamin Carpenter
A space to share positivity and gratitude without fighting to be heard.
car shop by Hossein.Khodadadi
This is an online shopping website where I sell a few examples of cars.
A Python program to calculate salinities from fluid inclusions by André Luiz Silva Pestilho
A command-line program using Python that reads a CSV file containing ice melting temperatures from fluid inclusions, and computes the salinities (equivalent salinities in mass % of NaCl). The resulting data is written in a new CSV file, being readily available to be ploted and studied.
FOODIE by Seifeldin Adel Khalil Ibrahim Ahmed
Searching and saving recipes made simple and convenient. .
Plants Vs zombies by Maryam Nazarloo
this is a game. when zombies arrive, just don't do anything, you win:)
React File Structure Creator by Denis Bratchikov
It's a VSCode extension to create file structure for react projects.
COVID in Southwest Florida by David Sissman
A daily summary of key COVID data that are most interesting for residents of Southwest Florida.
Thermo Market by Rafael D'Alexandre Fuzatti Bonatti
Smart compilation of News about a especifc cripto currency.
LearnNet by Francis Hubert Diente Billones
A file sharing service built specifically for sharing educational resources like notes, lectures, and documents.
Reminders by Siddharth Maddikayala
This app allows you to schedule events so that you will get a notification about that event on a certain time and date.
Inter Facade by Kozub Alena
his is a website for my father, he has his own company Construction and Home repairs.
Raspberry Pi Environmental Monitor by Lealia Xiong
Flask app for live monitoring of environmental conditions
Discord Game Bot by Antonella Ruales
A bot that allows you to play games with other people on the social media platform Discord.
Hear Here by Sarah Sellier
A platformer game created in Love 2D in which the player uses the direction of an audio source (as given with a stereo headset) to determine the location of platforms.
The Digital Paper Scraper by Josh Davis
A desktop app that automatically scrapes the web and emails you the results using Python, Tkinter and BeautifulSoup.
Vaccine Availability by Siddharth Nehra
It really helpful and saves your precious time by giving you real time data of slots.
Library management system by Rashmi Goswami
Project is suitable to handle the various transactions that occur while managing an organization's records.
FlatHunter by Matthew Edward Peters
A simple tool designed to lessen the tedium of searching for a new flat (or apartment in US English).
SEND TO WHATSAPP by Alexander Beis Correa
It's a app that send information and send to whatsapp a very popular text messenger app here in Brazil.
The great ultrarunning quiz by Māra Braslava
The great ultrarunning quiz is a website built using HTML, CSS and JS where the user can fill out two quizzes and see their results.
File sharing service by Joshua Jones
allows users to upload files and add other users to be able to download them
binary-bot by Raihan Chowdhury
its an Online judge website, that will judge your code and give result(like heckerrank, uri ,codechef etc)
AvailabilityTracker by Alexandru Liviu Nita
WebApp that allows members of a team to track each other's availability in a centralized way real-time.
Twess by Thanh Tran
A game where you guess the number of tweets a Twitter account has given their followers.
Backtest. Digest. Invest. by Rene Monteiro
A web app that backtests stocks to compare investment strategy performance
Digital Lending Library by Anastasios-Theofanis Fasoulis
A digital lending library where users can donate and rent books
Student Management System by Mok SC
Manage the students' data, booking of classes and reporting their performance.
it allows to create any type of sports events and gives reminders and aloow to upload event details
DutyBembel by Aljoscha Greim
A flask based web application for flight crews to share their duty plan with colleagues family and friends
CS50: Exercise by Kyle Murray
An exercise app that tracks and progresses users exercise routine and sends them a schedule daily
STEMster by Eduardo Aguilar de Alba
Forum to discuss and meet people switching careers into Science or Technology fields.
Strange Symbols by Yevhen Sevastianov
Chrome extension works as list of special UNICODE symbols that you can copy by clicking on the symbol.
Beretude by Andi Ibrahim Bagus Prawira
Web application for musicians to explore and rate pieces' difficulty whilst journaling their study.
OS-Remoter (Telegram Bot) by Aref Zangeneh
Telegram Bot which has access to system info and can do some work in PC
Latest-Sci-News by Amruth A
An android application that gets the lastest science news from
Python Snoopy Calander by William W Houston
A Python program that creates Snoopy calendars similar to those created by a FORTRAN program popular in the 1970's.
Car Miles Calculator by Gerry Christian Ongko
It is a web-based application made using PHP. The purpose is for users to record their driving logs and the app will show statistical variables such as dollar per miles or miles per gas intake with hopes that users could conserve their costly driving habits.
Virtual Sonic by Alice Nicole Karakachian
Virtual Sonic is a Chrome Extension which allows you to have a little Sonic the Hedgehog in your browser.
TranslateAll by Samuel Esteban Rodríguez Reyes
TranslateAll is a simple translator from Spanish to English and English to Spanish for a variety of devices.
The application allows you to add photos and descriptions of gymnastic exercises to the server and store them there.
transaction by Mohammed Benrebrit
This project is a friendly Python and Flask application, focused on building a platform to analyze and transcribe any Audio File uploaded to the website.
Water meter by WJ Schoeman
The device measures the water level in a glass of water and read the water level in an audible fashion.
Clear Mind by Amanda Flood
An Android app to help you manage your thoughts and let go of negative thinking.
Smart Caesar Decoder by Lastovka Grigory
It automatically decides what shift has been used and decrypts Caesar cypher.
Motivational web-based application by Tetyana
This project is created to motivate yourself and set goals.
Subscription Tracker by Tarosh G
The subscription tracker app helps keep track of your subscriptions and to stay on top of your financial game.
ActGenerator by Kyle Lee
Randomly generates activities utilizing an API. Allows users personalize by selecting from a list of activity categories.
Code Creations Safari Park by Wouter Gerard Baudoin
A safari park management game using code as your input.
Amazon Price Tracker by Justin Pickering
A tool that will notify you by email once the price of an Amazon product goes below your set price.
IQ Test Webpage by Jesus Adrian Martinez Garcia
You can take and submit a sample of an IQ Test and review your results to imrove your cognitive performance.
Predictability of stock returns and volatility by Yee Kian Yong
To check if there are correlation in stock returns and volatility
play snake game by Chun Rong Tan
control the snake to eat the food and prevent collide with wall or itself
MiserMe by Gian Stanley Adres Millare
A simple, free form budgeting / financial Flask application built using Python, SQLite3, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
QR Attendance Logger by SHU'AIB, Khalifa Yaqub
It is a web application that allows students to mark their class attendance by scanning QR codes thus allowing for student attendance data to be tracked and logged online.
Neural Network, Genetic Algorithm, and Horses by Zackery Leaman
Horse racing web app using neural networks and genetic algorithms.
Game Theory, The Prisoner's Dilemma, and Cancer by Sushmita Mamillapalli
I have created a prisoner's dilemma game to illustrate how the concept of game theory can be applied to Cancer.
MyCapital by Pushpit Bhardwaj
A personal finance management website to keep track of your expenditures and revenues.
Form Registration to Hospital by Ahmed Mohammed Bedeir
This is a simple hospital system for patients to register and receptionist workers can tell the specialty doctors by the database in backend. in the future can add different features like: - Knowing when the patient was admitted for the examination. - The patient's condition, whether urgent or otherwise. - Classification of patients according to diagnosis and condition.
Stock Education by Samuel Schroeder
Virtual stock trading to educate students about the stock market.
Full-Stack Tech Blog by Krisztián Iván
In this project I have created a full-stack MVC application for a blog engine where users can create an account, log in and post and edit articles and comments.
Autobiography by Shaun Dylan Schmidt
My project is a personal website made to advertise my skillset.
Hanoi CPC1 Pharmaceutical JSC Web App by Tran Phuong Ha
An intergrated web app for better management inside manufaturing factory
RememberMe by Gian Favero
RememberMe is a digital scrapbooking app to aid in delaying memory loss for those affected by dementia or similar illnesses.
8-Bit Rhythm by Yves Mojica
An 8-Bit themed game, with some influence from other rhythm style games.
Exploria by Akash Menon
Exploria is tour and travel package interactive web application where user can explore and book a tour of their favorite country.
Missile Evader by Rodrigo Marcenaro
A character held by a moving platform must evade the incoming missiles and collect coins to win the game.
Busy Little Bee by Natalie Treber
An educational game for kids to learn about the important role of wild bees in our ecosystem.
Artificial Chatter( by Rassa Modares
My project is basically an artificial texter or chatter
Blockbots by Daniel Harrington
An educational programming environment bridging the gap between visual and written languages.
ICED - a text-based game by Lucas Charron
A text-based puzzle game, set in an abandoned space station.
HomeIoT Climate Control Hub by Matthew J Martin
A hardware and software implementation that logs data realtime from both local sensors and the web.
AdvancedCalculator50 by Apaar Sood
My project is an advanced level calculator that is beneficial for people of any age group for easy calculation, it has not only the basic operations, but other features too.
MHW Telegram Crown Collector Bot by Jan Hinrichs
A Telegram Bot, written in Java-/GoogleappsScript built to request, receive and update a spreadsheets data by sending commands and chats using the Telegram Messenger.
Lane Detection by Sharuhen Chella Paul
It basically detects lanes on the road when the video file is uploaded to the python file.
Tic Tac Toe! by Aaron Arellano
Plays local tic tac toe via website, storing data on database with records all shown
Loan Calculator & Record by Yutong He
My final project "Loan Calculator & Record" is a web-based application using JavaScript, Python, and SQL designed for registered users to keep a record of home loans and auto loans.
Transactions App by Kyrillos Maher Fekry Fanous
An App that records transactions and search for them
Bank of Kids by Elminson De Oleo Baez
Bank made for Kids and manage by parents Live Demo: GQW23bVY1L4
Brosseau Farm Eggs by Brunilda Gjini
Brosseau Farm Eggs is a website that allows users to place egg orders and assists a local farmer in tracking his eggs inventory and deliveries.
Macro Keypad by Naser Dakhel
A Macro Keypad based on Arduino, with customizable macros and multiple modes.
Miles Credit Card Caclculator by Liu Jiajie Samuel
Find out which credit cards gives you the most rewards based on your spending behaviour.
Asteroids In Lua by Caleb Balay
The once popular game "Asteroids" by Atari recreated in Lua and Love2D
Create Your Bucket List by Arsalan Ahmad
My project is a web app that allows users to create a bucket list
FinalProject by Chenxin Liang
The project is a calculator program that includes basic operations and unit calculations.
How France is taxing foreign capital gain. by Hang Ting Chan Charles
My web application helps users to capture their USD share sale records for French capital tax calculation.
Weather by Karthik Narayan Mohan
It allows the user to find real-time weather conditions of any city.
Random Quote Machine by Sarah Kamil
It's a random quote machine that displays quotes that you can tweet.
Mr. Massie's Piano Lab by Nathan Massie
This website was designed for students in my piano lab to register and log in to see the piano pieces they should be working on for each grade level.
NewInTown by Rodelay Torres
Is a web application where you can search for events places and articles.
#1x40 - Los Número 1 de los 40 por año by Alfredo Guillem
This website will show the user the number 1 top hits of the year they choose and allow them to play them on the fly or create a playlist to listen to all of them.
ID detail android app by Dr Mohamed Abdel-Tawab Mohamed
This simple app takes the ID number from the user and detect his/her date of birth and gender .
Mola Cosas Ricas by Camila Aleksandra Kotelchuk
My project is a web page called Mola made with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Nugget IOS App by Jeeva H
Nugget is an iOS app that lets you record and remember nuggets of wisdom. You can write down your best ideas, and then receive a reminder sometime in the future so you never forget them.
Voice App by Jaime Eduardo Campos
An application that visualizes the sound waves of your voice with some features.
Eurovision Song Contest: Start Voting Now by Dilara Dilber
It is a web-based application that was developed using JavaScript, Python, and SQL.
TODO by Minnie Au
A todo list that can generate a tailor-made list for the user every day according to the user's preference for the workload of the day and the number of tasks he or she would like to accomplish in that day.
Voice Recognition Web App by Yurinelsi Santana
It's a voice recognition web app you can interact with to change the layout or even have a conversation with it.
BANK SECURITY BOXES FOR FILES - WEB APP by Adan - Libre, Piñero Alquegui
Global Meeting Planner by Callum Higgins
Web application enabling users to identify suitable meeting times across multiple time zones
SAFRACODE by Crysthian Zanote Armini
I'm from Brazil and I grew up in Fundão - ES, and the main economic activity in the municipality is coffee growing, so the proposal with SafraCode was to create a web application MPV to assist in free financial control of coffee crops, aimed at small producers, using a simple layout and with essential information for financial control of the crop. The user registers and logs in to access the portal, in the portal he inserts the data and in the main dashboard these data are updated automatically. each user has his own dashboard and data. Obs:. The site was developed in Portuguese, as it tends to be used by users who speak only Portuguese
NewsGleaner by Sanji Lee
An application that can return to the user titles, authors, publication dates, and summaries of articles that are related to the topic the user inputs.
Task Manager by Anton Starenkov
This is a web application that allows you to create, store and track tasks.
Comment Helper by Amber Oakley
Comment Helper is a command line program to help teachers write personalized comments about students' habits and skills.
Let's fitness by 劉芷昀
This project is a fitness website which you can choose the body part from the muscle picture,and browse related workout or stretching movements
Weekly Schedule by Joshuel Ernest Simbulan
A simple web application that adds task each day of a week
Wormbin Activity Monitor by Phu Chau
Increasing vermicast production by identifying and logging environmental readings.
COVID-19 Tracker by Ridwan Hannan
Outputs the live stats of covid cases in countries around the world.
Golf Keeper by Nicholas Barrington Haynes
A website used to store your rounds of golf against your friends.
Web Scraping with Selenium by Kathryn Cowie
I use python, selnium, and SQlite3 to extract hospital data from a US government website.
Fifty Backlogs by Zhang Bohan
FiftyBacklogs is a to-do list recording application that provides a variety of functions, such as weather, maps, reminders, calendars, etc..
conversion from decimal to binary or octal by Chiara Mancarella
conversion from decimal to binary or octal
My Uncle's Website by Kavya Biradar
I created a template website for my uncle's future business in importing and exporting goods
Live rescue by Hugo Galuppo
Linking professional rescue teams to private persons through a live Rescue app.
calculate thickness of shell of tanks
Dodge Alien Bee- DAB by LOKESH KUMAR
a 2D game having a player on outer planet jumping from alien bees
Ghost Chase by Cameron Blankenship
A game in which you move the player to collect falling squares to shoot at the ghost while it gives chase.
HSIO by caroline baillie
An platform that provides easy access for companies to post or high school students to view internships
Pipe by Edward Gonzalez Rios
Pipe connects customers with fuel truck carriers in an easy way, through a transporter auction system.
2FA Login Security Authentication by Jonathan Aaron Lu
Adding 2-factor authentication login security to a website with google authenticator - showcasing the project with the PS8 finance website registration and login pages.
Gossip Girl by Dayana Ramos
But who am I? I'll always tell! You know you love me, XOXO Gossip Girl <3
Film Team by Konstantine Berulava
This web application will serve as a place where you can find your next move stars, producers, directors, screenwriters and crew, or list yourself as one of above
myTravelJournal by Thayla Pedroso de Araujo
This project consists of a journal to keep track of your travels so that you don't lose any details.
Tasks by Codrat Miu
This is a web application where users can register to make their own to-do list.
Recibos variado, lista de compras ou vendas.(checklist) by Josué Rodrigues Silva
Codificação para emissão de recibos variados ou listas.
What To Cook by Mike Lobb
An Android application for finding/managing recipes based on available ingredients.
Generation and Visualization of Soccer League Data by Vladislav Vintenbakh
Collect soccer, plot soccer, breathe soccer (while True)
File_Organizer by Andrew Reeson
A program that runs with my Linux shell in order to constantly organize any file that goes on my desktop or into my downloads folder.
Locatelli Logs by Alex Shiozaki
Locatelli Logs is a way a site where music students and teachers can collaboratively track progress.
My public transport by Dávid Vajda
Public transport search that takes data (scrapes) two websites and combines their search results.
Travel Diaries by Gunti Rohitha
Travel diaries website is all about keeping a track of all your travel memories and experiences.
Background Image Extension by Nikolaj Johannes Skole Jensen
A chrome extension that provides new cinematic backdrops for newly opened google chrome tabs
YourBnB, Mauritius by Daniel QUEVAUVILLIERS
A web application for a Guesthouse owner coded using Python, JS, CSS, HTML, SQL and Flask.
CS50Automation by DR. HORGAS NORBERT
Home Automation Project, enable voice controlled room cleaning with Roborock S5
Solved Problems by Andrés Camilo Álvarez Montoya
Web page to see solved problems and change parameters to see how affect the result
B93 Pigerne by Laurie Perino
This is a website for the private use of parents of a local soccer team where they can share information and photos with others.
BooQR by Osman Nuri Tuzun
It is an Android mobile app for keeping a list of your books in your library
Task-Et! by Tamjeed Ekram
My project is a web application used for tracking important tasks people may have.
NetDog V1.0 by Pavlos Laskas
A flask web application that allow the user to see the status of his/hers network devices.
Postman by Lisa Carpenter
A server side client application similar to httpie or Postman. It allows the user to enter a url and request body and displays the response.
Consistengine by David Oliván Malagón
An easy way to keep track of characters, items, locations and plot points for your story.
WASA Operations Enterprise Software by Dane Sandy
real-time GIS/mgmt software to assist management and customer service representatives.
Personal Agenda by Raquel Murcia Juan
A personal agenda that helps you with to do lists and month calendars.
Shelter-Gallery by Hugo Hepp
Shelter-Gallery is a platform that centralizes animals from different shelters on a single website
Stupifier by Teresa Fernandes
The Stupifier is a browser-based guessing game that "stupifies" web searches!
CSV To SQL Converter by Daniel Nascimento
A quick way to convert csv files to sql and get a txt with analytics.
Movie Posters by Htet Oo Wai Yan
Movie Posters is a website where you can search, view and download movie posters.
Stock Market Forecasting Blog by Rafael Mateo Lee
Stock market forecasting blog Posts reflect the most recent forecast using a combination of cycles forecasting and the Elliott Wave Principle. All trades, patterns, charts, systems, etc., discussed in these articles are for illustrative and educational purposes only and not to be construed as specific advisory recommendations.
City Messenger by Iuliia Itbaeva
Web app to leave a message about any problem that disrupted the view of the city or is dangerous
TimeWealth by Pratyush Sudhakar
It is a program for teachers to create and edit a timetable of their classes in the form of a SQL table.
Facial Recognition Web App by Mohamed Faroug Hassan
Facial Recognition Web App that can detect the face of the parson the age and their emotion and more
Futbolico by Albert Mercade
An iOS app in which fans of the spanish football league can follow their favourite teams: latest news, past and upcoming matches and current standings.
Booklist Storage by TONIA Roganti
A Booklist app that stores all you books in one place which is unique to each user.
Events Organizer by José Armando Leite Fernandes
Events Organizer is a web application to help to organize informal events where the guests participate and collaborate with that.
Programming a liquid handling robot to cherry pick cov-19-positive patient samples for biobanking.
Hangman in Python by Arnesh Kumar
I created a hangman program in python just like the classic game, in which the program prompts a random word for the user to guess.
C$50 Personal Finance by Shilp Thapak
C$50 Personal Finance is a website to keep track of your income and expenses. It also gives some insights into your past earning and spending habits.
Google Chrome Extension for Adding a Custom Designed Background for your homepage by Aparna Kagini
Displaying a "computer science themed" custom background for your homepage.
LMS for university batchmates by A.H vinod milinda silva
Lms for my university batchmates to manage notes,add upcoming events, backend by firebase built using flutter
The Tavern by Lucas Famelli
A meeting place where people who play roleplaying games can find each other.
Perfect Seven by Emily Dos Santos Marques Salum
An utilitary that handles client and employee data in a sales business.
XRD corner by Paloma Vinaches Melguizo
It is a web app for science students/ researchers related to X-ray diffraction that have several calculators (possible to save the results) and a graph plotter.
selection-toggle-case by Yevheniia Rakhmatova
selection-toggle-case is an Atom package that allows to toggle the case of selected text from upper case to lower case and vice versa.
HabitBreaker by Daniel Paul Massoud
A website built to help users track their habits so they can kick the bad ones and start the good ones.
404: Exit Not Found! by Naresh Pancham
A browser game centered around CS50's Duck, in which he is trapped in a maze and needs the player's help to escape.
Business Math Calculator for grade 11 students by Erickson Neil Ruaro II
A calculator for those like me, who struggle in memorizing business math formulas.
AqualifeHK by Wong Chuen Lung
AqualifeHK is an app build for water sports enthusiasts, they can create an event with friends, search local water sports activities in Hong Kong, and book activities all in one place. by Daniel Alexandre Nunes Mendes
A site where people can write pages in their virtual journal.
MiserMe is an application that can help users log, budget, and record their finances. I usually do my finances using Microsoft Excel, but grew tired of continually creating, styling, and manually editing each cell. I created MiserMe to help accelerate my financial recordings, and create files for my records on the fly. The biggest strength in MiserMe is it's ability to record every tiny change made to your budget, including that unexpected $3 bill you found as you were walking home from class.
Magic 8 Ball App by Ishraj Singh
It is a Magic 8 ball app for IOS that help you with some tough questions in life!
02IRAQ by Abubakr Osamah Abdlghafor
A platform to increase the awareness of Iraqi people about the importance of saving the climate change.
Choosinator by Enrique Kevin Chaires Hernández
A site to post two-option questions and have strangers on the internet decide for you.
Building Finance Management by Marzieh Ghanbari
Building management software provides the ability to manage the building charge and solve the problems that arise in the building that today more or less all people are in contact with them.
Persist to Inspire by Arnab Sarker
I created a website for a tutoring service my friend and I created to help students during this pandemic.
Bear Project by Sophie Pflug
It is a web app that allows users to select toy bears to donate to a specific charity.
Furious Fisticuffs by Grady Paul Thomas
A little fighting game made with the Love2D framework where 2 players, a knight and a demon, battle to the death!
StudyProblems by Johannes Randerath
A micro social network to organise questions coming up concerning your courses.
PyPI World by Andrii Bessarab
A website that simplifies the process of distributing the programs to
Zombie Scape by Rodrigo Castellari Affonso
In this Gameboy inspired adventure, pick your character and fight your way through a hospital overran with zombies to get to the safe heaven
Just Tell Me What To Lift by Tynan Byrne
A web application that uses user input to output personalised fitness plans.
Al Awqaat by Habib Ur Rehman
it useful for religious people to find the nearest place and timing of prayers.
Password Maker by Ari Rabinovitz
It creates a random password with the number and types of characters you want.
My Homepage by Vinicius Graminhole Donadel
I created my own homepage with my professional profile to be seen on any device.
Super Order by Andrea Rius Antiga
Sliding puzzle that challenge you and your friends. You need to order all the numbers, using an empty space to do your movements. by Vince Perez
campfindash(short for campaign finance dashboard) is a web site that allows users to search for members of congress and retrieve up to date information regarding campaign finance, basic info, and a portal to register to vote.
Sudoku Solver by Santiago Rodríguez Palomo
It's a sudoku game that doesn't import a library of puzzles, but solves and creates the puzzles real-time.
moody by Laurent Hartmann
moody enables you to filter your Spotify favorite songs according to your current mood.
ICE CREAMERY MANAGEMENT by Shreya Kasturi Rangan
A program to assist startups with their company transactions and maintenance requirments. by Max
Easiest way to export appointments from an excel sheet to a Outlook calendar
sinatraFlask by Jesús Omar Navarro Balderas
It's an Internet Song Database, based upon a site I use frequently.
QuantoFalta by Samuel Seixas Martin
High School students: calculate your passing grade for any subject!
Four Birds Personality Test by Nelson Gardner-Challis
Learn more about your personality type with the Four Birds test.
M school by Maung Shine
A web application which can monitor student information, applications and make announcements to students.
Helping Hands by Lautaro Chajet
Helping Hands is a simple idea for a website where researchers can easily contact experts or anyone willing to help, whether it's an interview, a simple question, an explanation, etc..
Robotic remote control car by Tom Oetlinger
Django app on Raspberry Pi remote controlling robotic car.
A taste tracker from an idea to save time deciding what to eat based on previous experiences.
My Portfolio by Austin Ledzian
A web template made with html, css, and Flask that I can use to display my upcoming grad school projects.
Moonchaser Runners by Junxiao Yi
This is a web-based application where runners can create and join running events and groups. by Sandra Muschkorgel
A website that allows users to compare, book, and cancel space cargo flights.
Grade Query by Bowen Hu
This project allows a user to find specific information about students in a list of students and their grades.
Number Detection for Gas Meters by Juan David López Becerra
I trained an ML model to recognize numbers out of an image of a gas meter.
Caffe Craze by Advik Nakirikanti
An app to allow customers to buy food items online with their credit card and pick up in store.
Bernethia's Beetles by Laura B Rountree
A website for my pet beetles that stores subscriber information in a database.
Your Project Tracker by Liudmila Lisikhina
a web-app to measure time you spend on your projects and track your progress with infographics
Shopping List by Marc Unkelbach
A web-app, which manages your shopping-list (add, check, remove and prioritize items).
5 day's weather app by Prince Sharma
This web app shows the current weather plus next 4 days weather as well. It is created via HTML, CSS and JavaScript, it is fully responsive as well.
Python Data Analysis by Pedro Henrique Diehl
Sorting data and generating graphs for visualization using Python and its packages.
Calculator by Arnav Singh Sethi
It is a calculator which can be used to perform various mathemtical operations, like addition , subtraction, multiplication, percentage. It can also take float values and can be used as an apk very accessibly.
Recipe Finder by Gunhaar Panjwani
An app to help you use the ingredients in your kitchen to make dishes.
Messaging Web Application by Gurinder Singh
Messaging Web Application is in Nodejs, express, and lightbox. Talking about its features, the user can simply add their nicknames and start a conversation in the chatroom. All the chatting is in the real-time as it provides chat messaging using Here users can share messages, and share number of files easily. To run this project, we recommend using modern browsers Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and NodeJS installed in your PC.
Heart Chaser by Pian Zhang
For my husband who suffers from Hayfever to get flowers to his wife in virtual world!
Auto Check in by Ishaan Trivedi
Automates the process of sending a "Left Home" message to a recipient, through monitoring the Wireless home network and using Selenium to send WhatsApp messages.
AutoML for Beginners by Roberto Kafuri
Simple Automatic Machine Learning analisys in user-provided dataframe.
Eddie Ate Dirt by alisa krishtal
It is a collection of games written in HTML and JavaScript to improve guitar literacy.
Thai Language Word Dictionary by Lee Hui Lin Audrey
A thai language word bank that you can add on & build up your learning
Dance Class Booking Platform by Luis Felipe Ceballos Caicedo
A simulation of an online booking platform and student portal for an online dance school.
The Great Countdown by Tryfon Mousios
A web-app that the user can use to create countdowns to upcoming titles and/or personal projects.
Tune Review by Kailyn Grant
An interactive review site for artist FKA twigs where users can also make their own playlist.
Animated Text Interaction by Marcus Lee
Allow a more interactive online video meeting through animating texts in chat.
My Favourite Movies by Mateo Milić
Webapp which allows user to make a list of his/her favourite movies and rate them accordingly
E-library management system by Samuel Guy Kennedy Niyobuhungiro
It manages all activities and operation in a library.
FinalApp Animal Classification by Julio Eduardo Sanchez Mahecha
An IOS app made with Swift that classifies animals in photos using Machine Learning models
Entertainment Log by Anna Zdziechowska
This app will help you organize your entertainment experiences.
Stocks Dashboard by Aaron L H Chan
Stocks Dashboard allows users to input the stock ticker of any stock, and be able to see the stock price trends and a variety of other financial data presented in the form of an interactive dashboard and tables.
Storage by Jules Reserva
A web application solely made to help people securely store their important items that they should know.
Minitext Archive by Guilherme Eddino
A simple system that allows library users to take a piece of literature home with them.
Personal Portfolio by Adeeb Sidani
As an architect the world should has accessibility to our work and designs.
My Assistant in Python by Lee Quan Hong
Making the computer do some simple tasks after listening to human's voice command.
Fantasy Draft Royale by Joel Bluemel
Personal fantasy draft creator that allows you to make your own fantasy draft with any topic you wish
Calcul-aid by Natasha Sharan
M website was created to aid students with their calculus homework and keep their notes organized.
Sariyanta by Sariyanta Made
Web application built with flask showcasing projects that I have been involved in.
CoinsDemo by Sevket Sefer
Demo environment for see how your capital would change with your crypto currency investment.
The Snake Game by Caio Cesar Abarca Ferrarezi
A implementation of the classic snake game made with the LÖVE 2D framework and the language lua!
Scheduler by Himanshu Kumar
Makes planning meetings easy with people having busy schedules or different schedules
CS50 Project by Behdad Moradi
This is my final project that get a specific URL and show last information which I need.
Machine Learning: k-NN and Naive Bayes by Sergio Itzman Montiel Montero
This project is a representation of the algorothims k-NN and Naive Bayes. The k-NN algortihm was made it without any library, otherwise the algorithm of Naive Bayes was made it using the librarie of scikit learn.
RENECTION by José Ignacio Aldunate
Web app for realtor that connects their listings to their clients' needs.
TL;DR by Iurii Dziuban
A website which allows to summarize text and use it for answering user's questions using modern NLP tools (BERT, NLKT).
Tulsa Transport by Zachariah Kesler
A site for our union to calculate pay and list maps & directions to the locations we travel.
Hangman - App & Website by Aaron Mackay
A native android app and website, hosted on a raspberry pi, with the ability to play the classic game of Hangman
Alma Construction Website by Moataz Elabd
My project is rather a very simple web application for my imaginary company called " Alma" and reflcts my vision and thoughts about architecture and construction.
CS50 Trivia Quizzes by Meghna Sahu
This is about multiple quizzes related to the topics of this course.
La loi des séries by Prune Pasquet
This is a web app that helps TV shows fans find more programs to watch.
The name of my project is The Create Kids Blog & Shop. by Sebastian Luna
In my blog & shop you can view some of my videos from my YouTube channel, The Create Kids, and you can also fictitiously purchase LEGO sets.
Daniel G Landscape and WIldlife by Daniel Lee Goodburn
A website to show off my photography and maybe one day add to it so I can sell pictures to the public.
Business Administration Course Homepage by Francisco Beni de Sousa Filho
Advice on Business Administration
Fortnite Stats by Aaditya Doiphode
My app allows users to quickly view Fortnite stats for each player without having to log into the game Fortnite.
safe array by asem algably
it a website that uses an algorithm that uses a keyword to cipher a password so i can create multiple passwords from one password just by changing the keyword
AnyShop by Aleksandr Tkachenko
This is the online store where a user can register, log in to his account, select the product he needs and place an order, or contact the support chat.
Personal Library by Erika Krikščiūnaitė
About It is a webpage, which enables users to store information about their owned, lent, currently reading books. Quotes and notes about books may be stored too as well as book's title, author, ISBN and much more.
Agricure by kunal jindal
Agricure is an application, That detects if a plant is diseased or not by checking their image's photos.
My Todo List by Johannes Mertens
Implements a Todo List, where you can add, delete, prioritize and archive tasks.
Socialize by Amogh Kapoor
It is a social media application made using MERNG stack. Used for connecting and socialising with other people.
Let's Educate by Carlos S. Nah
Let's Educate is a web app that helps students in finding the right resources that match their curriculum.
Implementing RSA Algorithm by Katragadda Varshini
Here a secret message is encrypted and decrypted by using RSA algorithm
Perpetual Calendar 2001-2099 by AKASHDEEP BHATTACHERJEE
It is a perpetual calendar for the 21st century with certain additional lunar calendar features.
Dice game - Shut the door by Yeap Chie Yang
A game using Python tkinter that requires luck without bringing your dice
Tech Recycle for Education by Diego Felipe Florença
Donate old phones or computers, and help schools create a lab that can change the life of many students.
PM Schedule by Constantin Adrian Chiriac
The project made is a small web application to keep tracks of preventive maintenance jobs. The purpose of this project was to build a web application targeting professional maintenance to reduce the likelihood of equipment breakdowns.
Expense Tracker by Suyash P Arya
It is a Web Application which you can use to add your Incomes and Expenditures to keep track of the same.
Student Database management system by Sanu Raj
Web application for student Database management system
TriviaUp by Adrian Serban
TriviaUp the website where you play trivia quizzes with up to 50 questions, questions available from 24 categories and difficulty range from easy to hard.
DODUTIES! by Swetha Sukumar
A web application that allows you to keep track of your journal and your tasks with Calendar!
iShare by Daniel Cyrus Hermann
iShare is a community-based website which allows individuals to share items and services with each other.
Camino Local by Craig Ruxton
A web app that allows owners of accomodation to update walkers on their opening/closing dates during the pandemic lockdowns.
My Fitness Goal by Atharva kirkole
application for fitness tracking(like lifts and body stats) and have a customized fitness plan ready for them and also a way to see their tracked progress. There's also an interactive forum users can see each other posts and save them if they like it.
The File Extension Detector by Mohammed Ali Mohammed Al sakkaf
A fast way to know more about a new file with new extension that you saw for the first time.
Bacon Query by Tommy Clarke
Bacon Query enables you to find the fastest route between any two film stars via their co-stars.
SimpleWishlist by Karol Kowalkowski
It's chrome extension with purpose of storing user defined wishlists and displaying them if needed.
Grocery List application by Moataz Osama Saadeldin Abdelaziz
I'm going to create a simple grocery list application that holds arraylist of the user needs
Portfolio Website by Kyaw Ye Thu
This is a portfolio website that can be used as a blogging site for bloggers or a site to showcase talents for artists.
Four-player chess by Victor Baranov
This project (Four-player chess) is a game (a program, which is written using Python), that is similar to original chess, but designed for four players.
CS50 Courses Rating and Review System by Anum Rehman
This review system gives opportunity to the registered users to rate and give their valueable reviews about CS50 courses which they studied. Users can see ratings and reviews given by other users.
Killer Kitties - Under Siege by Joshua Allan Grissom
Killer Kitties is a tower defense game where you protect your city from attacking cats.
COVID-19 Information Hub by Rajyasrinidhi Medikonda
A quick information hub to educate and raise awareness of COVID-19.
Calculator by Darshan Sudhir Bodara
It is an application that helps in solving daily life mathematics problems.
Chrome New Tab Bookmarks Manager by Anton Babenko
Bookmarks Manager Extension for the Chrome Browser that is available on the new tab page.
Fortune Teller by Wai Phyo Htet
Predict user's fortune from predefine questions and answer by choosing randomly, and let user to make customization.
Weather50 by Hemanshu Boppana
A program akin to the Weather Channel. The weather right at your fingertips.
MA Leo Club Website by Amelia Kratzer
A website created using HTML and CSS including fluid jumbotrons and images for the Menlo-Atherton High School Leo Club website, a volunteering organization.
Python Audio Study Package by Stephen Schanes
A python program to better understand piano frequencies, recording, and sound editing.
TrackYourBudget by Krystyna Bodlieva
Web based application in Flask for tracking your incomes and expenses.
My Planner by Darshan Vyas
Android app that lets the user take notes, create lists (with checkboxes) and set any of them as reminders to notify the user at the desired time via Android notifications.
CS50 Sudoku by Joren Servotte
Advanced sudoku game with autosaving, manual saving, manual loading and sudoku-solving.
Movies your way! by Felix Alexander Erhardt
In my final project, an internet page allows you to filter the IMDb database from week 7 by film rating and year of release and store the results in a private watchlist.
RestBill by Seyed Ali Divband
The RestBill is for calculating restaurant costs and bills In this program.
Math Olympiad simulator by Lorenzo Russotto
A tool to help teachers and students keep track of training for Math Olympiad competitions.
Nature Book by William George Ashmall II
Nature book is an Android app gives you a location to store your nature pictures with titles, comments, and dates so that you will easily be able to revisit them and know where, why and when you took the picture.
Conway's Game of Life Playground by Cyril Graze
Golang playground for Conway's Game of Life, fun features and seeds included.
₿UDG€TING by Devanshu Ramaiya
It's a web app built for someone who wants to keep track of their money.
Anime Recommendation by Ünal Parlak
Anime Recommendation is a web based app that suggests anime to the user, either user chooses some genres and get a random anime or user chooses an anime from list of seasonal animes.
MARQUEE by Nilüfer Uslan
A social-cultural media that purified from politics, magazines and empty subjects.
The Calculator by Sahand HajiSeyedi
It an Advance kind of Calculator which has potential to be more advance
NILZ Music by Farshid Gholizadeh Sarband
This is a simple music sharing website where you can Upload music with your own message for NILZ BirthDay!n gift to Nilz Music by subscribing.
Love cooking by Phạm Nguyễn Khải Hoàn
A web-app where people can find recipes for cooking and contribute their own ones
Pandemic by Aadithyaa Vishegu
Pandemic is an app that tracks the number of deaths from the Coronavirus around the world.
Nugget iOS App by Sandhya Sathyan
Nugget is an iOS app that lets you record and remember nuggets of wisdom. You can write down your best ideas, and then receive a reminder sometime in the future so you never forget them.
Surviving Brovid-19 by James Flood Eklund
It is a fitness webpage, which provides scheduling and dietary advice.
Z Rent Car CS50x final by José Carlos Batista Santos Filho
Z Rent Car is an MVC (minimum viable product) that allows you to reserved a car.
Bomb Layer! by Samik Vanavasam
You are a brave block that must defeat a zombie block by dropping bombs where you think he is going to go!
C$50 Currency Converter by Supanun Tinbaanmai
The C$50 Currency Converter is an application that can convert total amount in Thai baht (THB) to five major currencies, like US dollar(USD), Euro (EUR), Pound Sterling (GBP), Yen (JPY), and Chinese Yuan Renminbi (CNY). So, users can choose the currency that they want to convert to by using this application through user interface.
Perecian by Andrew Murrow Benbow
Perecian is a Python based CLI program for writers interested in experimenting with constrained writing. by Tanay Sinha
A journalling website, which allows for quick entries which can encrypted and decrypted with ROT47.
Students hub by Omar Diaa Eldin Abdul-Mone'm
It's a place on the internet to help students communicate with each other
Integrated Sustainable Foundation by Dean R. Naidoo
A website built that will eradicate poverty, unemployment, food, water and electricity shortages in the world.
Oopsie by Steven Coy
Oopsie is a web-based anti-fertility application that celebrates the wonderful, life-altering event of not getting pregnant.
ArgenCovid-19 by sebastian golijow
The goal of this project is check if the user may has o hasn't got Covid-19.
Beach Tracker by Nimesh Karunathilaka
Application will keep track of plastic accumulations and animal carcasses on beaches
Alice by Carlson Park
Alice is a modular Discord assistant/chatbot, utilizing's natural language processing (NLP) API and various API's such as steam to deliver game related information through natural conversation.
CS50 weather by Christoph Wittmann
On my website you can check the weather on any location of the world and save your favorite locations.
Calculator for Chrome Extensions by Amir Hossein Ganji
Perform calculations with a simple click on the extension
Portfolio Website by Rohit Roy Chowdhury
This is my portfolio website to showcase my projects, internships & skills in one place.
Pandemic Toolkit by Mary E Casserly
A web app to explore ideas for those of us stuck at home during the pandemic.
timezone location , its a simple Google Chrome extension to easily display your current timezone on your machine by ANDRES MAURICIO JARAMILLO ALVAREZ
Mathematerist by Albert Wilson Quindao
A web app where students can watch lectures and take quizzes to assess their learning.
VerifyCrypto by Jonathan Lefebvre
VerifyCrypto is a service that helps crypto investors choose the right platform to invest in without getting scammed.
Cubing by Andrei Scurtu
Learn how to solve a 2x2 and a 3x3 rubik's cube, time yourself solving one, and store your progress.
Online salon booking by Shalini Seevagan
All salon owners can register their details with the website.Users can book their appoinment with their favorite salon in my website
Please Be You by Daryl Byron Wong
A virtual flashcard app that teaches kids ABCs using words associated with values of self-love.
Effective Altruism, UC Irvine by Neil Crawford
A website for finding out about what we do at Effective Altruism, UC Irvine
Omar Ibrahim's Personal Portfolio by Omar Ibrahim Abdelsatar Ibrahim
A personal portfolio website designed in HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
Project Management Platform by Sirojiddin Shodiev
Project management tool to automate projects and tasks!
Clinical Laboratory Management Web Application by Ana Verónica Aponte Martínez
Generates positive impact in our local worker's jobs
USM to raw to USM converter by Yuri Evdokimov
Converts university scaled grades to raw marks and back
command line application for managing violation reports by NARGES NAJIAN
In my project, citizens can submit violation reports, and admins receive the reports and can accept or reject them.
Cs50 Ai Trainer by mahdi mirzahosseinian
I've developed a web application which estimates your pose and counts your workout reps.
Tout simplement, l'idée de mon site est le site de ma société, Future Minds est une société spécialisée dans la fabrication de sites web et d'applications mobiles et de support d'idées et de publicité Ce site est compatible avec tous les appareils et tous les écrans et se caractérise par sa simplicité et sa facilité d'utilisation Et cela permet d'afficher les produits de manière excellente
Private Expense Tracker by Yinghui Chen
The reason I built this web-based application is so my family members could easily record and track their expenses as well as share their spending habits with one another.
Travel Restrictions Free by Yusang Ye
With this Chrome extension, you can simply have some "travel restrictions free" time while surfing on the Internet
Dog Name Generator by Alexander Boneham
A web application for choosing dog names based on personality traits.
Python Web App Quiz by Na-siam Sa-nguannam
Random Trivia that allows user to compete with each other.
Project Scheduler by Yeap Jia Hao
Project Scheduler is an event planner that will help its user organise and track all his/her events.
Spotify personal assistant by Walter Silva
Keep track of your Spotify listening history, create reports and build playlists.
Screen Scraping the Crystal Cruises Website by Kurt D Brown
Develop a web crawler using Python along with Selenium and Beautiful Soup to get cruise information into an SQL database.
SBIZA by Mohamed Kablan
shopping app such as food or electronic materials, home materials, pharmacies and others
CineGuru by Agnibhu Mandal
An online movie database where you can search for movies, write reviews, add to your watchlist and more!
Final Project -- Ms.BZ's Website by Bridget Qi Zhang
This project is a website designed to introduce my small tutoring business, which also includes organizing the courses and potential students.
Momentos by Irene Boschetti
A platform built for artists to share beautiful photographs that captures different moments in life.
Fractal Explorer by Joseph Webb
An interactive fractal explorer allowing to user to zoom in and out.
Gasoline prices by Benjamin Nobel
A homepage that shows the gas prices near home and work and predicts future prices
Mvtt Beats Blog by Tomás Matteozzi
A blog to connect with all producers/beatmakers around the world!
Snake game on python by Luan Almeida
snake game using python for CS50, use arrows keys to move your snake and get the red blocks
CS50-final project(calculator, tic-tac-toe, weather, currency) by Chit Htun Naing
A react web application consisting of four projects namely, calculator, tic-tac-toe, currency-converter, and weather app.
BeachBum by Telamon Ardavanis
BeachBum is a website for beach lovers to describe and share their favourite beaches around the world, and enticing others to explore them.
Simon Says by Cris Avati
A simple game of "Simon Says" where you have to replicate a sequence of sounds/buttons. It was made in Lua using LÖVE.
Automatized Quality Statistical Analysis by Ana Cristina Baquerizo Giler
The code performs statistical quality analysis and returns stability and capability reports for each process. Plus it also fills in the results in a Summary file
AI Snake by Lilian Bassam Bittar
"AI Snake" is a creation about building and programming a realistic behaving snake using Python language and a Lego EV3 set.
Lispy50 by Joshua Keller
A small dialect of Lisp written in C from the ground up, based on Build Your Own Lisp by Dan Holden.
Virtual Trainer by Huao-yu Cheng
Build training schedule for beginners and allows users to track their exercises
Carl-Friedrich by Andreas Janzen
A Python command line app to organize round-robin chess tournaments
Map My Mind by Rishaant Jain
MapMyMind is a useful website to help understand one's self esteem at a preliminary level.
sorting algorithm visualizer by Gohar Dallakyan
My project visualize the sorting algorithms in action.
CS50 Expense Tracker by WOO Hang Luen
It helps to track your financial activity by recording your incomes and tracking where your money is going.
Birjand City web Site by Hamidreza Golnegari
This is a website using the Python language that I collected information about the city of Birjand.
Andrew's Hurricane Cost Estimation Calculator by Andrew Lawrence Clark
A hurricane cost estimation calculator website.
My images List by Alejandro Ernesto Vasconcellos Noailles
Save the image addresses of your favourite images on the internet, so you can just browse through them quickly and efficiently.
custom new tab extension by John Murphy
new tab page for the adventurer, weather and wave data based on your geolocation.
School Portal by Fikret Can Gürbüz
School Portal is an web application to create custom web pages, aim to help education.
The Stock Higher Or Lower Game by Christopher Schack
In the game two stocks from the database that are worth at least 50.00 USD per share are randomly chosen and you must guess if the stock on the right is worth more or less than the stock on the left.
HealthyMe - a one stop shop for everything health by Pyusha Dalmia
HealthyMe - a web app made with HTML and JavaScript with health calculators and health information.
Http alert extension. by Asma Lesperance
An extension that gives you an alert when you. are browsing non safe websites.
WDW Beers by Matthew Estoup
A place for users to find and record beers purchased at Walt Disney World.
Ontario Vaccine Passport by Jun Bin Cheng
A vaccine passport system for users to check their vaccination status, and nurses to adminster vaccine doses.
An Online Dress Shop by Shahrukh Ahmed
User-friendly website where visitors can browse and buy products.
LETS CHAT 50 by Soovirsingh Latchoomun
My project is basically a public chat room where anybody can register for an account and start talking to people online.
Doctor's Assistant by Marat Enaliev
The app is designed for medical workers and allows them to create, update and share patients' data.
CS50 Public School (LMS) by Syed Fasih Uddin
It is structure of software a school can use to manage everything in a single click.
Java Project on Electronic Components Value Calculator by Sandeep Sanjay Kulkarni
his project mainly focuses on the measurement of the values the Resistance & Inductance based on their colour codes decided by the SI system and imprinted on them by the manufacturer thus by using a JCombo box I have given the user various to choose from the colours imprinted on them.
Cinema CS50 by Mohammed El-Shafie Abd El-Kader Omar
Web application for booking chairs in the cinema.
Halloween Game by Dominika Kalinowska
Game in python with pygame library because I really want to make games.
VolunteersNet by Hossaena Berhan
A website that connects individual volunteers with non-profit organizations.
Tax & Income Optimizer For Retirement Planning by Talia Haller
A program that takes in all required information to optimize income and tax account sequencing for retirement planning.
OnMyBookShelf by Tatiana Stahli
OnMyBookShelf is a web application that allows users to list their reading in a dynamic board.
Cognate Programming Language by Finn Barber
A simple, readable programming language for functional programming.
Sace Invaders for Python by Vinícius Silveira Tôme de Siqueira
A remake of the classic Space Invaders with better graphics and using python 3
Project Manager by magda elsayed mohamed mansour aboumoussa
web-based software that enables you to create your own purchase database with all detailed customers and products data.
Programming Quotes by Hector Leonardo Reyes Villarreal
Extension that motivates people when they open a new tab.
devpro by Jan Michael Knorr
Command-line tool, to create a repository on Github and clone it to your PC. It also can add boilerplate folder and file structure depending on your project.
Application for family members to connect by Wang Chunyan
My project is about creating an application on which family members can share thoughts about life, send notes to each other, keep diary to themselves.
100 Foods to Eat, If Or When You Feel Like It by Elizabeth Biener
Generate a personalized list of 100 dishes from around the world
mRNA Translator by Dhirath Thanglerdsumpan
A command-line program using C that translates mRNA strands into amino acid sequences and can compare the similarity between sequences.
Ninja Bits ( by Mauris Henrique Poggio dos Santos
Game of a Ninja with 3 stages and 2 new powers.
PetitsPoints online shop by Tristan Maitre
This is online shop website for my girlfriend's own part-time business. Main goals is to present the business, its products & services (in front-end) and provide a platform for customers to make orders (in back-end).
Kimble by Taras Mogetich
An investment tracker with latest news and pricing charts for a wide range of stocks and financial instruments
API Google maps by Firdous Fatima Hemani
The functionality of this web application is when a user searches a location, it provides a visual of the area the place is in, as well as a specific address and rating, if applicable, of the location in a description box at the side.
Zombie Runner by Abhishek Menon
Its a 2D game inspired by supermario wherein you avoid zombies and collect points
Concordance by aaron kolatch
Concordance is a group notetaking web app that shows users the connections between their notes.
Cylindrical gears’ calculation and modeling by Slobodan Ivkovic
Web app for cylindrical gears' calculation and modeling.
Azure Financ by Frederik Skouboe Gylling Madsen
Building a Azure cloud web app around the learnings of CS50
Dodge the Creeps - Web Edition by Ryian Hunter
A simple arcade style game written in the Godot game engine and hosted as a web application using the Flask framework.
Singapore Vegan Food Blog by Yukta Tanvi Mahendran
A go-to blog to find Singapore vegan food options and reviews.
field2vec by Brandon Walraven
Provide a simple way to pull text fields from elasticserch to train a doc2vec model and update new and existing documents with document vectors.
A forum platform for students and teacher to discuss on homework and to assist student to make their homework easier
Corona Priority List in Peru by Rashid Abder-Rahim Urbina
A list that ranks each region in Peru according to its alert level and condition during the pandemic.
My impressions of CS50 by Dao Duc Loc
It's a great project that contains a lot of my impressions of the CS50
Chatty by Gavin Wei
A messaging app where users can customize their profile and chat through direct messages and group chats.
Biz Money: Accounting Web App by Marcello Kazuo Miyajima
This is an Accounting Platform for one company to keep tracking all expenses and revenues organized by departments.
