In a Snap

Abstract oil painting of a digital picture being sent from a phone “Abstract oil painting of a digital picture being sent from a phone,” generated by DALL·E 2

Problem to Solve

After the printing press, the postal service, and the telegram came the messaging apps. Chances are you’ve used a messaging app today—whether Facebook Messenger, iMessage, Instagram, Signal or Snapchat, among many others. Whereas their early counterparts measured speed of communication in terms of weeks, days, or hours, messaging apps depend on a kind of speed that’s on the order of milliseconds: a message delayed is now a connection missed.

In this problem, you’ll write SQL queries for a fictional app that allows users to send pictures which expire 30 seconds after the recipient views them (an idea popularized by Snapchat!). The queries you’ll write will ultimately enable the app to implement its core features. Yet, given the app has several thousand users depending on instant communication, it’s especially important to write queries that are fast, not only correct. You’ll practice writing queries that take advantage of indexes, all in the service of letting users stay in touch in a snap.


Distribution Code

For this problem, you’ll need to download snap.db and a few .sql files in which you’ll write your SQL statements.

Download the distribution code

Log into, click on your terminal window, and execute cd by itself. You should find that your terminal window’s prompt resembles the below:


Next execute


in order to download a ZIP called into your codespace.

Then execute


to create a folder called snap. You no longer need the ZIP file, so you can execute


and respond with “y” followed by Enter at the prompt to remove the ZIP file you downloaded.

Now type

cd snap

followed by Enter to move yourself into (i.e., open) that directory. Your prompt should now resemble the below.

snap/ $

If all was successful, you should execute


and see a database named snap.db alongside a set of .sql files. If not, retrace your steps and see if you can determine where you went wrong!


    User }o--o{ User : friends
    User ||--o{ Message : sends
    User ||--o{ Message : views

Within snap.db, you’ll find three tables that implement the relationships described in the ER diagram above. Click the drop-downs below to learn more about the schema of each individual table.

users table

The users table contains the following columns:

  • id, which is the user’s ID.
  • username, which is the user’s username.
  • phone_number, which is the user’s phone number.
  • joined_date, which is the date the user joined the app.
  • last_login_date, which is the date the user last logged in.
friends table

The friends table contains the following columns:

  • user_id, which is the ID of a given user.
  • friend_id, which is the ID of the user with whom the given user is friends.
  • friendship_date, which is the date the friendship began.

For each row, the user in the user_id column counts the user in the friend_id column among their friends—but not necessarily vice versa. When two users both count each other among their friends, two rows are inserted:

user_id friend_id friendship_date
1 2 2024-01-01
2 1 2024-01-01
messages table

The messages table contains the following columns:

  • id, which is the ID of the message.
  • from_user_id, which is the ID of the user who sent the message.
  • to_user_id, which is the ID of the user to whom the message was sent.
  • picture, which is the filename of the picture that was sent in the message.
  • sent_timestamp, which is the timestamp at which the message was sent.
  • viewed_timestamp, which is the timestamp at which the message was viewed.
  • expires_timestamp, which is the timestamp at which the message expires.


In each corresponding .sql file, write a SQL query to implement the features described below. Since speed is of the essence, you’ll need to also ensure your query uses the specified index. The best way to ensure a query is using an index to check the results of EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN.

If feeling unsure how to interpret the output of EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN, see the Advice section for some additional explanation!


The app’s user engagement team needs to identify active users. Find all usernames of users who have logged in since 2024-01-01. Ensure your query uses the search_users_by_last_login index, which is defined as follows:

CREATE INDEX "search_users_by_last_login"
ON "users"("last_login_date");


Users need to be prevented from re-opening a message that has expired. Find when the message with ID 151 expires. You may use the message’s ID directly in your query.

Ensure your query uses the index automatically created on the primary key column of the messages table.


The app needs to rank a user’s “best friends,” similar to Snapchat’s “Friend Emojis” feature. Find the user IDs of the top 3 users to whom creativewisdom377 sends messages most frequently. Order the user IDs by the number of messages creativewisdom377 has sent to those users, most to least.

