Gallery of Final Projects
Here are some of this year’s final projects, randomly ordered.
Integrated Activity Planner by Derek S Chang
The Integrated Activity Planner is a web app that allows you to plan and log recreational activities based on the weather.
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
Know Your Rep! by Jenny Huynh Le
Quiz your compatibility with your Long Island House of Representative, find your district based on your zip code, and learn how to register to vote!
CSS HTML JavaScript
Website other
Q-Guide World Tour: West Watch by Priya Thelapurath
A replication of Harvard's Q-Guide for Bentonville West High School.
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
Cope With Covid 2.0 by Faith Christienne Rounds
An intuitively designed website that provides resources to improve people's mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic.
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
Urban Explorer by Jack Brister
The project allows users to explore and suggest interesting locations in the Boston area.
HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
SAL: Sharing Anecdotes & Learning by Allyna May
A website to gather user feedback for a professional development idea for teachers to learn how to teach in a more culturally responsive manner.
Python-Based Website
Caloric Needs Calculator by Milo Joshua Clark
My project allows users to input data about themselves and receive an estimate of their daily calorie usage.
Node.js-Based Website
PRINT CALC by Nika Oleksandrivna Rudenko
A price calculator for printing products.
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
Penalty Pucks by Jacob Chen
A soccer game where you try to score as many times as you can in 60 seconds.
Python SQL
Make.Me by Meaghan Katherine Horak
Make.Me is a web game where users can design characters using templates.
CSS HTML JavaScript Python
Game Node.js-Based Website
The Superkaleider by Em Sawyer
Kaleidoscope pattern maker
CSS HTML JavaScript Python
Python-Based Website
Poetic License by Teagan Todd
A Buzzfeed-style quiz that asks the user the plan a road trip and then selects a poem quote for them.
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Game Python-Based Website
Gambling Successfully by Joshua Shiteng Cai
A website to tell someone if they have a tendency to be a compulsive gambler.
CSS HTML JavaScript Python
Python-Based Website
Financial Regression Tool by George Francis Murphy
A web-based tool for univariate and multivariate financial regressions.
Python-Based Website
DHCP Info App by Abderrahmane Fadli
it helps add, remove and update hostname into a database. Also give access to users to administer those hostnames.
Python-Based Website sqlite
CHACHA MATH by Julia Cha
Math websites for my students and for myself (a high school math teacher)
CSS HTML Java JavaScript Python SQL
Node.js-Based PHP-Based Python-Based Website Website Website Website other
Vibe by Cynthia Lu
A web application that generates music based on a physical setting
CSS HTML JavaScript Python
Python-Based Website by Sam Pauline DePaolo
A website to log watering times and determine the next date to water plants while allowing for plant notes.
Python-Based Website
Warring Wizards by Freedom Isaiah Challis
A Flask web application which runs an online multiplayer combat clicker game.
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Game Python-Based Website
One Star by Nicole Jean Bugliosi
Using astrology to make fun + trivial daily decisions.
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
Post(it) by Bianca Cristhine Georg Vidal
A Chrome Extension used for note-taking.
Chrome Extension
Route Analysis for Bed Start Inc. by Will Austin Nickols
This project analyzed Bed Start furniture pick-up and delivery routes to determine what factors contribute to longer and uneven route times.
Python R SQL
Collekt by Joanna Sadler
Collekt is a web-based app for keeping track of memories and experiences.
Flask-based Web app
plat_diff by Rix Alan Ryskamp
plat_diff allows coders to compare platforms, languages, and frameworks.
CSS HTML JavaScript Python
Python-Based Website
Roomies! by Marcus Bongani Montague-Mfuni
A website to get matched with fellow compatible college students looking for someone to live with.
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
EMoG by Emma Ton
Examine your inner life and Cultivate your Relationship
CSS HTML Java JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
Harvard Restaurant Review by Cole Michael Bayless
Required lots of learning, but also more fun.
CSS HTML JavaScript Python
Website other
Correlation App for Utilities Sector by Liza Tytarenko
It explores correlations among stocks in Utilities sector in Europe, US and Asia.
Python-Based Website
Atlas of Places by Jintong Duan
A visual tool for bookmark management.
Python-Based Website
Substitution Cipher Solver by Luke Gerard Westervelt
C command line program that solves Caesar ciphers without the key.
command-line program using C
Track and Field Simulator by Walter Ohams
A web application where you can simulate track meets by choosing professional athletes to compete.
Python-Based Website
HomeFront by Ryan Patrick Tierney
A grassroots conflict journalism platform
Python-Based Website
COVID-proof Seating Chart by Jacqueline Amanda Moss
COVID-proof seating chart on webpage
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
NBA Enneagram by Edbert Wu
Personality quiz that matches users with an NBA team
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
CiboTracker by Daniel Satish de Castro
A Flask web app built to allow users to track their calories and macronutrients.
