Teaching CS50
Email outreach@cs50.harvard.edu with any questions!
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Email *
Name *
GitHub Username (not email) *
So that we can provide you with access to lesson plans and sample solutions. Register at http://github.com/join if you don't already have an account.
Where would you like to teach (or are you already teaching) one or more of CS50's courses? *
Name of location
Where would you like to teach (or are you already teaching) one or more of CS50's courses? *
Type of location
If a school, what type of school?
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City, State, Country
I affirm that I am a teacher or administrator at this location *
URL on your school's website that confirms your status as a teacher or administrator
If you're not listed on your school's website, do just email outreach@cs50.harvard.edu with a scan or photo of something that confirms your status as a teacher or administrator (e.g., an ID card, memo, etc.). Aok to redact anything private.
Comments, if any
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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