Big 5

Big 5 Personality Traits

Problem to Solve

Ever taken a BuzzFeed quiz to determine whether you’re more like a brownie or a chocolate chip cookie? Turns out personality can be characterized in many ways and—within the present-day psychological community—some of the most common traits to describe personality include:

  • Extroversion, the extent to which one might be socially outgoing
  • Neuroticism, the extent to which one might experience emotional swings
  • Agreeableness, the extent to which one might seek to be cooperative and empathetic
  • Conscientiousness, the extent to which one might prioritize order and self-discipline
  • Openness, the extent to which one might be open to new experiences

These 5 personality traits are together referred to as “The Big 5.” Psychologists (or those who are just curious about their personality!) might use various personality tests to assess the relative strength of these traits in one’s personality.

In a program called big5.R, in a folder called big5, write a program to analyze the results of thousands of Big 5 personality tests.

Distribution Code

For this problem, you’ll need to download big5.R, along with a tests.tsv file and corresponding codebook.

Download the distribution code

Open RStudio per the linked steps and navigate to the R console:


Next execute


to print your working directory. Ensure your current working directory is where you’d like to download this problem’s distribution code. If using RStudio through the recommended directory is /workspaces/NUMBER where NUMBER is a number unique to your codespace.

If you do not see the right working directory, use setwd to change it! Try typing setwd("..") if in the working directory of another problem, which will move you one directory higher.

Next execute

download.file("", "")

in order to download a ZIP called into your codespace.

Then execute


to create a folder called big5. You no longer need the ZIP file, so you can execute


Now type


followed by Enter to move yourself into (i.e., open) that directory. Your working directory should now end with


If all was successful, you should execute


and see files named big5.R, codebook.txt, and tests.tsv. If not, retrace your steps and see if you can determine where you went wrong!


In big5.R, analyze the personality tests in tests.tsv, writing the results to a new file, analysis.csv.

analysis.csv should retain all columns in tests.tsv, with the following updates:

  • Convert the gender column from a numeric representation to a textual representation.
  • Add the following columns:
    • extroversion, a column that represents each test’s result on the extroversion trait
    • neuroticism, a column that represents each test’s result on the neuroticism trait
    • agreeableness, a column that represents each test’s result on the agreeableness trait
    • conscientiousness, a column that represents each test’s result on the conscientiousness trait
    • openness, a column that represents each test’s result on the openness trait

To understand tests.tsv, be sure to reference codebook.txt!

Convert Demographic Data

To convert values in the gender column to text, adhere to the mapping between numbers and text provided by codebook.txt.

Compute Test Results

Test results for each Big 5 personality trait should be computed as follows:

  • Sum the values of the relevant columns.
  • Divide by the maximum possible sum for those columns (which is 15!).
  • Round the test results to 2 decimal places using a function called round.


Consider the below as advice to help you on your way:

Read a .tsv file

tests.tsv is a Tab-Separated Values file. A .tsv is much like a .csv, save for the fact that values are separated by tab characters, not commas. For this reason, a function like read.csv won’t be suitable.

Consider the more generic read.table, passing the right value to its sep parameter. In particular, a tab character can be represented with "\t". If curious, \t is an example of an escape character.

Add a new column to a data frame

To add a new column to a data frame, simply assign a new vector to the data frame. For example, to create a new column called extroversion on a data frame called tests, consider the below

tests$extroversion <- ...

where ... is replaced with the vector you wish to assign to the extroversion column.


Assuming big5.R is in your working directory, enter the below in the R console to test your program:


How to Test

Here’s how to test your code manually.

Run your program with source("big5.R"). Your program should output a file, analysis.csv, where the first few rows have the following values:

age gender country E1 E2 E3 N1 N2 N3 A1 A2 A3 C1 C2 C3 O1 O2 O3 extroversion neuroticism agreeableness conscientiousness openness
53 Male US 4 5 5 1 2 1 5 5 5 4 5 4 3 4 5 0.93 0.27 1.00 0.87 0.80
46 Female US 2 3 3 2 4 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 3 2 0.53 0.67 0.67 0.73 0.53
14 Female PK 5 1 5 5 5 5 1 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 0.73 1.00 0.73 0.93 1.00


You can also check your code using check50, a program that CS50 will use to test your code when you submit. But be sure to test it yourself as well!

Run the following command in the RStudio console:


Green smilies mean your program has passed a test! Red frownies will indicate your program output something unexpected. Visit the URL that check50 outputs to see the input check50 handed to your program, what output it expected, and what output your program actually gave.

How to Submit

You can submit your code using submit50.

Keeping in mind the course’s policy on academic honesty, run the following command in the RStudio console:



Data adapted from the Open-Source Psychometrics Project, Cover photo retrieved from