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
Math Teacher Problems by Michael Jacobs
A web application which solves problems faced by math teachers when trying to create content in the digital realm
HTML JavaScript LaTex SQL mathml
Python-Based Website by Carlos Fernando M Mendez Solano
The way our brain works is non-linear. That’s why existing photo/video storage solutions are broken. It is extremely hard to find the files you are looking for in different folders or cloud storages and at the end, your files end up getting lost. Rove works the way our brain works, by associations. It is a wiki-style linking tool for photo/video storage which makes it easy to find your files and delightful to explore your memories.
iOS App
Savior. by DaLoria Boone
A Christian website with embedded bibles and verses categorized by mood.
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Node.js-Based Python-Based Website Website
Harvard Restaurant Review by Shane Rockett
Review restaurants around Harvard.
Python-Based Website
Freqs & Geeks by Michael Boerman
Website to compare rebalancing a stock portfolio vs not rebalancing.
HTML JavaScript Python
Python-Based Website
iSee DC by Annaliese Cunniffe
This hardware and web application solution monitors and alerts the user if something (or someone) is loitering for longer than 8 seconds.
HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Raspberry Pi App Website
Gambling Successfully by George James Alvarez
Inquiring input from users to assess if they have a problem with gambling.
CSS HTML JavaScript Python
Python-Based Website
TrustOp by Charlie Yang
A website that allows police officers to conduct virtual traffic stops.
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
CS50 Air Quality by Sam Karp
Dynamically searching through EPA's Air Quality Data for US counties
HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
Rental Property Analyzer by Grigori Antonio Lopezgarcia
A web application that analyzes the ROI of an investment property
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
CollegeConversations by Noa Kalfus
A website that matches college applicants with undergraduates studying their desired major at the colleges to which they're interested in applying.
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
Mediate by Alina Alexander Taratorin
Mediate is a website allowing users to design their own meditative space serving as a platform for increased productivity, mood enhancement, and meditation.
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
Musician's Ledger by David Andrew Stevens
A web app that allows musicians to keep track of their income and expenses.
Python-Based Website
Evangelism Tracker by Graham Ronald Weber
A web app to track evangelism goals, prayers, and progress.
Python-Based Tool Website
TrustOp by Hari Narayanan
A web application to conduct traffic stops by video call, keeping both the officer and driver safely in their respective vehicles and minimizing racial bias and violence.
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
Pimple Popper by Dumebi M Adigwe
Game made with Love2d that allows the user to pop as many pimpled as they can within a 60 second time frame.
Urban Explorer by Oleg Pavliv
Finding novel outdoors places to explore in the greater Boston area
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
Evangelism Tracker by Friedrich Stoltzfus
A web app to track evangelism goals, prayers, and progress.
Python-Based Tool Website
Pimple Popper by Vanesa Perea
A game created using LOVE 2D that allows a user to gain points by popping pimples as many pimples as they can within 60 seconds.
Savior by Codi-Ann Reid
A website focused on encouraging users through Bible scripture.
Python-Based Website
Pic To Text Translator by Rachel Dalby
Multiplatform Application (Android, Windows, IOS) that pulls text out of images and provides translations and transliterations. Supports up to 90 languages for translation and a subset of that for transliteration.
C# XAML - specifically Xamarin Forms
Android App Windows App iOS App macOS App
Cards Against Humanity by Chris Johnson
Online webport of the party card game
CSS HTML JavaScript
Node.js-Based Website
Hear, There and Everywhere by Aidan Carey
A website to compare the word frequency in your Spotify top songs to regular pop music.
Python-Based Website
Twitter Influencer Locator by Brittany Cerra
Twitter Influencer Locator is a web app that queries the Twitter API for recent tweets posted by verified Twitter users, enabling activists to locate influencers who have recently posted a tweet relevant to their cause.
CSS HTML JavaScript Python
Python-Based Website
The COVID-proof Seating Chart by Livie Kingsley Jacks
This project produces a list of students who need to be placed 6-feet apart from each other and those who do not.
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
Harvard Restaurant Review by Niko Ichiro Katsuyoshi
A review site of restaurants in the Harvard area
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Website other
Predicting Long-Term Unemployment for Workforce System Clients by Jessica Stockham
Decision Tree and Random Forest Machine Learning Models
Python data analysis
Bookish by Carli Rae Cooperstein
A website to keep a list of books you would like to read, search, and get recommendations!
Python-Based Website
Studium by Alex Dyer
Website that allows for the creation, modification, and use of notecards!
CSS HTML JavaScript Python SQL
Python-Based Website
Theremin.js by Alessandra Urso
Control up to 4 theremins by moving your mouse
CSS HTML JavaScript
Tool Website other