Gallery of Final Projects
Here are just some of the past few years’ final projects, randomly ordered!
GPA CALCULATOR by Clement Gyasi Siaw
A program that reads examination results from a CSV file and calculates the GPA (over 100 percent) of exams scores for all students involved.
5 app program by Antoni Stamatas
My project is a simple to use program that proposes five different apps to the user: a calculator, a converter, a game, a task manager and a diary.
Dwade by Nikita Hertog
Alarmering systeem voor personen die wonen in een zorginstelling om de eigen regie en zelfredzaamheid op een veilige manier te vergroten.
Calculation Addition Test For Kids. by Claude EL HELOU
It's a addition test for kids who aged between 2 years old and 10 years old.
Rate and Age of the Office by Faizan Khan
I rate the Office's characters and indicate their current age
Calculation of Purchase Price of Condo unit from Listed Selling Price in province of Ontario of Canada by Gregory Wong
Calculation of Purchase Price of Condo unit from Listed Selling Price in province of Ontario of Canada
Enrolled in the Cardiology Congress by María Marcela Martinez Lomas
List of doctors and students to send certificates by email
Telegram Bot Vegan recipes by Gevorg Khaishbashev
This is telegram bot which is aggregator of vegan video recipes.
Corona cases by Danijel Klobucar
My program processes data about corona, such as the number of infected patients, the number of deceased patients, calculates the trend of the disease and much more...
My final project consists of a Python script that, in a nutshell, emulates a “guessing-game” for the Artist’s name and Song’s title based on a preview of a song. The “mystery” song is selected from the itunes API based on the GENDER that the player selects.
Soundscribe by ilke isbilir
This project is sound to text describer. It also does look into punctiation marks if you say outloud. It sent a pdf document of text if you select.
Library Management System by Rajkumar Gurjar
Python script designed to help manage a small library's inventory of books
Coding Center Tutor Finder by Dazhyar Zanyar
It helps students find tutors from the coding center of AUIS.
CGPA calculator and grade sheet maker. by Zafir Hossain Chowdhury
Calculates CGPA and makes a grade sheet
Random Password Generator by Davit Khantadze
Generate random password, given parameters specified by the user.
It is a fun and challenging guessing game enhances your addition and multiplication
Keep track of incomes and expenses and know how much you saved over the year
A Molecular Profiler by David Egea Arrebola
Python-based project designed to sift through thousands of compounds from the ChEMBL database to identify molecular attributes influencing success in the different clinical trial phases.
Tennis match scoreboard by Matias Enrigue
A python coded tennis scoreboard to track your tennis matches
Python Weather App by HUSSEIN IHSAN ABBAS
It gives you the temperature of the city you are writing to
Spanish Vocabulary Learning Game by Jay Gil
A Python program for practicing, learning and testing Spanish vocabulary in form of a game.
Password Manager by Johannes Heinle
A Password Manager that generates, saves and recalls passwords for the user.
Twitter Translate by Joshua Renema
A script which translates X num of tweets from Y account into Z language
Fortune Cookie by Chase M Holland
A program where you order Chinese food, are presented the food and a fortune cookie based on the food ordered.
USER-BOOK Evaulation system and a short text analysis by Denisa Millo
This program is a user-based book evaluation system and also a little try to enter in the field of text analysis.
Prediction of energy prices by August Baggesen
A model that takes random generated data as input and outputs predictions of energy price in next period.
Space Invader (Remake) by XU SHUOJIA
A version that i made of the classic arcade game, Space Invaders.
Summarize a YouTube Video using OpenAI by Tun Wai
This project uses OpenAI to summarize videos into a short paragraph, in cases where you're too busy to watch the whole 30 minute video, and saves users' time and energy.
Robin's Tic Tac Toe game by Robin Su
Tic Tac Toe game promotes a cognitive skills including counting and spatial skills, color and shape identification.
cs50p final project (simple snake game) by Khalil Habib Shariff
I built an amazing snake game with python's pygame
Guess the Dice by Mohammad Amin Barancheshmeh
Python game of Dice guess number , When your guess is correct, you will get to the next level and the game will become more difficult for you
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock by Sarah Bowback
A model of the game "Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock" that was created by Sam Kass that gained notoriety in the popular tv show, "The Big Bang Theory"
Image Downloader by Gurtaj Singh Saini
It downloads Images in bulk from a website and if intended we can limit the images by number and filter them by their dimensions (width, height).
Reader's Hero by Maria Maydl
A book-suggestion-system, there you can also store/rate all your books.
The Python code scrapes a vendor's website, imports the non-prohibited product list, along with the hierarchy, and then sorts them.
The Insect Guessing Game by Kianoosh Ehtiatkar
User is presented with a cropped image of an insect, and they have to make a guess at what insect it is, and if they get it wrong they lose a score and picture gets uncropped more, revealing more of the insect, and therefore, making it easier to guess.
NBA Web Scrapping Project by Niew Kheng Peng
Scrape player data from the official NBA website and create visualisations for further analysis
Common Words in Wiki Articles by Steffen Timmann
Describing the content of random wikipedia articles by calculating the most mentioned words (from a list of common words) in the text of the wikipedia pages
search songs by Nida Aziz Shaikh
i have made a relatively simple program which surfs songs for the given name and downloads the song's preview
Creating Audio books using python by Abubakar Mohamed Abdillahi
Its an application that creates Audio books from pdf file format using a programming language called python. The project only uses the command line interface.
password toolbox by Mahan Zamani
passwor evluator , memorable password generator , automatic password generator
final project cs50p - check wind weels by Dolatabadi Hassan
My project first takes the amount of wind in the wheel (here we manually give it as a fractional number) and equals the conditions and the amount of wind in the car wheel; It gives messages:
Soundscribe by Hakan Yıldız
It's a notebook program that listens to your voice from a physicall microphone and converts everything into text by using the speech to text technology and saves it inside a pdf file in your local, and also can be sent as an email attachment optionally.
Skills database by Mohamed Ashraf Mekawy
A database for storing skills and its progress for each user
Student Management Program by Tang Quang Huy
I put a lot of effort into it and super passionate about it!
CPI Consumer Price Index Inflation Calculator for Argentina by Guillermina Suárez
Program written in Python. Provides information about inflation rates in Argentina
Web scraping prog which gets highlighted news from the site and saves the converted data into an Excel file.
Arvin's Awesome Text App by Arvin Goel
A text based app that allows you to do day to day things easier and faster.
How many days for your next Birthday.... by T G N Premaratne
When we give our birthday, it will shows how many days more to our next birthday. (in words and as a numbers)
Scientific Reference Creator by Mirza Ali Murtuza Ahmadi
Creates Scientific references based on an inputted PubMed URL
Visualizing 2x2 contigency table by CHUA Shi Min
Conducting chi-square analysis of the data submitted by users
I implemented a single player Tic Tac Toe game playing against the computer.
By using Yotube Data API, it prompts the user for a movie and then lists 3 youtube vieos about the movie or movie's itself and then according the user's choice return a summary of the video which contains title, header, description, and thumbnail image of the youtube video as a pdf file.
Ballistic projectile by Sami Deeb
This project displays the shape of a projectile's trajectory for low initial velocities (parabola) and for high initial velocities (ellipse)
Object Evaluation Based on Comment Sentiments by Vitor Gabriel de Souza Andrade
Object Evaluation Based on Comment Sentiments
Hangman by Joseph Oronto-Pratt
Implementation of Hangman accessible to beginner-intermediate programmers complete (or at least semi complete!) with prompts, username functionality, and victory/game-over sound effects and fanfare.
The Faerie Queene Index by Ian Thompson
My project creates a list of the proper nouns within the C16 epic poem "The Faerie Queene", capturing the book, canto and stanza numbers where they appear.
Periodic table booklet by Amirmohammad Shamsvahdati
It is a program to learn and master the basics of the periodic table
BEP and ROI Counter by Ibnu Dzaki Wicaksono
This program will calculate BEP and ROI automatically when we input the type of product we want to know BEP and ROI for. In business, these two concepts are used to measure performance and operational efficiency. BEP helps in decision making around production volumes and pricing strategies, while ROI helps in assessing the profitability and return potential of investments that have been made or will be made.
A game of Life (Genshin Impact edition) by Nora Asyikin Binti Zulkifli
Following the concept of the popular board game, the game of Life, this text-based adventure game takes place in the fantasy world of Teyvat, based on the video game, Genshin Impact.
nightmare GAME by Masoumeh Bahrami
The program consists of a main function and 4 other subprograms/functions namely select_movie, question, game, get_result which are cal
Guessing Game by Mohammad Hossein Vali Ardebili
It's about a Guessing game that asks the user to enter a range that the computer, will randomly select a number in specified range and then makes player to play against the computer.
Python Calculator by REZA FARMAND
A Python calculator that has the ability to calculate addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and power.
ETL pipeline by Anuj kumar
In this project, I will make a ETL pipeline (extract – transform – load) data from a website name The Movie Database.
Pokémon Trainer Card Generator by Pedro Miguel Tomé dos Reis Pesca
Generates a PDF file of a Pokémon trainer card, containing a trainer image and up to 6 Pokémon, based on user input.
MathClass by Hossein Fallah Hossein Abadi
my project is a set of functions that does some mathematical calculations
project by Nasrin Ebrahimkhanighazi
Suppose that through using as many documents as possible, I’d like to implement a project with a file called, I implement a class called Project with some methods, and I implement and also implement, in a file called, three functions that collectively test my implementation of Project thoroughly, each of whose names begin with test_, so that you can execute your tests with: pytest!
Bank Employee System by Lakshay Khanna
Shows the interface of a Citi Bank Employee's System and allows him various options to choose from.
Pricing model of a bond to generate credit and interest rate sensitivities by Bertrand Divet
The project aims at applying the concepts learnt thorught cs50 to a financial context, in this case to generate cr01 and ir01 of a bond
Simulation Cookies Jar by Nazanin Sharifian
its about cookies jar simulation and if you get negative it should give you valuerro else it should ignor
python uploader note bot in telegram with aiogram by Amir Mohamad
This project is a Telegram bot implemented in Python using the aiogram library, designed to interact with users, provide information, and allow users to request and receive documents or materials related to specific courses
Steam Giveaway API by Armen Andriasyan
It is a Flask application that demonstrates rate limiting for website requests and provides an API endpoint to fetch ongoing Steam game giveaways.
tictactoe game by Esmaeil Shojaei
In tic-tac-toe, two players try to get three of their marks in a row, column, or diagonal.
Keyword-Based Password Generator by Promise Baek
Takes in input and complicates it by changing certain letters with special characters or numbers.
Movie guessing game! by Reza Parvaneh Sir
This Python code is an interactive console-based Hangman game. It allows you to guess the name of a randomly selected movie. Here's how it works in English: A list of movie titles with release years is provided in the films list.
Calculator by Hananeh Ghorbani
This app is a simple calculator that prompts the user and performs various operations in three different modes, i.e. "Normal", "Advanced" and "Series".
Customer Registration System by Thomas Moncrief
A program for tracking customer names, e-mails, and credit card information.
News Automator by Yasin Günay
This is a Python script that allows you to retrieve news articles and sources from the News API. It provides the following functionalities: Get top headlines by category. Search for articles by a specific query. Get news sources by country.
