
  • Head to and sign up for an account on MIT’s website by clicking “Join Scratch” atop the page. Any username (that’s available) is fine, but take care to remember it and your choice of password.

    Then head to and take note of the resources available to you before you dive into Scratch itself. In particular, you might want to skim the Getting Started Guide at

    Now it’s time to choose your own adventure! Your mission is, quite simply, to have fun with Scratch and implement a project of your choice (be it an animation, a game, interactive art, or anything else), subject only to the following requirements:

    • Your project must have at least two sprites, at least one of which must resemble something other than a cat.
    • Your project must have at least three scripts total (i.e., not necessarily three per sprite).
    • Your project must use at least one condition, one loop, and one variable.
    • Your project must use at least one sound.
    • Your project should be more complex than most of those demonstrated in lecture (many of which, though instructive, were quite short) but it can be less complex than Oscartime. As such, your project should probably use a few dozen puzzle pieces overall.

    Once finished with your project, click See project page in Scratch’s top-right corner. Ensure your project has a title (in Scratch’s top-left corner), some instructions (in Scratch’s top-right corner), and some notes and/or credits (in Scratch’s bottom-right corner). Then click Share in Scratch’s top-right corner so that others can see your project. Finally, take note of the URL in your browser’s address bar. That’s your project’s URL on MIT’s website.

    What’s your project’s URL on MIT’s website?

  • Write an algorithm (i.e., step-by-step instructions) via which someone could walk or drive from some origin to some destination, perhaps a path that you yourself tend to travel. Take care to specify what the origin and destination that you have in mind. And take care to use loops and conditions as needed, particularly if there might be obstacles (e.g., red lines). Assume that your algorithm will be executed by a robot (or lost friend) who will follow your directions precisely.

  • What does it mean to compile a program?

  • What’s the difference between a program and a function?