Noni's Bitcoin Trading Simulator by Javier Lopez
A handy tool for bitcoin traders, simulate real world scenarios.
Pomodoro Study Timer by Mansi Cherukupally
A study timer that uses a common method of time management that was created in the late 1980s.
Guessing Game by Yejoon Kim
It is a simple and classic guessing game, where the user tries to guess a number between 1 and 100, with only the help of whether guesses were higher or lower than the number.
Covid-19 Tracker by Hong ZHOU
The website is intended to show the live covid-19 and vaccination statistics and related live news.
CoinFlip_Flask by Howard William Roush IV
A Flask web application that keeps track of a user's stats flipping a coin.
Nugget ios app by Umamaheswari
Nugget is an iOS app that lets you record and remember nuggets of wisdom. You can write down your best ideas, and then receive a reminder sometime in the future so you never forget them.
Quadratic Voting for Everybody by Douglas Weltman
Design, share and respond to polls that use the quadratic voting method
China Election by Mervin Huang
Web application for users to vote president, senators and congressmen online in China.
Pilot Logbook by Jakub Smolík
Pilot Logbook is web application intended to all pilots who would like to have an overview of their aviation activities.
F!nd one recruit by Patel Jal Mukeshbhai
It is a web app which is a portal between a recruiter and a candidate
Guardian Gym by Mohamed Hesham
Gaurdaian Gym is A store to buy and sell sports clothing and fitness equipment.
Tasks Manager by Juan Martín Margrett
A web-based application to manage the different kinds of tasks for a Company.
equalize by Camilla Sophie Djamalov
equalize provides a public database of reports and statistics to shine a light on workplace discrimination.
TestMe: Kinematics Graphs by Muhammad Elfie Bin Rahim
A quiz app to test simple kinematics graph concepts.
MySkyLife by Caroline Berglund
I have digitalised my skydiving logbook in which I log every skydive I do.
corona virus remover by ali abdalrazzaq alturban
removing the word coronavirus from any site i visite
Cotação Atual. by Gabriela Cleim da Silva
Nele você apenas clica em “Buscar cotações usd/eur/btc” que ele mostra a cotação atual e se quiser verificar se teve alteração na cotação, basta clicar novamente em “Buscar cotações usd/eur/btc” que ele irá mostrar a cotação atualizada.
Znaty by Valentyna Kachurina
Helps layers to find out right away when a case is filed on one of their client by Oleg Ruchkin
The idea of the project is to allow any user to find the most frequently used words according to their interests
Student grade predictor by Steven Morse
My program predicts a schools upcoming grades using a machine learning algorithm
COVID-19 Tracker by Palash Sharma
A dynamic map with COVID-19 information for each country. Dataset provided by JHU.
SoundBoard by Elias Mauricius Petry
An interactive soundboard app written in C# that lets you assign local soundfiles to buttons and play them on demand.
Light'em Up by Aaron Alvarado Kristanto Julistiono
A puzzle with a goal of lighting up all existing rooms by pushing some buttons.
Tic Tac Toe by Igor Nascimento Castro
It provides the user a game of Tic Tac Toe that can be played against a friend or the AI.
Air Idea by Arnas Savickas
Professional company's website with convenient UX features for navigating.
Knowledge Khana by Hossam Sayed
Knowledge Khana is an E-learning web-app mainly designed to offer support for all of those who seek knowledge.
Stock Market Web Application by fariborz Norouzi
Create stock market web app by using streamlit python.
Free by Sarah Goodale
My project is a Chrome extension that tabulates and prints the number of times the word "free" appears on the text of any URLs visited. The page prints counts from each tab on a new HTML.
Kids Mind+Body by Darsh Thakur
CS50 final project by Darsh Thakur. Kids Mind + Body is a website that lets parents search for activities such as martial arts, swimming, etc for their kids.
Krossy Road by Navaneeth Sujith
It is a 3d game in which the main objective is to cross the road without being hit by a car.
S P A C E D - a web-based spaced repetition tool for learning by Gilbert Revil
The app allows users to prepare their own study materials on the site using images and masks, and then schedules reviews based on an algorithm.
Resuelve Dudas by Rolando Sebastián Sánchez García
"RESUELVE DUDAS" is a repository where you can find several YouTube channels, mostly in Spanish, with complete courses on different areas of knowledge.
Language Tool by David Conrad
A web app which evaluates the tone and emotion of text. As well as a language translator.
Discord text-based RPG by Tomasz Mycielski
It is a game for my friend's discord server, where you use commands to navigate and explore space.
WALK NY 50 by Rebecca Brand
A web application that responds to transit needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
CurtainsDecor by Daniel Adrian John
The purpose of which, is to reach out to a wider view base and to allow persons to have a wide range of custom curtain designs that can be styled to their liking and needs while maintaining affordable prices.
Flappy Ghost Turbo Edition by Roberto Medeiros de Moraes e Castro
Unity Flappy Bird-inspired game with Turbo Mode
Java Café Order Entry by Nelson L. De Young
The purpose of phase one Yava Café order Entry is to provide way for a cashier to keep track of orders.
Staff Management Database by Álvaro Pérez González
Manage your staff personal information with this database.
Bestiary of North America by Jonathan Alvarez Vilchis
Collection of legendary and mythological creatures.
Curso Introducción al Análisis y Visualización de Datos en Python by Walter André Rosales Reyes
Website and final projects of a Python course for UNAM Juriquilla.
Air Quality Web App by Petar Kirilov
An Air Quality Web App used to monitor my the quality of air in my flat.
Let the right ones in, keep the wrong ones out: This is a contact form linked to Google Forms, reconciling 3 mutually exclusive "A's": Antispam, Accessibility and Aesthetics
The Orchestra Chatbot by Rayvanth Sankar Ravichandran
It is an AI-powered conversational chatbot that aids in minor daily life tasks.
Groot-Fitness Club by Syed Zamanat Abbas
A responsive flask website for our club with additional calories counter app.
AL's nutrition site! by Lam Cheuk Fung Alex
A nutrition site that meets the needs of those who are on diets or want to keep track of one's own eating habits.
Pickmeup by Benedict See-Toh Kam Hung
A website that creates an environment for people to provide peer support to each other to encourage mental well-being.
CS50 Image Processor by Andrei Germanov
This web application implements pixel manipulation algorithms to apply different filters to an images.
UFO Files by Zina Zachmann
An app that dynamically generates a table of filtered records based on a provided dataset utilizing JavaScript and DOM manipulation.
Watchlist by Htet Lynn Htun
In Watchlist, you can create and keep track of your personal movies watchlist.
Ticket DataBase by Ali Borazjani
Database project for booking, buying and managing tickets and customers
Clauser by Adrian Robayo
App for supporting people suffering from axiety and dependence on the phone
Reddit Sentiment Analyzer by Tyler Jackson
A web app that analyzes the sentiment of Subreddit headlines.
Rental Management Portal by Hadia Noor
It helps you paying your rents online and requesting ,maintenance services so,to avoid office visits in this Covid situation
Trading Bot! by Jack Grodnick
Python bot that auto trades stocks for you based on analyst's recommendations.
Cross Shot by Kyler Crump
A fun one or two player game in which a player shoots a bolt trying to hit the other player.
Aaration(Website) by Hao Liu
A website to show my art talents and art works (a video and multiple photos of mine)
Sudoku in the terminal! by Enrique Jose Contreras Izquierdo
An implementation of the Sudoku puzzle for the command-line terminal.
Shasummm by Jule Sophie Knoche
The website called "Shasummm" uses a purposefully created and trained machine learning algorithm to identify a recorded humming as one of 7 songs.
NBA All-Division Fantasy Draft by Albert Gunnison
A web-based application to simulate the success of a division-wide NBA fantasy team.
my interests by kenneth boykin
It is a group of webpages based on my interests with external links to well known websites.
Easy to use NFT-generator with GUI by Evgenii Filippov
This easy to use NFT generator allows you to combine together different images in order to get unique nfts
Nosso Universo by João Pedro Correia Pequeno
It is a scientific dissemination website on modern Astrophysics.
Exchange Rate Calculator by Agile Quemuel
Exchange Rate/Money Remittance that uses JSON Exchange Rate Data to show historic rates and allow for users to "send" Money thru Database captured Transactions.
Awesome Cats by Oleksandra Sadovska
My project is Android App written on Flutter about my favorite cat breeds
CS50x: Recipes by Vincent Daniel DiBiase
Website to search and save recipes, includes ability to 'raid your fridge' to find recipes based on specific ingredients.
Puppy Agenda by Gonzalo Acevedo
Personal agenda for a Veterinarian to manage her appointments and then send an email to the pet's owner.
Dental implant surgery list and implant stock by FELIPE FERREIRA PASSAGEM
Webb app the keep track of surgery and implants for implantodontists.
DOGS & CATS by Kamaladharshini .B
Description - My final project is a website that allow the user register donation of pets and get donation from the others people(adopt).The user can also delete your register, see your registers and selected donation to adopt a pet from the other people.
First Pot of Gold by CHUA YING WEI
Calculate how much you should save per month and per year to achieve your first bucket of gold in your life. Written in Flutter
Anomaly detection system for voice calls by Omar Humberto Rubio Camacho
Anomaly detection application to discover problematic voice calls in a mobile network
Text-to-Speech Chrome Extension by Bogdan Nicolae Budaca
Plays back as audio selected text on webpages
Harvard University Website by Mohammad sadegh Mandegaran
design a responsive website with harvard university style
Budgeteer by Aditya Pulipaka
A budgeting app that allows users to categorize and budget their spending
Fitness for Teens by Alanna W Hart
This project is a web program that allows the user to record their exercise, weight, height and BMI.
Photography Portfolio by Anvesha Mongia
It is my photography portfolio and it highlights the types of photographies I do
My book repository by Aisha Kala
A web application to store books that the user has read or intends to read.
Cripto Finance by Alicio Romoli
The project is a website site called Cripto Finance that you can search, buy and sell any cryptocurrency.
A twitter bot that gathers and posts stats regarding current Canadian currency exchange rates.
Times Table Coach by Jonas Stefan Diete
A web app that helps students practising their multiplication tables
Pokemon Plague Control by Eduardo Olivares López
It's a short arcade videogame about saving the Pokemon National Park by rescuing 10 Voltorbs on time.
AALIMNI by Sid Ahmed Ait Ali
The projetct title is a "AALIMNI" softwere for monitoring and controlling the transactions in a library our e-comerce website library The project" ALIMNI" is developed in Django, which mainly focuses on basic operations in a library like adding new membre, new books, and updating new information, searching books and membres to borrow and return books.
Command Line Blackjack by William Trump
Using the language python, I created a game of blackjack played in the terminal, giving the user and the computer two numbers, and both players try to get as close to 21 as the can by getting more cards or staying with the cards they were dealt.
Escape! by Declan Scott
A multi level puzzle platformer where the player must utilize multiple mechanics to progress.
Interactive access to pandemic data by Jan Strommen
Interactive access to pandemic data with plotting options using Python, Ktinker and Matplotlib.
ECZ ( Ethiopian Center for Zakat) web application by Ahmed Mohammed Salim
Fighting poverty with digital tools.
Automatic raspberry pi 4 case sorter remote control Anyviz by Jean Carlo Cruz Fajardo
remote control of case sorter with sensors with raspberry pi 4
SugarZ - Diabetes App & Modern Blood Sugar Tracker by Huseyin Alper Karadeniz
SugarZ is a mobile application that aims to facilitate the lives of the people who have diabetes. It includes many visual graphs and analyses which increase the understandability of their blood sugar data.
The Common Room by Lim Li Qing
The Common Room is Hogwarts, but 2020 version as it is a social platform designed for hogwarts students which allows students to access various functions.
KISS Paper, Rock, Scissors by Tatiana Marie Piras
Webpage implementation of the classic 'rock paper scissors' game, using HTML5 / CSS3 / vanilla JavaScript
Your Crypto Buddy by Laura Simone de Gijt
A webapplication to make your life as a crypto trader more easy!
Venezuelan Memory Game by Gabriel Moncada Belisario
It is a memory game inspired in Venezuela which has 2 different game modes: normal and hard.
ShareShabbat by Maia Sason
A website to customize and share your Jewish traditions and ceremonies with friends and family.
TheOnlinePhonebook by Nathan Jack Cox
My project is an online phonebook where you can add and store contact details of your friends and family.
DNDN 4 Cut & Expands URLS by Dakhel Abdulrahman Durayi Alhawtah
The project it's talk about cuting long http\s links and generete a QR code and for the new shorted link for faster copy and share
PhoneBook by Arman Ziaei
a phone book console application written in C#, using OOP, XUnit, TDD, etc.
Minimal.Org by Guilherme Rodrigues
Online agenda where you keep track of future events and/or reminders.
Low Toxicity Course Evaluations by John Goeltz
Removes toxic comments from student course evaluations, leaving constructive feedback (both positive and negative).
Personal Assistant by Jovan George Zacharia
A simple personal assistant with the capabilities of a chatbot and also capable of performing some simple tasks
World clock and Countdown Timer by Amir RZH
A real user comfortable program which can show world clock and timer
Laboratory Standards & Samples Receipt Management System by Chi Hang Leung
Provide a tracking tool and check out/in interface for inventory in a laboratory
The name of my project is called City 'Scape. It is a game on Lua/LOVE. The file folder name it is labeled under is called "project" by Caela Camille Mills
The game I made is an infinite-runner platform-er game (made Indie-game style). The game has two world backgrounds.
Film Review Database by Adithya Ganesh
My project is a web application that allows users to make movie reviews, create and add to a watchlist, and search up movie titles.
Nugget iOS App by Karthick Raj Kamalanathan
Nugget is an iOS app that lets you record and remember nuggets of wisdom. You can write down your best ideas, and then receive a reminder sometime in the future so you never forget them.
AniLog by João Pedro Pereira Santos
An anime indexer, where you can build your profile with your favorite ones and share it.
my first project by Zenghui Huang
It keeps track of your any projects that you would like to do in future o have already completed.
Quiz: What martial art is right for you? by Steven Ah-Lan
A fun web quiz application to help you decide what martial art style you should take up.
CS50 Riddle by Vitor Augusto Menten de Barros
My final project is a puzzle game created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Drawing on the webcam by Ali Hashemi Katehsari
This project is designed with the OpenCV library that detects the orange color on the webcam and places orange dots along it that can be painted by moving the orange object in front of the camera.
Covid - Contact Tracker QR app by Támas Kálosi
It is a contact tracker webapplication made with Flask. by Mohamed Riaz
Aelo is a financial management app, tracks user's cash inflow & outflow, gives analytics, number metrics and much more
Math Olympic Club by Carlos Alberto García Ezquerra
Keep track of your performance in math olympiads.
ExamDaily by Zaur Imamaliyev
The IOS application that helps to students who prepare for exams to increase their efficiency, planning, and time management while studying.
Diabetes: How to meassure bloodsugar (in the project file) by Lotte Nissen
A poorly made flyer for diabetes patients turned into a website
HotelOS - A hotel room management program by Samarth Tehri
Its a c++ easy user-friendly hotel room management program
MathQuiz by Wesley Duits
Give a correct answer on a math sum as quickly as possible to get a highscore before the timer hits zero.
NotePad by Priya Annapureddy
NotePad is a web application that lets users add, edit, search, and delete personal notes.
Livro de Finalistas by Filipe Martins Correia
A website where high school finalists can connect with each other!
Learn-It by Sergey Ilin
Learn-it is a dynamic website to learn spelling, math and analog clock timing.
KoKo Clothing Store Website by Tawanrat Piriyalertsak
A clothing store website that shows products, partners, about store and contact information
Medigraph by omid taji
For now, we have created a company website where the information of its two members is visible to everyone. But in the future, this site will become public and everyone can register in it and upload all their information in it.
Data monitoring software for Schneider PM2220 by Lam Tien Nguyen
A software to monitoring data from power meter Schneider PM2220
Better By Percent by Michael Graber
This is user-based habit/goal tracker to help individuals improve bit-by-bit at whatever they want to keep track of.
Bookmark Manager by Chandan Samal
The Bookmark Manager web application provides functionalities for people to register, log in, create groups, create bookmarks, view bookmarks organized in groups in an easy-to-use interface.
Nutrifit by Diego Javier Dacak Colmán
Nutrifit is a web page that is meant to help you to have a healthy life.
TicTacToe by Mitty Hazanavicius
This program written in C is a game of TicTacToe against the player's computer.
QuoteTracker by Joshua Montolalu
QuoteTracker is a Business to Business web application which provides an online Amazon like platform for bulk Business transactions.
GPA Calculator by Jackson Tang Qun Yao
A website that allows users to record and store their courses and grades, as well as predict their GPA based on expected grades (Please do let me know if I am displayed in the gallery!)
Federated Health for Jaw Lesion Classification on Ethereum Blockchain by Phuong Nguyen
A web application which allows healthcare providers to submit their deep learning models trained on their local radiology images to classify jaw lesions and submit to a smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain, which in turn, gets sent to Oracle aggregators through ChainLink to create a global model.
My Clipboard by Reed Colloton
Copy and paste cloud synced text between devices using a website, a mobile app, or a chrome extension.
First words by Sittipong Wiangwaeng
This project is an IOS application for young children that includes an English vocabulary section. Only three-letter terms are used in the show illustrations and cut words more 200 words. There are Thai words to learn and words to read.
Indexator by Adrián Patricio Fernández Fazio
Indexator is a program that allows adding an index to the income statements of companies listed on the Argentine market.
Homage to Hans Rosling by Magnus Finnset
In honour of the late Hans Rosling, I have recreated his famous bubble chart and invite people to take a test about their understanding of the world.
Event Finance Planer by Simon Burns
A tool to plan and budget for group trips and events and to keep track of who owes what
Bookmark Collector by Shatha Makhlouf
A web application which is used to collect bookmarks from any websites, social media platforms, or any resource
Spotify Import Lists by Pedro Correia
Takes a list of albums as URL and makes a Spotify playlist out of i
Lightning Fast Prime Factorizer by Kedar Prasad
My app factorizes prime numbers using AWS and Android Studio and stores those factors for easy retrieval in AWS ElastiCache Redis (read more about the app at
Currency Convertor by Utsav Negi
Convert the value of one currency to other currencies and list the US Dollar rates in 150 currencies
BBLOG by Breno Almeida Aires
On my BBLOG you can create, edit and move blog posts and show the world what's on your mind
Dessert Man by Kyler Witvoet
A guy is stuck in a desert and he has to collect rune stones and navigate a dungeon in order to activate a portal which brings him to a new desert, where he repeats the same process.
Siva's Game Corner by Siva
Siva's Game Corner which is a web application where users can come together to comment on games they love.
Interaculant by Zhixiang He
This project is based upon creating and joining volunteer services across the world.
OS-Remoter Bot by Ariyan zarei
A telegram bot which can perform some operation in our remote pc such as taking a screen shot and playing a sound etc.
Demand forecast for bathroom fixtures in Colombian Market by Rodrigo Alberto Estrada Mesa
The problem to solve is how CORONA could improve the demand prediction in Colombia and what variables explain the behavior of the volume of sales for some bathroom categories using analytics descriptive, predictive and prescriptive, developed in Python
Future Minds by Bouzaouia maiss sirine
Quite simply, the idea of my site is the site of my company, Future Minds Is a company specialized in the manufacture of websites and mobile applications and support ideas and advertising This site is compatible with all devices and all screens and is characterized by simplicity and ease of use And it allows displaying products in a great way
Save the World Python Game by Nguyen Trung Hieu
The USA embarks on an impossible mission to dodge incoming threats as much as possible.
Schengen Visa Calculator by Anders Jarl Nielsen
Calculates if you overstay the 90/180 day Schengen visa rules
Password Manager by Lauren Wang
My project is a password manager where you can store passwords and create random passwords.
Donting Plasma by Avi Viren Shah
It is a portal where you can seek or donate blood plasma of people who have recovered from the Covid 19 as their blood has the antibodies to fight the deadly virus
Derivative Calculator by Jayanth Narasimha Pandit
A program that outputs the derivative of an inputted mathematical function.
ARCH ProjectLAB by Rafael Moreno da Silva
A laboratory for the conception of the architectural project.
Blue Flames Fitness by Abhishek Yadav
It is website, using flask, that helps users monitor his workout and calorie intake
The Resin Crafter's Helper by Joanne Marie Middour
A web-based application to give resin crafters a place to store and organize their notes on their resin projects. by Sam Nielsen
A blog website made using python, flask and sql.
Dr. Watson | CLUE Gameplay Assistance by William Murray
Digital assistance for playing the board game "Clue."
Football Player Auction by Simon Charles Watts
A website that allows users manage their fantasy football teams, including an auction platform for bidding for new players.
Central Heating Control by Daniel Edwards
Control your central heating timer from anywhere with this simple web based app.
New Sticky Notes by lubica kovacikova
New Sticky Notes is a web app for creating notes (built with Flask, SQL Alchemy and Postgres database) which enables the user to chose from 18 beautiful background theme, adjust colors, format notes and even add code snippets with highlighted syntax.
Students and their COVID-19 vaccination record by Anastasija Aleksova
A list of students, the user enters and gives some more information, in this case to select whether the student is or is not vaccinated and to add a potential risk factor such as an allergy or comorbidity.
Phonmail extractor by bader mohammed badhri
tool for extracting emails and phones from files with one click
Exam Grade Checker by Manjeet Singh
This help student to check their Grades and weather they have to improve or not.
Anti-Drivers Ed Macro by Dalton Johnstone
It clicks thru the audio navigation in my online drivers ed class for me.
muscleworld by Seyed Mohammad Reza Mousavitabar
A website that provides some information in the area of bodybuilding field such as articles, plan and etc...
Apple Catch by zaafer khan
It is a simple game in which you catch apples and make sure not to drop any.
Analysis 911 Responses by Arezoo Zare
This project demonstrates how regression and Hotspot analysis is created as an ArcGIS project and contains an explanation of each step.
Tic-Tac-Toe Web Extension by Tereza Kubincova
Play the tic-tac-toe game in a popup window in your browser.
Website Pipeline API Tester by Cade Summers
Test the pipeline of a website for any bugs, errors, or faults when changes to the web application are made.
Collaborative touristic Guide of Canary Islands by Mauricio Ojeda Medina
A collaborative guide where you can upload places and vote for them.
Gender Inequality by Ami Dholakia
Gender Inequality with Connection to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.
Geometry Calculator by Krzysztof Kwiatkowski
Web-based application using JavaScript, Python and SQL to calculate the basic values of basic plane and solid geometries.
Markov Chain Listening Situation Probabilities by Paul Reinhard Tiffert
Markov Chains analyze listening situation transtition states
Password Generator by Usman Masood Gangoo
This application generates a random password based on user-selected criteria. The application validates user input and ensure that at least one character type is selected. Once all prompts are answered, the user will be presented with a password matching the answered prompts. This application is also responsive, ensuring that it adapts to multiple screen sizes.
Text Analyzer by Pankaj Maurya
this project analyzes text for you, such as it removes punctuation marks and many such features.
TimerJams by Caroline Van
A Chrome extension designed to enhance productivity with Comodoro-based timers and the option to incorporate your own study music
This is a 2-player game represented by 2 unicorns as my sprites, wherein 1 is considered a 'good' one(the normal-looking unicorn) and the other one (who is posed like scaring someone) is the bad character in our game.Basically the mechanics of the game is that the bad one would have to chase the good one around within the duration of 60 seconds(as shown on the upper left timer).How to move the sprites is by pressing the 'right', 'left', 'up', 'down' keys for the good unicorn, and the keys 'w', 'a', 's' and 'x' for the bad unicorn. Once the bad unicorn collides with the good one, as indicated by a sound, it means game is over and unfortunately 'hate' wins. However, if the time ends and the bad unicorn fails to collide with the other, symbolically, love wins over hate.If the player/s wish/es to play again, he/she can do so by simply making the characters move again by pressing the keys mentioned above. On the other hand, how to quit is simply by pressing the 'escape' key.
Maintain Student records and calculate average marks by Akshat Aneja
Assist teachers & counselors to maintain details and quickly calculate examination percentage
Question Paper Generation System by CHAK FUNG LEE
A system to make it easier for teachers to create quiz, tests or exams etc.
Blood Drive by Adekoyejo Adegbite
Enables users to identify blood donation centres in Lagos for increased blood donations
Kenneth's Personal Homepage by Simone Canova
My personal homepage, which tracks each step of my learning journey.
AWS and the ability to perform remote software updates by Quentin Hatcher
POC test to determine AWS IoT capabilities with a focus on GreenGrass
Online Contact Manager by Anahita davoodi
Online Contact Manager allows users to store their contacts in a web application and easily access them whenever they wish.
IniCorona by Steven Tjandangwidjaja
Up to date information about COVID-19 and hospitals in Indonesia
January 2019 and January 2020 Airline Data by Grant Zhang
This is Python, SQL, and Tableau work done based off of USA domestic flight data from the months January 2019 and January 2020.
Weight Data by Ahmet Eren Dalyan
The project I have done receives the weight data from the weighbridge device thanks to the com port and broadcasts it as an api.
STUDORG by Akshay Sanjeev Khemaney
A web application designed to help students organise their day to day lives.
Makas By WAZI by Alkhunaizi
It's an app that gives barbershop the opprotunity to present their barber and allow people to schedule appointments.
BakingBuddy by Tom Tyler
BakingBuddy brings into one place all the tools you might usually Google for whilst cooking.
Car rental management system by Bence Molnár
Web based management system for our family run business renting out ride-on electric cars.
SWEPER APP by Ali Kaplan
I decided to work on an app to deliver passengers from one place to any place they want
DRCR - Double entry accounting software by Lim Wei En
A web based double entry accounting software to do tasks from double entry to generate financial statements in Excel format.
QUÉtudes-info: a guide to CEGEP by Carolyn Wu
A comprehensive guide to Quebec's CEGEPs for students, parents, and anyone who's curious.
Parivartaka 5G by Abhinav Anthiyur Aravindan
Product Description Page of a Concept Product created by me.
A platform where people can connect to each others locally by giving and recieving books.
The circuit training generator by Norman Le Breton
A time-based circuit training generator for all levels
fastMAT Metal by Boris Thaser
fastMAT is an interactive web application for material model generation to be used in LS-DYNA.
Sonetos by Gustavo Muniz
The project consists of a relationship app made for programmers. the user can register on the platform, login and logout, edit their profile and search for new people.
Darwini by Francisca José Ureta Van De Wyngard
A web-based reservation system customized for rural tourism entrepreneurs.
Tic-tac-toe and connect4 webpage by Sahyog Shetty
Its a webpage which lets you play tic tac toe and connect 4 against a programmed bot
TripTripGo by Sergiu Munteanu
A web app where users can manage their trips and flights in one place.
CS50 Adventure Platformer by Gustavo Duran de Souza
This is a platformer game developed in LOVE2Dd e LUA, with enemies, traps and puzzles.
Ceibapp by Federico Gabriel Gutiérrez Moreno
Small business oriented inventory management web application.
Rookiehub by Aaron Ugbede Omale
A quiz app to test rookie developers on their knowledge of Javascript, HTML, and CSS.
Focus App by Jayne Gale
An app to help those attentionally challenged to select their most important goal and work on it until done. A "To Do" plus Pomodoro, with attitude.
Tspu by Onur Uysal
Tapu lets you view and buy real estates based on your area and real estates' score.
About MIELTS, Review your IELTS experiences by MD M MONI
Get all the information about IELTS Center around the world, write you own reviews and experiences, register your your IELTS center, compare it with other IELTS center around the world.
Mutify - mute annoying ads by Teekam Suthar
An Android app built using Java to mute Spotify ads automatically.
Music Database by Andrew Speight
A web application that searches a music database and displays the relevant information in an elegant UIs
CS50 Unit Converter by Bruno Villela Pedras Lago
My project is a website where you can convert units.
DT Smile Patient Registry Web App by Melbert Tizon
This is a web-based patient registry form that allows the user to add, edit and view information about a patient profile and visit history.
This project enables users to submit document to the app and user can hear the audio of the file and look for the meanings, synonyms, part of speech of the word in the input
Blood Pressure Monitoring by Ng Jun Wei
Allows registered users to record their blood pressure and check past readings.
HappyJ by Aditya Kristanto
A web-based journal to systematically track our happiness level over time
Colon Prevent by Roger Vendrell Colet
Colon Prevent is an application that uses an algorithm to calculate when a patient needs to have their next colonoscopy scheduled, as stated by an official medical guideline.
Texted by Wildson Seguchi
A web-based application able to calculate the readability and similarity of a text.
Mask Wearing Reminder or Alert by Michael E. Chua
Using Webcam to alert the person captured to wear mask properly.
Software Name is : FABS by Mohammed Fouzan Hashmi
I have developed a Restaurant Billing Software where the user can login, select items and generate the bill for the same...
The FIRE Calculator by Dillon Nguyen
A webpage that calculates the amount of money needed to retire and when they could do so given some inputs
Currency Converter by Muhamad Yusuf Indra
An iOS app that simply convert a currency value to another
Task Tracker by Zlata Plotnikova
Application which allows supervisors to assign tasks and track progress of their employees on the assigned tasks.
Speech Synthesis and Recognition by Thabet Sabha
Uses Web-APIs to allow for speech synthesis and recognition
BikeFit by Samuel Chambers
BikeFit solves the persistent problem of properly fitting a rider to a bike.
(Book Library WebPage Application Using JavaScript, Python, & SQL) by samar alomari
Library Of Books
Fotografie by Clive Ulyate by Clive Henry Ulyate
Personal photography website based on HTML, Bootstrap, CSS & Javascript
Binary Converter by Utkarsh Gauniyal
A program which converts binary values to other system or vice-versa.
CS50 Support Buddy by Minas Giannopoulos
A Google Chrome extension to allow CS50 students to contact the CS50 staff quickly.
Leave Right Now by Christopher Sean Swain
Website that monitors an incoming flight, and your starting drive location, and continuously updates the best Leave Right Now time to head to the airport.
Crashlap Band WebApp by Andrew Matheu
My project is a complete package of what I learned from Scratch and it also contains my passion for music
A Homepage for my real friend who's a hip hop singer. Where I provide more information about him like biography, mp3 songs, mp4 etc.
NC Snakingdom by Yebai Guo
NC Snakingdom is a website to educate people about snakes in North Carolina.
invoicee by Ayaka Kishida
"invoicee" is an application export estimate and invoice for Graphic, and Web designers.
Financial Calculator by Kongmeng Lim
Financial Calculator: NPV, DCF and Basic Accounting Calculators
Combinatory Calculus Auxiliary Tool by Martim Vitoriano Lourenço Marques
One tool to those who are having difficulty in coming to grips with combinatory calculus.
Home Assistant by KANAL CHANDNA
The project is an Home Automation Device which helps to control devices through Google Assistant.
PTM - Personal Task Manager by Adriano Agostinho
Takslist organizer with priority, category and due date
Dual Density Tilt Tray Simulation by Aaron Tobey
Simulation of automation equipment for sorting packages
CS50 Map by Valerio D'Angelo
Draw and save locations or areas with Google Maps and save coordinates in your database.
Hangman50 by Henry Wu
AI Hangman is a computer algorithm which uses a dictionary database to guess a word the user inputs, letter by letter.
Simulation of a restricted three-body problem by Linda Bijlard
In my project, the restricted three-body problem is visualised in python, whereby different x and y conditions for velocity and position of the third body (comet) can be chosen by the user.
Password Maker by Ari Rabinovitz
It will create a random password with the numbers and types of characters you want.
AMSUN NOTES by Brian Makini Atuti
This is an Integrated Learning Environment that allows users to watch Youtube videos and make short notes on the same page, while studying.
Smart Stocks is an web application that allows you to create a portfolio of stocks. Smart Stocks will then calculate and return to you the portfolio stock's weights relative to Market Capitalization and another set of weights for a portfolio based on a Contrarian Strategy for 5 day returns
application to andriod by Abdalkader M.Saeed
my appliction is used to improve and mixing the picture with sound and video
Todo's manager by Ravi Vishwakarma
manage all your current todo's in folder and check that instantly
DoorBoxGame by mahdi mohamadi shahrabi
It is a game which is developed by Unreal Engine 4 and C++ language. Your main purpose in the game is to find a way out of each room and reach the last one.
Password Shield by Rishi Wadhwa
A easy, reliable method to make passwords as well as encrypt and decrypt them for more security.
MYSQL Database planning and deployment tool (MYSQL DPDT) by Andrew L Williams
A tool designed to help web developers who use a MySQL server, plan and deploy database designs
Home Temperature, Humidity and Intrusion Detection by John William Downey
Monitor home environment and alerts when induder is present
Home Fitness by Carina Pereira
Its a website, where you can check you BMI, get some idea how healthy you are, have some ideas of exercises that you can practise a home, get some ideas of healthy meals than you can implement daily and make yourself.
Covid-19 by Mr.Sathanakon Bunphim
website about covid-19 has quizzes, register for vaccines. and basic knowledge about COVID-19
Turkish Investment Funds Portfolio Tracker by Bartu Gönülalan
It's a desktop application for investors who invest in Turkey to keep track of their investment funds portfolios, calculate their return ratios, and analyze any funds with live data.
James CBT Software by EMOVON JAMES
Its an online based exam softwares which includes different subjects
Garmin Watch Face - Simple Athletic Metrics by Jeremy Reid
A watch face for Garmin devices that displays useful metrics to track fitness and activity.
Lines by Tobias Géron
Visualise the size of our Solar System or the history of your favourite band using Lines.
Weather by Raaghav Agarwal
It is a weather website that tells you how the weather is right now and in the future.
Infobot by Маргарита Андрианова
It is the infobot for the local community. He can a few things: to welcome new members and check their introductions and to give information about local shops, cafes and other places.
Time-Off Tracker by Hope Asher
Time-Off Tracker is a web-based application for HR and staff managers to track their employees' time-off history and totals.
MedTracker by Muhammad Hazim Bin Saleem
MedTracker is a web-based application designed to allow users to record their prescribed medications and medication history.
Global Owner, by Eunah Lee
The project is a web application called Global Owner, where you can list-up your property information to manage your property investment status.
Vote on blockchain: who will win more Gold on 2022 Winter Olympic by Tong Luo
Using blockchain smart contract as a voting mechanism. React as front end.
Interactive Quantum Mechanics Lesson by Tanya Nikam
A webpage that provides a quick, interactive lesson about the basics of quantum mechanics and its applications in other fields of science implemented.
Synonyms by Adson Henrique
Synonyms - an google chrome extension to find synonyms of English words more quickly
QuoteHome by Audree Steinberg
A Google Chrome extension that displays an inspirational quote and image when the user opens a new tab
Password generator by Fedor Sakhabutdinov
Web API for password generation and web browser extension powered by this API
Registered Research UK by Nick Hylands-White
The source for all clinical studies taking place in the UK
TrySomeCrypto by Harsh Diwan
Mock crypto trading application to test out your skills before entering the real world
GPA Logger 9000 by Dylan James Leupi
A GPA logger that allows you to save your courses and grades and calculate your GPA for a specific semester.
ClickMe by Faisal Alsaweed
Click me! A simple fun game where you click the moving button and try to get as much points as possible. Click me! Was made using (HTML, CSS and JavaScript)
Help me by Emad Hussien
it is a pets helper to find a new owner in order to adopt them connector between old owner and new one
Page Timer by Bruno da Silva Albino
Page Timer is a Google Chrome´s extensions that count how many seconds/minutes/hours you stay on websites.
ConnectN by João Matheus Rugeri Murdiga
ConnectN is a python based game, it is an improved version of Connect4, with AI and some cool features.
Nostar by Diego Manuel Béjar Santiago
React Native videogame: slide the tile and match same color ones until all stars are removed.
Spark Structured Streaming - processing a stream of tweets by Deimante Kupciuniene
The purpose of the project is to build an application to create a database of tweets (text only) and visualize the most popular hashtags from those tweets with a live chart.
Calculator by Aayush Deshpande
It prompts the user for inputs and calculates the result and prints it out.
Macro Calculator by Zoe Hazan
A nutrition tool which calculates what the user's daily carb, fat, and protein intake should be to achieve their fitness goals.
Instagram Clone with NextJS and Firebase by Sander de Bruijn
Instagram Clone with NextJS and Firebase
AeroPal by Sushovan Banerjee
eroPal is a modern responsive web-application that provides its users a complete navigation service inside airports.
Inventory Management Android App by Renzo Tan
An Android application that allows users to log in and view the current status of their inventory.
CS50 SlamBook by Kingsley Izuka Uchunor
SlamBook is for sharing students' personalities information amongst colleagues.
Accounting automation: bank statements and foreign exchange rates by Fauville André Guy J
Automatic recording of the bank statements and of foreign exchange rates in the general ledger, using VBA and Python
Dynamic, Elegant, and Fully Responsive School Website by Ahmad Umair Bin Suhaidi
My project is created to represent the best out of my school institution to the world.
CG & MI Calculator by Vishal Barot
It can calculate Center of Gravity and Moment of Inertia of the most common geometric shapes.
Student Tools by Rabee Mohammed
StudentTools is a web app using Flask and Bootstrap where students can find all of the tools they need to succeed.
React Credit Card Validator by Andrew Riecker
Translate the class credit card validator to a React based webapp
Web Scrapy with Python in a privider of solar kits in Brazil by Pedro Felipe Bezerra
Python automation web scrapy to make quotations of solar kits
Tic-Tac-Toe Offline Multiplayer Android & Desktop App by Sambhav Agarwal
Simple offline multiplayer Tic-Tac-Toe games
Banana Economics by Xander Kutulas
A fun competitive content expansion on the CS50 finance stock simulation website.
SUZUKI TITAN FW110 Spare Parts by Andri Gunawan Ambarita
My project provide information for SUZUKI TITAN FW110 Spare Part (Scheme, part name, number and price).
ShopManager by Issam mellassi
A web application for shop owners to manage their work by creating estimates for customers and save them.
penrose-sweets by Ava Li
A commandline application for compiling links to online recipes into a grocery list.
US Covid Tracker by Justin Baker
US Covid Tracker presents various visualizations of Covid-19 statistics on the state and national levels.
Chrome Extension using JavaScript by Sumanyu Maingi
Google Chrome extension that uses JavaScript to change background image of a webpage.
Programming Diary by Meika Matsushita
You can write down the results of your daily programming studies.
website Ferroelectricos Yambitara by Brayan Andru Montenegro Embus
Online shopping page for hardware store
Financial Planning - Retirement Calculator by Pramila Patricia Lewis
How much money you need to retire?
Point of Sale System by Hadi muhammed hussain
Point of sale system using Django framework with PostgreSQL.
Desprocrastinate! by Carlos Pedro de Oliveira dos Santos
The productivity app that helps you to stop dragging on your feet!
Multiple Intelligence by Timothy Samuel Ninan
A Multiple Intelligence Test with sharing and data features designed for teachers.
Submit your comment by crispino cabral kako Kamboh
Submit your comment: collects users' comments and stores them to a database
Periodic Table by Aaron Thomas
It helps to see the name of an element if you input atomic number or symbol
Bookstore CS50 by Rodrigo Sanchez Gutierrez
Bookstore for user to sell and buy books from other users
Financial Plan Web App by Antonio Francisco Figueiredo Marcondes Ferraz
Web application to create a financial plan for a business
Trading Game by Hoa Nguyen
A game that allows people to practice their trading skills within a defined budget
Web scraping stock data using multithreading by Roy de Haas
The program downloads historical stock data with mulithreading to make it run faster.
Personal Music Station by Taranjeet Singh Dhingra
Simple Webpage which lets the user play drums and melodies with their fingers
Security Camera by Ayush Gupta
Using the PiCamera module for the Raspberry Pi, a live video feed of a camera is streamed onto a Flask run webpage.
Dash by Alex Vargas
Dash is a game inspired by Geometry Dash, but with procedurally generated levels.
Calculator by Adhil Ahmed P M Shums
A app - based, toned - down implementation of Casio Scientific Calculators
You & Crystals by Öykü Sedef Öztürk
It helps you to understand yourself with your zodiac sign and shows you some crystals.
GameArt Web Application by Maryna Ivanyk
My project is a web application with interactive description of my favourite games and with the public discussion page.
PLAN : LIST : SHOP by Matthew Edwards
An application to take the pain out of meal planning and shoppint list creation.
CHAMPGAFFER by Jamie Hamilton
CHAMPGAFFER is a web-based football (soccer) manager simulation, where the user is given the task of guiding their team out of the second-tier Sub League (based on the English Championship) and onto glory in the Super League (based on the English Premier League). by Dennis Smith
Tracking Maryland COVID-19 vaccine data with Python and Plotly Dash.
Square, CS50x Final Project Game by Faruk Yıldırım
Square is actually a simple snake game. Languages we use; html, javascript and css.
Color Pallets by Dibakash Baruah
Flask web app where users can register, create color pallets and store in database
SSE: Student Stuff Exchange by Usama Ahmed Kawashty Abdelrheem
a website for students to exchange stuff!
Web Real Time Chat App by Wong Tin Hang
This is a website that can easily communicate using text messages with other users that have registered on the platform.
Birthdays by Katia Rozvodiuk
The Birthdays site is a kind of guide to which you can add the dates of birth of friends, acquaintances, relatives, etcetera.
Let's Meet by Nehmat Hatoum
Let's Meet is a web-based application that allows users to add friends and create events the easiest way possible.
This is CS50 Final Project - 2020 by Aruna Sirangi
This is CS50 final project that I have created a simple table with creat, read, edit and add features to the table and also the user can search for the column fields. I used javascript, html, css to create my web application. Thank you redesign of external side of the website (the one that does not require login) by Andrea Cazzaro
Redesign of website for marketing purposes
TO-DO by Guendalina Caldarini
TO-DO is a Chrome extension that let's you add a side bar with a to-do list to your tabs
CS50 Quick Launcher by Ömer ÇELEBİ
It's chrome extension, including cs50 social media, ide, gradebook links and quick access SQL, HTML and python most useful tags.
Personalized Book Recrds by Praveenaa U
A web application to keep track of already read books or books to read in the future.
Personalities With Music by Maria Gonzalez Alegre
A simple web app where you write your MBTI and it gives you a list of songs that can be your soundtrack as that MBTI.
Yangon Grocery Store Locator Web App by Htet Wai Yan Soe
My Web Application can provide nearby Grocery Store to the user based on their location. by Umesh Kumar Sarkar brings back the hangman in a command-line interface style where users have to guess words correctly.
SuperSmallMath by Kyle Delmo
A Chrome extension that employs flashing numbers to enhance mental calculation skills.
VR Polars by Carolyn Stevens
VR Polars is designed to be used alongside "Virtual Regatta Offshore" sailing game, to help racers chose the correct sails and route.
Simple Converter by Hiroki Namasu
calculator for different units like distance, length, temperature and so on.
Lingua: Language Exchange App by Oldrick Weenink
Social network for language learners to meet and chat.
shixon site by Soroush Jahanian
i implement the shixons homepage site with low level coding (html , css , js )
Flask MERT Balance Disorder pre-intake App by Marcus van de Kerkhof
The purpose of the web-app is to determine quickly and online whether chronic patients with a balance disorder are eligible for a therapy, in which the balance disorder is tackled with the help of Virtual Reality.
Book Cricket by Aditya Srinivasan
This python program simulates the commonly played game, book cricket.
Magnetic field simulator using Python by Joseph Ooi Boon Han
Simulate magnetic field coil(s) that carry electric current.
Green Collaboration by Giovana Cristine de Mendonca Kamke
Wep App for people to create events that promote the preservation of the environment.
Notelor - Notepad Application by Ujjwaldeep Singh
A visually pleasing and descriptive notepad application.
CSFitness by Rafe Jennings
A website for users to keep track of their workouts and compare themselves to other users.
Workout By You by Nathan Mastronardi
Workout By You is a very simple and customizable app that allows users to create personalized workouts, and then use them with the app's built-in workout player.
PAX by Yle Severino Carvalho
is a web application, which aims to be a software for funeral homes, as it has features such as registration of members and registration of private funerals.
Control of position of a servo-motor with Speech Recognition. by Daniel Carlos Freire de Araújo
The goal in this project is control the position of a servo-motor with speech recognition
blog-tech-project by Ramtin Hosseini
This project is made with Django 1.11, which is a Web-framework of python, the project is a simple blog website. It contains only one application, which is blog. This application contains 2 models in The first one is Post and the scound one is comment. in templates foulder you can find all html files, which are inherited from base.html. In static foulder are all CSS ans Javascript. both templates and static file should added to exact part in to make a valid directory path in all OS and not only in local computer. the project contains and which are useful to direct user. So I make a url path for each page in and in it will be clear where should user be directed after any activity like post, comment, login or click on a button. We have which is for our login ans sign up forms to authenticate a use . In, we can see that our modules are registered. Post and Comments have differnt attribute like author,text or publish date, and differnt methods for save or redirecting user after publishing.
AVAX Contract Interactor by William Surjenko
Easily interact with smart contracts on the Avalanche blockchain
International Tax Calculator by Tuomas Kivioja
I created an International Tax Calculator app where the user can input a gross salary and the app will output net pay & tax rate for several countries.
Country Refreshments Web Application by Callum Thomson
A website for a local mobile catering business
Movie Trailer Website by ABHIJEET FADOL
Build a website to store my favorite movies, including movie title and a movie trailer.
Machine Learning Titanic Prediction by Maksym Skoryk
Predict chances of survival during Titanic disaster
CryptoWrite by Jacopo Barat
You can encrypt and decrypt any message you want using five different cipher techniques.
Finn drive by Farah Finn Mohamud Mohamed
A cloud storage web app that sorts files based on file type.
DV Thoughts by Hamdy Ramzy Abdelhalim
DV Thought! aims at providing the highest quality articles on CS50 course, Web Development, Mobile Development, and other boards Coding, and Blogging. Our primary goal is to provide helpful, in-depth guides on various problems that webmasters may face while managing their websites.
Easy Fuel by Wesley Truong
Showing the cheapest fuel prices around you considering your brand and fuel preferences.
A command-line program that implement three numerical methods for solving the discrete ordinates neutron transport equations
Blog (Web Application) by Deepak Kumar Thakur
It is a web application(Blog) where user can register, login, and blog. Besides user can follow other user. The user can view blog of their own and blogs of user they follow. The application also have following detailed features.
ArgenBust - Online Casino Game by Alejandro Otero Amato
ArgenBust is an online website casino game with a fair game result system.
Woogle Draw by Walker Corbit Ball
A drawing program made in java allowing users to create and edit various Java Graphics based shapes to create their own pictures.
Global Open-Source News by Andrew T. Fox
This project is a webpage that allows users to search and view news from nearly every corner of every country in over 100 languages. The idea behind the project is my belief that the world will benefit from non-traditional news sources.
Hobbies, Interests, and My Movie-List by Hassan Hussein
A website to show my suggested movie-list, interest, and hobbies with some interactive questions.
Sorting Algorithms Visualizer by Peleg Samish
This project help the user better understand how sorting algorithms work.
S'moring at by WeiqianLin
A personal-use only internet trash site for now; possibly developing into some sort of customizable + passphrased-protected blogging site that help users get rid of negative thoughts through online dumping.
24 Hours by Harsimranjit Singh Dhaliwal
It is an app to keep track of tasks and goals and keep a routine list with features like rearranging deleting and checkmarks
Human Kind by Gaurav Kumar Singh
It's for people so that they can completely understand about various campaigns.
Google Keep clone by Nicolás Corbalán Calvo
It is a website to taking notes, edit or delete them, changing colours...
DiCuando by Diego Forni
DiCuando is an auto-scheduler website that finds the perfect date and time for your meetings.
Python Web Scraper by Thanawit Suwannikom
Python based real estate projects in Bangkok, Thailand scraper
BMI calculator by Eduarda Daniela Neiva e Silva
Calculator of body mass index using the metric system.
H-stories by Hussain Saleh Ahmed Alsharafi
horror stories application where you can read & post stories by Hossam Hassan Ahmed Ahmed
COVID-19 Dashbord Web Site with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript and Bootstrap.
The phpLiteAdmin donation by Quesia Ferreira Mendes
The project is a webpage where anyone can donate and support the phpLiteAdmin.
Language-Switcher by Karen Urate
A JavaScript-based language-switcher solution that automatically renders text in user's preferred choice of language.
Covaccine by Devansh Kapri
A flask based web application to spread awareness on COVID-19 vaccination.
peak sun hours by Andrew David Brown
A flask app to get solar radiation data for a given site from an app and present peak sun hour data for chosen location
Pandemic Simulation by Daniel Kan
This simulation made using Netlogo aims to model a pandemic disease speading across the world, using a world map.
the simple calculator by Mak On Ching Kelly
it is a simple calculator that assists students with simple math and also in different formulas, such as area, perimeter and quadratic equations.
VidCrave: Online Video Streaming by Aayush Bajaj
Online video streaming service inspired by netflix.
CV-Sqaured by yiu shun wilson lam
AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) Core Vocabulary with Computer Vision
CS50s introduction to conputer science by Michael Bas
Analytic coding scince in programing skills and logic algorithm
Learn Math by Becky Griffiths
This webpage gives instant feedback and solutions to math problems. Allowing the user to know if their answer is correct or not. It also provides a timer to test how long it takes.
Conway's Game of Life (C++/Terminal Simulation) by Nuo xu
A simple automata program implementing Conway's Game of Life rules
Fun with ML by Arya V
A website which gives an introduction to Machine Learning to the fellow peers at my university.
Price Tracker by Samuel Ng
A web-based application built by flask to help users track the current price of different products in Newegg's website.
EnviroProjects by Joe Plant
EnviroProjects is a collection place for a range of environment projects and charities.
Customer Call Service Program by Mahindra Vijay a/l Vijayan
I created the program to enhance their sales services to their customers in a company
Interactive Concept Map Generator by Francesco Gentile
A python script that takes a markdown file with a specific structure, parses it, and uses bokeh to generate an interactive graph.
My List by Melody Kong
The project My List is a website where users can keep track the book they read.
