Math Interpreter

Python already supports math, whereby you can write code to add, subtract, multiply, or divide values and even variables. But let’s write a program that enables users to do math, even without knowing Python.

In a file called, implement a program that prompts the user for an arithmetic expression and then calculates and outputs the result as a floating-point value formatted to one decimal place. Assume that the user’s input will be formatted as x y z, with one space between x and y and one space between y and z, wherein:

  • x is an integer
  • y is +, -, *, or /
  • z is an integer

For instance, if the user inputs 1 + 1, your program should output 2.0. Assume that, if y is /, then z will not be 0.

Note that, just as python itself is an interpreter for Python, so will your be an interpreter for math!


Recall that a str comes with quite a few methods, per, including split, which separates a str into a sequence of values, all of which can be assigned to variables at once. For instance, if expression is a str like 1 + 1, then

x, y, z = expression.split(" ")

will assign 1 to x, + to y, and 1 to z.


Before You Begin

Log into, click on your terminal window, and execute cd by itself. You should find that your terminal window’s prompt resembles the below:


Next execute

mkdir interpreter

to make a folder called interpreter in your codespace.

Then execute

cd interpreter

to change directories into that folder. You should now see your terminal prompt as interpreter/ $. You can now execute


to make a file called where you’ll write your program.

How to Test

Here’s how to test your code manually:

  • Run your program with python Type 1 + 1 and press Enter. Your program should output:
  • Run your program with python Type 2 - 3 and press Enter. Your program should output:
  • Run your program with python Type 2 * 2 and press Enter. Your program should output
  • Run your program with python Type 50 / 5 and press Enter. Your program should output