Ensure your query uses the search_messages_by_from_user_id index, which is defined as follows:

CREATE INDEX "search_messages_by_from_user_id"
ON "messages"("from_user_id");


The app needs to send users a summary of their engagement. Find the username of the most popular user, defined as the user who has had the most messages sent to them.

Ensure your query uses the search_messages_by_to_user_id index, which is defined as follows:

CREATE INDEX "search_messages_by_to_user_id"
ON "messages"("to_user_id");


For any two users, the app needs to quickly show a list of the friends they have in common. Given two usernames, lovelytrust487 and exceptionalinspiration482, find the user IDs of their mutual friends. A mutual friend is a user that both lovelytrust487 and exceptionalinspiration482 count among their friends.

Ensure your query uses the index automatically created on primary key columns of the friends table. This index is called sqlite_autoindex_friends_1.

Need a hint?

Recall that, in SQL, you can use certain keywords to find the intersection of two groups. See Week 1’s notes for a refresher.


Use EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN to show a query's steps

To check the results of EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN, you need simply prepend EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN to your query:

SELECT "username"
FROM "users"
WHERE "id" = 151;
Interpret the results of EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN

Recall from lecture that EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN displays the steps the SQLite database engine will take to execute a given SQL query. The output of EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN can indicate whether a query is utilizing an index.

  • If you see a step labeled as USING INDEX, it signifies that the query is leveraging an index in that step.
  • If you see a step labeled as USING COVERING INDEX, it indicates that the query is using a covering index in that step.
    • Recall that a covering index is a special type of index that includes all the columns needed for the query. This means the database can fulfill the query directly from the index without having to look up additional data in a table.
  • When you see a step labeled as USING INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, it implies that the query is utilizing the index on the primary key column, which is provided automatically by SQLite when the primary key is of the INTEGER type affinity. It is an efficient way to access rows directly if the query conditions involve a table’s primary key.

Below are some examples of the results of EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN, from queries that use an index in at least one step of their execution:

Example 1
`--SEARCH users USING INDEX search_users_by_last_login (last_login_date>?)

Notice that this query can be executed in a single step, by searching the index search_users_by_last_login.

Example 2
|--SEARCH messages USING COVERING INDEX search_messages_by_to_user_id (to_user_id=?)
   `--SEARCH users USING COVERING INDEX sqlite_autoindex_users_1 (username=?)

Notice that this query requires two steps:

  1. The first searches the index search_messages_by_to_user_id.
  2. The second resolves a subquery by searching the index sqlite_autoindex_users_1.
Example 3
|--SEARCH messages USING INDEX search_messages_by_from_user_id (from_user_id=?)
|  `--SEARCH users USING COVERING INDEX sqlite_autoindex_users_1 (username=?)

Notice that this query involves several steps, and that it uses indexes to accomplish most:

  1. The first step searches the index search_messages_by_from_user_id.
  2. The second step searches the index sqlite_autoindex_users_1.
  3. The final steps use temporary B-trees to group and order the results.
Example 4
   |--SCAN messages USING COVERING INDEX search_messages_by_to_user_id

Notice that this query involves several steps, and that it uses indexes to accomplish most:

  1. The first step searches an automatic primary key index.
  2. The second step scans rows using the index search_messages_by_to_user_id.
  3. The final step uses a temporary B-tree to order the results.
Example 5
   |  |--SEARCH friends USING COVERING INDEX sqlite_autoindex_friends_1 (user_id=?)
   |     `--SEARCH users USING COVERING INDEX sqlite_autoindex_users_1 (username=?)
      |--SEARCH friends USING COVERING INDEX sqlite_autoindex_friends_1 (user_id=?)
         `--SEARCH users USING COVERING INDEX sqlite_autoindex_users_1 (username=?)

Notice that this query involves many steps, and that it uses indexes to accomplish most. See in particular that the index sqlite_autoindex_friends_1 is frequently accessed.

How to Test

While check50 is available for this problem, you’re encouraged to also test your code on your own.


check50 cs50/problems/2024/sql/snap

How to Submit

In your terminal, execute the below to submit your work.

submit50 cs50/problems/2024/sql/snap