Week 6 Scaling
Scalability. MySQL: Integers, Strings, Dates, Times, Real Numbers, Floating-Point Imprecision, Fixed Precision, Altering Tables. Stored Procedures. PostgreSQL. Vertical Scaling. Horizontal Scaling. Replication. Read Replicas. Sharding. Access Controls: GRANT
. SQL Injection Attacks. Prepared Statements.
How to download lecture source code into Visual Studio Code
Log into cs50.dev.
In your terminal window, type
wget https://cdn.cs50.net/sql/2023/x/lectures/6/src6.zip
followed by Enter in order to download a Zip file of lecture’s source code into your codespace.
In your terminal window, type
unzip src6.zip
followed by Enter to unzip (i.e., decompress) that Zip file.
In your terminal window, type
cd src6
followed by Enter in order to “change directory” into that
directory (i.e., folder). -
In your terminal window, type, e.g.,
followed by Enter in order to see the files.