Entertainment app for children by Vahid Ataeifar
The goal of this app is fun and play with math and memory through games and memorizing numbers.
Finuance by Arman Ul Haq
CS50 finance re-done using client side JavaScript calls to API server instead of whole page reload with full data-filled HTML.
MyFriends by Allan Nevala
Track your friend's favorites for better activity planning, surprises, and gifting.
trexchichi-manicure by Yun-Chi Pang
a manicure studio's website which offers relevant operational functions for the shop owner
ZOLSOD Academy by dagmedmaa zolbayar
Provides online courses for people who is unfamiliar with investing in stocks.
English Lesson Organiser by Isobel Pickering
A database for private tutors to keep track of students and resources.
todo50 by Tunir Mitra
Todo50 is an app where user can make a list of tasks that need to complete, or things that we want to do.
Time Sheet by Nathan de Silos Bernal Papavero
It's a web application to management my worked hours at my work
Riemann Sum Calculator by Ivan Byju
My project calculates fours types of Riemann Sums: left endpoint approximation, right endpoint approximation, mid-point approximation, and trapezoidal approximation.
Cooperative Covid-19 by Salem Al Othman
A web application to the minimize the spread of Covid-19 in coops.
Saver Task Manager by Liudmyla Lysyganych
This project helps users to create the tasks that really helps them to save more.
Punctuality by Yu-Chun Fang
Punctuality is a web application that simplifies the process of adding a new event and checking the departure time.
Health @ Monitor by Tanishq Gandhi
It is a web page which monitor your health and tells you specific details according to data given by user
Entry Data Pendaki by Kelvin Valencio
Lets Indonesian hikers group to keep track group members and luggage/items carried
Audio Spectrum LED Display by Andre Vojtenyi
My project is an LED matrix that displays the strength of two sets of several frequencies present in an audio input.
ArsaDevs by Arsalan Ghassemi
ArsaDevs is my own resume website describing my life journey and the services offered by my company.
TweetDeets mobile app for Android by Gregory Gunderson
TweetDeets is a companion to Twitter for digging deeper into a Tweet
imagerr by Mario-Mihai Mateaș
An image-sharing website that allows users to protect their private pictures by setting a password to them, whenever in need.
Teen Workout by Muhamad Zolfaghari
The set of practices to keep fit and remains healthy, specifically for teen and youth, is recommended and scheduled in this application.
TicTacToe against Bots by Marius Spahn
A TicTacToe minigame where you can play agaist another player of one of the three bots.
Ibrahim Store(ecommerce) by Ibrahim Mohammad Shaker Abdelaal
ecommerce web app based on Python, JavaScript and SQL
Escape The Horde by Ahmed Ayman Mohamed Elghazali Serag
move around an abandoned hospital collecting fuel and shooting zombies or avoid them
NMR-Webpage BUW by Dennis Oliver Grzeschik
A webpage which shows filtered NMR-Spectra from the BUW university.
Book Management System by Yuto Kaede
This application aids in the management of books in a library, recording and tracking the borrowing and returning of books.
Foodbank Admin App by Tavish Sharma
A mobile platform for food banks to maintain and update their information to eventually show to volunteers.
ShopLocal by Krishnakumar
A shopping cart web app which enables local shop keepers to transact online
ChordStream by Igor Lodin
ChordStream is a web based tool for music producers that allows building chord progressions by ear.
TwiTools by Diego Rodríguez Torrecilla
A web application from which you can tweet, among other things.
Salary Calculator by Arghavan Armin
The program calculates the monthly and yearly income of the user, based on the given information (command line arguments).
Reimplementation of Malloc in C by Abbie Currington
Reimplementation of malloc, calloc, realloc, and other memory allocation functions in C.
Ballerz by David Nwachukwu
This is an Android "football manager style" game based on the FIFA 15 Ultimate Team data using JAVA
Drug Inventory Program for Primary Healthcare Clinics by Ali Ganjizadeh
Medical Drug Inventory: suitable for pharmacists and anyone in charge of drugs supply.
Freezer App by Rodrigo Baiocchi Ferreira
App that tracks items in the freezer including name, quantity, expiration date, etc
WebSite for my school by Eduardo Batista Santos
Its a webSite that shows all the informations about my school so people can know it.
Became a Hero by Laerte Guimarães de Souza Neto
A website to connect people who need help with people who can help in some way.
Image Fire by Peter Yang
A responsive photo gallery website—built using HTML, CSS, JS, and Bootstrap—that allows users to apply filters, view photos by genre, delete photos, and restore photos if desired.
What type of traveler are you? by Marta Ríos Rodríguez
Web-based 'traveler type' Quiz using Python and Flask
WizardCards by Josefine Olofsson
A Harry Potter Wizard Card collecting app based upon the earlier Harry Potter games.
Simple Game Services by David Cseh
Simple solution for storing values for any game made with Unity on a server
Character Battle by Diego Rocha Chagas
A Python web application for dealing with power comparison between two fictional characters.
Language Generator by Moritz Klischan
Generate custom languages that mutate vocabulary provided by the user.
Tic-tac-toe-game by hamid fathi
Minimax Algorithm is a decision rule formulated for 2 player zero-sum games
Personal Money Manager by Yevhenii Avdieienko
In my application user can create accounts for income and outcome. Also user can transfer money from one account to another. Ability to create and delete account and categories and ability to draw graphs
F1 Championship Simulation by Alexys Vives Bernardino Alves
It is a Simulator of the 2021 Formula 1 Season.
Find Me by Natanael Alves Gabriel
A web based game prototype inspired by titles like "Another Lost Phone" and "Simulacra"
Books by Raiya Sarah Haque
My final project is a books website where users can search books, purchase books, and write reviews about books.
iOS App Nugget by Chandhru K
Nugget is an iOS app that lets you record and remember nuggets of wisdom. You can write down your best ideas, and then receive a reminder sometime in the future so you never forget them.
Mugo Food by Hafizarrahman
The purpose of making this application is to help people meet the basic needs of daily food during the corona pandemic
Perguntas Anônimas by Henrique Nobre Segundo
Um site feito com Node, HTML, CSS e JavaScript que recebe perguntas anônimas e através de uma senha você pode marcar essas perguntas como lidas e excluir.
a simple calculator that can add, subtract, multiply or divide depending upon the input from the user.
Flora by Shavank Paradeshi
Flora is an android application intended for people with no or little prior experience of growing plants. With flora, an enthusiast gardener can learn how to grow simple plants which he/she can plant in an open garden or can use it as a décor inside home.
Scanify by Jake Matthew Nudelman
A Windows desktop app for adding music from your local music library to your Spotify library.
Interactive Quantum Mechanics Website by Tanvi Nikam
A webpage that provides a quick, interactive lesson about the basics of quantum mechanics and its applications in other fields of science implemented.
Christmas Light Map! by Garrett Quathamer
A map that shares locations of awesome Christmas Lights to go view!
Paper Trader by Mitul Mistry
A Flask web application to practice buying, selling, and tracking stocks -
Django based “Book Rental System” by MD. ABDUS SAMAD
This is a Django based library book rental management system.
Ming's recipe book by Mary McNicoll
Add, edit delete your own recipes and view and notebook all users' recipes
Neighborhood Navigator by Zoe Kaier-Green
"Neighborhood Navigator" is a web-based application that enables users to plot and compare real estate data over time, with added COVID-19 data plottable.
University grant pdf form scraper by Ana Daniela Viera
A python program that explores a folder of pdf forms that have a certain predefined pattern in order to lift information from them and create a sigle Excel spreadsheet with two pages with the data stored in rows.
CryptoGraph by Julie Lima
CryptoGraph is a web application where users can view stats on the prices of their selected cryptocurrencies.
Interior Decor Firm Website by Chisepo Michael Lungu
Project is about an interior design, redesign and decoration firm and showcases their services, about and contact information including authentication
Link Buddy by Adeyemi Adetoye
A solution to some problems identified as inhibiting sustenance of benefits associated with groups and grouping, for long span of time.
The Experts by Darko Todorov
Web app that connects users and experts all around the world to fix every day problems without paying or leaving the house, done with video calls.
Railway Management System by Aarushi Singhal
Using the OOP concepts this project helps passengers make reservation easily and make secured online payments. It has been divided into different modules which is to be carried out by classes and methods and final touch given by the objects which are allowed to access their variables and methods of a particular class.
Braintrooper Finance by Raajvir Vijay
It's an advanced stock simulator for people to learn how the stock market works!
Duckbeak by Daniel Crawford
Controlling a small duck, the player must navigate through fields with increasing pace while trying to avoid ponds and mud pits.
Shipstation Export Customization by Juan Carlos Talavera
Shipstation is one of the top Ecommerce management SAAS, and it lacks capability to customize reports. The task of modifying the export file to be ready to be sent to my fulfillment warehouse took about 1 to 1.5 hours a day, I can do it now in 2 mins.
Sudoku Online by Aaryan Arora
Sudoku Online is a web application that allows you to play sudoku puzzles of varying difficulty and input sudoku boards for the application to solve.
Calendar by Matthew Stachyra
It implements a calendar in a doubly linked list where each node holds an event that is built from a class that holds the date and time.
Discord Bot by Muhammad Basim
It's a discord bot made in python language which has several commands such as tossing a coin to simple addition and subtraction.
Driving school by Sara Hosseinjani
It's a website that was created in order to give everyone a chance to get driving school licence easily.
SampleStore by Deepank Chauhan
This is sample e-com store for clothing developed using Flask for backend, Postgres for database and HTML, CSS & JavaScript for the frontend. This web app allows user to order clothes.
Our project is a web based application for travellers. Booking travel agency using html css javascript and sql/php
Visualizing Algorithms by Prasanna Sivakumar
It is a program that allows the user to visualize different sorting and pathfinding algorithms.
Packing Made Easy by Karina Lange
Packing Made Easy' is a web application that allows users to generate and modify a packing list for their holidays.
South Park Perfect Episode Finder by Jeremiah McClure
A program that finds the most enjoyable episode of south park for the user to watch.
Flipkart Reviews Scrapper by AYUSH YADAV
It gives us the list of reviews people has posted for the product.
Quick and Reliable Pandemic Info by Ayrton Aris Herrera Medina
A webpage that contains reliable and helpful information about COVID-19 Pandemic.
Pharaoh Of Medicine by Abd El Rahman Ayman Abd El Rehiim Hassan Mohamed Eba
Medical Computer aided app.
Ricochet by Anthony Keating
Ricochet is a 2D platform game where your goal is to get to the highest level you can.
Robot Shooter by Quek Yee Hsien
Shoot the enemy spaceships and score points without colliding into them.
Spot & Block by Arturo Barazarte
It is an extension for Chromium-based browsers that improves the user's privacy and security.
Fun Calls! by Laura Puricelli
Capture any video of your computer: your favourite videos and all your video calls, add text and face filters to create GIF memes. Record and review them here and save them to your computer.
TAKE A QUIZ by Bruno Figueiredo Lima
A Web Application where you can take quizes, create questions and see your own scores.
FPL Weekly Manager by Ali Asger
A hub for FPL users to track performance and make decisions for transfers.
Social Media Web App by Juvraj Singh
A simple social media web application built using flask where users can post and follow each other
choros by sylvia kazakou
Artistic and social events or workshops: currently includes ink making workshop.
Cs50: Covid by Rakshit Singh
Purpose of the webpage is to inform the reader/viewer of covid 19. The webpage has symptoms as well as the definition of covid 19. It also takes you to multiple donation pages where you can chose to donate to a charity of your choice OR donate to the webpage and we donate to the chariites themselves. I chose this idea because Covid-19 is very relevant to the time period that I am making this webpage in and I hope one day, when I am more experienced, I can produce a website like this and share it world wide and hope to raise enough money to help those
CS50 Cipher by Davi Salles Leite
A Criptography web page which allows the user to utilize 4 different text ciphers.
SMART FIND by Kirtibala Harode
‘Smart Find’ is a linux command implemented in C which allows a user to search for a keyword inside a directory (in a case insensitive manner).
CS50 Dino Game by Koh Wei Jie
The game is similar to the offline chrome dino game where the user has to use enter key to start the game and arrow up key to jump. And in order to restart the game, the user can press 'r' to restart to a different map.
Exercise Smart by Deyanara Matos
Exercise Smart consists of a web page that helps you improve excercise executions.
TechBookTrade by Yudai Sasaki
TechBookTrade is a tech book trading service on which users post and interact with messages.
Ticketing System by Amolegbe Rasheed Kayode
This web application is simply used for booking train tickets.
Guess What by 吳庭輝
GUESS WHAT is an iOS APP that provides users for playing Bulls and Cows with other players through web server.
Hike Philippines by Aquino, Kevin Rendell Samson
A website for the best place to hike in the Philippines
networking site by Saransh Kotnala
helps bring people closer by allowing them to virtually interact with other people
Guitar Pyck by Hans Y. Sicangco
It’s a python console application that lets you generate Guitar Midi files by just typing in your chords!
CS50's Introduction to Computer Science by Amandeep S Dhillon
ghar-makan is mainly for those who wants to search for residential or commercial properties
Home Budget and Expenses Management System(HBEMS) by Obed Kiprotich Bore
Keeps and maintains household budget records, expenses, and provides reports of status and trend analysis
MoreFoodPorFavor by Benedikt Böck
A homepage where you can view food recipes and restaurant critics.
HYDRATE by Dev Goyal
It tracks user's water intake throughout each day and tells them how much more they should drink
WineBrain by Patrick Dry
A responsive web app that makes it easier to create and handle wine tasting notes.
Request Upload by Yuri Ferreira Faraco
Web Application to control and evaluate refund and budget request in a company.
Tasks App by Sebastian Willowhawk
Tasks App is a simple command-line interface for organized to-do list management
Hit the ball! by shashwath Hari
This is a game which is similar to pong(an old retro styled game) but with some extra features
Music Therapy Documentation by Yuffie Hu
A web app that lets the therapist 1) input client info including goals and objectives 2) document session outcomes 3) dynamically generate documentation reports 4) with a click of a button, send all client families dynamically generated reports and emails
Foragear- Quick Search Tool by Gideon Tay Yee Chuen
A chrome extension enhancing the google search experience by highlighting and navigating to key words and phrases.
IdealJobs by Tan Yu Xin
This website is aimed to connect job seekers and job providers together, through a recruitment company called 'IdealJobs'.
BTC/USDTlive by Valentino De Vivo
A simple chrome extension that updates the value of the btc/usdt every 3 seconds.
ITA Grading System by Wanangwa Lukhere
The project allows lecturers or senior staff to captured and review students grades
Poins of Sale - Web App by Julian Meneses Bermudez
Web app thta allows to control common operations on a small store
Tetris Game by Andrés Martín Lominchar
Simple Tetris game using Python and the Pygame and Random libraries. Pieces move using the arrow keys. Rotate using the arrow up key.
Landon's Grade Calculator by Landon Ellis
It takes data from our school grade webpage and outputs a letter grade an percentage
Mafia pro by Hamideh
Mafia pro has been implemented in order to facilitate the selection of roles and the timing of the Mafia game and to create order in the structure of this game.
ToDo List by Arsher James Basilio
A simple web application that provides a simple todo list functionality such as adding, updating and deleting task.
Simple SMS Gateway by Nathan Tangaye Siafa
A mobile SMS Gateway that allows you to send and receive messages.
A Simple Meaning Finder Extension (Meaner) by Suryansh Bachchan
Got stuck reading the article, use meaner to find the meanings.
Vigenère Cipher by Miguel Angel Valderrama Villamediana
Web-app that teaches you the Vigenère cipher
TIME-SUMER! by Sai Yadavalli
it is a platform where you can play fun, educational and strategic C-Terminal or Command-Line games.
Arduino CNC Plotter by Maurício Ramos da Silva
A GUI software to control an Arduino device that controls a Plotter.
Equation Solver by Seyedeh Aniya Mirfallah Lialastani
An Equation Solver using python which can solve both linear and quadric equation and plots them. by Konstantin Kaiser
A new way of looking at CS50's final project videos
Price getter by Hakan Alkaya
It is a script to net scrape the price of a given product and alert the user if the target price is currently available
Potential Rank Choice Voting System C++ CS50 Final Project by Anthony Armour
Command Line unique ranked choice voting system using intelligence testing.
World Wide Web Portal by Tavonga Lewis
A website that displays useful links to other useful websites! by Nathan Stewart
A website to automatically import assignments into a to-do app from an online classroom.
Roulette by Gerson dos Santos
This Python software is based on Roulette Casino game. It calculates the probability of win after a number of consecutive games.
Movie/Series Recommendations by Conor Moran
A website to get recommendations on titles to watch based on your interests.
HomeSchool Tracker by Mia sarojini kynadi
A web-based tracker for my children's assignments and online zoom sessions
My Travel Blog by Nicolas Leyh
My Travel Blog Website that gives for all my destinations in the last three years tips and recommendations for international travelers.
Avshi's Wacky Website by avshalom richter levin
My project is designed to be a fun relief from everyday life.
Natural Selection Simulator by Cody Weller
A customizable implementation of a genetic algorithm based on natural selection
Scratch Game-Cat Maze by Tejas Bharadhwaj
The sprite/cat has to avoid obstacles so he can get to the end of the maze.
Le bégaiement by Emery Delmotte
A simple android app to provide tips for people with a stammer and for those around them (in French).
Music Courses Web site by Ricardo Almeida Junior
a web site for music courses, which offers services in an accessible and uncomplicated way
BrokenPixels by Gustavo Andrade de Vilhena
A platform to interact with other people that enjoy or are curious about games.
TDVerification by Andrew Wang
TDVerification verifies various passport types through checksums present in the travel document.
Filter_ex by Hongzhou Dong
This project is an extension from project 4, filter less and filter more. In project 4, filter less and filter more, totally 5 types of image filters were implemented. This final project enriches filter types to 22 types. by Siddiq Mohiuddin Mohammed
Website showing the live statistics of the CoronaVirus.
Rate Shop by Isaiah Martinez
An agnostic rate shop tool designed to help a small business determine the most cost effective and efficient way to ship a small parcel to an international destination.
Simon Game by Putri Sisa Nurdin
It's a simple game that using player memory to remember random pattern of the tiles
My Calculator by Banujan Kanapathipillai
A simple calculator with the four main operators and negation.
WebSignage by Thanayut Tiratatri
WebSignage is a web application that allows companies and organizations to display a collection of banners, ads, or slides on a web browser.
Congress Stock Trade Tracker by Noel Randewich
ongress Stock Trade Tracker lets you compare the committees that members of the U.S. House of Representatives serve on to the stocks they have bought and sold.
Homify by Tokom Nyori
My project help users to search and purchase rental homes and also gives flexibility to property owners to list their properties for rent.
STPP - Public Transport in the Age of AI. by jose martins
Teach an A.I. to analyse passengers trip routines and create new options
My Budget plan by Nguyen Duc Nhan
An android with one purpose is to help user plan and manage their monthly living expenses.
Pottery By Lizz by Ryan Mahoney
A simple e-commerce web application built on Python with HTML, CSS and Javascript.
Learning Chinese by Rebecca Guan
It's a website that lets the user study HSK levels 1-3 by using flashcards.
BRM - Book, Report and Monitor by Justė Bartkuvienė
Web application designed for booking, reporting and monitoring consultations in psychological support centre.
WhatsUp by Nicolás Axel Bukovits
iOS app that displays trending Youtube and Google searches for a specific country with the ability to take notes with comments
Hall Pass by Samantha Wiley
A web-based application using JavaScript, Python, CSS, and SQL to send encrypted notes.
Library Trailer Website by Mohammed Amin Bachouche
An electronic library with a summary video for each book
Guitar Store App by Natalie Sterling
A guitar store app, for those who love guitar merchandise and shopping.
Company Portal by Phil Moss
A web application for staff and employees, primarily it would used to submit project work timesheets and keeping up to date on company news.
AR50 is a discord bot, that can perform a few functions like getting the current weather, or getting the current stock prices of a company, and also some basic mathematical functions
Exchange Office by Șerban Scorțeanu
A simulation of a currency exchange with the ability to convert currencies, check exchange rates and check previous conversions/"transactions".
Games Are Good For You by Tamim Muhammad Rayeed
My project includes 3 games in total made using HTML, CSS and Javascript and an introduction to myself, my interests, favorites and accolades.
Réad-It by Hinal Bhavsar
A website to keep track of the books you've read and store your own reviews and ratings.
Maze Solver by Aditya Sirohi
It's a interactive python program that uses Breadth First Search to solve any maze.
Structural Analysis - Shear, Moment, and Deflection Calculator by Lauren Mizner
A web-based application that calculates shear, moment, and deflection values for the user in assistance to structural analysis calculations.
My Cars by Lazzat
MyCars is an iOS app that let's you make notes for you cars, save photos and search for different car brands.
Hardware Password Manager by Lily Law
Store, index, and generate secure passwords and usernames for services on a hardware device
Central Medical Laboratory System by Osama Abd_Aljabaar Ahmed Alabsi
Facilitates the work of the employees in the laboratory and links all the departments to each other and accomplishes the work easily and quickly
Curriculum Chatbot by Raphael Mazzine Barbosa de Oliveira
Make an AI based curriculum to chat with recruiters
Compy, 2020 by Robert Victor Timmermans
It is a love2d lua game. To win you must find three chests hidden in the game
Practice Pronunciation by Mervin Ezequiel Cayetano Muro
An Android App that lets you compare your pronunciation with another pronunciation from a native speaker sourse.
Visited Places -- a WordPress Plugin by Kang Zi Jing
A WordPress plugin to display a toggle-able mapfil
CSF Proposal Generator by Kris Oswalt
The CSF Proposal Generator app uses G Sheets, G Docs, and G Apps Script to generate consistent and easily updated technical and financial proposals.
Appointment Portal by Justin Keith de Ridder
A Web app for arranging meeting times with people from across the globe
Guide to Tolyatti by Oleg Pushkarev
An app with the information on leisure activities in Tolyatti, Russia
TimeCloud by Aaryan Mohta
A minimalistic time manager extension with alarm, stopwatch, timer and tasks by Lautaro D. Barceló
Website to contact with japanese students in Argentina, by level and by objectives.
CS50 Finance 2 by Ramiz Ibrahimovic
Additional features to CS50 Finance such as P/L, interactive messages and buy/sell buttons.
The Checkout Helper by Eamonn Lawhern
The Checkout Helper compiles a grocery order's pre-tax sale total based off the customer's quantity needed for the given items.
Encryptor by Jason Stewart
This application encrypts and decrypts files using AES 256-bit encryption.
Snakie Egg by Mariana Vilela Marta Rio Costa
My project is a game developed using Lua (with LÖVE), called Snakie Egg. The main objective of the game is catching all the eggs without colliding with any snake, by controlling an avatar with the arrow keys from the keyboard.
Logistics Transport Planning by Christopher Eastwood
A tool to assist with the planning of transport duties by visualising the positions of vehicles at any time of the day.
Latin Products in Grenoble by Rebois
Help the Latin Community to find latin products in Grenoble - France
Movie Watchlist by James Boyd
A Windows Forms App that lets me view and manipulate a large list of data (namely movie titles)
reading the result of the analysis by Abbas Albayati
Useful for the psychological factor of patients
L&F : Lost and Found by Amrit Puri
L&F is a social community web app where users can post or search about lost and found items.
The Effect of Amino Acid Abundance on Neurodegenerative Proteins by Digonto Chatterjee
Making a C++ code to determine whether there is a significant difference in amino acid ratios between neurodegenerative proteins across multiple neurodegenerative diseases.
William's Personal Website by William Feng
A fun, but somewhat professional personal website created using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Animal Shelter by Olga Abrosimova
Animal shelter management - is a Python-Flask web application created in a CS50 IDE development environment. The Bootstrap toolkit used to create responsive web pages in this web application so that it also works well on mobile browsers without writing its own HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code to achieve these goals.
Workers! by Matías Sanjinés
For my project I have created a system that can mainly search for different people through their work and register and account with your data, however it is also possible to log in to this system to beging the searches and of course, you can also delete your registration.
Fitness Classes Online Registration by Kelly McFadden
The purpose of this application is to allow users to register for fitness classes online.
Tutti Music by Jean Sol Kim
Tutti Music is a fictional organization with the purpose of connecting amateur musicians to perform together and continue their pursuit of musical passion.
ROspital by Vlad-Petru Frățilă
ROspital is a free web-search engine containing all romanian hospitals, public or private.
yourFact by Alejandro Irurzun
This is a website that returns certain facts based on some number (or date) inputed. There is also a trivia section where you can prove your general knowledge!
Decompresses RLE text files and can also display them.
FPS basics with Unity by Sanjay Chittamuru
The goal for my project was to write from scratch and implement the basic mechanics of a First Person Shooter (FPS) game using Unity.
Code by Marin de Vanssay de Blavous
An online coding forum, where users can ask questions, and answer them via email.
Health Magic by Amir Mehdi Ghanadi Of
Know your body consumption calories and calculate food calories, then lose weight and get fit by reducing the consumption calories.
BOW'N ARROW by Alisson Nunes Bonatto
Game in Art Ascii where your objective is to get as many points as you can.
Search With Tech by Catherine Xie
Search With Tech is a job search engine that prompts the user for a job position and location, and displays a table of curated searches.
Library Book Management System by Jai Joshi
The program written on Java using BlueJ performs the basic functions of a Library Book Management System
Fantasy Name Generator by Anna Sapsford-Francis
A web app that generates fantasy names based on real-world cultures using Markov chains.
Jarvis-The Virtual Assistant by Gajjar Pratham Jayesh
The ever extendable and best Virtual Assistant for a beginner
This is a web application for those who like to ride with the breeze, but do not want to pedal. Here you can find friends, ask a question, buy-sell-offer a service, just read the news or see a photo.
Harvard University by Nikhil Kumar
Harvard University press Cambridge University press limited University press Cambridge University press limited
Chemical formulation by David Iglesias
In this web page you can learn and test how much you know about chemical formulation
Unusual Incident Report by James Neil Edwards
Hospital Reporting Software utilizing SQL to store and retrieve data
MyMovieLIST by Stanley Tieu
A site where users can create their movie lists with ratings and give their own personal reviews.
Wendel Melo's Text Collection System by Wendel Alexandre Xavier de Melo
Web System to store texts from users
Chrome Extension by Adeniran wuraola racheal
This are program that can be installed into chrome in order to change the browser's functionality, this includes adding new features to chrome or modifying the existing behavior of the program itself to make it more convenient for the users.
Total Internal Reflection Tool by Samuel Lockhart
A small tool to show how light refracts at different angles when moving from a medium of higher refractive index to lower.
Public Transport 50 (PT50) by Aras Manavi
It is a web application for browsing and measuring modal coordination (trip connectivity) between public transport modes in Melbourne, Australia.
Not Me by Atharv Attri
Not Me is a contact tracing app, and the only contact tracing app that does not require any of your personal information.
Sole is an e-commerce website that sells streetwear attires mainly sneakers. On this website, users may purchase their favorite sneakers. Mainly brands are from Nike, Puma, Adidas and also Converse. On Sole, users can also get discounts for some purchases depending on the seasons.
A web app that connects to Spotify AP and allows you to vote your most favorite song artists and see the most popular song among the user community for those artists.
Coronatracker by Chan Yam Ting
A database help you to find the number of infected people, who are closed to you!
Steel Mill Production Forecast/Scheduling by Hong Yi
Monthly and Daily Production Scheduling and Forecast
Calculator by Seyon Satheesh
A calculator which follows the steps that modern day interpreted programming languages use.
Cardano Stake Pool - Distribution Explorer by Wolfgang Paradeiser
The purpose of this web application is to give a visual overview of the distribution of various parameters in the CARDANO cryptocurrency’s stake pool network.
Afrikorture Marketplace by Boakai Dorbor Kamara
A marketplace that helps Liberian craftmen, businesses, and fashion designers sell globally and with ease.
FolderChanges Apps Script by Rohan Kotla
It's a google apps script that monitors file changes in a shared folder, and notifies members.
PDF Audiobook by Mykhailo Veriutin
This is a wev application that's purpose is to create an audio version from the PDF file uploaded by the user.
Weight Loss Coaching by Tarık Bilal Hızal
My final project aims to help someone who is trying to lose weight.
Calories counter by Mikhail Shlyakhov
Application tracks daily calories consumption and compares it to supposed value
WORDicted by Vyomm Khanna
A Website that strives to improve its users' vocabulary and familiarity with the english language.
Arduino Temperature Station Prototype by Pattadon Khobunsongserm
An Arduino system that is able to record temperature and humidity to an SD card for further analysis.
Pitra Recipes ( by John Simon Pitra
A family recipe site using sql, node js, and express.
IoT Temperature and Humidity Monitoring System by Thein Htut
Monitoring temperature and humidity value over the Internet using ESP32 Dev Kits and Blynk iOS app
NBA Award Finalists 2020 by Taehwan Jung
I include all the major NBA awards and their finalists, and give my take as to who will win.
Insert VOICEROID text by Tukumo Ray
It is extension for Adobe Premiere Pro that the function is to import VOICEROID text
LEBC English Club by Muhigiri Ashuza
The LEBC English Club is a web app for the English Club, users have the ability to register and find resources as well as the ability to login and logout.
Memoro: Spaced Repetition Learning by BuckwheatOne
A spaced repetition learning app to make studying more efficient
Arduino Room Temp meter by Iakov Kemer
It is a first step to the future where software's, hardware's and my friendship is possible
Cardboard mill map - Spain and Portugal by Sergio SanFèlix Martínez
web application to show mill locations in Spain and Portugal
Films Lover by Sarocha Pattarakorntanakij
Compiles the films trail in Thailand [film productions in Thailand]
THRIFTY - Track your spending by Martin Aubel
THRIFTY is a spending tracker that allows you to keep track of all your expenses in three categories and to set a flexible spending limit that suits your spending habits.
LSE Effective Altruism: The Website by Sami Petersen
A website for the Effective Altruism Society at the London School of Economics
TO DO Web App by Akmal Sharipov
My project is a web application where you can register, log in, log out, edit and write your to do's.
SaucyBoys by Martin Tang
For my CS50x - Introduction to Computer Science Course, I decided to create a website called Saucyboys that allow users to buy soysauce and learn about the company.
Taxi Control by Raul Morote
helps keep track of your income and expenses that come from giving your car for rent to someone else to drive a ta
QuestVo by Oriol Muñiz Baguena
QuestVo is a web-based application that helps users learn new vocabulary.
Toponym (i.e. Place Name) Counter by Nicholas R Gliserman
This tool visualizes the number of place names in a text.
MySupplies by Gabriel Ribeiro Paiva
It helps me finding out when I'm running out of my medical supplies.
Chatbot by Samyan Nakkella
a chatbot that helps users find information about services and schedule appointments at a mechanic shop
Islamic Prayers for All by Sohila Mohammed
"Islamic Prayers for All" is a website that compiles the most common Islamic prayers with English translations and transliterations to help whoever struggles with the Arabic language.
Expat Friendly by Aaron Pierce
An android app to connect expats and travelers to a database of restaurants that can accommodate English speakers.
CS50 - Final Project ( Tic Tac Toe ) by Adel Benfodil
its a sample multiplayer game i use PHP and Javascript and MYSQL and HTML&CSS and MDBootstrap.
ProSurf Haus by Eric Ian Noronha Junqueira
ProSurf Haus is a web application that creates a community of people who love surfing!
Crown Project Management Tool by Peter Twarecki
An app to keep track of your projects, tasks, and deadlines.
Remedy by Parker Szachta
My web app is a daily mood tracker that provides resources, metadata, and a list of users.
PDF Renamer by Lawrence H Schoch
A Python script for displaying and renaming the pdf files in a user-selected directory.
Tuition Fee Calculator Web by Nguyễn Quang Huy
It helps student to calculate their total tuition fee.
Special Activities Repository by Ivan Sampere
This is a web-based application to share activities to people who work with persons with disabilities.
Talking Robot by siavash partonia
A robot that speaks to us like phones like the iPhone and asks for our information
Flights Django Project by Can Saral
A flight search application that uses two different APIs , Skyscanner API for finding cheapest quotes and Open Exchange Rates API for live exchange rates.
Complaint Management System by Hammad Khalid Satti
Complaint & Request Management System for Hospitals
pyGROMODS by DANIYAN Oluwatoyin Michael
Python GUI for generating solvated protein - ligand complexes and running molecular dynamic simulation
MyShelf by Charlene Bennevault
A virtual bookshelf which allows you to keep track of the books you owned and the books you borrowed.
BeeProductive by LEEN I. A. SHAQALAIH
In order to prevent students from time imbalancement frustration, I made a web application that will help everyone in planning and focusing.
G2Weather by Fremont Cheng
This is a single page web application for users to check the current weather of their current locations or particular cities.
Zuul Implementation by Aashvi Busa
An implementation of Zuul, a text-based adventure game created by Michael Kolling and David J. Barnes, based on Bilbo's house from "The Hobbit."
DevMatch by Lin Fangyuan
A SaaS networking platform for developers & entrepreneurs, built with Ruby on Rails
AL-FATIHAH with famous reader الفاتحة بصوت مشاهير القراء by Ahmed Ali Yusuf Abdulfatah
A sound of surat AL-FATIHAH in the holy quran
Dip (a recursive acronym for Dip Isn't Python) by Raghav Aditya Nautiyal
Dip is a dynamically typed interpreted programming language written in Python, which gives emphasis to readability and ease of use, while also providing the power of all of python’s libraries. Dip is aimed at beginners, looking to start with programming.
Rank of Matrix by Yihai Li
Determine rank and determinant, triangle form of non-zero real number matrix.
Keep It Up by Marian Pralea
Web application that tracks user tasks, events, product warranties and daily expenses
CS50 Weather Watchlist by Lucas Canale Pulsz
My project is about a weather watchlist, where you are able to see multiples weathers from different cities.
Reporting by Gertraud Maria Wachmann
simple reporting app for aggregation of booking data in various hierarchies, charts and KPIs
E-Clinics by Mohamed Adel Ahmed Mohamed
it's aweb application for online booking your clinic set the date and time
Nugget ios app by arunmozhi
Nugget is an iOS app that lets you record and remember nuggets of wisdom. You can write down your best ideas, and then receive a reminder sometime in the future so you never forget them.
ER Wait Time List by Pierre Marchesseault
Website build to provide a waiting list to patients in the ER, accessible via a non-password protected web page, so patients can access it on their cell phone, and can manage their waiting, especially for non-urgent patient P4 and P5 as their conditions is not life-threatening.
BetterLetter by Kaan Tek
It is an android app which enables user to edit their text and enhance their writing skills.
SignShare by Nicholas Patilsen
Connecting people who can't protest but want to voice their opinion with those who can by making them signs.
Monster of the Week Character Manager by Jeff Gray
Create and manage characters for the tabletop RPG Monster of the Week
High-school Eco-delegates' website by lilou colle
My project is a website designed to facilitate communication between the eco-delegates and the rest of the school.
R-Exam: Online Resit Examination Application by Jasmin Abaob Tumulak
This is a web application which can be used by educational institutions to provide online access to students when applying for resit examinations for missed major examinations.
JBrothers Technologies by Priyadarshi Ajitav Jena
this project is one employee management system which I will use in my own company
PyURL by Nay Thu Ya Aung
check websites' new updates, blogs, posts, announcements or releases from CLI
"Flea Market" by Oleg Olberg
The main problem that this application solves is the fast purchase and sale of cars.
Digital Bullet Journal by Shen-Kit Hia
Organisation tool with a daily planner, calendar, and habit tracker
World Home Cooking by Airi Yamamoto
Due to the spread of the coronavirus, we are unable to travel and have to stay at home most of the time. In such a life, this website help us to exchange cultures and enjoy other culture
Seafood Harvest Tracker by Michael Winchester
A web application for tracking data related to seafood harvests such as user, species, location, and temperature.
FOOD MANAGER, cookbook module by Gabriela Kaczmarek
The project is one of two modules of an app that helps with personal food management.
A little bit about me by Nada Samy Ahmed Kamal Elsayed
A web-server with 5 web-pages each contains some details about topics about me with some user interactive features.
Magic Painter by Alika Rebel
Magic painter is an application written JavaScript, html and CSS with help of Bootstrap.
Open Account Tweet Tool by Jerome Molasky
A web application that allows anyone with the URL to send a tweet from a single Twitter account.
Minecraft Register by YI HAOJUN
Registers users for a minecraft game of their choice (doesn't actually register, like its fake)
I made a Business website with HTML5, CSS3, JS, Bootstrap. this is web Development. Anyone can use this website by Business purpose and Startup. Demo URL on youtube: zcNq5NBsWxA by Mahbub Ul Islam Khan
I made a Business website with HTML5, CSS3, JS, Bootstrap. this is web Development. Anyone can use this website by Business purpose and Startup. Demo URL on youtube: zcNq5NBsWxA
Madlibs Game Which Describes Course by Alper Burak İBİLİOĞLU
I created a madlibs game to thank you all.
Consider The Source by Joshua Michael Cougle
create a resource listing the perceived political ideologies of celebrities, politicians, companies so the public can easily know which "side" they're listening to.
Find The Preposition by Iain Buchanan
An educational game designed to help young people with language impairments learn to use prepositions.
A Space for Mental Health by Harris
The project consists of a grateful journal and a section where you can watch mental health related videos
Dentorg by Diego Gutierrez
Online web app that allows an assistant to communicate with the dentist to send daily checks and sends appointment emails to the patients automatically.
Modern Nomination System by santiago correa
Leave behind the email and sheet system and use a better web site of Referee Nominations using a database of matches and referees
Math Simulator by Ana Mayer
Helps students develop, practice, and reinforce basic mathematics skills (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division).
Company Wins Tool by Sheil Naik
The Company Wins Tool is a web-based tool I am building for my company to help us track employee accomplishments in various areas.
Language Practice with C Console App by Liudmyla
If you are old-school enough to memorise words with flash cards and C, this app is for you! )))
StudyTracker by Daniel Sascha Schorn
A program which allows you to keep track of your studying-hours and to create/delete subjets, track your time and view detailed statistics
Spoti-Info by Nicolas Matiz
A web app which provides Artist's information from the Spotify Web API and directs to their web player.
Workout Goals by Heather Mohorn
Can you work out 365 hours this year? Enter your data and track your progress.
Portfolio site using html,js,css and bootstrap 5.4 by SAGOR CHAKRABORTY
This site is very much beginner project and use it as a personal portfolio site
Adopt a pet - Pet Management by Denilson Pereira de Freitas
Manage the dogs and cats found on the streets.
Formação Online para Docentes (Teacher's Learning Platform) by Benjamim do Couto Medeiros
It's a website with courses that teachers can subscribe, to learn to use in an educational context different tools (like Google Forms or Kahoot).
Kitchen Design by Kacper Ruszkiewicz
It's a company's website to reach customers who wants to renovate their kitchen.
Mahir's Website by Mahir Khan
My project is a website that is all about me and has all the essentials you need to know about me.
Password Check / Generate by Raunak Madan
My project allows people to both generate secure passwords and check the strength of their passwords.
Junko website by Farnaz Heidari
Janko Shop is a web application that runs on asp.net5, html and css and acts like an online shop. The following features have been added to the app
Latin Lookup by Dashiell Alexander Bhattacharyya
A website where you can look up a Latin word and get information about it.
Spine Width Calculator Extension for Chrome by Lazaros Kloukas
A handy tool to calculate the width of a book spine.
CeremoneyNotes by VUONG QUOC DAT
The app will help user keep track of lunar date (Vietnamese lunar date) events and be reminded on time and read Buddhist scripture, essay worship.
Put First Things First by gurugnanam subramanian
Tool / Web application to add and manage user's to do list
The Pong Game by Abhinav Sharma
Aim of the project was to make a Retro, Old Style and Simple Pong Game using Love2d framework and Lua programming language.
Black Cavity with Multi-Agent Simulation and NetLogo by Luís Edson Saraiva
Simulation of photons into a black cavity with NetLogo
Pandemic Metrics by Hoshita Undella
My project is a user-friendly web application that focuses on providing everyone with access to enter and retrieve accurate information regarding Covid-19.
CHS Sports Schedule Solution by Krishnendu Narayan Ghosh
Website that registers players and gives them their schedule and email.
cs50TrackPrice by Gilbert Rothanglien
It tracks price of amazon products for users and sends notification to their email when the price of the product dropped.
Skaterjung by Usama Abdur-Rahman
A game about a skater trying to avoid obstacles to reach the end of the map.
My final project is a website that allow the user register donation of pets and get donation from the others people (adopt). The user can also delete your register, see your registers and selected donations to adopt a pet from de other people
Flask Weather by Fernando Alário
Flask Weather is a current weather visualizer, with search for cities by name, and an map to let you confirm if its your city.
Log & Graph by Wieland Schopohl
It's an Android App, that makes it easy to log activities and view them in a graph, to gain some insight.
Oak's Forest by Francisco Ansedes Busto
Pokemon based videogame (Löve with Lua), where you can controll a character walking in a forest.
G2 Gear Up! by Shanaya Barretto
It is a game-like program that allows for road safety checks to become second nature.
Meteorological logging application by Hagiwara Yasuhisa
Temperature, Humidity and Barometric pressure logging application.
Pandemic Safety Simulator by Tanish Bafna
This python application tried to replicate the situation of a pandemic and uses real probabilities and demographics (of India) to understand how safety measures "flatten the curve".
Fever Log by Fedor Gabrus
The main goal of the application is to keep track of time until the next fever treatment can be applied.
Ultrasonic Ranging using an Arduino by Aditya Tarun Parmar
Ranging using an Ultrasonic Sensor through an Arduino.
Bob o lixinho by Alessandro Willian Nogueira
Um robo que ensina as crianças a importância da reciclagem
Initials Generator by Surya Kasibhatla
User types their full name and the C program returns their initials.
FaceGenderDetection by Narvik Aghamalian
Gender and Face Detection Python-Flask, Project To build a gender and Face detector that can approximately guess the gender and face of the person (face) in a picture using Machine learning Model. by Adrian Veto sorts users into Hogwarts Houses based off of their answers to a quiz.
FINANCE PLATAFORM DASHBOARD by Denison de Almeida Portela
A platform to connect the user to the world of inversions and cryptocurrencies
Our project is a web based application for travellers. Booking travel agency using html css javascript and sql/php
AROMA by Rana Ahmed Al-Meataz
The website is for those who are searching for perfumes with good prices.
Meeting Manager by Eduard Anton
This is an application for scheduling meetings, saving information about them, and sending email notifications to participants.
Ability Gatherer by Senith Warnasuriya
Ability Gatherer is a 2D platformer in which the player must collect abilities to get the key and open the chest.
Fridge Recipes by Xavier Bonald
Fridge Recipes is a web app to find recipes with ingredients you already have.
IoT HeartRate & Oximeter by MohammadMahdi Mohseni
IoT device for monitoring and checking and storing blood oxygen and heart rate information
Collatz Conjecture Prover by Jose Anthony Jimenez
It shows that the collatz conjecture holds for the number you give.
Radio-Savior by Dumitru Prutean
The embedded device that allows communication at distances in zones where is no internet or GSM connection.
PA by Rogiros Theophanous
A free personal assistant for answering queries using wikipedia and wolfram alpha.
TheAnimalDefender by LABDHI UTTAM SHARMA
TheAnimalDefender is a site that talks about the issue of stray dogs in india.
Colorado 14er Checklist by Christopher Chase Taylor
Keep track of which Colorado 14ers you have climbed!
Casino Blackjack Game by Radhika Hira
A game in which you can learn/develop basic skills in blackjack.
"SellOut76" by Peter Sushkin
This web-app was created to help out "Fallout 76" players manage their weapon inventory, as well as finding new weapons for their own collection.
NBA Game Picker by Aliaksandr Maroz
Wanna watch a historical NBA game, but not sure which one? We'll help!
Visualize the Web ( by Ethan Weiner
Visualize, on a map, what happens when you visit a website
CommentCloud for Youtube by Danilo Gouvea Silva
CommentCloud for YouTube is a web application whose purpose is to create word clouds using the comments and replies of any public YouTube video.
PSA Downloader by Patricia Nicole Tan
This is a web scraper that checks the Philippine Statistics Authority website for user-defined releases, then downloads the associated files directly.
analog computing - programming without a language by Klaus Paschenda
a program to simulate an analog computer in Python with SQlite
Find and Recommend by Christina Zorenböhmer
OpenLayers Map geolocates the user on a map, and allows visitors to write recommendations to other visitors.
My Dream Website by Jeevan Koiri
I implemented a complete website with the special feature of Mini google project which allow the user to make google web search and image search from the same input field.
CS50 Meals on Wheels by Ryan Robinson
Website to improve the reporting and tools of a database for my local Meals on Wheels charity.
My Personal Library by Mohammad Zolghadr
This is a list of my books that I havein my personal library
Tomahawk Tees by Sebastian Stull
It's a website that's meant to advertise our school business and sell shirts to local customers.
TicTacToe by shashakt jha
Its a TicTacToe app which uses Min-Max algorithm in AI. Its written in python using pygame library.
FoodJournal by Laura Menzler
My FoodJournal helps users to track their food in order to know their impact on their skin.
How much CO2 do you emit ? by Carla Mercier
Web Application that calculates how much C02 you emit daily
Rater by oruganti shiva charan
It is a tool to rate the faculty by raw experiences rather than on a scale of 5
Quiz about general knowledge (used html, css, and JavaScript) by Akshay Padmakumar
This is a web quiz that checks if the user knows some general knowledge.
Slang - Text to Speech by Kauê Reis de Assis Pereira
A chrome extension that converts to speech any text selected by the user from any website.
Magic Painter by Johannes Gregori Rebel
Magic painter is an application written JavaScript, html and CSS with help of Bootstrap.
T-s Diagram sketcher by Laurent Siino
This project is a website designed to sketch diagrams representing the evolution of Temperature and entropy during a cycle.
CookBook 101 by Umberto Valente
Online cooking recipes book, to upload and share your creativity with other users.
WatRongRod application by Oran Kobkaew
My IOS application's concept for assisting people traveling to Rong Rod Temple.
Money Descriptor by Zuhal Albayrak
Money Detector is a project that detects the money in the photo and return the currency, value, picture and the other features of the money.
Vegetable Garden Planner for South Africa by Chevaun Martin
Plan a vegetable garden based on the month and region within South Africa
Daily Mind Lift by Sam Shum
An iOS app that combines pictures and quotes to motivate and inspire the user.
WorkList by Ali Mohamed Taher Abdelnaeem
WorkList Designed to help you get organized, achieve your goals and never forget a thing.
Simple Arithmetic Quiz for Juniors by Sathsara Wijekulasuriya
The project is 5 simple arithmetic quiz for junior students.
Sitemapi by Pascal Flurin Marcel Aubort
Provide a modern REST API for accessing SAP SuccessFactors Job listings using publicly accessible XML sitemaps.
Call'em Chords by Izabel de Geus Monteiro Gomes
It's a webpage for people that are still learning the basics of guitar so they can search for guitar chords and create PDF files with sequences of them to share with other people.
What to do when you are bored in Singapore by Quek Sze Yang
A way for users to get random suggestions or provide suggestions for things to do in Singapore when they are bored
Laptop Store by Safa Mohammed
My project is written in html and defines a set of laptops like hp, lenovo, apple, acer etc
Legendary Shirts Web Version by Eugenio Palopoli
The project is a web version of a book that I wrote with three colleagues and that was published last year here in Argentina. It is called Camisetas legendarias del fútbol argentino, which of course means Legendary Shirts of Argentine Football (or soccer, or jerseys, if you prefer). The site has static pages and also a dynamic feature: a shirt searcher that takes up to three sear parameters and responds with an image gallery that shows all the shirt pictures that match those parameters. When hovered every picture also shows all the relevant jersey´s data: team, year, player, brand and other events related with it.
Tideman Testing by Josef Richter
This app lets you test various ballots combinations and evaluate them using Tideman algorithm.
Give Away by Jaya Kolluri
It is an ecomers site used for selling you househole items, while also raising funds and spreading awareness of non-profit organizations
Just a little help for teachers in emailing reading tasks to students on a distant learning.
Mochi's Website by Aaron Wu
It's a story telling website that I built to dedicate to our pet Mochi who suddenly passed away earlier this year.
The Movie Database by Philip Reinhart
The Movie Database is a web-application to store, rate, review and rank your favorite movies.
Productive Families Center by Fatima Tahir
The Productive Families Center is a center that brings together consumers and productive families, allowing families to display their products in all its details. It also allows consumers to order the products they want. There is also a service that allows drivers to add their cars in order to deliver consumers' requests.
Text to Speech Converter App by Rudeen N. Zarwolo
A web application that allows its user to type or upload text file to be readout.
Edministrator by Chang Zhi Herng
Web application for educational centres to manage day to day operations by Andrew Beresford Long
A website to support user registration, account management, and survey fielding for a survey panel.
Birthday wish generator by Dilitha Darshana Nanayakkara
This is a web application which can be use to send birthday wishes online.
Conversion of Legacy Encoded Devanagari to Unicode by Kaanchan Adhikary
Internationalization and modernization of legacy encoded Devanagari text to Unicode.
Support Bubble by Lawrencia Nanyongo Njume
Support Bubble is a Social Networking Android App, this platform is all about positivity.
Pano Loco website by Joao Paulo de Souza Oliveira
Pano Loco is a website developed to sell tailored clothes on the internet
World Big Problems by Roxana Dicusara
This website was designed to present the world's biggest problems and ways to help.
TicTac50 by Jonan Mesfin Stein
A desktop Tic-Tac-Toe app where you can play against your friend or a minimax algorithm.
Alpha Kamban Ledger by Mugesh
Simple Web Application which enables residents to pay their monthly maintenance fee and to handle the data of the residents.
Deep Learning Website by Tushar Sonthalia
It uses Deep Learning Models to perform NLP and Computer Vision tasks
Folliculometry Tracker by OLUWOLE Olutunde Olutomola
A webapp for determining menstrual cycle parameters for better follicular tracking.
