
  • Continue work on the final project. The project has three milestones, the second of which–the Status Report–is due by 2022-12-04T23:59:00-05:00. The implementation itself is due by 2022-12-11T23:59:00-05:00.
  • Office hours have concluded for the term; please use Ed or contact your teaching fellow directly for final project-related questions.


This course examines the design and implementation of web applications with Python, JavaScript, and SQL using frameworks like Django, React, and Bootstrap. Topics include database design, scalability, security, and user experience. Through hands-on projects, students learn to write and use APIs, create interactive user interfaces (UIs), and leverage cloud services like GitHub and Heroku. By semester’s end, students emerge with knowledge and experience in the principles, languages, and tools that empower them to design and deploy applications on the internet.

Table of Contents


  1. Watch Lecture 0 on or after Mon 8/29.
  2. Begin work on Project 0, due 2022-09-11T23:59:00-04:00.


  1. Watch Lecture 1 on or after Mon 9/5.
  2. Attend section.
  3. Optionally attend office hours.
  4. Continue work on Project 0, due 2022-09-11T23:59:00-04:00.


  1. Watch Lecture 2 on or after Mon 9/5.
  2. Attend section.
  3. Optionally attend office hours.
  4. Complete Project 0, due 2022-09-11T23:59:00-04:00.


  1. Watch Lecture 3 on or after Mon 9/12.
  2. Attend section.
  3. Optionally attend office hours.
  4. Complete Project 1, due 2022-09-25T23:59:00-04:00.

SQL, Models, and Migrations

  1. Watch Lecture 4 on or after Mon 9/26.
  2. Attend section.
  3. Optionally attend office hours.
  4. Complete Project 2, due 2022-10-09T23:59:00-04:00.


  1. Watch Lecture 5 on or after Mon 10/10.
  2. Attend section.
  3. Optionally attend office hours.
  4. Begin work on Project 3, due 2022-10-30T23:59:00-04:00.

User Interfaces

  1. Watch Lecture 6 on or after Mon 10/24.
  2. Attend section.
  3. Optionally attend office hours.
  4. Continue work on Project 3, due 2022-10-30T23:59:00-04:00.
  5. Begin work on Project 4, due 2022-11-13T23:59:00-05:00.

Testing, CI, CD

  1. Watch Lecture 7 on or after Mon 11/7.
  2. Attend section.
  3. Optionally attend office hours.
  4. Continue work on Project 4, due 2022-11-13T23:59:00-05:00.
  5. Begin work on the final project, ultimately due 2022-12-11T23:59:00-05:00 but with some intermediate milestones.

Scalability and Security

  1. Watch Lecture 8 on or after Mon 11/21.
  2. Attend section.
  3. Continue work on the final project: