Problem Set 1

What to Do

  1. Log into using your GitHub account and click Authorize cs50, then close the tab.
  2. Log into using your GitHub account to access your very own “codespace.”
  3. Once your codespace has loaded, close any Welcome tabs that might have opened by default.
  4. Run update50 in your codespace’s terminal window to ensure that your codespace is up-to-date and, if prompted, click Rebuild now.
  5. Complete Hello, World.
  6. Submit Hello, It’s Me.
  7. Submit one of:
  8. Submit one of:
    • Cash, if feeling less comfortable
    • Credit, if feeling more comfortable
  9. Submit this form!
  10. Submit this Orientation form!
    • Rather than schedule a formal orientation meeting, as in years past, the questions herein are intended to ensure you’re fully familiar with CS50’s support structure. Term’s end will be here before you know it, so just want to ensure you know about all of the resources and policies that exist!

If you submit both versions of Mario, we’ll record the higher of your two scores. If you submit both Cash and Credit, we’ll record the higher of your two scores.

When to Do It

By Mon, Feb 10, 4:59 AM UTC.

How to Get Help


  • Try out any of David’s programs from class via Week 1’s source code.
  • See CS50’s style guide for C for tips on how to improve your code’s style.
  • If you see an error message that you don’t understand, try asking help50 for help. For instance, if trying to compile hello, and
    make hello

    is yielding errors, try running

    help50 make hello