Christmas Gift Finder by Andreas Jannis Meider
The purpose of the application is to help all people struggling to find Christmas gifts. After entering only 3 short questions you will be provided with ideas.
Music educational website called notabzar by Javad Yousefian
I made a website for music education for educators
Tips by Karim Ahmed
in this website you can create an account then login and post your tips in any field for everyone to see it
Immunology by Fu Jiaxin
It is an informative webpage for people to view and learn more about the topic of immunology related to Pharmacy.
MyCalendar by Lu Liang
"MyCalendar" project is a web application designed for organizing and managing upcoming and ongoing tasks and events.
Daily Calm Booster Popup Extension by Sara Do
A Google Chrome Extension that displays a quote from the Daily Calm App in a popup window.
Dog Bark & Park by Dianne Pappafotopoulos
This project is a web application that allows users to reserve a date/time in a designated dog park and have services available for dog care.
Obstacle Avoiding Car by MD. Sirajul Haque Emon
This car can sense obstacle in front of itself in 30 cm range. I have used sonar,servo motor, motor, arduino uno, motor driver and cases to build this project.
ScoutFin by Edgars Indriksons
ScoutFin allows small companies or NGO's to manage business expenses towards its employees
Super Notes by Philip Daniel Churchman
Expanded Android Notes app with image, audio and news download functionality
FSC Honors Program Social Justice Division by Andrea Migliorato
A hub for social justice information for Honors Program students at Florida Southern College.
Cheqyn by Eric Biondic
Organizational app for scheduling and tracking custom data for recurring check ins.
NTFLX Auto-Skip by Ilias Boutchichi
It's a browser extension that provides some options to automatically skip parts of a Netflix show, such as the intros and recaps
Participants Evaluation System by Ayaz Rzayev
It's a web app which can be used to evaluate participants engagement in a project
Voice-Controlled Tic Tac Toe by Jonathan Jia Hui Jansen
A 1v1 voice-controlled Tic Tac Toe game, built in Python
Twitter based, Tesla Analysis by Paolo Schirru
I checked how Tesla, Ford and Mercedes relate to one another based on Twitter's data.
TICCS: Technical Information Control & Communication System by Shawn McCormack
Web application for tracking and communicating Aircraft defect tickets.
Nitrogreen by José Antonio Rodríguez Velázquez
Desktop application for an automatic irrigation system.
Memory Game by Nikolai Saganenko
A simple game for iOS where you need to find all pairs of the same cards
Toothbrush Timer by Benjamin Barnard
Toothbrush Timer is an app that helps people brush their teeth for the full two minutes recommended by the American Dental Association.
Weather application by Vadim Sullivan
A web application that displays the weather for multiple cities around the world using the OpenWeather API.
Weather Web Application by Azain Ayub
A Weather Web Application that provides weather forecast for cities.
Dia Mi (Website) by Thaer ALODEH
It provides up-to-date information about the bracelet that provides the measurement of diabetes, namely the Dia Mi Band, which is our project.
Mertis Bot by Maxat Issaliyev
an educational Discord Bot that help students with their application process
RandoMaze. by Caden Choi
It is a text-based game that randomly generates mazes the player must solve.
A simple web based application for business analytics and contact tracing platform.
Musical Quiz by Vanessa de la Cruz Quiñonez
Quiz Game: Musicals at Broadway and Musicals at the big screen
Smart Password Generator by Tommy Chu
The generator of extremely strong passwords that can be easily remembered.
Pomodoro Timer by Yusuf Nissar
A productivity application which allows people to work in 25 minute intervals with 5 minute breaks.
Pomod'Orc by Gustavo Kenzo Araki Takechi
This is a Pomodoro Timer with tasklists made in React for a junior enterprise challenge with the skills I got from this course!
Romaji Trainer by Cheng Xiang Jiek
A web application to practice learning Japanese syllables (hiragana and katakana) while simultaneously learning Japanese words.
Search Away by Ryan Boodram
A web base app that allows users to search for or advertise a particular job service they do.
Nugget iOS App by MalavikaSennan
Nugget is an iOS app that lets you record and remember nuggets of wisdom. You can write down your best ideas, and then receive a reminder sometime in the future so you never forget them.
Azure VM cloner in Python by Daniel Ignacio Pavez Sandoval
Python code which uses azure-CLI, the Azure SDK for Python to clone Virtual Machines in Azure
Aurora Web Framework by Mohammad Himan Zafari
Aurora is an MVC web framework for creating CRUD applications quickly and simply.
Student Management System by Shaurya Mann
It is a project that is can be used for management of information of different students using python, MySql and tkinter module
Bob o lixinho by alesssandro willian nogueira
um robô que que auxilia as crianças no aprendizado da importância da reciclagem
Blue by Sascha Michael Wagner
A simple platformer where try to collect coins and don´t get killed by enemies.
What are ecosystems? How do we hurt them? And how do we sustain them? by Nashwan Haque
I have created a website that talks about what ecosystems are, how we hurt them, and how we sustain them.
Favorite NFL Team Picker by Aseef Ismail
Picks your favorite NFL team based on an address and which team is closest to it.
My Personal Website by Hayden Edelson
Personal website, currently just a blog, but intended to grow to host much more.
OptiRoute by Eu Chun Kang
A route planner web application to help the user find the optimal route for multiple locations.
Leisure by Yeung Tsz Leung Edan
Leisure is a useful web application for scheduling a time for activities with your friends and colleagues.
Game of Life by Abirami Sankar
Visualising Cellular Automata (specifically Conway's Game of Life) in 3d by making a simple web-app using React and Three.js
KMB Bus Schedule by Lai Chun Yin
KMB is one of the major public transportation company in hong kong. This application is using to retrieve real time arrival data and display to user.
memory-game-express-react by André Soibelmann Glock Lorenzoni
A memory game that saves the highscores in a database.
Python C Formatter by Sebastian Gracia
It's a formatter for C code, written in python. By default it formats according to the CS50 styling.
TechTalk by Keerthisree Raghu
An application for tech-enthusiasts to create content and communicate about trending topics in the world of tech.
Pantry-Mate by Liam Morrison
Pantry-Mate is an web site that allows users to keep track of what is in their pantry!
BookOrganizer by Sonja Topf
Application to track and display information about books the user has read.
Pilates Booking Website by Ella Dunav
This website is designed to allow users to book a Pilates class online.
Quizzer by Nicolas Benjamin Adamec
A simple, fun way to take a quiz using a game-like user interface.
SAR Watch (a.k.a Adventure watch) by Stephen Thomas Bell
An android application to automate sailing trip log generation
CustomUnique Webview by Daniel Addo Nyanyo
An android webview app that converts websites into an android app
Company Admin Software by Ben Siddall
This software is designed for managing a companies contacts, sales, and purchase orders in a simple and easy to use way.
Virtual Traveling is a Flask Web app that allows the users to get or share informations about their previous experiences regarding traveling.
When Will It Be Done by Marijn van der Zee
When Will It Be Done - a collection of Python tools for software development teams to simulate their workflow, collect agile metrics and visualize their performance.
Holiday Calendar Countdown by Dylan Gilbert
I created a Federal Holiday Countdown Calendar that tracks the time between the current date and time until each holiday.
Distant Life - Virtual Pet Site by Jeanine Schoessler
Raise virtual pets while improving your language skills!
Product Page for Sony PlayStation 5 by Krish Arora
My project is a product page of the Sony PlayStation 5 which is similar to the actual product page in terms of content but the design is totally different.
School Activity Board by Zikun Wang
An activity board for students and teachers to check and change events
Noah's Baseball Archives by Noah Fox
A baseball database that allows you to search for any player in the game.
R-PROJ by Ozayr Raazi
R-PROJ is a web application that allows users to store, organize and view all of their projects in one simple, easy-to-use place.
Lumina by Ricardo Salas
Tool to calculate amount of lighting fixtures needed in an architectural space.
website for mobile by haidy ismail
you can online shopping for mobile and edit if you have a license
AVOCADO Finance by Anita Ding
AVOCADO Finance is a trading sumulator webapp that allows users to invest in real time. Users will be able to register their own account and trade stocks as in real markets. This site features responsive tools such as stock info and chart widgets for investment analysis. The built-in message tool allows users to interact with each other via instant chat.
Blenderbot alias Chatbot by Kaveh Takhsha
This Real time chat bot is able to communicate and answer you as many questions you want to ask, also can give some next generation advices
Mental Calc by Chew Yun Yong Andrew
Users have to perform mental calculation to answer questions within a time limit.
SmartCalculator by Kunyue (Jeremy) Wang
A smart calculator which can parse an entire mathematical expression effectively at once
LoveYourRide by Rainer Becker
LoveYourRide is a ride sharing platform that brings together people of same interests for a ride.
A Game using Lua with LÖVE - Fire Ball by CHIN FOOK HEE
Interaction battle game which user play as flying angel and fight with skeleton (AI-controlled).
My Webpage (created by Hypertext Markup Language) by Omar Aboul Gadayel
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
Wizard Quest by Edward Pace
As Mungo the wizard, you must drink potions to cast different spells, to solve the puzzles to make it through the level.
Personal Grocery Manager by Edison Ling
A web based application, providing better management of household grocery stock tracking and purchase planning.
Cocktail-me by Danilo Elias Uzelin da Silva
Cocktail-me is a web application usin Flask and SQL where users can control their stock of ingrediends and check possible cocktails recipes according to selected ingredient in users list
Rogers-Portfolio by Joshua Louis Rogers
My project is my portfolio, which showcases my most recent schoolwork.
California COVID-19 Hosiptal Data By County by Ken Tam
Retrieve live data from trusted source and parse it to human readable format
Fashio by Myint Oo (Ram Gyawali)
FASHIO is fashion tailoring site for men where you can place order for your choice of designs and our highly trained tailors and on time delivery ensure that you get your garment stitched exactly the way you want it and when you want it.
Vaccination Records by John Baron
A web application for organizations to maintain personnel submission of COVID vaccination records
Cash Register by Aloysius Tay
It simulates a cash register that allows you to order items from a virtual store.
crypto Technicals by Ali Uyanık
It is a price , market cap, volume trackers for crypto currencies and it is providing a simple signal tool for trading
Equivalent Circuit by Natã Rodrigo Santos Pereira
A Web Application developed in python to assist in calculating the equivalent resistance of transformers from measurements made in open circuit and short circuit tests.
CS50 E-shop by Ahmed Abdelhamid
The project is a webpage for online shopping for home decoration and accessories. I wanted to make a project like this to expand my knowledge in web development.
Shopify Bakery by MAHERU BINT RAHMAN
Shopify Bakery is an e-commerce bakery shop where users can purchase a variety of products.
Greensense by Rui Carlos Moreira Bras Gomes
An environmental parameter monitoring system for household greenhouses.
MyWellness Page by Morgan McAnally
MyWellness Page allows users to keep track of journal entries, workouts, and food diaries.
Find your pet by Kimberly Abad Louzada
a website to request help of the community to find your lost pet
Frames by Poey Kai En, Ian
Frames is a basic image sharing website made with Flask, SQL and JavaScript.
Ley de Humedales. URL: by Stefania Luján Bautista
Website about the importance of the wetlands' law in Argentina, with gathered information about the topic.
Zabaan by Taimur Shaikh
A language learning tool that translates song lyrics and allows users to edit them to better understand a language
Pozo and Business Admin Console by Claudia Iser Carrasco
It is a web application to manage the orders, clients, users and other properties of the agency Pozo and Business
Fuel Delivery Service System by Malek Abdulsamad Mansoor Qasem Alselwi
Fuel Delivery Service System is time saver.
Babylon Magazine by Hamssa ALHawaz
My project is simply a website titled Babylon Magazine, international Magazine Between East and West.
RSA message encryption and decryption system by LEUNG CHUN WAI
message encryption and decryption using RSA algorithm
Help Starts Here by Matheus Rodrigues Olegario
Encouraging people have open conversations about their mental health.
CLEAN-G by Pawan Kishor Patil
A imagination of a startup organization contributing in the cleanliness of India
The Recommended Routine by Nicolas Bunjamin
A web app for's workout program.
Command-line Calculator by Kosiso Steve Ojeh
It is a command-line based calculator that's coded using Python
Bellevue Paramedic Medicine Guide by Gabriel Guitron
The project allows paramedics to access the information they need on the drugs quickly, without the use of cellular data.
Findify by Aditya Naidu
User's can receive music recommendations based on inputted songs and artists
English Premier League team of the season by Hossam Mousa
web app to compare stats and get team of the season through users votes.
SmartWatchFinder by Ben Sylvester Strautmann
Web App to help smartwatch enthusiasts find their dream piece.
A Course Registration System in Flask by Alwin Tareen
My final project implements a simplified course registration system, in which students can securely log on to a website, and select their desired courses in a comprehensive, organized manner.
The Hyacinth Crown by Tobias V. Wallace
A website to organize information from my friend group's Dungeon and Dragon's game.
Chiza's Library by Rodrigo López Garcés
A web app where you can track your progress while reading my book collection. by Severin Baschung
Kindermenus is a web app that helps parents find ideas for healthy meals they can cook for their kids.
Budgeteer by Nicolas Alouf
Budgeteer is a web application for planning a monthly budget and recording and tracking expenses
Command Line Calculator program in C by Shreyas Karthik Ramesh
It's a calculator that can be run from command line
Virtual NSE Stockmarket by Anmol Chokshi
A Virtual Stockmarket where users can buy and sell NSE listed stocks' shares
Jet Creative Email Database by Harold Hidalgo
a searchable database of email creatives with an easy to use interface
Flappybird Simulation using p5 and javascript by 李瓅得
A simulation of the famous game Flappy Bird using P5 JS with 3 different difficulty level and explicit interface
Food Tracker by Amadou Djoulde Barry
My final project is a web app called FoodTracker it is a Calorie Calculator to record and estimate number of calories we need to consume daily.
Online Converter/Ingredient List Generator by Devyanshi Rai
Fluid/Dry ingredients unit converter and Ingredient list page generator.
Best Eats in Singapore by Rachael Tan Ting Xuan
A webpage designed to introduce some of the best dining spots in Singapore.
Course Manager - Recording life long learning by Ahmad Hatziq B Mohamad
Records down courses taken along with a link to a http url hosting the certificate
Climate Change: An urgent crisis with devastating consequences by Annika Kumar
I created a website about climate change including its causes, effects, some solutions, and how this pandemic has impacted the crisis.
MiHealth by Iwona Kuzia
MiHealth is a personal health assistant which can help to monitor good and bad health habits as well as teach some good practices when it comes to physical and mental health.
OCR handwriting form data extractor using Python and Google cloud Vision by Andi Winata
this webapps is using python and google cloud vision to ocr handwriting form
CMS | Class Management System by Mohammad Fahad Amjad
A better way to manage classes in educational institutes.
Web App for Object Detection & Counts by Buoy Rina
To develop a web application in which user can upload an image to perform object detection and count the objects present in the image.
Order cat by Jonas Gunnmo
Program with UI that generates orders from an excel, formats them, saves and then send them via outlook.
Scorekeeper by Sarika govalkar
A web application that allows game players to show and change game variables like life totals while separated.
Tune50 by Navin Narayanan
A tuning website to help young musicians learn how to tune their musical instruments.
junko website by AmirAzari
Janko Shop is a web application that runs on asp.net5, html and css and acts like an online shop. The following features have been added to the app -
Hide & (The) Sick by Kelvino Widagdo
The story starts when you, together with 2 friends, break into an old house in the middle of nowhere. Little did you know that once you step into the house, you had no choice but play a hide & seek with the inmate.
COVID19 Website Scraper by James Cote
Scrapes a webside, analyzes the data, prints it into a txt file.
Coding Together Virtual Campus by Maria Clarissa Fionalita
An application that provides the functionality to take part in a virtual campus for CS50.
CIE A Level Prep by William Nathanael
This is a simple website meant to help students prepare for their CIE A Level exams
Sleeping Beauty by Kristýna Forejt
A web-scraping program for Archive of Our Own that creates a custom database of fanfiction.
Bookworm (UI) by Marina Oliveira Levay Reis
An app for avid readers who enjoy having their online reading tools in one place.
Oil Change by Douglas Ghiraldello Rodrigues
Never write down your vehicle's oil change information again.
Decision Maker by Ryan Shalaby
Decision Maker uses randomly generated outcomes to decide the winner of a competition in areas where unbiased decision is essential.
Diabetes Mellitus Management System by TSAI, WAN-CHEN
A website providing personalized medical services for diabetes patients.
Covid-19 Tracker by Abdelilah N'gadi
Web page, Android, IOS App that automatically generates the evolution of the epidemic in real time, mainly in Morocco as well as throughout the world.
The best cafe in Paris by Jacqueline Ivanova Pavlova
HTML web with small introduction of “Au Vieux Paris d’Arcole”cafe in Paris. by Reynaldo Iván Serey Gómez
My presentation is based on the website designed for my brother´s company.
MyMDb - My Movie Database by Niklas Petersen
Personal Movie Database with ratings, notes and recommendations based on movie preferences
Anti-Virus Telegram API Bot by Shayan Hallaji
You can send your files applications, pdfs, etc. to this bot check your file(s), does have any VIRUSES or not?
NC Snakingdom by Christopher Lee Allison
NC Snakingdom is a website designed to interactively educate the public about the snakes endemic to the state of North Carolina.
Travel Diary by Nastassia Troska
Our project is created to keep all necessary information about your trips in one place. It's helpful if you are traveling a lot or just like to keep things organized.
Leadership APP by Erik Bösert
An application to help leaders of a project shape their leaderhip style
Electric Vehicles NZ by Amanda Simpson
A web app that allows users to identify the EV for them by price and range, plus get some info on public charging.
Jeneral Knowledge by Francisco Rodrigues de Oliveira Formosinho
It's a web browser quiz game in which regular users can suggest questions and admins can create/edit/delete questions or accept/decline suggestions.
CryptoDash by Mariana Rego Cruz Delgado
CryptoDash is a dashboard to view the assets you have on your crypto wallet across different chains (ethereum compatible chains)!
A report system for vending machines by Cheung Cheuk Ga
A report system to allow both customers to report any issues related to the vending machine and the staff to handle the follow-up concerning all the reported issues.
Home Monitoring System by Santiago Pedro Timm Soares
A home monitoring system made with Python, Flask and SQLite3.
Raising Awareness: Black Lives Matter by Erika Saur
A website to introduce people to the Black Lives Matter movement, the racially biased imprisonment statistics, and how they can help without spending money.
GiveItAway by Ignacio Adrian Mendizabal
"GiveItAway" is a web-based application allowing people to give things away to other people who need them or things they are going to discard to recycling companies or organisations. Also for people who are looking forward to receiving specific things.
Quote Wheel by Wong Ching Fai
A website to users to fetch and store random quotes under four categories.
On Line Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerances by William C Heaslet
This is an online application that allows a user to enter in parameters and returns tolerances for use in manufacturing.
Personal Notes by Sufiyan Manzoor Rakhange
By keeping records by taking notes, the user records the essence of the information, freeing their mind from having to recall everything.
Wombat Voxel Plugin for Grasshopper by Stefan Biller
A Plugin to convert Meshes to a custom Voxel Data-structure
Wilsonia's New Website by Avish Shimon Revis
A dynamic new website for Wilsonia Group of Educational Institutions.
Kings Experience Marketplace by Colin Warner
Allows fans of the NBA's Sacramento Kings to purchase and return gameday experiences using credit on their account.
Shambhavi Foundation by Pranshu Agrawal
My final project is about a real, working charitable organization
Investment Portfolio Backtest Tool by Rohan Mukhopadhyay
Tool for simulating what your investments could have looked like under different circumstances
Graphic Submission for Student Council by Jayme Chen
A web app allowing student council members to submit graphics to be approved and posted on the school Instagram
online illust chainer by Kota Takeuchi
it is web application that can play "Shiritori" by drawing a picture.
CoderlyIDE by Sarnav Dutta
This project is done by me using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and JavaScript framework like React.js. It is basically an online IDE that is using Judge0 API for getting answers for different source codes.
Minerva4 by Jonas Vollhaase Mikkelsen
Allows Windows users to insert pre-written formatted text from context menu.
Kynasty Family Management by Angus Timothy Olivier
A web-based application aimed at enhancing collaboration and communication in the family.
Geo-Data Downloader by SUNILKUMAR M PRADHANI
Application to download latitude, longitude and elevation data along a path using Google Maps API.
An application to calculate the approximate duration of specific activities in the construction sector.
l33tStore by Peter L.
l33tStore is an e-commerce website where people "buy and sell" products online.
WishRead by Lucy Yin
WishRead is an app that aims to bring learning and innovation around the world in the form of books. By connecting users online, WishRead makes book exchange, selling, and buying much easier all while helping written and educational resources become more available and accessible all around the world.
Plant Collection & Watering Schedule Tracker by Cheryl Soh
A web app (for now) that helps me track my plant watering schedule and colletion
Pitch50 Web application by SEYED BEHZAD MAZHARI
The idea is to construct a platform where individuals can have their own account and be able to practice and test their Absolute pitch.
The Wiki Game by Abhishek Karale
Navigate from one random wiki article to another using only hyperlinks!
CheerMeApp by Andrea Bassi
CheerMeApp is a website displaying cheery memes to user's favourite subjects
JumpAndRun by Marc Rohrer
A 2D platformer made with the Unity Game Engine and is similar to Mario and .Jump King
Dictionary looker by AHMED MOHAMMED SALEEM
A website to watch videos with clickable subtitles that shows the word meaning in the dictionary
Water.pi by Ethan T Collins
An app that recognizes speech, and uses this to turn on or off a water pump.
Active Phone Survey by Silvio Ramalho Domingos
A web-based application using Python (Django) and MySQL, connected to an asterisk server.
Data Mapper by Ben Walton
This application is a Python/Flask application that takes data from Accredo and transforms it into a CSV file that Birchstreet can handle for import.
Internet Of Things Webpage by Ethan Christopher Gutierrez
An internet of things webpage that provides an interface for controlling personal devices, such as my bedroom lamps.
Junior Golf Scout by Daniel Liao
Find every tournament that a junior golf player is signed up for in the future.
Event Manager by William Bayliss
An application for Android where you can create events and add them to a calendar.
My Gallery by اسماعيل محمد اسماعيل حافظ
"My gallery" is a photosharing site that allows users to upload photos and share with others.
A High School Student's Best Friend by Jorge Moreno
Code that can help anyone to perfect their writings and texts in and out of school, using a thesaurus and a grade identifier.
Spoti50 by Philipp Lampert
Finds song recommendations for you based on your favourite song or artist
Snippets by Yewei Ji
Snippets is a note taking app that allows users to store their ideas and information with images, so that it can helpful for them to better remember.
Laura and Yanivs Wedding in Cyprus by Laura Ratcliffe
This project will help me and my fiancé manage and involve our guests in a fun way in our wedding preparations. by Alexander Lindgren
A webb-app where you can find with mutual music from Spotify you share with friends and new acquaintances.
Snake Game using Lua with LÖVE by Nipun Chamikara Weerasiri
A recreation of the popular game, Snake using the Snake Game using the LÖVE framework
CS50x Recipe Database by Christopher Chan
This is a recipe database where users can view, edit, create and delete recipes.
Weather Application by Tushar Gupta
This project provides users many informations related to weather forecast.
Wishlist by Aditya Singh Chauhan
The CS50 project is titled 'Wishlist', which is a website to create a wishlist for movies one could watch whenever one wishes.
Smart Math by Sami Ghozlani
An application for students to improve their multiplication speed and compete against other students.
Joke Chrome extention by Philippe Nicolas
Chrome extension that allows fetching jokes from a specialized Joke website on demand.
fibonacci based Flash card by Gustavo Alves
A Flash card application that helps to people memorize things they've learned.
Calculator by Rhea George
My project is a command prompt program in C that calculates addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Age Calculator! by Jack Steven West
Calculates how many days old you were or will be on a specific date.
Car sales managment by Rafet
Documents and work related to the sale of cars through this program will be more convenient, because it will be much faster and easier to work on all the information. by Ana Boscaneanu
Web-based application to save your favorite recipes.
Third Eye for Blinds by MD FATIN ISHRAK
Third eye for people who are blind is an innovation which helps the blind people to navigate with speed and confidence by detecting the nearby obstacles using the help of ultrasonic waves and notify them with buzzer sound or vibration.
ponytale by Nicole Andrea
It's a hair donation application based in Indonesia, made for people to donate their hair or to apply for wig.
Hydrothinker by Dario Vallejos
To make it immensely faster for the users to identify which business/technical document they need from dozens or hundreds of documents in their repository. Find long version of the video here for more details:
Adopt a Dog by Noe Macario Reyes Gonzalez
a web page that helps in the proccess of dog adoption in my city.
ClimbingTool by Philippe Schwank
The ClimbingTool is designed to help climbers manage their progress by storing data on routes, spots and personal performance in a database via a web application.
Android World Music Player App by Nisha
This is the music player with the interactive UI for the easy access for user.This application can be used to play mp3 songs. The Android platform provides resources for handling media playback, which your apps can use to create an interface between the user and their music files.
Face Recognition System by Rushil Choksi
My project uses facial recognition for students' attendance.
Citadel Entrance by Joaquin Negrete Saab
A replace for notebooks to people that work in citadel entrances
CopyListFiles by Jean Nicholas P. Brouillard
First C# project, a simply GUI app for copying a list of files from one folder to another, with a summary report to verify.
Tocheiro Online by Pedro Inácio Meireles do Carmo Pacheco
A different way to create files with lyrics and chords
Polls Application by Thibault Henri Gaspard Bertrand Knobloch
Web application to post and answer polls.
Android App using Kotlin - My Movie Finder by Gouri Thampi
This is android application developed using Kotlin. The main idea is to develop an mobile application that will help users to search or find movies. The app will give the user details regarding any movie's ratings, release date or overview.
J Dallos Music- Artists Website by Joshua Dallos
Professional quality website for a musician, featuring music, videos and other content.
GoodShelf by Sarthak Bindal
A virtual bookshelf where you can add your favorite books and then store important notes from those books, and update the progress as you read it.
Self-love Tracker by Hang Nguyen Thi Thuy
A web application to keep track of your positive affirmations
Kando. by Louis Drinkwater
Kando gives users access to boards, collections of thoughts, ideas, and todos in the form of pins to help organise their thoughts.
Parkclass by Louky Schutte
A webapplication for trainers and athletes who want to teach or get taught sport classes outside in the park!
Random Pixel Generator by Joao Pedro Bastos
A website where you can generate your unique combination of different coloured pixels, as well as see people's favourite colours!
WarGame by Shamitha Thumma
The app simulates the war card game between the user and the device and whoever reaches 200 points first wins.
SysAdmin Knowledge Repo by Christopher Siguan
Knowledge repo for Sys Admin in a multi tasking world.
Artify by vaibhavi shah
Artify is the website where user can buy painting and craft art. Its similar to all e-commerce website where user can have their own account and they can shop.
Shark Dodge by Mark James Doyle
Dodge the sharks and reach the pirate treasure before you run out of oxygen!
local by João Pinto Junqueira Coelho
It's an e-commerce application where local businesses have a platform to sell their products online.
Task Organizer by Saranya Tadikonda
It is a simple web application that allows users to organize their daily tasks and when they are due.
Not Me. by Kavish Shah
Not Me is a contact-tracing, and the only contact tracing app that does not require your personal information.
Save For Later Chrome Extension by Ako, Gabriel
Saves the URL of the active tab to a view later list of webpages
SPACE WAR by Lillian Pang Yuan
This is a video demonstrating my CS50 final project 2021. The game is written in Python and named SPACE WAR.
Calculation of sum-formulas for Mass Spectroscopy by Dario Baum
Calculate all possible and chemically reasonable sum-formulas to a given mass from a mass spectrum.
$AVER by Joel Choong Wei Jie
A personal finance app that helps users keep track of their expenses and investments.
Basketball League Management Tracker by Dev Rajeev Natarajan
A lunchtime basketball league management system for individuals running a league
National Park Visitation Analytics Dashboard by Rohith Madhuker
My project is a analytical web app which provides a data visualization using Data Science principles and Python, HTML, and CSS
FastSurvey by Brandon Li
A website that allows its users to host surveys for other users to fill out
Personal snakegame by Warathep Padungtin
I created the snakegame as my first Python project. I wish you guys will enjoy!!
Expenses by Takuma Yoshimi
For people living in Europe from Japan, now you can manage your expenses with euro and yen by this app!
Las Mirlas by Ricardo
Web app tailored to the catering business (in SPANISH); It serves as a way to facilitate how customers prepare an order given products available at the store and budget constraints. by Ivan Munoz Gutierrez
My program retrieves information about DNA sequences from the National Center for Biotechnology Information
Covid19 Tracker by Tanishq chandra
An app that tracks about the status of covid cases in india, in the states of india and almost every nation in the world.
Nugget iOS App by Kalaiselvi R
Nugget is an iOS app that lets you record and remember nuggets of wisdom. You can write down your best ideas, and then receive a reminder sometime in the future so you never forget them. by Dominik Wilhelm Anton Philipp Seucan
My project is a website with customer login and shopping cart for an internet service provider.
INSPIRER by Chawit Kaewnuratchadasorn
INSPIRER is a platform of inspiration where people to get inspired by experts in a particular field, and for experts to share their interests and motivate people.
Ararat Olympic by Arada Sarkisian
My project is a web application that provides a secure database for recording and maintaining an organization's athletes' information.
Visualizing Public Data by Esther Menezes
Visualizing the University of Campinas' expenses by year, type, keyword
Crypto Coin Search Application by Virko Kask
The Crypto Coin Search application is designed to quickly find crypto coins with the desired characteristics.
Scheduler by Branden Hintz
Scheduling tool for staff to see when they work and manager to update schedules for their work-site
Ceasa Amanhã by Gabriel Lopes Bastos
Helps family and community to make the weekly market list and avoid exposing to corona virus.
Analysis of Public Opinion for Politicians by Makoto Miyazaki
Analysis of tweets for politicians to monitor the public sentiment for their job
12 Hints by Marco Lucas Pennino
The website provides a pool of cards to play the '12 Hints', which I invented and is specified on the index page.
emergency request system by Mohammad Amin Forouzesh
Describe your project in one phrase or one sentence. *
Translation Comparer by Roman Staneker
Website that displays Google and Deepl translation on the same page.
Number Classification by Alexander Kutschabsky
Number Classification in web app using a machine-learning model.
HaloStats by Joshua Shinkle
An iOS app that handles different user accounts, gets user input, and uses an online database to store game statistics from a user's Halo 5 multiplayer games and then return a summary page with the average statistics from all games.
A web app to help people sell their products from home.
Snowalert by Torleiv Njaa
A webapp that sends you an alert on email when snow is expected on one of your favourite locations
NitroType API Visualizer by Yu-Jen Wang
It grabs and visualizes the teams API from, a typing game (for kids?)
Multimark Media by Mark Higgins
A website to display services and contact information for my studio.
Password Manager by Aviv Farag
Manage password, create strong password and check wether it was leaked before
Vocab+ by Zoé Schreiber
Vocab+ is a vocabulary building iOS app designed for people who actively want to expand and enrich their vocabulary.
Hotel Mobile Guest App by Giannis Alatsas
It is a fully functional hotel mobile guest app (The app is not based on any existing hotel).
Pomodoro Timer by John Benedict D. Malabanan
A simple Pomodoro TImer to help in the practice of the Pomodoro Technique.
FeedFwd by Austin Paul Glova
FeedFwd is a web application that is facilitates food rescue by connecting food donors and servers to a network of volunteer delivery drivers.
ESP32 WiFi config by Uri Sh
A web app to configure WiFi AP credentials over Bluetooth-LE, for ESP32 IoT devices.
Anime List To.Watch by Thiago Tatico Dall Molin
It is a simple site where you can create a list of animes and series to remember to watch later
Tweet Scheduler by Bharatram Santhanakrishnan
A tool to post tweets every hour picking the oldest from the queue.
ACI Beam Table by Enrico Miguel Dalistan
An app to calculate reinforced concrete beam design based on ACI 318
µMap - A toolkit for vasculature analysis. by Jacob Bumgarner
My program organizes vasculature datasets and quantifies several basic physiological characteristics.
The village club - Web application by Deepak Chindarkar
The club website will server as event manager for its club members.
Nature guides by Karin Gijssen
A webapplication for planning and assigning guided tours in National Park The Hoge Veluwe
Flickr Browser by Yunqi
You can search for anything, and it will give you related photos from Flickr.
NumberGame by Ali Alizadeh
numbergame is a game that you have to guess the number from 1 to 1000 number
BudgetBuddy by Gordon O'Callaghan
A flask web appilication that allows you to track your spending and manage your money.
CISCA Admin Web App by Johan Stjernholm
A Web App for keeping track of students for the CISCA dance school.
Cascade by Himath Ratnayake
This task involves producing a program in the ‘C’ language that allows a user to play a single player game on an n x n gameboard of a specified input size ‘n’ populated with random symbols from a pre-defined list.
New event by Vladimir Babin
It's a python django app to register for a climbing competition and add results. On registering you are going to get an e-mail with a unique personal token, which you can later use to add results via the app.
Motivational Website by William Bellinazo Roca
A customizable motivational website for the user's favorite quotes
King of the Jungle by Noah A Brody
A game where a monkey is traveling through a forest collecting Bananas.
Fundraising Metrics Calculator by Glenn Gaetz
Python package and Flask app for calculating fundraising metrics from a set of donation records.
Personal Project Planner by Montserrat González Alamán
A web application that allows the users to have different projects and plan them through tasks.
A daily TODO List by Srijith Santhosh
Multiple users can use it. Each user need to register first and then login during the need of usage if other users are around. Add the task to be completed. After completion it will show the completed task.
Modelling the effects of altitude on the drag of wings at subsonic and supersonic speed using MATLAB by Justin Moo Xian Yuen
A program which simulates a missile's trajectory by calculating with the consideration of altitude as a function to all parameters, such as air density, gravitational force, coefficient of drag, this program allows realistic simulation on the trajectory & flight performances of a missile.
Future Minds by Sid Hocine
Quite simply, the idea of my site is the site of my company, Future Minds Is a company specialized in the manufacture of websites and mobile applications and support ideas and advertising This site is compatible with all devices and all screens and is characterized by simplicity and ease of use And it allows displaying products in a great way
Nutrinfo by Kristina Head
A REST API that allows applications to retrieve nutritional information about food in the form of a concise JSON response
Flip by Chandan Kumar Sah
his game is Flip!, Mario play style game, where the character have to go through different levels to find the right key of the destined door.
Todo list for students by Bernardo Viegas Andrade Canedo Gonçalves da Silva
My project is a todo list tailor-made for students.
Activity Living System by Maurizio Milazzo
This prototype, created with Django, Python, SQL and Javascript, the aim is to determine activity and human behaviour in an intelligent environment.
Spaced_Repetition2.ics by ZHANG Yaxian
Produce an iCalendar file(.ics) for Spaced Repetitions schedule with custom (especially non-uniform ) time intervals
Beach Finder by Kurt Peter Treichel
It's a web-based application that lets you find a beach near San Martin de los Andes.
CS50: Filtermania by Radan Jovic
Logged in users can beautify their photos, after they upload them, via filters provided by the app (24 filters in total).
DDI Record Toolset (DDIRT) by Armando Dominguez
The creation & management of DNS/DHCP/IPAM resource record database objects.
Technology Shopping by Tuong Kaito
Provide a web page for user to buy some technology devices such as Laptop, Mobile Phone, Video Game Console,....
Bills by Chow Yip Hern
Simplify your bill calculations, split items based on who's paying for them, obtain results instantly.
Water Quality Index Web Application by Pak Huiying
a project built for researchers/public interested in managing and logging water quality information.
SOLFIN PLATFORM by Jonathan Torres
It is a platform that the employee can upload files and show up in a WordPress page
Recipe Calculator by João Victor Elias Costa
A recipe calculator to make it easier to calculate the price that should be charged for a recipe (counting the profit)
CSbook by Stefan Luiken
CSbook is a social network web app created to help CS50 students to share their final project ideas.
SWrasterize by Patrick Bies
A software rasterizer written in C++ containing 3D graphic capabilities.
QR Code Generator Wrapper by Job Veldhuis
A simple API wrapper for's weird API
Climate Change by Rayen Zoghlami
A website that introduces the major problems that are facing the environment.
Images Organizer by Nipun Batra
Copies all the images on the computer and organizes them by year and month.
Dragon's Fight by Fu,Chung-Wei
The dragon can release the crystals to kill the spiders and the ladybugs to get the points in my game.
Siberian Husky Pedigree Database by Jaye Foucher
A online database/website of Siberian Husky pedigrees.
Victoria's Art Show by Monica Evans
A webpage for a local artist to allow people to order prints, check out her work and request custom pieces.
World Bank Time Series by Rodrigo Aldunate
It's an App to download and display time series available at the Indicators API at the World Bank site.
Connect 4 by Varun Mittal
A two player minigame in which the objective is to connect 4 tokens/chips sequentially.
Podcaster by Barnabas Roth
Podcaster is a private, online podcast manager which can directly parse data from URLs provided by the user.
Confession by Peter Dordunu
Random users can go and share what's on their mind anonymously and also view the confessions other users have shared.
Joker-Lotto-Proto, Games of Chance by Georgios Giazitzis
Games of Chance utilizing Greek Organization of Prognostics(OPAP) web services
CV by Nicolas Haas
An app that allows a user to create an CV and to change it every time he wants to
Potterworm by Soumya Gupta
My project is a bit similar to the Wizarding World, it's got quizzes, few excerpts from the Harry Potter series, recipes to try out from Hogsmeade and some of the potion lessons from Snape's potion-making class
Warden by Inkaphol Siriwongwattana
An information gathering website aimed at people who own a slow computer or who wants to quickly gloss over their daily summary.
Tiny Markdown -> ./tmd as CLI by Andrea Giammarchi
A single pass, memory efficient, Markdown parser for terminals.
Piazza by Hoi Nam Li
Piazza is a web programme serving as a platform for small communities like uni where people can buy and sell stuff.
R3 FACTORY | HOMEPAGE by Saraswoti Karki
This project represents a website that I have created using HTML, CSS, and JAVASCRIPT for my Dad's company (R3 FACTORY).
SaveStarfish.exe by Yolande Athaide
First version of a game where a player (Blue Angelfish) saves starfish from the enemy (Spiky) by touching them.
DTS Tracker System by Kevin Rodrigo Moreno Arellano
Track all your Devices (NodeMCU in this case) that send gps data in one single platform
2book4U by Murat Khidoyatov
I wrote an android application for reserving tables in restaurants and cafes.
Health Magic by عرشیا قنادی اف
Know your body consumption calories and calculate food calories, then lose weight and get fit by reducing the consumption calories.
Bean Tracker by Kyle Masury
This website allows you to input the amount of coffee beans you have, while keeping track of your daily usage, and being notified when your supply is running low.
Radio-Friendly by Márcio Martins
Radio-Friendly is a web application for music lovers, especially for those who has a profile, providing fast access to their music charts.
Habit by Isaac Wecht
Web-based application for users to gain insights about their daily habits through data analysis.
Snake Game by Harshil
It is the classic snake game, but there are also other various gamemodes that build upon it.
Reflections From The Pandemic by Kenneth James Davis
A network/blog site that encourages people to reflect on their learnings and experiences from these challenging times so that we can make sense of all that’s happening and feel more connected with ourselves and one another.
Mundo by Bárbara Nogaroli
Website that allows one to submit a travel itinerary or search through the ones already submited
The Pigeon: A Discord Bot by Aya Abu-Libdeh
A website and Discord bot 'The Pigeon', that let's users play Hangman solo or with friends!
Recordbook Streamliner by Peter Ian Chacko
This project's purpose is to streamline the documentation process of completing a Texas 4-H recordbook and free the student to explain how the activities impacted them personally.
Git / Maven project updater - cs50 final project by Mihai Alexandru
Automation tool for maven projects
Les Jardins aux Petits Oignons by Loup-Hadrien Georgel
A farm online store for producer and customers to better interact in business
covid19 status reporter by Abdurezak Meka
My project is a website that show the current status of covid-19 of visitor location and any location that a user want to see.
WalleTrack by Ignacio Federico
Application that allow users to categorize, record, track and analyze their expenses in a simple way.
Twit App (Web Application) by Bivishan
This web application has a basic functionality of twitter like upload post, follow & unfollow users and other some basic functionalities are include inside of it.
Blogspot by Varija D/O Muthayah
Informative blog for future Singapore NUS students and information on skincare.
home of ORC-A by Varvara Zhemchuzhnikova
homepage of new brand to subscribe for updates, made with REACT and EXPRESS
Cat Music by Marta Kule for CS50 OpenCourseWare 2020 Android track by Marta Kule
An offline grid of 9 buttons that play 9 different cat sounds when tapped.
Python calculator by Mohammad Mehdi Nowshadi
a simple calculator which can perform a basic arithmetic operations
my project is a a javascript chrome extension which lets the user to enable dark mode in any website.
Blood Donation Management System (BDMS). by Ayush Verma
A project to handle bloods donation programs and events.
Football Fixtures by Seung Hun Ko
Find details about your favorite football team's past and upcoming matches.
ClimbingTool by Kevin Schär
The ClimbingTool is designed to help climbers manage their progress by storing data on routes, spots and personal performance in a database via a web application.
Animal Grab Game by Seyyed Mohammad Hossein Tabatabaei Fard
Animal Grab Game is a game that you kill some animals & earn some points
Health Tracker by Rafael Bastos
This web app will help users look after their health condition keeping track of their body weight and suggesting a daily calorie, carbs, protein and fat intake plan according to the user's attributes.
THE COLOR GAME - Not as it seems... by Divyalakshmi Varadharajan Premsudha
This is a user-friendly and fun game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It is a test of presence of mind and quick reflexes. It’s programmed in Python using the IDE - Thonny
The Trenchcoat's Tale by Neil Downing
A 3D stealth video game inspired by the Metal Gear Solid franchise.
Little Journal by Sandra Marta Adamiec
iOS application "Little Journal" allows you to write about your feelings and experiences, save your entries and come back to them later.
Google slideshow automation with pictures by Vasanth Prabakar
To make google slideshow with multiple pictures without clicking each file to upload every time.
Timeline of Sapiens by Jesse Tymas
Website timeline of important dates in human development from Sapiens by Yuval Harari.
Organizer by Simone Abbamonte
Organize and save websites in one place and create tasks to keep you as efficient and productive as possible. by Anish Bhattacharya
A piece of code that evaluates and accurately computes the last ten years of stocks in Yahoo.
Schelling's Model of Segregation by Alwin Tareen
A simulation which demonstrates that agents tend to segregate themselves over time.
Algo Snake by Shivam Kumar
A website where you can play snake game and Visualize Path Finding Algorithms.
The Prison Of Treasure by Ralf Viktor Ortiz Fortaleza
A choice making game in which you play as the main character to find a long-lost treasure.
Selected Text Readability by Ynda Jas
Chrome extension for estimating the readability of selected text
Personal and Shop Website by Alyssa Yip Zhixin
A 2-in-1 responsive website showcasing my resume and small business' shop.
Store Manager by Borachhun You
Store Manager is a web application which helps sellers manage their stores more conveniently.
OrganIZeme is a webpage designed for college students as a personal space to organize their college life.
musicbox by Brendan Helm
Musicbox is a flask application which handles scheduling and management for music schools.
Board Manager by Alonso Zevallos Fournier
Terminal application where you can organize, create and update projects and tasks.
METAR decoder in R by Derry Leng
This is a R package for processing raw METAR codes into a structured table, aiding in subsequent analysis.
Casa Oceane Receipt Website by Yann Bonzom
A website that generates client and seminar receipts for my parents' bed & breakfast.
Habit Tracker by Rachel Zirui Feng
My final project allows users to keep track of various habits and goals they have
ROS Turtlebot with Jetson AGX Xavier and Arduino UNO by Chien Hsien Lee
ROS Turtlebot that motor drive controls by Arduino UNO and uses the serial port to communicate with Jetson AGX Xavier
iCook by Robert Pollock
A simple web app for storing and sharing recipes using Express, NodeJS, JQuery, Bootstrap and MongoDB.
Top Ten News by Seth Whitehorn
A web app that displays the top ten news articles on a given topic from the past 24 hours.
KPOP Next Big Sound by Jeremiah Daniel Regalario
A web application that tracks and ranks social metrics and statistics of KPOP artists.
BBs Time by Luisa Galimberti
BBs Time management SW helps the user in the process of managing the credit and the debit of time.
search by shivesh kumar dwivedi
Design a front-end for Google Search, Google Image Search, and Google Advanced Search. Design a front-end for Google Search, Google Image Search, and Google Advanced Search. Design a front-end for Google Search, Google Image Search, and Google Advanced Search. Design a front-end for Google Search, Google Image Search, and Google Advanced Search. Design a front-end for Google Search, Google Image Search, and Google Advanced Search.
The Greatest Short Stories Collection of All Time (Ported English Project) by Braden Wong
Converting a final project from English class into a responsive website using HTML, CSS, and JS.
Ice Cream Heaven by Sebastian Becker
Customers can place orders for ice cream on the website and the restaurant staff will be able to view and manage all open orders.
FastTyping by Sami Eriksson
FastTyping is a typing test web-application, i.e. a guick typing test for measuring typing speed as words per minute (WPM).
Meal Planner by Julia Deng Martin
Meal planning app allowing users to plan and keep track of meals, ingredients, and recipes.
Fourier Transform Virtualizer by Aref Tavassoli Hojjati
A harmonic oscillator virtualizer which can show fourier transform of the complex wave too.
MRP Web App by Kamsii Kenneth Onyeanwu
This Web app is implemented to help with raw material stock monitoring and control, production management and simplifies different aspect of running a manufacturing business.
Customer Management System by Tejas Khare
An application which facilitates managing a customer database
MyPortfolioTracker by Vladimir Balas
Web application to keep track of various equities across different investment accounts.
COVID Test Results by Megha Jayakumar
It is a python program which uses a CSV file to store data about COVID test results of different users, and also retrieve data from the CSV file.
Orange Trading Simulator by Graham Davidson
A simulation of trading oranges with randomly generated news and price movements.
Thumbnails Generator by Abdulqader Mohammed
One template, multiple designs, the idea of the project sparked me when I tried to create YouTube thumbnails for my playlists
Python homework manager by Aidan Mai
Python program where you can add your homework assignments, and it will send you notifications when they are due soon.
Newton-Raphson Method Solver by Brian Yuh
Solves a polynomial/logarithmic equation using the Newton-Raphson Method.
UFC Fight Data by Benjamin Talbot
I've created a Flask app that showcases data visualizations (chart.js) from a SQL database and a series of scripts to keep that DB updated.
Federated MS Azure Stack Monitoring by Diwakar Kumar
My Final CS50 Project uses Flask, Python, Microsoft Azure Stack REST API and Postgress as a web application. The name of the application is the Federated MS Azure Stack Monitoring solution and it enables the user/operation team to monitor all Azure Stack from a single monitoring dashboard and monitor the performance data of Azure Stack Health, Resource Health, Resource Utilization like IP, CPU, and Storage, etc., Resource Billing and Node Performance, etc. For event alerting, it is integrated with Slack.
Applying Machine Learning Models to Predict Breast Cancer and Computing Efficiency of Each Model by satvik Tripathi
I compared various machine learning models, used for the prediction of breast cancer, to obtain the most accurate one.
Covid Tracker by Johannes Helmreich
Allow registration of guest to restaurants so that incidences of covid infections can be tracked and possible oteh infected people identified.
Weather App by SERHAT ALTIN
Get current weather results and an interactive map based on zip code or coordinates.
My interpretation of Schelling's model of Segregation by Richard Moss
A new interpretation of Schelling's model of Segregation with extended features
Creating a Group Survey Form by Lisa Erpelding
Automate the process (and reduce errors) for setting up a survey for 140+ students.
C$50 Crypto by Martin Montas Domenech
My project allows real-time transactions with Cryptocurrencies and Stocks.
Spiritalk by Houssam Haddad
Spiritalk is a game that allows you to trick your friends into believing that they are talking to an internet spirit.
Snek by Michal Hromas
Snek let's you compare your skills in the classic snake game with other people.
CALCLOCK by Muhammad Hanzala Khan
Aweb-application to solve mathematical computations and see the time.
Super Mario Adventures by Berkay Kalender
Super Mario Adventures is a platform game using Lua with LÖVE.
color changer by Malik Abdul Rehman
My Project will change the color of URL's backgroud page color in chrome browser
Basic Trig Functions by Markandeya Yalamanchi
This is a website that teaches the basics of trigonometry.
Football Draft by Murilo Gustineli
It's a program intended to assist first-time and veteran sports betters by providing a data analytics platform for football team (soccer in the US) statistics.
Soccer Invaders by Vitor Bastos da Silva
A soccer themed and lite version of the well-known game "Space Invaders".
Description of stars & its cycles and the effect on earth of sunspot
Cryptofolio by João Godinho
A simple Chrome extension to track your cryptocurrency portfolio without having to connect it to external wallets.
Falling eggs by Akanksha Sharma
It's a 2D game, made with Love and Lua. Main aim of this game is to catch the falling eggs and increase you score. Stay away from stones.
Quadruped robot using Arduino and Python by Álvaro Medrano Roche
It's a walking robot programmed with an Arduino board and controlled with your keyboard
ReedTracker by Kristiina Salmi
A flask web application for oboists to save information about the reeds they've made.
Space Invaders New by Pathak Aman
I have created a fun game with a module of python called pygame. with pygame I have created space invaders game with some new modification in it.
food list program in c++ by نرمين قاسم محمد
A small and simple menu program with the programming language c++
Calculator Mood by Rıfat Ralfi Bahar
Calculator Mood is a basic calculator extension for modern browsers like Chrome, Opera, Mozilla, and Safari.
cs50final_improved_finance by Ewart Jonathan Sheldon
Rewritten finance so its nice and easy to maintain.
