Final Assignment
The Final Assignment will be released 2025-01-22T15:00:00-05:00.
What to Do
The Final Assignment is mostly, but not entirely, open-book: you may use any materials on CS50’s course website (i.e., as well as your own notes, and you may search for information on the internet at large. But you may NOT use any AI-based software (e.g., the CS50 Duck at or in, ChatGPT, GitHub Copilot, et al.). Nor may you ask questions outright of search engines (e.g., Google, Bing, et al.); but you may do traditional keyword-based searches. The only humans to whom you may turn for help or from whom you may receive help are David and Yuliia.
- Complete the Final Assignment on Gradescope.
How to Submit
- Go to CS50 (and AI) for Lawyers Gradescope page.
- Click Final Assignment.
- Work on Final Assignment. Save your answers as you go by clicking Save Answer by each question or Save All Answers at the bottom of the assignment. If you need to leave Gradescope and come back, the assignment may show as “submitted”. Not to worry, since you can simply navigate to Final Assignment and click Resubmit up until the deadline!
- When finished, click Submit & View Submission. You can submit as many times as you’d like up until the deadline, but best not to resubmit after the deadline as the assignment may be marked late.
After submitting, you should see an overview of your answers for each question! If you run into any trouble with the above steps, email
That’s it! You’ve completed CS50 (and AI) for Lawyers!