That’s a wrap for Spring 2024, congratulations! Final grades will be posted by the Extension School on Tuesday, May 21. A gallery of opted-in final projects will soon appear below. Enjoy your summer!
Here are just some of Spring 2024’s final projects, randomly ordered.
onTop! by Elizabeth Li Norris
Our project integrates a to-do list and calendar system, comprising a webpage for inputting events and tasks, along with a Chrome extension to track daily to-dos.
CSS HTML JavaScript PHP Python SQL
Chrome Extension Python-Based Website
StyleForecast by Aimee Kwon Choi
Our website allows users to upload photos of their clothing items and randomly generate a complete outfit based on their preferences and weather.
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
Economics Job Market Reference Tracker by Paul M. Millett
Web app to manage reference requests for academic positions
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
Blitzball by Gil'i Dov Augusta Zaid
A pixel art home run derby baseball game
Python SQL
Game macOS App
Style Spot by Lydia Elizabeth Hanson Orr
A site for websites to store and search client and brand size information.
CSS HTML JavaScript Jinja SQL
Python-Based Website
CStegranographifty by Joshua M. Lefurge
Steganography tool for encoding/decoding text within images.
tarot me by Ananya Ganesh
Gives the user a tarot reading and allows them to view their past tarot readings and thoughts on them.
Python-Based Website
DNA mutation identification (via Snakemake) by Sijing (Lucy) Zhao
A webpage that allows users to identify DNA mutation(s) present on a specified chromosome of a user-selected sample.
CSS HTML I also used snakemake JavaScript Python which is a program based off from python
Python-Based Website Website other
onTop! by Isabel Catherine Dean
A calendar to-do list webpage with an extension to remind you of today's todos.
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Chrome Extension Python-Based Website
TaskMaster by Michelle Yee
A web-based application that allows you to track your tasks.
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQLite3
Python-Based Website
FloraFinder by Hui Miao
FloraFinder is an iOS app that aims to help plant enthusiasts identify plants from photo, document and share their plant discoveries through a comprehensive map.
iOS App
Sattler Media by Abbot Tubeine
Simple social media application that enables users to post and view other peoples posts.
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
ThriftHub by Davina Chojnowski
The website, titled "ThriftHub," serves as a platform for managing and tracking my thrifted inventory.
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
DREAM by Angel An
website to look up the meaning of your dreams and document them
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
Harvard CourseMate by Charlie Bratton
Harvard CourseMate is designed to emulate the functions of my.Harvard, with a Course Scheduler, GPA Calculator, and Profile pages.
Python-Based Website
Wordsearch50 by Kayley Crawford
Create a custom wordsearch.
CSS HTML JavaScript Python
Game Python-Based Tool Website
Truthify by Ezra Sharpe
Disinformation chrome plug-in
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Chrome Extension
Boston Duck Tour Translation App by Erin Maestas
Follow along with the world famous Boston Duck Tours through 3 separate languages.
HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
Tic Tac Toe by Sam Francis Burgess
Local two player Tic Tac Toe with leaderboard
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
Instagram from Wish by Luc Bojorquez-Lopez
Social media platform
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
SideQuesting by Rachel Mackenzie Fields
A website to help you find fun adventures in your city!
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
Date Decipher by Nyasha Blessed Runhare
A web-based chat interface for capturing your crush's facial expressions to predict if they fancy you.
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
BioKit by Chancen George Law
A web-application that enables users to input DNA and RNA sequences to obtain various information about them.
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
PINIT by Meredith Schwartz
A virtual bulletin for groups of people to invite other group members to events.
Python-Based Website
NCAA fantasy nordic skiing by Sam S Gallaudet
A way to create a fantasy sports team with college skiers
HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Node.js-Based PHP-Based Python-Based Website Website Website
NCAA Fantasy Nordic Skiing by Clara Lake
A webpage where users can view the top 50 ranked NCAA nordic skiers (women and men) and add them to fantasy teams.
HTML JavaScript PHP Python SQL
Node.js-Based PHP-Based Python-Based Website Website Website
Ada's Vintage by Nicholas Juan
A website to upload and sell clothes
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
The website I created is called Wurdle by Nate Zhang
A website where you can challenge your friends by creating your own wordle, entering your own word and number of guesses.
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Game Python-Based Website
Y by Adi Raj
Y is our awesome new social media web app that allows users to create accounts, make posts, comment on and like posts, and interact with other users.
Python-Based Website
Chessed by Rahm Dillon Bharara
A website that allows you to play chess against a friend or chess bot, with many customizations.
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Game Website other
Treasury by Adam Latif
A tool for student groups to keep track of finances.
HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
StyleForecast by Xinyi Christine Zhang
Users can upload items of clothing and our website can randomly generate an outfit based on the weather and their occasion preferences!
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
Savry by Aaron Ronald McDonald
A web-based flask application that allows users to post, view, and save recipes.
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website by Lynn Rose Tao is a website that determines your aesthetic from a carefully curated quiz, and provides specialized offerings/capabilities like shop, music, and meeting new friends!
CSS HTML JavaScript Python
Node.js-Based Website
Housing Day Simulator by Luke Chung
A website that a user can simulate the housing lottery and receive a letter for the housing assignment for their blocking group.
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
Grocery Guide by Mia Isabella Biotti
A website to organize grocery shopping and recipe finds
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website by Ian Hooft
Recruiting platform for Harvard students to look for jobs.
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
PINIT by Cyrus Henry Hamlin
A website in which people can joins groups and share events with particular groups that they are a part of.
Python-Based Website
My Travel Wishlist! by Oziomachukwu Chukwudubem Obi
A web-based social media app that allows users to share travel destinations that they'd want to go!
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
David Malan's Course Guide by Colin Zou
A platform for students to review and rate courses, as well as upvote/downvote reviews to reflect a more accurate consensus.
Level Up by Lydia J Richins
A to do list that's been slightly gamified
CSS HTML JavaScript Jinja Python SQL
Python-Based Website