Simple food menu program in c++ by نرمين قاسم محمد
Program contains a number of foods and the user chooses his meal
Engineering Information Management by Michael Jordan
Manage the Job and Client Information for an engineering company
Ultrasonic Sensor Alarm by Arham Saeed
My project is an alarm that uses code and the science of robotics to detect objects, and when it does it gives a response by making sound and lighting up.
Waste Classifier using Deep Learning and Flask by Shrijeeth S
A website for spreading awareness about the impact of improper waste disposal on the environment, the types of waste and their proper methods of disposal to help protect the earth. It helps classify the type of waste present in the image uploaded and gives the correct way of disposal for that particular type of waste.
Tongue Twister by Charlles Bandeira Santos de Oliveira
The Tongue Twister web application measure how much you can speak phrases and Google speech can understand.
100% Vegan Website by Josh Love
My website is full of resources and information on all things vegan!
password generator by sina Heidari
my project will provide random password in different level of securities
Sorting Visualizer by Igor Henrique Torati Ruy
My project is a sorting algorithm visualizer. It animate bars representing values to show how each implemented algorithm works.
FTC Resources by Siddhant Mody
My project is a First Tech Challenge (Robotics Competition) Resources page for students.
RoboChat by Xiaocong Yan
Simple python commandline chatbot using basic python properties/functions, regular expressions, and random number generator.
Coffee Shop Website by Angelo Ezequiel Galiazzi Machado
The web site is about a coffee shop store that also offers courses and workshops.
CS50 Finance - Extended by An H Quach
Based on CS50 Finance, I add more function and tune up the UX/UI design.
Software cli by Aritro Ganguly
My project is a c command line which respond to tasks you provide using a syntax.
Financial Calculator for Academic Purposes by Kamil Kręt
Calculator suitable for calculating NPV etc. in accordance to Polish university's standards
Red Devils by Aditya Raman
A web application for users to learn more about the football club Manchester United.
Finance Tracker App by Ritik Agarwal
Finance Tracker is a web app implemented using Flask and bootstrap that works like a mini stock exchange system.
Online Planner by Ian von Pechmann
An online planner for students designed to keep track of their assignments with minimal distraction.
SkyDrive by Nathan Michael Wijayasekara
SkyDrive is a cloud plateform where you can store your photos
Vaccination Date Generator(VDG) by Amir Hossein Qasem Ali pour Selakjan
It is a prototype program that email the vaccination date to anyone register.
SimplyMath by Shaema Marjahan
SimplyMath is a mathematical calculation site with info and opportunity to share ideas. by Terry DeCoste
Find the best deal for pizza in your area!
Tyler's Daily Fantasy Lineup Creator by Tyler Harper
A tool to create optimized lineups for daily fantasy sports.
COVID-19 Coronavirus State by Stephanie Ann Viveros
COVID-19 Coronavirus State is a chrome extension that gathers and displays current statistics in the the state of the users public ip address.
My Spotify Statistics ( by Frederik De Brouwer
A simple web application which enables you to look up and analyse your Spotify 'footprint'.
HealthyMe - a one stop shop for everything health by Pyusha Dalmia
HealthyMe - a web app made with HTML and JavaScript with health calculators and health information.
Llyn Gwynant Campsite Info Station by Simon Sexton
An info station web app that collates information from across the internet and displays it to users.
mpos-sftp software application by maria luisa poscoliero
Simple sftp tool that allows users to connect to sftp servers, manage file transfer and keep records of connectivity login details.
Github Policeman by Anirudh Rowjee
It's a react app that tells you which if your Github repositories has a LICENSE.
MemberYet by Mostafa Hana
A simple web application about markets and their offers I made for CS50x final project.
Ace Valorant Report (AVR) by Luke Kennedy
A web application for aspiring Valorant pros to put their name out there and potentially be recruited by coaches.
Ngostarter by Ozgur Tanriverdi
Crowd-funding app reserved for NGOs, scientific research and startups working towards the preservation of the environment and the future of the mankind.
SWANm (Simple Web and Network Monitor) by Oleksii Stryzh
SWANm (Simple Web and Network Monitor) is a tool that allows to monitor availability of network resources (IPv4 or URL) in realtime.
Flight Emissions Calculator by Daniel López Castelán
Web app to calculate CO2 flight emissions and airport codes by Yuri Avanci Laguardia
A online contact search form for Brazil's Federal Justice (ES section)
Matrix Calculator by Ahmed Adel Abd Elmonem Mourad
it perform basic operations on matrices entered by the user
Elisa Readability Project (currently at: by Maciej Zuziak
Elisa readability project is a web-based application for assessing text readability.
Language School Management System by Carlos Carlitos Bottinelli
A management system for a language school implemented as a web application.
Online Educational Platform by Herman Guan Yang Heng
A platform that matches teachers with passion and youths with difficulties in accessing to the most basic education
Blue City by Amna Hafeez
A game about collecting gems and kill aliens in to order to reach flag by collecting key
Rolling Cart by Arindam Mukherjee
It is a dynamic e-commerce website built using Django, Bootstrap and Javascript.
Take a seat - Reservation system by Jana Vrzalova
See, check, reserve and cancel your seat in the office.
My Task List by Δημήτρης Αγγελάκης
A web application that lets you organize your tasks into categories, visualize them with images, and keep track of how much time you spend on them by dynamically creating a bar chart as you add a number of hours to each task.
Meticulous Household Cleaning Service is a website designed for the customers for the booking of online cleaning services.
Pomoroductivity by Airam Mumiah B. David
Pomoroductivity is a pomodoro timer that works as an extension in Google Chrome. The aim of Pomoroductivity is to help you focus on any task may it be studying, writing, or even coding.
Choice! by Yevhenii Yelisieiev
It's a web-based application which makes it simplier to choose the best platform for online-learning.
Blood alcohol content calculator by Facundo Frau
A Python CLI app with graphics generated by matplotlib. The objetive is to give the users a tool to calculate the Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) and get the results in a graph..
CSH - Compute Shader Helpers by Milo Heinrich
Library containing helpers tools for the execution of compute shaders
CS50 Pharmacy by Abdul Musawwir B Abdul Rahman
CS50 Pharmacy is an integrated platform which allows physicians to dispense medications easily and patients to view their medication records instantaneously.
Songs 'n Stories by Dogacan Saygili
This website shows you what story lies behind the lyrics of a song.
Swim Tracker by Maryann Collins
The Swim Tracker logs users distances swimming and displays monthly and yearly totals.
Converter by Kutsokon Olexandr Viktorovich
Web application that allows you to convert documents and images from one format to another.
Ticket Cloud by Praghadiesh Saravanan
This is an online based Ticketing System for companies, which allows the users and support executives of a company to create and manage tickets
Airline reservation system by Mirthunraj Satheeshkumar
An airline reservation system with multi level access for administrator and users
Student Portfolio Website by Ishita Singh
This is a website created by me which includes details about me along with my most favourite project .
Password Checker by Alex Kim
The code will check a user's password strength by checking character count and checking if the user's name is in the password
Time50 by Colin Roe
A Python Command-Line Program that offers a working stopwatch, timer, and current time fetcher all in a secure terminal.
Temperature and distance sensor controlled cooling fan by Raminta Razauskaite
A hardware-based device programmed using Raspberry Pi 4
Convert to uppercase by Giovanna Alves Costa Hespanha
It is a small extension to convert a string to uppercase.
U.S. Passport Application Helper by Eli Frederick
This site quickly answers your most basic U.S. passport questions.
Organic Reactions by Juliana Paola Rosas Fonseca
Organic Reactions is a simple Android App designed for provide basic information about chemical reactions.
Elice's Rabbit Coding by Esther Hoeun Yu
This is IDE which is Elice IDE software is a auto compiler, a command-line program using C.
Benoit Freulon Photography Website by Benoît Freulon
It is a website for my photography work and hopefully my future web applications
Trial Finder by Matthew Sim
Web application that allows users to search for, save and get alerts for new Clinical Studies
COVID-19 VMS by Jonathan Itum
A booking and appointment management system that helps COVID-19 vaccinations efficiently.
Card Calculator by Willem Dakota Neuefeind Lessig
Calculates the profitability of a GPU mining Ethereum.
Spotipylist by Zachary Eller
Python command line application to create local playlists by matching tracks from Spotify playlists with those in your local music library
My Webpage by Kunal Hiren Miyani
Provides information on the religious organisation I belong to and also gives the user an opportunity to complete a quiz.
VINSIGHT by Rishab Arunkumar Sanjeev
A Web Application to Monitor Quality Control of Castings in a Steel Foundry
Fun Days by Maria Ferreira de Jesus
Fun Days is a website whose goal is to help you find the best activity for your free time.
Chunking Timer by Arthur Vilas Boas Santos
A simple productivity tool which chronometers the time you spend in a task, and calculates a reasonable break session.
COVID19 Testing - Online Booking Website by ARTAN ZANDIAN
COVID self-assessment, booking and modifying testing appointments
Web-based personal Journal application by James Ekirigwe
A web application for documenting my personal financial transactions, ideas and thoughts on the go daily.
TradeLogger by Salman Ahmad Faris
Logging trades and emotional control for traders had never been easier.
Audiobook50 by Ralf Lopez
Audiobook50 is a website where you can read or listen to audiobooks with transcripts
Bits em chamas - A Flask Webpage by Alércio Pereira Júnior
A website for a band called Bits em Chamas using the Flask framework.
This is a notes app made by java in android studio which you can create,edit and delete notes.
My Books 1.0 by Pedro Jorge Marto dos Santos Fonseca
Books database to use stand alone or in web (it is multi-user)
Shifaa HealthCare by Mohamed Rezk
It is a healthcare project for the final project of CS50 course. Where the patient can reserve an appointment in hospitals, clinics, and so on. Also allow the service providers present their services to their patients.
Your personalized E-Cookbook by Scotti Manuel Scholter Marichal
Look for recipes, add them to your cookbook and create personalized shopping lists!
Cubes Tower by Sekiya Kaito
Build tower of cubes high as you can, but don't forget about the gravity
Daniels' Warehouse is project title, by Huseyin OZDOGAN
Data recording and reporting for small company
CS50 Library by Sreenath Sreekrishna
My project is a Library Management web application that uses flask, SQL, HTML and CSS
Verba manent by Cristian Visintin
Web application for performing speech recognition, allowing a user to register and log in, inserting audio file and transcriptions into SQLite database
Keylogger by Vinay Karthik
The keylogger is a program that can record and monitor keyboard input and notifies the user through email.
Renaming pictures files by Adduci Stefano
Renames the pictures files from different sources (like cameras, mobile phones, web, whatsapp) in an uniform way to better organize them
Vaccination Date Generator (VDG) by Pedram Momtazbakhsh
vaccination date generator for patients who register in the project
ITaccountant by Mykhailo Khomenko
App that helps to administrate finances for people that work in IT sector
NDRA : Natural Disaster Relief App by Saumya Chintan Mehta
An App useful to all in a Pandemic like situation.
My Blood Sugar Levels by Masakatsu Ogawa
This application aims to estimate how physical condition, diet, and exercise affect blood sugar levels and make your improvement measures.
Readability - Android app by Tomáš Havlíček
Redability is an android app, that computes the Coleman-Liau index of the text.
Weather for Grandparents by Yoshiki Sakurai
This web service is to protect the health of grandparents.
YummyShare by Aung Ko Ko
YummyShare is a recipe sharing social-netwoking site which you can share your recipes with other people on the platform.
Corona Web Club by Kai Ogden
A coronavirus information hub with government advice and entertainment for those in quarantine.
Electronic shop(l store) by ahmad edrees
An online store to display more than one category of products with a cart
Deploy an ML model using flask and heroku by Tarek Ghanoum
I train an XGBoost machine learning model and then deploy it using flask and heroku.
Card Counting 50 by Johann August Viefers
This is Card Counting 50 - an object detection tool that can be used to count cards in Black Jack
CS50 Connect by Jan Jindra
CS50 Connect is a new social media platform that allows you to interact with other CS50 students and graduates.
Query ESA (QGIS plugin) by Elsa-Kristin Naumann
A plugin to identify the amount of sentinel satellite imagery captured over a spatial and temporal extent from within QGIS
Remote Controlled Dog Feeder by Serkan Yurday
A hardware Based Device using Arduino that gives my dog treats
Student Management by catherine joyce morales constantino
It can be used to easily store/find students data. by Reece Appau Mensah - Agyapong
A chrome extension that shows times in different timezones.
foldr by Ennis Gundogan
This is a simple tool that allows you to create project folders based on a predefined folder structure anywhere in your file system.
Responsive Website: Programming learner curate. by Juliana Fracola da Silva
A responsive website with tips for learn programming.
KeepFit Weight-tracker by Pere Granados Casadó
It is a user friendly weight-tracker simple but useful
Algorithm visualizer by Isaias Castrejon
Web app to help visualize sorting and pathfinding algortihms.
Electricitips by Hans Adey Cesa
A Flask application that records the rated power input of all appliances used in the household and provides an estimated monthly and daily electricity usage and cost.
GameOfGlitches by Sanket Makkar
A "find the portal" game where you have to strategically use the available blocks to get to the portal and win.
Make My Trip to Mars by Sagarika Chakraborty
My project is based on intergallactic journeys, focusing on geographic reachability.
Noxford Library by Rejwan Islam Rizvy
It is a full-stack website for a library where you can place a hold for a book, see book's information, and search for books.
Berrynarbor Newsletter by Harry Weedon
A website to view all of the content created for the Berrynarbor Newsletter by Vivek Mathew
It takes unsolved Sudokus in a text file and solves them, printing the answer in the terminal window.
Auto Pixiv by Phan Văn Thìn
This is a a command-line program using Python combined API. This program will auto download image from a website named Pixiv through user's id.
language-and-book by Tahoora Salehi
this web application allows to people register and donation of books ,they can teach mother tongue each other on own page and other people can follow them!
DevNina by Drielison Rodrigues Lopes
DescriptionApp designed to inspire and increase the number of female developers in the field of programming
WebMark by 王中远
Chrome extension that allows users to modify and edit websites with WebMark functionalities, and save the changed site onto Chrome.
Software downloader site by Fatemeh Ghalijaei
In short, the site that I have designed is a comprehensive and efficient site for downloading all kinds of software for all operating systems, reading the full description of each software, information about the latest updates,introduction of sites and related educational materials and information It is about the latest news in the world of technology. With this site, you can easily access the source of all types of software along with their download links. The beautiful and simple user interface that I have designed makes this site different. This site is accessible and beautiful and its contents are easy to use and there is a complete tutorial for downloading and installing it.
Bulgarian Businesses by Olya Bozhinov
Bulgarian expat business holders, list your business and get discovered by other Bulgarians!
MP3 Player by Frason Francis Kalapurackal
An MP3 player GUI with different features made using python and tkinter library.
EZ-Rx (website not yet launched will be by Juan Manuel Veras Pola
e-Prescription system to adapt and work in the Dominican Republic with Doctors, Patients and Pharmacies..
Visual Tool to Monitor Air Quality by Wayne Grout
For the project, I combined both hardware and software to build a tool to monitor indoor air quality. by Gabriela N. Molina Rodríguez is a simple site meant to aid developers and programmers in their coding experience.
Notes WebApp by Saulo Mario Alaniz Leon
It is an administrator of notes or tasks where you can put a category and if you have already done it, in addition to having an online save per user
Web app via which you can sign up, login and create notes for you, and eventually delete the notes you don't want displayed anymore.
Lewis Carroll's Game of Logic by Gustavo Cruz Jorge
A web application based on the book by Lewis Carroll The game of logic.
ELEKTRAPLIUS.LT website by Gintarė Vėberytė – Būgienė
A website promoting master electrician services.
Plant Finder by Bart de Bruin
A iOS app that can identify plants after uploading a image to check whether they are dangerous for cats.
Global Warming Infographics for Children by Nina Trousdale
I built a website that uses infographics to make global warming understandable for children.
Personal Library Manager by Urvi Vaidya
it allows you to keep track of books you have loaned out and to whom.
Introduction To Computer Science by Ahmed Mohamed Amin El-Din Mohamed
a website that gives the user information about programming languages studied in this course.
Finance/ Investment Competition EdTech App by Nava Levy
The Finance / Investment Competition App is a web-based application using JavaScript, Python, and SQL which is an extension of Finance PSET9.
Value at Risk Calculation Service by Katrin Ivanova
My project calculates the 1-day value at risk and expected shortfall for tomorrow for a portfolio of stocks using the historical simulation approach.
Test Driven Automation Framework for: Finance Front-End Web APP using Ruby and Cucumber by KUNJAL BHATT
Test Automation for Web Applications!
Financial Advising Tool by Akash Shetty
A tool that advises users on cashflow basics, and how much should be spent on a car payment.
Chat Support Analyzer by Sergiu Ionut Simeria
A text analysis app for customer support specialists, which detects sentiments, tone and language to decide whether they are formal and polite or are rude to the customers.
Immerse by Ysadora Marcuzzo
"Immerse" is a short underwater simulation that shows part of its unique aquatic environment.
"Josie the Superhero" Website by Hannah Augsbach Lamma
It's a website advertising the children's book I wrote, illustrated, and published, titled "Josie the Superhero."
Paper50 by Pongamorn Trakarnkulphun
Paper50 is the website that allow you to cut and fold your paper.
coding for kids by zahraa basheer kamel
CS50 Final Project My Final Project for CS50 is a simple website using flask, python, and SQL. The website named CODE FOR KIDS, it's a website where the kids can experience a different way to learn to program and make their own project. as well, the website will give the children courses that will increase their logical thinking to a better understanding of programming. finally, the kid's account will be under parent control to make the website more secure for the children.
Shooter by Jamie Dimopoulos
Shooter is a simple shooter game in which the player is a plane that must shoot down asteroids. The objective of the game is to destroy 100 asteroids to win.
Sus Calculator by Cristian Moran
Discord bot that scans an image with the caption "$sus" and outputs a percentage corresponding to how much the image resembles a character from Among Us.
UtilityX by Harsh Shah
Abbreviation utility helps users to type the full phrase by just typing the abbreviation to which the phrase is mapped to.
Defect Manager v1.0 by Márcio Pinheiro Carvalheiro
An android app designed for the foundry industry that registers and organizes production defects on parts.
24/7radio by B Vishnu Vardhan Reddy
24/7radio is a discord music bot which allows you to tune into a range of music streams of different genres,.
Fruitful Timer by Ng Kah Long
Countdown timer allowing for users to customize their own sessions, such as "Study 50min".
CORONA DIARY by Florian Tarlosy
Store information of meetings with other people to get more knowledge about infection.
Morse Translator by Vahid Konicanin
Program that converts speech-to-text input to morse code and vice versa.
YouTube Quick Link Chrome Extension by Matthew Walfish
I wanted to quickly link two of my favorite searches on YouTube. by Michał Szumnarski
LEM System is an internal tool for measuring and monitoring manufacturing/production lines.
Retirement Aid by Precious Diji
Users will be able to see visual representation of their financial state compared to retirement goals and based on the information make decisions on whether or not to adjust retirement goals, or make better investment plans and/or save more.
NPC Forge by Paul Buddle
Web app for creating, storing and accessing character data for the popular role playing game 'Dungeons and Dragons'.
Drug Shortages Canada: Analysis by Eystein Thanisch
A Flask application that provides network visualizations of drug products, ingredients, and manufacturers.
Litterae by Nathan Bylok
A dictionary lookup site which also allows users to bookmark words of interest to them.
MyAdminOrganizer by Steven Conrad Bayer
Webapplication for managing assets like servers, domains and product licenses
Ski Simulator Tutorial System by James Kuht
A program which takes data from a ski simulator, and gives you visual and written feedback on your technique.
Covid tracker by Saksham Gupta
this is a Flask app provide information about covid data fetching through the API
Random Words by Sandra Cadena
A personal blogging tool that allows users to generate random words from the 20000 most printed English words, and also allows the user to choose a language level. It is useful for practicing English at various stages of learning, and for clearing mental blocks when writing.
TRAVIARE - THE TRAVEL WEBSITE by H.V. Nandun Nemitha Dulaj Dias
A unique and stunning complete web page for those who wish to travel Sri Lanka.
"Xylophone" IOS App by Magdy Elsayed Ahmed Mostafa Hassane
A Colorful Xylophone IOS App, that works on all apple devices.
MetaReader by Miles James Johnson
MetaReader is a condensed approximation of various free readability checks with cross-references and user history records.
MyReflections by Aditya Ghosh
A simple website that allows users to log in to record personal reflections on any topic of their choice.
Dynamic Vibration Absorber Designer by Luqmaan Hakiem bin Sulaiman
A web application to assist the design calculation of a Dynamic Vibration Absorber using Randy Fox's Method
Code name: Deep by Mahmoud Hodroj
A creepy game that uses sound and changing environment to set a scene.
The title of my project is "Calculator" by Preston Astudillo Alvarez
An application that can do operations for you
Employee Reward Program (ERP) by Sim Hong Vui
This web app aims to motivate employees by allowing them to exchange their virtual coins for goods that they desired in the ERP's e-Shop.
Externia by Christopher Huang
A Minecraft Mod, bringing new bosses, items, biomes, structures and other content!
Pomodoro Timer - Tomàquet Productiu by Luis Jimenez Campaña
A countdown timer that helps you focus using the Pomodoro technique
AI Hand X-Ray Image Converter by Georges Khalaf
My project is an Android app that would convert an RBG image of your hand to an X-Ray image using a Tensorflow Lite model.
A Zotero translator for by Marcel Klotz
This project is a site specific Zotero translator for, that helps you to translate the bibliographic data of into Zoteros format using the unAPI services of the association of libraries (GBV).
Nutricell by João Augusto Perin de Souza
A good way to have a better life quality without changing too much your routine!
Corona Tracker by Abhishek Agrawal
It Lets you track Covid19 cases of people who are affected, recovered or died.
Data From Countries by Vinicius Cerqueira Bonifácio
A web-based application that returns countries information based in what the user types on the input field.
Who's the killer by Renner Belo de Souza
it's an Alexa skill game where the player must solve a fictional murder case.
Biblio Barcode by Evan Zheng
Biblio Barcode is an app that scans ISBN barcodes of books and formats them into bibliography citations in a number of styles.
Quote of the Day by Hussein Ibrahim
This project generates a quote for your day by choosing your preferred genre and translate it to chosen language.
Barceloneta Runners Website by Stefano Passaro
It's a Website for my Runners teammates of Barcelona. We are divided in 4 teams (4 colors) and we compete once a month. The web is to manage and display all races, as well as individual and team classification.
COVID-19 STATS HUB by Rushikesh Dasoondi
My project allows users to quickly access the latest coronavirus statistics from their chosen regions of interest. by Ameya Singh Ahlawat
This project is a web application which can be used by psychologists/psychology students etc. to collect and store info of their clients. The app also integrates a feature where the user can conduct tests on their clients/subjects, and the app automatically produces and stores the results which can be accessed at any time.
Cave Flyer by Daniel Kohanim
Simple game. You are a bird flying through a cave. Don't hit the walls!
Bed Actuator by Tristan Ruel
It's made so that an ALS patient who can barely use his hands can move his bed in his desired way using the mouse on his computer.
Noughts & Crosses by Sanjay Shukla
Noughts & Crosses, pass and play, designed using Xcode for iOS platform
The occupationGame by Jonathan Schmidt
The first app that picked up the idea of the German Game called "Quartett"!
Quizhibit by Rachel Gilyard
Quizhibit is an art quiz app, gallery browser, and search tool for the featured pieces in the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Carol´s Inventions by Carolina Rodrigues Carvalho
A website filled with resources to encourage and empower young women in STEM. by Abdullah Eisa Usman
The website we developed as a landing page of online learning platform. We used technology stacks such as HTML 5, python3.9, flask 1.1.2 framework, and Javascript. The site is currently hosted in google cloud using AppEngine and MySql google cloud storage. (not yet released to the domain id)
WAREHOUSE by Stanislav Kholodov
The real world web application project I gonna use for my small company warehouse.
As minhas folgas by Joaquim Carlos Coelho Saraiva
A web app to calculate according to a cycle when i will have my days off.
Gmail Query Tool by Ethan Kothavale
It allows you to query your Gmail account to save and select certain emails.
CS50 COVID MAP by Jayakrishnan V R
Web application with interactive map which shows status of COVID cases around the world and an integrated Whatsapp bot.
Dhoplid by Daniel Felipe Celis Fernández
A web-app to create playlists with videos from Youtube and share them with your friends.
Tic-Tac-Toe by Jonatan Lundager Frederiksen
it is a tic tac toe game with two game modes: local game, and against the computer
Movie Search ( by Dean Wilson
Movie Search returns the top 10 movies of any year.
CRM System (Soon by Philipp Neurauter
A simple CRM System, where you can create customers etc, track earnings and expenses, generate invoices and much more!
CS50x Nutrition App by Phoi Chau Truong
Web application to assist with meal and nutritional planning
Mars Lab Weather Web App by Adrian Zapała
Mars Laboratory Weather Web Application, presents current weather on Mars, taken from Mars Rover data.
Classboard by Prajwal Vijay
A virtual board to aid students and teachers during their online learning experience
Keithify by Manuel Terrado
Get personalised paintings in Keith Haring's style and according to your own music style.
FreelaCharge by Felipe Betts
A web application that gets the average hourly rate for a given freelance job.
HTTP SCARE by Mahiul Bhuiyan
A python program that replaces files downloaded from an http website to another file.
Student Management System by Atharva Kamble
Keep track of students and use that data for advanced analyzing.
Matrix Runners by Dhruva Bhagwat
A website where long distance runners can log runs, collaborate through clubs, and create goals for themselves
We have not chosen a name yet by Seyed Mohammad Mirfatemi
A platform for sharing the daily lives of developers and designers
I Ching: A web-based oracular consult to the "Book of Changes" by kizzy karoline müller
Query the I Ching with virtual coins
Northern Areas Of Pakistan by Rameesha Faridoon
My project is a travel website covering different northern areas of Pakistan.
Spin the bottle by Hendrik Higl
An app for the party game spin the bottle with truth or dare elements
Capacity by HSU, HSIN
This project is a simple model to plan the production plan in wafer sort stage at each tester
Mt Coolum Vets - Website and Data Tools by Dain Stone
Website and data automation tools for our vets (seniors) golf group
WeatherWeb by S.Manas
its a web application to check the weather forecast in cities all around the globe.
SportsBuddy by João Marcelo Renault de Oliveira
A hub to create sport matches and find people to play with.
Environment saver by مصطفى هشام عبدالواحد
a platform that provides a questionnaire about Daily activities that negatively affect the environment and how they can be fixed while providing an environmentally friendly store
Goblin Slayer by Thomson X. Brand
A neverending sidescrolling shoot-em-up where you fill goblins with arrows.
Jessica R. Reyes Art by Jessica Rene Reyes
I am an artist who want to make some artwork. So I designed a web page to sell some commission art work!
StayConnected by Jing Ly
StayConnected is a web application created to help users build meaningful connections by creating a space to log details about the people in their life.
Finance Tracker by Jan Schneider
It is a finance tracker with the extra feature to assign expenses to previously created trips. This way you not only get an overview over you expenses in general but also a detailed overview of you expenses during a trip.
NewsPlus by Varun Kanago
A website that provides users with news articles whose content has a positive tone using a sentiment analysis API, based on the search term given.
Pizzeria by Pablo Cravo Fernandes
This Project is a CRUD web API for a pizzeria. Clients can register themselves, login, order pizzas, and see the status of their order. Admin can manage orders and pizzas.
Mills Bank (Corporate Solution) by Deepanshu Narang
Banking Site that provides to services to customers visiting branch.
Warehouse administration for internal use by ATHIPAT BOONCHAMNAN
A management system using Azure Computer Vision.
Real Estate Search Engine by Lok Tin Li
It enables user to look up real estate transactions in Hong Kong.
Natural Healing by Taiz Rodrigues Alves
A site where you can buy some natural healing products and share recipes
So Random by Nigel Ross Flintoff
Draw random number sequences for Austalian Powerball based on draw heat of previously drawn numbers.
Multi App by sana khan
This multi app project is a collection of different mini apps like you can find a source code of any webpage,an IP address can be received, tik tac tao game is also there, online exam module is also there, puzzle and word counter and many different modules are there. Its a stress buster for any one and even it can work as a tool kit of regular items which can be handy with this tool kit.
Final Project by Bruno Germani Fialho
A responsive website to demonstrate my favorite projects at CS50.
Kalme by Alexis Dietl
Website to track your caloric consumption, search database of foods, and calcuate caloric needs.
Web App - Remote Control and Monitoring using Raspberry Pi by Rufino Cutora Jr
A full stack web application combined with microcontroller to monitor and control electronic sensors and devices.
Rakim Freeland: Personal Portfolio Webpage by Rakim Freeland
This project is a Personal Portfolio webpage designed to showcase my personal work using HTML, CSS, & JS.
Stock Market Simulator & Personal Finance by Irena Cvetanovska
Web-based application that helps you gain more stock trading practice, as well more organized personal finances.
Text-to-Perfection by Daniel Bustillo
App to see quality of text and store new ideas for further texts.
Me50Food by Ahmad Shauqi Bin Mohd Mursalin
A hyper local market place, allowing individuals living in the same flat to buy and sell to each other.
CSV Heatmap Generator by Junhyuk
Based on your data in a csv file you can easily enerate a heatmap chart of it.
Recipe Finder by Caroline Janee Solomons
Recipe Finder is a frontend web app for the API.
Speedmath (An Android App) by Rafael Gautam Fareed D'Souza
It is a game to help my brother learn multiplication.
Save That Link by Alexander Philip Murphy
A web application to save links to useful and interesting content.
Dashboard by Arsalan Sefidgar
FastApi & sqllite3 - simple dashboard to save courses and evaluate total score students
Stock Trading For Us ($TradeForUs) by Xiaoqing Wu
simulation web app for stock trading and option chain quoting
ToDoList Application by Cindy Christina Yang
A ToDoList Application that allows users to organize their tasks by priorities.
Guestlist by Andre Nguyen
The object of this web program is to create an event hosting system where users can create events, organize tables, and track guests.
The Photographer Website : Canvas&Pixels by Sneha Singh
Photographer Website can be easily Implemented and managed by a non-technical person with just having an internet access.
List[ ] or List50 by Meet Bhatt
An online platform for user to store their list, except anyone of user's choice can view and add to the list as long as they know the list's name and id. by Junyan Ye
A web application allowing user participation in weekly surveys on random topics.
Promodoro by ishan Jain
A Web-App for task-management infused with the PomoDoro technique to boost productivity.
COVID-19 in Data by Carlos Eduardo Barraza Estrada
An app that displays useful data about the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
MyJournal by Zeynep Nur Aksay
It is a student portal that you can add your tasks, marks and documents and see them in one place.
Referral Platform for coronary diagnostics and intervention by Miguel de Almeida Nobre de Menezes
A web-based referral platform app for coronary procedures, which performs risk stratification and enables automatic ordering of patients priority for procedures based on clinical risk profile rather than on a basic waiting time.
Solar Cell Simulation - How cell thickness affects performance by Oeystein Fjeldberg
Solar cell simulation meant to educate about one of the design challenges in solar cell fabrication.
Customer details connected by Steinar Lund
Managing hunting license by use of python, flask and sqlite
Watermark by William Richard Krafft Fullerton
A CLI tool that assist people in creating standard copyright licenses.
Online Quizzes by Mina Maged
My project is Online Quizzes. Online Quizzes is online platform that gives you the ability to post and take as many quizzes as you want with some flexibility and features that make your life easier
Auction House by Peter Heinz Severin
A Python program that automatically browses and analyses ingame auction house data from World of Warcraft Classic.
GenshinGuides by John Gabriel Gamboa Ferrancol
Guide to help Genshin Impact players with character building and resource management
Meeting Room Reservation System by Hassan ZEROUAL
Meeting Room Reservation System is web application that let to all employees of an organization to book with efficiency their meeting rooms
Django Scheduler by Petar Vagić
A tiny school scheduling web app, which is free, open source and easy to use, without any installation, just by visiting the URL in a browser.
Control y ventas de entradas Cine de Rosario by Guido Andres Pellegrini
Venta de entradas en boleterias del Cine de Rosario
List Quick by Anushka Menon
An easy and quick To-Do list extension allowing users to create a list, check it off once done and finally clear it out.
local by Jade-Rébecca DUPONT
It's an e-commerce application where local businesses have a platform to sell their products online.
Healthcare Price Comparison Tool by Edward Sandler
It is a price comparison website for medical procedures.
Bartering web app by Esteban Beckett
Bartering is a web app where the users can barter their products, services and foodstuff.
Guess those trends! by Geoffrey Andrew Badenhorst
A web app game where that tests to see how well you know trends.
Environ by Aditya Samdadia
This project aims at spreading Environmental awareness and to make the world a cleaner and greener place in the near future.
SDPC by Aleksandr Leonhard
"Steel door price calculator"(or SDPC) is an application for calculating door price costs for clients based on real door company information.
Apple Hunt by Tze Jing Tan
A platformer where the goal is to collect all the apples as fast as possible.
ISC Work Tracking by Michael J. Mawhinney
Web based tool to track maintenance work on intersection cameras
Library Management System by Arghyadeep Acharya
A command line C Program that allows libraries and its customers to smoothly operate their day to day activities.
CynTux by Dennis De La Torre Jr.
This project is used for leaning and comparing syntax in different programming lanugages
ETEST by Leonardo Pires Goss
ETEST is a Django web application that you can create tests and send them to anyone.
Covid19 Tracker by Anjali Rangaraj Mahesh Reddy
Displays live data of total covid19 cases, recovered and deaths across globe.
The Academy - Classroom Management App by Kieron William Spearing
Classroom & Student Progress Tracker
Typing Practice by Jacob Wallace Silver
The user will choose a theme, then copy a sentence about that theme. Their words per minute and accuracy will be displayed at the end, along with my custom rating system.
Calcoolate by Tomasz Pachół
Web app that lets its users calcoolate basic properties of polygons and solid figures.
Productivity50 by Brian Cheng
A helpful and applicable tool that anybody can use to be more productive!
O2IRAQ by Muntadher Kareem Abbas
A platform to increase the awareness of Iraqi people about the importance of saving the climate change.
PyJoust by Zack Adlington
Flask app to analys/visualise job vacancy data based on salary, location and skills required..
PigMash by Wagner Fiorese Bolzan
A website meant to be funny, being a joke about Mark Zuckerberg's Facemash, as we can see in the Facebook movie. In PigMash, you must choose the cuttest guinea pig in your screen ^_^ by Pedro Moura
Dev.finances is a financial control application, where you can register and delete transactions and see the incoming and outgoing balance.
"Dinos Battle" by Giuliana Irina Guaglianono
My Final Project is about a battle of dinosaurs, you can "kill" the others dinosaurs just pressing the space key
COVID50Cares by Henrique Junqueira
Based on what has been happening around the world in pandemic times where every piece of information is valuable.
GMAT Smart Quizzes by Rafael Moraes Sarmento Lima
A tool that automates GMAT studying by building customed quizzes to each student based on their past performance
Wanted app by Abdessamad BOURHALEB
My mobile application makes it easier to create and share a search notice for a loved one who has disappeared.
Message board by Alfons Trabal
A message board allowing users to write, edit, delete, like and unlike messages.
Pet Picker by Aiden Alexander Mann
Pet Picker gives you the choice between 3 different options: cats, dogs, and other. Both cats and dogs ask you 4 questions, and then match you up with a dog or cat based on your responses to said questions. Lastly, other shows the most popular, non cat, non dog, types of pets and the most common owned of that type
Velas de Cera by Miguel Duarte Pereira
E-commerce website for an imaginary company who sells candles
Visualizer by Matthew Kanemy
Web application that allows you to visualize famous sorting algorithms!
Sports Centre Management System by chan yu-xiang
Booking website for badminton, futsal and tennis court.
studentsplayground by Ardana Aldhizuma Nugraha
This web app is basically a place for students to write articles, asking something about their students life, or answering someone questions. First in the index page, user/student can register first and they will redirected to register page, when they are registered they will automatically logged in. They can go to profile page to see their profile and/or edit their profile. There also a forums page which in there users/students can write articles, asking questions, and/or answering someone question or just commenting on the articles or questions.
Medical Clinic Website by Rishabh Venkata Mallela
A website for patients that go to my Dad's clinic to use to interact with the clinic in a more convenient and efficient way.
Muggle Notes by Divya Pathak
In this project, one can write/upload and store daily notes/file(s) systematically.
419 Eats by Christopher Johnson
It is a web app built with python, sqlite 3, and embedded javascript that consolidates the take out orders from the members of my house in one location, so that no-one is left out of the order if they are not present when the order is made.
My Study Board by Ana Sofia Lopresti
A place where you can access useful tools for studying all in one place and style it to your liking.
FootFit by Eidur Ewan Gudjohnsen-Mitchell
FootFit allows football players to find their perfect playing position
Automatic hand sanitizer bottle using Arduino by ghammem youssef
dispense the sanitizer from the bottle automatically
Kace - Video Making WebApp by LE TREUST Morgan
A WebApp where you can command video making from my services !
Word Guessing Game by Siddhant Gupta
The user will be prompted to enter a letter till they can correctly guess the word generated randomly
VABa by Ishant Ram
Virtual Audio Board is a Chrome extension for managing website audios and playing around with it.
Embedded System: Temperature detection and control by MICHAEL ADEYERI
It senses temperature of an appliance and acts on t by engaging a cooling fan when it reaches a certain temperature due to heat
Entrepreneurship website (front-end) by alireza pourali
a Entrepreneurship website that helps people to find job or the employer to submit his job
Unipedia by Paulo Tealdi
A social-media platform where you can interact with other users, see news and information about universities.
VITET - VIdeo Transcription Extract and Translate by Ricardo Henrique Cândido
The objective of the project is to extract the transcriptions of a given video.
Fight Wildfires by Sergio Chisaka
A web application to help manage donations and volunteers to fight wildfires
Medigraph by Mubin Ahmadi
For now, we have created a company website where the information of its two members is visible to everyone. But in the future, this site will become public and everyone can register in it and upload all their information in it.
Venezuela, a hidden Gem by Leonardo Alberto Rivas Leotaud
The Beautiful side of a misunderstood country
Schedge by Akshay Kaura
It's a flask based web application that is basically a scheduler, but with email alerts and tables with multiple participants.
Highlight of the Week by Dhiraj Tourani
Group newsletters where each member shares the highlight of their week.
The PriceIsRightWheelSpin Game by Kris Movalia
A game that lets players win some money by spinning the wheel. If they get the right score which is 100, they win or else they lose.
Cooking Jar by Maehek Bhatt
Cooking Jar is a website where users can save their favorite recipes, as well as browse through recipes that other users have entered
The name of my website is Blog It by Raveena kodwani
My project is based on website of Blogs where users can publish blogs and can read other peoples' blogs.
Space Drive by Chintan Udani
A game created in LOVE using lua, where you are in space dodging obstacles and collecting diamonds.
MinimaList by Shreya Mahesh
My program is an organization application that allows users to record their tasks and mood in an accessible and simple manner.
Speed Watch by Abdulrahman Alabdullatif
A web app that can help see capital markets clearly and easily.
Signature System by
Instead of print and drop pages, it's easy solution to sign on PDF files
My diaries by محمد خالد محمد عبدالرحيم
a web application where you can write your diaries , store them, edit them
Directions! by Jason Chen
A simple directions service that renders the direction on the map and gives the directions; can also choose travel mode.
Pyssibilities by Ruan Montelo
An interface between an user and an implementation of something cool that can be done using Python.
Let the Coin Decide by Tom McEvoy
A web app that takes the decision making out of making decisions and leaves it up to chance.
Plane Fight by Ermias Tewabe Getaneh
It is 2D war game written in Lua language using love2d game engine.
Coffee Match by Lookhin Varachotisate
Coffee Match help coffee shops record their customer orders and identify customers' favorite drink.
Lightspeed Chat by Urjith Mishra
A chat app that allows users to create their own Firebase servers for privacy.
IEW - by Ng Min Min
Level up your personal finance by tracking your expenses and paying your bills on time!
Remind Me! by Elaine Yiling Tang
Remind Me! is an application designed to remind users of any upcoming events they may have.
Travelog by Douglas Freitas
Connect travelers and help users get relevant information through story sharing. Each user is able to publish and view storys from one another.
Pathfinding Algorithm Visualizer by Daria Vasileva
I used Python to create the Pathfinding Algorithm Visualizer that allows users to build mazes and visualize the process of finding the shortest path using either A-star or Breadth-First search.
Connect 4 by Fazli Yazid
It is a game where you are playing against an ai where you have to drop 4 tiles in a row to win
Bajillion Search Engine by Yaroslav Makovskiy
Search Engine with some source code provided by Crhis Piech from Stanford University
Web-based interactive resume by Arianna Bresci
This project is an interactive web-based app: it displays my CV and allows employers to register and log in to submit job offers, if interested.
EZY GPA and CGPA Calculator by Muhammed Safa Kabar
This project helps college students calculate their gpa and cgpa.
Kickeridoo50 by Keviindran Ramachandran
An app for keeping track of the score for foosball matches, or Kicker as they are known here in Germany. by Hardin, Zachary J
A simple BOGO sort implementation that scrambles a list relentlessly attempting to solve it.
CS50 NewsHeadlines by Fengkai Ye
It will fetch all news headlines from google that includes the key words that the user enters, and the user's search history will be stored in a database that allows the user to delete that database's contents.
WaterBuddy by Johnny Christensen
It's an online tool that tells you whether you should water your lawn/garden.
ChromeSwitch by Lim Jie
Dynamic Qrcode Generator that allows webpages on PC to be brought to your phone. by Lita Doolan
Interactive website to function as a Marketing Tool for Arts Organisations.
ThinkPad by Adrian A Mendoza Perez
A website where you can create an organized brainstorm of your notes.
DCYIS by Chad Rossouw
Upgraded version of CS50 Finance, used to help teach investment strategy in an extracurricular activity I founded at my school.
MEZ – An easier language for learning programming. by King Red Sanchez
A programming language designed to be easier to use than C
Social media web application by ALA EDDINE MEKHILEF
My project is typically a social media web application in which you can sign in and add post and react to other users post with like or comment and you can update your information too.
Block Slider by Jamie Leeming
A simple puzzle game where the player must navigate a maze in order to pick up all collectibles in the room.
AmigApp by Angelo Chaves Carlos
A simple and lightweight Windows application for Medical Records Management, to organize patient's info, appointments, etc.
LogBook by Ilona Shakurova
Web-application - tool to help user keeping track of job-related rides for the future tax deduction.
BulletSpace by Paulo Godoy
A pixel-y, survival, bullet-hell videogame coded with JavaScript and HTML using the Phaser Game Framework and packed into an executable file with Electron.
Chemistry Virtual Labs by Sean Lee
Chemistry Virtual Labs is an Android app that allows users to perform chemistry labs without a physical lab environment.
myFace by Nik Abend
Using myFace you don´t have to search through thousands of pictures anymore in order to find the ones which show you.
This website makes it easier for health-professionals to register their vaccine-receivers and for vaccine-receivers to view their vaccination records.
Covid-19 Tracker by Anurag choudhary
The webapp keeps people up to date about covid cases, vaccination counts and latest realated news
MyCilents by Hongjie Zhang
MC is a web i make its for real estate client management purpose. what MC can do Add/Delete old/new clients, Update client informations, Search exist clients view activtiry histories and schedle/cancel appointments.
Tetris clone with JavaFX by Christian Klappacher
It's a Tetris clone written in java and javaFX interface.
Batteling CS by Mladen Lamešević
My project is a game made in lua love2d in which you control a CS50 student
100flexiones by Christian Gerardo Gutiérrez Hermansen
It is a web app designed to help you be able to do 100 pushups in a row.
GUI Scientific Calculator by Seyed Mohammad Hossein Najafi
A graphical user interface calculator with python that can calculate many mathematical operations and can display possible error messages.
bezier curve by Ali Roodaki
bezier curve is an alghorithem to draw curves on the screen on the computer
Kess' final project [music site] by Leung Yu Zhen, Kess
Personal collection of self-written articles and concert photos.
HydroTrend by Allen Amin
Web application for uploading, browsing, analysing, and spatially visualising rainfall data.
Mad Over Matter by Judith Armenteras
e-commerce we sell pun t-shirts composed by a drawing and name for each unit
Survey by Divya Bansal
A python to C/C++ Questionnaire which tells us our status according to our symptoms in regards to coronavirus.
Orbital Calculator by Leonardo Pasanisi
This app allows you to calculate orbital parameters for your rocket!
Starmovies by Luigi Vinciguerra
StarMovies is a web app via which you can browse the TMDB movie database.
Book review Portal by Utpal Dutta
Its a portal where user can search book review and submit own reviews.
As the Crow Flies by Ali Emre Ertaş
My Final Project is a command-line program using C. The program calculates the "air distance" between two points in terms of both kilometers and miles. It also gives the direction and the Azimuth, the horizontal angle measured clockwise from a north base meridian.
OneEarth by Nathaniel Hiott
An educational resource for learning about methods of electricity production in the United States. by Lucas Peres Bet
An extensible python command line program that generates and draws gardens in the terminal.
The Interactive-Consumption-Saver-Poly-Currency-Converter-Hedger by Peter Möller Voss
Consumption-saver, exchange rate mitigator.
Gitbucket by Iván Franco
Chrome extension to improve the user experience in Github bringing the best features of Bitbucket. by Brandon Petersen
A Web application that displays relevant information of the Crypto Market as a whole as well as individual Cryptocurrencies.
Online spending tracker by Cheuk Lam Jocelyn Ho
A web app that lets you track and save your budget and spendings in one place.
Space Rush by Abein Abraham
A top-down space shooter video game where the player tries to survive and gain points by destroying asteroids and enemy ships.
Terminal-based casino by Cristian Perez Jensen
A program that allows you to play the card-game casino, which is played in Denmark.
Bisa Humad Jain Samaj (Mumbai) Search Directory by Varun Jain
A search directory for Jain community in Mumbai, India
Kitchen Time by Amina Aitaliyeva
Android app that offers different recipes and designed to allow users to search recipes based on what ypu have in the kitchen
Coin-Shop by Christopher Albarillo
A sample online shop that mimics buying of physical coins and managing the website inventory.
Revolut Analysis by Paul O'Neill
Enabling users to look at most traded and most volatile stocks on Revolut
I Red This by Luis Alfredo Altamirano Rodriguez
A web app that allows user view book info and make reviews plus having a user account
Sindemia by Víctor J Valbuena
A small game in which you have to look for three people in the mazes of the city, avoiding getting the virus.
Final-CS50-Project - COVID & TRAVEL Update APP by Richard Fernandes
Support and Hope APP during the COVID
Cinemates’ Reviews Website by Yash Rayapaty
It is a website I created to show my love for movies and coding.
OurBooks by Brad Eckman
OurBooks is a web application serving as a social platform for book sharing/lending.
News App CS50 Final Project by Ahmad Hassan
Any user can use this app because this is a multi-language news app.
Athenaeum by Tuhin Dhar
Athenaeum is a web application that uses Google Books API to provide books as search results.
News by Ngoc Dat
My final project is a simulation of The New York Times-like news website for posting and displaying articles.
Reunion Planner by Sabine Burkhardt
Making it easy to pick a date for a reunion with friends or colleagues
Rank Predictor Web Application by Vivek Vinod
It is a rank prediction application based on previous data.
Jungian Personality Typer by Michael Bern Gasendo
Webapp to determine one's personality based on the Jung's typology.
Bricks Breaking - Travel to the Innocent Days by Nahee Sim
This is a game to take you to the innocent days.
Wickeltische (Changing tables) by Joan Pons
Shows restaurants, cafes and public buildings with changing tables for babies
Xie Lab website template with automated bibliography by Li Wang
I made a template website for a professor's lab.
Cookit! by Welton Pereira da Luz Felix
Search for recipes based on the ingredients you have in your home.
CA Rocks by Dennis Fang
This is a passion project showing off all of my new-found knowledge of Swift, along with an emphasis on my interest in Earth Sciences.
WasteLess by Loujane Balatbat-Braescu
A web-based inventory management system to minimize food waste
cs50 Running by Grant Worner
This project collects and analyses data captured from running activities, relying on the relational database "rundata.db".
pack your items by Xiao Sun
A web application that helps a group of people to coordinate items that they would like to pack for an event
MinMax TicTacToe by Saulo Gonzaga Santos
A classic TicTacToe game implemented with Python and Flask using the MinMax algorithm.
Riders On The Storm by Giorgi Modebadze
Online Marketplace For Motorcycles which allows user to post or search through posted avertisments
ProgApp - A necessary app for programmers by Mohammad Mahdi Hejazi
This is a necessary app for programmers which consists of many useful tools for programmers.
Health Calculator by Loh Jian Rong
It calculates several indices which can be helpful in indicating your health.
MIGOLF by Haroon Aslam
It is a website to record your scores everytime you play a round. It also includes features like tips and accessing online club fitting webpages of brands.
QuoteTracker by Aryan Patil
QuoteTracker is a Business to Business web application which provides an online Amazon like platform for bulk Business transactions.
Wish List by Brent Van Sanden
A web application that enables users to create wish lists and interact with other people's wish lists
Likert by Edmund Cuthbert
A web app that allows business owners to learn which of their customer's problems to solve.
Simple Space invaders from pygame By PONG by Warawut Janwittayachai
Simple Space invaders from pygame
Interactive 3d web visualisation by Cheuk Ka Hing
This is a 3d web visualisation application made with threejs javascript library. I have combined my professional knowledge in computer graphics to create a place where viewers can interact with the photorealistic representation of an object in real time. All the pages and view settings are customised with python script running on flask.
Diamond-Square Terrain Generator by Umair Rizwan
A program which procedurally generates terrain using the Diamond-Square algorithm
We Stayed up all Night Waiting for the Sun to Set by Rachel Smith
We Stayed up all Night Waiting for the Sun to Set makes it possible to watch the sun going down all day and all night, hopping from one YouTube livestream to the next as soon as the sun sets in each location around the world
Chela's Blog - by Dorcas Chelang'at
A simple Python flask blog application that allows users to post their articles according to what they have learnt and experienced.
Happy Birthday! Checker by Yoshida Keisuke
Web application to manage your friends' birthdays and record history of present you gave them.
MyMoneyGo by Denisa Iancu
MyMoneyGo is a free app created using Python, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and SQL.
Arkham Horror Chaos Bag by Anna Burck
An application that draws a random token from a customised bag.
Spacer by Seth Sukboontip
A pixel space shooter game where the player shoots down continuous waves of alien spaceships.
Beginners Bundle by Nishant Gupta
It is a django based website that covers the documentation of simple python, django and machine learning code.
Cellular Automata Explorer by Justin Leung
A webapp that allows you explore the elegance and intricacies of cellular automata, complete with 27 interesting rulesets (including the famous Conway's Game of Life).
Location Clock by Ufodike Vivian
My project is a unique clock to compare different time zones and countries. This Extension will give you approximate hour, minutes and seconds of the capital of any country in one click
SmarToys by Marcelo Alves Bentivoglio Junior
SmarToys is an eCommerce focused in educational and fun toys.
HappyFresh Shopper by Bryan Alexander
A simple Java Swing Application which can assist you in shopping at, an Indonesian-Based online supermarket, by giving the user the capability to search an item at multiple stores simultaneously
CryptoApp by Carlos César dos Santos Nogueira
CryptApp is flask web app application that can be used to cryptograph text messages and text files.
Money Tracking App Android by Ngo Van Minh
The app that track my money by note the transactions and report them
CS50 2Buy by Alexandra Loboda
CS50 2Buy is a web application to create, store and share your shopping list.
snake game by َAmir Mohammad Bakhtiari
its about a snake that moves and eats food and gets longer untill it hits one of the borders
Mini-Social-Media (CS50 Final Project) by Tara Kumar Sunuwar
This is a mini-social-media where can post like and reply.
MY BOOK SHELF by Noureddine ettayyeby
A shelf where can you keep track of the book you read or plan to read
student joining and fees management system for parents, teachers and the Licensee
tiny-blogger by Seongjin Hong
Python web application for personal blogging that provides many useful features with simple and yet convenient UI.
Music Player by Alexander Nikolaev
This website allows user to fetch data from Spotify (search for artists and songs) and get an access to their saved playlists.
City Emergency Application by Patrick Ngandu
Assist resident and government in service delivery in a city.
cs50 final project auto refresh chrome extension by abdo medhat cairo egypt by Abdo Rashad
chrome extension by James Page
Cadastr is a web app for searching property information and creating computer generated reports and dxf site plans.
Grid Solver - by aymeric saubot
This script will automatically generate a 4*4 letter grid and returns every word that can be drawn on it
COVID-19 Data Analysis by kyle seymour
An interactive website that analyzes data from multiple public sources and plots user selectable graphical correlations between COVID cases and deaths with socioeconomic factors by US County.
CS50 Final Project by Olga Melnikova
application for calculating the amount of water, light and heating
Grocery store webshop by Michelle Makhija
My project is a grocery webstore that provides products and their price listings while at the same time it provides administrative functions of adding, deleting and managing items to store admins.
Food ordering website (University students) by Ooi Chong Xuen
This project is about a one-stop integrated food platform for students to order food online no matter at where.
Bookshelf by Federico CALO
Bookshelf is an application which purpose is to facilitate the organization of books in a place like a home or an office.
CS50x Final Project by Rohan Sharma
It will take three inputs, and then show an output after running the inputs through a formula.
Pollarez by Eugene Zhang
Pollarez is a free online website dedicated to quenching the feeling of boredom in students worldwide!
Timelinor by Raoul Capello
Create your own timeline graphs that look great as part of any resume or portfolio!
CRM San Miguel by Iván Monares Vélez
Customer Relationship Management for Shoestore "San Miguel Shoe".
reminders2021 by Tomas Matta
Flask web application to record birthdays of family and friends that will send you an email reminder on the date of the corrsponding birthday
Rickrolled: The Addon by Ismael M. Mohammed
It's simple script that changes all of any webpage links to rick's video "never gonna give you up" (randomly)
The Anime Lab Blog by Mohammad Hasan
A blog web app which allows users to read, create and update posts.
Dribblz by Christopher Holder
This is a web app which is a subscription video screaming educational platform. It is meant to help young learn to play football (soccer).
TrackCal by Ved Prasad
TrackCal is a calorie-tracking web application that helps with weight loss or weight gain.
LunchPad by Kevin Barker
LunchPad is a prototype website for a meal delivery service that creates school lunch menus based on a number of restrictions and preferences.
Browser data extractor by Leonid Fomichev
Script to extract history, search queries, cookies, bookmarks from corresponding files and generate reports.
Krakout CS50 by Gábor Pál Csáki
A remake / demo of a commodore 64 game: "Krakout" using Lua and Löve. by Michael Murphy
My project is a web application that displays current NHL statistics, game results, rosters, and player profiles.
MathLib by Omar Altahat
A java library providing tools for parsing and manipulating polynomials and some more complex mathematical expressions
Insta-Border by Melvin Liam
Creates a border around a user-uploaded image so that it is the ideal ratio for instagram viewing
Good Dive? by Benjamin Stuart Pearce
A website to rate and review the dive sites of Una-Una, Sulawesi, Indonesia
Mr momah by Abdelrahman Hassan Hamdy ali
Mr Momah is a program specialized in the design of drip irrigation system
钱 (qián) by Zhong Jian, Ryan
钱 (or qián) is an online, minimalistic expenditure tracking tool for your daily expenses.
PY - Desktop Voice Assistant by sudarshanmurthi
It helps users open youtube , send mails , surf information on wikipedia etc
Astrat by Niklas Muennighoff
Astrat shows you a random planet from the TRAPPIST-1 system each time you open a new tab.
Bank web application by Abdelrahman Ali Hekal
A bank web applications that allows the bank customers to register, pay bills, review exchange rates of the different currencies and make money transfer to other bank customers
CS50 Social Corner by Marwin Cabotaje
Interactive website displaying humor and appreciation for CS50.
My Calculator App with HTML/JS! by Pranav Tonpe
My project is a basic calculator application which performs arithmetic functions such as addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication while mimicking the style of Google Calculator. by Neil Wallace
An online database for dental professionals to use during the Covid-19 lockdown.
Stock Price Predictor by Idan Bar-Dov
A web app that predicts the stock price of a given ticker by using AI
Switch by Divij Pawar
Switch is an online marketplace for students to buy/sell books within educational institutes.
ArtParadise by Bijoy Sen
It is an online shop named ArtParadise where artists can sell their artworks to customers.
Zoom Gigs by William Miles
Zoom Gigs is a web application in which users can publish 'events,' to the public who can book to see your events via a zoom call, the web application is aimed at making it easier for people to show off their talents.
CS50 Final Project - Task Manager by Salma Lail
My project is a task manager that helps you write out things you need to do in your daily life.
#HASHfun by Christopher James Carbone
A web application for analyzing the distribution properties of certain hash functions based on hashing a 143091 word dictionary
My refrigerator and favorite recipes by Natsuki Ishinabe
An app for cooking deliciously without wasting food
Damn IronMan by Kanchan Prasad
It is a Chrome Extension where all the image file change to funny iron man pictures.
Branson's Business Analyzer by Branson Tay
A simple calculator and screener for those interested in stocks.
It helps users to review/rate an internship/summer/winter program. by Lucas Volcov
website game made using javascript.
Accidental Baker by Cheryl Jones
A flask web app to showcase baking photos as well as to store recipes in an admin dashboard.
Comonet warehouse, SQL db by Adam Dzierżko
DB, where are stored data of employees, products amd parts.
Is It Raining? Weather App by Seif Eldeen Ahmed
Weather journal web application to provide users with live current, history, and forecast weather data.
Mobi by Rafael Francisco Molla Douglas
A website that shows you basic information about the day, like the weather, the time and a greetings message. Also, it displays an inspirational quote on the bottom of the page.
Drug Inventory Program for Primary Healthcare Clinics by Helia Ashourizadeh
Medical Drug Inventory: suitable for pharmacists and anyone in charge of drugs supply.
Econ101 by Stacey Lee
A card-memorization game that you can play to learn Economics while having fun!
Rescue Simulation by علي محمد عبد الحميد قابيل
Rescue simulation game that imitates real life scenario of many disasters.
Chronological Photo Renaming by Ricky Chaggar
Python script to rename jpeg photos based on the date taken
Screen Time Logbook by Jens Matitschka
Screen Time Logbook is a lightweight Flask web app for tracking time working or gaming at your computer.
CryptoCo-py by Jawad Abduljawad
CryptoCo-py is a Python CLI application that uses CoinGecko API to allow the user to query cryptocurrency information by typing simple commands.
CS50-Slyther-in by Kumar Aditya
simple snake game that we used to play on our dads old keypad phones
Namava - CS50 by Mohammad Mahyar Amiri Chimeh
web application based on django framework & ionic framework
Ali Mohammad Faridzad Resume Website by Ali Mohammad Faridzad
Minimal and Simple but modern and luxury
Lovelace Diner by Justin Charity
A menu and inventory management system for a large seated restaurant and its smaller takeout venue.
Dance to (make) the music! by Thomas Boziuk
A python-based application that uses computer vision to dynamically generate sound based on the camera subject’s movements.
Weather For You by Anlin Chen
It is a website which allows people to record their outfit choices for different RealFeel Temperatures in order to support them choosing outfits more appropriately in the future.
Peep by Eric Vennemeyer
Browser extension that displays info about inline links in articles without forcing you to click through.
Turun Naik (it means up & down in Malay) by Tan Wei Ming
It's a web-based stock trading board game that can be played with friends and family!
WikiCrawler by Matheus de Souza Pessanha
A simple CLI Crawler to retrieve informantion from Wikipedia urls
Elsen Knights Teamwear Webshop by Steffen Pütz
An Onlineshop for the teammembers of the Elsen Knights American Football team to buy the teamwear, with additional features for the team kit manager to process orders.
"Rate It" Web Application by Rüdiger Henze
Web Application that allows the rating of destinations, books or movies
SussyBot by José Sulbarán
A Discord bot with a couple features, though mostly focused on image manipulation.
CheckMyFridge by SAPIR FOGEL
A program that help you to manage your ingridients at home and dicaide what to cook.
Find engagement rate of your post by Rupesh
This app predicts using post engagement rate of social media platforms
ReGenerator by Evan Christopher
ReGenerator is a recipe generator web app powered by OpenAI's GPT-3. It harnesses the power of GPT-3 to create recipes based on the given ingredients.
Zombie Arcadia by Shaurya Sharma
It is a retro style platform shooter game where you need to shoot as many zombies as possible to gain points and try to escape before they get you.
mymo: my memo by Yousef mohamed Elsharkawy
This project aims to make online memo, and aim to make memo's experience more fun
Financial Stock Market Prediction Using Jaya Algorithm Optimized Neural Networks by P.SUBHAM
JAYA trained FLANN models are used for financial stock market prediction
Knife fight by Rayza Johannes Poerdoel Zander
A two-player game where you throw knives at each other.
Casa Bitcoin by Leonardo Alano
A Web application platform for Bitcoin 'Hodlers' to manage and increase their holdings, a Bitcoin-only Exchange.
Yellowpages by Patrick Zossie Motsebo
record your information to be accessible for eveyone in the world.
A Star LMS by Abdul Adhl Azeez
A learning management system (webapp) that enables teachers and students to schedule classes easily.
CSV Barcode Check/Correction Software by Ali Meral
It checks barcodes and lets the user correct them if needed.
simple.crypto.tracker by Amanda Villeseche
a crypto coin portfolio tracker to view the live profit/loss of individual coin purhcases from the past.
Tax & Mortgage Calculator by Soo Mun Chong
It helps people in Malaysia to calculate their monthly loan instalment.
HTTP Status Code CheatSheet by Anirban Das
My project is all for my classmates and fellow developers who needs Http Status code cheatsheet
Personal Homepage by Yanming Song
It is a personal website where you are able to share your ideas across the globe.
Movie Ratings by Ezequiel Lúgaro
A web application that allows you to search for movies and their ratings.
Career Path by Anubhav Banerjee
My project is aimed at helping the students of rural India select their right career path.
Adventure game by Pedro Viegas Junior
A decision game where there are several different endings based on the answers you give, the different endings of the story, according to the answers I give to the program, What is the scenario: A war between two nations, and we have 2 sides: SideA and SideB.
Your Image Gallery by CHIRAG GOYAL
I have made an online Image gallery in which we can add new images to sql databases as well as add those images to webpage too . Or we can delete images from the pre-existing images already in the database.Each user can have their own library.
The Flag Trainer by Duke Villanueva
The Flag Trainer is a game that helps you memorize all 193 UN Member States.
Loiter - A WeChat mini program by 黎琦
A WeChat mini program who helps you know what you want to eat later.
ReadR - Content Highlighter by MUHAMMED ADHIL
A content highlighter which will help users to read online
Monthly Salary Program by Samiksha srivastava
In this web application, you can add you monthly salary and your expenses
Dani & Veron Inventory Tracker by John Robertson C. Despi
An inventory tracker for clothing products.
CFD Register by Guilherme Andriotti
Web Application to manage and store CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) data.
Twitter Video Downloader by Gia Linh Nguyen
A Chrome extension for downloading Twitter videos and gifs.
dobbio BP platform by Sandra Ann R Steyaert
A web application using flask, sqlite, javascript, css & html for land surveyor project tracking
Dory PetShop by Ari Jorge Coroado
Helping hand for my dog's physical store who closed due to the Pandemic.
Autism and asperger's help assistant by Estel Bosch i Arbat
A way to solve the lack of communication between autists and people without those conditions.
Lego EV3 Python Taxi Driver by Howard Hua
A autonomous robot program using python which takes colored chips and can drive to a specified locaiton.
Ridgeway Question Database by Chawanangwa Phiri
It's a database of multiple choice Questions for medical students to practice with
Object Avoidance and Track obeying Robot using Arduino Uno by Hari Srinivasan
A robot that follows a set track and avoids the obstacles and parks in a spot.
DODUTIES! by Swetha Sukumar
A web application that allows you to keep track of your journal and your tasks with Calendar!
TRANSLEV by Abdurrahman Arroisi
A web-app to track and record inter-company transactions with relevant user privileges.
Data Extraction by Alexandre Blais
I created a plugin for QGIS to extract layer information to a JSON file
Human Solidarity - Food for Everyone by Orhun Altuntas
Easier way for the unemployed people to observe the available foods of the soup kitchens (via the Internet)
Sawalia by Muhammad Idrees
A flutter application that will help students in Pakistan with their exam preparation
Private dental web app by Vladimir
web page for dentist with with feature of requesting appointment online .
project Journey by Elena Matskevich
In this project, the company “Dreams Come True!” sells travel with the help of a time machine to different places in the Universe and also at different times.
MyKampus Radio Mini Web Player by Muhammed Saiful
Simple and basic website to view latest YouTube videos from MyKampus Radio and MyKampus TV as well with online radio player embedded in.
My portfolio by Lê Diệu Linh
This website is my journey and experience to approach STEAM education in many different extracurricular activities during my high school.
Cozy Learning by Marc Lopes
A Chrome extension adding the following features to any page you visit: Dart Theme, Dictionary, Pomodoro Timer and Text to Speech.
Mail Processing automatization by Ezequiel Gomez Bacher
Analyses a group of emails and generates a csv file from where it is easier to work from.
iDELIVER Calculator by Benjamin Sutter
A Calculator to assist Financial Advisers in determining the correct price to charge a client.
T-Rex Run (Dinosaur Game Remake) by Karla Rosas
It is a very simple remake of the dinosaur game using Lua with LÖVE
My project will tell you your current mood or if required help to to make it more better.
MyVac by Gianluca Piol
Software to digitize your vaccination record and helper to keep your immune system up to date.
Photography studio gallery by Jacques Frigault
Focusing mainly on my front-end web developing, users can login and view a gallery of pictures.
Web Portfolio by Mahnoush Changizi
Python base website portfolio to make relation between user and admin
Study Track by Felipe Ishara Rodrigues
Study Track is a web app that allow you to manage your study sessions and save then.
Outerspace by Marika Fontaine
Cute 2D platformer where an alien must save a mouse from an evil snail.
WDRT (What Does Reddit Think?) by Brennan Kau Fang Ren
It reads the sentiment Reddit has on a particular topic.
SceneIt by Eric Cosimini
A mobile cross-platform (Android/iOS) application that allows users to track and share paranormal sightings, using geolocation and map APIs.
Better Learning & Teaching -- Students and Professors' Platform by Shujie Zhang
It is made for students to evaluate their professors and professors understands students better and make self-reflections.
SmartCrop by Moradeke Onamusi
SmartCrop gives users downloadable versions of their product image, cropped and resized to meet instagram post specifications(sizes and aspect ratios)
Xo Game by Sana
This game was developed using the Android Studio 2020.3.1 environment and the Java programming language. With the help of available resources, the program algorithm was developed, and it was then implemented in the final CS50 2021 project by the SANA and YASNA NAJAFI team.
Measurements by Rafael Kallas Jatene
Web application that recommends clothing sizes for the user based on their own input.
iLearnandPlay by Emmanuel F. Cajucom
My CS50 Final Project is all About a Learning Mobile Application for android which i called "iLearnandPlay" this is a Quiz game application with many features of lifehacks and Facts about the world.
Your Image Gallery by CHIRAG GOYAL
I have made an online Image gallery in which we can add new images to sql databases as well as add those images to webpage too . Or we can delete images from the pre-existing images already in the database.Each user can have their own library.
MyBookList by Lían König
An application that you can add the books that you've already read into a list or add the books that you wish read into a wishlist.
CS50 Dictionary by Lai Yee Hao
It is a web program that allows user to store words into SQL database.
Horse Management System by Omar Lataoui
Horse management system that keeps track of recurring cares and veterinary treatments for sport horses
Fascinating Mathematics by Cyril Sharma
A website which showcases the various disciplines / applications of mathematics that interest me.
Keep It by Pedro Antonio de Castilho Soares
A simple web application to manage notes and keep things organized.
DEV pocket reader by Hugo Speak
Lets the user save a community post from "", and read it later.
Health info by Manaswi Sharma
A web app which shows you useful health related information and also helps you track it.
Baby Tag Monitoring System by Cheung Yuk Shing
A Real time monitoring system to monitor the movement of baby in hospital.
Frisco Independent School District Course Catalog Website by Mihir Nakra
An easy way to search classes offered in Frisco ISD based on numerous criteria, which are credit level, course type, prerequisite, grade levels, and keywords.
Expenses Calculator by Caner Koldemir
web application that help you to calculate your expenses easily.
CS50 Discord Stats by Oleksii Nesterov
Questionnaire + Analytics on it + Static Charts on Discord channels analysis
Chrome Extension by Samson Oluwaferanmi Boluwatife
Chrome extension that keep tracks of website usage.
Web Calculator by Oussama Blgrim
it's a Web calculator easy to use and contain a resonable of features.
Heap: For Reading Lists by Eda Eren
Create, analyze, and get recommendations from your reading list — without feeling overwhelmed.
Web Downloader by Mohammd R Alabbas
This is a Web Downloader application in python that establishes a TCP based communication between a client and a web server using HTTP protocol. The Application would take user requests to download a resource on a web link and form the necessary HTTP commands to the web Server. The requested resources could vary from a full webpage to specific files including images, pdf, or videos. The program acts as web browser/downloader. It's a multithreaded program so the user could request up to 10 links at the same time to be downloaded on the Client host system.
Clases de Guitarra en Caballito by Julian Zamtlejfer
Personal site for classes with a login for my students by Moksha Mehul Maniar
a website which replicates an actual date in an online environment
Blanford Web App by Moritz Scheele
A website representing the company and a user dashboard for exchanging information with advisors
Pomo Progress! by Michael W Roberts
Help track your progress towards a goal, based on the Pomodoro Learning Technique
Duty Roster Creator by Sercan SÜMERLİ
Makes it easier to create duty rosters and keeps equlaty for long term rostering.
GUI for simple pendulum simulation by Jesus Alejandro Angel Verdugo
Tool for control theory students to simulate a simple mechanical system
LSE Effective Altruism: The Website by Sami Petersen
A website for the Effective Altruism Society at the London School of Economics
Upload photos and video from photos to external drive via wifi. by sunny pranay
This project focuses on how to upload and display photos from external hard drive to your phone via wifi in local area network.
PLANNER by R Hemanjana
planner is a hybrid mobile app which help users to plan their day, Ionic 5 framework used for frontend and Node.js + MongoDB used for backend
Pong Breakout by Scott Alexander Macdonald
A multi-level 2 player pong style brick breakout 2d game in Lua/Love2d.
News Blog by Ioannis Ventouzis
It is a News Blog webpage that gives everyone a chance to post new articles to access all other users articles and make a wide search for news throughout the world.
Spend50 by Neil Shaabi
A web application built with Flask that allows users to track their expenses across various categories and set monthly budgets based on their spending habits.
Shopilist by Anirudh Rangarajan
Shopilist is a web application to easily create and manage shopping lists.
Its a website for a foundation by the name Charity Foundation that focuses on helping the needy and the old.
COVID 19 Tracker by Aruneshwar P
It's a single page web app which enables the users to see the stats of coronavirus in their country, and worldwide.
Car game by Ishay Wirthiem
A game where you control a car that is constantly loosing fuel and you try to pick up fuel so you don't run out.
Sorting Codes by Carlos Alejandro Barrios
It classifies codes from a WebCam using visual recognition.
GLASS50 by Carlos Gonzalez del Rosal
Technology has achieved to be useful, now we should work to make it simple.
Image to pencil sketch by RAVITEJA MANGINA
A flask-based application for converting images into pencil sketches.
Eat Your Mood! by Radhika Joshi
A web-based application that suggests a list of restaurants within a 10 km radius of the user’s location based on the mood that they select.
FA Cup 2021/22 Simulator by Bryn Williams
Simulates the FA Cup, a knockout football competition played by hundreds of English teams, for the 2021/22 season.
Serie Review by vr3 by Vinicius Rangel Mendes Barros
A database based website that stores reviews tv series
SDTM Search Engine by Said Suleiman
SDTM defines a standard structure for human clinical trial data. As an SDTM programmer, I frequently work with a confusing and time-consuming Excel file that specifies how the data must be converted to SDTM. In my project I have developed a practical search engine to search for specific criteria based on the SDTM Excel File.
My Book Logger by Adarsh Sivasubramani
My Book Logger is a web app that serves as a personal database for users to record the books they have read!
Restaurant management by mahmoud panahi
a console app for manager employees and customers of a restaurant that they can order foods use off codes see invoices etc.
Toronto's Weather Web App by Md Nazmus Saad
It is a web app that uses flask and the OpenWeatherMap API to show Toronto's weather.
SAFR by Mahdee Sharef Ahmed
A website for companies that provide visas to countries of the world at an affordable price and provide ease of work by Scott Douglas Anderson
A project to link physical locations and objects to sounds using QR codes
Rocket50 by Adam Michia
A simple game where the user flies a rocket through the obstacles to a marked location
MyDoctor by Pedro Gemal Lanzieri
MyDoctor gather the most common (and usually forgotten) recommendations I make available offline for my patients. The application also offers all ways of contacting me. For privacy purposes, the contact destinations were mocked before uploaded.
HabitTree by Yusuke Miyauchi
A web application where you can create your own list of tasks and look up weather in different cities
Image Detector by Gaudani Praharsh Bakulbhai
The app will detect the image and will tell approximately where the image is captured.
Coronavirus Project by Sergiu-Claudiu Iordanescu
Coronavirus Project contains regularly updated information about the new Coronavirus situation around the world with focus on Austria.
underground rush by Guzide Irmak Bayir
A 2D game where SPY041 is trying to run away from the traps that the underground spy is digging for it to fall.
CS50 2020 Final Project - My Accounting by Jose De La Rosa Rodriguez
A web app to track financial information.
Forum by Kevin Huang
A web application that allows users to share their stories. (almost a reddit clone)
IPPT Website by Aclag Gerard William Gonzales
A website that introduces the IPPT test and an IPPT score calculator.
Survivor by Scott William McCaig
This project is a web-based game designed to replicate Survivor, the reality competition televsion series broadcasted on CBS.
Interactive Photo Sessions page of my web-site by Dmitry Sobolev
Created interactive Photo Sessions page of my web-site using Python/flask.
Covid-19 Safety Check In by Aric Duncan Mazick
A web app that employees will fill out prior to each shift to ensure they're not at risk of transmitting Covid-19.
Productive Tab by Chen Xin Han
A chrome extension that everytime a new tab is opened, it will have a todo list, a clock and a timer function.
Conway's Game of Life by Rayhan Faizel
It is an implementation of conway's game of life using love2d.
Personalise Portfolio by Gideon Kimaiyo
A web application with already designed template(s) in which user(s) can reuse without them designing them from scratch. Users are only required to provide their personal details like Full name, email, projects they done, e.t.c and voila, their portfolio is ready to be deployed.
UniQEd by Jorge Venegas
Web-based application intended to be a prototype for an online learning platform focused on a personalized learning experience
GuessVerse by Agung Sudrajat Supriatna
A game of guessing a verse, either bible or koran. The game will randomly generate the verse.
The Burrow by Neev Mehta
An efficient way to communicate between and family members and know what each one is doing.
Cat Feeding Machine by Patrik Sopran
I built a cat feeding machine which can be scheduled via a GUI.
Prepress collaboration by Naphat Phattharasirivong
The webpage which rush up the process to approve job in anytime and anywhere.
Router Configuration Creator by Adrian Klinger
You will find this tool very usefull as a netwokring engineer you to generate standard configuration for a cisco router or a switch device adding some information into a form, based on your network requirements.
Equilibrium by Janis Boiko
It's a website that mixes features of planner and with some functions directed to self care. As to provide users with opportunity to organize their time in productive and health manners.
CS50 Custom Cursor by اسراء السيد يحيى محمد الزيات
An extension using Javascript to customize the cursor with CS50 aesthetics.
Among Us Color Selector by Gabriel Moore
Through two command line arguments, you can pick and choose the coloration of everyone's favorite avatar: the Among Us spaceman (hat included)
Club Sign up Using Google Apps Script and Sheets by Timothy Sampson
Club Sign up Using Google Apps Script and Sheets
Model United Nations Management Java App by Eric Zhou
Manages Model United Nations club, including attendance, organization, conference assignments.
BIOFINDER by Christian Nix
BIOFINDER lets you find better (meat or alternative) products so that you will eat less meat and thereby emit less greenhouse gasses.
Money Tracker by Johan Jim Mathews
Django Web app that helps you track your daily spending so you can plan on spending less and saving more money
ShopEasy by YaShin Michelle Shih
ShopEasy is a to do list application that specifically organizes and generates shopping lists
Facial recognition with feedback by Jose Luiz Luz
I use cascading classification and feedback to improve the speed and the number matches respectively
CSV Grabber by Peter A. Bonee
Chrome browser extension making it easy to grab web page data for other apps.
An Unbeatable Tic-tac-toe by Punam Pant
An unbeatable tic-tac-toe game in which the player plays against an invincible computer that uses the minimax algorithm to decide moves.
Online Puppy Store by Jiechao Cheng
A web-based Puppy Store, which can make everyone buy and sell puppy pets in our online store.
Collect Audio Data and Text (CADAT) by 鄭中嘉
Help human to collect pairs of audio data and text. With enough data, we could train an NLP AI model, ex: TTS, ASR, ... etc.
Skim Words by Olga Voropaeva
A web app which allows to find a definition of English word using Merriam-Webster API and save it to a list for learning.
TimingManager by Yulian Manchev
This is an application that tracks how much time a computer is being used or sitting idle.
HangMan by Muhammed Ziyad
the project is web based HangMan game in which the player guesses the name of a country and if she/ guesses it write they'll be free otherwise they'll be hanged and the scores will be saved in the users account.
FlickPicks by Elliot Goard
Reconcile the movies your friends want to watch with the movies you want to watch to avoid that painful 'What should we watch?' dilemma.
Dates by Maggie Percival
It lets you add birth dates and countdowns to let you know how far are you and how many days are left for the birthday date or the countdown to end.
I have created a website named 'PERSONAL ACCOUNT BOOK', where you can store all your records of pending payments with various Account Holders, which are either to be payed or received by you.
Food online ordering and delivery website by Ayman Bahdo
it is a web application using flask, html, SQL to build a website to online ordering food
CS50 Tracker by Anil Sai Donga
A simple web app that tracks Prices, Climate of a City, Nasa's Picture of the Day.
Exploring the Titanic by Tom Halloin
This project tries to predict who survives the Titanic shipwreck.
The "stop being lazy"-plugin by Felix Magnusson
A Chrome extension that will prompt the user to stay focused, in Swedish.
A password manager to save usernames and passwords of different accounts of a user.
Python-Excel-Dedupe by Thomas Dahlberg
This is a CLI python program for deduplicating and sorting spreadsheet rows
Password Generator by Shreejith Krishnnamoorthy
It generates passwords that are secure and strong for the user and the user can choose how long they want it to be.
My Simple CRM by Zachary Ernst
A basic CRM application that can be used to track clients and tickets for employees.
Load and Reactions for Beams by Rafael Guerrero Rodriguez
Execute basic structural analysis of beams.
Watch Read Repeat by Kanta Munton
Web application to track movies, tv shows and books you are watching or reading.
Exifor by Holam Leung
Exifor is a web application that helps users extract and understand the Exif data stored in their image files.
Month Calendar by Amrit Singh
It is a command-line program which prints out the month calendar of any given month of a year. by Emilio Peláez Cisneros
Webpage to help users keep track of its expenses and savings.
Track Your Finances by Talar Kijilian
Track Your Finances is a web application which allows users to track their financial activities.
Notes by Riyad Babayev
Here you can write notes and later on delete them, also there is about me page.
Garrett's Budgeting 101 by Garrett Scherba
Budgeting tool that accepts user input as net income, calculates, and returns dollar values that are allocated over multiple spending categories to reveal a monthly personal budget.
Weekly Meal Planner CLI by Jacob Desforges
Weekly meal plan generator and recipe database; meal plan can be emailed via SMTP.
Mini CX Survey Platform by Hiroshi Salcedo
Its a platform to collect data of CX from customers through surveys and give rewards for each response.
Ordering App for Sellers by Ernesto Gaston Salaya
Allows sellers to place orders at the factory from their home, also automatically generates spreadsheets , and the factory owner can view movements, pay and cancel orders from anywhere.
Movie Finder by Leandro Pinheiro Rapini
Movie Finder helps you find interesting movies to watch by creatively exploring IMDB's (post 2000) movie database.
Chunked Downloader by Hussein Elguindi
A downloader application in Go, that splits the contents of a file to download concurrently, providing more efficient utilization of internet and write speed.
My portfolio Website by Kyeongdo Lee
It is a developer's website made with html, css, javascript, and flask.
Deciphering by Richa Banthia
It is a python command line argument program which deciphers a ciphertext back to its plaintext.
Limid - distraction blocker by Арслан Худайкулиев
Limid is a chrome extension that gently restricts the use of sites in the blocklist.
Business Website by Mahbub Ul Islam Khan
I made a Business website with HTML5, CSS3, JS, Bootstrap. this is web Development. Anyone can use this website by Business purpose and Startup.
A simple portfolio website by Nigel Haim N. Sebastian
This is just a simple website about me that was made form HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Python that I have learned from the course
Illustration Filter by Fabián Michel Palma Muñoz
A filter to give a darker unsettling vibe to illustration backgrounds
Dynamic portfolio with contains my projects, about me section, online resources and documentation, blog which has got various posts of my problems sets solutions and got register and login section to make changes on blog.
Reuben's Website by Reuben Frith
I have created my own personal website. This website highlights my skills and interests. In addition, you can see the projects I am working on.
Wanderlust by Elisabeth Irgens
A personal travel journal — using JavaScript and 9 years of data from my Untappd account — to stroll down memory lane of past trips.
Smart Clipboard by Ka Wing Tsang
A chrome extension that allows users to store and share the text they copied inside a clipboard in Chrome and among the tabs that have been opened.
PC Dash | A Productivity Dashboard by Patrick Choi
Take back your focus by having monthly plans, daily foci and all tasks ready.
Cookbook by Robert Magnus Nyström
Personal cookbook to collect your favorite recipes and modify them to you liking.
SpotiTracker by Naresh Rasakulasuriar
A web application to track spotify usage and susbscribe to email notifications when your favourite artists release new music.
Job Tracker by Zainuddin Siddiqi
Job Tracker is a web application that allows users to keep track of employment opportunities they are interested in.
InternationalCitizen by Vasundhara Bagchi
A web app that has an overview about the education systems in school and college of different countries readily available in one place.
COVID-19 Dashboard for India by Aniruddha Sathyadharma Prasad
Statistics and Analysis of the COVID-19 epidemic in India
Weather App - Google Extension by Gilliard Barbosa dos Santos
he purpose of this Chrome extension is to display the weather forecast using a free API for access to weather data.
Online Fitness Center by Pratham Jajodia
Online Fitness Center where users can Enroll into different courses available (like Yoga, Gym and Zumba) and can buy Fitness Essentials using the Products Page of our Web Application.
Project Manager by Siddharth Venoothanpalle
A website that allows a user to divide projects into smaller subtasks, for organizational purposes.
Club Inventory by Luka Rivic
Keep track of shared food and beverages and balance the spending among group members.
Columbus Traffic Simulator by Victor Dang
Game where invincible car drives through other invincible cars to get to goal in as little time as possible.
A Journey Around Japan by Yui Akira
It records the prefecture the user is currently in and visualizes it as a map image.
Snooker Scorekeeper by Kunanon Woowong
Web application that help you to keep track of score, when you're playing snooker.
PERSONAL CASHFLOW by Alvaro Fernandez
"Personal Cashflow" is a webpage developed for keeping the accounts of all income and expenses.
An Amateur Radio Telecommunication Project by Bernard R. Pidoux
Compilation of software applications and web pages dedicated to my amateur radio hobby
The Rainforest by Ryan Vong
Take the form of a person who has crash landed in the middle of the rain forest and survive the progressive onslaught of your worst nightmare.
BirthdayCalendar by Ties Petersen
You can create calendars for the birthdays of your family and friends.
HERO by Atheek Rafi
It is web application that allows you compare two superheroes and find information about superheroes.
NessusVisualizer by Thomas Alexander Weber III
Web application to visualize Nessus scan results in a concise, succinct fashion.
Stock Alert by Shaojun Zhang
A Chrome extension that displays notifications for stock price changes.
Covid Tracker by Yap Cheng Kang Sean
A web application that showcases multiple ways to visualize data
Tab navigator by Pang Ka Ho
A google extension that opens a popup with a list to help navigate through your many tabs.
CS50 - Starfleet Entrance Exam by Adam Mosebach
Take the Starfleet Entrance Exam on Ancient Earth History
Doodles by Satwika Paul
My project, Doodles, is an iOS app made on Xcode; it is a drawing app that also allows you to save your drawing to your camera roll.
Food Perfection by Clara Elezabeth Rodriques
This project is mainly for a food restaurant that displays many things about the restautant
RC Fleets by Tiffany Tran
A website for RC car racers/hobbyists to save information about their cars (fleet) and view other users' cars.
Modern Parking Lot by Mirzohid
This is 3d model of Modern Parking Lot where drivers know which spot is free, before they enter to Parking lot
Full-Stack E-commerce Website by Yomna Ashraf Kashaf
Ecommerce Website that allows users to search, choose, views and buy the products they like
This idea of project represents the ‘Courier Service management System’. The system is being used for day to day activities such as maintain employee details,booking a courier,maintain hub details, maintain company details,process data of employees and many other things.
Off-Grid Solar Calculator by Jorge Alexander Rodriguez Iriarte
Calculator that shows how many solar panels you need to cover your basic consumption.
Youtube Audio Player/Downloader by Suchindra Walavalkar
A youtube audio player that is completely dynamic
DATA ENTRY AUTOMATION by Omar Hugo Nina Flores
The project is about how was automated a manual data entry work using Flask, Phyton and MySQL on a web environment solution. by ABDELILAH BAMHA
this project gols is show you covid-19 status in your country
AppointmentBooker by Denis Roberto Alves de Almeida Lima
Allow user to create a booking page for their business.
Quick Image Effects Chrome Extension by Fábio Haertel Kochhann
Quickly add effects to png/jpeg images.
The Tracebook! (Live Jan 2021) by Michael Joe Hofweller
Contact tracing web application.
Stock Present Value Calculator by Sammie Apetuje
How much X dollars invested in Y company would be worth today.
The name of my project is Exports Report. by Harish Boddapati
My project gives your input data sorted into a csv file where you have sales and export data.
Stock info which helps you to judge if it is worth investing in by Nobuyuki Ichiguchi
My project is a web-based application using JavaScript, Python, SQL, and flask framework and is a one-stop website which provides all the information you need to judge if the stock of your interest is worth investing in.
EYEFind by Florence Mawuli Brew
A web-based app that gives you eye health tips, lets you log any symptoms and helps you to find an eye clinic nearby.,
Learn Buddy by Timothy Olutubo
Learn Buddy is a web application that enables anyone learning a new skill to find other people who are currently learning the same skill.
CS50 : Salesman Edition by Denys Pashkov
Help salesman and his admin to organize the sales in a compelling way
personal portfolio by Eseme eseme Tresor
A personal portfolio to showcase my aspiring ability as a web developer with projects within it
Predictive Score for Liquid Biopsy by Allan Andresson Lima Pereira
Using real data, I have created a score to predict the chance of detecting cancer DNA on blood, what would make a risky biopsy unnecessary. To make my score useful in clinical practice, I have developed a web application to both easily use it (using java script for graphical illustration) and also, add more data to further improve the performance of the method (using SQL).
Daily Dose of Languages - DD(o)L by Michal Špano
DD(o)L enables you to learn daily vocabulary inputs right from your Terminal window, hence called a CLI application. It contains several tweakable options to fit everyone's needs.
Streaming video server using a Raspberry Pi by Michael Mearing Williams
I built a streaming Raspberry Pi server using python3.
CS50 Helps by Oliver Bates
The goal of the website is to help those caring for others in distant places.
CommonCent$ by Kevin Coakley
CommonCent$ is a program for helping users plan and track their personal finances.
Inner Peace and Real You by Akshay Pratap Singh
It helps people to quench their inner thirst of happiness and tells them about Soul.
DNA Assembler by Nick Irving
A MacOS app which recreates a full DNA sequence by merging shorter fragments of that sequence together in the right way.
STEM and the Internet of Things by Philip Moffitt
In a project aligned with the computing curriculum and Engineering Habits of Mind, an inexpensive robot arm is controlled by a Wiimote over BLE, and it is programmed using Python.
Cycle Sync by Cherie
This website helps women find out which phase of the menstrual cycle that they are in.
Quick F by Arun Singh Ravi
Quick F is a web-app for quickly storing and finding items in your house.
This web page is used to maintain the details of birds present in aviary.
Animals AR by Jhon Eferson Castaño Orozco
This project is created to teach children in low-income communities about animals.
CS50 Calculator by Dmitry Kulakov
Website calculator developed on python and flask with using databases for user history.
Resize Tabs Chrome (extension) by Ewerton Fernandes Dias
It is an extension for Chrome, in javascript, for developers and who need to see several pages at the same time.
Books50 by aryaman jain
Books50 is a Web app which you can use to keep track of the books you've read, find new books and discuss them with your fellow bookworms.
A simply Pygame by Mike Tian
Project took time, was somewhat complicated and messed up my code a couple of times.
NASDAQ Stock Analyzer by Bobrov Nikolai Sergeevich
My project helps to filter companies from NASDAQ stock exchange based on average operating income growth per year.
It is a website describing about different types of robots
Nugget ios app by Thilagu S
Nugget is an iOS app that lets you record and remember nuggets of wisdom. You can write down your best ideas, and then receive a reminder sometime in the future so you never forget them.
IT Institute Management System by faizan shaikh
My project is a website which can be use for Computer center's Managements. Purpose of this website, Managements can add New student admission and can check all information of admitted students, Teachers and Courses as well as they can perform Edit and Add operation.
Website titled "My favorite College Story" by Sanjay Fuloria
Website for posting a story after registering and logging in using Python, Flask, and SQL
Calculator by Ritwik Raj
It is a program that calculates addition subtraction multiplication and division.
ChemFriend by Jojo KIm
ChemFriend is a website designed to help the user name hydrocarbons according to IUPAC nomenclature. Very useful for Organic Chemistry students.
Uncharted by Ilya Tavassoli
It's a 2 player uncharted game in Scratch which is so much like rock paper scissors. Tweets Sentiment Analyzer by Angelo Timajo
This project is a web application where users can input a certain topic in twitter like a Hashtag, username, or a specific event going on, and the application will perform sentiments analysis on the Tweets that were scraped.
Montecarlo analysis with LGD/PD by marcos rodrigues simaika
montecarlo for loss give default probability
Image Organizer by Francisco Ricardo Dias Neto
This is a simple aplication to organize your images according similarity with image target.
CMS by Dakshinyaa.I
This idea of project represents the ‘Courier Service management System’. The system is being used for day to day activities such as maintain employee details,booking a courier,maintain hub details, maintain company details,process data of employees and many other things.
Stock News by Quinten Kop Jansen
The goal of the Stock News app is giving its users the ability to follow news that is relevant for their personal investment portfolio.
Arduino's calculator by Galo Bello Ponce
It is a hardware-based application where you can use, with an arduino, a keypad and some simple connections, a calculator with some basic operations.
Way Knots by Erik Winchell
Way Knots is a web application designed to provide a platform to record places you have been or have been suggested to you by friends.
Rate your experiences by Esin Osman
A website that allows users to search up for a seasonal internship program in a database, look at past reviews about the specific program, and write their own reviews.
HealthWhere by Kishan Odedra
HealthWhere is a web application that retrieves information regarding a condition and displays local NHS services that may be able to help.
Samayankak: A screen-time extension for Chrome by Vivek Pal
A screen-time extension for Google Chrome to increase your time management and productivity.
What to Watch by Kamel Nasser Abodagher
A website that recommends you movies you might like based on what you have seen before.
MathFormulas by Rodrigo Sales Freire dos Santos
A website to calculate the result of some mathematical formulas quickly
Wrist Snap Aim Training by Rudra Naik
A quick and easy to use aim trainer for use anytime, anywhere.
Final Project GAME by Abdulkadir
square is actually a simple snake game. Languages we use; html, javascript and css
GLUC Record by Javier Ignacio León Mejía
Tool for people to record their Glucose levels and Blood Pressure.
CS50 Dictionary by Mostafa Youssef Mostafa
It's an English-English dictionary that keep running, translating words, giving definitions and matches even wrong words to a close match.
Project Fast by Hans Lam
A handy web-based tool to remind users of and help them identify the signs of stroke.
Social Media Blocker - Google Chrome Extension by Jennifer Christensen
I created a Google Chrome Extension that allows the user to choose between Facebook or Instagram - to block these sites if they want to.
The autism platform by YOUSIF AMJED YOUSIF
A platform that contains information from reliable sources about dealing with autism and contains a guide to the best nearby autism centers with the ability to communicate with the centers for advice or reservations.
Tutor's notebook by Perets Olga
It's a web application that was created in order to help teachers store, select or edit information about their individual lessons.
Waste Classifier using Deep Learning and Flask by Sushaanth Srinivasan
A website for spreading awareness about the impact of improper waste disposal on the environment, the types of waste and their proper methods of disposal to help protect the earth. It helps classify the type of waste present in the image uploaded and gives the correct way of disposal for that particular type of waste.
NerdsNightClub by T A R I Q
This webapp is built to be a meme website where you can post your loved memes and share it
Pizza_mama by David Foudi
Web app of a pizzeria, with home page and admin page then menu page with name, ingredients and price of pizza. And a Rest API included.
Calcooly by Mira Theidel
Calcooly is a flask web application, which is an advanced calculator based on python using the modules sympy and scipy.
StockX — stock explorer by Alexandr Toritsin
With StockX you can find, analize and track you favorite stocks.
A Full Fledged Website For An Organization by Arya Chakraborty
A full fledged responsive website for an organization made with HTML, CSS and Bootstrap.
GDPR - Records of Processing Activities by Carlos Alberto Valente Tomaz
It's the begginning of a tool to manage General Data Protection Regulation - Records of Processing Activities, in compliance with article 30.
CS50 Plotter by David Moreno Fortuño
it's a web-based application which takes csv files with numerical data and produces plots representing that data.
Photonizer by Kerem Mert Demirtaş
An Android application to organize photos in albums and which you can save your notes to albums and photos.
CS50 Finance Advanced by Sebastian Nicolas Barrios Slight
Modified version of CS50 Finance, with new UI and including charts for daily portfolio value and live updates.
Awesome Foodpay by Syed Muhammad Mehdi Abbas Naqvi
AWESOME FOODPAY is an e-commerce, web-based platform for the restaurant to recieve food delivery orders online. by Iryna Brechko
Categorized collection of an educational resources on different topics for any grade level. Multi-Language support (for two languages).
How To Write Heavy Metal Without A Guitar (Using Python) by Kevin Carr
Write heavy metal guitar parts using python.
Geo Twitter Trend by Angel Joyce Torres Ramirez
Django application with tweets georeference by trending topics in your region
Online Game Portal by Jona Lusar
Online Game Portal is a web based gaming platform where you can sign-up and play two different games. It is also to see a global leaderboard and an individual score history.
Spotify CD player by Max Hayes
A user can play their Spotify playlists while an aesthetic CD of that playlist spins around.
Our app name is EVE Personal Assistant by amir hossein
EVE is a personal assistant equipped with artificial intelligence
Readability GUI by by Abdullah Atiya
Readability GUI takes the readability problem from pset2 and enhances it further by adding new features and turning the whole thing into a GUI.
Women's Bazaar by Kajari Banerjee
It's a website from where customers can buy Clothes, Shoes and Jewelry.
CLICK THE COLOR by Ynna Marie C. Halili
For Teachers and Parents of toddlers. It turns out, colors are the key way that we describe and categorize our world. Along with shape recognition, COLOR RECOGNITION is an important step in cognitive development for children. It plays a part it object recognition, and helps a child develop the mathematical and language skills that will ensure clear communication. This webpage let the children to click on the name of the color then the background will show its chosen color.
A Very Wild Game of Pong by Mohamed Tarek Mohamed AbdelAal Shamekh
An engaging adventure that starts with a game of pong but turns into an interesting adventure that's above and beyond what a game of pong can offer.
Feasting! by Manoel Felipe Araujo Pereira
A web app designed to keep track of a list of visited places, especially: restaurants, cafe and bars.
Kana-board by Anna Lee Valenzuela
Online Japanese keyboard (hiragana, katakana, kanji) with save/copy features
French Trivia Bingo by Yongyu Qiang
A web application to automate the reading of questions and generation of boards (typically bothersome tasks) for a trivia-style bingo game.
Mystic Maze by Mikhail Fraynt
LOVE2d game written in Lua with 2 maze generation algorithms implemented.
Recipe Tracker by Anthony Sinclair
Keeps track of recipe cross refs and expiration notifications for eatery
Time To Get Up by Adam Elitzur
My final project is an interval timer that reminds you to get up from the computer.
WhatsApp Automation GUI by Yahya Sherif
A GUI that automates the task of sending messages through whatsapp.
Web server raspberry pi + Apache + Flask + Python. Weight Tracker Web App by Jesus Alberto Revilla Silva
Weight Tracker Web Application
Live Face Mask Detection AI App Project by Amit Kumar
In this video we know how we can find live face mask with the help of DP Learning, that too with a good accuracy 99%
FollowPhone by Laurence Zanotti da Silva
A web-app that helps you keep track of any conversation you have with someone and follow up with them
README - Webpage by Geetesh Mokhare
I have designed web page which includes pictures and some some dynamic statics.
Foot Talks by Vaishob Anand
A blog-style web application made specially for football fans to share their thoughts about the beautiful game!
Movielovers: A Web Application by K.L.N.V.Shruthi
Movielovers is a website that will challenge your knowledge about movies and allows users to compete using a point system.
GoBackToStudy by Agata Harkot
Chrome extension for blocking distracting websites like Facebook, Instagram, Netflix and YouTube.
Skincare webpage by Ishana Raina Ghosh
It is a webpage which recommends products for various skin concerns.
FINAL PROJECT - CS50 by Shahroze Nasir
Web application - piano tool for content creators to try their hand at this tool.
Javascript Maze Generator & Solver by Youness
Create a maze manually or generate it automatically. Give the program a solvable problem or help it solve an unsolvable one.
Solid Waste Inspection Automation by Kasandra McKenzie
Code that produces, stores and distributes inspection reports automatically
WebApp for Google sheet by PRANIK SINGH
life made easier to enter first & last name in google sheet.
Sous-chef by Larissa Trece
Sous-chef helps you to organize all your recipes by category in your own cookbook and gives you the opportunity to find new ones within the community.
CS50- Web app - Project's title: SLOOT - Phuong Bui - HCM - Vietnam by BÙI TẤN PHƯƠNG
Encoding your own message
E-WARE by Giulio Rovida
My project is a web landing page for artists and users aimed to promote active recycling practices, using electronic music as a mean to raise awareness of the community.
Fruit Punch by Tan Mei Xin Michelle
Fruit Punch is a fresh take on Atari's Breakout, programmed in Lua with LÖVE.2D
This project is about to control a RC ARDUINO CAR using an infrared communication. The IR control we will read incoming IR data from infrared remote controller and execute some tasks .
EatWhat? by Zachariah James Frank
A full responsive web app that suggests foods based on input flavors the user is currently craving.
International Food and Culture of Louisiana by Tiffany Sarah Algu
This project includes a ten question interactive quiz about international food and additional information regarding worldwide contributions to Louisiana's cuisine.
Human or Robot? by Clement Ng
Machine learning using classification models to predict if bidders are humans or robot
Student Recipes by Isobel Anne Fyvie
Student recipes allows students easy access to healthy, affordable and sustainable recipes by giving a range of easy vegetarian meals.
Remote Check-in App by Muhammad Danial bin Othman
A mobile attendance app for people Working From Home
Crypto Portfolio by Thomas Runge
With Crypto Portfolio, cryptocurrency holdings can be easily managed.
Trivia by Emma Rizen
This is a simple trivia game in C which imports questions and answers from a csv file.
contact list by hasti nikshad
this program is contact list in java and was created in the IDE eclipse
Radio Reforma's Programs and Schedule DB Manager by Fernando Quant
A web app to manage an online radio programs and schdule's database
Shooting_trainer_v1.0 by Rajat pratap Bisht
shooting trainer minigame for accuracy and movement improvement For FPV shooting games enthusiasts.
Klark Cases by Nader Raafat
Virtual history-taking platform for medical students in an age of virtual learning.
Arduino Controlled Camera Slider by Ahmed Zeyad Abdelaziz Shoukralla
Automated camera slider for stop motion movie making
Speechess by Massun Augusto
My project is a Flask web application powered by Lichess API that allows the user to play against an AI through voice commands.
MovieLovers: A Web Application by Miguel Secillano III
For my CS50 Final Project I made a web application called MovieLovers, which allows users to answer questions about movies, and also allows them to compete using a point system.
healthcare management system based on iot by JAIMIN TOPIWALA
my project contains lm-35 sensor for temperature monitoring and hearth beat sensor for heartbeat monitoring
HIIT Timer by Carlos Augusto Schlyter Rodrigues
Android app for controling high intensity interval training.
MyMidi by Alan Lumb
An iOS app for iPad to connect to commercial DJ software remotely to control effect channels
wikiGeek by Gabriel Sotelo Justo
wikiGeek is a web videogame, you will have to surf through Wkipedia to reach specific articles with the least amount of clicks and time!
Online University by Abdullah Hussein Elbradey
Providing recommendations of Online Courses and Books for Coding Enthusiasts.
Just Movies by Rayna Bhattacharyya
A place for movie lovers to explore movies and keep a log of the movies they enjoyed.
Simple math tests by Igor Semenov
You choose levels and operations type for your math test and complete the examples. After you can check your results and compete with others for rankings.
360° feedback by Esli Verheggen
An online web application that facilitates and monitors the provision of feedback amongs peer groups.
Corona Viewer - South Africa by Martin Bekker
A website to view daily trends in Coronavirus infections within South Africa.
Stock rescerch by Markus Klopper
The project consists of a webpage that allows you to analyses historical data of the previous year for different stocks. Stocks can be added to a watch to better track the stock movement, when searching for a specific stock the latest relevant news articles will also be at your disposal.
Weight Planner by Pranav Upadhyaya
My project is a site that has information and tools to help with weight loss and weight gain.
PHYSICSWorld by Imad Al-Bekai
A website that encourages learning physics in a new beautiful competing environment, that has 2 modes; 1 is just for specific schools!
Pterodactyl Game by Christian Harman
A side-scrolling flight game, in which the player controls a pterodactyl trying to get home.
Zakat Calculator by Fardeen Kawsar
A website designed to help Muslims calculate the amount of Zakat (charity) they are liable to pay each year.
Remote controlled Robot for obstacle detection by Srikrishnan Jagannathan
A robot with ultrasonic eyes
Maze Mania by Charlotte Lee
Maze Mania is a retro-sytled game in which the player has to beat the computer to the end of the maze to win.
disaster graph by Waynes Weyner Wu
Displays a graph based on the user input, this can be used to get specific count of disaster per year or finding a trend.
This is the Google Dinosaur Game Bot which plays this game itself automatically.
Capacity Counter by Jian Ying Liang
The intent of this project was to create a counter for small local businesses to keep track of how many people are in their store.
CZ/SK FakeNews alert by Darek Černý
Short script that alerts users if they try to access fake-news site
Bookmark Manager by Alfio Ricardo Martini
This is a bookmark manager for recording web content and websites.
Not Greg by Caroline Benedetti
Not Greg is a website our suite this year can use to share information, such as schedules, recipes, and jokes.
CaptchaCoin by Veronika S
A fictitious crypto currency that lets you earn coins by solving captchas.
Portfolio Simulator by Kevin Steve Beltran Clavijo
Manage your financial assets and learn about financial markets
Juni by Anastasia Quirin
A job-search web application for people who are switching careers or just graduated from university
Global Sentiment Indicator by Haotian Ma
Mapping individuals' sentiment conditions in a global range according to their Tweets.
A Company's Simple Flask App - by Jonathan David Peña Cruz
A Company's Simple Flask App
Let's Read by Aditya
A Full-Stack Web App where readers can look for their favorite books and their reviews.
Coding Together Virtual Campus by Thomas Welsh
An application that provides the functionality to take part in a virtual campus for CS50.
Chemistry Calculator by Jonah Robert Breipohl
A web based calculation app which helps to solve Chemistry formulas.
Red and Black Board by Victor Gustavo Romero Cisneros
A little application of non-deterministic automatas, to compute all possible routes from point A to point B in a 4x4 board.
9 días by Gina Moreno
"9 días" is a responsive design web-based application designed to tell my experience in a Vipassana Meditation course
Image Slider and Gallery based on HTML, CSS and Vanilla JavaScript by Muhammad Imran Saeed
Image Slider and Photo Gallery based on HTML, CSS and Vanilla JavaScript
AutoPYcoder by Maulik Chopra
Search algorithm that organizes prewritten python code files with beautiful Tkinter interface.
Help Me Pack by Hanin Shaltaf
A web application that helps users decide what to include in their travel bags depending on the destination and trip type.
Sanke game by K Shristi
Snake game is a project game, whose goal is to design a 2-D graphical computer game using C language and display the result on the output screen
Manage My Life' by Guok Wei Jie
It helps manage 3 aspects of the user's life: 'Finance', 'Work' and 'Health'.
BMI Calculator by He Sun
The Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator can be used to calculate BMI value and corresponding weight status. Use the ”kg/cm“ button for the International System of Units or the ”lb/feet/inch“ button to convert units into US units. The results contains both BMI results and the weight status.
COVID Track by Thilo Schinke
COVID Track is a website which is displaying current data about the COVID-pandemic per country. It's purpose is to show travellers where to go safely and where better not.
Deep Beat by Samuel Braun
Analyze custom beat saber maps and see if they fit your playstyle and level.
Backup ( by Alexandros Garypidis
A command line utility for backing up folders on your sustem
Epidemiology by Chang Chor Lap
An informative websites that could let general public to understand about epidemiology.
WalleTrail by Daryll Jose
Helps you better manage your expenses and plan budgets wisely to save more money for your future.
User Maintenance by Dérico Stefano Cavallini Soto
Java based application that gives maintenance to user on a database.
Dish Finder by Amey Shrivastava
Dish Finder is a web app that helps you find recipes for a perfect dish you can make based upon the ingredients you have in your hand.
Personality Test by Arundhatti Muthu
A personality test to determine one's behavioural patterns and traits
Python Music Bot by Chinmay Rajeev
A discord bot that takes a youtube video's url from the user and plays the mp3 file using the voice channel on a server
GroupOrders by Pei-Wen Huang
My final project, GroupOrders, is an iOS app that helps people to order drinks together.
Satvik's Physics Page. by Satvik Seetharaman
A physics page with calculators on the three laws of kinematics and Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation.
JeJe Holdings website by Preston Khumbula
a simple website for JeJe, a small farming farm owned by a student
Chess Games Explorer by Fernando Souza Laube
A web application that allows a chess player to see all the positions he reached in his games played at
a div developed in HTML by Adil CHAGRAOUI
A simple JavaScript script to trigger the click action on a div developed in HTML. To make animation possible, the animated element must be animated relative to a "parent container". The containing element must be created with style = "position: relative". The animation element must be created with style = "position: absolute". JavaScript animations are achieved by programming incremental changes in the style of an element. The changes are called by a timer. When the timer interval is small, the animation appears continuous.
the COVID-19 Research Project by Isabelle Genevieve Marie Dubrana
A website that crowdsources COVID-19 symptoms data, and displays and compares countries' COVID-19 data.
ReNote by Deeksha Mehta
ReNote is a note-taking tool that helps you create your own personal knowledge repository, enabling you to extract and retain more knowledge from the things you read.
Klass by Josué de Paulo Viana
Klass is a social network that was created based on the early version of Facebook
Troop 14 Library by Daniel Kou
A library for my boy scout troop that functions like a modern library.
Endless Pong by Francis Langit
Endless Pong is a video game created using the Pygame module of Python that features endless gameplay of Atari's Pong.
Student Database Management System by DHINAKARAN V
It allows to manage student results in a institute.
calculator by reyhaneh sattari
A calculator that calculates the four main operations and the remaining amount
Pet Shelter Web App "Kur Samanos" by Paulius Lašas
I've created a web application for a local pet shelter in my town using Django framework and bootstrap.
Social Poster by Juan Chávez Cornejo
Automated Social Network Post Application(Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)
Snake game by Meethil Darji
We have to redirect the snake to grab the food, if it consume the food snake grows.
Cryfo by Italo Aurelio
A fast extension to see infos about your favorite cryptocurrencies directly on browser.
PredictIt vs. 538 by Charles Umiker
My website compares election predictions from and and recommends smart bets based on 538's models.
Declan's Log by Lori Cullen
I created an app in MIT App Inventor. This app helps to keep track of my son's behavior in the day.
Lightning Dodge by Jason Koweek
A kids game where you move side to side to avoid oncoming lightning.
Sandesha ~ a chat application by ANSH VIDYABHANU
It is a Bi-directional chat application using socket
Scrabble game app by Ashley Teoh
It is a scrabble game app that is used alongside playing the scrabble game
Emy's kitchen by Emilie Kwatetso Quartey
I did a website to advertise my restaurant called Emy's Kitchen
Web Crawler && Search by Laksh Aggarwal
The Web Crawler crawls websites and stores information in MongoDB, the data is used by Search program to display results based on a query.
A Hotel Website made using HTML, CSS, Python, Flask.
Build Swap Challenge Generator For Minecraft by Pamela Margaret Nelson
A web app to generate random build challenges to play build swap challenge in Minecraft and keep track of the winners.
SceneIt by Heather Cosimini
Sceneit is a map based mobile application that allows a user to submit and track paranomal sightings throughout the world.
Simple Weather App by Aimane Badaoui
I created a Simple Weather App with JS. I have used the OpenWeatherMap API for this project. This is made with HTML CSS JS
Pooch Finder by Aluth Gedara Madhavi Lathika Sugathadasa
Connecting pet lovers with responsible dog breeders nationwide.
Organize the request for help in my neighborhood during the covied-19 outbreak
My Family Tree by Radoniaina Gaston RAPARIVO
A small web based application that allows us to draw a family tree and export it in PDF format. by Rustum Usman
The website we developed as a landing page of online learning platform. We used technology stacks such as HTML 5, python3.9, flask 1.1.2 framework, and Javascript. The site is currently hosted in google cloud using AppEngine and MySql google cloud storage. (not yet released to the domain id)
House accounting by Giulia Rossi
Keep track of your house expenses and compare their trend in different months!
Animal Rescue by Anita Marie Janes
Central Florida Animal Rescue with top 10 facilities in central Florida and a table for volunteer information that add to the backend database.
Quote Generator by Mario Benedek
Quote Gen is a responsive web application for creating web development and marketing project quotes and contacts for clients, with estimated cost projections, ready to print.
Track50 by Mattias Braams
A web application that tracks meetings and positive covid-19 tests to see whether the meetings were safe/
BahamART by Nathan Allen
An art gallery to inspire young Bahamian artists and showcase our country's most influential.
PageSpeed 1.0 by Fang Dong
The extension is designed to provide detailed analysis and recommendations from loading your site in a simulated environment with PageSpeed Tool By Google.
Gummy bear poker by edward van gelderen
Estimating the impact of a piece of work for a team in gummy bears instead of hours or days
Online Personal Diary by Kruthi.S
Web Application that allows the user to maintain a personal diary online and also save notes and reminders
Friendzone by Audrey Worsham
Friendzone allows you to visualize current local time for all of your friends around the world, while also being able to set reminders for contacting those friends.
SEO Quick Win Analyzer by Dirk Kerver
This application helps digital marketeers with extracting quick wins for search engine optimization (SEO). One of the most used tools to crawl websites is Screaming Frog. A bot similar to Google's that simply follows all available URLs of a website and creates insight in, to say, the website's SEO health
PDF to CSV Extraction Tool by Blaine Jenner A Bilalat
A simple Python application using the PyPDF2 library that extracts data from multiple PDF files and then consolidates and outputs all that data into a CSV file
The Matsumoto’s House Newsletter by HIROKI YODA
A website documenting a house located in a nuclear power plant affected area
Yoga Board Munich by Lorena Schlesinger
A digital notice board for easily offering and finding yoga classes in Munich
Contacts by Ramon Rodrigues
A contact list implemented in C with add, search and delete functionalities
Auto alignment of pages in a PDF by Dinesh Inavolu
It is required for many users who are working with pdfs to align pages in right direction for better reading without rotation. It is always a tedious task to rotate page by page after finding the right rotation.
Christmas Catastrophe by Lakhan Singh Barod
A platformer game, help Santa clear the level so he can distribute presents..
Ranked Choice Election system by Mike Richmond
Extends the Tideman algorithm to a multi-election web application.
Weatherapp50 by David Kitz
This application asks for a location then retrieves the weather for that location
Pichrome-8 by Andrea Di Napoli
A randomized web player engine for Pico-8 console delivered through a Chrome Extension
Tic Tac Toe by Anya Jajodia
it is a command line program of the classic tic tac toe game coded using C
Minerva by Tanaka Chitete
Minerva is a financial tool designed to facilitate the fundamental analysis of common stocks listed on NYSE and NASDAQ.
Game Rec by Kornel Krystian Stępień
Game Rec - game recommendations from the library of the best games of all time!
OpenFOAM case structure utility by Alexandru Saramet
OpenFOAM utility to display Foam case structure and configuration
Moonbase by Christopher Gustin
Moonbase is a cryptocurrency dashboard that displays price data for the top 100 cryptos listed on CoinMarketCap.
Assassin by shahu birari
A game where names are placed into a ring and then "killed" (removed from kill ring).
rNotes by Mahmoud Ehab Abd-al-salam
An android app that helps us recording our notes (in lectures for instance) fast and easy.
Movie App by Mahmuod aboalhassan
It's a movie web app that you can see the trailers and some other details
Sheev - A Virtual Suggestion Box by Dante Ayuso
Sheev is a responsive webpage that allows students to speak their minds about school or class issues.
Hunt Price by Carlos Javier Barragán Carrión
Mexico´s Supermarkets price comparing application for those living on a budget.
Last Stand Zombie Survival by Ethan Alexander Jones
A top down shooter game loosely based on Call of Duty Zombies
Twitter Sentiment Analysis App by Ramraj Bishnoie
It is a Machine Learning Based model that classifies tweets as positive or negative sentimental.
Learn Español by Mahimn Himanshu Dave
For my final project, I made a website for a basic Spanish Tutorial. I have used HTML as my coding language and CS50 IDE as my coding platform. I have added my code to my GitHub repository as well.
Medical Record by Ghadeer Ahmed Elsalhawy
Save all you medical history and keep track of your health daily.
Smart Select Website by Archie Augusto Apa
Smart Select's Company website with employee login feature for managing the information such as products and projects. by Nathan Anthony Andidjaja Satyabrata is a web application that allows users to upload diaries onto the internet and read other people's diaries, along with some external features.
To Do by Azra Cetinel
To Do is a Swift app that lets the user keep track of their daily tasks and reminders.
Stack 2D50 by Sean Kenneth S. Consolacion
Stack a series of rectangle from the ground and create a tower with it as high as you can
AI Snake by Maxim Zavidei
"AI Snake" is a creation about building and programming a realistic behaving snake using Python language and a Lego EV3 set.
vcard-convert by Leonid koida
command-line tool, written in node.js, converts the phone stored as vcard into the google.csv
Teen Workout by Rauf Masoumi
This is a web application that has been developed to help people increase their height and maintain their fitness.
CS50 News by Ru Yang
This web application is designed to get breaking news headlines and search for articles from news sources and blogs all over the web.
MOVIEROOM by Snehil Gupta
FachriGold by Faishal Amru Makarim
I dedicate this project to my father who has a side job selling gold. I created this website to be interactive and easy to use by buyers, even directly contacting the seller on various social media, besides that we can also see the stock available for purchase, I hope this project can be used by other small business people like me.
Mountain Hiking Explorer by Walter Tosta Junior
This application was created to help mountain lovers to keep track of their hiking experiences.
PLAY PONG VERSION 2.0 by Sanket Jaipuriar
Upgraded version of the Pong game given in the Games track of CS50x 2020
Muggle Notes by Khushboo
In this project, one can write/update and store daily notes/files systematically. by Xiu Shi
A React single web page designed to recruit new players who understand AR gaming.
COVID-19 Website by Abdelhamid Mohamed Abdelhamid
COVID19- Awareness , how to protect your self , World status , Self assessment
FactCheck by Louis Hinckley
A web app to extract (i.e., "screen-scrape") and present fact-checked statements made by Donald J. Trump.
Homecourt Hero by Joseph Mendezona
A website looking to create more engagement amongst the local basketball community
Holiday Planner! by Jeremy Neil Roy
A easy-to-use itinerary that helps teams of people organise holidays.
Pachy by Slavko Mihajlovic
A Linux OS Apache Server Install software that analyses the distro of the OS and install elements and install all that is required and or desired to bring up an Apache server - Work still in progress!
Chronolexicon by David Mershon
Chronolexicon is a web app that visualizes text based on the first known use dates of words. by Tamer Yanni
A website that helps reduce food waste by proposing recipe ideas based on ingredients
Almamater by Nicole Mutio Makau
A website that makes university applications for international students easier.
Folklore Songbook / Cancionero de folklore by Nicolás Cirio
A folklore songbook with more than 6.000 lyrics!
Cipher by Adam McMahon
A rudimentary SP network that helped me get a better understanding of their operations.
Goalie by Henry Nguyen
A web-based tool that tracks the user's goals and the respective reward for achieving their goal.
EXPAT CARE HRMS by Adebowale Ademola Francis
Special HRMS(Human Resources Management System) Web Application for Expatriates
Sign Language is a website to learn the sign alphabet on a interactive way
PathFinder by Shelby Lim
PathFinder is a command-line webscrapping program written in python - it takes in job title request, then output Australian job data from the job site as a csv file.
Blue's adventures by Luka Roginić
Introduction to game development, through making a platformer game.
Plant Watering Tracker by Alper Umur Kop
It's an app in which you can track houseplants in your home and water them on time.
D&D 5e Balance Helper by Santiago Gimeno Julián
A tool designed to help DMs create balanced monsters.
CS50 Go Green by Diya Vijaya Kumar
I created this website to impact the world using my coding and programming skills I have acquired over the years. This website lists some organizations you can support for some issues. I have researched many websites and listed the best ones here. But still, there are many more, so please keep in mind that these are not the only ones.
2022 World Cup Qatar: TOP 5 on WATCH! by Joyce Behrens
Web pages on the upcoming World Cup and top 5 players.
PROFIBUS Message Interpreter by Kyle Hans Gerson Roos
Interprets and describes Profibus protocol telegrams.
Smart Gingerbread House by Patricia Lim
A gingerbread house with lights, music, and an automatic door controlled directly from a webpage.
The Matrix 50 by Leonardo Bheche
Matrix Rain Code FX made with LÖVE2D/Lua to be used as a game asset.
Tourguide of Lesvos by PALLAS EFSTRATIOS
A platform offering Exceptional Excursions to Lesvos Explorers
Shooty Bird by Charles Lamarque
A flappy bird remake in which you shoot a projectile every time you jump.
Country Finder by Gabriel Vieira dos Santos
Find interesting information about countries around the world.
Account record App by Ryotaro Kurita
It can memo income and expenditure and return total amount of you.
Task Force by Berkay ULUYURT
Our web application is designed to plan, prioritize and complete our daily work and earn points. By doing what we need to do on a daily basis, we can earn points at the level of importance we attach to every job and prevent our motivation and laziness to do business.
Brosseau Farms Eggs by David Brosseau
a queue system to people can order eggs, and see pending delivery status
CS50 CalorieCounter by Martijn Jong
CalorieCounter is a web based application enabling users to keep track of their daily calorie intake and give access to a large database of nutrients.
Rainforest Roulette by Harrison Christie Walker
An interactive music player that randomly selects jams performed by my two-piece jam band, Toucan Echo.
AC50 Transactions by Ahmad Abdullah Ali Saad
A web application to keep track of your money and bodily transactions
Live Ticker Bookmarks by Joseph Siu
Chrome extension to track stocks and cryptocurrency prices with auto-updating ticker bookmarks.
Club Activity Log by Kyle Gwon
Enters users' entries into a log that can be queried by name or date.
Russian Emotion Detector - NLP Model by Maksim Gorev
My web app recognise emotion from text, such as: negative, positive or neutral.
QuickOrder by Dmitrii Koshkidko
The application that allows to submit restaurant orders when dining in.
The Zen Organizer by Jennifer Finnilä
A single page web application that helps you manage your work day.
Minecraft Ingredient Calculator by Hui-Yu Lu
It displays the list of ingredients for a selected item from Minecraft.
The Movie Widget by Roshan Chandulal Shah
The one stop shop to help you decide what movie to watch next
contact list by zahramohammadi81
In this program we have three classes, each with its own specific functions Main contactList Contacts Three parameters of surname and telephone
eClaimer by Derendinger Bernardo Andres
Web page using flask to allow neighbors to send their infrastructure complaints with the exact address of the problem
Language Lab by Max DeMaio
Flask web application to practice the conjugations of the 25 most common verbs in a target language.
nurse scheduling by Mohammad Bighash
My Final Project for CS50 is a web application by using Flask, Python and SQL about nurse scheduling
KotLC Unlocked Quizzes by Maya Bhasin
Virtual versions of the quizzes found in KotLC Book 8.5: Unlocked.
CountryPedia by Mihir Shah
An Android App which contains all the information about countries, territories and continents
Face-Recognition by Christian Blois
This is a face recognition app in python that can identify the faces of anyone in a picture.
Smart Journal by Srikara Sai Shanmukha Vishnubhatla
Smart Journal is a virtual journal with many advanced functionalities (such as taking pictures, videos, and audio).
CAD QA Webapp by Tamás Drávai
Online ticketing system to manage the quality assurance process of 3D models.
Geometry Dash 50 by Michael Nitzschner
Autoscroller Arcade Game using Lua in LÖVE as homage to Geometry Dash
Wave Inventory by David Serna Gutiérrez
Web application to see sport pants, buy, sell, check history and inventory
The WiFi Extender by Pasha Mishin
The WiFi Extender is a web application written in Python, HTML and Flask and working on the NanoPi Neo ARM.
Cat or Doge bot by Nikita Kurchin
A bot that sends a random picture of a cat or shiba inu to telegram chat
BMI Calculator by Ruan Carlo Silva da Costa
Website that helps people keep track of their weight loss/gain.
truthordare by Merlin Willner
It is the end of CS50s course but the start of a new style of learning without the great notes and lectures.
Cranes by Isabel Espino Gutiérrez
My project consists in a web page of a crane’s company where you can answer a satisfaction form and manage from there your services and operators.
The Human Chain by achal shetty
A unique way of connecting with others during the times of COVID-19.
Blockade Breaker by Lawrence Leroy Chieng Tze Yao
Simple breakout game using love2D (watch till the end!)
Search Engine Based Restaurant ( Search Restaurant Online) ) by Md Habibur Rahman
Find amazing selection of local restaurants delivering food to your door.
Maria de Almeida - Hangman Game by Maria Helena Miguel de Almeida
It is a game that the player needs to guess the correct letters in order to win the game. If the player guess a wrong letter, the health bar decreases until a game over message pops up.
Hospital Management System by RamVignesh B
A web-based Hospital Management System application built on Flask.
Coding Secrets by Georgia Koukoutou
The project implements a programming blog where users can create their own posts or view existing ones as well as comment and upvote or downvote.
Backtest SMAs Crossover Investment Strategy by Lee Ho Fu Honcy
Use Python to backtest 40 years S&P500 market data with 14,706 strategies by Jacinto Fleta de Castro
A platform to send thank you messages to all the hard-working proffesionals that are fighting versus the covid-19
Quick Save by Rajan Mudaliar
Quick Save, a chrome extension to quickly save, manage and get any texts and URLs.
Your-Daily-Guide by Frank PAUL Reyes JR
Daily Guide is a website created to help (seniors)people navigate the internet and find trusted relevant/credible information online everyday.
Rameny by Lim Jue Yao
A web application where ramen lovers can share their favourite bowls of goodness :) by darcy Vitacca
A google chrome extension to read twitter threads in an easier quick and concise manner.
Need For Speed : Scratch by Abdul Ghani
A simple game in which you lead your ball to the finish line without touching the monsters or moving outside the track.
Organization Info Telegram Bot by mahmood lotfalizade
It's a telegram bot that gets a stock symbol as input and sends that company's information and current share price.
Malaysian Covid-19 Statistics Heatmap (MCSH) by Muhammad Danish Bin Addie Halim
An app to visualize Covid-19 cases in Malaysia
Robot car with microcontroller by deivit lopes bonach
A robot car with distance sensor that receives commands and send back messages.
Jobean by Andrea Lievano Cruz
JOBEAN is a Web-site, using HTML, python, SQL, CSS, Flask, and JavaScript, to help job seekers keep track of their job applications, job leads, and to-dos.
Eventhub by Ang Teik Lin
A web-based application that allows students to discover and create events in their institution. by Kristian Krišto
A platform which enables Croats to easily donate money to charities and their companies to match them.
UNLOCK Mental Health by Ashwin Subramanian
A webiste for a mental health awareness initiative that I founded.
NotMail by Aryan Dinakaran
A communication system that can be used by people to share information via text
ExpenseManager by Neeraj Ratnawat
A simple utility web application that allows users to keep a track of their personal expenses.
finance premium by Yang Jen Hsiang (Tony)
add some features to cs50 finance. also I am from Taiwan, forgot to mention in video
Wedding Invitation App by Narae Kim
Wedding invitation web app built with Angular framework, including click to call function, share a link to SNS, custom gallery, and a map with finding route
Personal website by Derek Liu
A personal website that showcases my resume, projects, my experience, and me.
Carspot by Richard Qi
iOS application that helps users find where the nearest available carpark is based on their specified location.
My project I used pytohn flask, sql and html In this project we can register users to have a collection of notes and be accessed from anywhere
Election Forecast by Aditya Balan
Shows live data of national and state U.S. election results from administrator input.
GO Palestine by Uthman Salama
eCommerce web application called GO Palestine where people can buy and sell products.
Food Alchemy by Dinesh Kumar k
It's an web application that let's you search recipes based on the ingredients present in your kitchen.
Voice Recognition by Kiana Keyhany
Our project is a voice recognition using MATLAB which makes a database of voices and then finds out who is speaking.
Buyer's World by Faizan Syed
It is a website which acts as a platform to list and view properties for sale.
Baggage Calculator by EFSTRATIOS NTARAS
You type your ba's dimensions and you check whether it is compatible by an airline
Course Reviewer by Nicholaus Suprapto
Web application where users can add reviews of online courses.
Valve Adapter Selector by Carlos Gonzalez
Automatically select the adapter required to attach an actuator to a valve
Leisure by Moushuf Pradhan
Leisure provides its users random suggestions about activities during their leisure time.
HelpLine DB by Ananya Saha
HelpLine DB is a web application which provide the residents of the city of Kolkata, a fast access to nearby helplines during emergency situations including Women and Children safety contacts, Government schemes for citizens, as well as First aid & Healthcare.
Lysense by Justin Bartholomew
Lysense is a simple way for systems administrators to keep track of software licenses throughout their company.
Cloud Support Center by Jose Luis Villarreal
System for Reporting and Control of Incidents or Requirements for HELP DESK
CHALLENGE50 by Fabiano Augusto de Mello
A website where people are challenged to better connect with people, pursuit more knowledge and make the world a better place.
Events searcher by Edwin Alejandro Prieto Castiblanco
This a web-app, it shows the different events, activities and places filter by a multiple categories of interest and also by a price range, you have also the possibility to crate your own events and to find a group of persons who want to go to a specific place and join them. It is developed on Flask, HTML, CSS and JS.
Aircraft Damage Database by Krishna Jagrut Mehta
Organization of in-service aircraft damage information
Scrinota - A chrome extension by Ahamed Arafaath Muthalif Mubarak Ali
An extension for opening webpage as a reminder.
Cryptomania by Valentin-Gabriel Patrascu
Similar in spirit with Finance, Cryptomania allows you to quote, buy or sell cryptocurrencies using 2 third party Binance APIs.
Nugget by Ana Hidalgo de la Vega
Nugget is an iOS app that lets you record and remember nuggets of wisdom, so you never forget your best ideas again!
Grocery Store Register by Rebecca Mathews
It is a program made to make bills and calculate bill amounts.
MyLibrary by Raúl Ortega Ochoa
web-based application to manage and search through a library database
Python Bank Account by Erik Anni
a bank program that stores user data to be viewed or changed by the user
snake game by bamboo panda
its snake game normal snake game where gamer should score more points as possible
Volunteer Tracker by Juliet Zhang
Volunteer Tracker is a web-based application that allows users to keep track of the service events they've attended, the hours they've volunteered, and the organizations they've joined.
Domino Train by Liam Yaroschuk
Given 1 double domino and 13 dominoes, my program will calculate the longest possible train of dominoes.
Recipe World by Suneera Khurana
Recipe World allows users to search for desired recipes and manage those for future reference.
momentum by mohamed essam asaad ibrahim
Chrome extension Momentum Extension Clone. JS, HTML, CSS & Boostrap used in development.
Pairup! by Julien Audet
A swiss-round point-based matchup bot desinged for use in casual saturday night board games or more organized tournaments.
Free Online Library by Fatmah Faridi
My project is an online library that contains books that can be read online, and you can also keep track of how many books you have read.
Identifying microcytic anemia by Nogol Ghalamkarpour
comparing the 4 sections of the microcytic anemia
Make books by Rafael Marqueti De Andrade
my project was created for anyone to start writing their book
ProductFinder by robert tansony
Find the location of an item in a big box store by scanning its UPC.
Intelligent Overtaking System by Yashraj Yogesh Wani
This project will help vehicles overtake long vehicles, which are responsible for blocking a significant field view for other vehicles.
Regional Employment Profiles by Claire Mason
Users can generate regional employment profiles based on counts of online job ads.
DivAid Tasks by Javier Varela
It is a web application using Flask, Python, and SQL with the purpose of having an update list of things to do/buy.
Attendance Management System by Huzefa Ismail Jadliwala
It is a Web-Application by using which teachers can take attendance in just One Click.
USBRecord by Angelo Salvatore Bellinghieri Duran
Helpful for those who wants to have a record of all their academic life
DailyJournal by Amal Joseph
A web application to add journal entries and remove them if required, keeping track of the time of entry at the same time.
mimoza by Igor Ignjatovic
Web application allowing tenants to vote options for their apartment complex
Theah's Personal Website by Edgar Alan David
A web-based application that showcase my Theah(my daughter) personal website
Random Movie Picker by Abulfaz Hajizada
This app lets you pick a random movie that are currently in the top 50 list on IMDB
In this final project i have made a python program(game), in which you have to save the character from fire balls by moving the slider up and down.
Mobile Touchpad by Nguyen Tran Huy Vu
A nodejs application turns your smartphone into a simple touchpad for the temporary replacement of a broken mouse.
School DBMS website by Abdul Rafay 2032006
A database management website for school, displaying different info for different users
LifeBlood by Vikram Anand Unnikrishnan
LifeBlood is a website that assists in locating a blood type match in your vicinity, if you are a blood donor or are seeking a donation.
Gritty Faith by Bianca Mungalsingh
Spiritual productivity and goal setting to help you grow in faith and your relationship with God.
Risk Management System for Digital Bibliographic Collections (Database Administration Module) by Juan Carlos Calderón Colina
Risk Management System for Digital Bibliographic Collections (Database Administration Module) based on my Library Science Master's Thesis ( | in Spanish)
Speech to Text by Philip Glew-Deval
An app which converts speech to text using Azure services and C#
Gas Properties Calculator by Sergio Pablo Rodirguez Guzman
This app works as a calculator to evaluate gas properties
Markowitz Frontier Grapher Using R by Facundo Olcese
Graphs the most efficient portfolios to invest in!
User Management by Taisa Yakimovich
This project potentially can be part of the User Management and User Authentication system
رياضيات للاطفال by Komail Alali
An ios app that allows young children to practice simple math skills.
Inventory by Partha Pratim De
The purpose of this project is to keep track of food/grocery items you have at your home.
Sudoku Solver by Raman Gupta
A website where users can play a game of sudoku or input their own board and have it solved.
Care Residence by KRISHNA SHAH
Maintenance, Cleaning & Parking service provider for residence and non-residence.
Covid19 Diary by Luis Flávio Oliveira
A Web application that allows user to get real-time information about the Covid-19 in their country and also to keep track of their movments to help to identify possible focus of infection and risk.
Snake Game by Abdulaziz Saud Al Jabri
A game in which you're a snake that grows larger as you eat the food.
Compliance Dashboard by Jasper Tax
Tool that helps organizations store, orchestrate and monitor activities that are performed to ensure compliance with regulations.
C$50 $AVINGS by Neus Fernandez Valls
A web application that helps users to manage their money and achieve their saving money goals.
The Duck Game by Michel Redmer da Fonseca
A 2d top down shooter, winch you help a cute rubber duck get his certification as a debugger.
Maze by Khongorzul Turkhuu
An indie top-down puzzle survival game developed in python where a cat fights his addictions.
My Personal Blog by Michael Ngo
My personal website, including a blog and snippets of my hobbies and life story
Risk Assessment by SIM RY-AN TRAVIS
RIsk Assessment form to potentially replace the one given to recruits in the Singapore Armed Forces
Coding Together World. by Olga Repnitsyna
Registered users can use the Coding Together World to navigate CS50x & Coding Together course resources.
Student Advisor Chatbot by Wasif Uddin
It is a chat bot which recommend various programming courses and answer basic queries of people of want to do courses on platforms like edx and coursera
Virus Killer by Animesh Singh
A game made in python using pygame losely based on the old game space invaders
Off Management System by CHRISTEN TEO RUI EN
An easy-to-use leave management system with a clean interface for organisations!
website Book Rental Shop by Atsadavut Tisachai
It is a system to collect the history of books for admin use only.
Outdoor gym finder by Ruben Mattsson
A website where you can search and sort outdoor gyms in the Stockholm region.
Differentiation of a function using Eulers method of iteration by Gourab Bhowmik
This programme employs the understanding of basic iteration for solving a 1st order differential equation
GO Boxing Store by Guilherme Oliveira
If you are a boxing lover, try GO Boxing Store, you will not regret!
This is a fully-customizable dictionary app made with react and material-ui.
Soccer Master by Tiago Fleischauer de Oliveira
Website where you can try to guess the result of soccer matches.
S C H O O L I N G by Elena Anna Maria Nicolò
A web application that helps students to organize their school commitments.
BSC Coin/Token Price Tracker by Dhanush Reddy Gottimukkula
To get the Live Price of those Coins which the BSC Scan Website doesnot track I have created Web App that tracks their price.
School Timetable Advisor by Diogo Carreira Paulo
My project will be useful to everyone who is messy.
The Localite by Venkatesh Ransing
A web store designed to help people shop from local businesses around them
O JOGO by Vitor de Sá Carneiro Bizarro
A program that generates words from files to be used in different games
Patient Simulation Monitor by Wayne Kark
Mock patient monitor designed for simulation training, including a patient monitor display and a page for controlling the values displayed.
Coronavirus Scrolling News by Alexander Peter Wood
scrolling coronavirus news headlines from global regions
Responsive Registration Form by Krish Solanki
I made a responsive registration form just like a Google Form but it isn't like an ordinary form, it has something different!
CS50 Final Project 『人生なんでもくじ引きで決めちゃお!』(Japanese Student) by Chiyu Nakamura
Fraud Register by Nitesh Aggarwal
Fraud Register is a web app made with Flask Python web app framework, which helps you to find a person you are dealing with is genuine or not or is he/she is fraudster or not. You can Search Frauds done by other people and also submit your own. Data is crowd sourced from people.
HMRC Scale Rates by Leandre Outers
A website that allows one to look up HMRC scale rates by location (country, city), and compute the maximum allowable scale rate payment for a specific trip (given a location, trip's arrival & departure date and time).
Travel Diary by Karina Pereverzeva
Our project is created to keep all necessary information about your trips in one place. It's helpful if you are traveling a lot or just like to keep things organized.
CS50 Astronomy by Manikandan Praveen Kannappan
An Astronomy based web application which allows users to view details regarding astronomical object's rise and set times, as well as post their astronomical findings on the application.
ICA File Manager by Michael Daniel Godfrey
A simple file sharing web application for Australian businesses that need to meet biosecurity protocols.
Children Safety by AbdElRahman Khalifa
i have made web application that helps parents to commnicate better and easily with their childs so i made two Programs Geolocation and chat
Beer Diary by Anastasia Maryina
A web-app to keep memories of all the beers you ever tasted and share it with friends!
Home Inventory by Janet Wakeley
A multi-user application for managing major home purchases for insurance and maintenance purposes. by Aleix Dominguez
it is a web app to calculate the center of gravity and takeoff mass of a DHC-6
Pandemic Game Assistant Web App by Andrea Linczer
Web Application for Pandemic board game for setting up games and keeping game history
Safety Defender by Cyril DE SAUSSURE
Android app aiming at improving safety for everyone by recording in the background possible evidence of aggression.
React file structure creator by Denis Bratchikov
It's an VSCode extension, which creates file structure for react projects.
Freezer Monitor & Anomaly System by Ankur Tripathi
This system used to detect anomaly obtained in the temperature in the freezer and send an alert via message & tweet.
randomplay by Micah Sheldon Fox
An audio player that plays random files that are inside the given folder.
Sifrão by Oséias da Silva Martins
A web application built to help Brazilian investor to find good companies for their portifolio.
Dragon Ball Eras by Mohammed Adnan Kinadiyil
An interactive website that gives important info, such as character backgrounds and summaries, on the famous anime Dragon Ball!
Netflix Helper by Christer Engstroem
A Netflix helper site that helps you to do advanced searches and to keep track of viewed or not viewed films.
Excel Extractor by Kian DJAVANCHIR KHOI
It automates the extraction of specific cell values from a set of Excel files.
Manage your finance: How to achieve financial freedom by Juan Jose Mateus Rubiano
The idea of the web application is to be ablo to record your expenses and income in order to know how much savings you have or to know if you are out budget.
CSMoodlet by Beatriz Calvín Martín
A web page that calculates your mood according to what you've been listening lately, and creates playlists for you in regards to any mood you want.
Expense Tracker by Hadi Zorkot
A web application that allows users to track their incomes and expenses.
Blog sharing community by Xue Meini
This is a website where we can share our blog and upload pictures, add the things we want to do.
Pearson Digital Marketing by Ryan Pearson
Headless Wordpress w/ React Gatsby Front end built for a web development an digital marketing company.
Consumer Voices by Anna Skvortsova
A web platform for publishing crowd-sourced reviews about online and brick-and-mortar stores, apps, and products.
Systema Solaris by Aditi Jain
My webpage titled 'Systema Solaris' helps you explore fascinating facts about our Universe.
SConcrete by Abdelrahman Ahmed Abdeldaim
I programmed this App to help engineers calculate steel reinforcement in concrete quickly without using a computer only by phone.
Calculator with Units by Zhao Haocong
It is a program to help people calculate the numbers with units
Moviefy by Vujjini Sriram Sai
Moviefy is a web app that recommends a movie to the user based on the favorite movie of the user.
Thread Subscribe for Reddit by Fabián Pérez
Subscribe to submissions on Reddit and get notified when there are new comments
2048 ONLINE by Rafael Angel Gómez Cruz
A 2048 game accesible via a website that allows you to save progress, access it from any device, and flexible grid size
ChordMaster by Olivier Casalta
ChordMaster is a music editor that produces chord progressions for musicians who want to improvize.
Car Finder by Siddharth Singh Mehrok
Car Finder is a website which helps you find the perfect car for you
Khairul Islam by Khairul Islam
This is a one-page portfolio website of mine using HTML, CSS , JavaScript and JQuery.
RESUME by Mutyala Sri Lakshmi pravallika
it is a web based project by using html css and js languages and i created my resume
Cricket Scorecard Management by Abdulqader Shabbir Ali
Program to store the details of a cricket game.
Asteroids Game by Andreas Greiler Basaldua
A browser based game of simplified Asteroids: you shoot asteroids before they hit you.
CS50TAB - Chrome Extension by Pedro Dias
For my last project, I developed a chrome extension with project tracking functionalities.
It is a simple space shooter game where either you die or you kill the boss made using the pygame library from python.
Now Reading by Pablo Cornejo Pierola
An iOS app and widget to search for the book you're currently reading and display it in your home screen.
Real time stock analysis by Yash Wadhawe
Comparing real time stocks of few companies in real time with graphs
DentRecord- Dental Patient Management Application by Magalakshmi Thiyagarajan
The web application can keep track of patient details, add/update patients, keep medical records of the patients including treatments, schedule/reschedule appointments and send reminder to patient via email.
ScheduleX by Viswanath Biju Nair
A website to facilitate better recording/editing/updation of case based information
DIY Cardboard Quadruped by Ashton Willey
An initiative to inspire others to get interested in computer science and robotics engineering
I Remind U by Sachin Raosaheb Dalvi
My CS50x final project a Google Chrome Extension made with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Super Mario 50+ by Leonardo Rem Brandt Esteva
An "expansion pack" to the Super Mario 50 games track code/assignment
DareenAcademy OnlineCourses by Dareen Mazen Khaled Murshed
DareenAcademy is a modern and beautiful free online learning website for reserving courses . For online courses, education, even schools and universities,it is a fantastic solution for a striking web presence. It is a Bootstrap Framework site canvas that guarantees flexibility. Moreover, it is compatible with all devices, web browsers and retina screens. In other words, the operation of your website will be smooth all the time
MetaTrader 5 - Timeframes Top/Bottom Lines by Leonardo Secim da Costa Sposina
The objective of this project was to build a utility tool for a trading platform called MetaTrader 5, so that traders could monitor the top/bottom prices of a given asset within the chosen timeframes.
Hangman for Python by Anthony Strickland
An enjoyable adaptation of the classic word game that's fun for everyone!for Python.
Multi Outcome Grading Calculator by Zachary Mcvey
My project is an environment where people can simulate a class using multi outcome grading, in order to familiarize themselves with how it works.
Automated Website Manager by Matteo Kimura
A python script that blocks websites based off of my Google Calendar
Inspirer by puttaranun
Inspirer website is a meeting platform between inspirer and learner which supports ranging topic categories.
Toolkit by Mauricio Videla
Website to search specfic workers (Carpenters, plumbers, electricians, etc)
TrackIt by Vibha Thirumale
TrackIt allows me to track how long I have done a few select activities and when I have done them.
LinkLEARN by Timothy Leow
LinkLEARN helps its user to consolidate links and write accompanying descriptions to remember them by. It's sort of like a note taking app but specifically catered towards links!
Snake Game by Leslie V. Shaka
Snake game made of two modes: Zen and Arcade; each mode has two and three levels respectively.
Speech recognition and translation tool by Emi Kitaura
You can have a conversation with voice recognition and translation tools.
Sports Statistics Web App by Lua Sze Hui Jacqueline
This web app aims to make it accessible for small tournament organisers to have an easy way to organise their game schedules and statistics.
Nuremberg Boulder Map by Leon Baumann
It is an interactive map that enables climbers around Nuremberg to share local climbing spots.
Inspirational Wall by Victor Hugo Carvalho
The Inspirational Wall is a project to get the positivity back on our lifes with beatiful and positive messages.
SideNotes by Noelle Rose
Sidenote is a lightweight content management system that allows you to create accounts, posts articles and post comments (or notes) to those articles.
The Box Website by Aidrhiz Jhan B. Gonzales
It's a website for The Box, a small business that sells cocktails
Asteroid Attack by Mudassir Farooqui
Destroy all asteroids and advance to the next level with 3 trys.
Printify by Fang Ning Tan
A web app that generates art prints based on data from Spotify's Audio Analysis API
FillUp by Simone Giuriato
FillUp is a web-based application that helps you to keep track of the consumption of your vehicle, whatever it is.
CS50 E-Shop by Xiyu Bao
My final project is a web application created using Flask and it is a template for online shopping.
bubbletea50 by Tianhui Zhu
It is a bubble tea generator website that generates bubble tea combinations based off of use inputted information.
Your Diary! by Aviraj Arora
Basically its your personal diary where you can write your own thoughts.
Exercise Analysis by Vivian
This program allows users to track their weekly exercise time and compare with other users, filtering based on age and gender.
Movie Recommendation Tool by Victor Honorato Pinheiro
Platform where you can get tips and ideas of what to watch.
DataViz Generator by Kan Weiyang Alvin
It's a web application that enables people to create more sophisticated charts by simply uploading a csv file.
Irena's Web Gallery by Raeto Raselli
A website for artists to upload paintings and sell them to potential customers.
Student Helper by Aryamaan Basu Roy
The student helper website serves two purposes: 1.Users can solve math problems like simple arithematic calculation, linear equations with 2 unknown variables, finding roots of a quadratic equation 2.Users can communicate with other users that are registered in the database by sending messages with a subject (simple mailing system)
Restowebsite by Abedalhassan Haidar Hammoud
a resturant website design using javascript and css and Html
Jane Local Pricing by Alexander Michael George Hutchison
Browser extension to modify pricing page to reflect pricing in different currencies based on current exchange rate.
Assignment Tracker by Gaurav Sharma
It was website for teacher that allows them to keep track of their students.
Amazon Clone using React.js by Yogeshwaran Shravan Sriganesh Parthasarathy
Using React.js, I've made a clone of the Amazon website.
Fair value calculator by Marvin Billerbeck
Calculate the fair value of any US stock based on DCF and peer group analysis with the help of API requests.
CS50 Movies by María Isabel Jaramillo Arredondo
Web application to store information about favorite movies of every user and to get recommendations of movies based on content.
Command-line Sudoku Solver in C. by C H Tan
The program uses a backtracking algorithm to solve a Sudoku puzzle.
The Tavern by Liris Tribuzzi
The Tavern is a website, based on Python, Flask and Sequelite. Our goal was to provide a meeting place to people who play Roleplaying Games.
Delta by Kastriot Sahiti
Delta is a pastebin alternative and allows users to writer and share texts with other people.
An interpreted, functional programming language based on Lisp and written in C
Store website project with mvc by R.S Mohammadi
Our goal of this project is to create a store website (types of categories, etc.) with the ability to update and Full coverage of store services.
TOKYO 2020 Olympic Games ~Aquatics~ by Yuya Suda
You can see the records and the scores of each team.
Todopy by Kanyinda Muepu Samuel
This Project is a simple “Todo” web application which has a User registration et login functionalities, to add/delete/rank(prioritize) tasks in the todo list.
Translazione by Paolo Bigliano
It's a web-based application using Flask, JavaScript, Python, and SQL, which develops a translation game from English to Italian and vice versa.
Chicago Travel Guide by Reyna Shah
My project is a helpful guide to visiting Chicago Downtown, including activities, restaurants, history, and attributes.
Say NO to civilization diseases! by Julia Patrycja Strelczuk
My project is a web based app with medical data.
CS50- final project for introduction to computer science course by lobna nasereldeen
It’s a simple and easy quiz
Waste diposal request handler - "TrashBot" by Robert Bruns
An internal tool to handle waste disposal requests.
Game Studio Presentation Website by Adelina Radu
The project is a webpage created to present my personal game projects.
Super Tester by Vito Francesco Malaj
My project is a testing system that allow children to study for different subjects in school.
Movie Database by Chanon Bovornvirakit
Web-based app that searches movies.db from a previous problem set for movies/actors/directors and also provides randomized top/bottom 10 movie lists. by Lucas Martin Macedo Gagliano
It will return a recipe with the ingredients that you provided
Documents ABC by Tiago André da Silva Tavares Bandeira Marques
A nice way to share your docs with your friends!
Rocket Pong by Anastasia Katsouli
Rocket Pong' is an adventurous game developed with Love2D and Lua.
Customer Handler by Bruno Gabriel Kaiser
An easy way to save, lookup and delete information about a customer.
My Chart Maker by Shilpa Kanjilal
A Chart Making and Graph Plotting Application created using Python.
send whatsapp mesage by python by niloofar
this progect is about sending mesage in whatsapp you give time,number and mesage to it and it will be send it that mesage at a specific time
Racing Betting by Nguyen Mai Hoang Anh
In Racing Betting you will choose one of 5 F1 racing cars to bet on then it's Racing Betting has two maps: F1 and Sky, where you can continue to experience the game until you get bored.
Proof of Work (PoW) - personal website with a series of computing exercises and interesting tidbits by Humphrey Tan Wei Han
As per title
Kina'ole by Samuel Alexander Erhart
A web application for tracking employee engagement and satisfaction.
"Don't be a sh%**y Friend" Web App by Fabian Omobono
An app that helps you to stay in contact with your friends!
SARS-COV-2 Mutations Detection Webtool by Riccardo Cecchin
Webtool that allows identification of point mutations in SARS-COV-2 genomes
Project Management by Omar Mohmed Abdelhady
a web app that helps you organize and manage your projects and tasks
CoolR Codes by Chris McFarlane
This is a web application that dynamically creates a multitude of different QR codes, while also allowing you to modify colours and save in different formats for future use.
Zodiac Signs by Ashwin satheesh kumar
A website that teaches you more about both your, and other people's zodiac signs.
