
This test is open-book: you may use any and all non-human resources during the test, but the only humans to whom you may turn for help or from whom you may receive help are the course’s heads, which means that

you may

  • browse and search the internet,
  • review books,
  • review public questions and answers already posted on Ed by you or your fellow students,
  • review the course’s own materials,
  • use your preferred code editor, and
  • make private-to-staff Ed posts seeking clarification on questions’ wordings (content-based questions will not be answered), but

you may not

  • copy/paste answers from the internet,
  • email your teaching fellow, the staff list, or any members of the course staff individually,
  • provide help to anyone, or
  • receive or solicit help (including by posting online anywhere other than Ed) from anyone other than the course’s heads.

Take care to review the course’s policy on academic honesty in its entirety. Note particularly, but not only, that

  • looking at another individual’s work during the test is not reasonable,
  • turning to humans (besides the course’s heads, via Ed) for help or receiving help from humans (besides the course’s heads, via Ed) during the test is not reasonable,
  • using AI-based software (tools such as ChatGPT, Copilot, the new Bing, et al.) that suggests or completes answers to questions or lines of code is not reasonable,
  • viewing another’s solution to a problem set’s problem or test’s question, whether online or in-person, and basing your own solution on it is not reasonable, and
  • all of your answers must be in your own words.

You may edit your test submission as many times as you would like before the test’s deadline. Late submissions are not allowed, and will result, without exception, in a final test score of zero.

What to Do

  1. Go to CSCI E-80’s Gradescope page.
  2. Click on Test.
  3. Answer each of the questions in the test and submit.

You should see a message that says “Test submitted successfully!” Contact the staff via Ed if not!

When to Do It

By 2024-05-11T23:59:00-04:00. Do plan accordingly! Waiting until the last few minutes to submit is not advised.


Remember that if you “Submit” your test before you’ve answered all of the questions, you can simply click “Resubmit” at the bottom right in Gradescope to reopen the test for continued editing. You may do this as often as you’d like, up until the deadline.