
This test is open-book: you may use any and all non-human resources during the test, but the only humans to whom you may turn for help or from whom you may receive help are the course’s heads, which means that you may

  • browse and search the internet,
  • review books,
  • review questions and answers already posted on Ed,
  • review the course’s own materials,
  • write and run your own Python code, but

you may not

  • receive or solicit directly or indirectly any help from anyone other than the course’s heads.

What to Do

  1. Go to CSCI E-80’s Ed page.
  2. In the navigation bar at top, click the “Lessons” button (indicated by the book icon).
  3. Click Test.
  4. Answer each of the 10 questions in the test. You can switch questions by choosing from the menu at left.
  5. When complete, submit your test via Gradescope.

When to Do It

By .

Note that, per the syllabus, late submissions of the test are not accepted at all.


Reload this page throughout the week to see any FAQs (and any changes made to the test).


Reload this page throughout the week to see any changes made to the test.

  • : Clarified in Question 5 that the probability of lying is independent of whoever a person actually voted for.
  • : Clarified in Question 3a that the question is asking for a probability given that you know an email is spam.

How to Submit

  1. Download your completed test as a PDF by clicking the in the upper right, clicking Preview Lesson and then choosing Download PDF.
  2. Go to CSCI E-80’s Gradescope page. If you get a message that says “You are not authorized to access this page,” be sure you’ve signed up for the course on Gradescope per the software form!
  3. Click Test.
  4. Click Submit PDF.
  5. Click Select PDF and choose your test file.
  6. Click Upload PDF.
  7. Click Question 1 in the Question Outline at left, then click the page (or pages) on which your response to Question 1 is located. Repeat this process for all other questions.
  8. Click Submit.

You should see a message that says “Test submitted successfully!”

If you run into any trouble with the above steps, email ai@cs50.harvard.edu!