Making Faces

Before there were emoji, there were emoticons, whereby text like :) was a happy face and text like :( was a sad face. Nowadays, programs tend to convert emoticons to emoji automatically!

In a file called, implement a function called convert that accepts a str as input and returns that same input with any :) converted to πŸ™‚ (otherwise known as a slightly smiling face) and any :( converted to πŸ™ (otherwise known as a slightly frowning face). All other text should be returned unchanged.

Then, in that same file, implement a function called main that prompts the user for input, calls convert on that input, and prints the result. You’re welcome, but not required, to prompt the user explicitly, as by passing a str of your own as an argument to input. Be sure to call main at the bottom of your file.



How to Test

Here’s how to test your code manually:

  • Run your program with python Type Hello :) and press Enter. Your program should output:
    Hello πŸ™‚
  • Run your program with python Type Goodbye :( and press Enter. Your program should output:
    Goodbye πŸ™
  • Run your program with python Type Hello :) Goodbye :( and press Enter. Your program should output
    Hello πŸ™‚ Goodbye πŸ™