Due to interaction with several of the course’s projects, and given that parts of this course material were originally from 2020, the latest version of Python you should use in this course is Python 3.10.
Write an AI that teaches itself to play Nim through reinforcement learning.
$ python
Playing training game 1
Playing training game 2
Playing training game 3
Playing training game 9999
Playing training game 10000
Done training
Pile 0: 1
Pile 1: 3
Pile 2: 5
Pile 3: 7
AI's Turn
AI chose to take 1 from pile 2.
When to Do It
By Wednesday, January 1, 2025 at 4:59 AM UTC
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Recall that in the game Nim, we begin with some number of piles, each with some number of objects. Players take turns: on a player’s turn, the player removes any non-negative number of objects from any one non-empty pile. Whoever removes the last object loses.
There’s some simple strategy you might imagine for this game: if there’s only one pile and three objects left in it, and it’s your turn, your best bet is to remove two of those objects, leaving your opponent with the third and final object to remove. But if there are more piles, the strategy gets considerably more complicated. In this problem, we’ll build an AI to learn the strategy for this game through reinforcement learning. By playing against itself repeatedly and learning from experience, eventually our AI will learn which actions to take and which actions to avoid.
In particular, we’ll use Q-learning for this project. Recall that in Q-learning, we try to learn a reward value (a number) for every (state, action)
pair. An action that loses the game will have a reward of -1, an action that results in the other player losing the game will have a reward of 1, and an action that results in the game continuing has an immediate reward of 0, but will also have some future reward.
How will we represent the states and actions inside of a Python program? A “state” of the Nim game is just the current size of all of the piles. A state, for example, might be [1, 1, 3, 5]
, representing the state with 1 object in pile 0, 1 object in pile 1, 3 objects in pile 2, and 5 objects in pile 3. An “action” in the Nim game will be a pair of integers (i, j)
, representing the action of taking j
objects from pile i
. So the action (3, 5)
represents the action “from pile 3, take away 5 objects.” Applying that action to the state [1, 1, 3, 5]
would result in the new state [1, 1, 3, 0]
(the same state, but with pile 3 now empty).
Recall that the key formula for Q-learning is below. Every time we are in a state s
and take an action a
, we can update the Q-value Q(s, a)
according to:
Q(s, a) <- Q(s, a) + alpha * (new value estimate - old value estimate)
In the above formula, alpha
is the learning rate (how much we value new information compared to information we already have). The new value estimate
represents the sum of the reward received for the current action and the estimate of all the future rewards that the player will receive. The old value estimate
is just the existing value for Q(s, a)
. By applying this formula every time our AI takes a new action, over time our AI will start to learn which actions are better in any state.
Getting Started
- Download the distribution code from and unzip it.
First, open up
. There are two classes defined in this file (Nim
and NimAI
) along with two functions (train
and play
). Nim
, train
, and play
have already been implemented for you, while NimAI
leaves a few functions left for you to implement.
Take a look at the Nim
class, which defines how a Nim game is played. In the __init__
function, notice that every Nim game needs to keep track of a list of piles, a current player (0 or 1), and the winner of the game (if one exists). The available_actions
function returns a set of all the available actions in a state. For example, Nim.available_actions([2, 1, 0, 0])
returns the set {(0, 1), (1, 1), (0, 2)}
, since the three possible actions are to take either 1 or 2 objects from pile 0, or to take 1 object from pile 1.
The remaining functions are used to define the gameplay: the other_player
function determines who the opponent of a given player is, switch_player
changes the current player to the opposing player, and move
performs an action on the current state and switches the current player to the opposing player.
