
Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Jupyter Notebooks

, with Seeam Noor

A Python basics refresher followed by an introductory business analytics case where we will do hands-on programming to analyze sales data using the Python library ‘pandas’ on the platform Deepnote. The goal of this seminar is to introduce you to what is capable using Python rather than to teach the code that implements the analysis.

Statistical Programming with R

, with Mohammed Guerrab

In this seminar, we will learn how to use R, a statistical programming language. We will use RStudio, a popular coding environment for R, where we will learn about the various tools R offers to store, analyze and display data. 

Intro to Design Thinking in UI/UX

, with Hanna Kim

There are entire teams at tech companies who spend countless hours ensuring that their products have the most seamless user experiences and interfaces. This seminar will provide an overview to building heavily user-facing products and to design thinking in the tech industry via real-world case studies and opportunities for you to see what goes on in the minds of UI/UX developers and designers!

Fundamentals of Virtual Reality

, with Fianko Buckle

In this seminar we will explore the fundamentals of virtual reality and learn about how it can be used in the real world. We will also present a short demo of a VR application created using Unity!

Coding in the Workplace with Visual Basic Studio

, with Robert Taylor Kruse

In this seminar, you will learn how the Microsoft Office Suite (Excel, Word, Powerpoint, and Outlook) can be unlocked to its fullest potential through Visual Basic Studio. We will look at examples and discuss ways in which you can use your coding knowledge to make your work flow more efficient, presentations more engaging, and spreadsheets more informative. Impress your colleagues with the full power of the Office Suite!

Web Scraping in Python

, with Benjamin Wu

This seminar will demonstrate the basics of web scraping in Python. With tons of valuable data out on the web, web scraping allows us to potentially discover insights and automate processes.