The Exam App! by Saqib Shafin
This is a web app where students will give exams and teachers will check them and give marks accordingly.
Kalendar by Alex Ong
A web-app which allows you to add KDrama release schedules to your Google Calendar in a few clicks.
Items Planner by Nguyễn Đình Thi Văn
Store your items' purchasing information and save enough money when your items need maintenance or replacement
NewsPrepper by Vasanth Kumar
NewsPrepper is a Flask web application that creates a personalized news briefing for the user.
Dungeon Crawler 50 by Nikita-Nick Funk
It is a 2d dungeon crawler like game written in lua and love2d.
EnglishGRAM by Aleksandr Malyshev
EnglishGRAM is a web application that helps to study english grammar.
App Help People To Select Food And Drink According To Weather
"May I?" by Francisco J. Joubert Bernard
A teacher student database with an extension for students to log their breaks.
Alphahops Brewery website by Carlos Alberto Júlio Junior
A Pre-sale responsible website where customers can place reservation orders for the upcoming beer and all data is stored in a database for the brewery management.
A fun way to make your own "best of movies" lists and compare with your friends.
PyPanzer by Milos Ivankovic
A driver/firmware combo program that enables basic motion control (via PC keyboard) of the Makeblock Starter Robot Kit
Paint Your Reality by Makeda Harris
A responsive website all about art and finding your creative passion.
Bazaar Meta by Cormick Holland
Website designed for tracking the in-game stock market of the Minecraft server Hypixel's Skyblock gamemode.
Ethereum Election by ABHAY PRAKASH
A Election Application based on Ethereum Platform based Blockchain Technology.
Plastic Tracker by Francisco Soares
A web app to keep the consumers aware of their plastic footprint
Lista (To-Do List app) by Jhon Carlo Dichoso
A simple to-do list app to help users stay commited to their tasks.
CELEBRITY by Micah Pietraho
CELEBRITY manages clues for multiplayer games like charades and pictionary.
FAMPLAN! by Matthias Goh Chien Jee
FAMPLAN! is a web application that provides tools for a family to organise its daily affairs and share information with each other in an easy, quick and efficient manner.
Netflix Boredom by Emily Huang
Using your zodiac sign to suggest shows/movies to watch in quarantine.
Calculator Program by Siddharth Dhanasekar
In this project you are able to use a calculator which can help you with many various things.
Online Art Exhibition by Volodymyr Isai
Olena Isai Online Art Exhibition - web application written in JS utilizing ThreeJs to render 3D scenes. Use keyboard and mouse controls to move and look around.
Minecraft Script to Tellraw Datapack Generator by Chan Chun Pang
To generating functions of datapack from script
Fitness Workshop by Shafwan Ahmed
It is a free hand workout web application which is equivalent to any workout application
Simulating dangerous events in glider take-offs by Konrad Janecki
Main goal of the project was to build a model for estimating risk in glider take offs, according to created trees of events.
Movie Ticket Booking System by Khalid Mohammed Sadoun Mohammed
Allows users to book a ticket online for their favorite movies
Employee Timesheet Tracking App by Connor Luke Thompson
Allows employees to log job time/hours spent as well as claims for purchases on behalf of the company.
Pack Weight by Chris Korsak
This web application helps you understand and lower your backpacking gear weight so you can have a more enjoyable experience in the outdoors.
Soccer.Fifty by Joshua Neil Wilcox
A sports "pick 'em" game where users try to correctly predict winners of upcoming soccer matches.
This application registers newly admitted primary school students, from a class of Basic 1 to 5, and subjects offered by each registered student.
Secrets by Joseph Delali Kodzo Etse
Secrets is a mobile application that lets you convert your messages into secret messages.
drip web design by kornelius ido sinaga
its a webpage where you can get a professional to make you a creative web design.
Your Home Budget by Mariusz Siekiera
Your Home budget is Flask web application. It was created to help you control your expenses.
Healthcare Injustice by Varshini Bomma
A heavily research based informational website about the current situation on healthcare injustice in the United States.
Jim Ashford's Breakfast Club by Jim Ashford
An easier way for schools to manage their breakfast clubs
HR & Payrolls Managment by Khaled Muhamad Waled Sabri
The project is a web application where Admin can manage and control their employees and prepare their payrolls dynamically.
Block Breaker with Color by Debjyoti Sikdar
A short remake of Atari's "Breakout" in Unity2D, but with increased difficulty and elements of "bubble shooters".
ReadyPrep by Nick Milton
My project is a Flask app that generates appropriate warm up exercises by body part.
Finance Control Web App by Ido Widya Yudhatama
A web application that used for managing our income, so we can track it by taking a note in our gadget.
Personal Library by Sigita Dzedzickaitė
Dynamic website where users can store and edit various data about their books, quotes, lending history and etc.
Flask Blog App by Bhavin Kapadia
App to allow a user to create a post for a selected business in a forum.
SportMateFinder by Adil Köken
The Application SportMateFinder shortly SMF aims to bring the people together, who wants the play sports games, practice sport with others or enjoy sports but don't know how can they meet a group to play.
Alrehab company for instraction by Fares Ashraf mohmmed Al-sayyd
emloyees salary register information like salary advance paycut rewords reports
Stock Watchlist by Matias Stephens
Stocks values in near real time and the user can add and remove this stocks to a watchlist.
The "Sha & Ja" website by Varsha D/O Muthayah
Recently, I have created a YouTube channel and I was thinking if I could create a website that could promote my channel to the audience. Thus, I've created "Sha & Ja" website.
Tic Tac Toe vs AI by Matt McDannel
Tic Tac Toe against a smart AI, with a difficulty setting and csv file for stats.
Aperitibook by Grecia Beatriz Garcia Pelayo
Aperitibook is a tool for a writers community to be able to publish their books and create blog entries to favor the discussions about them within the community.
football officials web page by Joshua Mark Bradley
a web page for my football officials association.
Notes and a game to help players overcome fear developed from playing the game "Subnautica"
Arduino based Smart Home Web interface by Yash Sinhal
Smart Home Web server using Adriuno Uno and HTML CSScode
Stand up Comedy Spectrogram by Rachel Lander
Transforming my standup bits into spectrogram visualizations to create a visual gallery of jokes that comprise a stand up set
La cuisine de Mariano by Mariano Gutiérrez
Web application based on Flask where users can search for meal recipes.
CS50 MinuteBank by Leonardo Sent
I use MinuteBank to track the screen time minutes I earn and use each day.
DOGS&CATS by Priya
MY final project is a website that allows the user register donation of pets and get donation from the other people(adopt). The user can also delete your registers,see your registers and selected donations to adopt a pet from the other people
BMR Calculator by Rushil Shah
Calculate your BMR and the number of calories you should intake to sustain yourself for each day & view your history over time.
Sounds of Serenity by Colton Fox
Sounds of Serenity is a web application that allows you to combine music and sound to create a relaxing environment for study and focus.
III Seminar PPGEC Website by Alexandre de Souza Jr.
A seminar website where participants can submit abstracts and full papers.
SMIT Public School is a web application for keeping a record of Students' details like Roll number, Name, Class, Date of birth etc.
Poképedia by Shanmuhanathan Nachammai Shanmuhanathan
A pokédex remake as a ReactJS web app that is simple, lightweight, and easy to navigate through.
Project Title - E-Commerce Website Design by Deep Shah
It is a design for an E-Commerce Website's Landing Page
Web application for restaurant "La Porta Aperta" by Anna Soroczyńska
My project is a web-based application for ordering food with delivery, booking tables, writing opinions and contacting with restaurant.
CinemaS50 by Tiago Oliveira dos Santos
It's a simple application where a user can book one seat or more for a movie.
TirtaQuiz by Matthew Tirtawidjaja
TirtaQuiz is a ready to use web based application that is written in python which allows anyone to easily create, configure, share, and answer a quiz.
Guess the Hex by Cyprian Zander
Guess the Hex (GTH) is a competitive game where you try to guess the hex color code of colors under decreasing time given.
Payment Tracker by Carlos García
Web application to simplify the tracking of purchases and payments using relational databases.
Hospital At Night Website System by Oliver Kennion
A website which gives the ability to the hospital team to create a workflow and database for jobs to be created and carried out in real time.
A simple, but aesthetically pleasant HTTP Status Code Cheatsheet web application
Chemistry Word Guessing Game by Rahul Mohan
It is a word guessing game with a list of words related to chemistry.
Our project is a web based application for travellers. Booking travel agency using html css javascript and sql/php
MerlwybForge2.0 by Angela Marie Krukovsky
This is a discord bot to manage reaction roles so the admins don't have to manually assign them to users in a server.
Humanitarian by Md. Mazidul Haque Farabi
The Humanitarian app is an initiative to inspire small acts of kindness to change the world.
Thornhallow: An Escape by Vlad Grecu
A text-based adventure game that, through an approach designed to give the player freedom, follows the tale of someone trapped in a castle and desperate to escape.
Cookie Eater Chrome Extension by Menno van Balen
The Cookie Eater extension deletes cookies when you leave a webpage that is not on your whitelist. Besides this, it also aims to find the button to allow for cookies when you arrive at a webpage, and push it, to save the user some frustration.
A Quest for a Cure by Jane Sun
choose-your-own-adventure game set it medieval times with parallels to our modern world
coronavirus website by Melika
this site is to provide information about Corona and to solve the problem of ignorance of Corona and to put all the necessary information for each person on this site.
Route50 by Alexandru Stan
A simple web app that lets the user create his own route with more than 25 waypoints, which is the limit set on Google Maps.
Flashcard React web app by Paul Reynolds
A simple flashcard studying web app with Bootstrap that saves state and updates a database
Catalytic Collector by MHD ZAHER AL KATSHA
help people to know their Catalytic converter price and sell it.
En Ucuz Kitap (The Cheapest Book) by Hüseyin Fatih İlhan
"En Ucuz Kitap" is a web application that queries the search results of four major online book stores in Turkey. The user enters the book's name and can find the cheapest option in one of the four online bookstores and then directly proceed to the seller's website via url provided by the application.
Notice of Transfer to Housing Court by Mia Elizabeth Bonardi
Automated court form for tenants to transfer their eviction cases to a Housing Court
FridgeCon by Anna Nyström Faix
FridgeCon is a Flask application using SQL database, where is possible to store, update and delete items in "the fridge".
Squared by Ananth Raman
My project is a game in which you control a circle with arrow keys, and try to keep it in a moving square.
Xo Game by Yasna
This game was developed using the Android Studio 2020.3.1 environment and the Java programming language. With the help of available resources, the program algorithm was developed, and it was then implemented in the final CS50 2021 project by the SANA and YASNA NAJAFI team.
Skin Cancer Detecting App by Sunami Dasgupta
Detects Skin Cancer Using Image-processing in real time.
Multi-Monitor Digital Photo Frame by Alexander Belfiore
A slideshow in which photos appear on multiple monitors based on their orientation.
Fixed-It-Data by Fion Pang Ying Lim
It is a website that does data analysis on the financial reports of publicly traded companies.
Business By Design by Zubaidah Bilal
It's a dashboard that helps business coaches to organize their business.
Yiwi by Mariana Fausto de Souza Fernandes
Yiwi is a website to help Chinese learners keep all of their learned characters, words and sentences in one place, divided by lists.
Hardware-Based Chorded keyboard by Joseph Salisbury
Wired keyboard designed around the 10-key chorded keyboard layout, ASETNIOP
WorldCommunicator by Dagne Assefa
Have a private chat with users who speak a different language from you.
Brick Breaker by Rohan Sai Buddhi
It's a retro game inspired by a game I used to play in my childhood and Pong from CS50's game dev track
Merc4d0 by Victor Kowalski
Website for creating shopping lists and ordering them from nearby supermarkets.
My project is about the overall percentage of waste food because it is important to know how many people are living in less food and how many people are living advanced food.
CryptoQuiz by Luiz Gustavo Marques Costa
It's a website with the purpose of teaching cryptocurrencies related topics in a funny way
My frist program . I use this name becues this a beginner of my life for come to programer. by Sirirajavit Dhamayoddi
I make language translation app (onli voice).
CS50 Final Project_All Calendar events displayed in Web by Ding Chen
I created a web UI which can output a summary list of events from different calendars for a specific date and time
Hands-on web-application for a soft play manufacturer by Aleksei Tsybizov
Calculation of manufacturing costs based on customer orders
MT50: Money Tracker 50 by Mhonica Khaye Taruc
It's a web app used to keep track the user's income and expenses for better management on their money and better understanding on their financial habits.
Laundry Notification System by Lien Swings
In this project I'm using a retrained MobileNet image classification model on Google's AIY Vision Kit to detect which cycle my washing machine is in, and send email notifications to let myself know when it's time to add fabric softener.
Bilingoal Cards by Maksim Smoliakov
Bilingoal Cards is a language-learning Android app that has been created as my final CS50x project that is made to help expats in China to study Chinese using flashcards.
Fitbook by 簡逸航
Fitbook tracks the workout information and in helps of improving effectiveness of body building..
Name Popularity Project by Claire Piquette
Give the program your name and choose which provinces you would like to see and it will show you how frequent your name has been over the years.
Coronavirus Website by Rashaad Ahmad
Using this website, you can find coronavirus data for the US States.
To-Do List Extension by Oliver Trejo
An editable to-do list that can be accessed from anywhere within the browser.
Multiple-Choice Test Practice Program by Paul G Toma
The program implements a multiple choice testing format, in which students are presented with a sequence of questions. For each question, several possible answers are shown, and the student must select the correct answer.
WorldCommunicator by Dagne Assefa
Have a private chat with users who speak a different language from you.
Emotion Detection with Python by Shayan Attar Sayyah
It's a code including a gui which recognize user's face impressions
Eye Test Anywhere by Mickael Ng Chee Siong
This project is a Eye Test(Visual Acuity) Chart that can be used across a variety of ages and is cross plaform.
POTE by Veronica Batista Barreira
POTE is an IOS Recipe App where you can search and look for a recipe.
Footnotes Chrome Extension by Siro Gabriel
Chrome Extension to replace irrelevant comments in parentheses with footnotes
Finance App by Robert Buckley
Finance App' is a simple web-app used to keep track of financial transactions, and to group them into 'events' (eg. a holiday, shopping trip, etc).
FoodCount by Arad Zilberstein
an app that records what you ate an shows you how many calories it has, by that you can track your calories or plan meals by calories
CSMOVIE by Silas De Vuyst
CSMOVIE is a web-based application where you can track your movies/tv-shows, rate them and much more!
CUANTAS - A/L Accounting By Sandalu Isiwara by Dushen Menikbowe
It is a website for a tutor, who is a friend of mine.
Mooday by Ben Polley
iOS app where people can post parties and see upcoming party information of people they follow
BAKA (Booking And Kindling Archiver) by Jenghis Manning- Pettit
BAKA downloads comics from the internet, and converts them into ebooks complete with a table of contents for each chapter.
Accountabuddy by Matthew Ng
A web application where users can create and manage weekly goals for themselves and friends
The Help to Buy Payment Calculator by Liam McManus
A web app to calculate equity and interest on mortgage payments.
CS50 To-Do List by Justice Daberechi Agbadu
My final project is a web-based application developed using Python, Flask, SQL, HTML and CSS which is an extension of the web track’s distribution code.
Web Design: DefyStats by Nita Kanney
This project was created to spread awareness, educate, and share data visualizations of major public health issues facing communities of color.
CS50 Final Project - Covid-19 Dashboard : Greece by VIKTOR SOUPROUNOV
The purpose of this project is to provide live information about the Coronavirus outbreak in Greece.
Workout Buddy by Costanza Gonzalo
Workout Buddy is a bot that reminds you to workout and records this data.
Does Global Warming really matter? by Emilien DREYER
My project is an interactive website displaying a quiz on Global Warming.
Harvard University by Nikhil Kumar
Harvard University press kar dena chahiye tha kya hua hai ki aap to become a member
Tetris Remote by Nikolaos Vagis
It is an Arduino that detects for IR signal from a remote and executes keybinds to play Tetris.
190 LEES STORE by Shihui Wang
It is a web based application, people could order products on it and administrator can manage it.
simple todo web application using flask by Mikael Japaridze
online note, which will be saved forever if someone would like
Rate & Review Your Experiences in Internship/Summer/Winter Programs! by Michael Luo
Allow people to rate any courses.
The Catcha Game by Gianni Chiadò
A game that you can play in the browser, where you have to complete a collection of cards representing cats.
Electric Drill Augmented Reality Experience by Charlie Jason John Shields
Electric Drill Augmented Reality Experience
Covid-19 Grocery Info-Point Leith by Magda Gucman
A website that allows registering and browsing availability of basic goods in local stores.
DNA-->Protein by Anupam Mishra
My project is a web application designed to accept input of DNA codons and provide the user with the name of the corresponding protein.
Rohan's Weather App by Rohan Kotha
A weather app that can get you the weather of any City in the world
Money Funnel by Alonso Lobato
Money Funnel is a project tracking web app in which users can create and categorise their own projects.
CheerUp! Discord Bot by Leong Jia Shean
A discord bots that do variety of things to entertain users.
Automated the manual work in law office through webapplication
Grocery List by Nicholas Kleczewski
Web-based application that allows a user to build out a grocery list so he/she remembers what needs to be bought.
Conway's Game Of Life by Amanda Nicole Silveira Spellen
A recreation of the notable cellular automaton by John Conway
Presidential Election Battle Royale by Victor Thomas Henney IV
A Jackbox style party game where players battle through debates to try and become the new president.
Safr by Dina Mahmood
A website for companies that provide visas to countries of the world at an affordable price and provide ease of work
Stufolio by Abdallah Ayman Daha
Stufolio is a basic web application for students which allows them to share posts.
The BeerBot by Bruno Brasil Meinhart
The BeerBot makes data analysis about beer consumption as easy as sending a text message. by Ezequiel Elias Sacchi Van Broock
Static sourced-backed content only website for health concerns
GeoConcert by Elahi Concha
GeoConcert allows you to find your favorite artists' concerts on a map using Spotify.
Movie Recommendation System by Liam Barthelmy
Input your custom preferences and our system will rank top movies from our database by how well they match.
CalcuPAS by Matheus Loiola Pinto Curado Silva
Website which helps you know your final score to enter the University of Brasília.
Shrimp Back by Oliver
Chrome extension that give you notifications to remeber good posture, when you are using your computer.
Movie Review Site by Punan Chowdhury
The sole purpose of my project is to provide movie or movie trailer reviews including the youtube trailer of the movies using a cms panel so that the users can upload their reviews daily basis.
Shooting Aliens by Bruna Guerreiro Becker Legey
Shooting Aliens is a small game made in LÖVE for the Final Project of CS50x 2020.
Kids Weather by Shizuka Oiwa
Kids Weather is a simple weather forecast with icons for little kids who don't read words.
Befit : a calories tracker web application by AYOUB AMKHAZZOU
Befit is a calorie tracker app that calculates user's daily calories intake , it helps the user to track meals and water .
Goblin War Fridge by Joshua Leon Borthick
Search the FoodData Central's foundation foods to view what I personally feel are the most important nutrients. by Brian Marton Félix Bovi
StudyTracker is a journaling web-app that helps make your learning progress visible.
Glucose Monitoring by Daniel Brito
A web app that helps the user to manage his/her blood glucose levels.
Circadian Desktops by Luke Hartley
An app for Windows that changes your desktop background based on time of day.
Mi Fa Son (Me Far Songs) by Dang Hoang Nhat Hung
A musical game about Mi's journey finding back her music ambition.
Weather Report Web Application(MyWeather) by Xuefei Yu
Weather report, 7-day forcast, 5-day history for anywhere in the world
Almaany chrome extension by Mohammed Moaayed
a search extension that searches for words inside the "Almanny" website.
Birthday Wisher by SHEKINAH T
"Birthday wisher" is a web application where one can customise their birthday card according to their wish.
Mommies' Market by Khudeja Shahbaz Khan
Buy and sell pre-loved and new items for your kids with one click!
World map data visualization by gonçalo filipe
A project where I extracted information from the web and use is to build a world map that shows in this case the CO2 emissions and populatio per country
Contacts Finder by Andrea Cannuni
The Contacts Finder app allows to search and filter the contacts in the iOS device with advanced queries
Plant Partner App by Connor Hodges
A Web-based application to manage the care and maintenance of one's plants.
あなたの勉強部屋 -YOUR STUDY ROOM- by 鮎川みかさ
キャラクターと一緒に勉強ができるタイマー。The "YOUR STUDY ROOM" is a timer that allows you to study with character.
auto-whitelist by Facundo Gabriel Levaggi
Trash Panda Gaming ARK auto-whitelist Discord bot for Patrons with a membership.
A Friendly Assistant by Ricardo Andrés Chuy Morales
A friendly assistant capable of making 4 different tasks.
ALPLen by Tadas Dulskas
A stand-alone Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application that calculates required minimal pile length considering ultimate limit state (ULS) compressive resistance of single axially loaded concrete pile.
myFace by Charlotte Mommsen
Using MyFace you don´t have to search through thousands of pictures anymore in order to find the ones which show you.
is Bitcoin the Future ? by Divan Erasmus
3D digital space in Three.js with php framework on a website
Fundraiser 2020 by Riya Gupta
Fundraiser 2020 is Web Application whose primary purpose is to raise money for a social cause or charity.
FIRE Calculator Web Application by Emily Yau
A web application where users can calculate how much money they need to retire and when they'll hit that amount.
CS50 information by Vephito
its a web app for teachers to sent information directly to the students email
Endless Jokes by Sherzod Gafar
A small, but hilarious webapp that delivers an endless supply of humor. It uses JokeAPI - a free API for jokes - and prints as many new jokes as the user wants.
Alien Invasion by James Waters
A replica of the classic game of the same name. Created using python and the pygame library.
Student Administration portal by Moses Jingo
An initiative to keep records safe and to save the environment
IMGDictionary by Shunto Arai
A tool helps vocabulary learning by searching images on the web and register them.
Sorting - Visualizer by Achintya Mishra
A tool that provides a better visualization on how sorting algorithms (mainly Bubble, Insertion, Selection and Merge) works with adjustable array lengths and speed of how fast the algorithm will go.
Android App - Covid19 Stats by Sagor Ahamed
Its an android app for views "Covid19" related datasets with charts.
mDCFits by Idan weissbach
for me the project was very teaching gave a lot of knowledge the lecturer was wonderful that explains everything clearly easy and true just great
Horus Heresy Battle Simulator by Cody Degraffe-Niles
A Warhammer 40k(Horus Heresy) battle simulator.
WishRead by Luna Yin
WishRead is an app that aims to provide a platform for students, parents, and teachers to get books and educational resources
Steam Library Creator by Scott Beecher
A web application in which users can create their own Steam library, with the ability to add and remove games, rate and review them, and more.
My challenge by Konstantin Paulkin
It's a website made with Flask, which helps you to form a habit for some your activity. The idea is to challenging yourself and making everydays reports.
Straw Draw by Coen Elferink
Straw Draw allows groups of people to settle who runs an errant when no one volunteers, by virtually seeing who draws the shortest straw via internet.
Surface Inspection using Convolutional Neural Network by Alan Fhajoeng Ramadhan
This program uses the Convolutional Neural Network model which aims to identify damage images on the pipe surface in the form of corrosion and cracks
Imperial Finance Research Service (Web App) by Alexander Gumera Imperial
A Value Investing - Fundamental Analysis Tool for Investors to find stocks to buy or sell based on business fundamental performance.
FOOD Random by Huynh Ngoc Tan Loc
The project is a web-based application for suggesting random food to cook/buy based on user's selections.
Bitcoin holdings tracker ( by Levon Nazaretyan
It helps to check bitcoin prices and track bitcoin address balances
ZRoutine by Daniella Stokic
Night Routine app that lets lets you keep track of what activities you need to do each night.
simple foursquare by Iman Sadrian
an application that uses FourSquare API to show all the near places in a list and details of any item in a separate screen.
Tone Row Designer by Julie Barwick
A matrix calculator that allows for non-12 tone pitches, and can randomly generate pitches.
Cocktail Generator by Sarah Ann Kuns
A random cocktail generator with the ability to search for cocktails by ingredient and save your favorites
Web App for University of Board of Examination by Nqanapriya Palanivelu
A Web App to Register colleges, enroll students to different courses in each college, issue hall ticket, Enter marks after exams, and publish Results.
Minerals by Antoni Abril Soler
Efficient way to store minerals and identify them by their properties
Mental Clarity by Neuza Patrícia Faria Ramos Tavares
A webpage to help users to leave their mental notes, everything from daily tasks to personal journal.
Zinnbauer Text Adventure by Brian Zinnbauer
Text Adventure in the style of Zork written in Python and Excel
QR Attendance Logger by Khalifa Yaqub Shuaib
A web app that tracks, stores and displays student attendance data.
Virtual Portfolio for Gitesh Budhiraja by Gauri Budhiraja
Designed and built an online portfolio for my brother using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Traden by Gonzalo Dos Santos
A cryptocurrency trading simulation platform that allows you to learn to trade cryptocurrencys without risking capital.
pymeanings by Adhrit Pramanik
pymeanings is the free Python package for getting meanings of words found in web pages, text documents, pdfs, etc.
Marine Nationale Intranet by Fabrice N'DRI
This is an intranet to interconnect Côte d'Ivoire Navy Departments
Focus by Shafreen Fatimah Binte Abdul Nazir
A chrome extension to block websites of frivolous pursuits that distract you from your work.
Agoralink by Mohamad Bisher Tello
Agoralink is a multi-user forum where users can post, comment, and customize their accounts.
shede by Lucas Shen
An e-commerce web application that provides a platform for members of my local community to purchase and sell used goods at an affordable price.
shop project / e-commerce50 prototype by Khairetdinov Marat
it's a training e-commerce project based on main principles of web application
With my project I want to help to know more information about their favorite company
SeniorCare Appointment Scheduling by COLLEEN BROWN-PALMER
An appointment scheduling website targeting seniors
UT Inclusive Restrooms by Madeleine Jabs
An Android App that finds the nearest gender inclusive restroom.
VUMGa journey travel blog by Veronika
I have developed a web application that shows trips details in form of a blog.
Samsung Air Conditioner - TCP/IP Ascii Control Interface by Dave Hobson
A simple TCP control interface to Samsung Air Conditioners
Akrasia - CS50 Final Project by Germano Lira e Silva
Akrasia: The to do list to organize work & life
Inter Facade by Kozub Alena
his is a website for my father, he has his own company Construction and Home repairs.
Weather Bot by Adam Jarmolovic
Weather Bot knows everything about weather condition in any place in the world.
Math Detectives by Vista Marston
A webpage that is designed to aid children with basic math: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Cricket Counter by Sanskar Agrawal
An Android App that allows players to record the score of a friendly game of Cricket
Space Invaders using Pygame by Rik Ganguli Biswas
Classic arcade game Space Invaders using the pygame module.
Inventory, Order and Recipe Management System by Sayed Ayaan Hussaini
Inventory, Order and Recipe Management System
Movie Release Date Tracker by Mike Maertens
Track upcoming movie release dates, and get an email reminding you on the day of release.
WEB APPLICATION FOR A LAW FIRM (MY WIFE'S FIRM) by Matheus Spósito de Oliveira
Web app for a law firm.
Finance Watchlist by Yao Lu
Manage a watch list of interested stock to monitor their price. Add in money and adding money history
Nonprofit Patron Tracker by Anna Lezard
A website for nonprofits to dynamically keep track of monthly donors and donation amounts.
AssignmentTracker by VIRAJ RAJENDRA SANAP
A web application that tracks assignments and to-dos according to the Eisenhower Decision Matrix. Made in Flask, Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and SQLite3.
Android program to calculate the ideal weight and the body's need for water and protein
It is a web application to reserve time slot for food experience as restaurants
Mygraine by Jameson Runnels
Mygraine is a health and wellness tracker that helps those suffering with migraines identify the environmental and physiological factors that cause their headaches.
Bits em chamas - A Flask Webpage by Bruno Pinho Lucas
It is a Webpage using Flask for a band called Bits em chamas
Aircrew eLogbook by Ng Kien Boon Benjamin
It creates a web based electronic version of the hardcopy logbook
Todo list for students by Bernardo Viegas Andrade Canedo Gonçalves da Silva
My project is a todo list tailor-made for students.
It's just project by mirza begh
I've just created a small project about showing that in this project I'm telling that I've made a project assigned me by Harvard University
Trip Planner by Mishan Wong
Find capital cities within a set of coordinates and find shortest path among 4 capital cities.
tufotoBoda by Olga Feshchenko Andreiko
TufotoBoda is a web application that helps couples to find a wedding photographer in Spain. by Luis Miguel Caceres Lizano
LA ISLA DE CATAN Caracteristica del Juego: Catan es un juego que se desarrolla entre cuatro personas como máximo, y con dos personas como mínimo. Fue creado para el entretenimiento de Adolecentes ,adultos ,y Personas de la tercera edad. Es decir 15-18 ,18 - 30, o 30
Top 50s (anime/manga) by Minoo Kim
Displays top 50s of 4 different categories regarding Japanese animation and manga.
portscanner.c by Nickolas Gravel
This program scans a range of ports given a valid ip address and a range of ports to scan.
Pulse Oximeter by Aravind Roshan
My project is an hardware based application for which I programmed the arduino to track the user's pulse rate and oxygen saturation level
In-between by Timothy Hung
A web app that shows you the expected value of situations for in-between, a common betting game played during Lunar New Year!
iPersonality_Development by Nyasha Kim Ndhlovu
Web Application using flask, sqlite, css and html that educates the user on Personality Development and enables them to keep a daily record of their goals and also allows self evaluation. (My Interview Preparation Kit) by Prashant Jain
This web site will help to prepare for interview as per tittle or role with all the required information and study material at one place.
Web Platform by Tiago Vieira
Enables the trading of financial assets and personal finance management.
Survey Service by Khaerunnisa
This project is built using JavaScript, React, Redux, NodeJs, ExpressJs, MongoDB.
junte by Fabricio Saavedra
A web app to set up games of sports or board games, based on declared level of competition.
Covid-19 Risk Questionnaire by Shanza Sami
A questionnaire made to determine the risk you have of contracting Covid-19.
wordSearch Puzzle Solver by Saabir Ahmed
wordSearch searches an alphabet grid to identify if the supplied words are present in the grid.
Chrome extension that finds streaming options for movies and tv shows.
Strava Activities by Sergii Shkliarskiy
App is intended for extract, display and analyze ride and walk activities based on data from Strava service
Project Planner by Isabel Redman
Project Planner is a website designed to help users track multiple projects, break their projects into manageable steps, and update/save their progress.
Corona Virus Tracker by Rishi Athavale
Corona Virus Tracker provides information to users about the COVID-19 epidemic for every country.
SAGE by Aditi Baghel
A platform that connects global donors and smaller Indian nonprofits to raise funds to improve female literacy in India.
project inVoice by Viktor Huszár
This is an invoice This is an invoice processor and data organizer web application.
Stock Market Sentiment Analysis Using Python by Iskandar Ergashev
Using sentiment analysis to predict stock prices of a company using the Python language.
Time Control by Bruno Henrique de Sousa e Silva
An extension that helps in controlling learning time, inspired by the Pomodoro technique.
House Nineball Scorer by Sandy Wong
Easily track your 9 ball scores with this simple single-player app. Large buttons and easy to read display will also track innings and remaining balls to be pocketed. Provides flexibility for anyone looking to play a game of 9 Ball.
Student Management System by Priyadharshini_Jayakumar
I did a web application for viewing student and users and modifying student details for my CS50x final project. I have used HTML,CSS for UI creation and python language with backend framework 'flask'. For DBMS, I used PHP database.
AROMA by Rifal meslim s almehmadi
Find your pleasant smell easily by choosing your preferences. Our project is helpful for those who wants to find the most popular perfumes and where to buy it with the best prices.
Appoitment booking and managing web application for diagnostics centers by Brijesh Arvindbhai Patel
Booking and managing insurance client for diagnostic centers
Movielist by Jessica Tong
A list of movies that I watched in 2020, and the watch-date as well as if I recommend it
My Time Responsibility by Vianca Abhijeet Varma
A website that helps you efficiently schedule your day with tasks.
Covid by Brogan Dillmore
My project is a quiz about COVID-19 that asks 10 multiple choice questions, and gives a final score.
Random Fact Generator by connor oakman
Search for a day and receive a fact about what has happened on this day in the past
Snapp by Alireza Ghorbani
My project is an android transportation service app, inspired by the Iranian one which its server-client communications are based on GRPC frame work.
Schedule Tracker by Ionut Catalin Sandulache
For my CS50 Final Project, I builded a schedule tracker web application. I work for a fashion company with distribution centers all over around the world and we needed a good tool to gather, update, share and display the daily schedule of each warehouse. The Schedule Tracker web application will give instant access to the most up to date information what will help in the planning of the staff needed in the Application Maintenance teams and also in the planning of systems updates releases for the warehouse management systems.
Disc cam graph generator by Justin Tan
It converts the displacement of the follower of a cam into a graph.
Food Score by Norma Sutton
A data analysis program that identitfies the number of nearby grocery stores within lower income neighborhoods.
TableScraper by Jessica Beech
Chrome extension that allows users to download tables embedded in websites as csv files.
Soil management by Nivaldo Lúcio de Oliveira Neto
Informs about the management of the soil and simplifies it.
Has Trump Conceded Yet? by Ed
Web app which gives random funny response with associated image when user clicks "Has Trump conceded yet?"
Web Page Biohorizons Ecuador by Estefanía Suasti
Create a web page for "Odontoec cía Ltda", official Biohorizons distributors in Ecuador's local business
MyMessageBot by Pedro Martins Silva de Castro
A bot to send multiple people the same message over a messaging platform.
My YouTube Comments Downloader and Sentiment Analysis by Brigitta Andrea Nicás
I’ve made a YouTube Comments Downloader and then performed sentiment analysis on YouTube video’s comments.
Basic Shell in C by Penmetsa Gopal Krishna Raju
Implementation of basic Shell features and commands in C
Create own Database by Elizabet Sanae Ito Nakano
Create own database is a web application that you can create own database through imported files from your computer directly to the application server. Also, you can configuring filters in order to analyze and create datas views.
One Sentence Movies by Riley Snyder
A website for a podcast where users can vote on movies for us to watch.
Arcade Snake Game by Arturs Jefremovs
Snake is a single player top-down perspective game with a goal to grow snake by consuming food on the map.
Remote monitoring thermal camera by Colin Hardy
Remote monitoring of transformer bushings, using a thermal camera
Not Greg by Maria Bambrick-Santoyo
Not Greg is a website our suite this year can use to share information, such as schedules, recipes, and jokes.
Automated Street Lighting using Arduino by Rohith Kotia Palakirti
Automated Street Lighting using Arduino
Final Project (QuemPoupaTem) by João Vitor de Souza Lisboa
easy and secure system for small independent companies.
When we speak about safety, security cameras play a major role by acting as the witness for the innocent and the guilty to enforce the law. Since no human beings can secure 24/7 , security cameras helps us and ease the cost of the job . It has the potential to work both at day-time and at night-time eventually and effectively without getting tired or bored. REASON : The main reason for my project is almost all around the world there a lots and lots of crimes and those couldn’t be suppressed or punished and it is happening because of inaccurate rules and regulations. Not only rules and regulations but also the lack of security , awarness and alertness. So I declared to construct a security camera based program which was the foundation of my project. PLATFORM : I decided to do it in Python , the most – popular , high – level , interpreted programming language and used a python compiler tool named PyCharm , by the Czech company JetBrains .I used open cv package to satisfy my requirements . CURRENT POSITION : Until now I have designed the code for a secure cam. It works in such a way that when a bit larger movement is detected, it starts alarming until no movements were detected . So that the user gets to know that some thing is wrong over there . IN FUTURE : Now I am developing it into an application which can be installed in our mobile phones. In future I have decided to develop the same into an IoT based prototype through which the user can view the recordings from anywhere. I am yet on my way to reach my destination and I hope that I will definitely complete it . For this I am going to using an online platform named MIT App Inventor , originally by Google. I conclude that , for now as said above , I completed a half in a perfect manner and the rest will also be completed by me as soon as possible . Thank you !!!
38 Trams by Olga Semenova
The application calculates the amount of money in material objects, trams in particular.
BookStore Web Application by varun Kalra
It is a web application for bookstore owners to take their buisness online and expand it globally.
Power Plant Monitoring System by Belal Muammar
Accessing Equipment Information on site using QR Code
Mon Carnet de Citations by Noemie Pierart
"Mon carnet de citations" is a digital notebook to store your favorite quotes from books or movies.
Never ending footsteps by Patil Amisha
Basically, my project is about the travel blogging which gives some tips and information about it .
Security Check by Kabir Acharya
Shows users details about leaked web browser information, inspired by Week 8 Information Lecture.
Balance is Key by Noopur Gosalia
Allowing individuals to set goals for themselves, how they want to support other people in their life, and how they want to support the community.
Book-a-Book by Sabina Shukyurova
A platform for paper books exchange - you can upload your, search for a book, look at the list of available books and connect with those who book your books and who you book books from, you can track history as well
Mr. Robot PC-DO-ALL Utility by Richard Keith Hudson
CMD utility that includes file transfer, file cleanup, calculator, games, and more.
Daily Bible Encouragment by Jeff Schaper
Chrome tab displaying a random verse from the book of Proverbs
MyGarden by Olivia Shen
A Flask web application that helps gardeners keep track of their plants and tasks.
Transactive Energy platform by Nursultan Ashenov
Smart management of renewable energy sources and more!
CS50 Workout Challenge by Ryan Jason Tedjasukmana
Web application to record home workout results among friends.
BUSCA! Find my lost pet by Alexandre Pargana
A hub for getting stray pets reunited with their families.
Portfolio Website using Django and Bootstrap by Matthew Moore
Portfolio website made using Django and Bootstrap
a Web Application that will allow its users to encryp and/or decrypt some text
Tax calculator by Yanis Paist
Calcultes taxes to be paid in Russia on dividends received from US investments through Interactive Brokers
WikiFood by Matías Fuentes
WikiFood it's a wiki about gastronomy. All about your favourite foods, in just one place.
LowCal Recipes by Margarita Rozhetskina
Website to store your own low calorie recipes, from which you can create daily Meal Plans
CovidSC by Renan Medeiros Amancio
A website with charts and data about the Covid-19 pandemic in Santa Catarina/Brazil
Avatar The Last Airbender Personality Quiz by Matt Schofield
This is a personality quiz which will tell the user which Avatar: The Last Airbender character they are most like.
Airlock Bound Website by Matthew Amolato
A website to host the public-domain webcomic "Airlock Bound"
My Virtual Wallet by Leonard Paul Kleber
A Web App to create an overwiev over the crypto currency's you own.
MessageBoard by David Komuves
MessageBoard is a web app where users can post messages to a board, which is then visible to all other users.
Ticketly by Antony Medhat Mikhael Mikhael Meawad
Saving people's time and lives by eliminating the queues
Garbage Processor by Rick Huang
A C++ program that inputs lines of gibberish in a txt file and sorts them into garbage bins based on their data types, while also sorting each bin from least to greatest
FemInvest by Dziyana Tsetserava
Find the best companies to invest in by looking through and filtering their financial data.
Random Quote Generator,Trivia Questions by El Wahabi Ayoub
This is a website with two pages. One random quotes generator and another trivia questions page using javascript and jQuery
The Time Triad by Rodrigo da Silva Estrela
The Time Triad web application implements the method to increase productivity based on the concept presented in a Brazilian book called "A Tríade do Tempo" written by Christian Barbosa.
Nugget for ios by Kanyasenthil
Nugget is an iOS app that lets you record notes and images, so you can be reminded of them in the future.
Weather and ground motion monitoring station by Fabien Koppe
The project is about creating a weather and ground motion monitoring station with additional recording and alerting features.
Black and White by Junsu Lee
"Black and White" game requires your skill to read opponent's mind, and get a point based on opponent's behavior.
The Telegram Bot Ideator by Jerome Ko
Generates top food and movie recommendations based on user's input
REBALANCEme by Daria Andronikova
REBALANCEme is the web application for followers of the passive investment philosophy that helps to maintain constant ratio between asset classes.
VibeTranscribe 0.1 by Marcos M
VibeTranscribe is among the first, if not the very first live captioner to also provide emotional context according to the tone of voice.
Tower Defense 50 by Devon James Scott
A tower defense game that incorporates the Cheezburger cat as one of the enemies
weekly planner new tab page by ליאל בן אור
Custom new tab page for google chrome for better utilization
Data Structure Analysis with C by Yanxiong Liu
Very useful and interesting course, the content are very practical which allows you to create something useful in daily life.
Patient caller by Yatharth Bansal
Appointment caller device for doctors to call patients in the waiting area.
A Link Shortener by Ian Dunn
A personal, private website to shorten long links to something more manageable.
Brick Chase by Charles O'Neil
Use your paddle to block the ball from your end zone and hit the bricks at the bottom to score points and win!
Birthday Calculator by Annette Josephine Levy
Birthday Calculator is a webapp that lets people look up celebrated and famous birthdays from a database of 960+ records, compare dates using Javascript, and filter tables of data using SQL. by Marcos Massaki Wada
A Hardware monitor that runs as a Windows Service
simple 2D game using Lua framework . where the player controls both the hero and the princess in reverse directions , the goal is to get to the gate throw finding its key and collect the Chest also player should avoid enemies.
A hub to connect messaging APPS and calendar apps by Yasutaka Tsutsumi
Remind in one app with text media.
MS. Finder by Chun Tsz Long
A platform to apply mystery shopper survey or post some related survey for getting reviews or rewards.
Number Guessing Game by Katarzyna Mazur
A user tries to guess a number randomly chosen by the computer.
The problem is: Having access to a dermatologist can be expensive and a slim possibility for many. The solution that I propose is to Create an application that helps the detection of cancerous moles.
managerslides homepage by Yannique Hecht
Develop and improve a complex and interactive business homepage for a presentation design consulting agency. The site is to be used in the real world after the course and should combine features taught in Harvard University's CS50 class including functionality from Python, HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
myTravelMapper by Jacob Morello
myTravelMapper is an interactive website that allows users to create a personal account and then store and track their travel activity.
YouReputation android app by Kamran Hajiyev
Tool analyses personal information and provides a rating number
Portfolio Analysis by A.I. by Kalun Ng
In my final project, I develop a weak A.I. to recommend risk level and a stock to add into user portfolio
Linclement Weather by Jackie Lin
Linclement Weather provides weather forecasts and historical weather stats for a given location.
Pet Sentry by Lucas Oliveira Corumbá
Pet Sentry was made with the purpose of helping owners finding their missing pets
COVID-19 Tracker by Jacob Rushlow
A web application that allows for a user to search a nation and view all COVID-19 related data from that nation.
Absence Planner by Kántor Ádám Viktor
Absence Planner application is a web based application enabling users to record, authorize and visualize vacation requests.
Knowledge Management by Teeraphong Vechatrakoolphaisan
It is a website about teaching knowledge for Thai teachers.
Research database by Lemle Ákos
Lets you create any number of tables for a research, edit them, and the program can calculate average and deviation of the values.
MANAGE TODOS by anas cherni
This project is a web application that allows its registrants to check and update their todos list.
Strategic Sessions by Aditi Mundra
This is a task-based web application that helps users stay organized on a day-to-day basis.
Kroma_webapp by Alejandro Andrés Cuevas Contreras
It is a web application that serves to show the artwork done by the Chilean street artist called "kroma"
My LED Christmas Party by Bieke Nouws
Using my new programming knowledge to upgrade our Christmas lights
Golf Handicap Improver by Markus Augenstein
Improve your Handicap by knowing your shots on every hole.
Hooli XYZ Movie Catalogue by Akshat Khatri
A funny take on a popular tv show. A web based app that allows a user to carry out CRUD capabilities
Jiji Scout by Jesse Fedak
Alerts a user when it finds a new listing that matches what they are looking for on the Canadian classifieds website Kijiji.
Spotify History Analyzer by Leo Humphreys-Newman
A web-based analyzer to give statistics about your Spotify listen history.
BudgetControl by Cleber Tonello Pedro Junior
It's a web application to keep track of your personal spending
Scheduler by Christopher Ehrlich
A web app that lets people create and register for events with slots such as Office Hours, 1-on-1 tutorials, etc.
Chicago Travel Guide by Ruchika Rout
A travel guide that helps you explore the city of Chicago downtown, includes activities and restaurants.
The 3 R's: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle by Darsh V Shah
My website promotes awareness about pollution and how to stop it.
Easy way to generate schedule sheets for cleaning in multi-user household by Akhilan N
The project is a command line run python program. This program gets an area name in Chennai as a command line argument and give the street names and the no of cases in those streets as output.
Banking Software by Bhanu Prakash Reddy Dandu
A Bank management software to maintain customer account details
AllWrite by Luis Felipe Cordeiro Sena
A new eficcient way to organize your ideias by writing, reading and modifying all of them in just one click, in just one program.
Creativiteens by Annabella Tian
Creativiteens is a website for a community service project using Bootstraps, CSS, Javascript, HTML, and Flask.
WFH Tracker by Alisa Shtabskaia
A web application to keep track of the number of days worked from home
Receipt Reader by Luís António Sousa Cabral
A web app that takes receipt images and returns tables for your own organization.
Pacient Agenda by Matteo Freitas Reis
a website where it is possible to organize medical data in a simple and practical way
Change Calculator with Tkinter by Ruggero Piazza
A change calculator that shows you notes and coins.
C Command Line Program, Topic - "Boredum Games" by Anshul Kamble
This project is a C - Command Line Program intended to act as a breather for all high-school and college students. In this cut-throat schedule and exhausting era, breathers and entertainment sessions become extremely vital. They not only refill energy, but also help escape boredum! This project consists of three games - 1. The conventional Rock_Paper_Scissors Game, 2. The refreshing Tic-Tac-Toe Game, and 3. The intellect checker - Solving Riddles!
Web app for analysis of sentiment in tweets. by Jesus Emmanuel Baez santiago
tool for analysis of sentiments in tweets
Top Soccer Leagues by Luis Gerardo Leal Guas
The App displays the statistics of the top soccer leagues.
1scrip by Matthew John Whallett
It is an iOS app built with Xcode designed to keep track of transactions between friends and family
CS50 Energy Contest by Mathieu Farges
It is a web app in order to communicate about energy consumption from student residence hall. Student can communicate energy efficiency advices, and see what residence consume the less energy or what residence is making the best progress in reducing its energy consumption.
TALKTime by Antonio Jenez
My project is comment board that includes registering users, loggin in, sending friend requests, accepting and declining requests, and posting comments to a message board.
Chemistry Calculator by Jonah Robert Breipohl
A web based calculation app which helps to solve Chemistry formulas.
ADESI Web App by Leonardo Alves
Web app to write and read data from a database, to be used by my dad in his small business.
myEXPENSES by Rony Khong Wayne Shaun
myEXPENSES is an expenses and income tracking app that allows users to post daily expenses and/or income
My Heroes by Jesus Alberto Rangel Prieto
An improved Homepage project talking about people who really deserve to be talked about.
Wireless Pro by Ruth Kehali Kassahun
WirelessPro is an android quiz and note application for Wireless communication course.
What's that Anime! by Yuva Gambhir
Enter an anime image address and this app will tell you what anime series the image is from, along with information about the specific season and episode the image appears in!
Akibrus the Lord of Time by Alejandro Larrea
Its a simples project that took a long time to make, but its fun and i enjoyed makeing it as its my first real python project.
MyDoggo by Jason Keith Hollis
A flask-based web app that helps dog owners to manage the health and wellbeing of their pets.
WaddyCO by Marshal Kazuwa
It's a job portal that assist jobseekers to find and a apply for jobs from companies that use the platform.
Shasummm by Marlon Hamm
The website called "Shasummm" uses a self created and trained machine learning algorithm to identify a recorded humming as one of 7 songs.
A Hero's Symphony by Jeremias Lino Ferrao
A Hero's Symphony is a game i poured my heart into, a game about slimes, skeletons, orcs and dungeons
PassApp by Marius Constantin Cernescu
Is a password manager app that helps you keep all you passwrods strong and safe.
Smart Wallet by Jamie C. Henson
Smart Wallet is a flask application that keeps track of individuals' personal budgets and expenses.
MyHotel by Rúben Brás Matias da Silva
Its a web application for controlling the room's state of an hotel , to receive messages from the clients and to delete the clients information .
Family Tree by Daria Mordvinov
This is a Flask application that allows users to create their own family trees.
Spomato, you can check it out here: by Bernard Jacek Lis
Spomato is a timer that stops playing music from Spotify when the timer runs out.
BooksApp by mariana assis ramos
It is a social network for readers to freak out about books together
Reflexes and reaction time. by Kirill Pilipchuk
This project is to help you reduce your reaction time.
Vocab-Memopad by Russel Kervi Rivero
VOCAB-MEMOPAD is a simple web app designed to quickly look up and save the translations of words/phrases and review them online, just like a small memopad to jot down vocabulary entries when studying a language.
Cowin-Alert by roshan ali
Web-app that alerts users when vaccination slots open up in district of their choosing (in India)
a webapp containing comprehensive resource for SAT, TOEFL, educational resources and plans for collegeapp for seniors and their families
Functions for text files by Real Huseynov
The project's purpose is to facilitate operations on text files
CAP Calculator by Bryan Hui Yat Kit
Calculating of a student's CAP while saving their modules in a database.
StudyAbroad by Antonia Cuba
StudyAbroad is a website that is designed to help people choose where to study abroad.
Vector Calculator by Matthew Gerges
My project is a dynamic web application that calculates the cross product or dot product between 2 vectors inputted by the user.
Attack database of "Yakuza7" by Anna Hashimoto
You can filter the attacks that appear in Yakuza 7 according to your favorite conditions.
CATCH THAT BABY! by Aitana Rinab
All of the babies have escaped in your baby farm, catch them all before the timer runs out!
Escape the Halloween Mansion by Matthew Bozile
A fun Halloween themed game written in C code, collect all 3 keys to escape!