Metacritic Teller by Emad Ghafourian Pirnia
Ask for a video game metacritic and get that plus it's release date!
Authenticator and Task Manager by Jayesh Narkar
It adds,removes user details and you can login to the user to acces his/her/their tasks.
Very Personal HealthCare by Emadodin Ghafourian Pirnia
A BMI calculator designes to help individuals assess their weight status and receive personalized recommendations for a healthy lifestyle
Contact Book by Mohamed Mostafa Bedair ElMaghraby
A contact book with a simple command line interface.
Employ by saeedeh dehghan nayeri
Conditions of employment:An engineering company in Iran needs labor. For recruitment, DISC personality test and scientific test are taken from people . The rank of people is determined based on the scientific test. Any person who has one of the characteristics of the DISC personality test is placed in or in group D or I or S or C.
QR Code Generator and Scanner by Sina Alibabaei
A command-line interface QR Code Generator and Scanner created using Python
Inventory Management System by Sanya Gubrani
The inventory management system is a simple command-line program that allows you to add, remove, update, search, and view items in the inventory.
Python program for working with dictionary using Trie by Paniz Azarnia
A python program for working with dictionary using Trie
Job Listings Web Scraper by Sunil Sharma
This is a Python script that scrapes job listings from and allows you to filter and analyze them based on skills.
Tales of Heritage by Muhammad Saqib Hassan
A text-based, choice-driven role-playing game of personal growth and exploration.
Currency Converter by Martin Petras
Fast and easy to use currency converter for many world currencies.
Numbers by Hadi Haj Hasani Gawgani
It is a program that has 4 parts, it can determine the number of divisors, the smallest common multiple, the largest common divisor and the number of prime numbers.
Personal Finance Tracker by Efe Berke Vatansever
Console-based software which tracks person's financial situation
Simple Math Quiz by Abdelmonaem Medhat
a simple python program makes a series of random math question and keeps track of the score.
CS50p Tehran Final Project by Alireza Eidi
A game between two characters, one named James and the other named Yunus. When you press play, it waits for three seconds and the game starts. James moves up and down with (w) and (s) keys, and Yunus moves with (up arrow) and (down arrow) keys. At the first moment, the ball moves to the right, that is, towards James, and any player who reaches 13 points, the game ends, whichever player reaches this point first is the winner.
Lingosphere by Louie Casula
A word-of-the-day program that generates words one of three user-selected proficiency levels.
Password Manager by Mahdi Farzollahi
CS50’s Introduction to Programming with Python Final Project - Password Manager]
Password Manager by Berat Osman Demiralay
A command-line password manager app in Python for creating, checking, editing, and deleting passwords associated with specific aims, stored in a CSV file.
tic tac toe game by Abbas Ahmadvand
A game that is between the user and the computer and in this game the user is challenged
Enrollment for a programming course by Negin Nasirian
In this project we want to gather people’s information for enrolling a course.
PAC MAC GAME by MahsaFathiBalef
This project is about a game called Packman. In this game, I used the Python programming language, and I used the random library, the turtle library, and the freegames library to make this game.
Rock Paper Scissors by Mohammad Hossein Bizhani
It's a rock paper scissors game, with showing the results.
Simulation of a pastry dish by Sadegh Zarei
In this project, my program simulates a candy container using the jar class
DataSummaryTool by HSU-JUI LIN
Be utilized in a variety of real-world scenarios for quick observation and analysis of numerical data. It offers key statistics such as the mean, standard deviation, quartiles, and box plots.
Flight queue creator by Angel Reysbel Sanchez
This program is a tool to create an ordered queue and handle information about incoming flights to a given airport.
Password Generator by Nuel Mezemir
This project is a Python script for generating random secure passwords and validating password strengths from the command line.
University Class by Melissa donyaei
It is an attendance system that provides the possibility of better interaction for professors and students.
Best Buy, The Online Market Place by Monish Kumar D
It is a python program which takes the order of products from different categories, collects the money, returns the bill and saves the feedback
Some Mini Games by meraj bokharaei
My project was a collection of games connected together using a menu
SET ALARM by Negin Farajipoor Lakeh
This is an intriguing Python project concept. Alarm clock applications are used by people all over the world.
Task Manager by Mula Manikanta Reddy
"Task Manager" is a command-line application for efficiently managing tasks and to-do lists.
R.P.S game by Negin Farajipoor Lakeh
If you're bored with having no one to play with, try a 5-minute game of rock, paper, scissors on the computer, which you made yourself.
Tetrahedron by Alireza Abdolhosseini Ghouchani
A start for using Python as a simulation software for Engineering issues.
Hogwart Students by Hamid Abad
Gets a csv file of Hogwart Students from user and predict their house and grade.
Indian Stock Investment Suggestor by Jeetraj Shah
This Python program is an investment analysis tool that fetches key indicators for a list of stocks and provides investment recommendations based on various metrics.
Find new students house & grade. by Saikat Das
I'm inspiring to make this project from Harry Potter, to select new students' house & grade.
Rock, Paper, Scissors! by Sahit Alberto Felix
Rock, paper, scissors allows for multiple rounds, keeps track of wins and losses, and will print out the score every round including at termination of game!
Crypto Spark Tools by MohammadMahdi Nosrati
Easy access to digital assets of the cryptocurrency market
CRUD User management console interface prototype by Artur Reznik
Simple console CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) interface for User data in sqlite database.
Library management system by Prajapati Nirav Ganeshbhai
My project is a simple library management system
Trade Stocks by Mohd Arsalan Shakeel Shaikh
The app helps the user to trade shares as well as monitor and update their investment, account and profile.
Acoustic Partition Tool by Joshua Winning
Acoustic engineering program with the purpose to analyse performance of partitions according the AAAC commercial guidelines
Python PhoneBook by Abdul Wajid Khan
This is a simple phone book, used to store contacts of the people, having the functionality of viewing, adding, and updating contacts.
POS Inventory Management by Mus'ab Farouq
This project is for optimizing inventory in small shops and give basic functionality
Basic Math Skills Builder by Manuel Cuevas-Sanchez
Generates 10 math problems for user to solve supporting the four basic arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and addition.
Sudoku T.S.A.O. by Horatiu Pintilie
This project is an implementation of a Sudoku video game that was developed as a 2D animation (based on some classes provided by the Pygame package) with the ability to generate a practically infinite number of game combinations, based on a semi-random algorithm.
Final Grade Calculator by Mihai Barascu
My project helps students from my country to find out their final grades.
Snake Game by Hamid Ghobakhlo
The Basic Snake game project is written in Python. The main goal of this game is to get the highest score.
BOOK TRACKER by Paul Viet Quang Vu
BOOK TRACKER is a program that stores the user's book's name, page number, notes, and rating.
Submarine Hunter by Michael Lee
"Submarine Hunter" is a Python console game that allows players to use sonar and missiles to detect and destroy an enemy submarine while managing their energy resources.
mistake finder by sepehr ghalamkar
a program than get an input from user and return that sentence without any mistake
Xe Lam Coffee by Huy Tran Nguyen Duc
Xe Lam Coffee is a simple command-line program that help the owner of a take-way coffee shop to make an order by selecting item from the menu.
Y chrom database and compare by Paula Gabriela Higa
This program extracts data from .docx files and saves it in .csv files, then the user can enter a pattern and search for coincidences in the .csv file by Simon Bartke
Command line tool that assists in grading students homework submissions. Reads and outputs a csv file that documents student submissions.
A data cleaning and extracting the data using Python, Pandas and Numpy
Database for master's laboratory projects by Luis Castañeda
A GUI to create a database for my master's laboratory
Mood Mate by Nada Maher
My project is a Mood Journal application that allows users to log their moods and descriptions while providing sentiment analysis on their journal entries.
Python-Blackjack Game by Rahul R
This is a simple console-based single player Blackjack game where you can play against a computer dealer
Play 3 games in one by Hussain Mehboob
This project is an interactive shell providing the user with three games.
Class Summary by NINH HO
User input student's information and program will print out sammry as table view
Weather and Air Quality app by Martynas Gintalas
Minimalistic 7-day forecast for weather and air quality in a chosen city
Coffee Machine Simulator by Utku Güçlü
This project is a Python-based Coffee Machine Simulator that allows users to select and brew their choice of coffee, handling resources, payments, and receipts.
Text to Binary Encoder and Decoder by Adunoluwa Olutola
A program that converts alphanumeric characters and symbols to binary
Conditional file copier by Daniel Sánchez Quezada
Move a file from one folder to another only if it meets certain criteria.
Paulo's First Calculator by Paulo Aguiar
My project makes the use of the Python in-built graphical library Tkinter to create a simple yet highly functional calculator.
Network Protocol availability status by Ramu Chittiprolu
The Network Protocol availability status project is to show the list of protocol types with port status
Simple Black-Scholes Options Pricing Model in Python Using Yahoo Finance by Brad Burke
Model to price European equity options using Black-Scholes.
Body Mass Index/BMI by Nuno José Barata Alves
A program that interprets the Body Mass Index (BMI) based on user's weight and height
WhatsApp Automatic Messaging Program by Ramon Rodrigues
It sends automatic messages through WhatsApp Web.
Book Selection by Tsai Hsuan Hsieh
select the top 5 best sellers from New York Times per week to csv files.
Complex Calculator Program by Ali Hammoud
My project is a complex calculator program that calculates any complex numbers with each other (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division).
Let's play Tic Tac Toe! by Asantha Chinthaka Jayabahu
Tic Tac Toe! game to play with the computer using python.
An interface via which the user can create, modify, delete, and search student records.
General Knowledge Quiz with STT & TTS by Anbu Rajunaidu
Quiz application with multiple choice option
Weather Forecast Application by Seyedali Javadimoghadam
The Weather Forecast Application is a Python programme that retrieves and displays the current weather details of a specified location using the Open-Meteo API and Geopy.
Command-Line Scrabble Game in Python by Amna ikram
A simple yet entertaining implementation of the classic word game
Cat's Breed by Pavel Bobreshov
The first part of the Program prompts the user for the main characteristics of a cat, such as color pattern, number of colors, type of hair, and type of coat, then return to the breed that matches the most. The second part allows you to crossbreed 2 cats and see the possible results.
Spy Game by Nikola Sokolov
Spy Game graphical user interface (GUI) implementation with Tkinter library in Python.
Spy Game by Lora Sotirova
Spy Game graphical user interface (GUI) implementation with Tkinter library in Python.
Polynomial Curve Fitting Problem by PSO Algorithm by Saadat Farzaneh
It's an implementation of PSO Algorithm in python for randomized points set.
Geometry Calculator by Moein Kordrajabi
The Geometry Calculator project offers a range of features, including the ability to calculate properties for several commonly encountered shapes. These shapes include circles, rectangles, triangles, spheres, and cylinders.
STAR WARS IN FLAMINGOS by Tamar Sinauridze
Information about Star Wars planets and starships using anything but the metric system
Password Manger by Farzam
It allows users to generate, encrypt, decrypt, retrieve, and add passwords easily, enhancing the security of sensitive information while providing convenient access when needed.
Hogwarts Students' Classification by Mohammed Talha Iqbal
In this project I've made a program to classify Hogwarts' students on the basis of their name, age, grade, characteristics, etc.
