Final Project


  • Create a full game from scratch using either LÖVE or Unity.


Proposal Due
Status Report Due

How to Get Help

  1. Ask questions on Ed
  2. Attend office hours
  3. Email your teaching fellow or

From Start to Finish

It’s time to begin the course’s culmination: your final project! While most of the course thus far has been a series of assignments centered around adding features to existing code bases, this project will take place from the first line of code to the last, a true end-to-end experience to help tie everything we’ve learned together thus far.


  1. Your game must be in either LÖVE or Unity.
  2. Your game must be a cohesive start-to-finish experience for the user; the game should boot up, allow the user to play toward some end goal, and feature a means of quitting the game.
  3. Your game should have at least three GameStates to separate the flow of your game’s user experience, even if it’s as simple as a StartState, a PlayState, and an EndState, though you’re encouraged to implement more as needed to suit a more robust game experience (e.g., a fantasy game with a MenuState or even a separate CombatState).
  4. Your game can be most any genre you’d like, though there needs to be a definitive way of winning (or at least scoring indefinitely) and losing the game, be it against the computer or another player. This can take many forms; some loss conditions could be running out of time in a puzzle game, being slain by monsters in an RPG, and so on, while some winning conditions may be defeating a final boss in an RPG, making it to the end of a series of levels in a platformer, and tallying score in a puzzle game until it becomes impossible to do more.
  5. You are allowed to use libraries and assets in either game development environment, but the bulk of your game’s logic must be handwritten (i.e., putting together an RPG in Unity while using a UI library would be considered valid, assuming the bulk of the game logic is also not implemented in a library, but recycling a near-complete game prototype from Unity’s asset store with slightly changed labels, materials, etc. would not be acceptable).
  6. Your project must be at least as complex as (and distinct from!) the games you’ve implemented in this course, and should really be moreso. Submissions of low complexity may be rejected by your teaching fellow during the proposal stage. Think things through thoroughly!


Before you begin working on your game, the proposal is an opportunity for you to run your idea or ideas by the teaching staff. By , complete this form to describe your game and define your milestones.

Your project must be at least as complex as (and distinct from!) the games you’ve implemented in this course, and should really be moreso. Proposals appearing to be of low complexity may be rejected.

Your teaching fellow may approve your project, or request modifications. You may begin working on your final project immediately, but know that your teaching fellow may request changes to ensure your project is of sufficient scope. Feel free to use the proposal as an opportunity to ask any questions you may have about the final project as well.

Status Report

To update your teaching fellow on the status of your project, fill out this form no later than .

How to Submit

The deadline for completing the below steps is !

Step 1

Fill out this form.

Step 2

If you don’t already have it installed, install submit50 by running pip3 install submit50. Then, execute the below, logging in with your GitHub username and password when prompted. For security, you’ll see asterisks (*) instead of the actual characters in your password.

submit50 games50/assignments/2020/fall/final

Congratulations! You’ve completed the final project, and in turn, CSCI E-23a!