Next, take a look at the NimAI
class, which defines our AI that will learn to play Nim. Notice that in the __init__
function, we start with an empty self.q
dictionary. The self.q
dictionary will keep track of all of the current Q-values learned by our AI by mapping (state, action)
pairs to a numerical value. As an implementation detail, though we usually represent state
as a list, since lists can’t be used as Python dictionary keys, we’ll instead use a tuple version of the state when getting or setting values in self.q
For example, if we wanted to set the Q-value of the state [0, 0, 0, 2]
and the action (3, 2)
to -1
, we would write something like
self.q[(0, 0, 0, 2), (3, 2)] = -1
Notice, too, that every NimAI
object has an alpha
and epsilon
value that will be used for Q-learning and for action selection, respectively.
The update
function is written for you, and takes as input state old_state
, an action take in that state action
, the resulting state after performing that action new_state
, and an immediate reward for taking that action reward
. The function then performs Q-learning by first getting the current Q-value for the state and action (by calling get_q_value
), determining the best possible future rewards (by calling best_future_reward
), and then using both of those values to update the Q-value (by calling update_q_value
). Those three functions are left to you to implement.
Finally, the last function left unimplemented is the choose_action
function, which selects an action to take in a given state (either greedily, or using the epsilon-greedy algorithm).
The Nim
and NimAI
classes are ultimately used in the train
and play
functions. The train
function trains an AI by running n
simulated games against itself, returning the fully trained AI. The play
function accepts a trained AI as input, and lets a human player play a game of Nim against the AI.
An automated tool assists the staff in enforcing the constraints in the below specification. Your submission will fail if any of these are not handled properly, if you import modules other than those explicitly allowed, or if you modify functions other than as permitted.
Complete the implementation of get_q_value
, update_q_value
, best_future_reward
, and choose_action
. For each of these functions, any time a function accepts a state
as input, you may assume it is a list of integers. Any time a function accepts an action
as input, you may assume it is an integer pair (i, j)
of a pile i
and a number of objects j
The get_q_value
function should accept as input a state
and action
and return the corresponding Q-value for that state/action pair.
- Recall that Q-values are stored in the dictionary
. The keys ofself.q
should be in the form of(state, action)
pairs, wherestate
is a tuple of all piles sizes in order, andaction
is a tuple(i, j)
representing a pile and a number. - If no Q-value for the state/action pair exists in
, then the function should return0
The update_q_value
function takes a state state
, an action action
, an existing Q value old_q
, a current reward reward
, and an estimate of future rewards future_rewards
, and updates the Q-value for the state/action pair according to the Q-learning formula.
- Recall that the Q-learning formula is:
Q(s, a) <- old value estimate + alpha * (new value estimate - old value estimate)
- Recall that
is the learning rate associated with theNimAI
object. - The old value estimate is just the existing Q-value for the state/action pair. The new value estimate should be the sum of the current reward and the estimated future reward.
The best_future_reward
function accepts a state
as input and returns the best possible reward for any available action in that state, according to the data in self.q
- For any action that doesn’t already exist in
for the given state, you should assume it has a Q-value of 0. - If no actions are available in the state, you should return 0.
The choose_action
function should accept a state
as input (and optionally an epsilon
flag for whether to use the epsilon-greedy algorithm), and return an available action in that state.
- If
, your function should behave greedily and return the best possible action available in that state (i.e., the action that has the highest Q-value, using 0 if no Q-value is known). - If
, your function should behave according to the epsilon-greedy algorithm, choosing a random available action with probabilityself.epsilon
and otherwise choosing the best action available. - If multiple actions have the same Q-value, any of those options is an acceptable return value.
You should not modify anything else in
other than the functions the specification calls for you to implement, though you may write additional functions and/or import other Python standard library modules. You may also import numpy
or pandas
, if familiar with them, but you should not use any other third-party Python modules. You may modify
to test on your own.
- If
is a list, thentuple(lst)
can be used to convertlst
into a tuple.
How to Submit
Beginning Monday, January 1, 2024 at 5:00 AM UTC, submissions for this project will be temporarily suspended while we migrate to a different submission platform. The course is not ending! We just need a few days to roll out some changes. We appreciate your patience, and expect submissions will only be closed until January 4 at the latest.