Capital Asset Pricing Model, 3 assets implementation by Tilemachos Kosmetsas
Given 3 assets, pick the best portfolio according to your risk tolerance.
A program to monitor the expiration of certifications of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
Convertor (Temperature, Length, Speed) by Ashkan Rezaei
Converter of weight, temperature and speed units in different measuring devices .
Random ID Generator for CSV Files by Faez Tassawar
This Python script automates the process of generating unique IDs for employee records stored in a CSV file. It reads the employee data, generates IDs based on their hired positions, and writes the updated data with IDs to a new CSV file. Additionally, the script offers an option to display the generated IDs on the terminal.
This project creates a interactive, real-time updating, dashboard of cryptocurrencies, using the API.
Guess Number by Md Moinuddin Hasan Chowdhury
It is a simple guessing game that allows three chances to a user to guess a random number between 1 and 10
Gerador de Senhas | Password Generator by Dalvan Gustavo De Jesus Oliveira
Automatically generate passwords and save them in a desired file.
Collecting and Compiling data from google sheets to excel using Python by Nawazish Ali
My Project Aims to collect data from Google sheets and Compile it in different formats in excel Sheet using Python script
Aerodrome Lookup Service by Vijay Varadarajan
This software, with a built in voice assistant, lets users lookup the aerodromes in any city in the world.
Password Manager by Yousef Saeed Adly
A password manager that lets the user store, edit, generate, delete, find, and list the passwords they have.
Tool for taking notes by Mohamad Husam Sibai Tlimat
This program is a tool for taking notes, specifically to document one's learning path in CS. saving on csv file.
Contact Gestion APP by Fanny Lemieux
This program allows the user to quickly and easily add, remove, find and edit a contact as well as sorting, display or empty the file in which they are written.
Hogwats' Logbook by Vinh Parneix
It's a logbook where we can write information concerning certain people of the Harry Potter world (or no), and we can read into it to find specific characters.
lrfm_model creater by ehsan heidarzadeh
my program takes an transactions history data and makes lrfm_model
An Approach to Portfolio Optimization by Simon Gerard
Given stocks, the program gives the optimal weight allocated by stock to have the highest Sharpe ratio, which means the most returns for the less risk possible
Webscraping MLB wins and losses by Eric Fesselmeyer
Program scrapes MLB winners and losers of a given date and updates each team's record in a CSV file.
ID Creator for Businesses and Employees in Python by Gene Lorenz Sarmiento
This is my final project on CS50P named ID Creator for Businesses and Employees, as the name itself implies, it will create an ID for you.
What skils do I need? by Łukasz Marszałek
Project was created to find out what skills do I need to get a job in IT.
Snake game by Hamed Daneshvar
Snake game for two players, where snakes eat fruits and increase their size
File Sorter by Mhd Ayham Joumran
automated solution for file management within local directories on a computer system
Astro - Python by Bikram Saha Ray
Astro - Python calculates and shows a person's Astrological details based on his name and date of birth, using 3 different astrology methods.
Muhammad's Calculator by Muhammad Moaz
A command-line calculator capable of doing simple and more complex arithmetic using Python
Rock, paper, scissors game by Mahdibaluchi
Rock, paper, scissors is a game of three signs, each of which beats one of the other two.
"Rock, Paper, Scissors" by Maedeh Valinejad
Making rock paper scissors game with python and test case file
Bitcoin and Currencies by Arya Khairnar
Gets you details about Bitcoin prices. Helps in currency Conversions.
CS50 Archive by Nathan Andrei Parmis Datwin
A Python program that archives a file to a SQL database.
Simple Blackjack Project by Pichborith Kong
It's an application that allow user to play Blackjack game with computer
Intrinsic Value Calculator by Xiang Yang
This project calculates the intrinsic value of a company using a discounted cash flow method.
Video Transcoder by Brian Wheatley
Video transcoding program that utilizes FFMPEG command line tool and automates the process by using watchdog folder monitoring.
WikiPDF - Convert Wikipedia article summaries into PDF files by Etkin Getir
WikiPDF searches Wikipedia for a given search term, displays the search results, retrieves the abstract of the selected article and converts it to PDF.
Zaka by Ennin Wilson
I've developed a Python project that's a user sign-up and login system with task management features, all accessible via the command line.
random entertainment selector by Gabriel Andrade Guete
selects an item from your list of entertainment
ISSUE CATCHER by Andre Gabriel
This CLI application is designed to efficiently capture issues from a GitHub repository and send the results to a designated webhook.
Expense Tracker by Redha Hamel
The application allows you to add, delete, print a table of the expences and save the table of the expenses as a CSV file.
I Want Eat Indonesian Food by Rival Rovendo
I Want Eat Indonesian Food is an application to order menus from restaurant.
Project_Schedualing by amr abdelrazek ahmed abdelrazek
schedule a project, update it and get some simple graphs out of it.
Covid Data Processor by Eugene Kusmiak
Process data files containing time series about the Covid pandemic to make them easier to run a statistical analysis
"To Energize" by Ali Allah Akbari
The aim of creating this project is how to have a better work environment. In a way, when employees go to their job, they can say a remarkable text to an installed device at the entrance door: **'Hello dear Colleague, Good morning'** and receive a valuable bonus. Mentally, this creativity can make their day happier and more energetic because they earned a bonus that can be used in many ways, such as drinking coffee, swimming card, gym card, etc. Note: The PARS DYNAMIC Company is an imagination of the programmer's mind and never had a physical existence.
A Guessing Game by Ruben IJpma
The main program is an implementation of the popular game GeoGuessr in the 1v1 duels format.
Maze AI and Tic-Tac-Toe Precursor by Caleb Crowder
An A* search algorithm implemented with pygame prepended with a short game of tic-tac-toe.
Hogwarts House and Grade by farzin hosseiniii
The project involves implementing functions to determine the appropriate Hogwarts house and grade for a student based on their age.
Payslip Generator by Federico Elevazo III
Generates an individual payslip for each employee from a excel data file and merges all the output pdfs into a single pdf file.
Simple PDF Editor by Satomi Aoki
This project enables users to edit pdf files with very simple and user-friendly instructions. by louay arfauy
Neural Cell Representation: The program simulates the behavior of a biological neural cell. Neurons are specialized cells found in the nervous system responsible for transmitting and processing electrical signals, known as action potentials. These signals play a crucial role in communication between different parts of the nervous system.
Timer by Anirudh K
My project will count down to the time then play an alarm for 5 seconds after that it will play the url of the video you entered.
Flappy Dro3 by Ayoub Zaanouni
Flappy Dro3 is a 2D game developed using Ursina game engine, where the player controls a bird named Dro3 and the objective is to fly through as many pipes as possible without colliding with them.
Guess The NBA Player by Guy Wittlin
A game where you'll need to guess the mystery NBA player with clues.
GK Quiz Game by Esha Melkote
My project mainly is just for fun, it is for knowledge, its a fun way to learn new things.
Chatbot by Charaf dine Ougatil
Highly intelligent chatbot designed to answer a large set of questions.
Solving systems of linear equations for 3 variables by the Kramer method. by Michael Postolenko
Solving systems of linear equations for 3 variables by the Kramer method
Console Clock by Nadeesha Asith Niwantha Ranasingha
Fancy DIGITAL CLOCK that runs in console window and it renders digits in ASCII art fonts.
Automatron: A Simple Text Recognition Chatbot by Rainier Sapin
This user-friendly text recognition chatbot understands user input and generates relevant responses, making interactions seamless.
Natural Selection Simulation by Stavrou Marios
Exploring the concept of Natural Selection through Python.
For a given year display the colored jersey with player of the year name in pdf format.
Using MySQL in Python to manage bank account by MOHAMMED - ALTIGANI HAFIZ ALTIGANI
Using MySQL in Python to manage bank account
Discord Greeting Bot AKA Hank Scorpio by Ethan Ansel-Kelly
Discord bot to welcome new members to my server
TODO App by Nastaran Jamilpour
a beautiful py application can manage and organize daily tasks and routines
Luhn's algorithm to validate credit card numbers by Daniel Bärenheuser
Program checks if a credit card number is valid or not
It recommends you courses depending on your learning status, and keeps track of all courses you've got ongoing or completed.
Password strength checker by Néstor Marcelo Reinoso Coba
Password checker that tells the user if a password is strong or weak and then encrypts it
VELOCITIES is a tool that solves problems related to motion along a straight line with uniform acceleration. It is a command-line tool written in Python that allows users to input known quantities and find the unknowns using the three equations for motion along a straight line.
Graph From Excel With Python by Fatemeh Yousefi Far
Python program that takes an Excel file as input in graphical window and generates a chart based on user selection.
Chess CheatSheet by Tarush Wickramarachchi
Gives you the 3 most accurate chess moves you can make against your opponent during a game
MoviPal by Saurabh Suman
A simple Python application which suggests good movies to watch from a list of 10,000 popular movies.
Guitar Tab Converter by Will Hawe
It converts guitar tabs by replacing the numbers with note values as letters
Midnight Racer (Terminal-Based Python game) by Mahan Rasoul Taemeh
Terminal-Based Python racing game with cars and tuning parts and decision making system.
The Mythical Encoder by Jashhvanth Tamilselvan Kunthavai
App takes a phrase and encrypts it using a cipher and decrypts the ciphered phrase using a key the user has to give.
Pokemon 1v1 Battle Simulator by Zayan Ali
A 1v1 pokemon battle between the user and Trainer David Malan.
Dreams of a Jaguar by Bryan Godwin
Pygame side scroller with stable diffusion enemy graphics generation.
Storing strong passwords by Katrina Smalka
The project allows the user to input and store strong passwords.
Lulu ProjeKt by Hamza TOURTI
Search for files with a keyword either in the file name or in its content, facial recognition and search by face, and organization of a directory
Field Hockey Championships Schedule Review by Scott Alexander Macdonald
Read Excel Match Schedule Check it and collate fixtures by teams.
Simple Password Generator by Abdulbaset Abbas
Its a simple and fast program that allow the user to select a length for the desired password and choose the type of characters to be included in the password, then generate it.
Automation CS50P by Mustafa Kul
On the browser, accessing and seeing the course materials for each week's problem sets, then checking
Note Taking App by Xander Ceulemants
The basic functionality behind a note taking app in a basic way.
Half-Translate English by Jonathan Fan
Partially add Chinese translation behind words on English text based on word frequency
Todo List by Josias Nicolas Machado Rolon
Se encarga de ser una calculadora en el cual le pide al usuario digitar lo que desea hacer en una serie de lista y digita manualmente y le sale el resultado de lo que busca automaticamente.
Sensus by Alexey Sukhotin
An interactive website, using which an individual can access positive responses on Twitter on a given topic.
To Do List by Abdullah Musleh
My project is a to do list programme in which users can create, view, update and delete tasks.
Myanmar Unicode Justification Smoother for Word by Zam Pian Suang
Generate a modified Microsoft Word file to be able to get a perfect justify (Ctrl+J) for Burmese language.
Tic Tac Toe game by Roberto Perez
A Python program that allows two players to play a game of Tic-Tac-Toe. Here's a summary of how it works: The program initializes an empty 3x3 Tic-Tac-Toe board and sets the initial turn to 'X'. It displays a welcome message and instructions for the game, explaining the rules and how to make moves. It prompts the players to enter their names. The game then enters a loop where players take turns making moves. The print_board function is used to display the current state of the board. The get_move function is used to get the player's move, ensuring that it's a valid move (within the board boundaries and not already occupied). The player's move is then recorded on the board. After each move, the program checks for a winner using the check_winner function, which examines rows, columns, and diagonals for three matching marks in a row (either 'X' or 'O'). If a winner is found, the program displays the final board and announces the winner. If the board is full and there is no winner, the game is declared a draw. The turn alternates between 'X' and 'O' until the game ends. The game can be replayed if desired. You can run this code in a Python environment to play the game with two players. Enjoy the game of Tic-Tac-Toe!
Youtube Video Downloader with Python by Pedro Silva Carvalho
It uses python to be to download youtube videos and it can view information about any given Youtube video
Gaming World by Shovik chakraborty
Project that contain two games that can we play by choosing the options
Python program generates a random password of desired length and creates a corresponding QR code that can be emailed
Magic 8 Ball by Dylan
When asked a yes or no question, it gives a response which could or could not benefit you in a certain way.
POS system for supermarket by H.A Binula Dimantha
The project is designed to allow customers to select the products they want, make payments, and for sellers to track sales and manage sales.
overlay by Hari Rana
overlay is a Python library for reading and writing vkBasalt and MangoHud configurations, for Linux.
Password Manager Console App by Osman Abuna Abdelletif
A command list Password Manager to manage all of your password using python
PyXchange by Muhammed Emre Bayraktaroglu
Its a simple tool to keep track of the money you invested in. One click and you know the worth of your investment portfolio
Letter Distribution Charts by Mikołaj Leon Wośko
Generates PNG charts displaying distribution of letters in TXT files.
Python Farm Planning by Andrew Acosta
My program fetches weather information and creates a to-do list of farm tasks based on a spreadsheet and the date..
My CS50 Python Final Projects GAMES by Abdur Rahim
This project is an interactive shell providing the user with three games.
Value Investment by Nguyen Dang Khoa
A project to provide a few candidates for a value investor, focus specifically on Vietnamese stock market.
Quiz Game by Eli Ralph E. Rosael
The Quiz Game project is a fun and interactive way to challenge users' knowledge and test their understanding of various topics.
QRvCard Generator by Marthinus Hugo Spangenberg
A desktop application for creating QR images that contain contact details in vCard format.
The Expense tracker and budget manager by Soroush Eimery
a simple yet powerful tool to keep track of your expenses
Barrel-Making Calculations by Chandler Fulton
Automate some repetitive calculations performed in coopering.
Crypto Info by Bachir Geryes Nakhoul
It gives you important live information about top coins like rate, market cap, and trading volume.
Student system management by Abolfazl Rabiei
The program with Wich students name can be add the list , removed , and their grade point avarages can be entered and received full.
Household Expenses by Arash Karimi
Household Expenses get the user's peyment information and return the list of payments and total count.
Tic Tac Toe by Alvin Aw Yong
It is to relieve nostalgia of the past entertainment that we had before smart gadgets were invented.
Expense Tracker by Ahmed Yesuf Nurye
Simple Command Line Based Expense Tracker with basic functionalities.
Bitcoin Behavior Comparison by Leonardo Rodriguez Ortiz
Basic Statistics and comparison of 3 selected bitcoins
Final Project CS50’s Introduction to Programming with Python by Muhammet Berzah
I prepared this project to read a specific type of PDF document, filter the data based on certain keywords, and transfer the data to Excel, aiming to create something that could ease my work in my actual job.
Personal Cash Flow Statement by Luis Felipe Murcia
The software is automating the creation of a Personal Cash Flow Statement by having as input the csv files from your bank account statements. When the software is executed, the Cash-Flow Statement is printed in a user-friendly format
Layout50 by Sabina Kopteva
Generate layouts for your next web-development project in a matter of seconds
Running Schedule and Speed by Thiago Bronzatti
my project was focused on getting a healthy life, in the easiest and cheaper path: Just Running 45 minutes per time.
Equation Solver by Ali Mozhdehi Fard
This program is developed to help users solve three different types of equations included linear equation, quadratic equation and cubic equation.
Calculator for class payment by Jiayi Shi
This calculates the money that each student needs to pay by the end of a month.
Fitness Tracker by Hayrettin Emin Demirel
A program to track fitness workouts, their effects on every muscle, calculate body soreness level to prevent overtraining.
Travel Calculator for Naturalisation by Svetlana Pylina
A calculator for counting number of days absent from the country for each year of residency.
Spotify Dashboard Web App by Soh Yong Sheng
My web app utilising Spotify Web APIs to get data about my Spotify account such as my playlists, the artists I follow and the tracks I've listend to the most.
voice recognition translator by Angel Estuardo Montesflores España
Translate phrases from the microphone
Final Ranking by Danielly Thiemy Matsumoto Soldá
This project can help the university's team to have a list of ranking of student who wants to pass in the entrance exam.
Ghost Game by Debayan Biswas
It is a simple fun little interactive ghost game using the randint module in python
Simple Cryptocurrency Portfolio Tracker by Promodh Fernando
This is a simple Python project to track your Cryptocurrency trades (buy only) using coingecko public API to access historical prices of Cryptocurrency, see how much profit/ loss up to today and save your Cryptocurrency trades as a CSV file.
Stock Market Investment Portfolio Tracker by Omar Hossam Al-Deen
Tracks how your stock market investment is performing
909ine Command-line password manager by Ekene Onyekachi
909ine is a command-line password manager that allows users solve poor passwords habits easily and quickly.
Family Meal Planner by Craig Robins
Program that generates a random meal that is liked by all the members of a family
Calculation of the result of the football play-off match by Sara Pooravari
Calculation of the result of the football play-off match
Currency comparator taking as base the Euro currency and calculating the equivalent amount in some other currency.
Tic - Tac -Toe(computer and player) by Rohith Yanamala
Tic - Tac - Toe with computer and play with friends
Tic-tac-toe by Danylo Artym
Tic Tac Toe is a classic two-player game I made using Python. The aim of the game is to get three of your pieces (X or O) in a row, either vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. by Martin Johansson
#A program intended to find items on sale in stores I frequent and then search for recipes.
Lottery assistant V2 by Aram
The assistant helps you to choose numbers historically less drawn in the lottery
Turtle Games by Arihant Raina Kachroo
Collection of some short games (Hangman, Rock Paper Scissors, Word Jumble)
Measure your kid grow up! by Mike Enting
Command-line application that allows you to enter weight / length details, which are stored in a CSV.
Birtday tracker by Martin Lokvenc
Application tracks birthdays and displays who has the next birthday.
Expense Tracker by Arshdeep Singh
A command-line application that helps you track your expenses and ultimately manage them.
Pari-Mutuel Price Calculator by Herb Conner
Calculate the Pari-Mutuel prices for a single race. for a horse race
CS50P Final Project 2023 Fixed Deposit Manager by Tai Wei Jian Bryan
Calculate fixed deposit earnings based on user input and store entries in database.
Comps Buddy by Roberto Andre Correa Garcia
Gathers financial information for a company and its comparables using Yahoo Finance
Smart Scientific Calculator by Mitanshu Pareshbhai Patel
It is a voice enabled scientific calculator.
BMR-BMI CALCULATOR by Farnaz Sariaslani
It is a program to calculate personal BMI and BMR numbers with a display chart.
AniRec by Antariksh Kalbande
Ask for an anime name and recommends similar anime and the anime genre.
Architect's Directory by AZEEMA AMINU JAMOH
The program documents, dabulates and displays; the costs (in local currency), costs (in Dollars), descriptions and buying links of a searched building material sorted from cheapest to the most expensive.
Morse Code Converter by Joseph Salisbury
Command-line tool to read and write morse code in text form.
F1stats by Flavio Boschiazzo
F1stats, A.K.A. "Formula One statistics", is a program to print some Formula One statistics
Know Your Albums by Jacob Wighton
Know Your Albums is a game that lets players pick an Artist + Album and then asks them to guess the name of any song from the album.
Convert morse code to text and vice versa by Naghmeh Rabieizads
This program takes text and converts it to Morse code, and it can do the opposite, that is, it takes Morse code and converts it to text.
An API and a CLI to get and store your favourite quotes from Monty Python movies. Random quote is especially fan!
Famous Quotes by Claus Hansen
This project contains a program, that when first run, will randomly print a famous quote on the screen together with the name of the person who first said the quote. The program will also read the quote out load using pyttsx3. The quote is read from the quote.csv file that comes with the program.
75-ball Bingo Bonanza! by Michael Santino K. Candelaria
In this project, the user can play 75-ball bingo with a card of their choosing, and the goal is to get bingo in as few rounds as possible.
Guess the proverb by igor colovic
One of the most famous proverbs is displayed for you to guess using meaning as a hint and dots as letters
Secret Message App by Patrick Rey L. Tenorio
Add a secret message to any image and send it to your friends. Anyone with this app can view your message. Just don't use this for cheating! :D
body mass index by Rangga Aprilia
The project I made was to check your body mass index by knowing your height and weight
Algorithms by Mohammed Irtisam Sajin
A python script for implementing basic sorting and searching algorithms
It's a simple but intresting quiz to test your general knowlege
Gringotts The Game by Aleksandr Stukalov
Terminal window game, represents banking system of Gringotts and contains a small quest.
Quran app by Adel shousha
python tkinter app for displaying a verse with the option of hearing the recitation
Local US Stock Exchange by William Carle
Simulates the mechanics of purchasing stocks in the US market with real-time data.
ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS by Levan Chutlashvili
I'm creating a software which will play "Rock, Paper, Scissors" with a user.
Hydration Log by Adam Kelly (Eat Run Rehabilitate)
A simple hydration log to track hydration status of many athletes.
Image to Translated Speech Converter by Muhammad Hassan Noori
It is an image to translated speech converter
CatchIT by Tsang Leong Hin (Preferred name Leo)
Help you the catch the next train by telling you which platform to go, and when the train arrive.
Money Escape by Calder Haymond
You need to find a way to escape from a room, but you only have money at the start.
Math Tutor by Marcin Pałaszewski
Math Tutor for children, it is generating simple math operations and allows to score points
CS50 Employee Management by Asif Dawood
it is a basic command line Employee management system with sqlite db
Stock Calculator by Alcimeia Rigotti
Retrieves the closing stock prices from two different dates, and email the user with the prices in US dollars and its variance
ASCIIdle by Nathan Chapman
A word-guessing game where the user can choose the length of the solution word
TIC-TAC-TOE Game in Python by Gurvansh Singh
This is a TIC-TAC-TOE classic game implemented in python, play it with a friend or yourself maybe.
NASDAQ News Watchlist by Arda Dastan
It is a watchlist that enables users to add/remove stocks and displays recent news from the stocks on their watchlist.
Python TXT Analyzer by Antonios Georgiopoulos
A txt document parser which counts words, counts unique words and displays words that appear more than 2 times.
Hogwarts House Sorting Hat by Muhammad Saad Malik
The project allocates students to different houses based on their characteristics. The program also decides the grade in which the student will be in.ducted in based on their current age
NBA Predictor Python Project by Jacob Wolfe
Players' career win percentage can help determine the outcome of NBA games.
My Supermarket Software by Nir Bahadur Raya
This project can be used to calculate bills in a supermarket store by the staff members.
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Ticketing System App by sameer yadav
This application is built on the Flask framework and uses SQLite3 as the database to store user information and ticket details it incorporates a QR ticketing system for generating and scanning tickets, making it easy for users to travel without the need for physical tickets.
A Better Translator by Andrew Boulos
A program that puts the translation of a word from a pdf/txt/csv beside the original one.
Tracks, checks and displays merit badges for Scouts.
Cristal Characteristics by Daria
This is a helper for people who work with crystals and may need quick access to the type of syngonia and unit cell volume of an element.
Stack Exchange Q&A Tool by Tyler Silva
Web scraping tool that searches stack sites for questions and answers
Student Signature Generator with Python by Brylle Ace Nunez
program that generates an email signature
pyrate by Thad Donald Engeling
Project to take text file of album collection track listings with ratings, load it into an object model, caluculate average ratings per album, and output a sorted text file.
sudoku using backtracking by Nidhi
Sudoku is one of the most popular logic-based number-placement puzzle game.
Birthday Helper by Tomás Amarante Masson
A program to help peolple to find out what's the closest birthday and find a gift.
Note-Taking Application by Kishan Sorapalli
This is a simple command-line note-taking application written in Python. It allows users to create, view, edit, and delete notes. Each note consists of a title and content.
Address Resolution Protocol by Luis L Borges Moreno
The project is called Address Resolution Protocol, and it aims to obtain information about devices on a local network, including their IP addresses, MAC addresses, and Vendor names.
Search Algorithm Visualizer by Peleg Samish
This program helps visualize how a computer might use a searching algorithm to solve a maze.
My_Family by Reza Abbaszadeh
Collecting family information and creating a database with 3 types of output files
Dollar/Euro order indexer by Iker Corrales García
Dollar/Euro order indexer that review changes on a CSV file and send automaticaly the changes to the customer
Feng Shui Sifu by WONG, Tsun Lok
A chatbot built can translate the user's name into Chinese, count its number of strokes, and provide Feng Shui advice accordingly.
Langy: Quiz Yourself by Jessica Draper
Langy is a language quiz program that allows users to upload their own vocabulary lists as a .csv and quiz themselves and save their results.
Pomodoro Timer by Derik Boghozian
The Pomodoro Timer takes in the user's desired work-time and break-time minutes and starts a countdown timer which plays a sound file at the end of each cycle.
Contact Book - Python by Samuel Guedes
This is a contact book that stores the name and infos about someone.
Stock-Viewer Terminal App by Ahmet Dedeler
View information about any stock in your terminal. My Final CS50 Python Project!
Personalized Meal Planner by Lee Khee Mahendra
The code generates a personalized meal plan based on user input, calculating calorie needs and selecting suitable recipes, and saves it as a text document.
Calculator by Shaomin Xu
Complete four operations (add, subtract, multiply, divide) between two numbers
Productivity timer by Thomas Dawson
Productivity timer in which users can choose their work length and break length and the program will reward users by growing a tree if they complete a work block.
Interactive References Miner by Georg Harfensteller
It interactivly finds the most common references within an academic debate/topic
Vplate by Dũng Trần Đình
A program that help with generating Vietnamese license plate randomly, checking desired plate (based on the rules used in Vietnam), print out the total price and its components, and print our the user's details and the vehicle's detail.
Mini-Arcade by Pedram Momtazbakhsh
a minigame that consists of two games, Rock, Paper, Scissors and Hangman
This is an simple project which can be used to add and retreive or sort datas of partipicants or students we usually needed to do for programmes like Arts festival, Annual days etc that conducts in schools, colleges etc.
Workout Tracker by Tsering Gyaltsen
Workout Tracker helps you to track your exercise and calories in day to day life
Trading strategy using short and long moving pricing averages by Kartik sehgal
Using stock prices moving averages to make trades
Weather Data Analyzer by Mark Julius Banasihan
A Python-powered gateway (API call) to real-time weather information retrieval and analysis for integration with your projects, app, etc, getting to the heart of the data needed.
Python cocktail recipe finder by Matt Garrow
It finds all the recipes you can make with the ingredients in your alcohol cabinet, using TheCocktailDP API.
Melody by Aaboli Samant
A program that prints a musical staff with a randomly generated note on it, which the user has to identify.
NDT Requirements list maker by YOU-SHENG LIN
The program can read the NDT list (without NDT methods) located in the folder and write the NDT methods information into it.
Text Translator by Juan Carlos Hernandez Mariño
A program that can autodetect the language of a text and then translate it to english
BMI Calculator by Rizwan Ullah
My project is a Python-based BMI calculator that calculates and provides BMI information based on user input for age, weight, and height.
The Anti-Aging App by Aaron Lynott
I scrape songs from Billboard 100 to assign them to the user based upon their age and I give them that video of that song as well.
Local bank by Eryk Sędkowski
The main goal of this project is to simulate bank on local computer, especially such functions as creating an account, signing in, depositing, withdrawing, and transferring money
Youtube Playlist by Alvis Cheng
get the total duration and the most viewed video from a chosen playlist
Earthquake Project by Kaami Tondkar
Fetches a number of earthquakes of a minimim magnitude from the last 30 days.
Cryptography by Nicolas Martins Ferreira
Cipher or Decipher words, using a command-line argument as a Key
Mini-Library by Muhammad Ravi Shulthan Habibi
My title of final project for the CS50P course, is 'Mini-Library'. In this project, you can visually read the list of books, add books, remove books, and modifying the content of the books via command in Python.
Contacts App With Database by Arvin Afzali
the program that you can add the contacts or search the contacts
Convert An web article to audio by YOUSSOUF EL MOUMEN
My project is about converting an Article web to audio.
data analysis of cars in 2021-22 by Erabati Pallavi
segregation and analyzing the car details by using python
Import portfolio trades and display assets along their value by Jochen Wurstbauer
Enables users to create a new portfolio, import a list of trades from a CSV file and display the assets along their current value in a tabular representation through a simple command line interface (CLI)
Automation of the process of building a satellite's trajectory around a celestial body by Alexander Fedorov
The essence of this project lies in writing the program to visualize the flight trajectory of a satellite around a celestial body.
Folder Mirror by Luiz Miguel Silva Lima
A app that use recursion to replicate all the changes that is made on a source folder to replica folder. Also logging all the changes.
Serbian Words Game by Leonid Zaitsev
This is a simple command-line game that tests your knowledge of Serbian vocabulary. The game randomly selects a word in Serbian, and you have to guess the correct translation in English.
Bank application by Namratha Shettigar
A Bank application where we can create account , debit and credit money and can see all account details and transaction.
Max 3 sum triplet, Roman to integer, Max continous length by Shrihari Raut
Function 1: Takes n integer as an input array. And outputs all the possible triplets that adds up to zero. Function 2: Convert a Roman number into integer. Function 3: Gives maximun lenght of a given string continuously.
Password Manager by Arif Faisal
Password Manager Software is designed to manage all your password needs, from generating random passwords to storing them in a secured encrypted version.
Favorite Game by Akshaykumar Patil
Favorite game is the program which sorts and generate a new CSV file with Different kind of games.
Area Forecast Discussion Fetcher by Neal Shaffer
This program writes the most recent area forecast discussion synopsis to a text file.
Image Filter by Kelley Hanamean
This is a command-line program that offers users several options on how to filter their image.
Password generator and tester by Murtaza Uppal
A Python program that generates strong passwords based on user preferences, tests password strength, and provides an interactive menu for easy use.
Personal Portfolio by Nguyen Thien An
Keep track of your personal investment and your well-being through the process of writing journal
Car Information Management by Sahar Salamzadeh Salmasi
This Python program manages and displays car information, including brand, model, production year, and price, in a sorted tabular format.
CLI Bot by Jovan Ng
This bot comes with many useful features such as text translation, chatbot and text summarisation, which makes use of libraries such as `deep-translator` and `openai`.
Data Wrangling by Case, James
Programmatic data gathering & basic data completeness/consistency check
A Hawaiian Star Dictionary by Keala Piimanu
A program that allows a user to input the name of a star and it will output the Hawaiian name (if there is one).
Crypto watcher by Arian Dinyaryan
The user enters and saves the desired cryptos and the program creates a current price table of the Cryptocurrencies. and user can modify the program with -m flag
SetandGo Food Delivery Service by Joseph Schneider
Retro food delivery service created by college students
YouTube Video Converter for Kodi-Library import by Sascha Kornberger
Converter for Kodi-Library import
Smart Wallet, All in one by Luis Fernando M. Bezerra
The project seeks to automate the search for simple information about shares on the stock exchange. It unifies this information quickly and easily for the end user to evaluate the results without complications.
Vacation Guru by Daniela Ikonomova
Vacation Guru is a command-line travel assistant that helps users plan their dream vacations.
Simple Travel Planner by John D. Kim
Provides the user with average temperature, primary language spoken, and exchange rate of destination country, city, and month of travel.
Chinese Stock Market Valuation Search Engine by Jiaqi Wu
Empower long-term investment by building up smart valuation watchlist
Weather app by Navfalbek Makhfuzullaev
Simple UI based weather app to check weather conditions around the world.
Banking System by Winson Cheng
The Banking System program that I have created, is a program that allows users to create bank accounts, deposit and withdraw money from those accounts.
Shed Online by George Newman
Digital version of the popular card game 'Shed' but with LOTS of extra rules
The seven experience by Christine Schmiedler
A text based game, where you have to fight different enemies to break out.
Newton-Raphson method by Renzo Colombo
This project is a modified implementation of the Newton-Raphson method in Python using the sympy, sys, pytest and re libraries.
Python Calculator by Eugene Rex A. Pacumio
An implementation of a calculator in Python. Accepts a string of a mathematical expression and prints out the value.
PASSWORD GENERATOR by Catarina Filipa Reis Freitas
This program allows the user to generate passwords according to their specifications.
Tool Calibration Date Calculator by Lillian Kozel
My project looks at multiple tool types and determines the optimal date to send the tools out to be calibrated based on lead time for each tool type and respective calibration due dates.
Balancing Your Budget with Python by Mariel Dela Cruz
Personal budgeting tool that lets users see their budget as an aggregate or itemized
Starting Wordle Word Checker by Sean Giddings
Checks to see if a 5 letter word is a common Scrabble word, or has been used previously as a Wordle answer.
The Flormatter® by María Florencia Caro
The Flormatter® is an app for Windows. It scrapes information relevant to the next race for the game Grand Prix Racing Online (, behind the user's own login, and formats it into bbcode; for it to be posted at the user's team forum.
Message Encoder / Decoder by Sam Greadly
Encodes ('encrypts') messages into files you can send to others, and decodes them too
Simple Calculator by Al-Shaimaa Essam Fathi Mohamed
This project is a simple calculator for for supported operation, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It works by performing chosen operations over sets of numbers, then relating the results via the last specified operation.
Howgwarts student sorting project by Othniel Jean
This project is a Python program that sorts fictional students into Hogwarts houses based on their characteristics and birthdates, generating an output file with assigned houses and school grades.
Stock Wallet by Júlio César Cherulli Borges
Create and manage Stock Wallets, adding and removing stocks and getting it's values.
Nett Expense Calculator by Low Zhe Kai Jonas
A simple tool that receives the payments as an input, and returns the nett amount to be paid/receive for each participant by Sanghyeon Yun
It reads before.csv (columns: name, score) and writes an output (columns: name, math, english). It also prints each students' name, sum of scores, average, and the subject they got better grade.
Recipe Collector by Marius Skersys
Recipe collector collects recipes via API call and sends it to the mailbox
Puckdoku Cheater by Benjamin Pfeifer
Given input of two NHL team names, my code prints a list of players that have played for both teams; I use it to cheat on a daily NHL trivia game called Puckdoku.
Cricut Inventory Tracker by Rachel Tiede
It's designed to track inventory and costs for crafting supplies.
Higher or Lower by Brendon Lawrence Brown
Higher or Lower is a text terminal based Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) and Bitcoin guessing game that requires no knowledge or skill; all you will need is a bit of luck.
A Simple Password Manager by André da Costa Cavaco
A password manager that generates "safe" passwords and stores information regarding usernames and passwords in a file.
Caesar Cipher message encryption and decryption by Sankar Addala
Encrypts and decrypts a message using Caesar Cipher cryptography
Triple game by Benyamin ghasemi
This game has three characters Jack, Alex and Ben. In this game, each character does different things. Ben's job is to pick another number. Alex's job is to reverse the letter and Jack's job is to write the letter
Teacher Records by Celine Azar
This project allows teachers to record the students grades for the different courses they teach, and organize them in corresponding files. Teachers are provided with different graphical tools to visualize how the grades are distributed, to compare the results over several years, and other features as well.
Toronto Bus Arrival Tracker by Aravinthan Vivekananthan
A real-time bus arrival tracker for the residents of Toronto.
Voice Command Weather Reporter by Mehran Khorasani Ismaili
You can know the weather of any where in the world be voice command.
Weather and GPS Text Program by Eric Chestnut
Sends weather and GPS info to phone via text message at preferred time.
Contacts Book by Seyed Saeed Hamidi
This project is written to save and load contacts to/from CSV file..
Spotify Artist's Top Tracks by Luiz Felipe Urias dos Santos
A tool to search for an artist and obtain such artist's Top Tracks inside the Spotify's API
Code-Guessing Game by Bilal DAOUDI
a code guessing game where the user need to use the feedback to guess the code before limited tries
Multiplayer Poker Game ("大怪路子") by Kefei Yan
This project implemented a Chinese card game that originated in Shanghai
Budget Management Program by Akshay Patel
Text based budget management program to track incomes and expenses.
Pizza Vending Machine by Garvit Sachdeva
A simple GUI based pizza vending program that generate bill according to the toppings added
Word Unscrambler by Mohammad Qataadah Zakir
Enter any word, program does its best to find the word/s with the combination types
The dog is hungry by Elisabetta De Vito-Francesco
The program mimics an automatic dispenser to feed dogs.
Sentiment Analyzer by Rifat Ahmed
It's a Machine Learning Model designed to determine the sentiment or emotional tone expressed in a piece of text.
Amortization by Jason Bellis
Calculates mortgage payment amount and complete amortization schedule, exporting the result to CSV.
Student Record Manager by Ahmed Hannan
Student Manager is a program where you can Add and Delete a Student from a database, you can also view the database as a table. It's primary goal is to help keep track of students in most probably a school.
Tic-Tac-Toe by Maruf Hassan
A console application of Tic-Tac-Toe game using python programming language.
Experiment Guide for Scientific Researchers by TSANG, Kin Ching
This program provides the description, biosafety level and estimated hands-on time for a user-defined experiment
S&P 500 investment calculator by Jiakang Chen
Calculates the monthly capital gains of inputted monthly investment into the S&P500
RESTAURANT TABLES MANAGER by Luis Gabriel Quiceno Cardenas
Restaurant Tables Manager is a software for the correct control of de tables available in a restaurant
PatientZero by Chi Yin Nathan So
A way for medical professionals to use standardised codes to generate medical reports that can be interpreted worldwide
Simple Calculator by Clemens Putra Kusmeri
A simple calculator that is more as a proof of a concept rather an actual app to use
Music Downloader by Hayden Marlatt
A python program that takes a song and artist as input, then automatically downloads the song from youtube, and stores it in a directory named after the artist.
To-Do List by Rehaan Kumar
My project is a to-do list to help people plan their day effectively and carry out their daily tasks systematically. My project has six main features - ADD, REMOVE, VIEW, STATUS, INSTRUCTIONS and DELETE.
Chess table by Abdulrhman Muhamed Ebaid
program that collects information about chess player from user and saves it into csv file then shows it into a nice table.
Tic Tac Toe Wars! by Derek Dong
Command line game of an enhanced version of Tic Tac Toe that I created.
Calisthenics Workout Generator (Final Python CS50 Project) by ISA WALEED ABDULRAHMAN MOHAMED ALNOAIMI
A program which generates a workout plan based on your level and goals.
PVB - Python Vocabulary Builder by Quang N. Pham
A program which help users build their English vocabulary, specifically allowing them to create their own vocab list and generate vocab quizzes.
Grades50 by Amrit Puri
Grades50 lets the user view students' details or add a new student's details and marks and calculates grades and gpa.
Smart and advanced calculator by Reza Jafarian
A calculator is a tool for performing numerical calculations. Different calculators have different uses. The simplest ones perform only addition, subtraction, multiplication and division calculations. More advanced calculators can implement a variety of important mathematical functions. Modern calculators are actually a combination of a calculator and a computer and provide users with wider and faster features such as drawing graphs. Wooden abacuses, which were used centuries ago - and even today - in local markets in countries such as China and Iran, are known as the first calculators. Of course, the first means of counting the world is our own wooden ruler, but the abacus was used for arithmetic in 2400 BC in the Babylonian Empire. The first analog machines were used in ancient times for astronomical calculations, including the astrolabe (100-150 BC). Other mechanical devices were also made in ancient times for this purpose, which were of a very large size, some of the most important of which are: the Hamannama sphere by Aburihan al-Biruni (1000 years AD), the astrolabes made by Ibrahim bin Yahya al-Zarqali (1015 AD), An Astronomical Clock Tower by Su Song (1090 AD) and an Astronomical Clock by Badi Zaman Jazri (1206 AD), which is considered the first programmable analog computer. In 1617, John Napier, a Scottish mathematician, made a simple device called Napier's bones, which was used to multiply and divide numbers; This name was given to his device because he used bone or ivory to make the beads. In 1622, a person named William Uhtred invented the first slide rule, which was discovered by his student 7 years later. In 1623, Wilhelm Schickard built a device called the "Calculating Clock", which can be called the first mechanical calculator. Twenty years later, Pascal made his device called "Pascalin" to calculate taxes in France, and Leibniz, who was a German philosopher, also made a calculator. Further important developments were made in the 19th century.
Adoption Directory by Saraswathi Menon
This program was created to replicate an adoption directory from the perspective of the person who edits adoption directories as pets get adopted (removed from the directory) and as pets get surrendered (added to the directory).
Tic-Tac-Toe by Mohammad Jahandar
Python-based Tic-Tac-Toe game with a graphical user interface (GUI) using the Tkinter library
Note Keeper Python Project by Abdelrahman Hassan
The Application simply clones Google Keep application for storing user notes and giving user methods like showing the notes, adding new note, searching for a note snippet, and deleting a note.
Python snake game by Vadym Kondybin
Python snake game - is a classic snake game written in Python using Tkinter module
JRC PVGIS Solar Model data calculator by Daniel Parke
Simplifying solar simulations across multiple different locations
A Piece of Cake by Theodosis Cosmas
Birthday Registering Tool with Message and Birthday Card generation.
Concrete Slab Calculator by Bruno Valar Martini
The Concrete Slab Calculator is a Python program designed to help an engineer calculate areas, volumes, weights and loads of rectangular-shaped concrete slabs or even rectangular regions or slices of concrete slabs, in an automated, fast and precise way.
Math calculator by Ali Mahmoudi
Mathematical calculator, in such a way that by receiving numbers from the user, square, even and odd and sum numbers
Simple Library Management System by Nabil Elhabi
Simple library management system designed to manage book borrowing records for a class of students.
Student Management System by Muhammad Zaid
I Created a Student Management System that'll promp the user for 6 options, Adding,Deleting, Displaying, Searching, Deleting All and Exiting the program, I also added some validation to the Student Name, Father Name, ID and Email, ID will be unique, That's it.
Task Manager by Oluwamayomikun Afolake Idowu
A project to allow a user add, view, update or delete tasks.
Typing speed calculator by soroush amel zendedel
It is a small project that calculate user typing speed with a prefixed paragraph
Cryptocurrency converter by Kyaw Htet Lin
It is a Cryptocurrency Converter in which users can convert thier crypto coins from one to another.
Random Username/Password Generator by Gabriel Alfred Krupa
Generate usernames, password, and shuffle text
Simple Periodic Table by Sameer Mallik
Basic periodic table that displays information about an inputted element.
Keywoard by Kaan Ozkan
Our goal is to generate meaningful words containing the presented letters and earn points.
calculate gpa and generate academic transcript for student
GCIS Student Management system by Shreyansh Das
The software helps manage the student records in the school system
Calculation of main stress and angles by Seyed Ali Hozhabrossadati
Calculation of main stress and angles
Image Editor by Jean-Luc W. KABORE-TURQUIN
The Image Editor project is a Python program that allows users to load an image, resize it, convert it to black and white, and save it to a file.
BMI Calculator by khashayar rashedi
This Program calculate the Body Mass Index which is a health Index.
Coffee Brewing Logger by ANG Chun Hang
To let coffee lovers to log their brew and adjust based on chart analysis
Text to speech and sentiment analysis by Trần Bảo Tiên
With the text you provided, we can create a speech and analyze its sentiment
Hospital Floorplate Fitter by Swan Sodja
This project is an application of the rectangle packing problem in estimating construction of a hospital patient floor
Fraudster GAME by Sara Alizadeh
The final project is a Fraudster game made using python and is playable in the terminal by running the project
Converter by Luminous
My converter can convert the user input sentences in binary form or hexadecimal form, and can convert back to the sentences too.
Employee Salary Registration Program by Ali Shomali Moghadam
The Employee Salary Registration Program is a Python-based console application that allows ( CEO ) to input employee information, calculate their salaries, and save the data to a text file
Destiny Quest Hero List by Sergei
Python project to help people play to DestinyQuest game-book series
CS50's Restaurant by Nikhil Senthil Kumar
Food ordering system, which generates invoice upon checkout.
TETRIS by Pyae Phyo
Tetris game, where the player palced tetraminos in a board and win score for a full row
Wasted on Chess by Carlos Sosa Rivero
An application that connects with's API and returns a given's user total amount of games and total amount of time spent playing Chess in a specific month.
Stat Calculation Tool by Antoine Thuillier
A tool aimed at helping researchers make important calculations easier.
F1 Bible by João Pedro Malaquias Neves
Gets information from the world of F1 and has a mini game to test your knowledge.
Test for the solution of the Hundred Prisoners Problem by Nicolás Abel Isaia
Tests the proposed solution for the Hundred Prisoners Problem
Image Colorizer: Back to Life by Ralph Henrik I. Cajipe
A desktop app that uses deep learning technology to colorize black and white photos, bringing them back to life with vibrant colors, and with the help of a graphical user interface.
