
Per the syllabus, E-151 evaluates code submissions on three different axes: correctness, design, and style. Each of these axes answers a different question about code quality:

  • Correctness: Does your solution work as intended?
  • Design: How well does your solution address the problem at hand? How efficient, clean, and creative is your solution?
  • Style: How readable is your code? Could others easily understand what you’ve written?

Problems will be graded on the basis of correctness, design, and style, with each problem’s overall score computed as the sum of 3 correctness points, 3 design points, and 2 style points.


Correctness is assessed out of 3 points by the results of check50.


Design is assessed out of 3 points by the Teaching Fellows.

3 Points Best

Submission demonstrates an understanding of SQL that goes above and beyond the expectations of the course. Deliberately rarely awarded. Awarded to…

  • Submissions for which there is no better design readily apparent
  • Submissions that demonstrate the student has challenged themselves substantially, either by learning SQL knowledge through external research or attempting and succeeding at particularly advanced queries

2 Points Good

Submission is well-designed with a few typical opportunities for improvement. Awarded to submissions that demonstrate a good to great understanding of the skills at-hand.

1 Point Needs Improvement

Submission contains several opportunities for improvement which demonstrate a still-developing understanding of the skills at-hand.


Style is assessed out of 2 points by the Teaching Fellows. Each submission begins at 2 points, and half points are subtracted for each of the following:

  • Internal Inconsistencies. To aid readability, query style should be consistent across all queries in the submission.
  • Improper Line Length. To improve readability, queries should span multiple lines, segmented logically.
  • Improperly Quoted Strings or Identifiers. Identifiers (e.g., table names, column names) should be quoted with double quotes (“). Strings (e.g., ‘cat’) should be quoted with single quotes (‘).
  • Improper Capitalization. SQL keywords (e.g., SELECT) should be capitalized.

Accessing Written Feedback on Gradescope

After you’ve been notified you have feedback on your most recent assignment, log into Gradescope and click on the assignment for which you’d like to view feedback. You should initially see the autograder output, accompanied by your correctness, design, and style scores.

Autograder Output

To see comments on the design or style of your work, click on Design or Style on the right-hand sidebar.

Overall Comments

To see inline comments on your code, click Code next to Results and scroll through your code files.

Inline Comments