Distribution Code
Download this project’s distribution code.
To open the distribution code, extract the ZIP, open Android Studio, select “Import project”, and select the folder you extracted from the ZIP.
What To Do
- More Filters
- Saving Photos
More Filters
We’ve added a few different filters together, but now try experimenting with your own! Add at least one new filter of your choosing to the app. Be creative!
Saving Photos
Our app can apply filters to photos, but it would be nice if we could save those photos so we could post them elsewhere!
First, some bookkeeping. Android has a pretty strict permissions model, so your app will need to request permission to store a photo to the user’s device. Different versions of Android handle these permissions differently, so for simplicity’s sake, make sure your app has a minimum SDK version of 23. To set the minimum SDK version, open up build.gradle
, and make sure you have:
minSdkVersion 23
If you don’t, just change the number next to minSdkVersion
, and then click Sync now
Next, open up AndroidManifest.xml
and add a line right above </manifest>
tools:remove="android:maxSdkVersion" />
This element tells Android that our app will need permission to write to external storage.
Finally, we need to actually request permission from the app. For this, we’ll implement an interface called ActivityCompat.OnRequestPermissionsResultCallback
like this:
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements ActivityCompat.OnRequestPermissionsResultCallback {
Then, we can request permissions when the app loads by adding the following to onCreate
requestPermissions(new String[]{Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE}, 1);
This should pop-up a dialog that allows the user to allow or deny the permission. You can check the result of that dialog by adding the below method:
public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, String[] permissions, int[] grantResults) {
super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults);
That’s it for bookkeeping, so let’s implement our save functionality now! Add a new Button
to the layout, and use android:onClick
to wire it up to a method in your MainActivity
. Inside of that method, you’ll want to get a Bitmap
of the modified image, and then use MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage
to save the file.
To test, you can open up the Photos
app in the emulator, and you should see filtered photos saved there.
How to Submit
To submit your code with submit50
, you may either: (1) upload your code to CS50 IDE and run submit50
from inside of your IDE, or (2) install submit50
on your own computer by running pip3 install submit50
(assuming you have Python 3 installed).
Execute the below, logging in with your GitHub username and password when prompted. For security, you’ll see asterisks (*
) instead of the actual characters in your password.
submit50 cs50/problems/2019/fall/tracks/android/fiftygram