Week 2

How to download source code into CS50 IDE
  1. Log into ide.cs50.io using your GitHub account.

  2. In your terminal window, type

    wget https://cdn.cs50.net/2020/fall/lectures/2/src2.zip

    followed by Enter in order to download a Zip file of lecture’s source code into your IDE.

  3. In your terminal window, type

    unzip src2.zip

    followed by Enter to unzip (i.e., decompress) that Zip file.

  4. In your terminal window, type

    cd src2

    followed by Enter in order to “change directory” into that src2 directory (i.e., folder).

  5. In your terminal window, type, e.g.,

    make hi

    followed by Enter in order to compile, e.g., hi.c (source code) into hi (machine code). Or, you can type, e.g.,

    clang -o hi hi.c

    which is equivalent. If a program uses the CS50 Library, though, be sure to add -lcs50 to the end of that latter command. (By contrast, make takes care of all of those “command-line arguments” for you.)

  6. In your terminal window, type, e.g.,


    followed by Enter in order to run, e.g., hi.