
Implement a program that determines whether a provided credit card number is valid according to Luhn’s algorithm.

$ python
Number: 378282246310005


  • In in ~/pset6/credit/, write a program that prompts the user for a credit card number and then reports (via print) whether it is a valid American Express, MasterCard, or Visa card number, exactly as you did in C, except that your program this time should be written (a) in Python and (b) in CS50 IDE.
  • So that we can automate some tests of your code, we ask that your program’s last line of output be AMEX\n or MASTERCARD\n or VISA\n or INVALID\n, nothing more, nothing less.
  • For simplicity, you may assume that the user’s input will be entirely numeric (i.e., devoid of hyphens, as might be printed on an actual card).
  • Best to use get_int or get_string from CS50’s library to get users’ input, depending on how you to decide to implement this one.


Your program should behave per the example below.

$ python
Number: 378282246310005


No check50 for this problem, but be sure to test your code for each of the following.

  • Run your program as python, and wait for a prompt for input. Type in 378282246310005 and press enter. Your program should output AMEX.
  • Run your program as python, and wait for a prompt for input. Type in 371449635398431 and press enter. Your program should output AMEX.
  • Run your program as python, and wait for a prompt for input. Type in 5555555555554444 and press enter. Your program should output MASTERCARD.
  • Run your program as python, and wait for a prompt for input. Type in 5105105105105100 and press enter. Your program should output MASTERCARD.
  • Run your program as python, and wait for a prompt for input. Type in 4111111111111111 and press enter. Your program should output VISA.
  • Run your program as python, and wait for a prompt for input. Type in 4012888888881881 and press enter. Your program should output VISA.
  • Run your program as python, and wait for a prompt for input. Type in 1234567890 and press enter. Your program should output INVALID.

How to Submit

Execute the below, logging in with your GitHub username and password when prompted. For security, you’ll see asterisks (*) instead of the actual characters in your password.

submit50 cs50/problems/2020/x/sentimental/credit