Feedback Loop

One of the goals of the assessment opportunity is provide you with a chance to reflect on your past work and integrate feedback you’ve received. In this problem, you’ll do just that!

What to Do

Revisit your submissions of past problems, within problem sets 0–6. Within your submissions, choose 2 opportunities for improvement of correctness or design. Recall that…

  • Correctness refers to the extent to which your code is consistent with the problem’s specification and free of bugs.
  • Design refers to the extent to which your code is written well (i.e., efficiently, elegantly, and logically).

For each potential improvement, describe:

  1. What opportunity for improvement exists
  2. What you would change to make an improvement
  3. Why the change constitutes an improvement

Note that your opportunities for improvement should be specific. For instance:

  • If discussing improvements to your submission of Cyberchase from Problem Set 0, it is better to choose a particular query (e.g., 7.sql) about which to write.
  • If discussing improvements to your submission of ATL from Problem Set 2, it is better to choose a particular table (e.g., passengers) about which to write.


To help spot opportunities for improvement, you might find it helpful to:

  • Choose submissions for which a Teaching Fellow gave you constructive feedback.
  • Choose submissions on topics that you’d like to learn more about.


Each opportunity for improvement is assessed out of 3 points.

3 points

Awarded for writing that…

  • Identifies a specific opportunity for improvement
  • Proposes changes that would constitute a clear improvement
  • Accurately and succinctly describes why the change constitutes an improvement

2 points

Awarded for writing that…

  • Identifies an opportunity for improvement
  • Proposes a change that would constitute an improvement
  • Describes why the change constitutes an improvement

1 point

Awarded for writing that…

  • May misidentify an opportunity for improvement
  • Proposes a change that may or may not constitute an improvement
  • May inaccurately describe why the change constitutes an improvement

How to Submit

Go to CSCI E-151’s Gradescope page.

Click Assessment Opportunity: Feedback Loop.

Write your responses in the text boxes provided and, once finished, click Submit & View Submission.