QSIM (Quick and Simple Image Manipulator) by Bob Cazzell
A command line utility that performs basic image manipulation taks.
Numbers To Binary Cow by Vishakh
A game that tests if you can write the binary code a number or not.
StackOverflow Questions by Prachi Pandey
This program which performs an HTTP GET request against the StackExchange API for the latest questions on StackOverflow, specified by tag, and returns them in appending order of last activity. The person running the program can specify the tag, count of questions to gather, and whether output the results as text or table.
Memory Retrieve Tool by Mok Kwan Shuen
Helping people to remember better through program and science
Sankey Plot Generator by Frank Mueller
Conversion of categorial data into interactive parallel plots, aka Sankey plots.
NotOverThinking by Aditya Bikram Thakur
A Python command-line program for efficient task management, allowing users to add, view, mark as completed, and delete tasks.
Student Management System by Muhammad Ahmed Khalid
The Student Management System is a command-line application designed to streamline the management of student records. This project provides a user-friendly interface for performing various tasks related to student information, such as registration, search, display, and deletion. It's a practical tool that can be used by educational institutions, tutors, or anyone who needs to organize student data efficiently.
Automated Information of Cancer Patients in Peru by Nanto Gustavo Caparachin Villaverde
I present a inform about the new cases of cancer to get to INEN in one period of time
Credit by Ahmad Mahmoud Hamdan
It allows the user to validate a credit card number and identify its type
Convert (USD, GBP, EUR) amounts to Bitcoin by Arman Saheb
Convert (USD, GBP, EUR) amounts to Bitcoin
AryansSpotifyTools(Beta) by Aryan Randeriya
A lightweight python based tool to extend spotify capabilities!
Projectile Trajectory Calculator by Glenn Stewart
With user input of height, angle of elevation and velocity, output a trajectory plot and a text summary report.
Real State Financial KPI Calculator for Buy-to-rent operations by Dario Bonsangue
Real State Financial KPI Calculator for Buy-to-rent operations
Game Tournament by Øyvind Sonstad
Expandable game for two players with three games testing the players' luck, knowledge and skills.
iMPETU Software (Prototype) by Daniel Ricardo Araujo Quintana
PDF Document management system for companies
Warehouse Management System by Jonas Klaus Mueller
A SQLite based system for storing and outsourcing Items from a warehouse using barcode scanners.
Flashcard App by Batu Senturk
A program that allows the creation of flashcards as well as displaying and deleting them.
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Houses by Aditi Srivastava
Sorting of Houses according to the new student traits.
Meeting room booking by Andreas Vaaten
A command-line program to book meetings rooms in an office building
StyleU by Sulaiman Muharik
StyleU is a GUI application that is used to help the user to find inspiration or a new idea for the user's art or just for having fun.
Final Project Representer by Samu Reinikainen
Creates narrated slideshow to be used as representation video for CS50P final project.
CHA-CHING: A Virtual Finance Tracker by Oscar Jiro Harlison
CHA-CHING is a virtual finance tracker app which lets users keep track of multiple wallet transactions and stocks portfolio in a very user-friendly manner.
GuessMovie by Mojtaba Shakeri Hossein Abad
This project is a game which player should try to guess a movie's name.
Meal and Workout Regimen by Kudzai
Calculates your BMI and gives you a personalized meal and workout regimen according to your weight category and fitness goal.
Meal and Workout Regimen by Njabulo Sithole
It provides a user-friendly solution for BMI calculations
Youtube Comment Collector by Ahmet Ençakar
Some youtubers need comment of their youtube video for various reasons like: giveaway,idea for next video or just read and see what people say. So i code a program that automatically collects all comments of video in terms of users specification
One-Dimensional Transient Conduction by Erlon Mendes
It is a numerical simulation of a purely diffusive problem.
huffman_compressor_python by Luís Gustavo Lauermann Hartmann
Compresses texts using Huffman's compression algorithm
Image Encoding/Decoding Using Base64 by Aziz Mohammad Azizi
It helps to encode/decode an image using base64 in few seconds.
Guess the Topic by Adam Tejasukmana
A python terminal game where users guess the topic of a wikipedia page.
Meal Planner by Momen Medhat
A project that gives the user his needed calories per day and a meal plan.
Earth Observation : how green is your city by Hanfen Zang
This project can observe earth through vegitation cover index NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), to compare the green areas in different cities around the world!
Visualising and fitting random data in Python by Joseph Ooi Boon Han
I wrote a Python script to generate random marks for students in a class, then fitted the data to a skew normal distribution using the scipy.stats module as the final project for the CS50P course.
Clean My Windows by Aqib Javid Bhat
"Clean My Windows" is a Python script that automates the process of scanning and cleaning up cache and temporary files on Windows systems, optimizing disk space and improving overall performance.
Ticketing system analysis and visualization by Nassif Michel Matta
it analyses the ticketing data from a csv file and a graphical display of the categories occurrence in a pie
BART - BAcklog Reporting Tool by Ladislav Chmelo
Program for reporting automation that converts specific excel files to finalized reports that can be distributed.
databased ordering system by Charalampos Alexiadis
the user can organise the menu of a shop and also print orders
Hogwarts Management system by Hamidreza Farzin
This inspection system project is a collection of people's information to facilitate management
Wood or electricity by Alfred Abbasi
Compares the cost of heating a house using electricity vs burning wood.
Random Rock-Paper-Scissors Game by Huat Guang Barnabas Bey
Classic Rock-Paper-Scissors Game with pure randomness
Student Monthly Expense Tracker by Rafia Malik
This project will keep a track of a student's monthly expenses such as hostel due, transpotation., medical, university due, etc.
A simple calculator with 5 mathematical operations of addition, multiplication, subtraction, exponentiation and division with which you can do your calculations.
Hogwarts Archive and Record Management System by Hans Adey Cesa
The project is a console-based archive and record management system for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Terminal-based Translator powered by Google Translate by Nada Shetty
Simple, yet powerful project that enables users to translate text between various languages directly in the terminal window, with the added ability to save the translation into a CSV file.
New students Hogwarts by A RVL
In this project we are going to get one CSV file with the data of 10 new Hogwarts students.
Weather and AQI Reporter Using IQAir API by Jason Kester Hanani
My program allows users to see the weather or air quality index of any city in the world.
Logbook for Skydivers by Henrique Guindalini
A logbook app where sydivers can keep track of their jumps and extra information.
Using the API from a PDF is generated with temperature and rain data for a user defined location
fruit shop discount calculator by Minyan Li
To calculate the discount and total cost for buying if a fruit shop.
Sort Performances by Scott McCloskey
Demonstrates the performance comparisons between merge, heap, and quick sorts
PyTube Downloader - Simple YouTube Video Downloader with Python and Tkinter GUI by Anselme ATCHOGOU
PyTube Downloader is a user-friendly and efficient YouTube video downloader built using Python and the Tkinter GUI library. With an intuitive interface, it allows users to easily download their favorite videos from YouTube by simply entering the video URL. The application automatically fetches the best video quality and displays the download status, making the process seamless and hassle-free. Enjoy your favorite videos offline with PyTube Downloader!
Hunting, Mr. Spider! by Matthew George Wellson
I am so excited to make my final project using pygame because I always made a game in Unity Game Engine before.
Runoff Election by Julia Noemi Kidybinski
This is my CS50 Python final project and I wrote a Python program that runs a runoff election.
Choose Your Own Adventure by Korbyn Thompson
It's a text-based choose your own adventure game akin to Dungeons and Dragons.
Guessing Challenge by Chan, Dang Tran Bao
A simple guessing-number challenge with two game modes to play either with a computer or versus between actual players.
Authentication by Zakaria Daas
A simple authentication program that allows users to sign up and sign in.
D.C.A.R.S Diagnostic Center Automated Reception System by Ismail Ismail Tijjani
Reception with no human interaction.
Automated Courier Fee Calculator by Mohamed Asif
The purpose of this program is to calculate the courier fee amount in Indian Rupees
Moroccan Multi-Currency Converter: DH, Ryals, and Francs by fatima ouaryachi
this project is a multi-currnecy converter that Moroccans can use to do exchanges from and to DH, Ryals and Francs.
CLUB CHRISTIAN by Michael-Lee Wilson
The project simulates a digital application(Application) that provides Christian services.
Windy Grid by Oleksii
The project is a 7x10 grid turn-based game with an element of stochasticity, where one player is an AI agent and another player is human.
USD Currency Exchange by Olivia Chan
USD Currency Exchange is a program that allows users to swiftly convert United States Dollars (USD) to a wide array of global currencies in real-time.
The Boredom Curer by Abdulrahman Alzoubi
It is a simple project to cure boredom, with three simple games which are Hangman, Tic-Tac-Toe, Rock-Paper-Scissors.
The Project is a Python script designed to help users to entry their memories or any information in a text(.txt) file and with some additional features as well.
csv_manager by Lucca D'Errico
It is an application that helps the user to create spreadsheets templates and populate it with data.
Spotify Playlist to CSV File by José Manuel Gonçalves Ferreira
Convert your spotify playlist to a CSV file
NLP TEXT ANALYZER by Pablo Martin Urrutia
It's a begginer NLP project made with python used to analyze .txt files in an easy and a fast way.
Football predictions pdf by Jorge Butragueño Nieto
use it to know who is better and how is a team in the league.
Ballistic Calculator by Kevin Gnanaraj
Calculates and plots the ballistic trajectory using the SUVAT equations of motion.
Voting Platform for Top Ten Football Players by Nohra Abou Younes
The program is a voting platform for users to select one of their top 10 favorite football players. To participate in the voting, users must first register or login to the platform.
Lyrica by Rubika Bashyal
Lyrica is a command line based web scraping program that scrapes the lyrics of songs according to the input provided by the user.
Lemeechi StockReader by Chris L. Emejuru
GUI-based web stock prices and transactions downloader with local SQLite storage
H3althy Fru1ts by Khar Pham
An app that can help users register and login to their accounts to purchase their favourites fruits and check their orders history
The Regret Machine by Anish Chitra
Use stock data, find when buy, sell, or hold, regret past actions.
Statistical Information About University Students In Türkiye by Ömer Faruk Avcı
It takes data from general university webstie called Yök Atlas and pass them into axcel file.
Historical Weather Data Plotting Tool by Keegan Dimmick
My project is a tool that can be used to create plots of daily temperature trends in different locations over time.
CS50P Final Project - What Is? by Gouri Ashok Bhise
An app which will help you to get meaning, synonyms and pronounciation of entered word
Word Guessing Game by Samala Naga Haritha
A word guessing game that tasks the player with correctly guessing letters in a random word.
Final Project by Erik Figueroa
Python program tha tautomates the process of generation Port Density reports on Cisco network switches and export the data to an excel spreadsheet.
Time series generator and plotter by Francesco Benedetti
It is a Python script that allows the user to simultaneously create multiple randomly generated time series and create their graphs.
GeoTagger by Vinay Singh
This CS50 Python Final Project titled 'GeoTagger' is a python application which embeds GPS information into image files from GPX log files.
A Grocery List or any other list that needs counting of items. by Wojciech B. Zarzycki
It's a list where we input the name of item. It is being counted how many times it appears.
Getting a business’s details from its GSTIN (Goods and Services Tax Identification Number) using GST Verification API by Ruturaj Aher
When a GSTIN Number is provided as an input we can get a particular business’s details. This project is helpful for GSTIN Verification purposes.
CSV Interactive Script by Paolo Spinelli
It is a script that makes the user able to write it's own csv file and use it as a database, with custom fields.
Allergy Identification in Common Foods by MIHIR SMIT SINGLA
A simplification of the process of identifying specific allergies in certain foods.
Spotify Downloader by Hossaena Berhan Woldearegay
A python CLI app that downloads songs and playlists from Spotify.
If NBA playoff starts on January 3rd 2023 by Zehua Zhou
Check nba team's playoff status and their team leader's age
Transformative Heritage Management Tool by Thomas Desmedt
Python-based tool that seamlessly generates metadata for Pattypan CSV files, streamlining the process of bulk uploading cultural heritage images from the Axiell Collections management system to Wikimedia Commons, ultimately democratizing access to global cultural knowledge
SA50P - Sentiment Analysis 50 Python by Ali Mateen
It takes the text from user input and provide the sentiment analysis score.
Bilingual_PDF by Andréa Haritçalde
Bilingual_PDF asks you for a PDF to be translated and generates a new PDF where you can compare the original paragraph and its translation side-by-side.
Real-ESRGAN Demo for Image Restoration and Upscaling by Georgios Mastrakoulis
A Web Application for restoring and upscaling images with the use of Real-ESRGAN
File Sorter by Allan Kristoffer A. Velasquez
Sorts directory contents based on its file type and could be moved to a directory or archived to a zip file.
Smart Calendar by Nabil Al-Shanteer
A smart calendar which lets you add entries, view them, and override them!
Spotify Playlist Analysis and Recommendation System by Diandra Regita Abigail Damanik
This project is a command-line application that analyzes a Spotify playlist and provides recommendations for similar songs, artists, and albums based on user input.
Pipeline in Cache with 4-way Set-Associative algorithm by Hirmay Bharat Sandesara
An algorithm which implements a pipelined cache which also compares with other non-pipelined cache to see performance difference.
QRGenie-python powered QR Scanning and Generation by Kaushal Hariba Lohar
Python powered QR scanner and generator .
Daily Task Management System by Syed Muawiz
daily task management system for efficient organization and progress tracking.
Task Scheduler by Mohammad Hashem P. Palao
Task Scheduler is a Python script that allows users to create a schedule with tasks by providing input through prompts
Strong H-Bonding Patterns in VOCs-Water Clusters by Emil Obeid
the GEOMETRIC SELECTIONS OF strONG hydrogen bonds in VOCs-Water Clusters BASED ON PREDEFINED SELECTION criteria using CS50 python code
my expenses by Muzammil Yakub
A small programme to track expenses that will give us an overview of where we spend.
Data tables from wikipedia page by illak zapata
The program gets the html tables from a Wikipedia page and it generates a csv for each table
File Automator by Alexandrina Mehandzhiyska
An app to automate the files you download based on the tags you've selected.
EMS-Employee-Mangaement-System by Huzaifa Hussaini
A program to create an manage employees in a database
Uncovering the Mysteries of Agatha Christie's Books: A Python and Pandas Web Scraper by Sravan Pant
Web Scraper
Implementation of the panel method to 4-digit NACA airfoils by Oscar Caballero Carbajo
My final project is scientific and it is prepared to lift off
Automatic McDonald's Survey Completer by Ian Blake Lawson
A program that automatically completes the surveys on mcdonalds receipts
Game Information Control by Gary Quick
The project obtains game or game collection information for display.
The best supplier choice by Axcel José Jheferson Tito Espíritu
project to help find a good supplier in Peru, fast and efficient
Password Manager by ํYossaphat Kulvatunyou
This program is a simple password manager that allows users to store, manage, and retrieve passwords for different applications
IMDb Man by Vince Marlou C. Eusebio
IMDb Man is my final project for CS50's Introduction to Programming with Python. It's a game of Hangman but the words to be guessed are all movie titles that are scraped from using BeautifulSoup.
Command Line Harry Potter's Sorting Hat by Rafael de Moura Cassemiro
Discover you hogwart's house via command line.
TaskMaster: Your All-in-One Toolkit by Amirreza Razavi
This project is a Python program I've created with two distinct applications: the first one allows you to extract and count numbers in a given text, while the second one calculates your age, identifies your birth season, and determines your birth month based on your provided birthdate.
Password Manager by Harsh Kumar
Password Manager helps you store, retrieve, update and generate passwords.
Calculator by Cristhian David Carrillo López
A minimalist calculator that's error proof, you can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
Random Workout Challenge Generator by Clyde Ow
Exercising can be daunting, moreover, once January is over, the burning resolution wane. Planning for exercise for individuals ~~lack in discipline~~ with busy schedule becomes cumbercent. A workout challenge generator can ease the workout planning, provide goal setting, and make workout fun!
Construction Asset Management and Hiring Program
Transport planning project by Stefan Glova
The project applies Clarke and Wright savings algorithm into practical delivery plan.
Taylor Swift Guess the Chorus Game by Angela Barone
It is a game in which you guess the missing words from a blanked out sentence of TS's choruses, as well as the name of the song, and you get points assigned.
Preliminary Statistical Analysis of Some Indicators of the Weather Diary by Yuliia Olevska
Weather archive analysis
Unofficial A Song of Ice and Fire TMG Dice Roller by Constantinos Demetriades
A dice roller for ASoIaF the miniatures game.
World Population Data Analysis by Syed Saad Ullah Hussaini
Analyzing the growth rate and income group of different regions of the world
Task Scheduler by Kimia Bahari
It's a Python program that allows user to schedule tasks and receive notifications when it's time to perform those tasks.
Nugget Hopscotch Game by Charles Antônio Pires de Godoy
It's a game based on the children's classic hopscotch
Bitcoin_realtime_price by Ziyu Yan
The function of my project is to retrive realtime bitcoin price from and display it in a table format in user friendly purpose.
Informant by Farshid Gholizadeh Sarband
Please say your name, then I will start listenning to voices around if they say your name, then I will say your message.
Project Status Report by Eduard Melman
Create team, Create tasks, submit spent time and get project status report.
Age Calculator by Hamid Ghobakhlo
This program prompts the user for date of birth as an input in `Month Day, Year` format, and prints out the calculated age and days before their birthday.
dariush_kabir by Dariush Abidi
It takes numbers from the user and performs operations on them like (+,-,/,*).
Math Functions by Kenneth Smith
The program performs various math functions such as calculating the Collatz Conjecture, Pascal's Triangle and digits of pi.
Power Meter Calculator by Haniyeh fathollahi
My CS50p’s project looks like an electrical meter device that measures the amount of electric energy consumed by a residence, a business, or an electrically powered device.
Play Rock Paper Scissors against the Computer by Jiayi Gao
A Rock Paper Scissors game implemented with Python.
Results Wizard by David Theunissen
Dynamically gets results from Europe's top 10 soccer leagues from the internet and displays them in an ASCII table on Terminal
Brief High Level Sales Analysis in pdf by Thanos Kalaitzis
A time series sales generator with a brief high level sales analysis exported in pdf.
Music Collection Organizer by Edward Sandler
SQl database with tkinter GUI to organize music collection
Calorie calculator by Archil Kukulava
It helps the user count how many calories they burned and whether or not they met their goal.
ASCII Little Adventures by Joaquin Del Valle Lietti
multiple mini-games with ascii to make them feel more like a game
Language Learning Project by Ashutosh Adhikary
Our Project is about Language Learning Project which helps people to learn the Nepali language
The Python Quiz by Advay Dubey
This program launches a quiz of 6 questions and then generates a certificate depending on the score.
Cipher machine inspired by Enigma by Ronja Praznikar
A program for encrypting messages that was inspired by Enigma machine used during WWII.
ExpenseXpert by William Xiao
The ExpenseXpert is a Python-based application that provides a user-friendly interface where they can manage and track their expenses.
The Tale of the Fibonacci Frog by Anastasia Ruzmaikina
Calculate the minimum number of jumps a frog who can make only Fibonacci jumps needs to cross the river by jumping from stone to stone.
Password generator and validator with GUI by Ali Hamdi Rashwan
Generates and validates passwords by checking choosen requirements
Routes Zaragoza by Antonino Sistac Aznarez
Real-time information on the public transport network of Zaragoza, Spain.
Loan Amortization GUI by Joshua Montanez
Create a Graphical User Interface so users can visualize and gain information about their loans.
Highest Card Count by Timothy David Wright Jr
A game of Blackjack with unlimited players and changeable max values.
Fun for all ages by David Moussa Andos
This program is to tell you if you can enter the club or you have to go to the playground and if you can take a juice or not.
Consolidated report of new pupils amounts admissions to CAMPUSES CLASSES by Vladimir Budnitsky
Report of new pupils amounts admissions to CAMPUSES CLASSES
LET'S FIND YOUR SIGNS by Maria Antonella Cornejo
This project allows you to calculate the sun sign of the zodiac and its ascendant (including the symbol that represents each sign through an emoji), using the time and date of birth for its calculation.
Evaluate Bitcoin Trading by Supawat Kawmongkol
Python program for Evaluate Bitcoin Trading in USD and THB currency
Python Assistant by Amirhossein Gholizadeh
A python base assistant which do some operations for multiple users.
Automate Your Investment Calculations by Alexander Yesin
Command line program designed to make investment calculations easier, view the stock information in the form of a tabular report, and view current prices of shares in real time.
Analyze The Lottery by Attila Barcellos Sipos
The objective of this project is to analyze data about a very popular lottery in Brazil, called 'Mega Sena', and based on collected data, output information to user, depending on his or her choices.
SA50P - Sentiment Analysis 50 Python by Ali Mateen
Using TextBlob library it evaluates the sentiments.
Automated Spreadsheets by Jimmy Bakir
The program sorts and renames various folders and creates a spreadsheet (with the correct information and style) using the folder's data.
Real World Price Checker by Mario Portilho
The user chooses a link of a product from the website "" and a range of time and the program will obtain the price of the product and in the space of the selected interval it will compare it with the most recent one notifying the user via telegram if there is a price change or not along with the product URL.
Cards Creator for Season's Greetings by Nilguen Melchner
Program to collect names of recipients and individualized senders and to use this collection later on for creating cards in the form of a serial pdf letter, in this case for the Holiday Season.
Medical Decision Making Assistant for Physicians by Diane Kuhn
Helps emergency physicians reduce documentation burden by aggregating relevant clinical information into notes
Mental Math Trainer for 6th Grader by Akhyar Rasyid Imam Muttaqin
Program that generates problems to train user's mental math.
RW Notepad by Rafał Włodarczyk
A command line text file editor used to view, edit and save .txt files.
bu CSE ACADEMIA utils by Mohammad Abdul Ahad
Provides utilities for calculating various academic information
Using iNaturalist's API to Visualize Daily Observation Trends by Aditya Sastry
Using information from an API of a social network to visualize trends about data being posted.
How much I owe by Albertus Magnus Marcelino Antaputra
A program to keep track of how much you owe someone, or vice versa.