Demanding, but definitely doable. Social, but educational. A focused topic, but broadly applicable skills. CS50 is the quintessential Harvard (and Yale!) course.”
- If local to Cambridge, like to attend the second CS50 Lunch on 2024-09-20T13:15:00-04:00? RSVP at
- Complete Check for Understanding 1 no later than 2024-09-15T23:59:00-04:00.
- Complete Problem Set 1, due 2024-09-15T23:59:00-04:00.
- The course’s next lecture, Week 2, on “arrays” and more, is 2024-09-16T13:30:00-04:00/2024-09-16T16:15:00-04:00, in Sanders. If attending in-person, be sure to bring your Harvard ID for the ushers. On the snack menu, fruit and fruit snacks! 🍊